Finance Quiz With ​⁠@financewithsharan(Class 11-12) |Ep. 1 | UG Programme in Tech & Business Mgmt

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[Music] let's begin quiz Quest why is you doing it option b my God is the wrong answer you guys did [Music] it hey everyone welcome to an exciting evening of fun and finance at the mar Master's Union campus in goodg I'm Sharon heg your host for Master's Union quiz Quest I'm here with some of the top high school Minds we have six schools here today these students are handpicked among India's most premier Schools they're here to battle it out to find out who is the top and the smartest Finance mind among India's most premier schools all right let's begin quiz Quest so we have pathway School the Heritage School Lotus Valley International School shiv NAD School gurugram aravali International School shiv NAD school faridabad so this quiz has three rounds the first round is called Finance manum where you guys will be judged on your knowledge of the financial World each right answer will give you three points but you'll also be penalized for giving a wrong answer of one point also not everyone will be moving to round two round one we'll see two of your teams being eliminated round two is Real World Finance where you'll be given real life questions of real Finance problems faced by Indians and you'll be asked which option should they choose on how to improve their Financial Health here every right answer will give you three points and every wrong answer will deduct two points and after round two a further two teams will be eliminated for a final standoff with just two teams the last round as the name suggest is the face off in this round we will ask some of the most hidden facts about Finance the stakes go very high over here every right answer will give you three points and every wrong answer will deduct three points all right let's begin and may the best team when all right first question in India what is the maximum income tax rate for individuals in the highest income slab option a 20% option b 25% option C 30% and option D 35% okay arali International School option C 30% it's c c option C 30% that's that's correct thank you cool next question in India what is the upper limit of civil score option a 500 option b 750 option C 900 or option D 1,000 pathway School goodam option C 900 that's right next question are you guys ready out of the which Indian company went public through an initial public offering after the sebi regulations for startups changed allowing for a faster IPO process option a zato option b PM option C Nika or option D Mama Earth shiv NAD School gurugram option D Mama Earth option D Mama Earth is wrong minus one who pressed next shiv School faridabad option C NAA option C NAA is also wrong minus one the correct answer is zato okay here's the score tally so far shiv NAD gurugram minus one Lotus Valley 0 shiv Nadar faridabad minus one aravali international 2 points the heritage zero and pathway School two points arali and pathway School are tied at two points you guys ready who is the current RBI governor of India option a nirmala sitaram option b raguram Rajan option C anurag takur or option D Shakti kantas Heritage School Shakti option D Shakti Das that is correct you guys get three points the LTA or leave travel allowance I can see somebody already putting their hand on the buzzer the LTA or leave travel allowance is available for how many travel Journeys in a block of four years option A 2 option b 1 option C 4 or option D three option b one gurug option b one option b one are you sure should I lock it yes it's wrong who is next three options left no 33% chance of success go on come on all right pathway School guram option D three option D three so you're telling me that the government will allow you to travel three times in four years and get you give give you a tax exemption on that is that what you're telling me yeah yes are you sure I think so yes that's not how the world works it's wrong sorry all right the right answer was two guys so what happens is when you guys start working you guys get something called leave travel allowance it's a part of your salary right and you get get to deduct your taxes by that amount but unfortunately the government only allows you to do this two times in a block of four years and it's only for domestic vacations and only in economy flights that's what it is all right next question this is easy what is the full form of sip in mutual funds option A systematic investment portal option b systemic investing program option C systematic insurance plan or option D systematic investment plan aravali International School option D systematic investment plan that's correct three points to arell International School all right next question what is the annual or monthly payment mode to an insurance company in order to keep your coverage active option A allowance option b stien option C premium or option D search charge Lotus Valley International School option premium that's correct three points to Lotus Valley International School which of these is not a tax Exempted income option a house rent allowance option b pension option C leave travel allowance or option D agricultural income pathway School guram pension option b pension are you sure yes should I lock it yeah lock it freeze it that's right pathway school three points to pathway school okay this is how the points look like arali International is leading the pack with Five Points pathway school just behind Four Points Lotus Valley three points the Heritage three points shivada faridabad is minus one and shiv NAD goodg minus two all right next question is the goods and service tax also called GST categorized as a direct Levy or an indirect imposition options option a direct option b indirect option C can be both or option D Advanced Tax Lotus Valley School uh B indirect option b indirect is the right answer three points to Lotus Valley all right next question which of these mutual funds are considered a good option for tax saving purposes option A flexi cap funds option b debt funds option C thematic funds or option D elss funds shiv School option b option b debt funds yes is the wrong answer who is next the Heritage School uh option D option D elss funds are you sure yes elss also called Equity link savings scheme yes you sure that's the right answer Heritage School gets three points okay guys buckle up we have three questions left in this round just three questions anything can happen because if you get backto back three points even if you are in the bottom back to back three questions can give you nine points let's do it what does an ETF stand for option a electronic trading fund option b exchange traded fund option C Equity transfer formula or option D economic Trend finder pathway School option b option b exchange traded fund why bro you are at the top and you continue to be at the top correct answer three points to pathway school next question what economic indicator measures the average prices received by domestic producers for their output option A CPI option b PPI option C GDP or option D PMI Lotus Valley School uh PPI producer price index option b PPI you also knew the full form producer price index and that is the right answer three points to Lotus Valley school and the last question of round one this answer you would probably be knowing even when you were like 5 years old it's that easy who is this legendary investor option A George Soros option b Elon Musk option C Benjamin Graham or option D Warren Shad gurug option D Warren Buffett option D Warren Buffett is the right [Music] answer so in the first round the first place goes to Lotus Valley with nine points fantastic and the second place goes to pathway school with seven [Applause] points but now let's get to to the sad part of the round one the first team to be eliminated is shiv Nadar faridabad with minus two points and the second team to be eliminated is shiv Nadar gurugram with one point so sorry guys um this is the end of the journey and is there something that you would like to share after what you guys went through in the round one we could have saved some points the early buzzer on the 30% and we knew some but we weren't very quick with the buzzer so I think we could have played better we knew some answers yeah I think also that initial uh losing of points would have kind of you know caused some you know mental pressure like you went to negative and that would have affected you guys but it's okay you guys still know a lot more than most of my friends right so that's that's good okay guys thank you so much uh you guys played well you guys knew a lot more than what most people know and congratulations for making it so far yeah you guys are still among the top students of your school welcome to round two Real World Finance we start off with six teams guys and now we are down to four teams be very very careful when you're pressing the buzzer this time because the penalty for getting it wrong is very very expensive all right so this round the questions are going to get a little harder as the as the name Su it's real world finance you're going to be narrated case studies about Real World Finance problems and you as 17-year-old students will have to answer the right question are you guys ready all right let's begin Priya is considering investing in two different financial instruments instrument a offers a fixed annual return of 8% while instrument B has a variable return based on market performance if Priya is in her late 20s has a high earning predictable career doesn't have any short-term goals whatsoever which investment should she choose options option a instrument a option b instrument B option C both a and b or option D neither A or B Lotus value uh instrument B option b instrument B you're asking her to put her money in Market linked instruments yes which is like the stock market yes which is kind of risky and the answer is correct Lotus valy you get three points you guys are the Choppers of round one as well clearly can see the momentum going next question Rahul is facing difficulty managing his debts he has a personal loan with the high interest rate and a credit card debt as well what debt management strategy would you recommend to Rahul option a debt consolidation option b taking a new loan option C ignoring the debts and option D increasing the credit card spending pathway School option a option a debt consolidation is unfortunately not the wrong answer because it is the correct answer next question Shrea wants to create a budget to manage her monthly expenses she earns a monthly income of 25,000 rupees and lives in Delhi in a rented apartment she is unsure about what percentage of her income should be allocated to discretionary spending what advice would you give to Shrea options option A allocate 50% to discretionary spending option b allocate 10% option C allocate 30% or option D allocate 80% pathway School allocate option C 10% option b allocate 10% to discretionary spending that's like 2,500 rupees a month what will show do with that hi Dad it is the right answer pathway school gets it right again three points to pathway School Mr Rohit 55 years old is planning for his retirement and is considering investing in a mix of stocks and bonds given that he has around 5 to six years left and after which he becomes retired which of these asset allocation strategy would you recommend to this person option A a conservative portfolio which is more bonds option b an aggressive portfolio which is more stocks option C an equal mix of stocks and bonds or option D no need to invest for retirement pathway School option a option a conservative portfolio more bonds but he has like 30 years of retirement left are you sure you going to live until 1890 you sure you want to lock this answer and need to save for retirement this guy is too smart this is the right answer three points to pathway school next question as a finance investor you have a portfolio heavily concentrated in technology stocks given the recent Market volatility where tech companies are facing crash Crunch and growth limitations what steps would you take to address the risk in your portfolio option A sell all the stocks immediately option b maintain the current portfolio option C increase exposure to technology stocks or option D diversify across different sectors how they do it before so I'm sorry AR International School you will not be allowed to answer because you did not wait till I finished all the options who hit the buzzer next it is is pathway is school option D diversify option D diversify across different sector is the right answer three points to pway school I can see the tension build up we are now at the middle of the round two and there's a clear winner as of now pway school is at 12 freaking points first place right now Lotus Valley is at three points both of these teams were in the first and second place Ulta in the round one so very very interesting and arov and the Heritage are both at zero points you are considering investing in crypto currencies but are concerned about their volatility how would you approach cryptocurrency Investments to manage risk options a invest a large portion of portfolio in cryptocurrencies option b avoid cryptocurrencies completely C allocate discretionary fund that you can afford to completely lose or option D invest in cryp crypto derivatives the Heritage School option C option C allocate discretionary fund that you can afford to completely lose how much would that amount be for you one lakh one lakh you are you are completely okay losing one lakh and you would put that in cryptocurrencies you want to lock it y that's the right answer Heritage School gets three points and is back in the game two friends in India have a revolutionary idea for a new tech startup they're debating Equity split between the two co-founders what factors should they consider and what advice would you provide to them option a split 5050 as it avoids any Clash in the future option b split 3070 as an equal St ensures there is a single decision maker option C split based on the value and skills each founder brings to the table or option D don't split Equity at all arali International School option C option C is split based on the value and skills of each founder are you sure because if there's no one decision maker sometimes it could be a problem uh you just have to say lock it or not what do you what do you want yeah lock it you sure see until now whenever I did it it was always you know they locked and the right answer maybe I'm you know lock it you guys are also back in the game I International School get three points I'm loving this because the second place is now tied with three teams what do you guys think now Lotus Valley what are you guys thinking now we G press the buzzer much before that we're letting last tech problems H what do you guys think we're going to catch up catch up yeah it's already caught up you guys are all tired now no we going to catch up with them with them there's like three questions you can actually yeah what do you think they saying you're going to catch up like maybe in the next round maybe the next round we'll try our best all right let's go which statement accurately reflects the common characteristics of hedge funds option a hedge funds are open to retail investors with no minimum investment option b hedge funds typically use high levels of Leverage to amplify returns option C hedge funds consistently outperform mutual funds or option D hedge funds are highly regulated and disclose strategies publicly Lotus Valley yeah that will be option b hedge funds typically use higher levels of Leverage to amplify returns Lotus Valley is back in the game takes the second place back again three points to Lotus Valley all right two more questions left guys anything can happen right you guys know the math I don't need to tell you you guys it's fresh in your mind I know it all right next question one of my favorite questions if you guys have been watching my videos you will know the right answer if given the choice between receiving 1 CR today or 5 lakhs every year forever which option would you prefer there are three options a 1 CR today B 5 lakhs forever per year forever or option C both are equivalent Lotus Valley 1 we'll take one CR today yeah we'll take one CR today and that is the right answer Lotus Valley Lotus Valley clinches the second place but we'll still take the last three let's see if you can come and tie in the first place just for you know just to see if you guys can you know it's a pride matter of Pride now last question Krish is buying a ticket to the lottery that cost around 100 rupees and he has a 1% chance of winning 11,000 rupes as the prize should he buy the ticket for option option one yes option two no option three neutral or option D depends on the person Heritage School option a option A yes can you answer tell me why uh because it's a good risk that's why how did you do the math it's 100 rupees for one ticket right yeah so I think it's a good enough risk for all of the reward that's the right answer three points to Heritage School also before we end this round I also want wanted to ask you guys why do you guys select one CR today who can answer it for me yeah if you invest that in fds and get an average R return of 5 to 6% we'll have the 1 CR and also get 5 to six lakhs every year we've seen your video yeah we've seen that very very smart I like you guys but no favorites because now we're going to go into the final round I like these guys the Olympiad guy also is like I'm going to destroy you now all right guys now let's finally understand who are the teams who are going into the face off in the last round the team at the first place right now is pathway school with 12 points the second place is lotus Valley with nine points and the teams in the bottom are the heritage at six points and arav school at three points but it's okay you guys gave them a tough fight right they almost broke a sweat press is on my God this is a tiebreaker I saw your interview with Hony you he always takes it to be well we'll find out about that overconfidence is also not good both of you are wrong but you guys get penalized pretty sure was an accident my bad my bad why are you doing it oh my God option b oh my God no they can still die they can still die get it right that is the right answer
Channel: Masters' Union
Views: 267,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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