No More DIY Spray Foam! See Why I Finally Hired The Pros $$$

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so welcome back to the Sawmill friends today we're going to spray foam the shop I'm not going to do it this time I got some pros coming out but we're going to get it done and let me show you guys what we got going on but watch your step because the shop is a mess I got stuff everywhere in here you guys hang in there all right guys we're in the middle of the shop and it's a cluttered mess because I needed to clear out these other two rooms got the motor room over here the bit stuff is still in there they'll put some plastic over that stuff to cover it up and also this room over here I did the same thing all the small things and stuff on the Shelf the TV everything got moved in here out of the way the contractors will bring plastic with them to cover up the larger things like the table saw the miter saw the workbench right there I did take the lights down but here's what we're going to be doing so we're not touching this room right here it's already done as far as insulation goes but this room right here needs the sealant insulated as you can see right there guys we got nothing going on but plywood tar paper and metal roof on the ceiling no insulation need to change that gonna be doing this room as well this is where the molder is I need to take down those last few lights got three more and also the hangers for the hose collector hose collector my goodness for the duster legend for the molder that's the hose that goes outside of the wood chips I got what five straps up there I hopefully if I take those straps off it'll kind of hold itself up Famous Last Words it'll probably fall but we'll have to see what happens on that but we'll be spraying or the contractors rather will be spraying the sealant in here also looks like we've got some help today hello Mr cabbage Mr cabbage all right friends so here's the insulation we're doing today this is closed sale you guys will see me install this in the past and also for you guys that's been with me for a long time about 2018 when we first moved here I had closed cell insulation sprayed on top of the Sawmill and the same company The Mullins company that done that job are the ones coming back today now that's closed cell insulation it's a lot thinner the R value is a little bit different it usually goes on between one to three inches on the thickness but don't quote me on that because I'm not an expert in this guys like I said I'm a I'm a professional YouTuber I'm not a professional phone sprayer although I have done a lot of these DIY kits here on the channel like what you see behind me here on the wall now today we're going to be doing open cell insulation as far as the difference between open sale and closed sale which is what I have on the walls down here I'm gonna leave that up to you guys if you want to know the the chemistry of it as far as what's going on with it you can Google it I'm sure there's plenty of stuff out there to read about it and I may ask the contractors later on today what it is and I'll give you guys an update if we do but that's what we're going to be putting on the ceiling in here and one thing about open cell it's a lot thicker I believe we're doing five inches today on the ceiling and that's going to give us an r19 up there so once the contractors get here they should be here in about half an hour they will prep every room by putting plastic over anything that's in here they'll cover up the mold or this filing cabinet some of this stuff over here and we'll sit outside we can get rid of it I'm sure they'll cover up the power panel over there and the dust collector I was going to move the dust collector out of here but that thing is way too handy to move by myself and once they go ahead and prep the area they'll come in here with their hose and they will spray this ceiling guys and I'll tell you if you've never seen it before the open cell insulation is pretty interesting to watch because it goes on really thin but it expands really fast it's a totally different look than the closed cell that I have on the walls that stuff was a lot thinner I may even have maybe one or two inches right here and when you spray it on it does not expand very much at all that open cell stuff it just goes crazy guys I've seen it in videos I've never had it done before but uh it's something to see I'm looking forward to seeing the process today all right guys they should be here in just a few minutes I'm going to take down the rest of these lights and move some more stuff out of here so they got less to work around I got my respirator ready so I could come in here and video this process as it's going on today I got my old clothes on as well I know it looks like normal stuff to me but this shirt's pretty rough and hopefully we can get some good footage today hopefully there's no cameras that get damaged in the process and more importantly I don't get spray foam into my beard that's my biggest fear today right there getting this thing full of spray foam it took me forever to grow it so you guys hang in there I'm gonna finish taking these lights down we'll see you back here in just a minute [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] all right friends it's the next day they say to let your room air out for about 24 hours before you go back in it so that's what we did let me show you guys the finished result of all the spray foaming from yesterday I think it looks pretty good this right here is the first room that they did and look over the low lighting I've not put the LEDs back on the ceiling just yet now this room is 30 feet long and 14 foot wide I tell you what guys I think it looks really nice and you can tell a huge difference in the temperature today you no longer feel that heat coming down from the ceiling that's what we wanted right there so this room does not have a vented uh attic that's the middle part of the barn so I had the contractors close in the soffits right here and if you guys recall in the video how he done that I thought that was pretty interesting the method he used to make sure all the soffits got closed in and something else over here I guess you would call this maybe the Gable ends of the barn this will spray foam right here this yellow that I installed last fall that was a DIY kit and he came down with his insulation and mixed it in with that to make a really nice seal between the two of them looks really good now we're going to the motor room I got the lights hung back in it this room is 12 by 30 so just a little bit smaller and pretty much the same application right there looks really nice and just like the other room very noticeable on the difference in temperature in here today it's about 85 degrees outside and a lot cooler in here looks really good [Music] are not friends let me touch on a few things here briefly because I got my work cut out for me for the rest of the day I've got to put all this stuff back into both rooms there's a lot of stuff in here so number one these might be a few questions you guys are wondering how much does this stuff weigh the contractor told me it took 24 gallons of their uh chemical to spray the insulation on both ceilings in both rooms and if I remember him right I think he said per square foot it's about half of a pound so that's not very bad at all so I think both rooms if you did the math and I'm trying to do this in my head I think it would add about 160 pounds of weight to each ceiling and the second thing is how much does it cost I paid the contractor right at 1900 to do both rooms and I think that was a great value right there you know one room was 12 by 30 the other room is 14 by 30 and they completely covered the ceiling and did more than what they say they was going to do I think the job quoted me five inches of closed sale or open sale insulation let me get that right five inches of open cell insulation but these are two by eight Rafters and when you look up they're almost filled in completely so I think I got more than five inches out of that so really good value there guys if you're looking to have insulation done there are DIY kits and I have done those here on this channel but I tell you it's a lot nicer having the pros do it for two reasons number one you get a better product I think and number two you don't have to do it you pay those guys to do it and they do the cleanup they put plastic on the floors the windows a barrier you know bar in that room off from this room they had a ventilation fan going just top-notch jazz top notch it was well worth it and for about two thousand dollars I thought that was a good value all right guys so thanks for watching I really appreciate it and thanks again to The Mullins company for coming out for the second time since I've been at this property and putting some insulation in my buildings I really appreciate you guys so I'm gonna tip the cameras off and try to put this stuff back and reorganize it so you guys hang in there and I'll see you back here in the next one thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 138,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, stihl chainsaw, chainsaw, saw-mill, Woodmizer, wood-mizer sawmill, portable sawmill, homestead, DIY, rural living, log cabin, cabin, timber frame, timber framing, Tennessee, farm, blacksmith, log cabin build, timber frame shop, logs to lumber, wood, woodworking, out of the woods, forestry, sawing logs, lumber, kiln drying wood, off grid, off-grid cabin, tym tractor, farm tractor, Kubota, John Deere, grapple, firewood, log splitter, logs into lumber, alone
Id: j7I74RtBVpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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