I Went to the Hood with a Lamborghini & PS5 FOR 24 HOURS! *WORST DECISION EVER*

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this is just ridiculous bro you know what i'm saying like breath this is not empty it's not empty bruh not bad my bad you gotta go bro you gotta go man come on bro you gotta go man bro okay okay okay let's see let's see here [Music] all right yo phil hey yo i got something for you man i got something for you bro i find some naruto right now so hear me out i made up some ideas for you for your next banger video banger video what's my next banger alright so look at these right here man last p i'm not doing that one p two down down boxing match i'm not boxing my little cousin i'm over there okay you know what that's fine that's cool because you know why i feel like this last one right here go to the hood that's a suicide mission i don't know i'm not going to the lamborghini and petersburg bro this thing's going to go viral we do that if you go to the hood with the lamborghini and the ps5 who's done that tell me who's no one has done that yes no one has done it but at the same time that's a suicide mission you know what i'm saying that's like saying hey someone rodney sebastian when you come with these ideas bro you gotta think of idea where i'm gonna like survive and i'm gonna leave in one piece this video i could potentially get robbed i could get hurt you know i'm saying it's not safe okay watch you're gonna change your mind about this because you're gonna understand what i'm talking about you understand how big this could be bro i'm not gonna change my mind bro i could put money on it that i'm not gonna change my mind but now i mean i understand where you're coming from but sylvester it's a suicide mission i'm not gonna put my life on the line i promise you i'm not doing this video i can put that on everything without everything i'm not doing that video bro yeah uh sylvester yeah you're kind of right um i did end up doing it i ain't gonna lie that y'all coming pt as you guys can see in today's video i am doing a suicide mission was this my idea no it was the bestest idea all right you know what i'm saying see he thinks i can pull off a viral video so you know i'm here so basically what i did after sylvester predicted me bro yes i listened to him i got myself a little lamborghini no i am by the lamborghini i am car shopping though this is a lamborghini aventador yo sylvester shield should we show these guys what's good what's what's going on over here before we even get to the front the lamborghini aventador with the freaking red seating bro look at the wheels the black on black the black the black um miller black on black on red man i like that what are you doing to me you're literally putting me on a suicide mission today bro yeah it's really good after easy you said wow you're gonna thank me right now man come to the front so basically in today's video but you guys seen before i brought a lamborghini to the hood i'm gonna keep my voice down i'm not gonna say that too loud you know what i'm saying but hey i brought a lamborghini to the hood before bro but today's video sylvester wrote this down he thinks it's a good idea to bring the lamborghini but not just bring the lamborghini bring down a damn ps5 as well the ps5 to master black lamborghini bro yo sylvester this is a suicide mission bro we're going to keep going home people kill people raw people steal ps5 imagine what they're gonna do when they see a lamborghini and a ps5 as well bro you're so messy what are you trying we shall do it tomorrow i'm trying to get you a viral video bro and you didn't thank me man just wait on it do you not care about my health though no no pizza game bro i'm not gonna make this video too long bro i wanna i wanna i wanna be done with this you know what i'm saying i do wanna get this video for you guys make sure you guys subscribe i like the video because i'm busting my ass to do these type of videos bro so you gotta bust your ass watch the like button bro subscribe as well you know what i'm saying but er in that this game position bro you guys know how we do this in the hood this bro let's go this is suicide let's do it man [Music] [Music] all right sebastian look you hear me out okay i'm gonna be mic'ed up you see anyone grab my shirt anyone throw a punch you call the police bro you drop the camera forget the footage you call the police all right you don't want me to go get you bro get me and call the police bro cause you're putting me on a suicide mission bro all right yeah that's the least i could do you know i'm gonna get mocked up bro let me get my turn turn the camera off turn the camera i'm gonna get my phone on pizza game bruh sylvester wrote this video idea down bro but this is just ridiculous bro what i'm saying like bro youtube stuff aside i care about my health you know what i'm saying like i do get scared bro i get scared too i'm human just like you bro pt you got this real girl peter why are you just so scared right now you know you're good bro no bro pg stop being scared but scream anybody gonna touch you ain't nobody gonna touch you hey that's the vessel bro how long how long are we doing this for bro until we get people slight bro it's light work i ain't gonna live pizza game this thing is hard bro yo please again should i get this for 2021 bro this is so hard bro come on gonna lie down bro oh bro what the that's the playstation phone you said what yes yeah yeah it's a ps4 brother the new are you selling that no no i'm just hey bro i'm just taking pictures with it you know what i'm saying i'm chilling i'm chilling red and tears ran teary sweet huh yeah i'm just taking pictures and stuff like that i'm like a little photographer stuff like that man hey come on bro come on come on i got five i've been looking for that bro five hundred dollars five hundred dollars look bro i'm telling you bro look you're gonna try cash on me no no no no bro i've been trying to get that bro i got this little my story bro huh look i've been looking nice it's hard like 500 as retail prices that's what i'm saying why would i play more oh bro people are reselling it for like a thousand so if i was like right if i was a seller i'll probably do like a thousand but i'm not selling i need this for myself you feel me like i'm lately just taking pictures i appreciate you though bro hey you seem cool though you out i got 700 for you right now i'm not saying 700 is good you know i probably would have sold it for 700. 750. but i'm not trying to sell this ps5 to you bro i'm not trying to do it i'm just trying to take pictures posting on my instagram you know what i'm saying show up to my baby that's all i'm trying to do bro you don't see the black on black combo just pick it up what if i give you 800 for that my i'm not selling this ps5 bro what sounds good to you man what's up bruh i i'm just not selling it i probably but if you really want to buy us right now i'll probably charge you like 1300 i'm not trying to do it that's why i pay for it but i'm not trying to do that to you you seem cool thirteen hundred for a playstation yes all right man you gotta at least give me a discount bro you you talking too loud bro you can't be yelling down how the ps5 bro this bro hey what you doing well you're good you saw it you saw it bro you 850 all right look hey i already said 850 what's wrong with 850. you talking too loud bro you talking about i don't want 850 bro don't touch it 850 is cool i'm not selling it bro i'm not selling it please please i'm a random black guy you know especially we're going through this corona virus bro you're talking too loud you're talking too loud i just want 850 850 850. i'm not selling it bro 950. wow i said 1300 but i'm not trying to do that to you bro come on please bro please bro i'm doing a video bro i'll let you see this mic on me i'm doing a video i'm doing a prank that's my cameraman right there that's my cameraman hey i'm not trying to sell it you know i'm saying i'm not a photographer i lie to you my bad you know what i'm saying what are you backing up for what you backing up for you you good game um if i'm being truly honest um actually watching back this video i think this guy might have been a crackhead bro you know what i'm saying because he was just acting weird you know what i'm saying i don't know bro it's bro it's a prank i'm a youtuber bro i'm not saying huh i don't believe bro you wanna search me up i don't believe you talk about it why would i come out with a line but ps5 and be mic'd up i'm a youtuber bro i'm not selling it i don't believe it you mean you don't believe me bro my please please please please i'm not trying to do anything with you bro i'm just doing a video youtube video family friendly what the yo this that link is a crackhead i know there's a crackhead he's a crap yo is he on drugs holy what the is he doing what happened bro yo sebastian i'm not doing this bro what happened i can't i was trying to get this man away he kept trying to buy the ps5 500 700 and i told this man i'm not selling it after that i told him bro i'm a youtuber he didn't believe me i was just trying to get this man away it wasn't even about the lamborghini i'm not selling the pf oh god damn it oh my god hey at least he was not like violent or nothing i'm happy he wasn't bible he was annoying brother bro if he looked inside his eyes you look besides his eyes his eyes are just like bro he was he was tripping bro bro was tripping bro look at his eyes he wasn't fully there bro he wasn't fully there i was trying to catch his eye movements trying to follow him bro where'd he go i don't know where he went this man around the wait wait why did he leave bro sylvester i can't do this i can't do this bro this is scary this is scary i'm gonna do a couple more just wait just wait it'll be worth it someone's walking over here someone's walking over here oh here we go bro what's good bro you good man where are you from man where i'm from oh now i'm gang man bro no i'm just actually your friend oh i live like 20 minutes away i'm just taking pictures but like what are you taking pictures for me you know what i'm saying yeah man that's it running for like a bill right now yeah like retail it's like retail's like 500 you know what i'm saying but like people are reselling for that one you say what you're telling me for oh i'm i'm not selling it bro am i selling it no i'm i'm just chilling bro i got like 700 for it yeah why you got a microphone why you got a mic phone it was at this moment that he knew he up you said what where you going to mike now i was just about to tell you like keep it between me and you you know i'm doing a youtube video where you got the mic man i only got a mic i'm a youtuber that's all what a camera bro no i'm not a fan i'm not a police officer bro i'm really just chilling i'm chilling well why you got a mic though no i'm a youtuber you know youtube is you know you know people like uh i don't know if you watch pewdiepie well you gonna wear a mic in the hood bro i'm not i'm not a fan i promise you i'm not a police officer i promise you i'm just doing doing like a whole youtube video i'm not no fan i'm not anything bro you can see my id and all that bro all right run it let me see it you really wanna see my id yeah pull it out bro i can't show you my id bro you really think i'm a fan bro hey it's a real ps4 bro you got like a little tracker here or something we made a tracker bro i'm not a police officer bro i'm not i don't got no trackers no uav i'm saying like i i'm a normal dude right let me touch you there for it bro i'm just trying to see bro i promise i put this on my life i put this on my life bro i'm literally where's my camera man right there bro here bro this is not empty it's not empty bruh not bad my bad no all right you gotta go bro you gotta go man come on bro you gotta go man bro okay okay bro come on bro it's not empty box or something's actually in here bro what the hell yo i didn't he thought i was a police officer bruh so he went to go take your ps5 how does that make sense wait wait wait wait i can't beat i don't know if i should say i'm a youtuber or i'm chilling because people think i'm a police officer i said i'm a youtuber yeah bro he's like you're a fan i'm like i'm not fair bro i'm just doing it sebastian you thought he was smart bro but what this ps5 is broken bro he ripped the box damn really he's not broken i mean does it sound broken bro it didn't seem like it dropped that hard i'm not i'm not i don't think i don't think you should trip over it honestly bro it's padded down like okay we have like probably 40 more minutes of footage no i'm not doing that i'm not doing 40 minutes bro bro let's just keep on going for this it's a suicide mission i'm not doing that bro come on man come on please knows it's running bro all right get back in position bro all right thank you thank you just wait ah this is where i'm closing this oh my god this is too much for me bro oh but this guy's big this guy's like 6'4 this guy's like 6'4 oh god this guy's like four bruh maybe six five but he looks like he could play in the nba it looks like he could play in the nba bro oh no no no no no please god please god jesus christ jesus christ this guy's crazy what's up bro jesus christ what's good bro what's up man oh yeah you're looking at the line blonde you talk yo you good bro excuse me yo you speak english hola [Music] you speak english bro [Music] yo hey nice meeting you though bro i'm saying hey nice to meet you bro i'm about to dip out bro do you talk english bro please please i'm chilling but what's good nah it's a ps4 it's a ps5 it's a ps5 but please man hey look bro hey i'm a youtuber bro i'm not no gangbanger bro i'm not a gang bro hey i'm not from anywhere what the you're not done he didn't talk he didn't talk bro he didn't talk you're just doing gestures semester bro please i'm not trying to look like a little boy on my youtube channel man other than him i'm not trying to look like a little boy on my youtube channel but sylvester bro we got the dip bros sylvester bro special bro i'm getting a sign i'm getting a sign that we have to dip bro but you didn't talk he didn't talk bro nothing happened all right nothing happened you're straight right now bro but nothing happened bro he wasn't talking i tried to talk spanish i tried to talk spanish and i was scared sebastian i was so scared that i accidentally said bandeau said bro i know what to say bro 20 minutes left you're good bro you're good good content i think we might have to like stop this video right now yes like he has something on him jesus christ again he has something in his shirt he has something in his shirt stay calm stay calm bro say come sit on a second hard bro you say what right here bro yeah bro it's a band or you know i'm just i'm just taking pictures of it you know i'm saying nothing seriously let me look in there man just say hard bro can i get up in there so what can i get up in there i'll let you i'll let you take a look bro i'll let you take a look you know what i'm saying it's cool bro like it's solid you ever been like in like a fast exotic you know what i'm saying all right bro no it's hard bro you don't say i'm just trying to like take like some photos and yeah i'm on my way you know what i'm saying oh yeah you from around here no bro i don't gain man or anything you know i'm saying i'm taking pictures something in here special to me man very special for my girl you know what i'm saying it's for my girl oh yeah for christmas yeah i'm gonna need that bro you say what i'm gonna need that what you mean bro i'm gonna need what's in there bro the trunk yeah pop that all right just keep it closed nah man you need to pop that bro trying to see what's in there bro what you need oh hey hey lola ain't nothing like i'm just taking pictures bro if you don't want top man popcast okay okay i'm chilling bro i'm chilling there this is for my girls for christmas but i'm a photographer okay i got you i got you i got you okay i just opened it bro okay is this this your friend right here man don't worry about him bro okay okay okay okay we got the ps4 too oh we all hey we want to be aggressive hey look we don't have to be aggressive oh that we own bro hey look i literally this is for a photographer for my youtube channel bro literally like i'm a youtuber bruh now i want to follow that bro oh you got to join in here hey wait oh hey it's late for my youtube channel bro i literally record videos bro it's a prank everything's a prank you kind of look familiar though bro have you seen me on youtube bro look i don't want you bro i'm not i'm not from ryan oh he good bro he good bro you you know i've seen him on me bro he on youtube i seen you bro i'll be doing like pranks and stuff like that gaming for the night i'm chilling but you telling tell them to tell them to watch my vids you you know my vids right hey yeah we watch his vids bro he funny bro bro i'm good i'm good you know what i'm saying my bad bro my bad if i interrupted you i'm saying i thought we had one bro you good though bro all right bad bad his heart though now it's hard bro you know what i'm saying careful out here bro flex i'm not trying to flex out here i'm sorry i'm chilling careful bro you're relaxing and man nah my bad now i'm about to leave right now bro i'm about to i appreciate y'all man for real you know what i'm saying yeah be safe y'all [Music] i'm sorry he said we have to leave he said we have to we gotta be careful here bro sylvester oh you're good you're good you're good you guys man pull the gun on me bro yo sebastian he literally said we need to stop flexing this bro bro so actually he had a gun it was black i don't know if there was like a nine a beretta bro he had a gun on him bro what if it was fake bro i don't give a it feels fake or real bro but that was a gun a gun that's what i'm trying to say it's a suicide bro all right man you know what the only reason i got that situation right there is because he knew who i was he literally said you look familiar bro what i'm saying that was the only reason why i got out of this situation because he knew who i was other than that bro i would have been done so he said he said he he recognized you though so you're good bro i don't know what he would did to me bro that was a gun that was a gun bro all right man you know what you're right let's just get out of here man that was good enough man that was good okay let's let's take a picture let's take a thumbnail real quick hey speedway part two listen 22 that's a new crib remember back in high school i ain't had
Channel: P2istheName
Views: 4,048,676
Rating: 4.8764281 out of 5
Keywords: p2, p2isthename, P2 IN THE HOOD, in the hood, I went to the hood with a Lamborghini & PS5, LAMBO PS5, P2 LAMBORGHINI, LAMBORGHINI, prettyboyfredo, kind cid, ddg, faze, prince family, faze kay, funnymike, cj so cool
Id: tySOIalrA1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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