Exploring Universal Studios in Singapore!

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hey guys today we are gonna be doing some exploring on this I believe this island is called Sentosa especially where Universal is and the sea aquarium today should be a lot of fun so up first we're gonna go to the aquarium because crystal hopefully she can see some like octopuses big big shark jaws whoo so we're going in apparently that is the exit because here is what we're gonna start there's got to be a shark in here right no I'm probably not there's too many fish in there ooh this wall is really cool no I think like a little shipwreck inside of there so this kind of reminds me of when we were in Georgia but that wall was much larger in Georgia there's so many sharks in here is so crazy this woman around everywhere oh wow oh my gosh these look so cool I'm not going to spend probably about an hour here and angels gonna be super bored I wanted to get some closer look at these charts look how cool real cool this isn't scary Wow I could not imagine and carrying one of these in the ocean I would be I would be terrified I thought earlier this is a really big tank there's actually a diver in there swimming around I think he has food and like all the fish are going towards them that's crazy it's a big school of fish that's actually what it is that looks really pulled over there's a ton of fish in this one tank by itself what's he doing though I'm not quite sure I think he was but now I'm not so sure because they all left him so maybe he's not being them anymore look guys it's a rock lobster there's a picture you can see it right there they look really big like that lobster is hanging upside down I never knew lobsters could climb up walls like that it has to be it's blending in so well they're good look down man I'm not a really big fan of going to aquariums but seeing these lobsters is really really cool so here is the big big viewing wall it is so big where's it that was it oh yeah look how slow it looks tiny because we're kind of far away oh yeah that's a small one you know any really big big fish in here or anything like that but there are a ton a ton of schools of fish is a fish sorry over there there's like one you can see that there's a one type of fish and then right here this line right here is a different type of fish I think it's like a manta ray right there yeah that one right there is a manta wow we get closer to see that one up close I think I think that right there's a shark I'm not sure and I don't know what that over the over there is we're really closer and try to find out oh look look at it oh it's so big I know I just notice there's no turtles yeah what are turtles at there's no turtles in here beautiful with these oh that is like the coolest one in here that one is the coolest one in here because it is dark and the other ones are really light so wherever this one moves you can actually see it Oh something's piggybacking on it right you like getting off me trying to buck it off that's hilarious and this one right here has like it's like a different type I don't know just oh my gosh look at that one now it's just flying back to us he knows we're talking about it right and this is this like this shark looking stingray thing I don't know what a sting shark it's a shark ray this is sorry but that one right there like probably the best like fish slash rage whatever it is inside of this aquarium right here see jellies legacy jelly-like is like a big category yeah well I just love looking at these these are called moon jellies so the base is just really clear and like they're changing the colored lights up here there's not the it's not the jellyfish themselves changing colors we have like LED lights up top that are going through different colors but they're really cool because how clear they are they're the game just change colors so easily even we're just projecting a light up they get all changed the same color all the way down to the bottom around your whole body to the end I'm extremely sad so it looks like you made it past the aquarium thank you for sticking around because now we are going to Universal hopefully it's fun never been here you're so just taking pictures I can crazy so now we're gonna head into Universal check it out see what we can find hopefully have a lot more fun in there than we did in the aquarium this looks cool so if we have the the coins up here and like the lanterns since it's currently I guess about to be the Chinese New Year it's probably why they have all this decorated like this I don't know for sure it does look quite like it looks really cool because you see the lights are on right around the Rings like on the coins this is a really nice little area oh you can get bubbles doing bubbles Chris do you want bubbles no she doesn't want bubbles Oh what is that oh man that looks so cool it says pop something but this truck looks like a big popcorn like container that looks like it's supposed to be popcorn it's called pops popcorn delight and crystals already online so I guess we get him some popcorn Krystal got her popcorn so she actually thought she actually thought this was gonna be kettle corn because they had two different options sweet or salty so she thought this was gonna be kettle corn because she said sweet but apparently there's no salt at all oh yeah it is right she says it's good though so I guess as long as you like it doesn't matter right first thing we're gonna try is lights camera action let's see if it's fun Oh Oh Oh the situation Kelvin really for experience so we kind of they did like that this will ensure that we never record and we were thinking awesome be boring then we went to the second room it was like yeah so it's like you're in like a soundstage and they were going through like the motions of the how they make the scenes in movies and that was really awesome now we're entering far far away let's go see what we can find oh look at this ride it's called puss-in-boots giant journey yeah a giant rake over there I guess ends its a giant journey it's a giant everything else we're got to try to get on this maybe we can record if we hide the camera look at that it goes way up there looks like it's a look there's gonna be a rollercoaster right I guess oh look at the eggs yeah we go to leg where's Humpty Dumpty's yep they're June I don't see Humpty Dumpty he might have fallen already so when that box is rotten flesh right here is pickled eyeballs Oh fresh flesh all right here there's a giant like ladle spoon look at that roller so big and then you have like a mallet right here I think that's for beating people like crystal on to chuck roast new chair the chuck roast recipe back there wait hey I'm gonna be chewing Justin chuck roast if you don't be quiet you have a market list it says one villager named Chuck two limbs slightly crushed with bag of bones for soup I hope we don't get turned into some kind of dinner dish so here's what the glider looks like we're actually gonna be in the front one so it's like it's actually hanging from the track so it's gonna be really smooth and we're off there's gonna push this should be enough wind to get you flying alright thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we had to make a little stop at fairy godmothers potion shop juices and treasures and we got ourselves a little potion you might you might think hey that's just a mango slush but actually it's not just a mango slush cuz it's gonna make us feel better so what's a potion yeah it is like it's like really uh not really sweet so it's more natural like a real natural mango so that is really good Shrek's house is actually right here right here in front of us this is not quite a swamp Oh actually it does kind of like a swamp right they of course you can't do the voice but thanks for trying over on this side over there there's like an outhouse so it's actually not as big as I thought it would be I guess how big do you think uh ochre would be right like no one okay good one how big do you think it'd be four oh eight feet nine feet cuz that door doesn't look like it's that tall the last area of the theme park is madagascar planned the Geddes in the last area we got King Julien's beach party go around was just a carousel yeah look at that big tree I don't remember that tree but I can parent Liam that's really crusted on the plane in trees Hitler yeah then there's like the the ship right here that they escaped from I think there's a ride over here as well we're probably gonna get on that ride too is probably the last thing we do here at Universal so here's the ride is Madagascar's a crate adventure let's see if it's a crate adventure or not are you feeling chunky chunky chunky it is like a song on bumpy lumpy lumpy bumpy [Music] oh look at those starfish and the crab here Marty Wario we need to find the management proto like your weight here no no it's gonna stop this guy stops all right in time before we leave we had to make sure to get some dessert and this looks this is a ping circle which is shaved ice it's not coconut shaved ice and a strawberry I'm very fine yeah and it has some ice cream on so that's gonna be so tasty I know it smell them from here it's all good we're good the ice is super fine really [Music] it was just man it's okay but add some creaminess to it mix it all around laughs like if I do that it's gonna melt the eyes so I'm gonna eat it like this so whenever we finish eating it we're not gonna mix it all around me you don't want it to melt too fast here's one last look at all this beautiful nice that looks so nice so this is the last time we're gonna see it and last time you'll see our Channel oh yeah there goes the popcorn mobile bye pops all right guys we're gonna go ahead and in the video here we were finished for the day at least for this video yes you don't see lobsters I never see lobsters in aquariums so I thought that was really cool to see the lobsters and they're like kinda like a natural environment on the rocks I didn't know lobsters could climb across and hang upside down when you go to Universal in Corte we haven't been there in how many years just a long time well yeah we're gonna wrap the be up here we hope you guys enjoyed the video say bye to the globe back there bye khlo thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: Angel & Cris
Views: 68,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, couple, vloggers, couple vloggers, singapore, universal singapore, universal studios singapore, uss
Id: OYiQfLva3vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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