Sheev Rewrites--The Book of Boba Fett

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the last statement of the journeyman protector jasper muriel known later as bounty hunter boba fett before exile from the world of concord dawn everyone dies it is the final and only lasting justice evil exists it is intelligence in the service of entropy when the sight of a mountain slides down to kill a village this is not evil for evil requires intent should a sentient being cause that landslide there is evil and requires justice as a consequence so that civilization can exist there is no greater good than justice and only if law serves justice is it good law it is said correctly that law exists not for the just but for the unjust for the just carry the law in their hearts and do not need to call it from afar i bow to no one and i give service only for cause [Laughter] hey you there yeah i'm talking to you this isn't a book of boba fett review i already did one of those so go check that out in the little card on the top right corner or you know in one of the links down below go on scram or stay i you're totally welcome to stick around i mean the more the merrier hell just watch both videos i won't complain this video is going to focus on many of the flaws in the book of boba fett kind of like in my actual review but i also want to present my own ideas about how they could have potentially been done differently because when you dig down deep enough under the absolute dung pile that is this show there are actually a lot of cool concepts to work with that would make such a compelling show given better writing i've done rewrites before for the last jedi and the riser skywalker like a couple years ago but i'm bringing it back because i've had a lot of time to think about this show and the things that i would have done differently but for those unfamiliar with my rewrite videos let me break it down for you i typically like to limit myself to certain rules because knowing me i have a tendency to go a little far in a few places when left creatively unchecked with the two sequel rewrites i did i decided i would still have to abide by what movies came before rather than come up with absolutely everything from scratch and similarly to that i'm gonna have to do that with this show because if i had it completely my way a show about boba fett after escaping the sarlacc pit would have an entirely different premise it wouldn't be about him taking over territories on tatooine and starting a little crime family of ragtag misfits i would probably center it around him hopping around the galaxy hunting various bounties maybe even one big bounty that over the course of the season continues to grow more complex and difficult for boba or something along those lines and that does sound pretty fun so maybe one day i'll write a story like that and put it on this channel but for now i'm grounding things a little bit mostly because i want to prove that a show with this premise wasn't doomed from the start as many people logan have been saying a show about boba fett taking over jabba's palace could be pretty cool if competent writing was applied and in the same respect i really think that other things this show tried to do were really cool too boba fett going on an arc where he discovers a sense of honor and nobility that he didn't previously realize he had is so cool that it's actually kind of insulting how poorly it was handled so for the sake of this video we're gonna say that i was tasked with writing a spin-off follow-up to what was established in the mandalorian season 2. so things like him rescuing finnick working with mando to save grogu and taking over jabba's palace are all still things that happened and now it's my job to use that to tell a good story which right off the bat i'm gonna lament is kind of difficult because as i mentioned in my review a lot of the things that happen with boba and mantos season 2 are kind of out of left field and don't fit with what little we know about this character and for the record by what we know i'm pulling strictly from his appearances within canon media like the original trilogy attack of the clones the clone wars tv series and various books and comics in which he's appeared unlike some of the people working on these shows i don't want to immediately disregard the written material as irrelevant those stories have also done a lot of cool things with bobo within the new canon that a talented writer could incorporate if they wanted to my show could reference or even have something to do with the war of the bounty hunters from the comics should i so desire anyway from the canonical stories i've seen and read about boba fett there isn't much that conveys to me a sense of honor he's mostly ruthless and cold-blooded even taking the hairs of wookies he's killed as trophies to display on his armor which isn't to say that he couldn't be written to have a sense of honor just that to get him to that point will require a bit of legwork so unlike in what we actually got boba will have to receive some significant character development by his appearance in mando season 2 he already seems to have that sense of honor otherwise he wouldn't have felt like he owed it to den to help save grogu after getting his armor back per their agreement which means that that is something we have to keep but i'm not complaining in fact i plan to make this character journey the focal point of the entire story yeah no believe it or not just hear me out i think it'd be cool if boba fett was like the main character of a show called boba fett that's just me though and the way i plan to do this is with flashbacks yes i know the dreaded flashbacks that bog down a lot of the actual show but flashbacks are obviously not inherently bad and diffused correctly can serve as an integral way to catch the audience up on some things that they need to know since the mando season 2 finale takes place five years after return of the jedi there is a bit of backtracking we're gonna have to do to get the viewers up to speed for one thing we'll need to show boba getting out of the sarlacc pit and what he then spent the next five years doing and for that i am actually going to cheat just a little bit i think it's best to devote the majority of the first season to this particular point in time picking up boba's story immediately after return of the jedi i figure with so much to explain and because as i'll elaborate on further later i want the flashbacks to focus more on boba's childhood i want the present day storyline that picks up after manto season 2 to be saved for the inevitable second season of this show but unlike the book of boba fett i'm not going to have him spend a nebulous amount of time playing stockholm syndrome with tuscan raiders no i plan to do something interesting and that would actually fit with the character as we know it and i should say we don't really need the tuscans to teach boba about honor or family or whatever i think a near-death experience like he faced when he fell into the sarlacc pit would be more than enough to rattle even the most fearless bounty hunter in the galaxy to his core i could easily see this event being traumatic enough to have boba start rethinking the course of his entire life maybe he starts contemplating the choices that brought him to that point the people he hurt or killed without any regard because a paycheck used to matter to him more than a sentient life and maybe it still does doesn't it has he really spent the last two and a half decades of his life fruitlessly pursuing material gains no doubt he has more riches than one man can spend in a lifetime but to what end what does he really have to show for it who in all the galaxy does he have to share it with he's always been content with being alone it's kept him sharp focused but now he starts to think maybe he wasted so much time being the best in something that now feels so trivial and pointless or something like that i don't know i also want to use this as an opportunity to have boba meet finnick or maybe they already know each other which would make sense considering they're both extremely famous and in similar lines of work have both been active for at least 20 years and his own sister had at least one encounter that we know of with finnick but either way i want to establish a relationship between these two characters now instead of slapping one together at the last minute like the show did and what we actually got he randomly happened upon her by chance saved her life and then she just kind of decided to be his bestie for life i mean i can understand feeling like you owe it to help the person who brought you back from the brink of death but it's even stated in the episode that she was absolved from whatever life debt she might have owed him after helping him steal back his ship but the show spends pretty little time fleshing out an actual relationship between our two main characters it'd be generous to even say that either character gets much development in their own right but even putting that aside because we'll work on that more later we still have a major problem if the two leading characters of our story have absolutely no connective tissue beyond hey you're pretty smart and a cool fighter i'm gonna go take over that criminal empire over there want to come so what i want to do instead is have it be that she's the one who took him in and helped him back to health after escaping the sarlacc we can write in whatever excuse we want for her being on tatooine at this time and in this place hell we could even retcon it so that she was just on jabba's sail barge in the background somewhere when it exploded i mean if bib fortuna and max rebo can survive that she can too at first i kind of wanted to use dengar for this to sort of pay homage to what happened in the eu but like i said earlier i'm trying to keep consistent with the canon written material and that conflicts with events that take place in the aftermath trilogy besides i think giving this role to finnick instead works better to help develop a dynamic between her and boba early on in the show so i'd say this was a better decision but that's not to say dengar won't be in the show i can't imagine anyone would sit down to write a show all about boba fett post-jedi and not bring in at least some of the classic bounty hunters from empire i mean that would just be laughable who in their right mind would do that dengar will appear as will boss ig88 for lam and zuckus some as allies some as enemies some as enemies turn to allies or maybe some as allies turn to enemies i mean right there just with the few characters that feel like a no-brainer we've introduced a potential for conflict character dynamics and world building within the criminal underworld of the new republic so the way this would work would be to open the show about the same way as the actual show with boba escaping the sarlacc and getting stripped of his armor by the jawas the only real difference would be that he is not conscious at any point during the removal of his armor so he would have no way to reasonably deduce that it was stolen by jawas and he also wouldn't at any point later stupidly believe the sarlacc still had his armor since he would remember that he was wearing it when he escaped and then instead of a band of wandering tuscans coming along and dragging him back to their camp he's approached by a blurry silhouette and as his eyesight adjusts against the harsh twin suns we see the familiar mask worn by finnick shan staring down at him she takes him to a makeshift shelter constructed by the rebel of the sale barge and does what she can to nurse him back to strength there will be a scene where maybe he wakes up and violently lashes out against her still not entirely lucid and considering her a potential threat and she would easily subdue him of course since he's barely hanging onto strength as it is after he finally accepts that he's not going anywhere for the time being he becomes more relaxed for the majority of the episode he doesn't talk nor does she she mostly goes about whatever tasks she needs to keep them both alive like building a fire or maybe fighting off a bloodthirsty pack of womp rats until finally boba is strong enough to sit upright finnick finally explains to boba that she was taken prisoner by jabba when she arrived on tatooine looking for a target who she'd had reason to believe was hiding out at his palace when the barge went up in flames she managed to break free of her binds and that was when she found boba she then says that in exchange for saving his life she wants his help getting into jabba's palace to get her ship back and once that's done she'll be on her way and he'll never have to see her again then the basic plot of episode 1 shows them trekking through the treacherous dune sea back to jabba's palace maybe even encountering a band of sand people wherein he might even get a hold of a gaffy stick and finally they reach the palace and are immediately attacked when the de facto leader bib fortuna recognizes finnick and aims his hired guns at them during the chaos her ship goes up in a blaze but they managed to get to where slave 1 is docked and evade captured just in the nick of time finnick tells bobo that he can just drop her off at the nearest spaceport and be on his way but instead he asks her what type of target she was looking for and she tells him that she was hired to assassinate a man named well it doesn't really matter it can be any generic star wars name the point is he tells her he wants in and she lets him in on the job the first episode ends with slave one jumping into hyperspace away from tatooine i know thank god right before i go any further now seems as good a time as any to address one of the other issues presented by what was established in the mandalorian something i sort of just glossed over in my summary of the episode just now but that's kind of a big deal that needs serious explanation why is bib fortuna now running jabba's territory the answer quite simply is he isn't for this version of events we're gonna have the hutt empire as the overarching antagonist on the show which i think makes much more logical sense given the subject matter and since it doesn't make a lick of sense that the hutts would just let their territories on tatooine be so easily taken by jabba's [ __ ] major domo we're instead going with the explanation that bib is acting solely as a placeholder or regent the clone wars tv series already established that jabba had a son named radha who should rightfully be the heir to his father's throne but we could also assume that huts just age really slowly which is likely the reason why in the actual show he didn't show up to stake a claim in the kingdom that rightfully belongs to him instead we got the twins and everyone was wondering where exactly rata was during all this my explanation is that he's just still a baby at this point or at the oldest the hutt equivalent of a five-year-old's human child so naturally the hutts wouldn't want him taking over jabba's empire but they're all too busy running things in other parts of hut space since you know jabba's reach vastly exceeded just this small part of tatooine and he actually had a hand in criminal enterprises spanning throughout the galaxy so while rada is busy growing up they allow bib fortuna to keep the throne warm so to speak and obviously when boba comes in and kills him this sends a clear message to the hutch that their leadership is being challenged but now we're just getting ahead of ourselves like i said earlier the flashbacks in this series are meant to focus on boba's childhood specifically during the tail end of the clone wars i know he already had several arcs during that time period in the clone wars tv show but the inspiration behind this idea was actually from an unfinished arc on that show for those of you who don't know there was originally going to be an arc about boba fett being mentored by cat bane and while we don't know much about the story it would have told we've gotten a few glimpses over the years they released an entire scene in unfinished animation at a clone wars panel a few years back which i'll link down below but essentially what happens is boba and bane have a western style shootout that ends with them both getting knocked down boba ends up with the iconic dent on his helmet and bane ends up dead i think that part's not really very clear obviously we know that bane went on to live past the clone wars and it still implied that this story happened but we never actually got to see it instead the clone wars season 7 gave us this but let's take a look back at what we got with cadbane and the actual show it's clear to me that they were at least trying to use this character as a foil to boba by giving him a connection to his past and having him be the one to tell boba that a leopard can't change its spots and he'll always be a cold-blooded killer where this falls flat of course is that we've never actually seen these two interact on screen before it would have been great if this arc actually you know released but it never did just because it's implied to have happened doesn't mean it carries any significance to the current story being told in an ideal world they would have put this arc out in the clone wars season 7 so that at least then the story would have been out there and fans of that show could know the story going in but the fact that i'm making this video at all tells me we don't live in an ideal world even still i actually think this is better for us because now instead of having to rely on the assumption that our audience has seen a select few episodes in a show that came out years ago we can basically just adapt that story into this series or at least as best we can again we don't really know many details about what would have happened in that arc so for the purposes of this rewrite i'm pretty much just gonna have to make one up or at the very least a vague outline of one so in the flashbacks of the first episode we find 13 13-year-old boba doing any arbitrary job in the waning months of the clone wars we know that at the time he had a team of bounty hunters working for him and their group was called the crates claw which despite the image i'm showing you on screen aura singh was never actually a member of but she did mentor boba as early as the beginning of the clone wars so she and any of the other bounty hunters at the time could and should play a major role in boba's flashback stories again i also want to put most of these characters in the present day storyline but i'm gonna go ahead and exclude aura singh since according to solo she's apparently dead you killed or see pushed her pretty sure the fall killed her i like to argue that accounts of her death are vague and unconvincing at best but for now we'll just agree that she's either dead or busy doing other things anyway we find boba and his team doing a mission for any generic crime boss the mission goes south when competition arrives and lo and behold it's cad bane he ends up stealing the bounty and making a fool out of boba which the young fett reflects is the third bouti in a row that this has happened on he wonders if maybe it would be smarter to have bane on their team instead of as their competition but bask tells boba that cad bane works alone later on in the flashback they get a call from aura singh who tells boba that she's got a beat on that pirate that stole his dad's ship referring to when bobo lost possession of slave 1 earlier on in the clone wars she sends him coordinates to an asteroid belt colony and the bounty hunters all get into a shootout with hondo and his pirates before eventually overpowering the onaka gang and reclaiming the ship bubba points a blaster at hondo's head but ora tells him to let him go because of their history together back on the ship aura tells boba that now that he's older he's finally ready to receive django's book which he apparently left hidden within the compartments of slave 1 in case of his death entrusting the knowledge of its existence only to sing she accesses the files for him and boba finds himself staring at the holographic ghost of jango fett and after a short speech about how he wanted a better life for his son but that clearly could not be because if boba's watching these recordings it means jango's dead he tells boba to remember the lessons he taught him and to always follow the code and this is where the flashbacks would end for episode 1. now i'm not going to be going episode by episode because that would get a little boring and tedious i think but this was just to show what the general premise of the series would be by the end of episode 2 in the present day storyline boba and finnick would finally find their target but this would be the first real moment we get to see boba begin to question his own past sins this would be the moment that he decides to really truly turn over a new leaf and give up bounty hunting when he's holding a blaster to an innocent man boba saves the man from finnec in what boils down to a shootout the only reason finnick gets an edge over boba is because he isn't still entirely healed from the starlack and he doesn't have any armor to protect him so this forces him to retreat back to his ship but he does manage to rescue the man and they depart on slave 1 together fenek reports into her boss who turns out to be a hut named zorba and informs him that boba fett is still alive despite recent accounts and he just botched her job and made off with the target zorba tells her that the target knows way too much about their operations to be allowed to live and she assures the hut that she will not fail him again from there what i would do is spend the rest of the first season having boba hopping from planet to planet trying to evade various bounty hunters familiar and new faces alike initially after dropping off the target at a safe house of some kind he would try lying low while he contemplates what he's done and how he wants to continue on in his life does he want to keep being a bounty hunter how can he if such a profession brings about misery and death to so many people but of course with various bounty hunters and scoundrels searching for him he's forced back into the thrall when forced into corners boba is able to use his intellect and fighting skills to overpower his enemies but he no longer wants to be a ruthless murderer anymore and typically he's able to either scare his hunters away or subdue them long enough to get away without killing them but such tricks won't work with the likes of cad bane who the hutts have hired personally to bring fed in realizing that only a bounty hunter of his caliber would be enough to get the job done and when bane and fett finally encounter one another boba gets what's coming to him he's barely able to escape with his life and he knows that this is just the beginning having cad bane sent after you is tantamount to the death mark and if boba has any chance of living a peaceful life the only way to truly escape bane might be to kill him and i'll pause here to address that i know a lot of people are already gonna have a problem with this version of boba because a lot of people complained that the show didn't give us the cool badass that we were all expecting or whatever the thing is i had a lot of problems with the book of boba fett and that wasn't really one of them i wanted boba to stop being a [ __ ] who loses every fight but the point of this version of the character that i'm trying to create is that he's no longer the cold-hearted murderer so i want to craft a sympathetic side to him where he decides that mercy is the optimal outcome in a confrontation and that's not to say he'll never kill again he certainly wasn't pulling any punches against those stormtroopers in the mandalorian and star wars has never really treated killing as a bad thing when done out of self-defense i mean it's a series about war people die in wars but if it can be avoided boba is going to choose not to take a life innocent or otherwise catbain will work perfectly as a foil for boba because of their past together as the flashbacks of the show will work to explain throughout that storyline i would want to show a growing mentor relationship between boba and bane wherein he learns more about how the galaxy works and why being honorable and caring about other people is a good way to wind up dead where fett believes that killing is only a means to an end bane teaches him that in order to get the job done as efficiently and cleanly as possible you have to leave behind no witnesses let them go bane this isn't their fight anymore always fighting for those in need that's a quick way to wind up poor or dead no more innocent people are going to die all be locked up or live in fear throughout the story boba has his father's book that he listens to and jango's entries teach him a very different lesson while he was a bounty hunter who wasn't shy about doing what it took to get the job done he also never brutalized or hurt people that were innocent jango in this case is boba's angel on the shoulder where bane is the devil whispering right into his ear the story would come to a head with the aforementioned final showdown between the two when boba is forced to choose between saving innocent lives and defeating bane the standoff happens similar to how it was depicted in the unfinished clip with boba receiving the dent in his helmet but the thing that i would change would be that bane doesn't get knocked down instead he beats boba as he's done with every other character kills the very people boba was trying to protect and leaves him with one final lesson only look out for yourself from this point forward boba is more akin to the version of him we all know from the original trilogy where he's more jaded to any kind of ethical code and simply wants to get the job done and get paid carrying very little for who has to get hurt or be killed for the ends to be met he's long since abandoned listening to his father's recordings the humanity that was once part of him is now a distant hollow memory which is why in the present storyline with bane as his primary antagonist boba's newfound realization that maybe he can be more than that ruthless efficient killer will be called into question bane will be a constant reminder of what boba used to be and could still end up becoming and he won't let boba forget it he'll tell him he's a killer just like his old man and no amount of good deeds or heroism can wipe the blood from his ledger eventually when bane captures boba and brings him to nalhata to stand before the hutts for interrogation this new honorable version of boba will resonate with finnick deep down she'll realize what he's saying is true that this life they all lead is one of loneliness that ultimately nothing any of them has ever done has made any real difference this is the life she chose for herself but perhaps it was a life wasted finnick ultimately decides to betray the hutts by breaking boba out and they nearly escaped nalhata together aboard slave 1 but they're hotly pursued by bane who shoots them down and chases them through the swamps on foot while they're running finnick tells boba that the target she was sent to kill has insider knowledge on some sort of plot the hutts have concocted but she doesn't know much about zorba's plans finally bane catches up to them when they reach a small town and boba is forced to confront his old teacher bain tells boba that he's gone soft and asks if he remembers anything that he taught him boba says that he does but he sees now what a fool he was to listen bane reminds boba that he is and always will be a killer just like his father and before giving fed a chance to respond he draws his blaster quicker than you can even see but this time boba's ready this time he's quicker he manages to get a shot in before bane does landing one right on his shoulder and the older bounty hunter goes down hard boba then stands over bane who through panted breaths tells boba to finish him take the shot bobby even considers it for a moment he wants to and the blaster is pointed at the old man's face it would be so easy but he lowers his arm and says no he tells bane that he's wrong that he doesn't have to be what he was always told he has to be he says that he and only he can decide what he is not bane bane calls him weak and boba replies that maybe he is but at least now he can live with himself bane tries to get in one more shot but boba stuns him and his body goes limp boba leaves him there and he and finnick take to the skies of nalhutta before jetting off into the unknown in the final scene of the first season from the cockpit of his ship boba dusts off his father's old book which he hasn't touched in years and opens a new chapter to tell his own story just as it fades to black and we see the title one last time in a post-credit scene we return to present day with boba sitting on the throne of the former bib fortuna and he makes a call which is answered by none other than zorb of the hutt boba tells him that his regent has been taken off the board and that he is officially declaring war against the hutt syndicate which concludes season 1. season 2 would be about the war between boba fenick and the hutt syndicate and would be set after mando's season 2 maybe even mando season 3 depending on when these episodes would all be released and though i don't plan to write any of that here i will say that i would use season 2 to expand on the character of finnick who i tried to develop a little bit here but there was only so much i could do without the story feeling crowded i think season 2 would be a better place to expand on her backstory and maybe even make the focus of the story more centered around her without of course completely sidelining boba i think i would also use season 2 to explain one final question that the mandalorian set up which was how did boba know cobb vanth was the one who had his armor and why did he not go back for it at any point in the show the way i would explain it would be that finnick sent word to him while on tatooine for whatever reason that she had seen a man wearing armor similar to his of course before boba could arrive she was shot and left for dead as seen in the season 1 episode of mando and then found a nurse back to health by boba and i'm assuming that there isn't too much of a passage of time between that episode of mando and the season 2 premiere of mando so we can assume that by the time he felt finnick was sufficiently cared for and decided to go after his armor he found that van had already given it to din but that just about sums it up i know many people probably won't agree with the direction i decided to take the story in but i think it's at least better than what we ended up with and that's really all i was going for i just get tired of seeing creators put in the bare minimum thought and effort into telling these stories so i wanted to prove that a random nobody on the internet could tell a better story with the insurmountable potential that lay was telling a story about boba fett if you think i succeeded at that great i'm glad you liked it or at least didn't hate it as much and if you don't then well sorry but either way i'd really love to hear your takes about my version of events as well as how you might have approached this show differently were it in your hands and if my story was intriguing enough i might eventually make a follow-up diving into the second season and where i would have taken the story from there though i typically don't do that with these rewrites but that's all i've got for you this time so as always thanks for watching and i'll see you when i see
Channel: Sheev Talks
Views: 48,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: edBh1-X5ork
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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