Earning 1 CRORE+ At The Age of 18 | The 1% Club Show | Ep. 13

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100K is not enough yeah not a like not enough 1.15 last past 8 months may I earned about 50 lakhs on a portfolio of 1 so that's a 55% return in the last 8 months itself so I'm a crypto Trader web 3.0 and a blockchain Enthusiast the problem with my generation is and at the last point so it felt like let's money [Music] only hey guys welcome back to another episode of the one person Club show where we explore the financial journey of some of the most successful people in the country on today's episode we're doing something special we're calling teenagers who have apparently become kis so let's start off with you aru let's understand what are you currently doing basically I'm starting at Master's Union first year it's uh my same got over and if you ask me what I'm currently doing in finance uh I'm trying to figure out uh how can I get into a hedge fun or a quantitative fun and I'm preparing for my CFA I'm trying to gain knowledge right now let's talk a little bit about your investment Journey because you said you are learning about finance and what I've heard is that you see L converted I don't know 1 and a half lakhs into 1.4 crores or something is that not not 1.4 lakhs it was a bigger amount how much was it uh it was almost around 90 lakhs and I took it to 1.7 90 lakhs you made it 1.7 yeah 1.7 almost 1.8 2x over what time period over one year over one year in one year you doubled from 90 lakhs to 1.8 so walk us through this what how did you do it okay so basically yeah the 90 laks wasn't mine I asked my dad to give it to me oh bro yeah definitely how old are you uh I'm currently 20 I as to manage it so what I did I allocated the [Music] funds so that I get a short returns uh some of them I invested heavily in the index fund which I made personally using the weighted average and researching about the nift 50 and I used something called as derivatives but right now you're working with the capital of one and two crores yes right it's it's bigger now it's bigger now how much is it now can't see so now tell me like how did you become this Finance nerd Finance nerd so I was in ninth class and covid strike so lockdown I had nothing to do uh I read an article I was searching the highest paying jobs in the world okay yeah and there was this article by Howard business uh School data science is the most sexiest job of 21st century okay so I thought python I know python very well I can do data analysis data science I can learn I can run machine learning algorithms also on it I'm currently building more on that so all of this is self learned yeah self learn Udi uh YouTube YouTube is a great source you can find anything I think so the people the problem with my generation is studed python by yourself through and YouTube and then what 00,000 do want to buy a McLaren and they want a big house and they want in monac they want to see this is this is not good at the starting of my ninth class uh I lost my my mom to cancer okay sorry to hear that so I was like and the thing was we had money as but it all trained in Mom's operation and at the last point so it felt like let's earn money only now I couldn't save my mom but if I can become rich and I have money and I can provide all these things to the society back so so that's a thinking behind it so that was like your driving motivation because you mentioned that people in our generation do not have that intrinsic motivation yeah maybe this sort of as your Catalyst yeah and I got to know this very late interesting motivation these things PS5 all these things watches shoes Jordans these don't work for long these are not like a good source of motivation I think so they die but I think so this is one of the strongest reason I still have and I that still keeps me awake at night for sure coming back to the story dat science I learn cing languages like 100k is not enough 100 is like 0s a year like not enough to be the billionaire yeah big shot people call Wolf of the Wall Street devil of the Dal Street devil of the how to make money B on YouTube rickyz 21 years old goes into his room clicks some buttons on his computer room locked gets into his McLaren go to and Starbucks Starbucks and then goes to real estate shopping and buys three properties on the same day and comes back home and sleep like this one really would have made so what is he doing what are these things on his computer so my dad said that was trading uh yeah that was trading he was an intraday Trader was D there everything is lock he will study I'll get on his shoulder and I'll learn with him Technic because I love coding still so my dad started studying a lot we used to see all the videos on YouTube and all the courses we bought stock market what is a stock we came from what is a stock to how to hedge your position how to make even money so we used to make notes together and then we used to go to sleep there was this great resource if anybody wants to check it out called as vity by Z yeah my paper Trad and we lost a lot of money at the start starting we invested 10s more and more and more starting we lost a lot of money so how much would you have lost in the first three years around 50 yeah around 50 yeah around 50 savings thing but we lost a lot of money after like your learning process yeah my dad says ke the only way to learn in stock market is giving out money you have to lose money in the stock market otherwise your psychology won't set in the market consider it as if you want to become a Trad in stock market then consider 50 LS as your college fees very expensive it's expensive but when you start earning you earn a lot and you never see back all right so moving to the next Prodigy over here swam what do you think look at all his aspirations he wants $250 million house what what do you think about that you know I agree to a lot of things but I disagree to some factors okay I like it it's interesting I don't think is to buy big houses McLaren or having a Starbucks coffee I think that's too overrated how old are you I'm 18 okay so uh let's start with my own Journey so I'm a crypto Trader uh web 3.0 and a block I I can't do anything and my uncle is already into this crypto trading so and I started crypto trading I started and 1.15 1.15 in the span of 3 years so that's like you start with 4 lakhs 4 lakhs that's almost like 30X 30X in when in years 30X in 3 years yeah 30X in 3 years and I got a gr of1 and like I got an opportunity to study at Harvard to do my eco Majors but you you applied to Harvard you got in yeah I got it rather than my parents investing in me so so I rejected Harvard you got into Harvard Harvard you said no because you didn't have two crores so you came here Master's Union but continue then what happened so uh why did I come to Master's Union why did I join this particular insute because of the unul because like we have Dr kin Smith so and we'll be talking to him from bus school schol insightful sessions I don't think so and that's why I chose a School business school like Master's Union to spend my fouryear time too so Raab so you tell me now what building you want to build these guys are talking about some billion dollar ideas let's let's learn a little bit about you build you know I think that isocket crypto trative trading what is your derivatives yes I'm learning Futures options but are you guys like friends or like I also started in I think you guys are like what 15 years old 14 15 stand 14 Journey what are your parents do they're from business business business what business so my dad is into manufacturing we have factories in Delhi and in harana region and my mom is a housewife okay to and I had confidence within an year how did you evaluate this investment so at that time I started learning a lot how old were you that time I I was I think 14 and today how old are you 18 okay continue so that India is taking a progressive step towards EV sector solar sector time did you spend in terms of researching about the stock before putting in the money in TARTA at that time it took me around 1 month one month you were just studying I was just studing about the stock about the stock okay I think 65 you went back to your parents saying and I think 35 okay and then okay last past 8 months I earned about 50 lakhs uh 50 55 lakhs on a portfolio of one CR so that's a 55% return in the last 8 months itself how how is this exactly now because automobile sector studing the budget whatever the Finance Minister comes out with every year studying the budget gives you a very good idea about the macro story which is macro story exactly macro is one of those analysis underrated if I summarize you're like okay the government is saying that EV should go ahead so the macro vision is set but it's not that all companies will grow at that same required rate because you have studied all of these uh companies in that particular sector so you know which company has the most potential and you'll place your bet on that and that will give you the higher upside is that is that the right summary kind of then you have to do fundamental as well as I also do technical analysis like aate the investment is always a long-term game and investment is also a passive income kind of a thing side income obviously trading and investment I believe in investment I believe in creating wealth why do you disag with him the wealth he's talking about he's creating over the time H manages do that in one month one month a year also like less less you're saying like trading can be like a primary income yeah it can be so but tell me this can you do can you do trading alongside a 9 to5 job yeah can you can be a fulltime Trader I mean so no I would disagree with this fact because oh my God this is allegation really let's clear that one word we are from welltoo family everybody got support from your father in the beginning that is the worst case scenario in your so you need funds you need to do some work freelancing so I'm sure all of you guys have some sort of entrepreneurial idea so I'm going to ask each one of you if I were to let's say give you 100 crores what would you do I'll start off with you so uh I didn't tell you AB but I'm also working on a startup right now okay and so 100 CR you'll put in your startup well I don't require that much of so how much money do you need So currently development and I think at a starting stage you have you approached pram uh I am going to approach him actually I approached mu and they were very happy with the idea so we started working on that research existing Revenue so we are doing that we are talking with other investors invive income but the startup is my wealth creation that business creation that I want to give to the country and God okay now you 100 CR so crypto in crypto one in crypto and another CR to back that this thing safety net safety net okay 52 C in my startup what is a startup an exchange exchange crypto exchange you're making your own crypto exchange kind of crypto exchange but ex and you will earn money too earning education and entertainment I can't things included I can't frame this as a crypto exchange now and am that would be in charity charity charity yeah okay cool all right you last 100 100 what would I do of it if you give me 100 okay so 3 to 4% in bonds I'll invest it all of it three to four% in bonds for Investments this will give me bonds or G6 or debentures company debentures 70 to 80% in public and private markets so it could contain stock market stocks publicly listed and then I would do some privately listed companies also which are growing right you know in private equities or in venture capital and the whatever the left is I'll use the derivatives to protect my funds using the hedging ratios I want if if my money grows whatever profit is made I'll yeah put all that in the you you don't want to start any business or anything not no entrepreneurial I think so like uh there's the king but I'm the king maker okay I buy companies out or sell companies out so all right guys probably you guys are getting a lot of foro by listening to these guys but always realize that they are the exception not the norm I thought their stories are very very important to cover so that it might inspire people like you who are still trying to figure out what to do in life all right guys thank you so much for watching till the end and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Finance With Sharan
Views: 767,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finance with sharan, sharan, entrepreneurship, college life, finance with sharan shorts, finance with sharan podcast, sharan hegde podcast, personal finance, finance with sharan income, investing for beginners, crypto trading, startup, teenagers life, college student, personality development, earning
Id: ICt1i7JOV-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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