How To: SHOOT A TRADITIONAL BOW & ARROW For The First Time {Beginners Guide}

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to the cave I'm so glad you're here because today we're talking about golf balls iPhones exercise bands mind control I'm also gonna share a little wisdom I learned from Arnie Moore and Tom Klump and if you're a beginner in archery want to shoot a bow for the first time this video is for you or if you also want a refresher this video is gonna be beneficial and I've compiled a ton of information in a really short concise place right here in this video for you so if you missed something you can rewind it but if you're one of the thousands of people who are new to archery or who have made bows but never shot a bow before this is really gonna help you out these are things I wish I knew when I started shooting the most important thing which you need in bow is consistency if you can do the exact same thing every single time the shots gonna happen the same every time which will allow you to have perfect shots every time but says they're humans and that's impossible these tips today are going to show you how to be more consistent before you can draw your bow to shoot there's a couple things you need to know first and the first thing we want to look for is comfortability we want to be comfortable in our shooting because if we experience pain or it's not comfortable it's not going to be fun so you're gonna want a tab like this one it's also a good idea to wear an arm guard so that the string doesn't slap your arm this can happen even with some more experienced director depending on if you use a tab or a glove can depend on where you grab the string the two most common ways are three under or split finger there's other ways such as a thumb ring but these are the two most common ways now with the way I shoot I shoot three under so I have three fingers underneath if you shoot split finger it'll be one finger on top and two under if you plan on shooting split finger you're gonna want to tab that's for split finger and so there's gonna be a little slit in it compared to a tab that's for three under where there's no split in it I prefer to shoot three under I think it's easier to be more consistent another thing it does is it gets the arrow up closer to your eye and personally I think that makes it easier to aim and be more consistent I want to show you guys something that will help you out with traditional archery whether you're new or not this products gonna help you a ton and it's a product that I'm excited to let you guys know that is new to shatterproof artery Kraemer shatterproof artery this is a product we are offering you now custom leather tabs now these tabs are made with real leather made for the outdoors to be clear I don't make these tabs I'm partnered with 11 worker whom is making these just for shatterproof archery we use the highest quality of leather that is made to withstand a beating in the outdoors we've also chosen Bandhu nylon thread this thread is actually made to be waterproof outside to last through the elements on top of that we finished all the edges with beeswax to seal out water or sweat or anything so that this tab will last an extremely long time these ones are also extremely simple to use because we've got the little clasp on the back little spring-loaded makes it really easy to adjust I just love how the contrast looks I love the logo on the back this is the first edition ever of this tab if you want the first edition ever you better jump on it quick because these things are gonna sell out we only have a limited amount right now so if you want the first edition of Kramer shadow proof archery tabs you need to jump on it the first one of these tabs I gotten from this leather workers over a year ago he's been using them for more than two years and not only that but he's been shooting archery for is longer longer than me and what that means is that this isn't a tab made from just a leather worker this is a tab made from somebody who shoots it we put thousands and thousands of arrows through these tabs to test them to make sure that we have the right product just for you guys I would never want to bring you anything that's not the best or the top of the line so anyway I'm biased but I think you should be too these tabs are awesome if you want one go get them because they're gonna sell out very fast when you get ready to shoot you want to be standing fairly close to the target at the very beginning with your feet facing perpendicular to the target and then we get to the draw so the targets this way I'm gonna draw back the bow there's one thing you don't want to do and that's to draw with a low shoulder this right here caused you a lot of pain in the end and we tend to do that when we have a too heavy hypo and beginners with the too heavy high poundage bow is probably the most common mistake so get above much lower poundage than you need I like to make the quick rule of saying my max draw that I can draw back drop at at least 25 pounds from there to start off shooting archery and what you want to do instead of the low draw is the high draw so bring your elbow up above the line of the arrow draw back and rest at what we call an anchor point and this is the point where it's really comfortable for you to hold it a lot of people will point the arrow right at the target and try to draw back and that's that's actually not very natural for our body this thumb are anymore talks about talks about how your arrow is getting pointing slightly left of the target and then when you draw back its gonna come to the right and come over to the target this is a comfortable way in a way to get everything in alignment next we have to talk about the awesome subject of back tension this is how you draw a bow back it is using your back rather than your arm if you're coming over from shooting the compound bow this is gonna be the same concept as shooting compound bow if you had good form with a compound bow it's actually pretty easy to transfer over to a traditional bow for starting a little bit to the left we draw back we engage our back muscles and everything should be in a line a way you can test this is have someone get above you with an iPhone take a picture take a video and you can see when you draw back if from your arrow to the point of your elbow is a hundred percent online another way you can test this is look in a mirror and see if your elbow is sticking out it would be somewhat like this if I draw back a my elbow sticking out I don't have good back tension but if I draw back and everything's in a line then I have great back tension we want to avoid using our biceps when we draw back we want that to be loose a good way to know if you're using back tension is you can grab an arrow and pull it apart and if you feel that in your back that's the muscle you want to use another way you can do this is with an exercise band tie an exercise band your elbow put the other end of it on your hand draw this back and then your forearms completely loose this will show you the muscles you need to use in order to have back tension this might not even be a bad idea to do before you ever even shoot a both you never have grab an exercise ban like this and that would give you a lot of that motion that you should have when you're drawing the bow back this might save you a lot of time by never starting any bad habits in the first place another way to think about this is think about somebody holding your elbow and you've got to push their hand back with your elbow and that's the motion you want right there this is really important for consistency and this is something that I neglected when I first started shooting and it caused me a bunch of bad habits once we've got everything in alignment with the bow it's time to release the arrow but here's the problem you're doing so many things at once so what do you think about cuz you can only think about one thing so of course you want to be thinking about aiming and where to put the arrow exactly on the target that's actually a lie don't think about aiming you want your subconscious to take over aiming but Tom Klump says he always says that your mind only needs to focus on shot activation what does this mean this means you're focusing on the back changing and releasing that's the only thing you can think about your subconscious will take over there aiming and where the arrow goes and they'll take care of everything but what happens if you focus on aiming your mind defaults to the easiest position and the easiest position is not holding back tension and releasing through your shot the easiest position is releasing low and lacs and just not focused which if you've seen any of my other videos I've done this plenty of times so what you need to focus on is not aiming but focus on back tension and everything else will fall in place for you so what we kind of need to do is trick our minds into shooting this way making aiming subconscious and our release conscious a great mental exercise to help you through a release is this the golf ball pretend there's a golf ball just like pop it just sitting right there the whole time so when you shoot what you're gonna do is you're gonna grab the golf ball as quick as possible right and that's gonna give you that back tension pretend like your thumbs invisible so you've got you've got your hook on the string and you release and you just grab that golf ball this is gonna be doing multiple things for you first to separate your aim with the activation of your shot what your arrow should be doing is just hovering over to the bullseye and then you release and it goes there it shouldn't be like oh I'm on the bullseye I need a release you need to separate the aim with the activation of your shot this is a golf ball drill of the imaginary golf ball does that the second thing this drill does for you which we already talked about is back tension by you bringing your hand to your shoulder what that's doing is having your elbow go into line it needs to go back they're releasing and letting your fingers just slip off the string which leads into the third thing this drill does from you it keeps us from plucking the string it needs to be natural or forms our muscles need to be so loose that our fingers are just slipping off the string and just kind of bouncing back into place it's like you're setting a bucket down or dropping a book or something where it just naturally falls off you know but if you're trying to catch that thing then it's not natural so if you're trying to catch that string you're gonna pull it you're gonna flick it you're gonna pluck it you're gonna mess the stinkin string up and by messing the string up this way your arrows aren't gonna fly consistency but if your hole forms release if you're reaching back to grab that golf ball it's gonna make it really loosen the strings just gonna slip right off your finger perfectly this is my biggest fault when shooting I'm kind of passionate about it because I'm trying to fix it right now but if you're just starting avoid that mistake do the mental exercise of reaching back grabbing that exercise and you're performing and creating three great habits in your mind when you're practicing at the very beginning when you're starting shooting and with this in mind you can release your first arrow I would recommend starting extremely close to the target get the shot down get how it feels down and then you can move back as you want so you can use an iPhone to video yourself or have someone video you so that you can make sure everything's in alignment you can use the mental imagery of a golf ball to make sure you create three good habits at once you can use that exercise band to either strengthen your back or for the first time you're shooting feel how back tension should be and we also learn mind control by focusing on the release and by pulling through and using that back tension and focusing on the important thing so that Cori panic doesn't happen if you're focusing on that aiming target panic will happen and it's how you shoot a bow I know I didn't cover everything here I covered as much as I could in the small amount of time there are differing opinions but this is what I think is important if you're starting to shoot a bow for the first time rewatch some of this if you need to I hope this helps you out for the people who are here trying to shoot a bow for the first time if you need a tab or a bowstring you can buy that from my company shatterproof archery link in the description we hand make everything we sell so far it's a great way to support a small business so I thank everyone who has purchased on that note it's been great hanging out with you guys I'm for you remember that stay positive we'll see you later or if you're experienced archery this will help you out spider on the lens [Music] I wanna [Music]
Channel: Kramer Ammons
Views: 122,001
Rating: 4.8952165 out of 5
Keywords: how to shoot a bow and arrow, bow and arrow shooting for beginners, beginners guid to shooting a bow and arrow., how to shoot a traditional bow, shooting archery for the first time, shooting traditional archery, how to shoot traditional archery, traditional archery shooting, starting in traditional archery, archery, shooting archery, kramer ammons, archery shooting for beginners, archery basics, beginner archery basics, how to shoot a bow basics, basic bow shooting, bow shooting
Id: WSM8cENy9Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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