Shocking Reality of Buying Luxury Cars Revealed | The 1% Club Show | Ep 8

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so is there like a hack to get luxury cars for free yes there is Bollywood stars are not getting into are not able to buy these cars they don't give two fly what the Stars this is not 1% this is 0 1% Club Ferrari invites you to buy so you have to have three Ferraris then you have to buy the fourth Ferrari so what is the average net worth of a person who can afford a Lamborghini why is the government taxing us why they're doing the wrong thing let's say the budget is 30 to4 laks in that price range what would be the best car what's so special about this car 150 CR you can buy a private PR in that much but no way I cannot answer that now I want to know what car do you want let me just put it like this uh there are 30 manufacturers in the country and there are about 200 models which are on roads today so let's just say that I have access to all those 200 models of each and every color each and every variant anywhere in the country and some of these luxury cars I can actually get anywhere in the world how is that without paying for insurance without paying for taxes without actually having any headache whatsoever do you help your friends also with this sometimes if you're good to me can I be a friend of course you a friend is there a place where people like who can learn how to drive cars fast is there like a school in India for for us to become a fast car driver there are there are a lot of drift schools coming up uh where you can actually learn how to drift can you explain to the audience what drifting means like our imagination goes through Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift correct but what is the is basically driving your car sideways so imagine you go straight instead of that you're driving like this and you're circling around how you you can't do this in electric cars you can do this electric cars definitely but the thing is that we've done this in ice actually the same car where where you go in Iceland and yeah you you have these tracks by Porsche and Audi and all these Brands take you and since by virtue of having top get you get invited so we can pay pay these companies to allow us to drive on so it's expensive cost you have to pay 10 lakh Rupees for 2 days plus your flight okay and then get to drive these luxury cars on tracks made on ice so basically you it's like an experience for people to come there pay 10 ls Drive their car and not their car the car is given by the brands so how much does the car worth these cars are upwards of 2 cres three CR okay a lot of Indians go there to do this exp yeah I mean there are not lot of Indians but there are like the batch that we I was there there were 50 people from India 50 people y uh in India uh or even across the world owning like a luxury car is like a state of symbol as well right it's about so one of the easiest ways to tell people that hey I'm rich I'm rich I made it in life uh but is that it like is that the only driver for people to own luxury c a very big reason a is what you said is absolutely true there are 30% of the people will buy just to show off the wealth just to show off that okay you know I own a Ferrari or this maybe they don't understand what they're buying I know people who have bought Ferraris and Lamborghinis and they don't even know what engine it is what capacity they don't even drive if they drive they might just have an accident and then the cost of repair is much more so then they keep quiet okay but there's a very big section of people who actually buy because they're Enthusiast 2023 we would be selling around 47,000 to 50,000 luxury cars in India what is the average price of a luxury car say a CR 75 lakhs to a CR a basically the market size you're saying what do you say 50,000 car 50,000 cars so around 50,000 CR is the market around $10 billion $1 billion only Mercedes which is the largest luxury car market in the country which sell about 16,000 cars do you know what numbers they sell in China they sell about 7 and2 lakh cars in a year which is 37% of the total sales of Mercedes bz globally India is 8% and let me tell you Mercedes is the number one luxury car market in India they have the highest numbers followed by the BMWs and the a of the world so that's the numbers I'm talking about when you mean luxury cars like BMWs and Mercedes this is still like um affordable luxury affordable luxury car and then beyond that what is that segment called like super cars so how big is that how many of those cars are sold in India every year not many Lamborgini would have sold 100 plus cars the auses of the world would sell uh those numbers Ferraris would be not very big in numbers Aston Martin because I'll tell you what happens in India there's a very big taboo first of all if you own a luxury car in India of this stature you are paying 2x the price of owning the same car in Dubai or us can you say some real numbers of let's take the example of orus Lamborghini Rus which is the most selling and most practical SUV car in the country in Dubai it would cost you roughly 2 2 and a half around that Mark in Indian currency okay in India it would cost you 4 and half cres starting price okay and on that you have to add the road tax you have to add the insurance you have to add the options when you say options even a sunroof would cost you 8 lakhs okay even the Lamborghini stitching would cost you 4 lakhs what is Lamborghini stitching stitching means supposing you want a yellow Stitch on the seats that's 4 LS 4 lakhs yellow that much yeah okay if you want the Lamborghini logo separate price but when you add all of that options of the exhaust of the engine of the logo blah blah blah blah it all it goes up to 2 crors all the additions yes Bollywood stars are not getting into are not able to buy these cars I get calls I want to ear a delivery they don't ask for discounts and then also they have to wait and know a lot of Brands like I would not name the star I would not name the brand but it's a big brand and they don't give two flying about the Stars they said my car is selling I will give it to the allocation you know so and they don't care about any person like like I heard Robert herak the one of the Shark Tank person in USA he kind of gets calls from Ferrari saying that he can get the option to get the cars before it is launched so like these kind of special people ACR because he owns Ferraris so he's Enthusiast so for a Ferrari they will always always appreciate a Ferrari customer they will not appreciate a star there lot of stars in Hollywood also they don't they don't buy Ferraris because they don't like to be treated like them because if a Ferrari owner already has three cars then he's on their list you know you have to be somebody of that reputation and in India Ferrari has just launched a p Swang which is the SUV in India they only have allocations for hardly five of them or four of them I know a lot of actors who my friends who wants to buy a lot of rich people want to buy but they cannot buy because to own a Ferrari of a certain level first you don't buy a Ferrari Ferrari buys you okay Ferrari invites you to buy so you have to have three Ferraris then you have to buy the fourth Ferrari and that's problem no how will I know how will I own the Ferraris to own so physically you have to buy Aroma you have to buy the entry level then buy what is an entry level Ferrari cost three cres three and a half CR so I need to First own that if I want to even at the expensive ones which is the real deal you know and these cars actually you'll be surprised appreciate over time I'll tell you I'll give you a very classic example I'll talk about the Lamborghini Ros because my family has won to last year we bought it it was costing 3.24 crores X showroom okay if you add all the costs insurance and how much is an insurance for this kind of a car so 5 laks per year per year and if you going to add the cost of Road tax and we've got this registered in Karnataka which is Bangalore so the road tax was 54 lakhs okay now in one year this x showroom price has increased by a CR the same car would cost you 4.25 4.2 cror x showroom plus if you all of add all of that that would cost you 5.2 cror so which investment okay appreciates like that so most people think of car as a depreciating asset only until but when you go to super luxury segment actually appreciate nobody knows how much money you have in your bank nobody knows how much stocks you have but if you can afford that car you've done something in life so is there like a hack to get luxury cars for free yes there is but you have to you have to really understand how it works first you have to know all the cars right there are some cars which really appreciates and value now supposing you're a business owner you buy a car for 5 crores you enjoy depreciation in the company you w can you tell what is that depreciation uh roughly 20% 25% so basically when the car drops in value every year 20% 20% so you can take that money off from your that show that can be shown as an expense which you don't have to pay tax for correct okay now after you doing that that 5 CR in 3 years if you have the if you have the right pick it's an art that 5 CR car would become mostly 7 crores in 3 years time and with some cosmetic changes so when you sell the car after 3 years you'll mostly be selling the car at the same price 5 crores in 3 years you have enjoyed the depreciation you've enjoyed the status of the car you lived your life what you've paid for technically the insurance and the yearly maintenance cost of 6 s laks you basically can buy a car for a second year you need to have five CR in your bank free so that's how you if you if you have five cres that's how you can kind of afford to buy a luxury car for free for free you'll get that money back guaranteed okay can you say name some cars which we can do this with today uh that's a chargeable service sorry so what is the average net worth of a person who can afford a Lamborghini if you can pay an Emi of 5 laks you can buy 5 laks a month Emi that's how it is and your cost of maintenance for a year like your first service and a Urus would cost you 1 lak 75,000 first what first service service I thought it's free no no service is not free nothing is free first service cost you 175,000 and your insurance would cost you 4 lakh so your average yearly maintenance would be about 7 lakhs after 4 years when you go don't get 0% Insurance then is a real challenge because then if you have you mean the zero you mean the zero depreciation that is gone after four years 3 years 4 years B zero depreciation means is that um anything you happens you are covered correct because these are expensive Parts but usually just for the audience purpose uh so let's say it was if the car c if the door cost is 100 rupees but because it's 2 years old they would say it's actually 70 rupees so for you even to replace that door it's 100 rupes but they'll only give you 70 rup you have to pay 30 so but if you get the zero depreciation cover they'll pay the entire 100 rup but after four years this goes away as the car insurance companies don't get don't do 0% on an average these owners how of do they drive it and what is their fuel cost fuel cost I mean they don't give you mileage more than 2 three kilm to a liter okay most of them 2 three 2 three okay sometimes one also which car is one I mean if you buy a very high horsepower one they'll give you very bad Mage but you never buy that for that ride you are going to drive it once a week maybe twice a week 1 kilm per liter 2 km per liter let's just say that how big is the fuel tank fuel tank would be 65 7 L yeah so I cannot go more than one 50 km not all cars will have bigger fuel tank but you know this not meant for that not meant for long distance no it's meant for long distance you have to fuel up you cannot drive more than 3 hours of super car like because your back will hurt you you'll be driving at that speed and most luxury super cars are not the most comfortable cars really yeah even the back seat would because they are meant for enthusiast driving you know there's a car uh which is by Bugatti which is my poster car Bugatti Bugatti is called Lo v no and that car cost about $19 million which means it cost 150 crores which means that is before your taxes and custom duties what's so special about this car 150 crores you can buy a private plane in that much money but that's Bugatti that can do uh steel Winds of that can do speed limits unheard of and that's got so what is the fastest car in the world Bugatti is were the fastest car but I'm not sure I think Cox has just beaten them on their own game and in that's the I version but in Eevee Lucid air is the fastest Eevee there's there's pen Batista which is actually owned by Mahindra that can also do I mean I'm talk to put things in perspective Lucid air can do 0 to 100 in roughly around 1.8 seconds okay now you can imagine uh if you had to drive only one car for the rest of your life which would it be very difficult question I cannot answer that no way I cannot answer that there cannot be one car with I can drive with the rest of my life but if there's a question if there's one car which I want to buy which I would put in my poster and look forward to is that Bugatti Bugatti 15 Bugatti 150 you don't have it yet of course I will never have it but that's the aspiration you know what is that top speed of that car oh that top speed 4 km per hour top yeah that would be around that much so but you can only probably drive it in the auto bar that's Auto have you can't even go that much you see I is no speed speed but you know 400 km is death net speed I mean my only races and people for average blocks I think 300 would get the SP out of your pants okay I've done that I know it after 300 you get very scared you get very scared like what happens after 300 km per hour what happens in the car inside your heartbeats are I mean you know imagine your body is moving so fast you see the acceleration going you do you feel like you're going because you're just seeing the road in front you get to see other cars that you're overing you you get to see roads on the front the moment you took here and there you have reached somewhere else okay you know and any road no matter how safe it is they can always be that stone on that stone they can always be somebody here who suddenly sked and come on your way so luxury cars super cars are not meant to be driven first they're driven supposed to be enjoyed some people like uh going that top speed and then taking a photo of it and then yeah that's wrong that's totally wrong I mean setting the wrong example at that speed you can't take a photo trust me you can't take a photo because you can't leave your staring right is that because you know you're not a you're not a you're not a fun driver right you are a normal human being you go to work you have kids you lot of things you know they understand the engine they understand when to break they understand the roads that they're driving on they'll never go on a speed at once first they'll take rounds and rounds of that circuit they get the feel of the corners then they go those speeds they practice they practice they go they know the road even while they're sleeping they know exactly when to turn so in private roads you can't do it because anything can happen anything can pop up somewhere then you are right ba finish um for the audience here right let's say the budget is 30 to 40 lakhs in that price range what would be the best car I mean there's a Mercedes a class there's a X1 there's a Audi every there's a Volvo which comes in 44 lakhs ex room okay there are multiple cars but you know what in today's time there are many cars which are at 25 lakh rupes Mark which have all that Tech and comfort Etc which are 40 lakh car can name them like say XUV 700 is a good car XUV 700 mahra XV 700 is a good car then you get also the Jeep Meridian which is also very decent car so is Eevee like Rel in Eevee luxury segment versus an ice luxury segment is the price different yeah e is today are price a little higher because the cost of batteries are but but I think that as you go up the ladder the price difference is not so much so I'll give you another perspective you know okay there is this car called Audi rsq8 okay and the Lamborghini eurus they all are made on the same platform which is the you know MLB platform what does that mean the platform means the architecture the same okay and RSQ and Lamborghini R are almost artical with terms of power figures the way it's built the body like but the rsq8 would cost you 2 and half and the Urus would cost you 4 and half just because of the brand just because you buy into the brand to a smart person who's a very very smart Enthusiast who doesn't care about branding who doesn't care about anything might just settle for the rsq8 and somebody who wants that 1% Club to be entered this is not 1 person this is 0 1% Club because you have 1 person Club so I thought it should connect very well so that they would buy the Urus also of course Lamborghini is Lamborghini you know you buy into a lifestyle you buy into a statement and you buy into a feeling right and if you have it why not if you have 100 CR in your bank lying around you don't care in India there's a Tabo that thing that lot of my friends oh my tax authorities will come to know they'll come and raid us I we don't want attention we'll get said come on if you have the money go and live your life right you have worked your ass off enjoy it the more and more luxury cars are there the better is for all the others who will actually see you driving around they'll aspire to work hards if you want to Foster entrepreneurship what better way to M motivate something you can't foster entrepreneurship by making everybody walk run in a slum right you have to give them them some feeling you have to have super cars on the road you have to have luxury boues on the road bu aspiration build that aspiration the whole country prospers if you see in your in your friend Circle somebody has bought a Ferrari how will you feel I also have to work hard man man that feeling will come the employees will work towards a mindset mindset right now our aspiration is to buy a nice car this might be materialistic thing but if you don't want if you don't have put that carrot in somebody's mind how will you drive somebody to work hard you give your employees incentive don't you give your employee incentive to work hard if you tell them okay if you work there been given this much I'll buy you this car see how they work seriously just buy them a car say this car deliv will come in 2 years in most of these luxury cars there's a waiting period of two years anyways okay so that's how it works all your employees are laughing right now yeah I mean I think my salaries are increased by three people now so Ramesh can you tell us about um Top Gear I mean that is something that most Boys in India have grown up watching right so and you're about to bring that to India right what can you tell us a story behind that so you know uh I mean you said it right you know back in my I always had a poster of luxury cars and most of them they were with the top guest sticker you know and when I got this forun 3 years back it was Co time when we actually acquired the rights for BBC to upgr in India and and I went to London met those guys and you just back the rights like a desperate child because I really wanted to see myself as an editor and publisher and running the show was it expensive to get the rights uh of course now don't ask me how much because that's difficult to say now U yeah so we're doing something very exciting with with the the brand and it's a powerful brand you know anywhere in the world people know the brand and you have to do nobody I don't think of any brand in the car sector which people don't know all the manufacturers love you and everybody has some point of time they whether they like cars they don't like cars they watched the show and we going to bring something exciting very soon very interesting all right guys that let's wrap up the podcast and thank you so much rames thank you having me thank you for enlightening our audience and one day when we can afford it we will watch this video again and buy the car thank you so much PE thank you
Channel: Finance With Sharan
Views: 1,384,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finance with sharan, top gear, top gear india, luxury cars in india, mercedes, ferrari, luxury car to buy in india, super luxury cars
Id: kpOH-8z3aTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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