Shipping Container Home Insulation Insofast Pros & Cons | Building a 20ft Shipping Container Home

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okay guys let's talk about some pros and cons and I didn't even start my channel properly yo welcome back to containing luxury on this episode we're actually going to be discussing the pros and cons of in so fast let's get started this was actually the first time I was able to use in so fast on an entire build this is only a 20 foot 2014 so it's not our 40-foot container and that's gonna actually come into play with the pros and cons and Celeste did not pay me did not I actually paid I called them I did call them and asked them if they would be willing to donate panels since this is a giveaway they gave me a little bit of a discount and free shipping but in no way I paid for this whole system I'll tell you right now I paid about $1600 for everything if I start with some of the pros the fact that it's insulation and framing in one pretty nice Pro if you're a skilled framer it's really gonna be a little bit frustrating at first because you're really fast at framing I could probably frame this whole 20-foot container and you know maybe two hours maybe two and a half hours so learning something new was a little bit difficult which might be on a con but let's go keep the AMA pros so pros is they lock together pretty nice it's really nice you're doing your insulation and roof framing all in one so if you're do it yourselfer this would probably be the way to go it is pretty expensive but when you break down the math it actually is a pro slightly when it comes to the cost and how I mean that is I got a quote for my buddy who owns a spray foam company to come in and spray from this entire container it was a higher r-value than what in sofas provided but it was the exact same cost for him to come in and spray foam as I purchased the entire kid for now that's not factoring I had to take the time to put all of this in and he was going to take care of it with his company so I wouldn't have had to done anything and I would have paid the same amount of money so I saved myself the just the cost of the metal is really what it comes down to because I still have labor involved with doing this system so and let's say once I get faster I can use this system just as fast as I can metal frame so with that being said my watch ticking stops dinging so then all I've really saved myself is the material cost of the metal now on my last build that was about $700 on something a little bit smaller like this let's call like 500 so realistically I did save myself for proximately 500 dollars in the cost of the metal I've saved myself a little bit of money and I think it's an easier process if you don't have a lot of the tools and you don't have framing experience this is probably the way to go for a do-it-yourselfer some of the other pros is it's a pretty tight like if you were if you didn't have access to a spray foam I don't think you're probably going to get anything where it's gonna be as sealed as well as what I have here I mean everything is butted up nice and tight I've spray foam to anything as I locked it together so I have a really well sealed quality r-value that's probably fairly accurate to what they say now if you were doing if you were cutting yourself foam board and you were doing foam board in sort certs you're probably gonna have little gaps are not really getting much of that r-value so I think as far as a do-it-yourselfer and for an alternative to spray foam this is probably one of your best options once I started kind of getting the hang of it I'm like okay maybe I could knock out quite a few of these you know once I get my system in place I set up all my tools but for a one build it was it was a little bit frustrating especially since I'm doing a 20 foot so now let's get to you know another part of one of the pros I think this system would work a little bit better on a larger scale because when you ever single one of your panels I probably had to cut 50% of my panels so that's kind of frustrating when you can't get a single full piece in you know so I have a lot of Windows and I have you know I don't know actually it was just a lot of cuts in here so on a 40-foot I probably would have had some room to actually start putting in some full pieces it would have gone a little bit faster and I really would have seemed like okay I'm smoking through this especially if you're doing it outside and you didn't have you know a lot of window penetrations that might be a way to go on that if you are skilled and you're going to be doing your own electrical and stuff you know there are little raceways built in so you can kind of fish some wires my one con is those raceways are only large enough to fit maybe two twos you know sleeves of row max through there and I think even then it would be really tough to like try and fish them through a lot of my designs like in my kitchen I have three independent home run circuits so that means oh my gosh let me put my phone on silent in my kitchen designs I have three independent circuits so each one of those circuits has a home run back to the panel which means I have to pull at least three romance lines through that little then there's no way you're fitting it it's way too small I would never part all the insulation trying to get apart get it through there and I know wouldn't it kind of defeats the purpose to have to like cut out huge sections and fish all the pipe immense spray foam it back then I think I would have rather just have framed it run all my electrical and have a spray foam company come in and spray foam everything and I know it's all super sealed you know that would just be faster so but if you're doing this system yourself and you're doing yourself for it's your first time ever doing any insulation framing electrical and it's got a real basic design I think then this is probably the way to go if you're a builder and you're only going to be doing you know one or two of these you might get so frustrated because you already know how to frame fast and you already have a spray foam company that you might get to the point where you're like okay I'm just gonna do it the other way if they reduce the price a little bit I think you know then it would really make it a little bit as a contractor I would be looking at it as maybe a more of an alternative but because it's so close to the same price it's gonna cost me more in an electrician coming in here than it is the little bit I spent I saved on framing because if I just have frame walls my electrician is gonna be smoke and running through wire all over the place mountain boxes and covering and good go so those guys are really expensive it's gonna cost me more on the back end than what I saved on this now definitely another bro is if you're touching a shipping container and this is going in and you're like basement or concrete walls how do you get faster than that literally glue right against your flat wall and like in a basement where you're not gonna have tons of plumbing and electrical running everywhere this is super fast that so you know if that's definitely somewhere I would for sure use these where they make a ton of ton of sense I think when I get into a 40-foot container and I can put more full pieces in I think it's not gonna be as frustrating but I'm not kidding when I say at least 50% of the pieces I put in here I had to cut and modify and do a bunch of stuff and that kind of gets me into actually one of my cons just for where I am is the r-value actually doesn't meet our our wall or ceiling codes so I would have to add and actually in so fast sent a bunch of instructions that telling me how I can increase the r-value but it was I was gonna have to go buy other insulation boards and put them up on top of this or frame a whole substructure and then put that fiberglass insulation in in addition to it and that's where I was like okay well I'm definitely not gonna do any of that if I was going to do that that I should paid and spray pump it so because my buddies quote for $1400 was our 30 on the on the attics or the the ceiling space and in so fast I believe is an r-13 and here in Florida where our 19 minimum and then on our walls were supposed to be our 13 and the walls I believe I'll have to look but I think there only are 11 so I'm definitely going to have to add something else on the outside to reduce the heat load to make that the ceiling and the walls work in here I definitely don't want to add it in addition to this on the inside because these panels you know you can kind of see how thick that is that's the ceiling and the walls are are relatively thick as well so I've already lost a decent amount of my interior space I definitely don't want to add that additional insulation or add framing over this and then insulate it and then put my whatever my finished wall board is I'm really gonna start shrinking this so I think on an exterior application I think this is great for the inside as like my base layer of getting this thing insulated from the inside getting everything super tight I can definitely tell it's cooler in here today than it was yesterday but then once I get to the outside I'm gonna probably add some cool wood products and maybe some additional foam board or something that's gonna get me to that r-value that I really need to achieve then again you know my my first build I use products that the r-value technically does not make sense on paper but by using all these different air voids it's super energy efficient inside that thing so maybe once we get some air conditioning in here we can really put this thing to a test I'll be able to kind of go back on some of that and be like whoa you know what that 11 is perfect for this thing and you know our 30 I don't even need to touch the outside so some of these things you know it's going to kind of evolve and on a new container definitely a lot easier I don't think the system would have worked on my first container mine was too beat up but then again some used containers are you know going to be in better shape and if yours is really bad then you may not want to you know try to use in so fast because if there's huge dents and stuff you really need these these grooves with adhesive are you have to be touching the metal or then you're not fastening to anything and it's gonna freaking you know fall off but on the new containers it's like superfast and one thing I found is I'm using a lot more new containers in my designs because the price difference is so minimal I would much rather go the new than used but for the most part everything else kind of came together it did take me two full days to do this it was a little bit of time but yeah overall great product great idea it would be I would be a little bit torn between whether or not I'll do it again on my you know say I'm building 50 of these things and I'm hammering them out I think I would probably buy a spray foam for it if I'm building you know one or two of these I'm doing yourselfer or even a contractor I think it's worth giving it a shot yeah that's it that's all I got we hope this video has been useful and if it has make sure to hit that subscribe button and we'll catch you guys on the next one right maybe probably hopefully continuing true oat [Music]
Channel: Containing Luxury
Views: 68,290
Rating: 4.9231296 out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, shipping container, container home, container house, container build, DIY, Construction, How to
Id: A08n-m3kwmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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