InSoFast Shipping Container CX44 Walls less than 12 minutes
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Channel: InSoFast
Views: 317,327
Rating: 4.7928872 out of 5
Keywords: InSoFast, CX, Container, Panel, shipping container insulation, insulating sea cans, insulating conex, container conversions, rigid insulation, styrofoam with studs, foam board insulation with studs, rigid insulation with studs, conex insulation, sea can insulation, insulation panels for shipping containers, ADU, accessory dwelling unit, in-law units, infill housing, intermodal, intermodal housing, intermodal small homes
Id: VW-2gmvKiuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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