Shed To Tiny House - DIY Amazon Sprayfoam Kit - What A Mess!

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hi i'm jared crocker and welcome to my youtube channel today we're gonna be spray foaming my shed to house shoe dang [Music] what's up people so as you saw we are going to spray foam this shed house it's a 14 by 32 we're building everything out on the inside i'm going to wait for jase to get back from town he's going to help me spray from everything it'll just make it a lot easier with two sets of hands from what i read online and saw on videos you don't want to wait a long time in between spraying because the nozzles will get clogged up and you have to order new ones so what i'm going to do is uh we're going to try to see how much we can spray foam i have two froth pack kits which i picked up on amazon there are a thousand dollars a piece i have a third kit on the way which will be here later this week it's the same type it's just a different brand so i want to try to see if if it'll do any better than this one but for now like i said i have two kits i just finished uh wiring everything up as you saw in my last video i did go back in and i got thicker gauge wire for the water heater and for my oven uh there was a lot of comments saying that i needed to get thicker wire so i did as you can see behind me i have this real thick black wire over here i have it sticking out over here at the bottom i went for the stove i'm gonna go underneath the house i'm gonna put it through conduit and back up and then uh same thing with the the mini split system that i have it's gonna go underneath the house as well everything else should be through the walls but i have everything taped up ready to go all the windows are covered the floor is covered with paper and tape it's gonna be a wild video guys it's gonna show the good the bad the ugly this is just gonna be my honest uh not really a i guess it could be a review but i'm just doing it and i'm just gonna be uh very honest about it if it's good i'll let you know if it's crap i will let you know once again these kits are not cheap it's a thousand dollars a kit i have three of them so three thousand dollars i know it's kind of pricey but if i got a company to come out here and try to spray from everything first you gotta wait and see if they're even available everything is so far backed up some things take forever uh it's just going to be a lot more expensive that way so i want to try to do it myself that's one thing that i wanted to do with the shed to house bill was have everything done by myself for the most part or with the help of jason and uh so far we're doing good i'm happy with the way everything's coming out but i am extremely anxious to get the spray foam going so anyways let's stop talking let's get to spraying all right so first thing i got to do is get dressed up for the part make sure i'm covered head to toe uh unfortunately these suits didn't come with everything they said it was supposed to come with a mask gloves little booties to go over your shoes and all it came with was just the suit itself give you an idea it's about 90 degrees today to be a little hotter in here probably about 100 inside here right now and it says that that needs to be when i was reading it anywhere from 75 degrees on the low end to about 120 on the high end so i got my suit on i'm just gonna wear some old shoes in case they get dirty it is what it is like i said it didn't come with the uh the booties like i said it did all right got some gloves i can already feel it it's getting hot all right let me grab my respirator pick this up in town from a local store varners for thirty dollars make sure it's nice and tight there we go all right we are ready to go cover from head to toe next thing i'm going to do is get the gun ready make sure that it has both of the chemicals shooting out the same distance i'm going gonna shoot it inside of a trash can and then we're gonna start spraying these walls all right so the first thing i did i hooked on both of these to the tanks both these tubes what we're gonna do now is we're gonna test it out i just gotta turn them on i'm gonna pull the trigger to see if the chemicals are coming out evenly through these tubes i have the trash can back here with the trash bag in it i'll just spray in it if everything looks good i'll put a little bit of this white petroleum on the end of the gun put the tip on and we should be ready to start spraying so i guess the next thing we gotta do is just test it out and hopefully everything comes out good all right here goes nothing got him cranked up that doesn't crank up all right here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so i got the first coat on here in the living room and kitchen when i first started spraying over here the nozzle wasn't on all the way so i started spraying a little crazy so i adjusted it and uh it seemed like it went on fairly fairly quickly fairly easy uh i am glad that i put down stuff all over the floor because you can see down there i mean it sprays on the floor i just imagine we do the ceiling but i did one coat i forgot to do underneath this window over here but i got basically from my back door over here i did the whole kitchen wall i did this wall over here and i did the front wall over here minus up there in the dormer so i started to go above the door as well and then probably go back in and uh do another quick coat on it it does it quick it goes on very very fast and uh you just gotta keep moving keep moving keep moving that's the key to it you don't want this to uh expand too far and uh from what i was reading online and stuff like i said just go fast and then go back and do another coat if you need to so i to sit down i'm getting a little light-headed uh like i said it's pushing about a hundred in here and when you're wearing a full suit like this it definitely gets to you quick so i'm gonna take a quick break and then we'll come back in and i'll do a whole nother coat on this so i got some help now which is gonna make it a lot easier i went ahead and sprayed one coat here in the living room we're gonna try to finish out the living room and kitchen ceiling and everything and then uh see where we're at at this point right now i still have part of this these two tanks over here left i just did a very very light coat which you can probably see on the walls it is messy but it's really not that hard to do you just got to move fairly quickly and then once you get your rhythm especially with two of us i can move the tanks and he can spray so it should go on fairly quickly here you all just look adorable in your little suit yeah especially not 100 degrees inside here this new suit dude [Music] new suit goofing yeah and you have to hold it down pretty good to me that's what you want really [Music] did you get your other kit today did you get your other kit today thanks it'll be here later this week but i have these two so at least hopefully do this room over here and i'm thinking the other kid might be the i know for the betterment yeah i mean as you guys can tell pretty much got it all here we're getting low on this first set i can tell the tanks are a lot lighter so we might be able to do two coats in here with just that one tip i think i think yeah that's fine hey it's hot i mean you can feel like or not feel the temperature but like as far as like the echo it seems like it's definitely helping it out already because out here [Music] but uh yeah i'm very impressed with it so far they're like i said their spots like this i have to go in and shave it off but i always get like a metal uh what are they called like a little just like a drywall speckled spackle thing and just cut that stuff off um that's with one kit so far it's still not um it's almost empty but it did all these walls fairly good i think that's pretty good for these walls and then uh the other kit will have to do the ceiling the ceiling want to go a little bit thicker it did more than i expected you know so i mean it's definitely hot so take a quick break and we'll come back at it again round two don't like that one just keep in mind we only have four left this one's way more for the corner so again that was the white one yeah and the blue one is more of a fan which is what we've been using and you can order extra ones on on amazon but i didn't i like this one the way they go too [Music] [Music] [Music] i already know i'm gonna get crap for not wearing a right now when you're far away yeah it's not that bad plus you have the doors open so these do tell you the temperature on the side saying 95 right now it says anywhere from uh 75 in the low end to 120 so we're sitting at 95 so we're good [Music] so if you're if it's cold weather you want to keep it really hot a lot of people build boxes put the tanks inside there and heat them up over here okay uh it's definitely a lot different doing the roof well i think that it wasn't uh i don't think the two were mixing correctly i mean it could be i think we're going to take a razor to cut that and get whatever we can get off yeah so you can see up there it's not adhering to the wood up there so i'm thinking that it didn't the chemicals aren't going correctly and i may have just gone a little too thick that it may need a first coat we kind of did it kind of just a fast and then go back so i'm pretty sure it uh got sprayed on a little too thick up there so he's just going to cut out that section and we'll respray it we just hooked on a new tank just to give you guys an idea this is a frostpack 620. it did my entire kitchen wall the wall that's over here from my living room and uh kitchen and then up here on my living wall as well probably about two inches thick on most of it some are a little bit thicker than others we're gonna try to see if we can at least get the rest of the ceiling done in this area and then i have another kit coming in later which i can do the other two uh the bedroom and the bathroom i think the key to it is just a light coat the first time you go back and do it again but on the roof for sure jared you got a man down not the real tree hut it's all right after this we take a quick break [Music] all right so realistically it took us about an hour or so to do the living room the walls and the ceiling it took about a kit and a half i can't hear on his ear right now i don't know why but uh it's very very very messy look over here on the floor i am 100 glad that i covered everything not only that i have stuff out here the over spray started spraying out you can see it's all over my power banks i was not expecting stuff like that so just keep in mind it does get everywhere you can check on the windows where the plastic is there's stuff all over that so if i didn't cover it the windows would be covered to be almost impossible to keep clean but we have our suits the respirators all this stuff and definitely helps but it's definitely hot uh i would personally recommend goggles or a face mask um i don't know if you guys will see or not but i think i got some all on here um we just kind of try to get it done but it covered way more than i expected uh i was unbelievable very worried when jared said he bought this off amazon uh i told danielle right before coming over here i said i really hope he didn't waste his money uh as of right now i think it's great um yeah uh it's it's way better than i truly expected yeah and i mean it it cures within like 30 seconds and yeah it's hardens at 30 seconds and it cures and i think less than five minutes but it'll definitely help it out it's not 100 all the way out to the studs and stuff but this will still be better than the pink insulation it'll be way better than that yeah we did that down in texas on our the shed house down there was a 16 by 50. and uh i could definitely tell during the winter time that uh the pink insulation was not as good yeah i've been in a couple of these that have been spray foamed and it just seems 100 better yeah uh basically that's all we're gonna be able to do for now we still have about half a a kit left which will probably go in and just fill in the low spots at a different time and then i have another kit coming in later this week to do my uh bedroom and my bathroom so that'll be in another video but for being an amazon spray foam kit what would you rate it one out of ten one out of ten right now as far as it going on and stuff i'd say i don't know maybe a nine that's what i would say it's a good solid night if you knew what you were doing you could really make this nice cause this is uh we're definitely diyers doing this the first time i've ever done this but uh once again i will just say this over and over and over because this is stuff that i looked at on videos prep take the time take stuff off look at this guys taped all this stuff off it's still holding up there was overspray all over this the windows would be destroyed and that's pretty much every window all the floors when i take all this stuff up it'll probably still have a little bit of stuff on the floor but not much it wasn't terrible if you're only doing walls but the ceiling yeah crazy but uh yeah like i said we'll go back spray it a little bit thicker but uh as for now i'm very very pleased with this uh i would definitely recommend the amazon spray foam diy kid yeah i'm truly in shock like i said right before coming over here literally had a conversation with danielle saying i hope he didn't waste his money yeah and i'm not going to do a temperature test yet because the the bedroom and bathroom's not done but on my next video once i complete that i'll flip the ac on we'll do a before and after and you'll be able to see if it cools it down or not once again this is a black building black metal roof and uh i'm very very pleased with this product and uh yeah so i hope this video can help people out if they're on the fence about doing it if you have a small project i would definitely recommend this they have smaller kits this was one that was a 620 uh what do you say square boards or something they make them where they're like 300 300 or so but uh anyways i guess we'll go ahead and wrap up this video uh jason about go live on the crockers if you don't know who that is that's his channel and uh they're doing a tiny house that they're building from the ground up so i practiced on his first yeah it was good practice uh once again this is a 14 by 32 shed to house and uh yeah it's very very hot like i said when i first started it was about 90 degrees probably around 100 in here wearing these suits and stuff about 200 yeah it gets very uh you get very light-headed quick so we take a lot of breaks and you have to constantly change out the tips and keep the gun clean so anyways comment down below let us know what you think once again the total cost so far was two thousand dollars i have another thousand dollar kick coming in so yeah any last words uh move fast yeah that's all i gotta say don't go slow at first you can always go back and spray again so anyways hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you for watching and we'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: South Texas Roots
Views: 1,094,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M7N7IG6EPes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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