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hallelujah let us pray father thank you so much for tonight and for your great blessing we praise you we love you we thank you in the name of Jesus amen you may be seated Lord anoint us with fresh or the anointing upon us we add we make thee to be weary and go forth without track with you Amen Lord annoyed us with pressure the authority upon us me that we make we were and go forth with our hallelujah tonight we are talking about the holy oil the holy oil we've been sharing about the annoying things and we're still on the same general theme of the anointing but tonight I'm sharing with you about what I call the holy oil amen how many believe in the holy oil now the anointing that something that I'm talking about because I believe that as you listen to the message of messages in and around and above the anointing you are going to have more of a desire to be anointed amen what do you think do you want to be anointed very good so listen very carefully because I cannot lower the truth of what I am going to say outlasting really easier but I I just want to stay with the truth what I perceived to be the truth of the world you know sometimes when I pastor you feel like changing the message so that people would like you and be happy but I learned something from the Pope I've been a lot on the Pope and in the last Pope who died I think it was a long time ago I don't think I was aware huh 78 yeah not very olden but this Pope is made up and also there CNN now so we can follow people affairs but I realized that I watched people thinking army lovey dovey know who lose other words in Latin that filters them push a mallet and it's like we don't mind you to understand we are saying the thing that we need to see it is you'll understand doesn't matter what we have to see and we have to say we are famous and what we have to do are we love you we do we lose to the forward in the language which is no more spoken in the world latter and why is that when it comes to preaching things maybe after the power of God or something that looks mystical or something that looks different we want to withdraw from such things I think we should learn from the Pope I mean holy moly moly analyst are you ready say what you have to say during the last Dylan Jesus who said I said to myself me coming to pick up a healing I wish about me every day I don't care about anything here I don't care if anybody understands it teach me one day I was watching a program on TBN so a pastor he was sick he was freaking I realized I didn't understand the message so the next time I put on the television again I saw the same guy I realized what prettiest is this I didn't understand what he was saying then I'll see the television to show his - house then hello shoot me you don't need to understand the Machine somehow people I I don't know how to be black but I would think it's myself I don't understand this thing who will understand businesses some people need to understand it so we must then be a food or retreat from the message God have given us a strategy even if it looks different of scary or people will run away from your message oh it is God's word with time you'll find out that it is the real thing that we are saying amen so tonight Exodus 13 and moreover the Lord spake unto Moses saying take down and to be principal spices of pure math 500 shekels and sweet cinema half so much and of sweet Karma's 250 shadows and of cassia 500 shadows after the circle of the century and of oil olive and he'll and him is a certain quantity and thou shalt make it an oil of holy pointment an ointment compound after the earth of the apothecary and it shall be an holy anointing oil and thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith and the Ark of the testimony and the table and all his vessel and a candle to get his vessel and the altar of eatin and the altar of burnt offerings with his vessel and the labor and his foot and thou shalt sanctify them that they may be most holy whatsoever touches them shall be holy and thou shalt anoint Aaron and his son and consecrate them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office and thou shalt speak after the children of Israel thing this shall be an holy anointing oil and something throughout your generations upon man's flesh shall it not deport neither shall you make any other like it after the composition of it it is holy and it shall be holy unto you whosoever compounded a like it or whosoever putteth any of this upon a stranger shall even be cut off from his people amen okay so that's our passage so we just go in through that passage amen this anointing is made up of different things amen now when you look carefully you'll find out that the anointing is not just oil but was made up of burn cinnamon sweet kalamos and cassia all right and it was mixed with an amount of oil and it was given the particular proportion the understand and it was mixed in a particular way all right and so I want you to learn here specifically that when God anoints you he alludes you with something specific you see something specific that you can do specifically amen because just put a certain proportion of sweet columns on you and a certain proportions of cassia on you and a certain mixture of a hymn of oil a hin was four chords together a certain proportion of a sheen of oil mixed with myrrh mixed with cinema sweet cinnamon mix in a particular way so it's a very specific thing and it is something unusual so I believe that everyone here you see they are not very he always says that there are no unnecessary details in the Bible amen there are no unnecessary meaningless details in the Bible so when God is showing us how specific and how calculated the originals you must believe that the recirculated gates expected to do a particular way that is being given to everyone and as I live in my life in my ministry I can see that there are some things that I can do because there's this particular gift and anointing that has been given to me amen and it is important for you to believe God to come to see that specific calling that he has for your life amen because we did that specific calling is your specific blessing amen and one of the ways that you can see that you are moving on in God is as you become more specific you see because as you go on you are going to find yourself narrowing down the things you do you cannot do everything you can do something you cannot do much and you can do something and all of us can do something please find what you can do quickly I said please find what you can do quickly and what gifts God has given you now when an ointment is poured on you you cannot easily know what it is made of and that is how the callings of God on it what is it known what God has given to you one day I now download details right and I'd be Shapira Xhosa port oil and my head began to bend I thought there was some chemicals or some tire that he had poured on my head but absolute today I don't know exactly what he fought on my head the understand it is just anointing oil I believe but I don't know what it's made of you are the Sun and so I scored anoint you it's going to take some time so you do find out what you can do what can you do that nobody else can do that then I guess that God has given us look when you find what you can do well and you don't do it well there is nobody like you you are so special and unique in your room the understand and you can do so many things but there are some things that God has particular mixes in a more Swiss kalamos this does that for you and there are things you are not good at doing perhaps the greatest humility is not to find what you are good at doing about what you are not good at doing here what do you think for possibly that is the greatest barrier to get into no one God has given you a gift for it's coming to the place where you can see this I can do it God has not given me a call in for that you know there are some things when I lose in my ministry I don't think God has given me the gift for them I mean there are some things that are difficult for me to do you know and that contains I do them but I don't enjoy doing them are you with me yeah and that's something that I enjoy doing and I want to do the other son yeah and usually there are things that you know and sometimes people can help you or tell you what you are good at doing and if you'll be able to also tell you what you are not good at doing and when somebody gives you an assignment of something that you are not good at doing say please you know there are certain things I've been through and I don't want this work if I cannot do it yes perhaps that is the way to find it what you are is back believing what you are not amen and when you are solid what you are not you can become great a woman is not a man never try to be a man don't try as a woman to have the calling of a man what do you think first time as a woman to have the falling of a man of the position of a man yes or do you think because when a woman also stands in her office a man cannot also do this but pride makes us all want to be the one hand a year with the die you don't have to be here standing with a Bible you see even it is a bit better than me and you can figure the damn pastor Eddie and you can be President women sake you are not likely to preach it because I started a church Nagasaki helped me but very healthy this will be with me I don't know why you can come and be where they are there was a plan so I don't think that even is Rebecca efficient you appreciate ya I wanna cool down and just true so I need you to look to God oh how people are great when they do what they are good at doing huh what do you think when you already start to do what you are good at doing and then your things that you do start to be fewer when we started the ministry we are all jack-of-all-trades a beard of jack of austria the capita is amazing the plumber electrician is an automation pianist incest cleanliness trees all trees trees activities is a jack-of-all-trades he knows a little about everything but is the master of manner [Applause] [Music] yeah as I registered to the church played instruments in the Church of sign in the Church of organized by up formed by a home musical group perform a physical group in London called daylilies that's not how my limo the class after the formula we used to go round I play the guitar I play the guitar and lead and I taught them and get there and I come as the leaf soloist with my tee-time clay and I say and we all fake and then I preach me and then I realized that it is why I'm doing this thing I'm not good at doing it and as we find my way somewhere I see it takes humility to soothe our no good at certain things I mean there are people who are doing it fast what is really yes ah more easily than you are doing I mean but you not only find a when you try hard in some of you don't try anything that you know is a new module is the Energizer be tinted you will be psychic reason you will be try to focus on Miami summers I am NOT hopeful what you are a signal you are saying that you do not do follow-up as before you have a calling for listening you have to try everything at this and hard enough for you leading try it hasn't of this one my daughter to the door know the way the shop missus is not know you maybe try have enough because I tell you a mysterious oil has been said you never need I get this column man was a gun the key gun when the math part of the anointing is on it makes people stick to you okay with you people [Applause] is that to keep half of them is a big constant in Japanese and they got it because of the mail so they're sticking their people are not a where you have such people and listening to miss back to you where is this guy come the nor component is causing the ticking the maybe in your case you know the cinnamon path has become more and the cinnamon was given so that it flows the things fruits it's like fluid this is and that's one is to be able to do things flow away if you behave and you don't have when the flowing the people are lost in around Madrid a particular that they can do well but no but you stay with them they are called but people they don't know how to gather children people to stop to death is everything and then the sweet columns was an aromatic health a human expect the tester unbolting it is sort of smelling like when they are doing this is a kebab smell better smell in the air you need something you can see the people up because they can smell and the attraction is there and when you don't have all these you begin either dry there's nothing that sticks there's nothing that proves there's nothing that smell and gives a second controller on your life and fragrance so brothers and sisters there's no way you can know what is important is doing them there's no way you can know what has important your head do them like like with me you know as I nearly stuff I don't want to say a lot of things at this meeting no no I don't wanna say I'll not give you windows so the other day I went into a house and I saw they were building the house with Windows and I realized that when the windows are native close the window and put a you know burglar-proof in and then blinds so what is the use of the window until my windows are reducing are you listening amen so you find out that and God gives us something I want to use it before I'm dying what have you get into you how do you find out if I want to find out what exactly as bishop it does not bother me it could be very difficult I need to go to Nigeria I need to find his wife I need to find the people who came with him I need to find resources I missing locate them in the whole world and then I need to making Paris and find where they got it and where that oil is and get and bring it and analyze it very difficult to find your calling it's not a bit define a good reference sake and myself and past area that we have had many discussions about our callings we are shut down analysing see and recession our mentality a person is always thinking about soul so what kind of pasta amaur amaur delicate pasta or as well van del gone by very fast or teaching vandalism as I'm preaching and teaching and different things the now doing miracle services and healing for my healing evangelists or man bundling City so I'm starting churches so that one is this what is that they are not for solace but enough totally supposed to ask in Jesus optimal to we do say that they saw Jesus is very very very but you see as I go on I mean I I still don't know what my colleague s but any area where I sent a lot asking at read very hard in that light we like when I collected chillin I decided to teach sale business I don't teach much because I saw people about interested in teaching the teachings but but when I started teaching oh you can ask my wife I told and when you teach like Jesus Athena I have been telling stories when I preach because these are so stories so my preaching has so many tourists and illustrations and whatever good that are my Savior 3 that is why you can gather seven year old and she would tell you the story of how there was a man who was going on the road to Jericho as an robbers attacked him and this telling here for the remember 12 years ago remember when I was four years old outside I was taught about the prodigal son you know and the stories of Jesus nobody forgets them cuz the best way to teach no master who men is how many scriptures to break the best with this is the way Jesus taught how many of the other night a teacher so when we get a chance to teach system rather to talk with all of us and see for some time this thing is not my car but well you just did fall apart you are nervous we are all mental students that I teach when I used to teach I said magical efficiently I have my notes 0.123 one abc2 abc3 baby if I come to test without that note I have to return to the home in one day because I cannot stay in the case without my news but what I'm sharing with you I don't have any no no I'm not preaching for many moons most of the time I don't fish from notes which are people are not preaching from noon there's not even a single drop of ink and just talking like I said when I came to the crew she'll come to talk about Jesus I just thought I was it one day Jesus told me he said talk about me because you love me right that's all I want to do at a pristine talk about you when you love somebody you can talk about the better for a long day I saw a shadow I don't need notes to talk about okay let's go to the next one I can talk for a long time if only you can see amen even now I have companies without loot our rabbit the common good to fish for three days for money to death and we had only you know what I multiply I get to alive when I get outside on such as before the fishing I start to make my first point on additional about speech for three days but when kind of a via traffic only we don't stop don't just like what is the main business to cancel your ollie you'll be surprised that that is what you're calling then you just such as Mozilla when I don't like this I'm not that time when is touch miracles when I started to think about miracles one day I remember where I was another banner what liner God said to me I'm good to use you to do healing miracles I was lying there watching Benny Hinn videos oh all I was doing was fasting and watching those videos they are not how the times over when I started out it have to play so many things to myself present present present past four years you understand what leave is just easily like that I'll be show me why I need it I'm not about to read it how prefer even yesterday this mission when I carousel now and when I get a booty talkin about Jesus Christ and a miracle body other dialects of my message and I'm talking I don't care plan as Hamilton stays on earth I'm not a few steps to success I started with able to the Buddhist Institute of it foster I I cannot come with Soleimani successful proceeding I'm coming with healing me Jesus is revealing and it's about the season tonight I have to place to myself all my people now I remember one day a Western crusader there were people were coming out of wheelchairs but I promised till they pushed the diluted from the beginning of the stage to the airport air so I thought to myself glory be to God today there will be there's no water left in this time because all the wheelchairs are honesty so we were going in the car go down I'm a boy then isobutane people more than 5,000 imagine the fall of the test for only wheelchairs and when I stood with us at all I thought all the witches were staged and I realized that council law was still there I have to answer all those questions to myself by kathryn kuhlman i see vichy stop strategy stop giving reasons as you said it a grace of god the sovereignty of god no explanation sometimes when you follow god you feel i think god is live in my mind I don't want to swim you through that a few days move on how many are self gotten richer for learning whenever you see that is where is poor come on a subordinate where importance in pro life or death or disease but you have to do special to be able to continue standing with a sense to speak about miracles and healings if you go for it would also be that mirror justice that if you leave it because that is that is one bad is it okay you say you are healed why are you wearing glasses if you are here very glad if you are not very welcome let me go I assume this new power anything laughing I'm not a waiter power default during the devil show you see can I take what episode really didn't went on the same side is it was a sincere cueca so this one then in the morning when we were sufficient meditation I thought you said was filling well what I see while assessing medicine if you do take a use day and then I was like the devil and I run into this any from Hollywood detail and he changed that devil would deceive the whole world and putting in having the key of the bottomless pit and in putting in the bottomless pit for 1000 years okay any might be loose after that boy a little season and he was released to read to disable more people just telling lies you believe or anything you try to serve God Setebos convert life so this may be the new businesses well that's also total 27 [Music] so that's a nice piece of truth as to the bill are you saying Jimmy when you control just again be careful I tell when you touch check slanting want to steady now believe born a Buddhist and I said look it's God what the Delian woman's that no you ran away - catch her now this that that one before in Himmel you are looking at me neither life after less than it is believe for for the roses are good to start at that I'm the one of our fathers went to check only one message came one single one you know how to did a load of single a single cell to go to only one kid he was very sad and he killed him just wanted one of our purpose one time he was going to a city a country when he got there - Sara Ganim this does us forever come to the left he was the only black man on the plane I said what it was a comforter they said he said to me look is this me make like a man without panties nothing I would tell Nick s have a stand to do a gesture she said so after the finishes but don't put on your panties Oh disturbing facts it was so I mean demoralize I've just gotten excited a missionary Aziz try to be a mission we are hot mistress different one of the missions who went to a country when when they can decide where it is say her brother why do applying applying to be here they said Oh distant doesn't know now well Joe bad they took he was tried we came to the house disconnected his bus place to the airport our progress that immigration sir I got you and I do you understand me get out of my country and he was out discernible start a church but a llama told me when he went to pin it I resent the way they investigated him he said that to this item is an iron Allah cos there is nothing about me that is not wrong it is because they asked how is it that use this different language you see currently speak French you speak English and Urdu I tell myself that you are a preacher you are trained under cannot but you are isolated so everybody so happy but this is your focus from how can roughly we only need references what is Yahweh the interviewed and abroad CIA different types of spies he said to metasoma Nostrum to Elysium originally chamber below what I prefer you are injury I was aware by what you know the resistible father he listened for Santa's inevitability fossil skeletons professions as you say what in general culture of metal control mechanisms of control [Applause] as you gaze upon this actor Priscilla collisions for me such a person once an hour there were some of our studies we arrested so why why did when they were taking pictures restructure the deal is not knowing that the car they were taking pictures off there was a police station behind so that police say a hostile to the police pictures of police come up they were in the prison oh you serve a missionary you will run away if you don't when a human is going to deliver you tell the woman mummy kala you wanna thank my momager Kilwa the vendor taken that money kill one when you see I'm going to attempt a propolis : [Applause] one day I went to a village and I saw it certainly that's a how many children do on sublevel 6 - the last one were twins so so which hospital did you deliver it says here at the which hospitals in here where is here let's define the tree when is for time to deliver I know what it is geometry then the kingdom became pleased [Applause] when you put your hand on teaching waiting for this to come by if you just like what women will the BOSU the neighborhood [Applause] when you start it we can never achieve anything in the industry people Nepali you have to root out killings of local actors and musical artists before how many times have you done it how many different circumstances have slickers have you done I remember the first day that I went out of this church to pray for the sick I almost died the first thing I ever prayed for the sick Alpha reset was reversed administration I swore by heavier that no matter what happens I will pray for the sick and I will call for a testimony to count the same owners that the speaker was feeling busy filming I fasted as fast and over the whole recording Sunday as I was telling them to just believe not other people it is a very fast but you don't need to cancel to change [Applause] [Music] and I pray for the sick if you are here for exactly suddenly I saw a hand and I saw her and I said how do I come to the front one guy came in that we had for that thing I said it's got trigger finger the finger was locked like this or rock like this couldn't move the finger and he was here the science Luke never do able to do this click report to him in that what is what are these [Applause] [Music] but I will die next he was he why should I live it the one day I was six and I was going because the holiday is it you are you can see you are sick to prepare I have to discuss casual discussion one day the devil box and the devil with this installation was cut into the lake of fire and brimstone together with the false prophet and the Beast all those who are teaming up with and working on the day of judgment you all be on the simplest level the first product in a business or tree where the lake of fire and brimstone that Venice with fire forever ever so in the day of judgment the people you are moving with him and you see that he still good place that will put you there is a bad place I tell you devil tell you our sexuality prison I remember recently winning Panama I was sick sick sick sick about holding my hand cases like this Oh even after the service when they wish you come I could ever - I've never had that sickness with the flu I've not had fun before so I said nothing why people die from food cuz I wanna variable type of what is to be there you are - how do you die but I found out that they said the disc of ruin it killed especially elderly people - I was suffering oh you should see the people cannot cannot see well I got the other word good going - I don't care I'll have it - more my face the - my child the tumor was on the scissors do my husband's America miraculously the nearest we were blind and deaf seldom they were stuck in them as you before sir what headaches on attacking you remember yeah yeah which are the Crusader how to read how to find out that there was many evangelist with freedom self six because you are a vessel through whom bodies working it's just like a passed away instead of us really have marital well and you go to church and you have to preach smiling nice things that say nice things about your wife nice things about everything - for me why do you do that - what and the devil be telling you see you others can speak about my by new immigrants believe it wrong with your colon so sorry keep witches capricious and for never ever be 1% entity status were posted in this man well he sure he was annoyed if it is said to hate for the road gibbehh just my foot but I would be having the house just reduce it is my feeling why I wanted to think that was all sweet can get us both about [Applause] every often a fairy tale because you don't know what I've been put on your head brother you don't know what I've been given to you if you stop in the middle it will probably with your real ministry and that's why you are to press when you hold one thing away it is sitting a bigger peseta when you start to speak know everybody alive everybody's awake it is healing here and when you are sick when they are sick when they don't get well when it's justified when they don't tell you but when this when does when it's only habit when isn't it a mother stop amory too much for America and I was you play ball and the ball was inside victory he did somewhere we hit the ball and Ibaka immediately the Knesset I'm a reformed ball too much America it's like yeah what something that was somewhat hammer is possible come on across your ministry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's time for you to say hey my friend [Applause] [Applause] remember hasta mañana eat udon the story she said he had a stinger she was thinking beautiful and in the middle of the to say he said intimate who suddenly it was is that something happened the 17th changes a little Aisha was professional you know the person saying you know that those etching so after he called access this data what happened what happened when you were singing she said did you notice new movie of all time I saw it and she no other settings that you want to do you want to know she said when I was singing before Solomon suddenly I remembered my past the smoker incredible because it's them who life they will come until you see who has my little girl tasty let's see boy that you man that you want taking shut up shut up let inducing you are again that's what an angel with the change will be sent properly retraining that he could defeat the making smooth you don't know what does the important don't know what a simple hey if you like leaves you have less how many times I have wanted to run away from Brazil it right now the human Jesus is becoming the biggest thing that we are doing here how many fans have tried to get people to help me what I can free myself and do the Welcome Table tell me so many things on our that what we are doing this elders all homes man on the carpet I will go tonight - life stop it stop it I never devil to you you are not like this in the center so when I die so I've had a dissident that I have Enoch who say let me go and see the opposite so I wanna see whether I mean what is happening they I have also seen some before I think one of the really well god bless me with Columbia I saw things I saw the dead trees I saw bilges I saw blind I saw death I saw everything oh oh oh I see one before when the devil son I just start to say that story and I've seen it before I've seen one before I've seen a woman without you becoming pregnant before she killed herself and my name is Patricia her Baroni used me and this is my story not to hear be a cut-off look at my turn I first left inside when you preach a surface and I've come to testify that's a big don't stop when I was writing a book the devil told me since nobody would read your book nobody don't write so when I finished my soup on a wire when I take a book was very small so I said let us enlarge the lettuce so the devil sir - nobody video then only a larger let us still the bleep was very smooth I say let us agree the spaces between the sentences so that it would be bigger because nobody will read your book when I lost those 10 books I was ashamed of the books I would like to you about the shape they were not beauty all about fornication fatality duality this is I was shy of the books I was ashamed I mean that if they are even that you are following this a book this was a book a pamphlet about such change one of my greatest subtitles was Professor Mona Lisa he came to vice-chancellor and he sidled 12 times I thought it was like oh I mean this is not I said how this for this people I wouldn't degrees for this and SOS is not oh very Chris I wasn't was liable I mean I thought he was lying but he would say is it or no I look at there was a wall of apologies people are fighting to include is ravaging one of her fornication thank you beauty write a book in the beauty where did they go frugality but those are some of my best book oh yeah those lessons before wrong everywhere but I was the devil who make you so ashamed of yourself me what that is how my books have blessed many people if I hadn't written E I was about to stop oh then I'll write my alkie and disloyalty hello all right before some medication and said said look she was talking to are fond of a package of pasta it's tasteless and they take other way it would it's why are people like I'm a fish cake with Ricky that's fine accessible a friend of the Czech people have free to leave the church sky the George I suggest having cooling bath this loyalty book I went to Malaysia to preach and I finished between the asking permission to Prince my book and the pencil is in Malaysia for themselves when I went to Germany to preach they asked mrs. wendice that we would ask for me but want to confess them we have already translated your book into German and the one who started it was mega I translated to Malaysia to German to Americans Madame especial para my personal x FS also other become a listen when this is a man you went after the disco [Applause] and he said I had no many factors who will pay a lot of money to come up with an ESS I wish this Malaysia no I just have a per capita materials stages of disloyalty the stages when I finished preaching then the bother came up Kimmel and to then I gave him the mic and he stood there and it's a furnace of God process thousands of them conference system opportunism hypothesis fall to the method [Applause] oh the jello will self-absorption you I never lose a grown-up I wanted me to be a father I never knew how come you know when the oil is back there is no key column and you dine with it tame it without doing it without pricking it because the devil was able to strike a news and you are a few fifty shekels of sweet College Dublin 500 cycles of sweet cinnamon 250 circles of sweet column 500 circles of Katia amen anyway does just I mean on the side let's go and thou shalt make it an oil of holy maintenance a compound amen I wanted to do that I'm going to nanu is a compound really there anything like only one thing that you have been given with a compound it's a mixture that's why you can see that maybe I can teach people I can also do it Christine you do what I'm saying or I can protect church and I can also do maybe organization or health ministry the understand God said you shall make it a compound a mixture sweet caramel with a hint of oil with 250 seconds of cinnamon and mash different things rarely and that's why I support I possess I had four apostles and prophets Jana Jana ordained an apostle a teacher of the Delta at another place I said the way apostles and prophets trained and he was an apostle a prophet a teacher all these rarely do not just work often it is different things come on as I see somebody who can sing I can preach as well somebody who can play instrument I can also arrange the chance somebody who can type and can fill forms and right things this Oh receive your mixture on how many ones a mixture of anointing none of everybody and the triple and all these that know and the candlestick is pencil and that altar thou shalt anoint every vessel shall be anointed look at that F is better little noises may you have the anointing on your life every vessel the do sources are every says not every data how many our vessel in the house of the Lord every success was to be avoided but what the time goes was showing that a tunnel would come he would test every vessel and anoint every vessel a man I thank God for the small oil for money my god I stand before the compound of oil and oil and pencil for my hand may you discover what you're calling it in the name of Jesus Christ amen accomplish pretty now and thou shalt sanctify them that they shall be holy and whatsoever touches them shall be holy when a person is anointed he is holy I said when a person is anointed he is holy what is holiness as I used to think holiness means new publication when you don't commit fornication or you are holy but God is not sensitive commits fornication and if they give the holy God and it is a God who does not commitment there's more to holiness God and act holiness so that's why when somebody touches will tie to the person touching and I'm not getting the messages or the patience be careful as you touch the anointed thou shalt anoint arrow and consecrate them that they may minister unto me in the priest's all well this is the part that I just wanted to say to you that the anointing involves separation consecrate means separate many of us lay people we want to be anointed and we will take the amount into well do circle away but God anoints them to consecrate them when the oil is upon you like they'll be separated from second away to the sins of God and that is what you must accept that there is an anointing that only comes to separate you and it's when you separate yourself that that anointing can be upon your life amen there is an anointing that only comes from a consecrated comes upon a consecrated person they are giving yourself to the Lord they are giving yourself away from television away from useless socializing as we from chatting away from just talking away from friendliness into submission to God there was a man one of these goes general forget it in the one two wheels I mean he was given to prayer and he would have come and said that quietly and God whoa people get stay far away that he was giving depart given themselves to God and that is what it means to be consecrated so if somebody who doesn't pray yes that is separation from you l EP I'm sure God laughs that has some reason we are pouring oil on people many times they does become ome Christians when you will never separate yourself or to God you will never separate yourself of five minutes for 10 minutes that you and God for one hour or two hours you ain't got your separated yourself of cut yourself off from people and produce that socializing how we love useless socializing television chatting forgiveness businesses moving around with people but not to separate ourselves from everything unto God this additional mind them to consecrate them when was the last time you spend time with God just you and God alone how we cannot even tell no powerful powerful what I was fully one facet order for this father how he liked the food no I know what is debuggable honest answer I call him and lo and behold and mi and Mohammed is not I feel well before the answer and I said to myself he loves answering phone antenna I was going to ring him nahin to speak to him and you will can say before he last may you not love the phone so much one day I will tell somebody can run it with international and so what telephone what is an international call you are training and that's not falling [Applause] which is America generally bring me a fool sometimes my house I get arrested don't bring me a phone don't bring a phone I don't want the farmers were after the phone please me alone I had a friend in Lent consecration in Makati house and I suppose that's cool his his his boxer was after the first set of stairs you see he's from there he put a notice that when I came to visit him and then notice says if we knock on this door and receive no response from within do not continue not or cause me if you do anything that contradicts this simple advice it's known unto you that this dog will not be open on you no matter who you are today we have to answer form we have to text messages what we are playing okay okay but I belong to the National page in signal there is no anointing okay antenna oil no I said this festival of Asahi license it is immersive digital and obviously people who are deaf which hello okay may pressure condition for me after seven white month or two to our time here preaching just a just on the less mobile phone order to mobile phones one of the things I do last recession body to mobile phone in case certain people know the odd number sighs with me or the new number the old numbers I want to you want to stay connected to the zero people who have two phones and somehow straight concentrate may you be consecrated give me some oily closing now you know what this means when I throw this all of you it means you are now separated from these people up since you are wanted you have separate your life is different when I pour it on with mistress different from all these pieces when I point on you you can't be with these you have to be a different life and I quote on you got a different life when i form you got a different life your life is different and I'm not normal or not at the app but this is the difference go and do life new life change you are now different person different person hmm okay well your life has changed from today and so I went Elijah put the show on in I said what am i God in what I heard that one day I was praying for people and I came to somebody and as soon as my license when I started to read do you know why because I knew I have changed this is life forever I read like a baby because I felt within me because people are still there they were here there are normal can we know so I feel normal happy to not take somebody where I being LW have been doing it a bit later the oil and oil company is different now different present a different life go , why not change your life huh who have been here would have been here that's why the point is upon you so I the oil so we just go up there Eli's not come life is different we have been a different person who want their new life good as good as change you new life new life got a new life but a new life do you see your which not job is our different your boss your future it's change that's why I separate client because I'd be our chief another side in night when she's a connect can i boy see pop I can sit no I don't you what I'd done to your life what I don't do life what am I going to your life what I learnt your life would have been a normal pace without being a normal human Amma you love happy loving flyering Donna with all over the world but I've changed your life it has been an accountant and a millionaire in a shanty who feels when your life is change what have I done to you what have I done to you until you genius what am i dancing sit here please what am I getting you would have been a normal person a normal person your life is changed that's what is it - a reminder to consecrate therefore to separate them from the rest of the dough be different do you understand when you are anointed is almost Asadi almost a Sunday in this natural services Sunday in a natural to be anointed is a sad day Society does the thing were mated with the day of sadness as far as realized what am I done may God pours oil and change your life how many might go to change your life change you forever change you forever change you forever changing forever thank you Jesus for your blessing for your anointing or what have I done I pour the compound hallelujah sit down now upon man's flesh I shall not depart you have to get your flesh and your things out of the wheel because God cannot unknowing flesh and anointing can not be upon your flesh with films and your breasts in life upon flesh and up order to get that thing in control huh you have to get to a line in to control your fornication is to control you are stealing in to control the wickedness in to control unforgiveness pull yourself together sister brother God was to bless you quickly and was to put in anointing on man that's right you finally and whosoever compounded any like it or who stood up to take any of it upon a stranger you see there are many things that are like the anointed is no Daniel T so anyone who bring something that like it what's that thing people have got leadership as if leadership is anointing strategies assist passages are anointing administration's administration is not anointed movie we are usually wanted to teach church members only we are really wanted to gather people money is not amounting who has compounded a little like a loyalty influence that's not anything that person is not a good person and we shall not put it on a stranger unbelievers cannot carry this community made the grace given some more quickly make that grit and the blessings of your son up please father lift your hands pallet or placing your anointing your oil on a people blessed Lord blessed and blessed blessed blessed mr. Arno things separate you separate you separate you separate you separate you receive receive receive receive we are not be anointed the America not the lightly change different life different like different life blessed play thank you thank you your are noisy it's all your people and all your people you are you by your kids what is your time to be useful we grasp on a notion which is replaced with a message oh yes yes Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa I wind up everybody thank you every special shall get every master polyalloy set of investor Oh bless every bus stop [Music] Thank You Sofia noises this samyama consecrated for his seven for the travellers by seven for his 747 yes yes the seven five seven four seven fair well it's seven she met anointing anything uh noises oh yeah I remember every sister I feel the way let us be rain whether we are what we do leatherby emotion Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah leatherby oil leather the rain let us be do do you rain great great [Applause] oh listen everyone everyone have some oil add some more everyone for everyone gee everyone everyone has two more [Music] listeners that's fine take a deep breath right now receive the Holy Ghost annoyed that I'll always look I know it laughs I know it's Lord o supreme lord consecrated our value placed on $1 million in the air thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Pinto de volta live a passionate passionate about Miranda Lauren yes well family feelin say cheese cheese Congress on an agreement ringa linga stink [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is delicious for a picture this part of the Christmas photo spread knowledge our family both a little background about the difficulties people [Music] oh yeah [Music] my vanity over here comes oh yeah Justin yeah that's okay just these people let's come there's a compound that has been given to you how chief it's not one of the real a compound compound made it fills your real dad muy bien muy bien de campos de anointed Oh Oh God yeah yes yes mando Brava she braided para nada para de senador de fleur de sel album param param param param Solomon oh oh oh God Volga hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you thank you my baby - thank you - mind or later [Music] thank you [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] I'm below that less left oh thank you never the same again never the same never the same again thank you thank you oh yeah [Music] Christus by a gentleman Oh God [Music] oh yes thank you thank you [Music] [Music] we [Music] everyone [Music] father give them that compound give that compound give that compound now that's compound the holy oil [Music] [Music] [Music] the anointing is for separation and it was happy to be separated yeah sometimes people look at me and ask me what you do I tell you I'm blessed to be separated onto him tonight is a night of separation think that came to be there's something greater Louise just come to me covering handsome and he should come to me and copy should come to me I'm going to pray for you come it's raining [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many sons were formation abou says thou shalt anoint every vessel oh yes because he has done it you shall see it but when the enemy shall come and say to you go back you shall see no more no more no more I'm not going back oh he shall come again and again with new lines new ideas but it will work against my anointed for my anointed shall rise with a new strength let's not go for our young and they all together the little children and the women the men I shall all run with my word ha ha ha ha I shall not be intimidated for I have called them and I have anointed every vessel let every vessel experience a supernatural blessing and breakthrough of Almighty God Father thank you thank you for a new day has begun lit your hand and thank him for a new day it's your hunger thank him for a noodle new day new day a new father ha [Music] on thy life holy oil that breaks me along on the web now [Music] maybe one day you will hear a phone call when you hear a home call you will not be afraid because you were separated and to him it was not a new thing it was all the last-minute thing he thought about it you separated yourself for him I said for him I said for him for him yeah and therefore you see him and meet him with joy with gladness and he will touch your head and say well done well done my son my son well done Carlos and a man they believe in Oh someone and a little escape every day don't be afraid to be separated don't be afraid to be different don't be afraid for I have told you don't be afraid to be strange don't be afraid to be different for without being different you cannot be part of my special and high calling for many shall say what is a woman doing reaching what does she know and who is she but you shall say he anointed me and he separated me even from my mother's womb I knew I was caught [Applause] thanks be to God who called me and separated me for many here priests and priests of God they have one rule in one goal in one way to be priests of Almighty may you stand amongst Iran may you stand among the high priests then you stand among the honored priest of Almighty God who live for him and serve him under the anointing you'll live long and flourish in his house may you serve him with anointed data may you serve and minister the holy incense and holy anointing oil be upon you they are coming so is be fresh with anointing oil may you succeed where others could not succeed may you prevail where others could not prevail Bay the yokes of your life and the looks of your congregation be broken by means of the anointing holy holy holy her almost synchrony grows from a leader then you have the sticky part of the anointing then you have the flowing part of the mountain then you have the aromatic mantle then you have the fragrance for the anointing then you have an attraction about you then you have a drift about you then you have the appointment that all the ointment upon you Brits understand preparing a bruise on my heel a doctor for his vision will he be upon you or you shall not think so in the beginning but in the end you shall see that it was true and a lot who that I've only known you for in the beginning they shall doubt you and they suspect you and this at all you need but in the end they will glorify God because they will see that there was truly a compound and anointing the holy iseman was truly pour upon your head at the end they shall give glory to God for he has done existing with a little one he has done a mighty thing with a great one he has performed a great way o presymbolic education laylee close to clear on too long same rigorous inclusive edit the who would have thought that you would become a prison who would have thought that you would become his seven who would have thought that you was planned in his temple and lift up this fully well oh except it were they are amazing which was taught up on you to separate you is it never have been so but today is anointing is fresh upon your life receive that are going to right now Jesus name hallelujah sit down hallelujah I feel a blessing upon you truly that is something called a anointing it's a real thing once you've known it you will never be the same you may doubt it in me questioning but in the end you will see that pain will give glory to God the enemies that devil which deceive the whole world will come to you many times and say to you not you not you Rebecca but one day many would look and say if you were not there things would have been very very different because you obeyed what a difference it has made be your life make a difference the middle life make a difference make your obedience and your life make a difference Sunday Smetana no sin present Albert the Hebrew Sabra dolly I feel there are many unique and special people here whose lives make a difference there your life makes a difference your life your life your life your life is now a different life your life is now a different life a different life which makes us different Oh rusty tolling formerly they called you the girlfriend of Sue sue and Sue formerly you are the somebody but today by the anointing that has been followed you are now separated from foolishness and to him who told you formerly you were called the body but by virtue of the oil that has the important you are now somebody in his house I said you allow somebody in his house you are now somebody in his house you are now somebody in this house you are now somebody somebody somebody who makes a difference who makes a difference don't make a difference to a thousand life Oh may your life be an honorable life a life of Honor a life that makes a difference to many life a life that makes the difference to many life a life that makes a difference to many live bro selling Brazil or a there is someone listening to be far away far away God has called you to make a difference for you shall surely come into the light and you shall make a difference although you'll be fine you shall be near but you'll be aware you shall be here though you'll be over you shall be one day right here where you make a difference class to Bristol Oh falooda Trimble embrace the broccoli dark for the hand of the Lord shall do it again and again and again not only one person I have so many and he shall use many and I shall raise many and he shall change many bring that lady to me come to me you you your life will make a difference come there life will make a difference already your life has made a difference but your life will make a difference again and again again hope yes a difference a difference beautiful beautiful beautiful for his a solid beautiful present all around allistic in Brazil dijanna may this valley bring four rivers of living water the Refresh many not one and not two but many make a difference a different means of an annoyed thank you for he shall call you beautiful beautiful in his house no please don't go planet in Arles oh yes I hear that word you shall make a difference shall make a difference mainly start but they don't make any difference their presence or the absence I will make any difference but in the day that you die the sobbing moaning heavy soul they shall be grief as has not been filled because one who made a creep difference has departed may your life make that difference in the name of Jesus amen you may be seated he will do it do you believe that he will do it I believe that he will do and therefore I received it great to do it I know I have received great what is funny is the weight people don't believe in you today that will be surprised more and will marvel and glorify God because one who was not born a preacher and today I had a vision I don't remember exactly what it was but I can it was like the little shimmy that is a touch just when you're touch like that it's like it changed completely completely how much changing the file attached to and filled our total change through some ligaments Tata Tata Tata Tata Tata Tata us said be the name of the Lord hallelujah - Gina amen not less and replaces coffee you make a difference it's kind of you make a difference a big difference don't let him frighten you many demons have been assigned to frighten me don't let him frighten you you are cultivated is a big difference i hear the web now it has pink ikat refers to make a big difference is that make a big difference you shall make a big difference blessed be the night surround we are blessed better we are working on a shout like little showers of blessing showers of blessing [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] rosemary come to me a lot told me to tell you Big Dipper hold on I'd be different thank you pitiful they say grace difference see see the day of eternity there will be surprises but those that made a difference many was not long when he did you are told have been anointed make a difference rise and run like the prophet of the Lord now you never fail Holly make a difference a big difference clasificado all the light against you what you say so slowly country may be good and you some make a big difference different a few something's I was imagining we bless us a lot to make the difference [Music] [Music] [Music] give me a handkerchief handkerchief okay okay point bless my father life has changed for that life is asking for death blessings are exchanged for casas good is exchanged for evil and Satan's plan didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work in the name of Jesus let this exchange take place father divine exchange please Ambrose Adil barrel deliver cha-cha cha-cha cha-cha cha-cha have other ecological toasting break invitation the linguist engine delivers a single ad for you have also been called to make a difference loose increased our adoring a beautiful Marlon Rosenberg had nice different wonderful difference for you have been called the Le Creuset Allah is a lyric so they are different you will need to make the difference and you will see the difference the chamber is symbolically [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody raise your right hand hold like life hold it like this do you highlighted we are holding life receive life you will not die you will live you will live and not die hold it like this Jesus thank you life is be impacted we hold on to life eternal life and the life he has given us until we preach our last emerald we refuse to die until we reach our last message we refuse to die until we have spoken the last word our incentive to speak we refuse to die in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] Thank You Lauren somebody here from a background blast these are times to be here or going to be listening I got there my son don't be surprised that I brought you here to listen to what I'm telling you because I've called you which was my plan somebody here is married the wrong person icon says I will use it for good somebody here you marry the wrong chemicals that I'll use it for good like I use Judah to do the critters work I will use that bad thing to do the great work that I have decided to do be blessed [Applause] hallelujah how many have receive something tonight dawn has given you a new anointing a new oil you shall be are you ready to be different you are different already and God is using you to make a difference a big difference someone should come I feel please oh please please please go back please go back father thank you for your anointing your life I beseech you at this time and change this name go back everybody go back I believe how many ones the holy makes you holy but I say no ladies and people don't believe anybody to advance it all the vessels are anointed except you meaning of the wood workshop other pieces of vessels would be spelling of cinnamon sweet colonies and other sake things whatever feel like all these things on the stage you get it you may be one of the speakers but you are dry but this one is only as smart as week ago this one is beautiful because you are just there try as wood from the carpentry shop because of the oil when people meet you day unless the head Christ they will hate you really love him to fill something life from today the mail [Music] [Applause] [Music] from today that this comes effective Jesus name you may be seated
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,016
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Id: -V0nedgYt1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 14sec (7454 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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