Shifting Atmospheres // Dawna DeSilva // 11 Feb 18

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we have felt very honored here so your team is doing a great job with that and I actually love the fact that there's snow reading can get very hot and we get snow maybe once every two years and it sticks for about an hour so I actually tried to wake my boys up one time at 2:00 3:00 in the morning there was snow everywhere and I knew it wouldn't last I'm like get up get up they're like mom I'm like you're missing out all right we've had a great time we've loved that we were invited we'd love that meeting we actually didn't know you guys before and it's like we feel like home so that's really fun and I'm you don't say that just to say it even though I heard Americans savings to just say things that's what I was told earlier about we actually enjoyed this so I want you first of all to turn to your neighbor pick a neighbor and say I'm sorry seriously out loud I'm sorry [Music] okay here we go we're gonna keep going I want you to say to them you thought this message was for you but guess what it's also for me I'm not wanting to give a sermon that you take notes and send to your neighbors I'm not wanting to give a sermon that you point to your husband and say see this one was yours I want this message to be yours I want you to own it I want you to take it home I want you to live it because if you do it will change your life I had a friend tell me that sermons are a series of 52 life-changing messages that never change our life but that's not gonna happen today because you're gonna own this message all right you're like oh my gosh what's he gonna do okay well here we go so a few years ago on Easter I was invited to preach at a high Anglican Church and I was all excited I thought this is gonna be fun I'm a little nervous because we're the the woowoo Christians you know where my favorite prayers come Holy Spirit I just love flowing in the Holy Spirit we have plans and God changes them and you just kind of have to flow with them and I was thinking wow this summe interesting how this is gonna go for them and I just I kept thinking any time now Holy Spirit you can give me a sermon any time now because I'm about to preach well about 20 minutes before I get a text that says oh and by the way this is this the verse you're preaching on I had no idea that in the Anglican Church that when we were in that everybody in the church in the area and all around the UK actually preached on the same verse I didn't know that and so I didn't come prepared but I thought well that's probably why the Holy Spirit didn't give me a sermon but my first thought was panic my first thought is if you haven't noticed if you've been here we were genuine I mean and we're not normal Americans but we are genuine and Americans are and I thought I can't pull off a sermon that I don't own does that make sense I mean I can't teach I was a teacher and I was a Spanish teacher and so I would quickly reap rack tiss my Spanish before I would teach the students because I thought I can't pretend to teach you something I don't really know does that make sense you'll never get higher than my inability does that make sense okay so I was like ah what am I gonna do if I don't I mean what if it's eschatology I mean you know I'm a spirit-filled Christian I didn't go to Bible College what if I don't know what this is about and so in panic honestly I look up the verse and the good news was it was in the New Testament all right so I thought okay I don't have to know about who begat who and who's he got whom and you know I thought okay I'll get through that and how many generations I thank you Jesus and then I read it was john 14:9 jesus answered and said don't you know me Philip even after I've been among you such a long time anyone who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father and I like yes I can preach on this I can preach on this because I run a ministry called the soso ministry and it is the inner healing deliverance ministry of Bethel Church and it's twofold when you come in for a Sozo we tell people yes you will be renouncing your sin you and it is important that you do that but what we have found in the same idea is we are trying to connect you to the Trinity and we are trying to get rid of the reasons why you don't hear from God you don't hear from Jesus and you don't hear from the Holy Spirit and some of it is sin and most of it is simply lies you believe about yourself and about him so I thought yes I can do this because I know what is like to understand the father so I got the whole verses so I'm gonna read here for you John 14 5 through 11 Thomas said to him Lord we don't know where you were going how can we how can we know the way and jesus answered but I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me and if you really knew me you would know my father as well from now on you do know him and have seen him and filled us us but Lord show us the father and it will be enough and I think Jesus is like oh really guys have you ever thought sometimes when you you know when there when you're reading the Bible you're thinking I would not have answered the way Jesus did I probably would have been didn't I just say that didn't I just tell you so jesus said don't you know me Philip even after I've been among you such a long time anyone who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father don't you believe that I am in the father and the father is in me the words I have said to you I speak not on my own authority but rather it is the father living in me who is doing his work believe me when I say that I am in the father and the father is in me or at least believe on the evidence of the work themselves you see Jesus came to do quite a few things for us we understand he came as our righteousness we understand he came as our banner that it is because of Jesus that we can boldly go before the throne of grace and we know that it's because of Jesus and it's because of our appropriating the blood of Christ on us that gives us the ability to stand and to actually enter into heaven but he came to do something else he came to show you the Father why would he do that why didn't he just come to save you from your sins so that when you go to heaven you're with the Father why did he just come why didn't he just come and say okay we're gonna do this we're gonna do that here's the steps and you're gonna enter in the heaven because we have a misrepresentation of father God and father God says I tell you what you guys are afraid of me you guys don't believe me you guys are hiding because you think I'm gonna knock you out somehow so how about I send you a direct representation of my character so that you actually understand Who I am he also came to show you the Father in fact he tells you if you climb up any other way you're a thief and a robber that Jesus is the only way to the Father but my husband coined the phrase that I quickly appropriated he would call it stealing but appropriated and he said so many of us stand at the door of Jesus and never in turn to the Father and so if you do that yes you're saved yes you'll go to heaven yes you have righteousness because of Christ but you're missing out on a huge benefit of why Jesus King and I for one want to get all of the benefit for why Jesus came we also a lot of times stopped at the door of Jesus and don't move to the Holy Spirit whole movements denied the Holy Spirit's movements and they lack the power because Jesus said if I don't go away I can't send you the helper and then he tells the disciples now I need you guys to stay here until the power comes from on high if you want to walk in signs and wonders you can't stop at the door of Jesus yes it is through Jesus yes it is why there is healing yes it is why we are redeemed but you step through Jesus to the Holy Spirit to get the power to get the comfort you know Jesus is not jealous of the Holy Spirit in Europe and he's definitely not jealous of Father God but so many of us like my husband said we stop at the door of Jesus anyone ever hear someone say oh I tried Jesus it didn't work why because they came to Jesus they gave him their sin they felt the release but they never stepped past Jesus to the comforter to the wisdom to father God who gives you identities to purity and protection and they stood at the door of Jesus and watched all this stuff go by and says oh it didn't work we must step through Jesus to the Father why why can't we just hang out with Jesus well you know there are three in one they get it right and you don't actually have to say Oh father God you can go you can call on Jesus and if you need father God he'll show up but so many of us actually have this wall up against father God and we're okay with Jesus definitely this weird scary Holy Spirit thing oh I don't know don't make me shake I was preaching one time and one of the pastors said you should tell my congregation next time you don't have Tourette's cuz I'm like whoa what was that and I was a Holy Spirit well he's like you might tell them what's going on but why why do we need the father you know until Jesus came there was no direct representation of the father because all of the rest of us were flawed all of the prophets all of those that would call out they were flawed because of our inability to completely see 100% of the father and so God's like I'm sure he was like you know what son I think we need some help here how about you go represent me so that they come back to me do you know what we've learned in the Sozo ministry is it's actually the father's who give us identity security and provision we were in Singapore and it's innate obviously an Asian culture and then like oh this won't work here we're to your teachings oh minister this won't work here because because you know we spent the last 50 years trying to get out of extreme poverty and so the the have never been able to spend time with their kids and now that it's a prosperous it's extremely possible prosperous culture but they did it at the sacrifice of all the time with their children it says that this won't work here because we had to do it absolutely and when we started so Zoe we had fifty year old men sobbing because their dads never spent time with them see this is Kingdom this is not American the Saudi ministry going into it fits every culture you might have to use different wording but why because it's the father that gives you security identity and provision so what happens if we stand at the door of Jesus we have communication we feel loved we feel okay we feel other relief and we get deliverance here but if you stop at the door of Jesus you will carry the fingerprints of an orphan spirit oh no that's not possible we're Christians we're saved it's all good well look at the disciples the disciples spent tons of time with Jesus and towards the end they didn't know the father even though he was representing him and they had fingerprints of an orphan spirit let's look at some of these jealousy and competition is a fingerprint of an orphan spirit when there is an absence of the father the children the siblings will vie for control you see it all the time if there's a true father that rises up competition and jealousy stops because we're okay we know our places and it's not like oh we knew our places like I'm this little worm but I'm from Bethel so it's a supernatural worm Luke 9 40 through 48 is where an argument breaks out among the disciples about who's the greatest in the kingdom and they were with Jesus all the time Jesus is a representation of the Father but they missed that because they thought he was just one of them how about fear fear is a fingerprint of an orphan spirit why because an orphan has no one providing for them and there's fear that of lack there's fear of failure mark 438 through 41 and Luke 8 22 through 25 are the stories of the boat where the fisherman the disciple fisherman or on the boat okay these are fishermen this is not like me oh no these are what they're like Jesus don't you care we're gonna die and he gets up and says peace be still and they are shocked cuz they're like bull who is that this one that's been with us that keeps talking about God he just silenced the waves who is this I think Jesus must still be going oh you big arrogance is a fingerprint of an orphan spirit mark 14 29 when Jesus says he's gonna be betrayed Peters like I won't betray you not me I mean this guy might but not me I'm not gonna do it and Jesus says really I'm gonna give you three tries and you're gonna fail every one of them and he does but there's a sense of false security in an arrogance that comes when you are an orphan and it's not like well I won't deny you because the father is gonna protect me but their's says nah I got this well if you haven't figured it out yet you ain't got this you have to rely on something greater than yourself in order to not fail in these places self sufficiency is also a fingerprint of an orphan spirit why because I can't rely on anyone else to come through for me I got to do it myself John 1810 when Jesus was arrested Peter Jewish saw him with him three this Peter drew his sword and he cuts off the ear of the servant of the high priest I can just see Jesus looking at Peter going really did we not just talk about this and can you imagine what it must have been like for Jesus to reach down grab the ear of the servant say sorry about that there you go self-sufficiency you know I was um I didn't talk about this in the first sermon but I I was in the last trip we were out and I was had a sermon already and God changed it like 11 o'clock the night before and I'm like really we're gonna do this yes we're gonna do this and what had happened is is I was struggling with being sick and I travel half the year so you know if I'm sick its I could be sick on the road or at home and and I've gotten really good at bucking up does that make sense where you just kind of I don't know if you call it that here but you know pull yourself up by the bootstraps just buck up put your head down just go and I've been actually kind of proud of that and I was thinking about that and I and the Lord gave me a verse and he said you know perseverance brings proven character and proven character hope and I have a whole sermon on the fact that I actually believe that in the middle of a trial right if you can't see hope you're probably persevering with the wrong character because hope is actually my ability to see hope in the midst of my trial is telling me that I'm actually learning the right property nuns are supposed to learn and so I'm sitting there thinking okay I've now been persevering for many years traveling on the road and I have a problem I'm trying to say I had a problem but I it still hurts oh I have a problem with my knee and it gets me from a years and years ago injury and I buck up and I wear my heels and do what I'm supposed to do and I was laying there and the Lord said Donna I said yes he said you don't have to prove to me anymore you're courageous so did you've proven that to me I'm like uh-oh says what are you wanting to prove he said I'm wanting to prove that you trust me am I get thee behind me Satan guys not God cuz that's scary isn't it I'm gonna happen I don't I don't know what trust trusting God is I mean I do but not like that because I know self-sufficiency I know how to buck up I know how to be courageous but that's not always what God's wanting to prove in us does that make sense okay and you know we think about victims as you know the people are like I'm a victim everything happens to me you know um I just it's not ever gonna go right for me and that is one form of a victim I would call that a powerless orphan but there's a powerful orphan it's called a bully and we praise bullies okay you're strong you're amazing you're awesome wow you're powerful but some of the most powerful people you know you can tell because they start to bully actually carry an orphan spirit it's their way of hiding in the insecurity it's their way of getting their way because they're powerless otherwise is this making sense I had a friend one time it's so funny he says you know Donna it's not the fact that people didn't have a mom and a dad that make them an orphan and I'm like yes yes it's a lack of a mom or dad how many of you were born less than the first service how many hatched no how many of you were born everybody come on your hands are up okay some people still don't know they were born okay all right you know you you probably understand this you had a mom and a dad that's how you got more right and I'm thinking oh I get it he said it's the absence of the daily presence of the parents in your life that make you an orphan so we as Christians can stand at the door of Jesus and still be orphans oh no no that's not true because we have Abba Father and we can declare spirit of adoption yeah but you have to accept the spirit of adoption you have to step through Jesus who is our way to the Father to be adopted oh no no it's all good we're right here why do we stay at the door of Jesus because he's safe because somehow we've given up our fear just enough of this God up there to say oh okay okay okay and you know what Jesus has to love you that's his job right I've heard people say this to me I know Jesus loves me I'm not sure he likes me because he has to love me cuz he died for you greater man has to know that no greater love is not known than the men laying down his life for you he has to love you so we say it Jesus cuz somehow we've given just enough of our fear away to say help Jesus maybe you won't smite me if I come to you and we stay at Jesus terrified still of the Father why some of us didn't have good fathers some of you had fathers that were bullies and some of your fathers all they ever did was talk to you and correct you and maybe backhands you you're like I ain't getting anywhere near that father because he's even more powerful than my earthly father and he did image to me I was in a soso seminar and all these guys from drug rehab had to come it was part of their weekend they had no idea what they were getting signed up for and so they came in their motorcycle their Harley's balloon mmm it was like this big storm and they drove up school he shook the whole building and this guy kind of followed me around the whole weekend and he became my catcher you know like when you pray for people he's making sure people don't fall and he becomes my catcher is awesome he's got muscles everywhere tats muscles he's gonna find he's gonna catch well we get to the end of the week and he's still my catcher and I'm praying for this woman and as I'm quietly praying he's leaning in and he's hearing what I'm saying and he starts to cry it's like and then a little bit later so they grab him and give me another catcher because the thought is he's not gonna be able to catch now he's not paying attention he's crying I get done with the woman and I walk over to him and I'm like what's going on he says I've got this Jesus thing down we're like this we are just amazing Jesus night yeah right on he said but I do not understand this father thing I said so you and Jesus are great this is weird great I said okay close your eyes to close his eyes I said can you see Jesus he said he is right here we were just so great I said ask him this say Jesus Jesus would you bring me the father and he does this and I said to him quietly father God will not strike you and this big burly man hits the ground curls up in a fetal position and just this gut-wrenching sob is coming out of him just this moan and I'm like how did I break him I'm not sure if this is good cry or about crying so I get down on my hands and knees and I said this is a good cry or a bad cry he was like father God is holding me see he was safe at the door of Jesus but his dad used to beat him he's like my dad showed me a representation of father God that has kept me at the door of Jesus oh but my dad's good this doesn't matter about that yeah but did your dad pursue you for a relationship because if your dad didn't pursue you maybe you don't know what it's like to have a father God who runs to you so you stand at the door of Jesus and you you're waiting and you're waiting and you're waiting because you have no idea that father God is pursuing you is this making sense okay let's see where I am maybe you've been living a lifestyle of sin and you're like I'm not going there I'll be okay here because I'll just continue to repent you know I used to I played a lot of softball with baseball I guess you guys understand and I used to play with a certain group of ladies and certainly yeah I'll just leave it at that and every Friday night they would get just I guess you called snockered would you call it wasted we said okay and oh my god it was like we never wanted to have a tournament where we played in the morning Saturday morning because the team would not be ready because they're just like hungover and I'm one of the only Christians on the whole team right but every Sunday these people who would go to church and repent they and then they felt like we're all good and I never understood that as a believer how our daily representation could be different and how just asking to repent made you all better but you didn't change because that's not really repentance is it so you know art Jehovah sidqa new is not our escape route to a lifestyle of sin so that we can just repent and not change does that make sense so I'm telling stories about this and maybe maybe you've had sin in your life and and maybe you're still struggling with some sin in your life and maybe because of that you're like you'll put your foot in towards Jesus and go forgive me I'm sorry but then you back up because of shame and shame is keeping you at the door of Jesus and not to the Father but it's through Jesus that we boldly go before the throne of grace he doesn't say stop at Jesus and hang out with Jesus long enough no he says go through to the throne of grace get to the throne of grace I was in Australia and this woman came up to me beautiful young thing and she's crying after a sermon and she says I get I get what you're saying she says but I can't get to the Father and máiquel how come cuz I'm a so-so lady I'm like everyone can get to the Father come on we can work this out and she says I can't get to the Father I'm like well come on I know we can get you there soon well what's going on and she said I can't get to him because I'm a lesbian and I know that that's in the word it's against the word so I can't get to him but I know a secret I know that it's father God who gives identity and security and if I can get her to the Father he'll sort this out it's not an agenda of mine but I know no matter what if I can get her there he'll tell her truth might not be exactly what I'm expecting but I'm I know he'll give her truth because he gives us identity so I'm thinking not a problem let's do this and I said okay close your eyes and she closed her eyes I said do you see father God's cousin yes I told you he's way over there and I can't get to him and she's crying and I'm like okay okay and I'm thinking what do we do what do we do and I see father God pick her up and put her on his lap but I don't want to project right so I'm like so ask father God if you can climb up on his lap his father God can I climb up on your lap and she goes he said no and I'm like what's a wrong answer he just picked me up and put me on his lap I'm like yeah come on and then I'm thinking here's the torment so she's been told that she was born gay so she is at odds with the creator and the only way for her to live her life is to actually live opposite of the creator's design we have a problem here but we know God can take care that he can just give her identity tell her and so I start to ask father God did you make me gay I'm ready to ask that and fathers God like told em so I lead her in Father God what do you think of me I hear this coming out it's not what I want to ask but I'm hearing God speak and he's like he tells her I love you you're beautiful he just starts just down like she was just sobbing and sobbing and sobbing I think okay okay now now I'll ask and the Lord's like stop so I I hear myself ask her something else I don't remember what it was and God's talking to her about three or four times into this as I'm asking questions like having her ask father God these questions I'm not telling her anything father God is telling her and she's hearing things from him that are just setting her free getting rid of the shame getting rid of the guilt getting rid of all of the lives and I'm thinking okay here we go here we go I said okay I'm just seriously because I have to finish up I'm just about to say God did you make me gay and Father God says Donna stop it like what and I hear him say do you not think she and I can sort this out while she's on my lap oh okay I'm gonna put my agenda away and I'm going to just let Papa do what he does so I left her with this father God can I come to your lap whenever I want and father God said yes because the more she spends with the father the more he's going to heal all the reasons of the pain inside so we need to make sure that we are not simply stopping at the door of Jesus we need to enter in to the Father and you will know that you haven't entered completely in because of the fingerprints of the orphan spirit that you carry no no I've been saved a long time whom to ally and there are still fingerprints that I see sometimes smudging me which means I need to spend more time with dad because that makes sense once you close your eyes for a minute and I want you to ask the Holy Spirit a couple of questions I want you to say Holy Spirit do I have any fingerprints of this orphan spirit in my life father God do I have performance issues do I battle competition and jealousy do I struggle with fear or do I hide behind self sufficiency and am i proud of it here comes the brave part if you heard yes to any of that I want you to stand up and we're going to walk you through stepping through the door of Jesus and if you're standing I want you to take a little bit of a step back towards your chair because we're gonna do a perfect act of stepping forward so I want you to be able to have room to step a little but I want you to do just outloud if you would I want you to repeat after me altogether because I'm gonna hit different themes for everyone but it'll help so just all out loud say Jesus thank you for representing the Father and I ask father God to forgive me for standing at the door of Jesus and not stepping crew to the Father I forgive my earthly father for any way he has misrepresented father God and today I break free of performance perfectionism competition and jealousy fear and self-sufficiency and I step through Jesus and take a step forward I step through Jesus to the Father when we worship we put our hands up to say we love you Jesus we love you we love you Jesus I suggest from this point on you look at it a little different yes it's I love you Jesus I love you Jesus but think about a little two-year-old that runs up to goes up daddy up and from this moment on when you raise your hands in worship I want you to see it both ways that you are yes you're agreeing with this amazingness of God but you're also declaring papa pick me up and spend time with daddy every day Jesus will not be jealous of your time with the father we're gonna hand it worship [Music] you
Channel: CFC Christian Fellowship Church
Views: 32,694
Rating: 4.868217 out of 5
Keywords: CFC, CFC Belfast, Christian Fellowship Church, Owen Crane, Church, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Preach, Sermon, Dawna DeSilva, Bethel Church, Sozo Ministry, Shifting Atmospheres, Shifting Atmospheres Dawna DeSilva, Christian preach, Belfast, Northern ireland
Id: tpRpl7hmXJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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