Shifting Fear in Difficult Times

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I have had very direct experiences over the year over the years of how close fear and love are and fear has often preceded or accompanied some of my greatest breakthroughs back into reconnection and so the problem with fear is when we believe that what it is telling us showing us is the only possibility this is why I understand what the Z's said about conspiracy theories they said you have to be careful with conspiracy theories to read them correctly and to use them as informational they said a lot of conspiracy theories compact with an emotional energy that is designed to put you into fear and submission so that you might help create that narrative so for example someone tells you oh this is awful and this is what this is going to lead to in the year if your body goes oh my god this is awful and this is what this is going to lead to in a year you start writing that story you start helping to bring that into destiny which is why with any of that stuff or with anything that triggers us or anything that shadowy or anything that's fear-based the trick is to as best we can not let it Lodge in our system not let it Lodge in our consciousness not let it start to dictate the stories that we tell each other and I'm not saying it's easy we're human we're gonna we're all gonna you know have a bad moment have a bad day say something and catch ourselves because often I don't know about you it's for me I know how to vibrationally up shift things because something will come out of my mouth and I'll go oh that doesn't smell nice I'm like that doesn't feel true of my current vibration that's something I might have said a few years ago when I was in this same triggering position or moment so it's it's by being aware of what's coming out of us and through us not just how we feel inside but what we're expressing outside I learned to make adjustments to my energy presence in the world by noticing things that I do that I think could be better all the time and I'm sure it's similar for many of you so it's not about how something makes us feel when we first encounter it or hear it or read about it it's about what we then do with that feeling if that feeling is not light-producing so I know we've gonna have some questions today which I'm sure are gonna touch on many of these things but we were built for these times as much as many of us alike I just want to go back to Jupiter right now wherever it is that you know you're from but we were built for these times and one of the things that I think came up in the channel a little bit yesterday and it's something any of you have been around me for a while will have heard me say a lot we never know how long we've got left we never know whether today is our last day or not and while I don't tend to live and base every action off the idea that I might not be here tomorrow because otherwise I'd never get anything done you know we'd never like have plans things that are coming up I do like to hold all those plans loosely and to try and remember that no day on earth is promised to us the Z's talk a lot about it's very easy to die they say it's a miracle to stay alive and be here for a long life and they say that not to scare us they say that quite the opposite to to give us the gratitude and the reverence in a way of being a soul in a human body that will help you live in a slightly lighter way it will make that argument with that person a bit less important you're like ah Susan man I just want to push her over and I know that's not very spiritual but that's how I feel right now I just want to push her over and then you think could be my last day on earth our poor Susan she's having a bad day she's never been very good at like not being judgmental okay whatever I'm not gonna not gonna spend all my energy on that it does help you loosen things or makes you go this could be my last day on earth you know what I'm gonna lovingly tell Susan but when she judges me that way who knows what its gonna lead you to do it will be unique for you but I do know that one of the things that I see disabling people who could create really positive action around the things that trigger them is when they write the future before it's happened or they decide what the worst-case scenario might be without looking at what the best-case scenario could be and how to create it I'll give you a more concrete example I've got this friend who is actually a really useful point of research I think for me and probably many other people because she's constantly looking up the shadow side of the world I look at some of that stuff and have done over the years and but she's constantly looking at it and she seems to be beginning to learn I know I'm one of the people who spoken to her about this and I'm sure there might be other people and maybe her own awareness too she seems to be beginning to learn when she gets hysterical and triggered because of something she reads and how that state that it puts her in is not a state to act from to post on social media from - that's not that's her trigger state and what she has to do is work through her trigger state in order to a return to balance and B be of any use to what she wants to help avert on the planet this friend is also a person who used to always tell me about the predictions that were coming you know Oh on this day in 2011 this is going to happen and would be very activated about it for months and then lo and behold nothing would happen so the reason I bring that up is I think there's a real opportunity in this fear time to refine our relationship to fear and I say this with no disrespect to any sense of activism we might feel because I think we we need to be activists for what we believe in I'm an activist for helping people feel more aligned with their vibration I'm not really a whistleblower that's not really my leaning that's not my research that's not really my I pay attention but that's not really my compulsion if I wake up in 3 3 months and that's where I go then you guys won't see me again I'll be off researching something else doing something else same would be true for all of you but with her what was really important and what I kind of got across to her was so you could live in fear and hysteria about this all the time but if you're really triggered about this and if you really have some compulsion to study it and follow it and monitor it how could you be useful how could you do something that could help other people take in this information which is clearly very triggering and very emotional how could you bridge that would be a positive way to use your intent so I'm very Pro us being activists for what we believe in because we'll follow our compulsion as souls and we should but whenever you're thinking doom and gloom scenarios it would be good to remind yourself well this thing that I think might happen in three years time is coming from inside my own brain and I may be dead tomorrow and the world may not be here and I say that not to be a fatalist but it helps you just come back to the present and your own body because what starts to happen when you trip out in the future is you leave the body you go somewhere up here you go into shadow thoughts shadow mind not just your own by the way these energy packets that you've been given that you've had a relationship with it's no different to being in a room with a very angry person who suddenly has a volatile outbursts you're in this lovely party and all of a sudden the guy sitting - across from you has this major outburst at this lovely person seemingly that's sitting next to them horrified it leaves this ripple effect in the whole room you go home with your friend and you're in the car going what the hell what happened I war I need to shake that off my body it's no different when you read an article or watch a video there is an energy associated with that information and you think you're taking in the information but more of the time you're taking in the energy that it's delivered with so we have to shake that off too
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 30,514
Rating: 4.9521914 out of 5
Keywords: Energy Healing, 2020 Intuitive, Lightworkers, Empaths, Hicks, Lee Harris Energy
Id: 6dwTwO21gK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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