How To Ruin A Boba — The Book of Boba Fett

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i think the main reason why the book of boba fett was such a disappointment to so many star wars fans is because disney you were trying to both have your cake and eat it too you had yourself a fantastic premise what if we told a star wars story except this time it follows boba fett one of the darkest most callous characters in the galaxy and why did the show squander its potential it's because that idea of a boba fett story while a fun one is fundamentally incompatible with how disney wants every protagonist under its umbrella to fit the term hero to ensure they're a role model for the kids to emulate and also to ensure it's a show their parents will buy that all-important merchandise around if you want to tell a story about boba fett you simply must possess the balls to follow through with that ballsy idea you must let boba remain jaded and vicious the kind of man who doesn't care how much collateral damage it takes to get the mission done the kind of character who's sure he does good deeds once in a while and has his code of honor but he has been to hell and as a man most of the many who know his name fear and for good reason as he is willing to do things so dark to get what he wants he makes the mandalorian look like bloody mother teresa only we didn't get that version of the character the version that frankly would have been so much fun to see instead we have a boba fett who didn't just not have the six or so flaws any good anti-hero needs to work and he didn't have four floors or three or two he didn't even have one and that right there is the heart of it a lot of people were left bored by boba fett's character in this show and this i believe is the main reason why he effectively has zero character flaws has exclusively positive traits and that in any character let alone the protagonist let alone someone who is supposedly a villain of the star wars universe is inherently boring to watch but think about it boba is honorable he never fights dirty or goes back on a deal once it's made boba is forgiving if someone wrongs him even if they're an assassin who just tried to kill him he will always spare their life boba is compassionate he treats every animal with love and care boba is both humble and emotionally stable if someone criticizes his plans even if in front of others he will always remain perfectly level-headed listening to their suggestions with an open mind don't get me wrong it's fine for boba to have some redeeming traits exactly like these a vital even but because boba is such a goody two-shoes in the book of boba fett as he exclusively makes the mature responsible and morally right decisions he makes for a dull protagonist the kind sadly devoid of nuance the kind of character who has as much depth to him as yet every day puddle and it's just such a crying shame because boba fett despite how we haven't seen very much of him on screen had the potential to be an incredible protagonist dare i say it he could have been one of the most morally complex characters in the star wars universe if more competently written and that's a potential that disney sadly totally squandered a fair few people have said a somewhat hot take that boba fett just never had the potential to be a good lead that the mystique built around him made him seem like a more interesting man than he actually is i understand where these people are coming from but respectfully i disagree with them and i'll explain why later in the video where i'll be doing a full character breakdown of boba fett explaining that he isn't just some caricature of a guy with a helmet but how he really could have been excellent in the right hands and then i'll be doing exactly what i did for my star wars how to kill a franchise video i did a while back where i'll be applying every critique i make in this video to suggest an alternate star wars story an alternate season of boba fett which i hope you'll agree makes a better use of boba's character so do stick around for that but remember rey from the sequel trilogy uh sorry to all you guys who successfully repressed any memory of her but she was a pretty weak protagonist i think most of us would agree there and it's not because of daisy ridley she did the best you could expect from any actor who's given so little to work with no to me the main reason why rey just didn't work as the lead is because she barely has any character flaws just like with boba and here's the thing it's fine to have characters who are good people who are unfailingly noble or kind but they must have failings in other areas places where the character is lacking somehow and it honestly baffles me how disney keeps on not doing this making lead characters so virtuous so perfect that they are no longer appealing as characters han solo is the inverse of this almost everyone loves him yet he also has a ton of character flaws from his cockiness to how very easy it is to upset him like when leia doesn't say bye to him at the start of empire so he throws a full on temper tantrum and sadly i'm beginning to doubt that we'll ever see another character like han solo be a lead in the star wars universe because such a man simply has too many flaws for disney's liking what's this he's forceful with those he loves it's very easy to upset him emotionally and he has a larger ego than any of the actual villains do like no no no no that's too much for disney they could never allow a protagonist of theirs to be as interesting as that flaws are essential not just because they give a character depth making them both realistic and relatable not just because character flaws are a wonderful cause for conflict as they create drama with other characters but also because character arcs are an essential part of good characterization and arcs are only possible if the character has lessons to learn stupid opinions and flaws of theirs that need to be dealt with for example han solo again comes into this we see him being a bit cowardly and choosing to abandon the rebels in their time of need in a new hope but then when things are most dire han comes around overcoming his flaw and saves the day in a way that only makes the climax more fun if you write a flawless character such as rey from the sequel trilogy you'll quickly realize that writing an arc for them such as the one we got for hand is borderline impossible because what lessons could such a perfect person possibly learn it's for this reason that boba just doesn't have much of an art going on in his show which is yet another bit of lost potential another straw on the camel's back that is him being a boring protagonist it's really a shame how this show was so mediocre because the star wars galaxy has so much rich lore and potential for great stories to be told in it every now and then stories like revenge of the sith or jedi fallen order come along that prove this but if you ask me one of the best star wars stories isn't a movie or a game but a novel that being darth plagueis you might initially think oh it's probably some silly tie-in book with the prequels but it's actually incredibly good like i love this one to bits because it doesn't just tell palpatine's origin it also fleshes out the depraved aspects of the sith and makes that whole faction feel so much richer and more interesting for it it expands upon the law in all the right ways and if you love star wars i'd thoroughly recommend you check this one out and also thanks to audible the sponsor today's video you can grab the excellent audio book for darth plagueis today totally for free audible really is the best place on the internet to grab your audiobooks and i use it myself pretty much daily as i'm going to the gym or just passing time playing games for those of you who've got busy lives audio books are fantastic because you can read the books you want to read without making any sacrifices as you can just listen to them while cooking dinner commuting around and just going about the daily things 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tell us that boba fett is a brutal barbarian who is so violent darth vader of all people has to order him specifically to hold back like while he's among a group of depraved bounty hunters no less shining a light on just how uncommonly ruthless this man is again in the mandalorian we see this callousness of boba's character only get reinforced as when he confronts mando he doesn't ask for his armor he demands it and then this happens what's to stop me from dropping you right where you stand because i have a sharp shooter up on that ridge i'm the one wearing best car i didn't mean she was going to shoot you my friends locked on to that little companion of yours up on the hinge boba wants his armor so badly he's willing to threaten to murder children in order to get it and would he have actually gone through with that threat if mando didn't back down it's dark it's very dark and it's also very fun and like this brutality of his gets reinforced again when he's fighting the stormtroopers in the same episode and has got this look of pure unrestricted hate on his face but when you compare this to the boba we got in the show you'll see that this trait of his this rage that defines him this this callus complete disregard for collateral damage it's nowhere to be found you can make arguments till the cows come home about how boba had his running with the tuscan raiders and that taught him to be a more gentle man it's a tenuous argument that doesn't hold up to any level of scrutiny mind you i have a spare 10 seconds i'll happily destroy it right now so when you think about the timelines boba threatens to kill baby yoda after his run in with the sand people look you could even see he's got his tuscan raider cloak and gaffy stick and everything so he's still shown to be a callous cold bastard even after his experience that supposedly turned him gentle one thing's for sure there is a really crappy verisimilitude going on with boba's character where a lot of things just don't add up as he has massive shifts taking place in his personality for seemingly no reason but even assuming that that argument is correct assuming that the legwork was in fact done to justify these inconsistencies that doesn't do a thing to take away from a much bigger problem the one that really matters most here because this changed his character it's a change for the worse because the brutal boba the one who has to be ordered to not disintegrate people because he will do exactly that unless you explicitly order him not to the one who's willing to threaten to murder children to get his way he's a significantly like by literally like 20-fold a more fun and entertaining character than the goody two-shoes boba we got in the show and in a sense i'm getting some deja vu here when it comes to loki because while i would say loki's show was a much better one than boba fetts their shows are both hampered by this exact same issue because the version of loki we see in his show he's not really the same character we saw in the films he's also a watered-down version of him where the creators thought that if they took the loki from the avengers being the selfish scheming mildly narcissistic fiend he was he might not have been a totally likable protagonist he might have even been a sort of anti-hero and set a bad example for the kids disney could never be so brave as to do that and so they changed him out of fear forcing in a rushed character arc in an attempt to justify a complete overhaul of his personality because they were afraid to not have a 100 likeable protagonist it's really a shame but disney's obsession with only ever telling family friendly stories is massively limiting their storytelling capabilities i mean come on disney it's a no-brainer to think that a loki show where he actually does unlikable things like all the way until like the final episode where the audience wants him to make a certain choice for the greater good that they want loki to have a character i can improve as a person and he keeps threatening to go on one and we see that he kind of wants to improve himself but he frustrates us as well as himself by regressing on his progress going back to his deceptive tricks to roots time and time again such a loki would not only be totally faithful to the original character as well as the original norse myth he was based on he'd also be a far more fun protagonist when it comes to boba fett and loki they both share a lot in common here as disney very consciously filed away all of their villainous quirks to ensure that they aren't unlikable and in doing so as an unexpected side effect they also filed away most of the reasons why loki and boba fett were such compelling characters in the first place i will be deconstructing boba's character in a minute and suggesting a potential rewrite but there's another really interesting flaw that this show fell for it's one i haven't noticed anybody at all mentioning so i thought i'd bring it up here it was a good idea to have boba fett have his own show and boba running his own empire that also could have worked but it wasn't complex enough a story concept to work as the basis for a whole season of tv it would have been fine for a one-shoter for perhaps a single episode of the mandalorian where mando is helping boba protect his new criminal empire but there wasn't enough meat to this concept to sustain such a long story you can even see a symptom of this where the writers were like oh crap we've run out of plot we've stretched it thin enough as is to last five whole episodes but what are we going to do with the two episodes we've got left and then you can tell that somebody in the writer room said why don't we just take the first two episodes of season three of the mandalorian and just have them here that's honestly why i think we got those two mandalorian episodes not because they were just ham fisted in for their own sake but because the writers genuinely ran out of plot and didn't know how else to fill the time they were given if you're a writer you'll know exactly what this feels like where you have like 40 of a good idea where you're excited to tell the story because you know your idea is unique and fun but you also know that in order to actually tell a great story it must be combined with another idea that complements it quite well making for a truly complete story concept it's quite evident that the book of boba fett falls for this exact issue we have boba a villain be the protagonist that's interesting that's 30 percent of a good idea we also have it so he's trying to build a criminal empire that's not exactly mind-blowingly good as story ideas go but it's a fine idea in the right hands it could have totally made for a great story so that's another 30 of a good concept but that only adds up to 60. and yes i am pulling these numbers right out of my bum but they're totally arbitrary but those two ideas combined just aren't enough but you can tell this because in the show too many antagonists are introduced too many episodes have a very slow pace and don't seem to progress the plot whatsoever and boba's character development too seems to not go in any real direction either all of those issues are symptom of a larger more fundamental problem that the show's base concept just wasn't complete enough i'll level with you guys i tried really hard to think of that final idea this show needed to have 100 of a good concept and i pretty much failed i i couldn't really realize what it was but i think the key to it lies and boba's motivation i i think if we were to change it so boba wants to build his empire not because he's simply tired of being ordered around but because there's a tangible mission he wants to achieve a mission that isn't generic like he wants power or he wants to protect people that right there's the hole in this story's concept where if boba's reasoning for wanting to be a crime lord were totally overhauled giving him some kind of quest he's going on that would have taken the show to a whole other level and given it the direction that it desperately needed i can't really think of what boba's mission might be but i'm sure a bunch of you watching can so go crazy with your suggestions in the comments down below but alright the time has come let's take a closer look at boba who is the man beneath the helmet well firstly we've got that scene and empire that i already showed of darth vader ordering that nobody be disintegrated this obviously shows him to be a brutal callous man but there's so much more to him than this he's so much more than just cold you want to know what i think the real key is here to understanding him i think it's the end of attack of the clones when his father was beheaded in front of him i think that's the key that's the seed we need to latch onto and build boba up from there i think that boba fett isn't just a callous man but a deeply dysfunctional one he strikes me as the kind of guy who has truly awful social skills it's not just a case of him being a prick which he is but also he just never learned how to interact with people i mean he grew up on camino where there were no other kids around his age he never got to socialize to have friends at any point in his childhood meaning he never got that chance that everybody needs as a child to interact with other kids and learn how to human basically i imagine that every time boba has a casual conversation it just ends in awkwardness because he's so awful at it perhaps he's sitting at a bar some random doc worker is next to him or something and boba brings up her small talk how he killed a guy the other week and brags about the skill it took to pull off and then the other guy just forces a smile nods and gradually backs away before running away and boba just gets confused because he doesn't understand why people don't want to be around him but more than that he likes it he likes her being alone oh no no scratch that that's wrong the inverse is true he hates being alone but he hates being with others more that's a part of his character too a fundamental part i think he hates making friends not because he's bad at it which he is not because he's an which he is but because he's afraid to care where his heart's closed off where he refuses to love or befriend anybody because the only person he ever loved was murdered in front of him and that trauma affected him so greatly he would do anything possible to prevent himself from feeling that pain again as a result he would be crippled by loneliness living a deeply sad life that he doesn't enjoy but he carries on with it nonetheless because he knows nothing else and while he is terribly lonely he's as hard as they come and has that tenacity about him that very few people in the real world possess some people have said that bobot just isn't an interesting enough character to support his own story those people i think are categorically wrong because while we haven't been given much on his character in these existing movies the few tidbits we've got are plenty enough to build a totally badass yet tragic and sympathetic character around honestly if you asked me to imagine what boba fett's character should have looked like i don't think of this compassionate depiction we got who's so level-headed and wise he almost feels like a jedi it just doesn't add up like it makes no sense how someone with his life experience would end up being as well-rounded and functional man as what we were given i think of what he should have been like and i can't help but think of joel from the last of us where sure he's a total badass but he's also someone tortured just traumatized beyond belief by a horrific thing that happened in their past and as they go on their quest they meet somebody and it's in meeting this person that's what sends them on there are because they learn to overcome this flaw of theirs a flaw of being afraid to love as they feel if they were to love again the one they care about will inevitably be torn from them oh okay my writer brain is wearing at full speed right now and there's no stopping it now we've got a basic enough grasp of who boba actually is not the cookie cutter goody two-shoes version we got in the show let's cook up an alternate concept for a boba fett story that makes a much better use of his character here's what i think we do throw away the idea of him being a crime lord while i am sure that concept could have worked fine as i said earlier i can't for the life of me think of another concept to combine it with to make for a complete story so here's a totally new plot in episode one boba's going on a contract in a story very similar to the opening mandalorian episode a standalone fun adventure he's being the callous brutal man we knew from the originals let's throw in that moment i suggest is where boba's sitting at a bar and brags about the people he's killed is terrifying all the locals next to him a play that offer laughs but near the start he's offered a new job by the hutt twins one worth 50 million credits a truly ludicrous sum however boba's got his ear to the ground and he says to the hutts that a lot of bounty hunters have mysteriously vanished as of late it's a safe bet that they were given this very contract so boba says no to the money he might be a badass but he's not an idiot he's not going on a mission where it's guaranteed he's going to die he goes on his adventure completes it and in the end of episode 1 he's reapproached by the hutt twins and they say they've done some investigating around boba fett's background and they think he'd be very interested to learn that the target they're willing to pay this huge sum for is a jedi and the hutts push his pressure points mentioning how his father was killed by a jedi giving us a flashback as bobo remembers mace beheading his father remembering how much he hates that order the hutts carry on prodding and poking at his trauma to get him all riled up and we see a shot of boba gripping his gloved hands tightly into a fist hearing its leather squeeze he says i thought the jedi were dead evidently not say the hutts boba gives a long pause before saying they will be soon but the hutts get upset at this saying that's unacceptable we want them alive they're worth nothing to us dead boba says nothing nothing at all you will not kill them you must not say the hutts and after the longest pause yet boba finally says as you wish the huts say they've sent others after this individual and none have returned they did wise up and put trackers on the last of them however so they give one of them to boba and in episode two boba gets in this ship and arrives at a new and exciting planet which is perhaps a lush jungle world where it's all one big rain forest he lands and gets close to the beacon when he stumbles across an area of forest burnt to a crisp and ahead of him is the corpse of bosk that lizard bounty hunter he saw in empire strikes back and boba strides up to him not really caring that bosk is dead he just doesn't really give much of a damn but he is phased when he sees that the man wasn't killed by a lightsaber but rather blasterfire and even more curiously there are traces of a lightsaber being used but that isn't what killed bosk and boba thinks that maybe just maybe this jedi was actually fighting with the bounty hunter sent to kill them what no that couldn't make sense he thinks he looks around and finds tracks in the mud but they're not human if anything they're machine so he goes along following their tracks until he finds a smoking village the place has been attacked freshly too and there are no signs of life he walks past scattered around bodies where it seems nobody was spared he checks the pulse of a dead man then closes his eyes out of respect and he goes along as cautious and quiet as can be when he sees graves tons of them dug out in a field one's not yet filled then dirt starts inexplicably levitating in the air and dropping into these graves boba knows what he's looking at so he readies for a real fight placing down mines in opportune locations checking his grenades and pulling out a dart gun much like the one his father jango used in attack of the clones and he peeks around the corner gun raised to see none other than ahsoka with perfect stealth and masterful precision he slinks up close as close as he can possibly get and fires the dart at her neck for any other target they would have been doomed but not a jedi as she senses him and blocks the dart with her force powers just an inch short of her neck and then a real fight in shoes as boba uses every dirty trick up his sleeve to neutralize this formidable enemy he knows a jedi is far more powerful than him to face one in open combat like his father did would mean death so he uses hit and run tactics sneaking around out thinking hers he knows that's the only way he could beat a jedi she gets near him so he blasts her with his flamethrower and while she's distracted putting out the flames he jet packs away gaining distance later ahsoka hears a child sobbing in a house so she barges in only to find a tiny speaker on the floor the source of the crying and that's when she sees the ticking thermal detonator her eyes burst white it blows the entire house explodes and she goes flying into a patch of tall grass losing her lightsabers in the blast too she's lying face first in the ground with smoke coming off her back and boba rushes up putting aside his blaster and reloading his dart gun he strides up to her aims at point blank but she comes too and using the force throws him at a nearby cliff with terrible speed and while flying through the air seemingly about to die he fires his jetpack comes around in an impressive arc and fires the dard gun ahsoka still stunned and staggering from the explosion is too slow to stop the dart from hitting her in the knee she yanks out immediately but she knows what this means so she force pulls boba back to her knowing she's got to take him out now all she is done for and they have this final desperate scramble of a fight her getting so close to killing him boba getting so close to dying but just before he does that's when the drug gets the better of her and ahsoka falls unconscious boba exhausted collects himself and puts a mysterious metal brace around her neck but that's when the jungle starts to scream the scream of metal a horrible mechanical noise it builds growing louder with every passing second and boba seeks cover brazing is blasted towards the noise and that's when he sees hundreds just hundreds of evil looking droids appear in the tree line with a design we've never seen in star wars before a totally new yet somehow archaic aesthetic they open fire and boba's cover is immediately destroyed he rushes away blaster bolts pinging off his armor boba seemingly doomed as he's trapped behind a tree trunk with nowhere to go and that's when episode 2 ends episode 3 we immediately pick up where two ended boba's jet pack gets hit and damaged meaning he can't use it anymore and he's left no choice but to retreat as he grabs the unconscious ahsoka and runs into the trees with her cradled in his arms he runs and runs and runs and after a while it seems he's clear of the droids boba drops ahsoka desperately gagging for breath that's when ahsoka's eyes open and using the force she flays him about there's a very interesting moment where she takes off his helmet and is left numb with shock at seeing a clone seeing as she served with them for so many years in the clone wars we could really milk that part of her character for what it's worth and she's conflated as to what to do with him conflicted by how these clones murdered her old friends yet also how she has so many good memories with them but nonetheless she says he's at her mercy she demands he remove the thing on her neck but boba reveals as he's pressed up against a tree that he isn't at her mercy she's at his the neck brace is truly uncrackable it's designed so the best hacking droid in the galaxy couldn't disarm it and it stands to reason a jedi can't either if it goes off it activates a laser and it's simply decapitates the one wearing it while pressed against the tree he hovers his finger over the button on his gauntlet and says i can take you in alive or i can take your head you choose and she lets him go with no real choice in the matter and as they're walking through the jungle boba with his blaster at her back she tells him why she's on the planet in the first place and episode 3 is mostly a flashback episode as we see how ahsoka got to where she was interlaced with her narration and she says the huts have unearthed something delved too greedily and too deep they found something in the jungle something that's been producing these formidable droids that have been slaughtering the locals she sensed it herself a disturbance in the force from all of the dying which is why she came the hutts have let something terrible loose something ancient and whatever it is it must be stopped but after she's completed her sob story boba bats this off saying he doesn't care about the locals he only cares about being paid boba tries to double back to his ship but he can't because it's parked in a valley that's now overrun with these ancient droids and it's a death sentence to go down there ahsoka says she knows of a settlement where people have been successfully holding out and it's not too far from here and reluctantly boba lets her take him there they arrive at the town ahsoka mentioned but it's currently being attacked by these ancient droids and boba says they need to run this isn't their fight but ahsoka starts running towards the shooting and boba taps his gauntlet take one more step and you lose your head he says ahsoka stops saying they'll die without us they're not our problem he says we're leaving ahsoka looks around thinking things through before saying to take a force user alive presents incredible risk he says nothing i would imagine if the bounty hunter boba fett were to take how do you know my name he interrupts your reputation precedes you and i would imagine if you of all people were to capture a bounty alive a jedi bounty no less they would only do so if it were absolutely necessary if the contract didn't pay out if taken in dead boba says nothing so the hutts do want me alive she postulates they must think i'm responsible for killing their people i'm not i haven't killed anyone at least not here and boba says do i really look like a man who cares and a darkness comes over ahsoka and with intensity she says i will make you care because we're going to help those survivors i'm going down there and you will assist me that's not happening he growls well if that's the case says ahsoka it seems you'll just have to kill me they stare each other down for a long long while before she walks towards the shooting and begrudgingly boba does too episode 4 is when it becomes very apparent that this is no longer a bounty hunt for boba but a fight for survival and so stuck on the planet boba has to fight with ahsoka to survive a member of the jedi who murdered his dad a member of the organization he wants to see totally destroyed he has to fight with her to survive and also perhaps she says that she's technically not a jedi anymore but he says he doesn't really care and i love the idea that ahsoka says she served with his brothers in the clone wars and saw the goodness in them they were all brave men boba is so cynical and dark but she knows boba has that potential in him the potential to be a good man in fact aside from his father she's the only person to have ever said those words to him and i love the idea that he sees the utter futility in that laser collar as she's already called his bluff on it so he takes it off and maybe he goes to help her recover her lightsabers from their initial fight gradually he's trusting her more and more and at one point when they're going into a fight ahsoka looks back at boba and has some intense deja vu she smiles and says it's just like old times as her going into a fight besides him with his voice and his tactics it's like she's fighting with the clones once again and going along with the grander mystery these locals they saved informed them that before this all happened before the droids the shifty looking men were skulking around the jungle and boba postulates they sound like hut goons to him what more someone went hunting in the jungle a few weeks back and swore they could have heard drilling boba is still reluctant he wants no part of this and ahsoka says his ship is trapped in machine infested territory if he ever wants to leave the planet he has to go with her to see what caused this crisis and i hope they can stop this threat and finally leave the planet and boba again begrudgingly goes along with ahsoka as they venture into this underground chamber that the hunter mentioned that the huts uncovered they see statues great grand stone pillars and ahsoka wonder on her face says she's seen something like this before this is a jedi temple an ancient one at that it must be thousands of years old perhaps even before the old republic they also see as there are only a handful of droids around that this can't be the main sight it must be part of a larger network of temples a mere satellite site to what must be the main hub and they fight these droids and ahsoka rubs her hand on some old runes carved into a stone plank a booba asks if it's a message and she says no it's a warning to stay away to leave this place and never come back that the droids aren't the threat itself they weren't what the hutts let loose they're just the automated security programmed to kill everyone in the area to prevent exposure if containment is breached and that's when ahsoka realizes it the fear obvious on her face boba says what is it what's wrong and she says no jedi would do that program droids to kill nearby innocents this isn't a jedi temple it's sith there in an ancient sith temple what power could be so dangerous that the sith of all people decided to lock it up and throw away the key to keep an entire army of droids as its security to be absolutely sure that nobody not ever could get close to it what could it be and i love the idea that as the show goes along a little like joel did in the last of us boba learns to gain the courage to be vulnerable to let himself have a friend so much so he starts joking around with ahsoka trying to get her laugh and they start to develop a bit of a chemistry together and so we end the episode on a little foreshadowing some of the locals they saved are exploring the jungle themselves trying to find the source of these droids despite how ahsoka explicitly told them to stay put in their town as she'd handle this and the locals find the main site the main sith temple the hutt's uncovered yet all of the droids around it are already destroyed and standing among their remains are people aliens what one of the locals recognizes to be the same people who are skulking around the jungle before the crisis they realize these must be the original hutt goons but something's wrong with them their faces are sickly pale and their eyes are pure white without any irises to speak of this terrifies the locals and they decide to run and that's when they get flanked ambushed and the goons make sure to take them all alive and drag them into the sith temple screaming as they await an unknown fate and so the episode ends in the next episode we learn a great deal more about this terrible threat as a sokra and boba are going through these satellite temples piecing together the large mystery and it's a dark side weapon forged by one of the most powerful sith lords to have ever lived over a millennia ago so old it's from before the old republic and it's a weapon that can only be controlled by them specifically in this episode ahsoka sees a tapestry telling the depraved history of this sith lord and their apprentice who was beyond furious at how their master never taught them his most powerful trick the trick to achieving immortality and so the apprentice disgruntled deceived their master trapping them somewhere and doing it in such a way where the master was made to regret that he had ever attained immortality as he would be tortured endlessly kept in agony for the rest of time and maybe just maybe this sith lord one of the most powerful ones to have ever lived is still alive somewhere in the galaxy waiting to be discovered in a future star wars story but that's just an idea make of it what you will but it's here on this planet that is most powerful and terrible weapon is quarantined a weapon that even his sith apprentice dared not try and control because if someone gets near it it exposes them to their worst fears and in doing so makes them break down losing their resolve entirely and that's when it has them that's when it turns them into the throes of this ancient sith lord's will and so at the start of the final episode they're presented with an ultimatum the artifacts thralls have destroyed all of the droids now so they can pursue this horrible ancient threat or use this chance to escape and they obviously disagree boba's saying it's time to leave ahsoka's saying that they must stay and fight they have a major falling out over this and boba goes to his ship as ahsoka goes alone to confront this terrible threat in the temple the doubts creep into boba's head as he readies to fly off perhaps he has a flashback to kamino where his father once gave him words of wisdom and this is when he finally completes his character arc giving himself permission to care about another person and goes back to save ahsoka we follow ahsoka through the temple fighting hutt's men but as she does it her perception of reality falters suddenly she is not fighting criminals anymore but clones and she's pained as she does it grieving as she kills the clones she cared for so greatly and then she reaches the final goon being given pause as he's holding two blasters and has blue markings on his armor it's rex and he's left her frozen in place meanwhile boba's going through the same as he's in the temple and watches his father dying all over again and he sees ahsoka he runs up to her and that's when she gets killed and he screams out in agony holding her corpse he hears his father's voice rattle around his head saying that caring for others is a mistake what's the point in caring for someone when they always inevitably die there's no point he thinks but that means he must remain alone remain being the sad sad man he is now and what is the point in such a life we cut back to ahsoka and she's trying desperately to save rex to stop him non-lethally and he's screaming out that she should have never trusted him that she was a fool for trusting anyone at all and the hallucination gives her no choice forcing her to kill him then ahsoka breaks down the grief the pain it's all far too great and that's when she hears it coming from the shadows quietly at first but soon it's unmistakable and darth vader strides towards her the final boss of her internal demons and he says she trusted the clones and they betrayed her she loved anakin and he became a fully fledged sith lord and then she made the mistake of having faith in boba and he has proven to be a coward the voice of james earl jones taunts and mocks her saying she is a terrible judge of character that she doesn't deserve love or friendship or any kind of intimacy as every time she's ever gotten close to someone the universe has made her regret it the doubts creep in and ahsoka strikes at vader getting angry truly angry as she fights him her self-control slipping falling to the dark as her deepest fears overwhelm her we cut back to boba ahsoka's body in his arms and he hears the voices saying what's the point in caring for another person if it only ever ends in pain and this is when boba gathers himself discarding the body making it transform into smoke as it hits the floor before vanishing entirely and he stands back to ahsoka she strikes up vader with all of her rage and fury but she falls she stumbles and hits the ground but vader instead of striking her down he carries on with the chastisement making her whale tears streaming down her face vader says no one cares about you no one ever will and ahsoka's eyes start to change her irises disappearing becoming white her face grows paler and paler as the power's on the brink of seizing control of her mind entirely and that's when the smokey vision of vader is scattered by none other than boba fett striding straight through him his hand offered out to her in help and she looks up at him holding an expression of disbelief and then finally of pure relief the color returning to her cheeks are irises restoring to what they once were as boba proves that when she said she saw good in him she was right all along and the two of them united soldier on to neutralize this ancient weapon meaning the locals are safe once again and as there's no way they can leave it here seeing as the hutts would just come to claim it for themselves the two of them take it to luke for safekeeping meaning that the weapon is still in play and we can include this element into future star wars stories we even see baby yoda there as a nice little reference and at the very end ahsoka and boba develop such a bond such a friendship that she tells him there's a task to do there's a gang lord in the outer rim who's been doing some truly evil things and she thinks it's time somebody put a stop to him and boba says in his usual taciturn way sounds like you could use backup and she replies any old person can give back up a friend would be better so boba chooses to help her and as the very final shot we see the two of them getting into slave one ready to go on their next adventure together there you go i hope you liked the pitch don't forget to support me on patreon if you want to help me make more videos exactly like this there is a link in the description down below and i'll see you guys next time on the closer look
Channel: The Closer Look
Views: 752,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boba fett, boba, fett, star wars, star, wars, disney, kenobi, obi-wan, obiwan, mandalorian, season 3, season, disney plus, review, essay, video, video essay, the closer look, the closer, closer look, obi-wan kenobi, george lucas, grogu, temuera morrison
Id: 0i6uvXLSN70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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