Be Healed Moment | Dawna DeSilva | Bethel Church

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so the first grouping I'm gonna go is I'm just gonna call it be healed we find them in Matthew 8 14 and 15 I'm gonna look at mark 140 through 42 and mark 7 31 through 35 I'm gonna look at those quickly all right here we go Matthew 8 and when Jesus entered Peter's house he saw his mother in loss lying sick with a fever he touched her hand and the fever left her and she rose and began to serve him a touch an instant touch be healed mark 140 through 42 and a leper came to him imploring him and kneeling said to him if you will you can make me clean and moved with pity he stretched out his hand and touched him and said touched him and said to him I will be clean and immediately the leprosy left him and he was made clean all right mark 7 31 through 35 and they brought to him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment they begged him to lay his hand on him and taking him aside from the crowd privately he put his fingers in his ears spinning touched his tongue and looking up to heaven he oh he said be open and his eyes in his eyes and his ears were open whoa his tongue was released and he spoke blessing God heal them through the be healed moment and you didn't have to jump around you didn't have to raise your faith you just you just had this this sense of be healed and you know how many of us want more of those yeah and how many of us are frustrated because sometimes we didn't get our be healed moment yeah we got two hands up on that one yeah it's okay cuz there's more than one way to get healed I'm sure bill could give this a whole lot better because I always I do my sermons and then I think when the bill comes up I think oh that's what I should have said so I'm sure he has a really good way to put this but in my sense it's like when we only allow what we know to be true as the way okay then we disqualify ourselves from God's sneaking up on us in another way and it's a religious spirit oh no no no we're from Bethel you don't have religious spirits well a few years ago a woman came up to me in England a few years ago in and she interrupted me and later she told me you know you were you were working on your computer and you were kind of checked out but I was getting ready to leave and she said do you remember me five years later I'm talking to her and I'm like unknown she said well five years ago I came up to you interrupted you and I asked you to pray for me because I had stage four cancer and it was throughout my whole body and I'm like okay now I'm not you know medically inclined but I do know that Stage four and five years later it's probably gonna be a good testimony here now and so I asked her and I'm like well what happened and she said well you know you just put your computer away and you just stood up and you touched me and you said something like you know the holding that Jesus would just infuse her blood just go through a blood just whatever and she said in and then you sat down and she said and I felt like Jesus went through my entire body oh and she said um not only am i healed of cancer she said but all my life I have been sickly she's and I haven't had a cough I haven't had the flu I haven't had anything at all because sometimes we just need a miraculous be healed
Channel: Bethel
Views: 7,605
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: Dawna DeSilva, sozo, be healed, Bethel Sermons, Bethel Church, Bethel.TV, christian sermons, sermon, Bethel Moments, Bethel Redding, church, healing, healed, Jesus, How Jesus healed people, Holy Spirit, miracles, signs and wonders, praying with authority, testimony, stage 4 cancer healed
Id: Eff1E9COIXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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