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anyone that's in this photo today I explore and investigate this abandoned Farmhouse hidden in the Welsh Countryside the house has been abandoned for over 30 years when a young married couple and their family vanished in 1988. the four-bedroom house has been left to Decay ever since and nature has slowly begun to reclaim the home with the family's possessions still left inside what is up guys welcome back to the channel today we're in Wales and we're about to check out this abandoned house which I believe has been left 30 to 40 years so much left inside absolutely amazing place last owners were a young married couple not 100 what happened but when I find names inside I will do some research and find out and let you know this place looks absolutely incredible creepy as we're going to investigate and explore and I hope you enjoy it guys should be a good one inside I find the family's life trapped in this true Time Capsule after exploring I discovered the family's names and found that the wife and mother of the family had passed away in the house the father stricken with grief left the house with his children and never returned leaving it completely Frozen in Time he sadly passed away a decade later and it is unknown what happened with his children [Music] thank you all right guys so we are in the house now we're going to have a good look around four bedroom Farmhouse so much left behind should be a good one really excited to have a look alright guys so we are inside the house now it looks like we're in a kitchen area yeah there's the worktops cookers old oven check this out guys there is quite a bit left inside check these cupboards hundreds of thousands look at that the old sprinkles and then just like medicines we've got honey he's got a date on them 79p I'm just looking for dates guys not sure where they'd be golden syrup that fall as well 42 Pence look at that guys crazy oh my God look at this oil yeah we'll check the other see if there's any dates on these what do we have here oh look at this old glass tomato ketchup bottle wow they don't do them like that anymore there's nothing really with dates on though this is a bit strange oh God I don't even know what that is but it's corked looks like some sort of lube I'm not sure guys I can't see any dates peppercorn sauce nice look at these tins back here all rusted definitely seen better days there the cobwebs coming down cranky so I can't really see a date on the foods but hopefully we'll see something get an idea of when uh the house was left these kitchen units see where the windows fell out here that's just nature there it doesn't seem to be any Vandal damage just decay in the house oh cool look at this old there's that for butter or cheese it's got a towel on it so I'm guessing butter foreign just trying to work out what date we've got here a bit strange you can see where these have been washed up and then just left on the side there is cups in the washing sink these old bottles though these are amazing look at that oh is there a date on that no just April 9 18th ugh forgot my gloves guys there you go that's a butter jar brew kit tea bags in there the old kettle that's got some age to it look at that old soda stream not from the 80s 70s or 80s let me know in the comments if you know guys anything like that look at this old cooker I'm definitely getting like 70s Vibes in this place look at that there is stuff all over the floor too just knock that over but there's more kettles on the side here look at the cobwebs absolutely insane you can see how overgrown the garden is out there it's like a full-on forest there now but nice big kitchen here still got the chairs I'm guessing they would have had a dining room table in here would have sat and had their family meals some more of these old bottles look at these extreme SodaStream so I'm guessing they came with the soda stream that we've just looked at look at this absolutely incredible proper age to the stuff in here that doesn't even seem too bad look at that is that like a toasty maker or something I'm not sure guys look at this Rayburn Royal doesn't look bad condition I wonder how much stuff like this would go for these days these old cookers because they did heat the whole room as well so they'd be handy to have in this day and age the old wood burning ones like I say in the chair still set out there is quite a bit of stuff on that windowsill that we're gonna check out here we go there they are guys the couple that lived here on their wedding day that should have a date on it surely no oh my goodness you'd think that would have a date on it at least but all the plates stacked up look at the spiders in here absolutely vile comes with the job though look there's another Lube container you're gonna see out into the back Garden there just completely overgrown this house has seen better days guys but it is all Decay natural okay it's absolutely amazing to step back into these homes and check them out just moving into looks like a dining room area now let's have a look around see what's left not too much in this room but there is little bits wedding photograph there this old clock obviously it would have been hung on the wall quartz as well some old black and white photographs there young couple probably the couple that got married later on in life look at the wedding cake absolutely amazing another photograph can't really make that out looks like a dog though I hope or a skinwalker same thing nice old fireplace definitely 70s vibes look at the shoes just left as well his and hers just checking everything out make sure we don't miss anything it does look like they've been clearing the plates and then just left them here strangely let's have a look in this cupboard old Monopoly money there at the top look at this all the alcohol check this out guys some of these are still full wow quite a lot there more cups uh plates there is dead birds all over the place in here so obviously got trapped but just checking out the photos now from the wedding day look at this they don't seem too happy to be honest not gonna lie more photographs black and white ones scenery there is children's book as well so they obviously had a family here there you go congratulations best wishes Elwyn and Judith so it looks like they had a young child here the old board games travel go I've never heard of that one Monopoly seen the Monopoly money back there must have recently been married when the house was abandoned because there's so many like congratulations and ironic congratulations wedding cards the wedding photos are all over the place there is so many photos in here this old album all the family photographs I wonder if any of these were taken in the house it looks a bit like Paul McCartney to be fair I would like to see some photos that were taken here wow I wonder if they were now looks like a pub though oh hold these photos here we go Yvonne and John's wedding that's got some age to it hasn't it guys and then you've got the old negatives see if we can check this out actually see if we can see what's on here looks like somebody on holiday can you make that out let's put that on there in the cobwebs yeah it definitely looks like they've been on holiday and they're all the photographs newspaper 1988 so 34 years but this is the latest date we've seen not much going on Mexican fashion and Carmen said no welshia we are in Wales hmm oh there's the latter thank you for your letter I could not see anything trading accounts all handwritten as well which is strange for uh an official ladder a lighter from Cyprus anyone knows what that is guys that alcohol or perfume not sure not 100 on that one but like I said there is so much left so many little Trinkets and things from the family's past that are all still here it looks like they were recently married when the house was left so um hoping nothing bad happened to them I will do my research when I find some names and let you guys know as well I'm in this back room now back door's been kicked open there's a freezer the type of freezer where you hide bodies as we like to say and it looks like the little office space as well got the typewriter setup and another wedding photograph is that got a date on it no strange this may be a wedding gift a little plate clock huh I hope that was the wind see if there's anything in these drawers tissues I'm not touching them what if my life depended on it foreign 1985. looks like there's some money that I see there as well an old Shilling that's cool and just some ladders back there so this is like his office space another dresser here looks like there was a camera but I can't see it see what we find in here anything interesting whoa golf ball oh look at this let me just shut that door it's a bit windy today there we go it's a bit windy don't want these blowing everywhere oh look it's the photos of the couple that lived here black and white photos going to school so that'd be like the first day of school look like nurses 1972. wow I was showing a bit of lag there nice 1972. I love finding these old photographs though absolutely amazing I wonder if that was one of the trees that are out front postcard there oh couple getting married look when they were young this is amazing I've got proper Beatles haircuts as well chocolate is there a year on that no we don't know looks like they traveled quite a lot Egypt Wow Let's put these back so they don't get damaged I know the house is deteriorating all my love my family that's a bit dodgy to send the whole family and a little bit of sauce I wonder if there's anything down here Atlas cooking books photograph no a new Joy a new love so they definitely had a kid whilst they were living here weirdly yeah oh here we go Emma Jane first of June born to kneel and Jane regards kneeling kids seven pounds hmm so that's interesting more wedding cards there just gonna move into living room I think now oh wow check this out guys this room has remained pretty untouched still got the armchairs the sofa oh wow the phone on the side alcohol no TV either the old fireplace and this retro lamp shade that's pretty cool but let's check out this photo album see if we can find any more I wonder if that's from in this house find out when we go upstairs see if the beds are still here more holidays they did travel quite a bit we've seen Egypt Cyprus looks like the Alps here now jet Setters wow that's pretty cool another newspaper let's have a date yes 1988 31st of July there we go guys there we go but you can see in this room the Decay the wallpaper's falling off this damp curtains are hanging down now but it's proper retro wallpaper isn't it look at that and like I said the armchairs just sitting what do we have here books sat on the side still the girl from Boston the man who cried poldark that's a TV show now ah look there's the camera from the box instamatic camera Kodak I wonder if they're like collector's things now because there's some age to them the old radio alcohol look at this check the old phone out as well that's cool that is cool I hope I haven't just rang someone Game of Life look at this is it all still in there looks pretty untouched yeah look at this still pretty untouched all the bits in there still got that back nice little fine there and then uh the handbag next to the chair like I was saying you can see outside it's proper just like woods now but this probably would have been a nice Garden at one point all overgrown absolutely amazing Place guys hope you're enjoying it we are about to head upstairs and check that out see what we've got hidden away up there but like I said it looks like recently married when the house was abandoned not sure what's happened but we will find out for the names that we've found looks like they traveled quite a lot and the house was abandoned in the late 1980s which is pretty incredible that it's all just still left here absolutely amazing but we're gonna head up these stairs now check out the bedroom see what we can find looks like everything's still left up here and then I want to do a K2 walk around the house see if we can find anything look at this Shakespeare and what's this oh I think it's the box for the typewriter look at the cobwebs see out into the garden there completely overgrown but we'll have a look in these bedrooms now check this out oh there's dead crows dead crows but the Decay is not too bad it's just damp I think you can see the bats two beds that were in here handbags got a suitcase which doesn't surprise me with the amount they traveled oh I should have worn the gloves but what do we have in here yeah so they definitely got about and it does look like the 80s when this place was left can't really get in this room because of the beds so we're just going to move forward quite a big house as well look goes all the way down there but let's check these bedrooms out like I said everything does seem to be laughed look at the beds look at the detail in there oh more beds and a cocked so we've got a single bed double bed and a baby's bed in here does seem like they all slept in this one room maybe I wonder what's in the other rooms there we go look at the old school books these should have a date on it surely now old school books guys I don't know if they did this in America but in Britain they tell you to uh cover your books with different wallpaper and stuff these have just used like looks like an envelope I'm not sure if you do that anywhere else but just trying to look for a name it just says Robert's family little bits of cheap jewelry see all the school books here oh I don't want to touch my face or anything you can see the Decay on the doors but look at this the old baby's caught so we were right there was a young child that lived here [Applause] just heard something again what is going on I'm just trying to look through these ladders I'm not really sure not really sure what they are guys but you can see all the clothes I've left the bedding there is uh boxes of magazines here as well 1986 so definitely late 80s I've not seen anything 90s yet like we said all the magazines are left 86 yeah so 88 is the latest date we've seen everything else is like 86 85. see jackets on the bed there see the ceilings decayed and coming down love these old beds so look at the metal Springs you can see a jacket's been left just oh all the bugs come off that then all the Sunday best all hung on the back of this door still wow nice just wonder what made them leave if they passed away maybe maybe in an accident because nobody's been here to clear anything it doesn't look like even the baby's caught all right let's head through anything in these boxes no empty fancy boxes another bedroom oh cobwebs touching me it's on this dresser here we go some bits left let's have a look so we've got these ribbons oh what's that oh it attacked me sixth place 1983 Anglesey show so maybe I'm thinking cattle or horses Maybe they are farmers there is medicine on the side these are like not much dust really look at this bottle not too much dust on there a little Pierce Majorca anything in these oh and knickers don't really want to be touching them but there's some ladders in there too so we don't want to show that just some more clothes but how cool is that ribbons I obviously did a lot of shows big double bed here so I'm guessing this is mum and Dad's bedroom the couple that we've seen oh my God and produce Willis check him out with hair and stuff 1988 yeah You magazine so much in here all the magazines see all the debris on the bed that's falling down from the ceiling there ah more jackets on the back of the door little skirt I think yeah incredible Kurt and Stella I love that looks like they had a sink in here too so how it's a retro house when they have sinks in the bedrooms so surprised that they still don't do that I think it's such a good idea what do we have here I'm not sure raffle tickets the old photos but they've all decayed away look at that just completely decayed the same jackets uh looks like the rats have been out on mice so we're definitely gonna wash our hands after this one what do you think so far guys there is Vibes in this house I am trying to ignore them at the moment until we get the K2 out and investigate I do want to just see as much as I can whilst we're exploring the place before we start our investigation this little cubby hole hidden away here above the stairs not much in there just looks like it's been used for storage but you can see the wallpaper falling down oh got another bedroom there but let's just check out this bathroom does look like maybe some vandalism in this room the back of the toilet's all been pulled off and smashed sink's been smashed and so is the bath there's a skeleton in here guys a bird skeleton strange strange place look at this though let's head into that last bedroom and then we'll pull the K2 out and see what we've got this room has been cleared look at this on the side here Marilyn Monroe book this is definitely a female's rumor some pearls on the side all the lotions and potions oh what's this magazine quite good condition as well is that got a year on there should do shouldn't it I'm guessing late 80s everything else has been hasn't it another sink that's been smashed so it does look like there's been Vandal damage but not too much you know it does mainly look like Decay oh there's some Rumblings coming from the Next Room hair styling kits definitely a female's room it's old dress high heels what size was she don't know do not know but are they to help put your shoes on like a more modern version than what I've seen before shoe horn type things I think so I do think so but you can see clothes all over the floor dirty knickers which we will never be touching because see spiders crawling all over it but yeah tights Etc so there you have it guys quick look around before we pull the equipment out and have a little investigation what a place though absolutely amazing and so much possessions left hopefully that will help with our investigation let's head back down and begin [Music] okay guys so we are back in the kitchen we have got the K2 we are going to do a little walk through the house see if we pick anything up fingers crossed we do and somebody is still in the house with us a little bit of action already but we're just going to walk through now and see what we can get guys this place is a little bit eerie I do hope somebody has laughed here if there's any Spirits in this house do you want to come forward grab the device in my hand let me know that you're here when you touch the device is it is going it will change the lights from green to orange or red straight to Red in this kitchen guys check this out all the way to Red then is the couple that was in the wedding photos if you're here or one of you still here can you grab the device and let me know just want to have a look around maybe say hello see if you've got a message so it's completely dead over here but when I came here it went all the way to red it is still flickering guys getting a little bit of action there is no electric in this house whatsoever I'm not touching the device now and it's still going off look at that look at that all the way to red how's that possible it's holding it as well that is incredible I'm not even anywhere near it that is amazing it is starting to rain outside just adding to the creepiness and this just stopped dead all right we're gonna head through to the dining room if there's a look at that I didn't say anything if there's anyone still in this house with me I don't even need to say anything guys if there's anyone here do you want to grab this device let me know that you're here don't mean any harm the kitchen amazing responses so far if there's any children in this house still do you want to grab my arm hold my hand foreign on the stairs there doesn't seem to be much in here the kitchen absolutely amazing not so much in the dining room head into this back office area if anyone that's in this photograph look at this oh wow all the way to Red by his office it's holding it see if I put that down anything just on his typewriter there if anyone's in this house do you want to sit at this chair touch the typewriter anyone that's in this photo ah look at that when I said about the photo guys I am literally stood so far back from this look at this guys thank you when I said about the photo went all the way to red so we've got some in the kitchen some of this office just heading into the living room now see if we get anything if there's any family members in this house the couple that are in the wedding photographs do you want to grab the device grab my hand let me know that you're here this is strange guys absolutely nothing absolutely nothing how weird is this gonna grab my arm the lights will change when you come close to me absolutely nothing can hear guys how strange is that especially small paper how strange is our kitchen amazing the dining room here nothing living room nothing and then where the typewriter is all the way to red and it was holding it there as well that is incredible results just gonna head upstairs now check out the bedroom see if we get any action in there but I'm definitely feeling that back room and I'm definitely feeling the kitchen so far A little flicker there all right let's head to the bedroom where the cottage that'll be interesting here we go quite a lot of stuff left in here quite a lot of personal possessions so fingers crossed does anyone in this room a family member anyone from the wedding photographs in this house do you want to reach out and touch the device in my hand [Music] oh got some uh got a bit of life in here it is flickering slightly let's move over to the car I think on the um on the card downstairs it said Emma if m is here one of the children's names the Emma's parents are here do you want to grab the device so strange absolutely nothing up here at all maybe head into the parents bedroom just place this on the bed see if we get anything I think the name's Jones I'm just gonna call that out if there's anyone from the Jones family still in this house do you want to lie on the bed sit on the bed near the device you want to reach out and grab it touch me make a knock or a bang weird absolutely nothing if the female from the photographs the wedding pictures is here do you want to grab the device in my hand let me know that you're here hmm did hear a couple of bangs before as well onto the stairs but we're not getting anything upstairs at all if there's anyone in this house now do you want to reach out and grab the device it'll change colors let me know that you're here grab my hand grab my arm absolutely nothing not even a flicker upstairs ah here we go guys we're getting something can you change it all the way to red just let me know that you're still here with me I don't know if you can tell this guys but there is suddenly just I've just got shivers and just silence I can't hear the wind I can't hear the trees it's just gone completely silent uh you know what when somebody steps on Your Grave you get shivers down your back just felt that and now this is starting to go off again you want to reach out grab the device knock something bang something just let me know that you're here it's just silence now I'm going to end the K2 how weird is that all of it was downstairs so I'm thinking let's go down do a necrophonic session in there in the dining room not dining room in the kitchen and maybe that back room to see if we get anything so weird there's absolutely nothing up here all right let's go [Music] all right guys necrophonic is set up this will flick through frequencies similar to a radio hopefully we'll pick some voices up we are back in the kitchen where we got a lot of activity on the K2 so fingers crossed we'll get something some relevant answers let's do it foreign family in this house do you want to come forward and speak to me I just got a sharp pain in my chest I don't know if I'm about to have a heart attack or if that's so paranormal if there's anyone from the Jones family do you want to come forward say hello can you let me know if you passed away in the house thank you no sounded a female's voice then as well and again no can you let me know if there's a male or female in this house with me right now Yes sounds like a woman's voice saying yes bit of a child voice there is this Emma's parents that are in the house with me or Emma anyone from the Jones family definitely got some in there and I want to go back and listen to that okay can you let me know if you passed away in this house that sounded like walking can you let me know if anyone passed away in this house all right and when when did you pass away radio silence oh full sentence there go back and listen to that can you tell me if Miss Jones is in this house with me now seem to be mainly female voices today all right we're gonna walk through you guys see if we get anything there's any Spirits trapped in this house have you got a message to pass on your demonic voice there we also can you tell me if anything I've just got Shivers can you tell me if anyone's in this house with me straight away can you tell me if you're a positive or negative energy heading into the room now guys with the typewriter just in a loud thud um was that you there that just made a ban can you do it again for me can you make another bang for me please can you let me know your name who I'm talking to whoa did you hear that baby's uh like mobile then there's a lot of whispering going on [Music] can you make another bang for me please I know it'll take a lot of energy but can you shut a door or knock something over something really clear into the living room does anyone in this living room with me now have you got a message to pass on hello can you tell me how many spirits are in this house do you mind me being here run I'm not gonna run until you speak to me until you make a bang or knock something over definitely running then come on got some energy going Slammer door make a bang tap throw something I'm gonna head upstairs guys see if we can get anything up there I know the K2 is pretty dead but just see what happens in my baby room maybe we'll get some child voices come on I'm not gonna leave until you make a bang what what come on there was a strange smell in this room as well hello hello come on tell me your name who am I speaking to can you tell me how old you are three three in a girl's voice oh yeah do you mind me being in this house would you like me to leave come on give me a clear response there is some weird like demonic voices going on can you tell me who I'm speaking to who's in the house with me right now would you like me to leave would you like me to leave like a growler right if you can make a bang or a third I'll leave come on been here a while now got enough energy going come on yeah show me something let me know that you're here oh really knocked that box over that wasn't paranormal guys that was me being clumsy right if you tell me to leave I will leave now just give me a clear answer all right guys right guys they have started to go quiet there um got some good answers definitely going to go through that when editing um great responses on the K2 there only in certain rooms which is strange but what an amazing house this is out in the middle of nowhere so much left behind the family's possessions I've absolutely loved it I hope you have as well definite Vibes in this place and great activity on the equipment so guys if you have enjoyed this explore remember to hit the like button leave a comment subscribe if you're new and notification for future explorers I am on to the next one I thoroughly enjoyed this house hope you have a great week and we'll see you next time cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 770,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk, abandoned places 2022
Id: a5Dw9FxaMGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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