Shocking Transformations and Evacuations Are Coming!

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my name is dr jolin whitaker this is our regular friday space we call it friday fire but i came to tell you that god is faithful his hand is upon you and that no matter what you have been going through no matter what you have been dealing with no matter what the devil threw at you recently i declare in the name of jesus it is over we're going to get into the presence of a holy god we are going to praise and lift high the name of jesus christ we are going to position ourselves at his feet and we are going to receive a touch from the king of kings the lord of lords for whom there is nothing that is impossible [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord welcome to today's friday fire i just want to give god glory at the very beginning of this broadcast father i thank you that you are doing a mighty work in this time god i thank you that your presence is increasing god that your power is never waning god that you are a faithful god that you are doing a mighty work in the lives of your people at this time nothing has changed regarding the kingdom agenda nothing has changed regarding your destiny god what you have ordained for your people god i thank you lord that your spirit is increasing hallelujah that the angelic presence on the planet are increasing god i thank you that combat angels are at the ready lord to do your bidding god to fulfill your will in the earth at this time god i thank you that your spirit is leading people to this platform to this time and space right here right now even now lord you are ordering the steps of your people god you are pulling people in to receive the word today to hear from god today to hear what thus saith the lord the sons of issachar lord they knew the times and the seasons god they knew what you were saying they knew what time it was they knew the season that it was and it was irrelevant what the devil was doing hallelujah it was irrelevant what the devil was plotting it was irrelevant what the devil was threatening or planning because when god says it it's going to happen and so the sons of issachar lord yes god they knew the times and the seas and so israel knew the way they had to go and what needed their focus and what required attention god and how to pray and how to move lord and what is god speaking so where do we put our focus and our energy and our faith will not be shaken and our position will not be shaken because god is ever faithful and if he said it he will do it god i thank you that even on this day even in this season that you are leading your people god that you are speaking with clarity such clarity that you are speaking succinctly lord with zero confusion for there is no confusion in you i thank you god that you are talking to your people that you are speaking to your people and that you always have a plan i thank you god that you wave or not i thank you god that you change not you shift not like the shadows or like the corrupt people in this world who think they're running things hallelujah god i thank you that you are the same today yesterday and forevermore i thank you that which you have ordained for your people for your church in this hour god and for every individual that is here i thank you that that does not change that there are processes underway hallelujah there are systems underway in your life to you listening to me at home or wherever you're tuning in from i would say to you that there are processes underway in your life there are things that god has already active in unfolding manifesting in your life god has a plan for you and every good work he began in your life will come to completion if you are listening today and you are somebody who feels like you have gotten off track today is gonna be your word if you are someone who's listening to this word today and you are looking at what is happening in the world what the governments are doing what the governments are saying what people are saying what the false prophets are saying you know the false prophets in the media and the politicians those are false prophets a lot of them not all but many glory to god i thank the lord for that understanding in revelation they are the modern day false prophets of baal and if you are one who's listening and you have become disheartened or maybe a little worried about what they are saying and what they are doing and what the enemy is threatening i would remind you in this moment that god's people are not warriors we are warriors we're not worriers we're warriors we will reap and we're going to read big time if we don't faint in this hour but today is going to be your word you need to hear this word you need to hear what thus sayeth the lord if you are one and you're here and you have been lifting up somebody a loved one your husband your wife your daughter your son uh a good friend a dear friend that you have been just just in your life for years somebody you truly care about and you've been lifting them up to god and you've been believing for the lord to help them because god knows you've done everything you can to help them you've tried and you've talked to them and you try to give them wisdom and you've tried to help them where you can but they're just they're not changing and you know in your heart that if something doesn't happen it's not going to be good because we have one of two destinations after this life heaven or hell period no gray areas uh-uh and in this life in this life we have one of two options for our lives the will of god for our life or the will of the devil for our life so you've been praying for somebody you've been believing for the lord to help them because you can't help them maybe it's you maybe that person is you and you've been praying for yourself god i need a change god i can't i can't overcome this on my own i've tried i can't get out of this place on my own lord i've tried i've done all that i know to do this is going to be your word today this is going to be your word i want to encourage really everybody who's who's here a couple of things number one please get the bible of your choice doesn't matter what whatever version you like the best i'm going to be quoting the new king james today amen but get the bible of your choice get your hands on a bible i encourage you to follow along the verses the scriptures as as we anchor this prophetic word today in the word of god if you don't have a bible or if you simply want to absorb uh this prophetic word and what the lord is speaking in this moment in this in this hour that's fine we will put the scriptures up on the screen you can follow along that way and many of you are going to want to take notes i would encourage you to do so greatly encourage you to do so write things down write down the date it is incredibly faith-building when you are able to look back when we are able to look back and see what god said and then we see it coming to pass and we see it happening we said lord you spoke through the prophet and you you kept your word like always that is one way that the lord proves to you that he's faithful that is another way that the lord um backs up and substantiates his vessels and his ministers and prophets glory to god but it's another way that he builds your faith because as you see these things coming to pass and you see it happening oh my goodness your faith goes to another level and we need that we need it before i came on this livestream not not not long ago the lord gave me this word this morning he said this he said a very specific and personal blessing is coming to you within seven days a very very personal specific blessing is coming to you within seven days it has been authorized you say don't know if that includes me i'm not really a follower of jesus let me help you honey if you're here today it includes you god will sometime now he doesn't bless sinners and he doesn't bless messes but i'll tell you what he will do he will do something in the life of somebody who is far away who is far away from him to get their attention to get their attention do you know there's a way that god can speak that like that is undeniable he knows how to get your attention baby do you and i know you do know this there are some things that only god can do there are some things only god can do some of you you're all your mind is already calculating you're thinking of a million scenarios yeah i know that because if he doesn't get me out of this mess i don't know what i'm going to do if god doesn't help me to to to get the money to get the the healing the miracle healing i need i don't know what i'm going to do if god does not restore this marriage i don't know what i'm going to i've done all i know how to do if god doesn't help my kid who won't listen to me i don't know what i'm gonna do yeah god knows there are some things that only the lord can do and he knows how to do something to get your attention and there's a very personal specific blessing it's been authorized it's already been authorized and it's coming to many of you in seven days now why did i just change my words because a minute ago i said it's coming to you and now i say many of you because let's be real there are going to be people who doubt this there are people who are doubting right now i love you god bless you but there are people whose doubt will block them and if you think that's not biblical it is there was one time in the bible jesus couldn't do many miracles because the doubt of the people blocked the the healing anointing and there are some whose hearts are hardened toward the prophetic and so they can't receive because they're only here to critique and they're only here to scrutinize and god bless you have at it baby knock yourself out i invite you to test the spirits take notes write stuff down let god show you it's all right amen but there are some who are only here hatefully they won't receive but i declare that that's not you and you are going to receive the lord said it this way a specific and very personal blessing is coming to you within seven days this is not my word but this is the introduction because i've got to i got to get this out over you i got to speak this into the atmosphere and and release it over your life see i want you to be blessed i want god to do something in your life we we need you in a position where your faith is so on fire that you that no matter what you see in the world you don't doubt god because you know he's gonna come through for you because you know that he is your provider because you know that he is your healer because you know he is your protector you know he is your source you know that he is your defender hallelujah you know that he's the one who goes ahead of you and assigns angels to help you out as well to set things up for you so that things end up going in your favor even when it looks dire and then your faith is going to grow and i want that for you he said within seven days so by this time next week in the name of jesus many of you will have a praise report in your mouth that's going to make the devil mad but it's going to glorify god within seven days for the lord said it is important that you know god is with you it is important that you know the lord is faithful and that he's ever present and it's and he is for you at this time oh you think the lord doesn't know what's going on in your country in your nation he knows he always knew it was going to come to this my question is did you really think you don't have a plan did you really think it does happen as we read the bible it's always come to this it always does it always comes down to a battle of good and evil yeah but that's not what this is about yes it is yes it is let god show you at the core when you strip away all the language and all of the minute layers that are veiling a satanic agenda at the core to create a one world environment where the antichrist can come to power and now now you understand it is a battle of good and evil they're just taking steps step by step lock step block step lock step to get you there but where the devil has a plot god has a plan in this season we are going to see shocking transformations and evacuations of people transformations of people people you thought would never change please be careful what you say people you almost gave up on please don't give up on them before the miracle hits evacuations oh yeah god knows how to march into the enemy's camp and pull them right out of the whorehouse i said it pull them right out of the crack house oh i said it pull them right out of what they're in the deception the coven whatever god knows how to march into the enemy's camp and it's an evacuation mission baby because he will he will assign angels to drop in there and pull them out in the name of jesus please don't give up on that person too soon don't give up on yourself too soon shocking transformations and evacuations now i'm gonna warn you right up front this prophetic word is deep it's layered and there may be um how do you put a trigger warning on a word i mean i maybe i just did there may be some things that you hear that make you say whoa but the lord needs you to see the truth in his word and he needs you to hear his hearts hallelujah because you need to know what is really possible for you you carry gold in you that's what god is saying right now i wish you could see what he's showing me um a field of the biggest gems you've ever seen beautiful gems nuggets of solid gold and the lord said these are the people i'm going to transform and evacuate this is who they really are see you look at yourself or you look at the the the whoever comes to mind right now and all you can see is what they've become under the influence of the devil but god knows who they really are hallelujah somebody said well what of biden's new mandates what if you know what of what he said yesterday and the new mandates you know i mean do you have anything to say about that prophet do you have anything to say about that yes i said it on wednesday god said it wednesday blows my mind biden ran his game on thursday god god said it on wednesday i would encourage you to go back and watch that word it's the wednesday morning um i'll tell you the title i'll tell you exactly how we filed it and you can see it on my youtube channel you can see it on facebook you can go watch it on twitter they cursed themselves they cursed themselves they'll know it and i'm going to tell you something this is the only thing i'm going to say about it that's it it's the only thing that needs to be said because on wednesday morning god said everything that needed to be said and mark my words i speak as a prophet of the lord from my office of prophet today everything everything will happen exactly as god said it will he changes times and seasons not crazy wicked people they can try they can try and they are trying but they're about to curse themselves so i would encourage you to go back and get that word if you missed it and today the lord has given me another word because god moves quickly he moves quickly and there are many of you here who need to really um position your heart and your mind to see real acceleration on your life if you work with god and let him work with you things are gonna happen so quickly for you it's gonna it's gonna be a whirlwind in a good way hallelujah the lord showed me the gold and the gems that many people who are currently in deception or sin or darkness but they're really supposed to be gems in the kingdom they're really supposed to be i mean they've got solid gold inside of the gifts and talents and contributions they're here for such a time as this but you can't be here for such a time as this and and and and play your role in the kingdom agenda and receive all god has for you and receive every blessing the lord has authorized for you if you're not in correct position shocking transformations they're coming i prophesy that in the name of jesus stunning evacuations where the lord reaches into the camp of the enemy marx marches right in there yanks yanks people right you don't belong here you never did the devil is a liar you fell for it but now it's over in jesus name and i need your faith to stir up i need your faith to stir up for yourself and for your loved ones says the lord for if you do not believe then you cannot receive and i am giving you what you have called to me for you have asked me help me god you have prayed to me deep in the night and said lord please help me pull me out of this i don't want to be here i don't want to be this and i am sending you the word and the confirmation that you need today and if you will take my hand says the lord i will pull you out and i will pull you up in jesus name in the name of jesus father i pray right now i pray right now for every person listening god i ask you to open their mind i ask you to open their hearts wide to receive what you are saying god father i i've been careful i wrote down every single thing i heard you say god but say what you want to say lord change what you need to change have your way saturate this place lord saturate this atmosphere god from center to circumference lord use me father to speak and to prophesy as you will god that the people may be blessed that the people may be liberated strengthened and empowered god and that you may be glorified in this season god i bless you i thank you but i pray fervently right now lord in the name of jesus that the heart of every person listening is open wide to receive what you are saying that they may lay hold of their miracle their miracle and i thank you for it god in jesus name i hear the lord saying there's a miracle headed straight for you he said get ready because certain things are going to happen so quickly you're going to feel like you're in a whirlwind but you see the lord shows up in the midst of a whirlwind and he speaks peace hallelujah he brings rest glory to god he brings renewal hallelujah he brings restoration he brings transformation he stages the evacuation hallelujah because we need you here we need you here but god does not want you to live half according to what is available to you and he does not want you to have only a portion to what he has authorized for you no you will receive and you will become all that god says you are and can have in jesus name do you receive that today some of you can begin to take notes now because i'm going to go into the flow the lord gave me this word was recorded yesterday morning september 9th 2021 at 9 00 a.m i wrote it down i got it all down these notes were prepared for today on this morning on september 10th at 8 50 a.m and here's what the lord spoke to me he said it's time to remember who you are again it's time to remember who you are many of you have been in an alligator role is it alligator or crocodile john when the ones that roll you roll their victim around alligator or crocodile maybe they both do it okay we're not sure i thought for sure you would know mr i've gone through the the everglades okay i don't know about fresh water salt water but anyway let's say i'm pointing glory to god some of you have been in a roll a python squeeze where the devil has been trying to just roll you you know i i really think it's alligators that do that right and they roll they roll their okay they do praise the lord and they roll crocs might do it too but they roll their victims to to disorient you disorient you you don't you you don't you don't know where you are you don't know what's going on here oh okay you're dizzy and you're just oriented you can't think and you can't see straight and you can't think straight and that's what has been done to many of you the lockdowns mask up i could go on i could go deeper we already did on wednesday but that's what's been done to you the fear-mongering the fear tactics well fear is a spirit and that spirit has been prophesied by false prophets but i break that spirit today in the name of jesus the lord's not given you a spirit of fear but love power and a sound mind and we need you to remember who you are again you're coming out says the lord there was a time in your life when you were pure and you had clarity this is what the lord said you had clarity there was a purity in you even if you were born into iniquity like david said in psalm 51 verse 5. behold i was born in iniquity and some of us were i mean really at the core all of us you know we're born into this fallen world and we've had to make the decision to vacate the sin nature and it really is you know that sounds easy but you and i know you got to crucify your flesh daily this jesus life is a daily decision glory to god this repentance this commitment this this uh faith walk is a daily thing amen right but some of us yeah we were born into a fallen world we were born into a fight we never asked for the war of ephesians 6. you're not wrestling against flesh and blood the things that you have struggled with in life a lot of it has been staged against you by the devil we won't go into that deeply today but you just need to know that a lot of the battles a lot of the abuse a lot of the sicknesses the sudden accidents the pain that you experienced was deliberately staged and planned for you and launched as an attack by satan why to break you to break you and yeah it's the truth being born into this fallen world you walk right into a fight that i never picked a fight with anybody we're born into the war of ephesians 6 but then some of us are born into literal iniquity psalm 51 and 5. what do i mean by that okay like me i was born into dysfunction i was born into poverty extreme poverty i was born into uh mental and physical abuse i was born uh into a bloodline where nobody got married and stayed married adultery was prevalent um alcohol abuse was prevalent sin was prevalent uh and i was born into that iniquity and i watched people around me you know live out these cycles when you're a child you know you think is this just who we are right right and so you're born into it and some of us were born into that level of iniquity and david said it you're not born into iniquity right and you didn't choose it and now you're in the fight of your life and now you're in a fight for your identity and now you're in a war between you know where you came from and where god is really showing you that you can go but i want to prophesy over you right now in the name of jesus it is not about where you start it is about where you finish it is not about where you came from it is about where god is taking you it is not about who they are it is about who you are in christ hallelujah and it is certainly not about uh you know what you came from no no no it is about where god is taking you and i prophesy over you right now in the name of jesus christ if you don't come from a stable healthy wealthy saved sane family then a stable healthy wealthy saved sane family must come from you profit dr jalen i can get with all that i can get with the saved insane i can get with the healthy and and and and functional i think i said functional i don't know about wealthy well okay but you know it's in the bible right oh yes it is don't argue with me don't you dare argue with me god said that you are the head and not the tail that you will land and not borrow hallelujah he wants to make you a sower glory to god he wants to give seed to the sower he wants to make you a blessing to other people you will be above only and never beneath never at the mercy of other people financially so you got to get with this hear me now you got to get with this especially now in this time when it is time to disconnect from the corrupt wicked system of the world that seeks to control you and keep you down and it's time to fully connect and fully fully get planted under the the the kingdom of god which includes being plugged into everything you need including kingdom economy he's your provider he's your source hallelujah so some of us were born into a fight that we never asked for born into cycles and generational curses that we never asked for but the lord said there was a time when you knew who you were there was a purity you had clarity you may have been raised in a less than ideal environment but there was a time when you could hear god wasn't there and you dreamed for your future according to the voice of the lord now that might be going way way far for some of you but as i talk to people and interact with people i find that most people if they will be still can locate a time in their life and it may have been you know early childhood but they can they can locate a time when they dreamed for their life and they had a vision for their future according to the voice of the lord now this would be before you know before parents got to you before teachers got to you before the devil got to you before the media got to you before corrupt industries got to you to tell you who you are or what's you know important or what you should be but there was a time woman of god man of god there was a time when you dreamed for your life according to the voice of the lord and that goes for every single person on the planet everybody nope nobody is exempt uh-uh because god has fashioned and designed every single person on the planet for the destiny he envisions for them yes this is the jeremiah 1 5 principle but it does not just apply to people who are called to ministry offices and i can prove that to you by examining the scriptures that we see later on in the new testament specifically ephesians 8 verses 8 ephesians two verses eight through ten and let's look at that briefly gonna examine that together i'm in the new king james today john hallelujah ephesians 2 8-10 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest anyone should boast amen now listen to this for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them that we should walk in them you've been created to do good works you've been created to do things to be things that god prepared for you beforehand ordained for you when you were being formed in your mother's womb this is the jeremiah 1 5 principle echoed later on in ephesians 2 that what is what am i talking about it's called your destiny it's called your purpose here in the earth hallelujah thank you lord jesus and i want you to understand let's go deeper into this i want you to understand the devil knows very well begin to pay attention please please please the devil knows very well the lord's system of creating a thing a being and then ordaining things for that being he knows that very well number one he knows the word very well and the number two look at this satan was once satan wasn't always satan he was once lucifer the lord's formerly anointed cherub but his own behavior and choices took him out of that position then because of his own choices and behavior watch me now his identity changed his name changed come on now his whole destiny changed and the course of his existence took a dramatically different turn notice how that all began with a departure from the lord a departure from obedience so you see here how it works how it happens it begins with a departure from connection to the lord obedience to the lord being plugged into god submitted to god you leave that position and when you disconnect from god watch this your identity begins to change of course it does because now you're disconnected from the one who created your identity so your identity begins to change and then your destiny takes a dramatically different turn why because now you are not uh under the covering of the god who made you and your purpose and your destiny now you are out there in rebellion fully exposed to the influence of the devil which he is very happy about so satan knows very well how this all works it was his decision to overthrow god's ordinances god's principles god's guidance and the lord's instruction for his life does it make sense then if someone chooses at any point at any point no matter how low they are right now no matter how low they are right now they might have woke up in a jailhouse this morning they might they might have woke up in the trap house they might still smell like the whorehouse but does it make sense that if they change their mind and they want to reach for god's ordinances they want to choose to embrace god's principles they want god's guidance and they're willing to follow his instruction does it make sense and that they can come back on course you bet it does shocking transformations shocking evacuations are coming in this season says god now the exact same thing can be said of you and maybe it's not you um but because maybe you're on course you are on course you are you know you're here for the word but you in truth you know that you're on course not perfect still growing amen you know still still submitting to god every day and letting him perfect and establish all that concerns you glory to god crucifying your flesh daily hallelujah jesus but you're trying you have faith you you're a follower of jesus okay maybe not for you this word but certainly for somebody you know who comes to mind somebody who is far away from god and they have not made the connection that their decisions to disconnect from god have everything to do with the mess they live right i want to prophesy this just as lucifer rejected god and in the in and then in the doing of rejecting god the entire course of his destiny changed he felt he became satan the devil staged a cool in heaven one-third of the angelic population followed him they trying to wreak havoc down here on the earth right so so just as he made a horrible decision and then the entire course of his destiny changed so too in this season we will see people on earth and it's going to be people you know for many of you you're going to have a tesla i it i saw it happen to my loved one this this this came to pass in my in my life we're gonna see people on earth who made the critical decision to reject god and in the doing unbeknownst to them they changed the entire direction of their life but now we're going to begin to see shocking transformations evacuations by the lord and these people are going to turn and reach for jesus they're going to turn and reach for jesus i need to prophesy this again it's interesting the lord brought this up to me again it's been months now months since he's shown me this but i see it clearly now do you know how in the past couple of years we've seen like people have lawn signs show up on their lawns and they're you know they're they're they're just making a statement what they believe what group they're aligned with who who they support what they support mark mark this down and write it down the time is coming when we see jesus signs in front of people's house people are going to want to be known i i am a jesus woman i'm a jesus man i'm a kingdom woman i'm a kingdom man i follow the lord jesus christ jesus is lord you may not believe it but your knee will bow jesus is lord mark it down there's coming i don't know if i there's coming a time when there's going to be lawn signs that show because people are going to have such a shocking transformation that in their heart the cry of their heart will be i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ i want to let everybody know i want to let everybody know just how they knew where they could find me in the club on a saturday just how they knew what quarter they could find me to get these stuff just how they knew other things now they're going to know this about me hallelujah hallelujah and so what's going to happen is you're you're going to begin to see people have radical encounters with the holy ghost don't say it can't happen for them why would you say that why would you curse them sugar listen if god could do it for the for the for the psychotic soul of tarsus and dramatically shockingly transform him into the esteemed apostle paul to whom he downloaded prolific revelation he can do it for you he can do it for your son he can do it for your daughter your wife your spouse your loved one your sister your brother your aunt your uncle your friend he can do it he can do it so they're gonna have to become a new creature in christ god's got this all planned out it's in the word it's it's phenomenal when we look in and we begin to go line up online precept upon precept the lord shows us very clearly the path that is to be walked and that many are getting ready to walk first to become a new creature in christ by being born again by being born again they literally choose a new life see that maybe they didn't know it before they didn't understand that choosing to be disconnected from god changed their identity changed made them confused about their identity even their gender oh my god and and it changed their whole identity and it changed their entire destiny and it changed the course of their life but now back to center hallelujah back to being centered in christ and they've made the decision to be born again which means they're making the decision to have a new life to have a new life but in reality write this down in reality it is a return to the life that god intended for them say that in reality say this in reality they return to their true identity they didn't know they were lost but see that's why they don't i was once lost but now i'm found they didn't even know they was lost so in reality they were they're returning to the identity that god created for them their correct position they never were supposed to be out there they never were supposed to be in that never never never that was never the lord's plan but now they come to to their correct position hallelujah they are in their correct identity they are in their true identity hallelujah not the shin that made them what they were but now there is a return but there is a shocking transformation there is a divine reorientation hallelujah there is a supernatural restoration and they come back to their true identity and the scales fall from their eyes and they see things they never saw because in choosing a sinful life write this down in choosing a sinful life individuals literally i i don't mean this in a small well kind no literally in choosing a sinful life people literally surrender their true identity they don't know it but they do i'll tell you something else and this is word which we just read in ephesians 2. connected to your true identity are blessings opportunities relationships assignments inheritance that is connected to your identity it's your birthright it's what god ordained for you isn't that what we just read in the word you're his workmanship his masterpiece created to do good works which he ordained beforehand for you that you may walk in them hallelujah and so when you surrender your true identity you surrender everything connected to it there's people living in sin who are not as successful as prosperous as joyful as healthy as as impactful as purpose-filled as they're supposed to be they don't even know it the devil knows he's thrilled as i was praying this morning and i was i was actually in in some uh how do you even say it john i was in prophetic uh prayer warfare prayer about this word and the manifestation of it because the lord showed me that there are demons that are literally gnashing their teeth already over this he showed me that he showed me that and the spirit of the lord spoke to me and he said tell them to back off while they can tell them that they may as well vacate their assignment to ruin that person now may as well just get out while you can devil may you you ought to go to hell right now where you belong because the lord said from this point this this is how real this is from this point to everyone this word applies to and they receive the word they hear it they receive it they want it that's why you gotta you gotta send this to somebody that comes to mind tag them in the comments text them call them right now share this to them put it in a i don't know how you want to do it however you want to do it you got to share this with people right now because the lord said especially people that come to mind for you that this applies to because god said once this is spoken there is such an anointing on this word that if they will dare to believe it and receive it and say yes i want that demonic assignments are going to be canceled and i'll tell you something in the place of every um demonic hit that the the demons try to throw at that person what's going to happen is a blessing instead what's going to happen is favor instead and it will be completely null and void the weapons will be trying to form but they won't prosper and he'll be shooting shots and it won't affect them anymore shocking transformations miraculous evacuations there's there's a man here right now that your son does something in nightclubs your son does something in nightclubs there's a woman here that your daughter got involved in very perverse sexual things and she's doing it professionally this applies to them too i beg you i beg you do not surrender them do not do not say yeah but they're too far gone this has been a long time now they won't even listen to me okay don't talk to them anymore about it then send them this word send it to him god knows how to use an anointing to bust through a barrier and talk to their heart and my prayer right now my prayer fervent prayer is that they're not so far gone that they can't hear the voice of the holy ghost but tell you what saul of tarsus was fog far gone wasn't he saul of tarsus was as psycho as they get and i'm going to show you some other examples too because this is for them it's for the most extreme cases the most extreme cases fentanyl fentanyl uh how am i saying it right addicts prostitutes witches it is for the most extreme cases abusive rebellious prodigals who are not just prodigals but they tell you why because they hate you it's for them this word is for them shocking transformations miraculous evacuations dare to believe stir up your faith this is what the lord is doing they're a jewel in the eyes of the lord there is gold in them they don't even understand who they are what gifting they have but god knows how to pull somebody in clean them up real good launch them into the destiny they never even knew they had and they will be relevant and significant in the earth for such a time as this amen amen now when eve believed the devil's lie back there in the garden she surrendered her true identity and then she acted on it right in the doing she surrendered her identity and her inheritance she did not realize that's what she was doing but she did that's that she did it satan knew what what she was doing and he did not care he knew that her decision was going to mess up her life changed the course of her life and he didn't care he knew he wanted to he wanted to why because he was destroying her life and her future and he loved it why just like you've seen the devil destroy someone's life and somebody's future and he loves it why because he's working his own vendetta fueled agenda he's got a vendetta against god and that's his agenda that's why his agenda is to steal kill destroy period that's all he's got steal kill destroy he had a vendetta against god talk about satan therefore he took out his hatred and bitterness on the lord's prime creation and still does i'm talking about humanity god's most valued and loved creation is humankind ephesians 2 10 calls you his masterpiece you are the only thing in creation that is made in the image of god you are that unique there's nothing else on the planet that can compare to the human being genesis 1 26 you have god qualities in you and that's why the devil is on a mission to destroy not the feline kingdom not the sea kingdom not the marine kingdom no humanity humanity because there's so much god in you and then there's this you are the only creation that has been given authority in the earth luke 10 19 you are the only creation upon whom the end time agenda can rest and be completed see this it's big luke 10 look i'm sorry luke 19 12-13 jesus said occupy until i come you know what that means to occupy it means you put down your flag i don't think so this is kingdom territory we are kingdom people this is what we're gonna do no don't don't try to tell me what i can do i'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen and you occupy you occupy and you take territory and you take land hallelujah and you are actively involved in discipling nations and discipling people and having impact on your family and having an impact in your work space and having an impact on everywhere you go because people don't even know why they respond to you differently but then you walk in and you shift the whole atmosphere and the temperature in the room changes because you walked in you're disciplining nations maybe you didn't know but let me show you in the word matthew 28 19. that's how that's that's you're affecting other people that's what you're doing john 14 and 12. you're you're here to do greater works greater works even than jesus did and he did some phenomenal works healed people multiplied resources multiplied food pulled money out of nowhere out of a fish's mouth cast demons out raised the dead and you will do greater works so you see satan's vendetta is against humanity against men and women only because you are the only legally operating entity on the planet with the authority which was given to you by christ luke 10 19 you are the only individual and all of humanity amen who at the church of the lord jesus christ that is authorized to to complete and fulfill the lord's end time kingdom agenda and work luke 19 12-13 matthew 28 and 19 you are the you are the ones that god can anoint and flow through and bring miracles through amen you will be a miracle and miracles will flow through you greater works john 14 and 12 now you're beginning to understand why the devil wants to jack people up so bad it's a vendetta against god he hates god there's a lot of god in you you're made in the image of god but you also have a lot of authority you also have access to a lot of power you also have access to the anointing of the holy ghost which destroys yokes doesn't break the yolk it destroys it now are you beginning to wonder or now you begin to understand why the devil hates humanity so much you are you have gold in you you have a destiny that has been created for for you by god himself you you've been put on the planet to do significant things to be someone of impact to be someone of of significance to receive um from the lord and there's a lot of religious people that don't really get this let me help you real quick when you live a blessed abundant life prosperous healthy wealthy healed whole amen anointed that's a statement in itself to people who don't believe especially in these days especially in these days people see the miraculous life you live they will begin to believe on your god and they'll want what you have now you're beginning to understand why the devil wants to jack people up and ruin their mind ruin their mind change their identity and therefore change the course of their destination and destiny and purposes and inheritances in the earth do you see the connections here it's profound so if someone has gotten off course let's go here if someone has gotten off course and has gone down a bad path made bad decisions and and some of us here we know people who have made horrifying decisions they're living in their own private hell and they don't even perceive it they have so much potential so much beauty so much promise and they're not even living according to it not even scratching the surface of all they could do and be in heaven they're not even aware of it and then over here we got a whole category of people who married the wrong individual oh i'm coming i'm coming for some of y'all today married the wrong individual pursued the wrong career painted themselves into a corner and then over here we got a completely different category of people who perhaps have gotten involved in the occult and now they have all kinds of demonic you know attacks and and and and contracts at work in their life that's a real thing and and then over here we got we got people who've gotten involved with you know occult practices and they think that nothing is wrong with it because it feels so good and you just youtube the opposite and you just um and it just feels like yeah it just feels so positive well satan appears as an angel of light and now they've got demonic contracts and there's certain things that are going to begin to happen in their life any second and for many of them it's already going on and they're not yet making the connection it's because i entered into a practice that's unholy and i need to break that contract i've given satan and his demons legal access to my life and i need to break it and cancel it in jesus name and with that group are people who have become alcoholics and drug addicts they've given themselves over to prostitution on godly unholy behaviors that they engage in just to support their habit or perpetuate their lifestyle maybe they have rejected their family walked away from all that is good and beautiful in life because they don't even think for themselves and they don't even know it they don't even know it if they could see themselves the way you're able to see them they'd be horrified if they could see themselves the way the lord sees them they'd be mystified because according to his incredible love god is still able to see the jewel the gold that he put in them and that's why he is committed to this mission and it is a mission it is a mission as i study the bible i see that prophets are often given missions i mean just a part of it you know you play a role in the mission like elijah with that lady in zarephath and um then you know with jezebel and elisha with the shunamite woman daniel with nebuchadnezzar so on and so forth you get given a mission but it's god's plan the mission this hour shocking transformations miraculous evacuations in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah there's gonna be some shakedowns on the camp of the enemy in jesus name i heard this john i heard this there are going to be demonic factions demonic factions who are so incensed and and and angry about what is happening with these shocking transformations and miraculous evacuations they're going to want to do things toward the people you know that they were in control of toward their family inevitably toward me but because they can't because the favor of the lord will surround people as a shield psalm 512 they will begin to fight each other mark my words they're going to fight each other they'll turn on each other and start that's how psycho they are that's how deranged they are they will begin to fight each other and the the the evidence to you the proof to you is you will see people in the political and and and and corrupt people in positions of so-called power turn on each other and betray each other watch they're gonna sell each other out like cheap candy like penny candy mark my words and and when you see corrupt people sell each other out and throw each other under the bus in this season i'm talking about soon that's going to be your proof that the demons are fighting each other because because they were they were made to stop because god evacuated god transformed somebody and it's over it's over hallelujah so i want you to think of who this applies to in your life is it you is it someone you love and the lord would say what you've been seeing that crazy behavior that that unholy behavior compulsive right isn't it it's compulsive yeah that's the spirit behind the addiction behind the alcohol behind the witchcraft that's the spirit influencing them and controlling them the spirit of pornography the spirit of sin whatever whatever their flavor is whatever their poison of choice is that's the spirit behind the sin that is driving them they're not in control at all and that's why the transformation the evacuation is required and for the record i'm talking about demonic spirits demon spirits let me prove it to you i want to show you this because religious people sometimes have the audacity to try to argue with with certain aspects of the word but if the the bible says what it says god meant what he put in the word and and and and he still means it and every word is true every word is true hallelujah so i want to prove this to you uh in mark chapter 5 verses 1 through 20 we see a a mind-blowing uh account of a man who had become infested with demons the demoniac in the ghettorines infested with demons so many that you know they they they talk back to jesus jesus you know he's a we are legion for we are many right so this man's infested and he had so many demons that he had you know superhuman strength they tried to put him in chains he would not stay chained he'd break the chains he lived you know in an isolated place isolated himself he lived among the graves and the tombs he would cut himself there are some people you can think of right now they're drawn to the dark things they're drawn to darkness they are they cut themselves they like that dark music they they like those dark places they like those dark things even even dress that way and i want to tell you something that's not that's that's demonic that's demonic it is it is demonic to want to do those things no human being who is in who is clear and connected to god will be drawn to that darkness and and and self-harm it's always a demon behind it and this was that man now when jesus was getting ready to go to have his encounter with him pay attention a storm came up to try to keep jesus from him well we know from the word that was the devil trying to stir up the weather and keep jesus away from you know the the man there are some storms that you've seen people in your life maybe you recently go through it's been the devil trying to keep you from getting to jesus trying to keep you from getting this word trying to keep you from connecting to the anointing that can destroy your yoke why do you think he wants to keep you away from certain people and platforms and anointings come on here and so the devil had the audacity to try to stop jesus how'd that go jesus got there the wind and waves obey him nice try no consolation prize awarded because i was that was come on come on and i want to say this to you and i say prophetically some of your loved ones and maybe even again if it might be you the storms that you've been going through it's a cheap shot it's a cheap effort the lord will completely flip the script easily he will completely subside that storm easily hallelujah amen and so now jesus gets to him and let me just fast forward you know for the sake of time and he delivers him he delivers him and this man is he comes to his right mind he was naked and everything and all cut up you know the demons caused him to do that and that happened by the way that happens a lot you'll see and hear that a lot in deliverance people stripping themselves naked and self-harming so moving right along jesus cast the demons out of him the man comes to himself and now he's in his right mind and he's clothed what happens after that two things crucial this is mark 5 1 through 20. um can you just put it up so people can write it down please you maybe just like the mark 5 1 through 20. not the whole passages all right awesome thank you first thing that happens is he doesn't want to leave jesus he doesn't want his i want to stay with you can i go with you where are you going next you gentlemen are on the road it's a traveling ministry amen can i be with you do you have a place for me can i want to stay with you and jesus says no there's a plan for your life there's a destiny for your life you i'm all you're you are with me now i am yours you're mine amen glory to god but i need you to get in position you you you have just been restored to your true identity now you can be launched into your true destiny what you were was never supposed to be who you became that was never for you now that you are restored to your right mind now yeah it's a shocking transformation what i did was i came here on a mission it's been a miraculous evacuation i've pulled you out of those tombs hallelujah and you are restored to your right mind and your true identity now you can shift into your true destiny and that man went on to have a prolific ministry did you know that research it prolific ministry the rest of his life people who have significant destiny are messed with know that satan was once an anointed cherub he's got a little supernatural juice he sees when you're anointed you got the oil smeared all over you the gifting demonstrated itself early in the life of that child the anointing demonstrated itself early in the life of your loved one everything they went through was an attempt by the devil to break them and ruin them and that man gets liberated by jesus restored to his right mind true identity and he launched into his true destiny one more example john chapter 4 verses 4 through 26 the woman at the well the woman at the well equally dramatic in its own right in its own way this woman five times divorced shacked up with dude number six living in sin a pariah in her community encounters jesus at the well again jesus made the appointment unbeknownst to her god will go to look for you he will come see about you just like he crossed to the other side of that lake and he went in pursuit of the the demoniac gadarenes he went to that well at the hottest part of the day sent away the boy something you go go get some food i got some errands for y'all to run amen get on get get out of here and he went to where he ordained and planned an appointment with her this is an appointment for many of you when you share this word with the loved one that comes to mind it's going to be an appointment for them and the kind of transformation jesus did for the man of the gatherings he did for this woman at the well and she had been in sin nothing but failed really five failed marriages and i mean listen you and i know what one bad breakup does you you know what one divorce did to you you know what one heartache did can you imagine where she was mentally emotionally and spiritually five failed marriages i've said this before but i think it's relevant so now she's not living or she's only living with guy number six they're not married whose choice was that did he see her uh you're not wife material honey you're you're you're damaged goods you're you're a used vehicle was it him did he see her in a belittled condition she wasn't wife material or was it her did she stop thinking of herself as being worthy or capable of of a good healthy marriage so she didn't try to pursue it she just didn't want to be alone she just you know so what was it i don't know but i do know this one encounter with jesus john 4 4-26 bam she gets shifted out of her deception she gets a glimpse of who who jesus is i perceive you're a prophet you are the messiah and in the doing amen she gets a glimpse of who she is bam girlfriend takes off running back to her town come and see this man she knows he's the messiah she tells others about jesus she's the first recorded evangelist in the bible shocking transformation miraculous evacuation from a lifelong cycle of sin that had her on the course to hell so in these two examples the demoniac and the gadarenes the woman at the samaritan woman at the well we see someone bound by the devil freed from the devil by the lord jesus christ buddha can't free you never it's never going to happen never allah can't do anything now allah i could say about him i'm not going to go into it they can't no idol can help you there is only one name by which you are saved and transformed and evacuated from a low place a dark place and that is jesus christ so we see these people hearing these two stunning examples freed by jesus and their life takes a dramatic turn after their deliverance see that see that their life takes a dramatic turn after delivery prior to deliverance fully in the throng of deception fully in the throngs of demonic behaviors completely committed to sin i'm talking about a literal waste of a life before jesus i'm talking about somebody destroying their life destroying their life having surrendered all that is good all that is holy all that is superior and by far better than anything they have but they don't see that because they're so enthroned in the sin which is deception and the wages sin pays it's only one wage and that's death and sometimes they even know it but they think this is all i have this is who i am it's who i'll i'll always be and this is where i'm always going to be but the devil is a liar because i came to prophesy today that anybody anybody first of all nobody's too far gone stop saying they're too far gone that that if demon infested man was not too far gone amen psychosome of tarsus was not too far gone hallelujah a little girlfriend over here five times divorced was not too far gone glory to god neither are you and neither are they we're not going to belittle the lord's capability just because we have limitations in our mind oh perish the thought perish the thought i refuse to belittle god's capability because i'm weary because i'm weary because i've prayed and walked the floor so many night i refuse to belittle god's capability and insult him because in other words you say you're not a miracle worker you can do miracles on everybody else but not them they do really let's not do that please don't quit before you see your miracle don't quit before you see your miracle i want to emphasize to you that what it takes is an encounter with jesus christ so today i pray prophetically an encounter with jesus christ for you for the loved one who who you've been praying for and that's not just believing in jesus i want to make that very clear it's not just believing in jesus a lot of people who are completely immersed in sin believe in jesus you know that and so do i a lot of people who are very m committed to their sin believe in jesus i'm talking about a real encounter a real understanding that this jesus is mir is real that the miracles are real the change in me can be real uh there is something required of me however and that is this i must follow him i must follow him i i can't just do what i think is sufficient i can't just you know believe because the devil believes too come on now no i must follow him i gotta give up all that i think i know because clearly i don't know what i thought i knew otherwise i wouldn't be in this mess and i've got to follow him i must now anchor all my life choices all my decisions all my beliefs which fuel my decisions which inform and dictate my decisions all of that is going to have to be anchored in this wonderful jesus the word of god the holy bible and this is the only book i can put my faith in this is the only book i can quote and stand on it's the word of god and when the word of god is spoken it makes something happen in in real time in real life for real in the natural because it's not just any other book it's a supernatural book and when i work the word in my life the word will work in my life follow him i must follow him you must say they must say you must say now my life is rooted and anchored in bible principle not what i think is right not what i think is good not what i think i can do and maybe i can still get away with that no no i'm going to not look for things i can get away with and root my life in bible principle this biblical life this this word of god it's going to inform everything it's going to to inform my thoughts it's going to inform and shape my speech my declarations my confessions my beliefs everything i believe because i've already seen with my own thoughts and decisions where that will take me my own thoughts and decisions so i prophesy we are now going to begin to see people who were formerly completely committed to their sin their destructive alternate deceptive demonic choices and lifestyles we're going to see them completely surrender to jesus they're going to say i allow myself to be led and instructed by the word of god i see what's happening in the world i see what's happening in the world i gotta get out of that there's no more time to waste this is real and i don't want to go to hell and you're gonna hear people say that shocking transformations miraculous evacuations hallelujah and as change begins to happen on the inside of them as change begins to happen on the inside of them something miraculous will happen on the outside on the outside i'm talking about the literal outside of people their eyes will change their eyes will change their pupils won't forever be dilated their eyes won't be completely void of light just dark their countenance will change their health their stature will change it's going to change everything around them so for the change begins on the inside hallelujah they're becoming a new creature in christ and then the the change that's happening on the inside pushes out and it begins to to manifest on their outside and their literal physicality will change i want to be very clear i'm not speaking symbolically no you will see literal physical changes some people's gray hair will will go back to their natural color some people's eye color will even change i'm not exaggerating this is literal their countenance will change a light will come back to their eyes for the eyes are the window to the soul and their soul will be uh now be evacuated out of the darkness and and and exposed and committed to his marvelous light and that's gonna come out of their eyes and you'll see that change on the outside of them and then the next thing that happens is things around them things around them will begin to change because everything in this world it must and is compelled to respect and respond and bow to the word and will of god and the more they get the will of god in them the more they commit to the will of god the more they declare the word of god over their life the more they speak the word of god out of their own mouth they're going to see things happen around them that stuff won't may not want to respond it won't have a choice because everything in this world must respond and bow to the word of god it is the highest authority on the planet amen no negotiation no choice the name of jesus is the name above every name hallelujah and it doesn't matter how big and how bad somebody thinks they are doesn't matter how in control they think they are because i assure you i assure you when these psychotic globalists satanic um leaders so-called leaders so-called elites they all worship the devil at you know the highest positions when they get their moment before god and every human being will it's inevitable unavoidable you can't opt out the week none of us can opt out when they get their moment before god they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna wet themselves they are they're gonna wet themselves they're going to poop in their pants and they're going to beg for mercy i don't care how big and bad they think they are on the earth now where i i belong to an elite globalist family we'll see how elite you are we'll see how elite you are when you meet jesus face to face and every single person will it's not something we get to opt out of we are his creation and every center every center out there who refuses to repent will have the same experience they can wave their little rainbow flags now and put on their little you know the little sir can put on his little makeup and look better than his face is beat more than my faces be glory to god amen hey you can do it all now but guess what honey you're you're going to have a moment before the lord that you blaspheme today and the lord does not desire to destroy people he really doesn't he wishes that everybody would repent he wishes that all flesh would be saved but the word already tells us the word already tells us because god knows the end from the beginning there's going to be a lot of people who just they won't do it but not you not you and not them there is coming shocking transformation miraculous evacuation for many of your loved ones and you will testify you'll say god did it god did it and see that's why it's so important that you don't stop praying don't stop believing don't stop calling out their name to god don't stop interceding from them do not get weary and well doing because you're going to reap if you don't faint you're going to reap in joy you'll reap in joy hallelujah so in this time right here on september i believe as we are at the 10th in the year 2021 we are we have entered into an increased dispensation of the spirit of god that is this time hallelujah oh hallelujah this is acts 2 17-18 we are here we are there i prophesy that acts 2 17-18 that is this time we are in an increased dispensation of the spirit of god it has begun we are in it in the name of jesus and many will be compelled their spirit arrested and they're going to be compelled to seek this jesus come in where it's safe get in out of the darkness into his marvelous light disconnect from the demonic systems and agendas of man and reconnect to the god who made you they're going to be drawn to this jesus they're going to want to come to this jesus and encounter him like never before but some of them are going to encounter him for the very first time for real because now i got to say it again the holy spirit said now there is so much corruption we see we see what is happening and it's on a global level it's on a glo it's so obvious that all these nations are in on certain things together well you know even the national leaders and presidents and royalty and minister i don't know what they're all called but they're not the ones really in control they're not they're not they all bend a knee to their handlers these globalists that's a fact you know it's not right if you don't believe me you'll see you'll see more documentation and substantiation will come out because god always confirms the truth and he exposes what's in the dark but now there's so much corruption and so much uncertainty in the world so much unrest so much evil that even the most stony heart even the most staunch atheist even the most committed to to sin are realizing i need this god if he's real amen and so i prophesy there will be people up and down the spectrum of unbelievers up and down from the witches to the atheist to the unbelievers to the backslid to the believers who believe but don't follow there will be people all along that spectrum who come to the lord and we will see shocking transformations in people stunning miraculous evacuations as the lord pulls people out of darkness into his marvelous light these are the others the others the other sheep that jesus spoke about in john 10 16. i have other sheep john 10 16. they're not of this fold they're not they're not with you now they're from a different folder in a different light they're in it but they're coming i gotta get them in so let's be careful not to curse hate or dismiss what god calls the harvest let's be careful not to cur curse hate or dismiss what god calls the harvest and yeah oh for sure going to come in with all their stuff they're going to come in with all their stuff and maybe you even now you may be wondering what will become of them what now now that they've been completely corrupted by everything they've been exposed to what now now that they are completely degraded by all the things they did what now now that they're coming in and you can see that their eyes are completely deranged by all the years of drug use what now when they're coming in and you can see that they're still battling you know spirits of pornography and spirits of of of of of of whatever they're coming in with what now when they come in with all of their occult beliefs that they're trying to reject but they still cut what now now we see the lord do what only he can do we see him do what he is famous for we see him take the saul and turn them into paul hallelujah we see him take the man and the gadarenes and pull him into a prolific minister hallelujah we see him take the woman at the well and turn her into an evangelist we see god do what only god can do because he is the creator he made them if they're willing to get on the potter's wheel the potter will reshape them reshape them so let's be careful to not think that there is anybody who cannot be reshaped now everybody can be reshaped it's just a matter of if they're going to say yes to that it's just a matter of if they're going to choose it but my assignment today is to prophesy that many are getting ready to choose that there are many people who are going to line up and say where's the potter's wheel i need to get on it who is this jesus i need him i need to know him i'm willing to shut up and sit down and just talk to me god and tell me what you want from me amen amen i prophesy that in the name of jesus we're going to see people who are so skittish come in skittish unable to trust anybody unable to have a real conversation with anybody because they've been so hurt and so betrayed so abused by people out there in the world maybe people they even trusted or believed in we're going to see people come in who have been poor and dysfunctional all their life we're gonna see people come in who who were once very committed to their worldview and we're going to see the lord begin to do the the the the beautiful and miraculous and sure process of transforming them by the renewing of their mind it begins in the mind transformation in the mind the spirit of god the hand of god traveling on all those little pathways in the in the brain and then synopsis begin to fire differently and thought patterns begin to shift back into correct position and vision is restored and they begin to see correctly and understand things they could never understand before they're being transformed by the renewing of their mind romans 12 1-2 and i want to say this i prophesy it's a sure process don't ever say well i hope it works on them no it's a sure process if they want it because god never fails if they'll stay with it because god never fails the transformation will be real they will be transformed romans 12 1 2 by the renewing of their mind and the change will begin on the inside it begins on the inside the mind the heart and then it spreads to the outside hallelujah and you see things begin to change in their physical experience physical appearance and then their life experiences begin to change what comes next is things change around them and you get to witness this miracle you get to witness this miracle it will increase your faith you will say look what the lord has done it is marvelous in my eyes they were once lost and now they're found look at what the lord has done it's marvelous in my eyes and then things in their world begin to respond to the jesus uh the the that is in them the holy spirit that is in them everything in the world begins to respond to that and now they're living blessed and now they're getting healed and now they're whole hallelujah but what about their minds what about the memories what about the memories what about the residue the fragments of who they once were what they once did will there be residue will there be fragments left over i'm not saying that their memories will completely disappear no the memories will be there but who they were what they did and what they lived through what they saw what they were engaged in what they became who they became during those uh lost years what they were subjected to what they had to live through they couldn't get out of it they were in it when they were in the dark place when they were on the streets when they were in prison when they were in that dark season that lost season when they were in the sin it will begin to dissipate because light dispels darkness it will begin to dissipate because light dispels darkness you walk into a dark room you turn on the light guess what it's not dark anymore and when god pulls them out of that darkness into his marvelous light the darkness is displaced and dispelled the memories will be a part of their story it'll be chapters previous chapters in their book but the lord is now writing new chapters god is now writing new chapters he's now writing a new storyline but the funny thing is it's not a news storyline they're returning to the original storyline that the lord wrote for their life that he crafted and ordained for them their destiny their purpose their true path their true identity the lord is now writing in beautiful plot twists he's writing in a flourishing apex that's when things come to a head in your life in a good way flourishing apex a dazzling joyful ending and i prophesy as they look back and we all do from time to time there's something wrong with looking back as long as you don't get stuck there there's nothing wrong with looking back to see how far you've come as long as you don't allow you don't linger you don't let your eyes linger on the past so that a spirit of melancholy sets in but i prophesy that as they look back at who they were as they look back at what they did and who they became when they were in darkness they won't flinch when they look back they won't blink away from the pain because the horror of what was will be diminished by the beauty of the blessing that now is the horror of what was will be diminished and replaced by the beauty and the blessing of what now is and one more miraculous thing will happen i prophesy this in the name of jesus we're getting ready to see it starts on this day by the way starts today we're getting ready to see shocking transformations miraculous evacuations god is pulling people out of darkness into his marvelous light and in that in that beautiful miracle one more thing we're going to see god will begin to redeem the time they lost he'll begin to redeem the time that means god will begin to restore time they lost the time they lost will begin to be added to their life because sometimes when you've lost time and you're aware of it sometimes you can linger on that you didn't realize that when you were in it maybe you had a little glimmer you know you caught a little whiff of it on the wind one day but you shut it out because you're still in the sin but then when you get free sometimes you start saying my god i wasted a lot of years i'm not young anymore i'm not done and you think about the time lost no no the devil is a liar that's a trap he's a liar and that's a trap because you serve a god who operates outside of what you call time you serve a god who operates outside of and far above the human concept of time the lord says that he will redeem the time there in that verse and by the way this is ephesians 5 16 the days are wicked oh yeah some of us did lose time and wasted years and wicked times and wicked days but thank god the lord can redeem the time give it back to you restore it to you joel 2 25 he will make it up to you he will give you back what you lost he'll add years to your life he'll give you more time to enjoy this blessed life he'll give you more time to enjoy this miraculous light amen it's not about what they're doing and threatening out there come on you got to get in here with this you got to get plugged into the god of miracles hallelujah god's going to begin to restore the time they lost it's going to be restored to their life hallelujah glory to god so do not be heavy laden jesus is giving you rest and our god will redeem the time hallelujah luke 8 1-3 i want to read that to you because this is you this is for you today luke 8 1-3 and we'll close on this now it came to pass afterward that when he went through every city and village preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of god and the twelve were with him this time of jesus and during his three and a half years of prolific ministry right so he's traveling he's a traveling ministry because he's trying to cover ground to get to as many people as he can glory to his job to do he's on a mission verse two and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities mary called magdalen out of whom had come seven demons joanna the wife of shusa herod steward and susannah and many others who provided for him from their substance some of these people these shocking transformations miraculous um evacuations god is pulling people out of their this dark place this low place this horrifying lifestyle and the transformation is going to be mind-blowing when they get connected to jesus and they come into their true self and they they they tap into their true identity and their true destiny look at the transformation just like the the man of the gatherings just like the woman at the well previously demon possessed no more previously sick with infirmity with spirits of infirmity that brings disease and sickness no more when you're in a life of demonic possession and and and horrifying you know debilitating sickness it's not a prosperous life but now they're free they're traveling with him what an adventure good god and they're prospered financially to the point where they're partners in his ministry i prophesy that many of the people who are going to receive god's shocking transformation miraculous evacuation as they come to their right south as they step into their true identity as they step into and shift into their their purpose in life they will be healed they will be healthy they will be free because who the sun sets free is free indeed no more bondage that's over in jesus name and they will begin to prosper even financially this isn't the word and today it's your word receive it in jesus name and the crucial element is being connected with jesus following him following him following him father right now i pray for everyone who needs to follow jesus they they no longer believe that it is sufficient to believe they now know that they cannot believe only but they must follow as well because faith without works is dead father i pray for the people here who have been fervently praying and standing for loved ones who have been in darkness i thank you god for shocking transformations in this season i thank you god for miraculous evacuations as you pull our loved ones out of a life that they're building on sand sinking sand and set their foot upon a rock to stay the rock of ages the lord jesus christ i thank you god that you are a hearer and an answer of our prayers god i thank you that people are being restored to their right position their correct position in this season god i thank you that people are being restored to their correct identity their correct destiny their correct purpose their god-given kingdom purpose in this season in the name of jesus i curse every demonic assignment that is at work in your life in jesus name i cancel every demonic assignment that is at work in your life in the name of jesus i cancel every satanic assassin that has been assigned to your loved ones in the name of jesus i release the transformation that comes through jesus christ i prophesy transformation that comes through jesus christ i declare that their heart is pliable their mind is receptive they're hearing the voice of god they're responding to the voice of god they are pursuing jesus they are choosing jesus and you will see shocking transformations miraculous evacuations as god pulls them snatches them out of the enemy's hand and brings them into safety in jesus in the name of jesus i prophesy that right now today receive it in jesus name let there be a cancellation to every demonic assignment active in your world let there be a cancellation and a curse come upon anyone who is trying to curse you in jesus name this is james 3 and 10. we don't shy away from it let every assignment of slander against you be canceled in jesus name let the lord's will for your life begin to occu activate and occupy your space in the name of jesus let your destiny be activated let your identity in god be activated let there be a magnetic pull in your heart to this wonderful jesus and i prophesy that today begins a shift in your life today begins a new season in your life amen as far as what the world is threatening please review the word of the lord that was released on wednesday morning god's going to do what he said he's going to do and as far as you as far as your purpose what comes next for you as far as your loved ones the people you're praying for the people you're standing for the ones that truth be told there were some times you almost gave up because it's been such a long road no i prophesy the battle is shifting in your favor i prophesy winds of change are blowing in your direction i prophesy the lord is pulling people into his marvelous light and we will see shocking shocking transformations for the glory of god receive it in jesus name if you are believing this for yourself if you're believing it for a loved one and you want us to pray for you please let us know you can put prayer hands on the comments just like this prayer hand emoji or um and we've got we've got some people on the prayer team they're going to go back and they're going to pray for you and they know how to pray i want to say this this is for somebody don't let just anybody pray for you not everybody prays with authority not everybody prays with authority amen but the people on our prayer team they know how to pray and it is our honor to pray for you it's our job it's our job to lift you up to the lord you are family to us your family to us if this is your church this is your online church we are your family i want you to let me know put a heart in the comments because i want to go back and i want to pray over the people that the lord has placed under this ministry many of you are partners many of you and if you're not you got to pray about becoming a partner amen many of you are very close to entering our millionaires club which we're going to make official in 2022 a lot of people are getting financially prospered you're growing amen as you grow in your relationship with the lord and your destiny you are beginning to prosper financially that's god that's the abrahamic blessing you're beginning to operate in it glory to god so um put a heart in the comments i want to pray for you i want to pray for the people that god has put under this ministry the lord spoke to me the other day he said you're raising up sons and daughters so i want to go back and i want to pray specifically for you i'm going to be looking for your prayer hands i'm going to be looking for your heart emojis and we're gonna we're gonna pray for you amen some of you need to sow into this word put a seed on this word sow for yourself so for a loved one give that seed an assignment tell that seed who who you are believing a shocking transformation for don't don't don't give up don't give up no the devil can't have them if they've got a pulse god can still do it glory to god amen and others you need to ask the lord father do you simply want me to honor your prophet am i just am i to sow a seed of honor am i to sow for a prophet's reward am i to partner um with with dr jolin in her ministry am i am i just so into her life person just ask the lord what he wants you to do again this is a season where it is crucial to be connected to the economy of god amen i'm going to personally pray over your seeds because i it's part of my job prophesy to your seeds and believe god for an abundant rapid exponential harvest pressed down shaken together running over to be released into your life later on today we're going to come back again on television national television you can watch on your tv or you can watch online or on the app but it's the ptl network praise the lord network 3 pm eastern time another powerful word of the lord the prophetic hour is the name of our broadcast and this word is gonna i believe it's just gonna bless you exponentially amen so i wanna invite you to join me for that as well and then there will be a replay of that word on our platforms monday or tuesday night amen i forgot what day the the tech team is doing that but the tech team will be doing a replay next week but i invite you to join me live for that on national television today at 3 p.m until we meet again my friend i'm praying over your prayer requests and i'm specifically prophesying to your seed i'm believing for god to bless you i'm believing for this word to manifest for you i'm believing for many of you to receive a personal specific blessing within the next seven days and i'm looking forward to hearing your praise reports until then my friend i'll see you on social media i'm praying for you god bless you [Music] you need to prophesy this full circle anointing over your life full circle anointing this often happens in the midst of people's lives at a time when you feel like you are in a whirlwind where you feel like you have lost so much you have you are in a battle and it's been a battle for a long time or you have seen something stolen from you you have seen the devil attack certain areas of your life certain sectors of your life and but you have been standing and having done all you are still standing and i prophesy that full circle anointing is coming on many of you and you are going to build your life on a brand new foundation in a brand new season and god's going to get all the glory amen he can reach you right where you are [Music] you
Channel: JoLynne Whittaker Ministries
Views: 21,929
Rating: 4.9323754 out of 5
Id: UutHD3Wkd_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 40sec (6640 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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