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recording we bind you from operating and we speak the truth in love in jesus name and everybody say it amen this is a this is a teaching i did years ago but i i finally found a message that's been in my file so long but i needed to do it because i'm gonna i'm setting up some things to begin to teach the pastors around the world so this is one of the foundational teachings everybody talks about heard about the apostolic right you said what what is the apostolic they don't know what the apostolic is well i'm apostolic i'm this and that so i'm going to give you a foundation a teaching and understanding of understanding the apostolic amen the the holy spirit has got many people taking another look at the apostolic ministry and by looking at the apostolic meaning we're beginning to see things we previously have not seen before and by looking again what we've never seen the bible says eyes have not seen ears have not neither has any in the heart of man the things that god has in store for us but god said but god has revealed it unto us and so when you come into the apostolic realm you have to readjust your thinking and your teaching and what you were taught in the baptist church and what you were taught in the lutheran church and what you were taught in the catholic church because they don't teach you the truth they don't teach you the whole word turn to second timothy two verse seven that's a scripture uh i i wanna i want you to see second timothy two verse three and four it says take with me your share of the hardships and sufferings which you are called to endure talk about the apostles the disciples as a good first class soldier of jesus christ no serge soldier when he which is when in service gets entangled with the enterprises of civilian life his aim is to satisfy him who enlisted him verse five and if anyone enters competitive games he is not crowned unless he competes lawfully fairly according to the rules that are laid down so you got to do it lawfully you got to do god's way precept upon precept you got to follow the steps i got a teaching called uh god knows the formulas god knows everything formula to get your victory he told david one time he said when you hear the wrestling in the trees that's your formula go didn't you go he told the joe joseph he told the king he said go dig a ditch in the valley and and watch me fill it with water is it a hard thing for the lord to do he gave everybody specific things to do in order to get a victory verse six says it is hard work it is the hard-working farmer who labors to produce who must be the first partakers of the fruit you got to labor in this word and study this word and continue speaking the word and continue to learn the word then you will have good success because most of us before we become born again we're in a negative world everything is negative everything is bad everything is ugly so we got to change our thinking this is the verse i want to get to verse seven and eight he says now think over these things that i'm saying understand them grasp their application we gotta learn this word we gotta we gotta grasp the application of the word about the apostolic for the lord will grant you full insight and understanding in some things he said everything i want to give you god said i want to give you understanding in everything i want to give you understanding where your parents went wrong i want to give you understanding where you went wrong i want to give you understand what curses in your love in your life i want to give you understanding who jesus is i'm going to give you understanding of miracles healing everything i want to give you full insight and understanding it's not here i don't want to hide it from you i want to make sure you know it he said constantly keep in mind jesus christ the messiah as risen from the dead as prophesied king descended from david according to the good news of the gospel that i preached so paul said i want you to consider what i say and the lord will give you understanding of all things and you cannot receive understanding and consider what is being said some will not even consider the apostolic ministry is for today some will even not consider that apostles are for today revelation and understanding come to those that consider what's being said and see a lot of people not considering what's being said on the mainstream news the name would tell us all a bunch of stuff we don't even think about oh that's what they say it must be true it's a lie jesus gave us a commission i want to talk about the commission because the commissioning is the apostolic anointing it's a commission the commission is not temporary he said well i'll give you one commission and that's it matthew 18 28 18 says jesus approached and said breaking decided he said to him all authority all power and rule in heaven on earth has been given to me i got it you go you disciples you go of all the nations baptize them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit teaching them to observe everything that i've commanded you and behold i am with you all the days perpetually i'm with you every day perpetually i'm with you uniformly i'm with you in every occasion when you're having your bar mitzvah when you're having your quinceanera when you're having your family gathering when you're having your thanksgiving dinner i'm with you all the time to every close consummation of the a until the end of the age to the end they said i'm gonna be with you so let it be so make consider this that i'm with you i don't care what anybody else says i'm with you i'm not gonna leave you and i'm commissioning you to the end of age this is this is not a temporary thing forever until i end everything to the earth rolls up in a scroll and i take everything away you're commissioned to go all authority and power has been given to me and i'm giving it to you that's the commission this is in matthew 28. so all the power has been given to us it was given to the apostles it was given to them directly and they gave it to the church indirectly through jesus christ so here it is the apostles these 12 guys they're the first mission impossible team is missing impossible that the bible says that the angels entreated to look into what jesus did jesus died on the cross came up to heaven sprinkle the holy place with his blood sat down next to the father name said how are you going to build your church jesus just sit back and watch they didn't even know what was going to happen they didn't even know what was going to transfer how was the church going to get built the mission impossible maybe if you've seen the movie mission impossible they had a team and everybody on the team had a specialty they were able to do certain things amen first corinthians 12 4 says now there are distinctive varieties and distributions of endowments gifts extraordinary power distinguishing certain christians due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the holy spirit they vary but the holy spirit remains the same everybody in here when you accept jesus lord and savior the holy spirit comes and endows you with certain gifts and anointings to do certain things and he said he's in your soul so that means that even though you confess sin and repented of your sin your soul is nature is still not developed and still not grown so the holy spirit is going to stay there and talk to you and say don't don't go with them to the bar don't don't do that don't go over here don't do that he'll begin to deal with your conscience you begin to feel convicted when you do you start doing stuff that you know you're not supposed to be doing he said i'll be with you and there are distinctive varieties of service and administration but the same lord who served all there are distinctive varieties of operation of working to accomplish things but the same god who inspires and energizes them of them all and all so what god says he gives gifts unto the saints that's the apostolic that's the anointing or the endowment or the grace of god god said i'm going to put it on the apostles first and they're going to give it to the church and they're going to lay hands on the believers and the apostles today they're going to they're going to cause this mission impossible team they were on the the the the the mission impossible team were offered impossible and simon he said should you take this assignment burn up this tape amen in two seconds this tape shall be destroyed amen hallelujah so judas hung himself peter ran from a rooster john and his brother wanted to call down fire from heaven and burn up everybody and they fell asleep on jesus so they hid themselves in a room because they were afraid jesus was crucified they're afraid they're gonna come and they won't fear that they're gonna get the same faith so how could this small ragtag ban of galatians fulfill the great commission how could they overcome the odds that were against them that that was stacked against how could a would have people believe that their cinder had died and rose from the dead now how they gonna believe it all your boss he died why would we listen to you why should we listen to you what would give them the ability to complete such a mission so before we say in our minds well prayer and intercession and the power of the holy spirit a lot of people overlooked this the most important thing is they were sent when the power of holy ghost holy ghost is there it means they were sent and so when you're sent it means god said jesus i'll never leave you nor forsake you sent one wherever you go on the assignment i send you to i will be with you working signs and miracles among them but the key is you have to be sent and not went a lot of people grab the title but they're not sent nowhere we've got thousands of apostles in america and they have not left their neighborhood they ain't been sent nowhere they they haven't gone anywhere god didn't even speak to them to go but you but the sign of apostle is being sent on assignment and this set anointing to be an apostle to be apostolic it revolves about the concept of being sent one can only only certain ones can fulfill the great commission the church has been given the commission the commission is an apostolic commission the commission must and will be fulfilled since his commission is apostolic it will take an apostolic anointing to fulfill it there's an anointing that goes with being sent i'm going to get into it what does it mean to be apostolic can we all be apostolic yes we all can be apostolic but we are not all not apostles amen let's let's look at a commission a commission is a matter or a task authorized this means authorized by someone in authority someone has to authorize you or commission you to do something to commission means to authorize to appoint to charge to empower see it's one thing to tell somebody to do something but to give them the power to do it to dispatch to entrust with a mission apostles were given the commission by jesus directly and they have turned around and gave it to the church so they were appointed they were empowered they were dispatched in the in the old days in the in the roman empire empire they would send apostles or what he called emissaries or invoice and these invoice normally it comes from the word apostolos it means a delegate or an ambassador in our in our form in apostol apostle abbas ambassador of the gospel officially a commissioner of christ with supernatural miraculous powers a messenger a sent one when when nations would deal with another invoice would come they were not allowed to kill the invoice the envoy would come to another nation says my king i represent my king and his kingdom he wants to make peace with this or he wants this land or this uh we want to make uh we want we will give you grain you give us rights we'll give you this we'll get and they would negotiate and he was usually a military general now let's just back it up a little bit the romans they would send these invoice commissioned to go into nations and tell these nations listen we're taking over rome is taking over we will give you an opportunity to surrender and you'll pay tribute and we'll let your children live we'll let you live but if you don't we're going to come in and just take it and and and they would go into these places and conquer them and say now here are the rules of the roman empire you can do this you can do this you can do this you can learn this uh i'll teach you how to build roads i'll teach you how to build buildings and romans did the romans road they did all that stuff but they were a person that had authority to bring in what the caesar wanted done over that nation he said the caesar uh is is going to be in control and this is what you would do and so when i when that military person had to come in he had to deal with all kind of situations he had the power to deal with it the apostles when they were sent out that there's evil spirits that have to be dealt with in a nation in a place prophetic utterances must be released many uh were released in an evangelistic commission although evangelism is part of the apostolic the commission is it incorporates evangelism fulfilled but it's more than just evangelized you're sick to preach apostles teach prophesy lay the foundation build on your foundation give the truth of the kingdom talk about the kingdom of god the kingdom of god it talks about is a military he gives angels charge over you if you enter to the kingdom of god he has a financial system of tied uh sea time and harvest time that's our system of financial things and he would uh you don't hit your brother if you smash on one she turn the other cheek you they they went in and told them what the kingdom of god was about don't you want to come into the kingdom so the apostle was the apostolic apostolos the secular word or the greeks and the hebrews used envoy so i want you to understand i'm going to take my times because i got pastors watching it was an invoice and so many of these invoices were military generals with authority to go into new territories and fight if necessary to establish the greek or roman culture in that region and they were responsible for teaching and training the jews and on the laws and culture of the kingdom and they were sent in certain territories to subdue to conquer to convert to instruct to train to establish new subjects in the culture of the empire so i was commissioned by the holy spirit he said go to aurora and start a church and so i went to came to aurora there was nobody dancing there was nobody prophesying there was nobody casting out devils there was no one doing there was just dark they were being it was religious and so we started doing warfare people said what are you talking about warfare and doing shut-in prayers and prayer walks and walking around the city conquering the principalities and powers and dealing with things in the darkness and then other churches started emulating what we were doing they started bringing praise teams in they started bringing dance teams in we didn't argue with them but praise the lord you do what we're doing amen they started prophesying they started doing the music change in front of a b selections to prophetic worship and say and we brought in the commission was to bring the kingdom of god into aurora not only did we bring the kingdom of god into a row where we pushed even darkness over to joliet also pushing and fighting in the spirit so the apostle has been the part of the church since jesus christ ascended the apostle of the apostolic was not is not ordained by the church they ordained by jesus or god themselves it's a big difference the church does not ordain apostles you see him on on on facebook well i've been ordained and said no god ordains apostles that's why i checked you i would check your ability to be an apostle apostles are commissioned by god and jesus and not by ephesians 4 verse 11 and his gifts were varied he himself appointed and gave men to us some to be apostles special messengers some prophets inspired teachers and expounders some evangelists preachers of the gospel traveling missionaries some pastors shepherds of his father and teachers first corinthians 12 28 and god now jesus gave some gifts and god sent in some in the church first apostles secondary prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps governments diversity of tongues are all apostles no all prophets nope are all teachers no are all workers a miracle no anyone can be apostolic but not be in the office of an apostle god can use you to heal there's gifts of healing there's a spirit of prophecy or the gift of prophecy you can prophesy and not be a prophet that's a gift of god by the holy spirit the holy spirit is apostolic so when you're talking when people start talking about apostolic and understand the holy spirit is apostolic he sent john 14 26 look at this but the comforter the counselor the helper the intercessor the advocate the strengthener the standby the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name in my place to represent me and to act on my behalf so that the holy spirit has sent one he's apostolic he's sent by jesus and by god the father sent him to represent jesus he will cause you here to keep he will cause you to recall and remind you and bring to your remembrance everything i have told you so what i mean that means the more you read your word the more you study the word when you need it the scriptures are going to come back to your mind and help you that's why your son said mom you need to pray in the house you need to pray because all that stuff's gonna come back up you gotta have something in for it to come back up you gotta study something for something to change in your mind and in your soul so it's very important i want you to understand the holy spirit is with you and he said study to show yourself approve a work man that need not be ashamed in other words you've got to open up the bible god's not gonna force you to open it up you've got to sit there and go through the bible because it is his word it is god speaking to you and so he's apple spotting the holy spirit said whatever you read whatever you study if you memorize proverbs 91 if you memorize when it comes when the prom trouble comes guess what i'm gonna bring it back up to your memory right there you're not gonna stand there and cry you're gonna start speaking the word it's gonna come out of your mouth you're like how did i get started on this you ever had a conversation all of a sudden it just went awful you start talking about god and everything all that stuff's coming back up on you he said i'll bring it all back to your memories i remember i was teaching uh uh i was in where was i in i was in kenya and i was teaching in this church and the power went out and i had my laptop and so i had enough battery to see and preach even though there was no power there was no light in the whole church but it just hit my laptop i'd always seen my glow in my face [Laughter] and then we had an outside crusade the next night and it was my first one of my first crusades and i had my little notes like this you know i have a note and guess what big wind came by and blew all my notes away and i started speaking just out of my testimony and i preached for an hour he brought everything back i didn't even need the notes all i had to do was trust the whole he said trust me and i'll bring it back up so the holy spirit not only is he apostolic but he's prophetic also look at this acts chapter 2 verse 17 18 and it shall come to pass in the last days god declares i that i will pour my spirit upon all mankind your sons your daughters shall prophesy telling forth divine counsels your young men shall see visions divinely granted appearances and your old men shall dream divinely suggested dreams i didn't realize about this about the old men until all of a sudden these last three four years god just been dropping dreams on me i'm just dreaming prophetic dreams all the time i mean i'm preaching everywhere and casting out devils all kinds of things in these dreams they said well but he said i'm going to put part my spirit on you your sons and daughters so confess that over your sons and daughters here it is right here he just sent it he said i'm gonna pour my spirit on your sons and daughters and they shall prophesy instead of saying oh they don't serve god they out there drinking in the tavern no say hey they're gonna prophesy the word of the lord they're going to divinely give the inspired word of the lord god's going to turn around their life i see it and i claim it and i stand on faith and it's going to happen instead of them they went out to the table let them go let them go to the table lord i pray in the name of jesus every time they take a drink they're not going to get fulfilled by it they're not going that taste bud's not going to taste it no longer they don't even want to want it anymore take away the taste of alcohol take away the taste of cigarettes take away the taste of marijuana god will do it supernatural power comes when you begin to pray that god will take it away i smoked for i don't know how many years 20 years 30 years god took it in that i woke up the next morning like i never smoked in my whole life or drank anything in my whole life he absolutely takes everything away but i had to ask him to do it it took it took me a while to get past that because i would every day i would go to the liquor store every day from work i go stop by my car i don't know it just had a gps at that time 30 years ago it pulled all into the liquor store right by itself every week every day every day by itself it would do that and after i got saved after i started seeking the lord and stuff and i realized lord i can't stop smoking i have to come to i can't stop drinking i keep saying i'm gonna do it i tried it i put the cigarette down for two days and then i started looking for butts on the third day amen trying trying to find something trying to find something to smoke anything anyway let me bomb one until one day i finally just said lord i can't you're gonna have to take it i'll give it to you and when i did that he took it but see i was i was trying to do it in my own flesh i was trying to set myself free i don't need your help i can do it myself i can quit myself verse 18. yes my main servants also my men servants also and on my maid service in those days i will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy telling forth the divine councils and predicting future events pertaining especially to god's kingdom we're in it now i mean we're in it now we're prophesying like water i mean it ain't got some place now i don't feel like prophesying that most folks don't even listen no more they don't they don't appreciate prophecy he got so watered down now but we still prophesied so he's apostolic the holy spirit he's prophetic and he's evangelistic he's the one that convicts draws sinners teaches and he separates he draws on first john 2 27 but as for you the anointing here the anointing the sacred appointment of the unction which you receive from him abides permanently in you so that you have no need for anyone to instruct you but just as his anointing teaches you concerning everything and is true and there's no falsehood so you must be able to live abide in live in never a part depart from him the word abide you ever get a a splinter in your hand that's what the word abide means it's like you're in christ where you got like a splinter in his hand where he can't get it out you've been ill on this and you'll be picking you can't get it out because it's down in there guy said i want you to bite in me like a splinter in somebody's hand they got to get some tweezers he said i behold i've shaping you in my hands no man can take you out of my hands that's what abides in it means a living never depart being rooted in him being knit in him just as his anointing taught you to do so when you receive jesus there's a he said he sheds his love abroad in your heart there is anointing by the holy spirit well i don't feel no anointing you don't have to feel it you couldn't have gotten saved unless the holy spirit drew you you can't confess jesus is lord unless the holy spirit is there those demons won't let them words come out of your love mouth repent but the holy spirit there that the holy spirit does is a devil back away from them they're mine now i'm bringing them out of the darkness they're coming into light i'm taking the weight of sin off their shoulders you know that 10 000 pound weight you had on your shoulder the holy spirit took that he said no you don't need that you don't need that hurt you don't need that grief you don't need that sorrow you don't need that sickness you don't need give me that i'm taking all that stuff away you go free go play be free jesus was the apostle and he was sent so he was apostolic he was sent jesus was anointed without measure we got a measure of anointing but he gave the anointing that jesus had was without measure but he split it first john 3 34 for since when he whom god was has sent since he whom god has sent speaks the words of god proclaims god's own message he's an invoice he's not telling his mess he's giving what what he wanted an authority told him to say he said i do nothing what my father showed me i say nothing with my father tell me i am just an involved i'm a sent one god does not give him his spirit sparingly or by measure but boundless is the gift of god makes his spirit so god gave jesus everything the whole kingdom i don't think we can handle the old kitten caboodle right now i'm working on it i say lord give me give me some more i mean i won't be able to do that stuff let arms grow out and lays grow out and put eyeballs back into place and people and stuff and and do that we ain't got there yet but we're gonna get there we're gonna get there we're working on it to get there he's gonna trust us one day to release that kind of power so the characteristic of the apostolic spirit is the awareness of being sent i'm i can't i can't pound this any anymore harder than that you've got to you don't i don't go to places without being sent i don't go to conferences without being sent i don't go to neighborhood churches to being sent i don't go to africa without being sent i don't go anywhere without being sent i have to be sent because when he sends me then i know he said i'm with you 400 percent the kingdom of heaven is with you when he sent me to india i said i know india i don't know nobody in india why you sent me to india sent me to india i went to india and it was like walking into satan's house slapping him and daring him to move that's how much of power it was on me that's how i felt devil i dare you to say something just say one ah [Laughter] i'm telling the truth that's how that's how i felt like i slapped you don't you see these angels behind me do you know who i am who sent me how dare you invade my territory i'm here i'm one in charge now you go sit over there you can't tell satan he already been beat up by jesus if jesus can beat him up i can beat him up too amen jesus already took the keys to death hell in the grave it's like michael said i don't even argue with you lord rebuke you you are you're with moses body you ain't taking nothing you're in control not the very heartbeat of the apostleship is the concept of being sent when the church loses this dimension it loses a sense of divine purpose and mission whole denominations are drying up and have dried up because of the lack of the apostolic anointing you can food on people only so much for so long then they got to get the truth and then they get mad don't you go over that church you don't catch on fire you don't want to go there demons gonna get out you know they want you to get free because denominational churches are built by corporate structure the pastor gets a paycheck he can't preach what he wants to preach he's got to preach what the denomination telling the preacher if he preaches anything other than that they will kick him out of their denomination and take his church away but the apostolic is sent by god god didn't send a committee to win the world he sent a son and so the apostles are jesus are jesus friends he said you're no longer my disciples you are my friends so the holy spirit is the apostles and the prophets separator and source acts 13 2 while they were worshiping the lord and fasting the holy spirit said separate me now for me barnabas and saul for the work that i have called him too that sounds exciting don't it we you know praise god and worship let's say the lord separate paul and barnabas and and and abundance and saul and say praise the lord we getting ready go brother they know we're getting ready to walk into prison or to sign me they tell them that they're going to go to jail and get beat up you just separate them so sometimes god tell you go somewhere oh it's going to be great it's going to be great it'll put you right in trouble he'll put you right in trouble right in the middle of trouble put me in a little village i'm in a place that roaches that big around i got my light on my laptop on scared to go i wasn't going to sleep sleeping one eye on i took my mosquito net and wrapped it all around them ain't nothing climbing in here with me tonight in this place and it was a police barracks i didn't even know it was the police barracks there was nobody in there you know they had different little houses a little little apartment with a bedroom and a a living room and a bathroom then the sink was half broke you know somebody had owned a hotel and then the police took it over and i didn't see no priest when we pulled in you know it was 12 o'clock at night come to find out after about three days in this place that it was the police bags they would come in in the morning after we had left because they were out all night patrolling because over nigeria they'll rob you you can't go down the street after when they get dark they set up tires and big spikes and stuff and robbing people and robbing trucks and crazy so i didn't even know i was in a rough place but god didn't tell me that he just sent me in there the time i went to india to ordain those pastors first time 150 pastors ordained what are the 30 apostles bunch of advantages and stuff it was almost 300 people they didn't tell me after i got through it all that three days laying hands anointed people uh i said and i happened to notice when a guy had a gun under me i said what is that you say oh they have threatened your life said you better not have this service we just had a security there to protect you jesus now you tell me you didn't tell me that i wouldn't have came out i know they will threaten to kill me because everyone didn't want me to ordain the apostles micah3na says for truly i michael i'm full of power of the spirit of the lord of justice and might to declare to jacob his transgression and israel his sin god used great preachers fruit pickers anybody he anointed them with power to address even a nation and so the holy spirit separates us until our calling holy spirit supervises the mission that you're on one of the things when when you when you're being sent here it is pastors all your pastors are writing if you go to another nation make sure that god sends you because there's logistics involved in you going into another nation your angels have to be uh get in contact with the angels that are in the place where you going their coordination of where you're going to be what you're going to be doing because there's demonic forces that will come to fight against what god wants to do and so there's a there's there's a a gathering of your angels and and and and charges to make sure that your trip is right we took that one trip i think i don't know if you were at that trip when we got to uh new york uh we got on the boat got on laguardia and went to the other airport and there was a big long line and the lady and it was eight eight or ten of us and we were standing outside with all these bags and stuff and a lady came through the side door and said come here this way you guys come this way and they took us to first class and he said guess give me all your password i'll check everybody in this big long line and coach area over there but it took us to first class and checked us all in god set that up and it happened many other times we were in the airport in zambia and two of the students were sitting there and we started witnessing them and they got saved in there in the lounge in the airport just got set up thing we landed in in the in kenya in zambia and and they came and said give us all your password and they took and checked us in and we just sat there in the lounge relaxing stayed in the president's palace in zambia god will make the he supervise the mission act 16 6 paul and silas passed through nigeria galatia having been forbidden forbidden by the holy spirit to proclaim the word in the promise of asia this is important the holy spirit will say don't go down new york street today go down to ohio why don't worry about it it'll be a shooting over on new york street don't go over here don't go this way today do it take a different route because he will warn us of situations i've you know one of the things i learned about is delays you know sometimes you'll be delayed and you want to get somewhere and you want to hurt him get there but sometimes god will set up things where you can't go i mean one time i was gonna go to a funeral of a cousin or something like that and my car window would not close it wouldn't close brand new car the window wouldn't go back down it wouldn't go up and it was raining i said i can't go into chicago with my window down the car be gone when i come back outside for some reason god didn't want me to go and so he did something mechanical to stop me from from going i've been in airports where we'll get on the plane and and and they come and say everybody get off the plane why he said there's a bomb threat that happened to me a lot of times and i go sit back and i said lord send the angels and sweep through this plane make sure ain't no bomb on this plane every time i get on the plane just get off the plane there's a bomb threat i said i hear you devil i know you want to threaten me but god holding this plane up you're not going to stop me from going where i need to go i have many bomb threats many of them i ain't telling you all this stuff see everybody i think it's going to be great and wonderful in it and then when you go on an assignment to a mission field and you're going to come back and and people are going to be at the airport praising you with balloons and stuff [Laughter] you can cast out devils and heal the sick and open up blind eyes overseas then you come back home like oh you just you're just an apostle the apostle is god set first first is the word proton first in time in rank and in order the apostles must manifest the character of christ they're usually the first to go into a geographical area there have a rank that demons recognize and principalities recognize rank is defined as the degree or position of dignity imminence and excellence a grade of official standing apostles decree and the command and rebuke with authority everywhere paul went he upset cities i mean he was up everybody wanted to kill him he would do things in the spirit and principality would be so mad if people would be so mad they wanted to kill him they had to lower him down in baskets and get him out of town they stoned him left him for dead laying in the it and he got up and brushed himself off kept on walking they came against them first in time breaking order demons recognize paul i know jesus or no but who are you see they understand the thing and so the apostles the apostolic anointing is sent to bring restoration restitution of the apostolic ministry is called apoctasis it means to re to health and restitution of your life in personal areas and in areas of ministry so reconstitute or to help to bring you back into a spiritual health mental health physical health to reconstitute to bring it back into all areas to restore means to bring back into existence or use to re-establish god said believe in his in the lord god you shall be established believe in his prophets you shall prosper so when you believe in god god said i'm going to establish your house first so the first thing you do after you get saved god said i'm coming to your house and we're going to get it in order i'm going to get all your crazy relatives in order i'm going to get your crazy husband in order your dumb kids in order we're going to get them all back online now they all got all we're all crooked somewhere we're going to bring the crooked places back straight we're going to take the high places down we're going to deal with your attitude we're going to deal with your hurts we're going to deal with your pain and god comes that way reconstitute one of the things i learned about god is when you get saved he does first thessalonians 5 23 i would let you be whole mind body and spirit and so for three or four months you'll start dealing with your mind your emotions all the hurts all the pains you're just i mean constantly lord i gotta deal with that too yup gotta go back and repent to them too yup go back to that one too yep go get that straight again yep no you got to deal with this you get to deal with that attitude you're always talking about your mama under your breath we got to deal with that you're always cursing in your mind let's get them cursed words out of your mind hey man you know you got cursed words stealing you saying but you still curse hey man we got to deal with that spirit in you uh-huh i've been there i got a t-shirt and then the next six months he said all right let's deal with this flesh of yours you eating too many tweakies too much cake too much pies why are you eating all them chips all the time why are you feeling depressed why are you doing it all come on i'm just come on say hey man if you can't say it i'm just that's how god does and let's deal with this diabetes did you keep telling me you got diabetes you got diabetes because you won't stop eating that junk i'm talking in your car i'm just telling you i had a prayer line in joliet and everybody in the prayer life i said anybody need to be healing in prayer life and i had about 10 women in prayer line and then the holy spirit spoke to me and said they don't need healing they need to stop going to burger king and mcdonald's some things god can't do you got to change your eating habits amen you got to stop eating that pork and that fat and then your heart getting all properly i know i shouldn't eat this but i'ma have a little piece i know i shouldn't if you know you should then don't do it the restore means to bring back to his original condition god made these bodies not to be hurting and then pain and suffering in the disease and stuff he made you're perfectly made you're fearfully and wonderfully made it means to reinstall when you reinstall something you re bring it reconstitute it you replace it it means to bring back to life again return my thing here is something it means to return to rebuild we can make you bigger and better bionic man amen give you new arms limbs to reconstitute you guys that i can make you better than what you were before isaiah 42 22 but this people is robbed and plundered they are all ensnared in holes and hidden in houses of bondage they have become a prey no one to deliver them a spoil no one to say restore them this shows the condition of the of israel and their punishment for not recognizing so isaiah said no one's saying restore so god said i gotta raise up apostles and prophets to restore i gotta raise up people to bring deliverance that will restore no one says restore the people everybody say let everybody go to hell in america just let them smoke all the dope they want let them shoot up all the hair and they want god said no no no no i got people that can restore them i got people to bring them back to the family we ran away from the family unit now amen when we were in the 50s everybody sat down and ate they prayed before they ate they sat at the table and ate together now in the 60s when tvs came out everybody went to their own room with their own tv and ain't in their own room nobody talked to nobody amen living in the same house for 10 years and say hi and bye well you did this and you didn't or who left the dishes in the seat um i ain't my time to clean up and i don't know why you leave the door a lot did you put in the gas in the car just on and on and on and on and on and on yeah i said i came to restore you family back together yep the the apostles have the ability to hold back darkness for people to get set free acts 20 verse 29 i'm almost done let's quit now i know that after i'm gone ferocious wolves will get them in among you and not sparing the flag even from among you of your own selves men will come to the front who by saying perverse distorted and corrupt things will endeavor to draw away the disciples after them to their own party paul said as long as i'm here the wolves can't come but i'm gonna leave and when i do the words go come into the church they're gonna rise up even some of you gonna rise up and want to be preeminent want to be seen want to be the great ones in fact he wrote in galatians chapter three oh foolish galatians who's bewitched you haven't begun have you started in the spirit or not you made perfect in the flesh how did you get saved you got saved by the holy ghost now they telling you yeah but you got to get circumcised men came in and said oh you you say but you got to get circumcised now god took him back into bondage said don't go back to bondage so apostles have ability the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god to pulling down those strongholds overthrowing destruction so apostles have ability to pull down principalities and powers and strongholds ephesians 3 10 for the for this purpose that through the church is complicated many sided wisdom of god is in all infinite variety innumerable aspects might be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities principalities and powers in the heavenly spear god said i anointed my apostles and prophets that they may deal and bring the kingdom to principalities and powers that they would subdue principalities and powers i was in the uh the last trip i took to nigeria we were in a villa little village and the pastor said the church can't grow because there's a there's a grove of trees where the witch doctors and stuff have their stuff in there and all the people are in bondage and we had to pray to get the strategy of god first before this evangelist went in and tried to deal with the principality in that area he had to do three days of fasting then go anoint the perimeter of the the the of the woods around it anointed with oil and then go in with the team and start speaking the word of god over that anointing everything in it it was a strategy by god to deal with that principality that which doctor had the whole village kept in bondage apostles ministry operates at the rank that's high enough to speak on behalf of heaven principalities principalities have to acknowledge the rank jesus i know paul i know but who are you god is releasing spiritual diplomats in this hour ambassadors of christ into nations they are ambassadors of christ sent by the sovereign state the sovereign or the state of heaven to other countries and residents to represent so we've been sent the apostolic i want you to understand consider what i say the apostolic is an anointing it is an endowment of the holy spirit it is a special anointing that it allows you to be sent go ye in all the world and preach the gospel you're being sent so every believer is apostolic you're sent to do something and god said i will be with you and i will be on you and so there's different levels of being sent but understand the apostolic means ascent one so we got a lot of bishops run around and say i'm a bishop apostle no you're not stay a bishop apostles are different apostles have a different dna cut from a different cough have the character of christ they're they're given to the body of christ they're not given to the church that's the difference some apostles say well i'm i'm the apostle of the denomination no you sent by god to a specific assignments that's it paul said i don't overstep my measure of rule i don't preach the gospel in any other place i don't build on another man's foundation apostles are trailblazers i'd like to go to places where nobody else will build and preach to god there are places that you haven't even heard the gospel yet there are people have never heard the gospel yet i've been in the villages and stuff it's dark at night i've been in there where you need a flashlight you can't see nothing ain't no lights you see a little fire in a little hut that's about all you can see it's dark out there lions tigers and bears oh my hey man i don't know it's snakes and scorpions and you don't know what you said and you don't know what you'd be stepping in i went uh up in the mountains in kenya i was up in the mountains in kenya and it was mud and everything and i looked down it was mud mixed with donkey doo-doo i mean it was just it was all on your shoes i threw my shoes away when i got home man i didn't bring them things back but it's all mushed together because that stay raw that's they used to walk they walk around with big rubber boots on it i said why didn't y'all give me some rubber boots hey got me walking in my titties my nikes messing up my shoes me finish wrapping with this the apostolic warfare is the word stratum uh strategia it means apostolic career see the apostles is a career i don't get to retire it's my career a lot of people say what april died i'm overretired need to retire we just fade away they mean like enoch here today and gone tomorrow i don't plan on retired i can't see retirement i got too much to do i'll i'll rest when i get to heaven amen uh that's when i'm gonna rest but there's work to be done here in the earth realm you sit around on a cloud i know you want to play your little heart and sing jesus songs up in heaven no no no there's work to be done here god ain't gonna let you sit on his jesus sitting on his throne our throne is here we're to order this earth dress this or and bring the kingdom of heaven into the earth realm that's our job bring the king get the bride prepared for the coming king get the spots and wrinkles out of the church out of the believer and get them ready so i have to stop here i got more so but i'm gonna stop here because i'm going on my time but i'm i wanted to preach this and teach this to you a little bit because i'm going to be teaching this to the pastors in africa so i just want to tune up warm up and see how long it's going to go because they want me to do a zoom they say oh we want you to do a zoom i said well i can do a zoom music no we want two hours we want three hours they're hungry and they want to hear the word of god i've had pastors travel three or four days just to get to the meeting where i was on train on buses on places just to hear the word of the lord we in america we want to roll out the bed on sunday morning to come around the corner i'm telling the truth when you go overseas it's a whole different animal overseas you got a whole different appreciation of america than when you go when you go to another country that they're not like over here they ain't got no soft chairs to sit on they sit on the floor on no on a hard cement floor the people say they don't have chairs to sit in and they love it they think of jesus they they want you to preach all day you need to preach your little heart out and say well we're going to take a break and we'll be back in an hour which i'm going to i'm going to sleep [Laughter] you know i got jet lag they do all day three twice in the morning take a break twice in the afternoon and then have a crusade at night to heal folks so it takes that type of anointing to do that type of work it takes an anointing he said my yoke is easy my burden i don't know if you ever been under jesus yoke but it ain't that easy he said it's easy but you know where your little body out if you don't keep the little body in shape your little body get war out in a minute amen you ever been to look at your hand i used to do the crusades i've been in here the hair turned white being an anonymous hair just turns white you're anointed [Laughter] father we thank you for this word this morning we give you praise and glory and i pray that the apostolic foundation will be laid in and they will begin to understand the apostolic that it has to be sent they have to be sent by you by the holy spirit he has separates he he divides he he teaches he instructs he is he is the sent by the father from heaven jesus was sent by the father the apostles were sent by jesus the father set some in the church jesus set some in the church and so father we thank you for the setting and we thank you for the sending that's going to transpire this next year as nations are being judged as nations are being separated as the goat nations and nations are being separated and judged we pray as the apostles go forth they will go forth in power and authority and they will begin to shape very nations in jesus name amen
Channel: Albert Buford
Views: 267
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hq94Fd-_lMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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