Dawna De Silva - Sunday December 9, 2018

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well it's my absolute privilege this morning to introduce a new friend of the mission donna de silva if you were here yesterday you got to know some something about her she is an amazing lady she's a co-founder she's the founder and co-leader of international Bethel sozo ministry she's an author and she's a trainer yesterday was one of the most refreshing times I can remember while being trained you know sometimes when you're giving tools you go like I don't know I can do this but it was so refreshing to be handed tools yesterday on getting free and staying free and living with an atmosphere that you carry an atmosphere around with you that can change the atmospheres around you and so it was a real joy to be with her yesterday and what a privilege it is to have you with us this morning would you please welcome Donna DaSilva [Applause] okay how fun let me see if I can do this without you know I didn't even know that the names of God were all around the sanctuary and last night any of you were here last night then we did the names of God wasn't that cool I didn't know that I yeah that's that's funny I also the I just want to tell you when we start doing the sermon today that the worship team didn't know what I was preaching on today and I love it when you walk in and what you're about to preach on actually is what the worship team is praying I'm in doing because they are actually shifting the atmospheres right for us so today you're gonna have to grab that bravery because we're gonna go after some goliaths yep who-who in here has really been thinking I want to get a Sozo but I'm terrified to get us those Oh okay and this is for you this is the Sozo book saved healed delivered and it actually will walk you through your own Sozo and you can do it singular or you can do it in group but it'll actually help dispel the fear of what's going to happen in your session and so it's a awesome book to give to people who are wondering what is this you know is this God is it not maybe the people that have googled and got all the hate mail about Zozo you can give them those yeah I think it's interesting that the first thing that pops up against us is women of grace just saying just saying okay you're okay with your opinion but it does not fit your name yeah and um who was here for the shifting atmospheres calm well it was just a weekend but didn't it's not to embarrass you but just didn't feel like they had the money to buy the book somebody this is for you then yeah this is a book that will walk it walks you through the entire shift in atmospheres conference which is usually a two-day conference and we bless you in Jesus name I have one more to give away and it's the prayers declarations and strategies for 90 days and this is gonna go for my shadow and bodyguard and I know I would love to give him a whole lot of money and maybe that will happen and someday but as for now I give you the prayers and declarations because now I want you to stand up here I want the team to come up and lay hands on him because the prophetic gifting in him is over-the-top amazing and I met him one time at his brothers wives business and we were prophesying and I thought who is this guy so Papa we just bless the intensity of his heart we bless his family we bless his wife where's his wife right here no okay we just [Laughter] [Music] we just say more more more MORE not more prophetic because he's got that but more presence more presence we say more more more more more more more and it spills out that it would spill out into the family I I've been watching I don't I know that there's 12 children I don't know can you stand if you're in here yeah they're all out there okay well I just bless the family that it spills over I have watched as they've been coming up in the bright eyes and the excitement that they carry and that comes from mom and dad right and so we bless and AHA here's wife come come wife Shannon yeah Shannon can you come we'll promise not to knock you over since you have your little one and they are two week old or maybe we have a grandma that would grab the baby there we go yep yeah get in grandma's fix Shannon we just want to bless you well maybe we will knock you over but yeah just the I have so been impressed by the quiet peaceful joy and that has been exhibited in this family sure by yeah hahaha I'm not kidding you sure your hands and just bless them so many times the servants get missed you know in so many times it's about the speaker or it's about someone that that comes with a great power and we miss the servants and my heart is so open for the servants of God that that serve with that that place of peace and in that place of joy and so we bless you and obviously Shannon handmaiden is over you obviously but I hear God's say and it's kind of out of context when you do this but I hear God say up to half my kingdom up to half my kingdom and I know that you know if you know that the story of it it's actually from a different situation but I hear it sometimes when when God is saying no you have caught my eye and ask what you want up to half my kingdom and [Music] and I don't I don't know if you're an intercessor or not but I just really feel like there are people that will be in heaven that will thank you then that do not know now why they got there sure but I know and we bless that in Jesus name yeah sure but that's a good way to start it's also not something I ever do so that's outside my zone but Don maybe you could just stay there with Zach maybe you could stay there just sit okay all right can you feel the presence yeah yeah I think it's hilarious that the Lord has me traveled the world and bring his presence because I came from a very religious non-christian religious it's hilarious how that is I remember staying on the prayer lines at Bethel Church for two years everyone's fallen around me and I'm like what is going on what is here and finally the Lord I just a god this can't be you this cannot be you because it's not happening to me not happening to me and this lady standing next to me was this really bitter elders wife and when someone touched her she hit the ground BAM and she woke up nice and I'm like either that's brain damage or this is real right and so it kept me on the line if longer and I'm like okay God and I'm hearing almost nothing I've heard one thing from God in those two years and finally I hear something else and and we had just had a sermon has nothing to do with I'm talking today but I'm hoping to encourage you here and as as I was listening to the sermon it's probably bill back then bill did all the sermons and he talked about how Peter denied Christ right and Peter was like I won't deny you and then he denied Christ and you know when you carry that self sufficiency and performance I mean I it would be like Peter no I want and and I I really was convicted inside I thought God God I bet I'm not as brave as I think I am maybe in the midst of this I would have denied you and I'm on the prayer line right and I haven't I've heard one thing in two years on the primal and watched everybody fall not felt anything right I'm up on the prayer line assume the position and I'm telling the Lord Lord I'm so sorry I bet I would have denied you two and I heard his clear as day no you wouldn't have I'm like oh my gosh he's talking and even he thinks I'm brave and he says um no kiddo in my dig you wouldn't have been asked that question I'm like what you know Peter was asked are you one of them aren't you one of them no no he's denying he's one of them and I'm thinking what why wouldn't I been asked a question he says no kiddo in my day you wouldn't have been a disciple you would have been a Pharisee I'm like you can stop talking now so I think it's hilarious and that I get to travel the world and enjoy and release the presence of the Holy Spirit because even when I wasn't a Christian I had a religious spirit I was a Pharisee without even knowing that there was a religion and that crazy it's how the spirit realm works that even if we don't know about it it still affects us good and bad that there how do you know people that are not believers that are very generous yeah it's because they have picked up that aspect of generosity that is from Kingdom right and usually they're being blessed because of the generosity because that's how the spirit realm works right okay well today I want you guys to I want you to look to your neighbor and I want you to say you are really brave and you guys are like oh no what are we doing see when I teach shifting atmospheres if you know the whole story of it I don't teach that you go after regional spirits I don't teach that I teach that you displace them and it's not because I don't believe we have authority it's because Jesus only did what he saw his father doing and I find out a lot of times that Christians believe oh I have all the authority given to me and we start doing battles that were not supposed to fight and so in order to keep everybody safe it's like we're gonna learn to displace so that we aren't outside the authority now I'm not saying some time God's not actually going to tell you to go do that but I'm not training you to do that that that's part of the teaching but today I really feel like we are in a short window season where it's time for our Goliath to go down and these are the Giants in your lands these are the generational Giants that have been harassing your family it might be sickness it might be poverty it might be mindsets but I really feel like like what pop is doing is taken down the Goliath but I you know and if someone were to see this months later you need to ask God are you still in the season does that make sense I mean I really I did this at Bethel on a Friday and I thought I knew I'm in the right season but then I realize they're filming me and I'm like oh I hope that they understand that it's season does that make sense in and out of season we need to understand now oh my gosh she's scaring me no no no I'm trying to release some boundaries for wisdom does that make sense because it's not just about being brave it's about what pop is doing okay so for the last maybe six weeks or so what has been going on in my head it's like you hear you know have you ever heard like these phrases that just don't stop and they just keep talking to you and it gets louder and louder and it's almost like a beat of a drum sometimes and what I've been hearing is who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he would defy the armies of the Living God and it's just boom and then about two weeks ago I saw the church leaning down and picking up stones I'm like it's time it's time for us to be what David did and we're gonna look at it it's a long part of Scripture it's time for us to get those slingshots out and to take down those Goliath but I want you to say we're not picking up stones to hit people we're going after the spirit room you with his death so here we go in verse 20 David rose early in the morning left the flock with a keeper took the supplies and went as Jesse his father commanded him and he came to the circle of the camp while the army was going out in battle array shouting their war cry so he gets there just in time oh well one of the versions says that they would do this all the everyday they would like come up to the battle how many times do we wake up in the morning and we're like wow you know we believe God's good we're rested we're ready for the day and we're like shouting aah until that Goliath comes see this is not about an army that didn't have guts this is not about an army that didn't know what it was to do this is about the taunting of the enemy to make you feel small to make him defeat seems so much larger than your ability and this is the Goliath that's in your life I want you to close your eyes and I want you to ask the Holy Spirit say Holy Spirit what is the Goliath in my life that you want to target today I suggest you write it down does everybody have the one what they're going for today is it sickness is a disease is it generational relationship issues is it poverty mindsets my husband would say if you aim at nothing you're sure to hit it do you want to see him we want to see who we're aiming at you got him really quiet all right and then we're gonna look here Israel and Philistines 21 drew up for battle in battle were a army against army and David lists it left his baggage and care of the keeper and ran to the battle line and entered in order to greet his brothers that's really brave he's he's just going out to meet his brothers see if they're okay right and as he was talking with them behold the champion the Philistine from Gath named Goliath was coming up from the army the Philistines and he spoke these words David heard them and when all the men of Israel saw the man they fled from him and we're greatly afraid so they have come up one more day all of us no matter how brave you are have come into that place where you are like I can take them and then you're like a home hole I can't take em right and as you see people start to veer off maybe it's a long-term illness do you know it's really hard when you have a long-term illness when you everyone around you begins to peel off and you're left standing with this illness in front of you and there's nobody on the line left and the men of Israel said have you seen this man who's coming up surely he is coming up to defy Israel and it will be that the King will enrich this man who kills him and give him great riches and it begins to tell all the things so that even the King is gonna bribe somebody to try and take this guy down right and David spoke to the men and said what will be done and he hears it again he's like oh look at that now an older brother accuses him I'm trying to get through this but a twenty nine David said what what have I done his brother's accusing him he's just saying no we can we can do this and he turned away from his another and said this same to one another person Baba thought I'm kind of butchering this so David hears the Kings trying to bribe somebody to take him he's like well why aren't we doing this and they're like oh you know what you're just you're just being arrogant thinking you know that maybe you can you're making us feel smaller how many times when there's a Goliath and you're like we can do this and the person around you is like yeah you're just trying to make me feel bad you know you know that you have hopelessness when the testimony's hurt your heart but the testimonies of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy I've had so much prayer for my knee and I've had a lot of knee problems and it's way way way better praise be to Jesus in this last two years I'm getting healthier and healthier but I got to the place where I wouldn't even go out for prayer because I'm like you know I don't want to break the heart of these really cute people full of faith that are praying for me expecting it to heal when it's not gonna heal the bitterness of the long-term sets in to the point that I am standing there like his brother and saying who do you think you are that you have faith now you don't say that because we're Christians but the fact that the testimony brings bitterness and that the fact that I'm not going to look for a prayer one more time shows the hopelessness inside sherbet aha and when the words which David spoke were heard they told these words to Saul and he sent for him and David said let no man's heart fail on account of him your servant will go and fight this Philistine and Saul said you're not able to go against this Philistine to fight him for you're but a boy so we decide I can take them and then everyone around you says who do you think you are we have that you know what that is it's a spirit of poverty see the spirit of poverty says get on back down here who do you think you are and David says huh I'll tell you who I am he said your servant was tending his father's sheep when a lion and a bear came and took a lamb from the flock and I went out after him I attacked him and I rescued it from his mouth and when he rose up against me I seized him by the beard nice jerkin and this Philistine will be the same there's a lion in the bear yeah you can feel that huh you know what David did he pulled out his own testimony Wow see I'm all for testimonies I'm all for pulling a testimony and grabbing it we're gonna do that in a minute but I'll tell you something your testimony is fiercer in your hand than somebody else's because it's yours but it's smaller it's just a lion it's just a bear it's not this Philistine well that's the whole idea of encouraging yourself in the Lord that if he did this and if he did that he possibly can do this as well see but the enemy says oh that little testimonies not going to stand up against Goliath I want you to take a moment to close your eyes and I want you to say this say Jesus which testimony do you want to put in my hand today you might want to write it down I was doing this with some friends and my friends has said to the Lord I have no testimony he says you're alive he says you are not meant to be alive with your life so she put that testimony your hand you got it you got the testimony I want you to shake it at that Goliath I'm serious whoa he's starting to turn believe me say yeah but all it is is all I have is my testimony is my salvation shake it out the enemy because it's yours yeah ha ha and David said the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine and Saul said to David go and may the Lord be with you and he clothed David with his garments put the bronze helmet on his head clothed him with armor and David girded his sword over his armor and tried to walk and he could not because he had not tested them he said to Saul I cannot go with these for I have not tested them see the testimony of other people encourages us to put us up and get us brave but the testimony you can go with is the one you've tested it's the one you hold in your hand and everybody else's testimony is for me to say it's possible but this is the one I can sling because this is the one you can't steal from me because it's mine yeah so he takes off the armor grabs his sling and the Philistine came out and approached David with the shield Barrett in front of him and when the Philistine looked and saw David he disdained him for he was but a youth and the Philistine said am i a dog that you come to me with sticks and he cursed David by his gods and the Philistine said to David come to me and I will give you flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field and David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel whom you have taunted this this thing is so big it's so big and it's been on my family forever and it's not just about you this Philistine this uncircumcised Philistine this Goliath has been taunting the name of the Lord of Hosts it's not you just you that's angry he's waiting for us to grab our testimony and sling it at this Goliath jehovah sabe oath the Lord of Hosts is mentioned over 285 times in the Bible you know when it's used it's used when you're surrounded on every side it's used when you feel like you're going down it's used when the enemy is defined that you haven't got a chance and David says you are defined the Lord of Hosts so if you want to take down this Goliath I want you to stand ah-hah dynamesh I want you to put him in your sights I want you to actually see this Goliath for what he is yeah he looks big especially if it's generational especially if it's a long term he looks big but he's not as big as our God but he's pretended to be and I want you to take in one hand the testimony of someone else who has taken down this Goliath in their life is there if you're struggling with cancer is there a testimony where someone's been healed of cancer put it in one of your hands if it's financial provision I want you to reach up and grab that testimony of someone who said out of nowhere God rescued me and put it in one of your hands because their testimony gives us courage but it's not actually the one that's going to take them down and I want you in your other hand to grab your testimony no matter how small is that the bear is it the lion is it simply your salvation what a testimony that is and I want you to line these testimonies up and I want you to fully sure boy sure because today the Goliath is going down and I want you to invite Jehovah sabi oath to release the hosts to track down the rest of the enemy that's been standing on the line with this Goliath so that they can't rally back around and come back to the line cuz once David slew Goliath the rest of the army came back and overtook them and I released to you today not only the knowledge that this Goliath that's been harassing you is going down but that the hosts are tracking down all the offenders that have been lying to you and harassing you and trying to prove to you that you're too little you don't have enough to win I break off addiction in Jesus name I break off hopelessness in Jesus name I say rise up rise up rise up rise up it only took David one stone we got a lot more in our hands we can wield as the rest of the enemy in your life comes at you because you're not alone schewe bud Donna say Papa God what do you want to tell me that shoe button okay yeah Donna haha and I'd write it down because these become your testimonies that you put in your hands remember the time when you slayed that bear remember the time when you smacked that that lion on the snout they will be this thing will be just like them God is a rescuer he's a deliverer he just can't help himself but deliverer he's the healer it's not if but when and today as you line up that Goliath in your sights you are oh yeah you are pulling a future victory into the present sure by that and if the armies taunt you this week you shake these testimonies out and you stand with the Lord of Hosts and say sickle and I bless you with greater testimonies of rescue healings and deliverance in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow I love those times when you know it just doesn't take a lot it's like when you know when you stood at the altar and said I do to your wife those two words absolutely wreck rocked your world changed everything about everything in your life and this morning that's happened here with just a few words was just the power of the anointing of spirit this is one of those days where it's like we had all this issue but on this day but on this day something changed something shifted the giant began to fall and that jab becomes our roadway in the destiny come on give God praise we just do the Hat yeah whoa thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's gonna be some great testimonies coming out of today that you can use to fight your next giant huh that giant standing in front of you is on territory that belongs to you it's it's time for it to go down well we want to bless the ministry that's come our way and been with us yesterday and today and let me just remind you that when we give into these ministries we're giving in to several things when we're giving in to the message that that's been brought and we're investing in the message so the message even becomes more of who we are we're investing in the person their own welfare their own benefit their family's benefit we get to participate in in being part of their blessing but we also get to be a part of the blessing that they are all over the world as Donna and her team and her husband go from place to place and minister and set people free all over the world we get to be part of that as we invest in that now so as you get ready to give you now to give folks you know the various ways that you can give online on our app make checks out to the mission make your cash out to the mission scene if you're here let's just be generous to the gift that's been brought to us today in these times I'm a little bit selfish I have to tell you I'm a little bit selfish I invest in this kind of things because I I like the reward I get up honest with you I do I get the benefit of everything that's been spoken here this morning as I invest into it I get the benefit of the word coming into my life in a fresh way because I'm vesting myself in it so let's just bless ourselves by blessing the one that's coming to the house today yeah you ready you ready this is yes this is no all right all right that's going to give [Music] ministry team when you're done giving if you'll come on up to the front here and help Craig off the floor or maybe not [Music] Donna I just want to say how much I appreciate you ministering to this man and his family this means so much to us they are so precious to us [Applause] [Music] there are real servants in the house but there's so much more than that they were raised in this house I remember counseling he and his his future bride saying you sure you want to do this so it's so mean so meaningful to us that you took the time with them can I stand before you leave today I want you take a tour around the names of God take the promises that are that are tied to those names and make them your own today you're welcome to spend some time in the intimacy tent with the Lord you have someone you want you want someone to pray with you this morning just the ministry teams down here we've seen some great healings we've seen some people set free happens every week so don't be afraid to come so if you want to go ahead and do that go ahead and begin to come on down you want prayer here if not I want you to grab hold of somebody and pray a blessing over them before you leave the house today to do that and turn to somebody right now just pray a blessing over them and husbands you can actually bless your wives you're not only not throwing the stone at them you get to throw a blessing at them so you can do that wives bless your husband's there are there are resources that Donna has brought here that I think I know will absolutely revolutionize you and set you free so take advantage of those they're in the four year variety of resources they're also take advantage of what's in the bookstore lest you see a Wednesday night family night [Music] the next Sunday [Music] parents if you get you children I know the children's workers would appreciate that thank you again done on your team for being here this morning awesome fantastic [Music]
Channel: The Mission Vacaville
Views: 2,103
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: MQjSqjprieY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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