I Built a Luxury Tiny home for $6,000 (exterior build)

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it's no secret that houses have gotten expensive and as a kid from the early 2000s I'd always expected I'd just buy one but even if I had the money I wouldn't want to pay a million dollars for a house built in 1964 so in this video me and my brother are building the ultimate tiny house not for $50,000 not for 20 but for $6,000 and for me and my brother our whole process started when he picked up an old trailer you've got to be kidding me it was 500 bucks I had to now as it sits the trail is 13 ft long but our house is going to be 16 ft so we're going to add some metal to make it [Music] longer wow now we got a pressure washer where we can get a good coat of paint on [Music] it [Music] dude that trailer looks awesome now ready start building the base oh yeah so in this house we want a fullsize bathroom bedroom kitchen and living room with all these demands we're going to use 2x4s to make the base as wide as we legally can it'll give us about 8 [Music] ft [Music] the next step is for us to go ahead and put foam in all these little holes right [Music] here foam on the floor is really important for two reasons one to keep out moisture and two for insulation that's why we made these such a tight fit [Music] then we put some plastic down for an additional moisture [Music] [Applause] barrier and finally our subfloor all said and done the base of this tiny home is going to give us 130 ft to work with and that's about the size of the blue bus we renovated which is good but to get more square footage we're going to build the walls up high enough to have two stories in one [Music] section at 9 ft tall the First wall seemed ginormous but the second wall was 10 and 1/2 ft tall ah now time for our last fulls siize wall the next day we added a section on our front wall to make it a bit higher for that second story I was talking about then we can start framing out our [Music] roof [Music] dude that was incredible you did the whole thing by yourself I'm on the camera so I can't help after the roof part itself was installed we went around the perimeter of the house to make an awesome overhang and in my opinion this is the key to making a house look [Music] amazing all right time to put plywood on this [Music] roof you may have noticed earlier in the video when we put up a wall that really wasn't much of a wall the reason for that giant opening is because we needed a little bit more room to fit our full-size bathroom so we made an [Music] [Music] extension next we put on the tyvec this is basically waterproof paper that acts as a final barrier between the water and the inside for our siding we just went with 4X 8T wooden panels because these are pretty cheap and really easy to put [Music] up [Music] [Applause] yeah so the only way we can afford to put such big windows in our house is to make them ourselves so we got several sheets of custom cut glass and we're going to start building frames around them now we've never really made windows before so the way we're going about this is probably [Music] [Applause] okay to start we're taking treated 2x4s and cutting a notch for the glass to sit [Music] in then we cut them all into pieces to make frames that will hold our Giant panels then we slid the panel down and it would stick up about 3/4 of an inch past the top easy easy God this is going to look awesome that way we could put the cap on screw it all together and it would never come [Music] apart now if we wanted to buy Windows like this it would cost thousands of dollars but since we made them ourselves the total for the glass and the wood was under $400 the lad there we [Music] go oh like the glove dude okay let me go inside and remember when we were going around the perimeter of the roof with wood well now it's time to put up the S how's that look right there oh my god dude we can't do it yet what we got a wrong wire do we need can lights so what we're doing here is running wire through our s where later we can install exterior can lights it'll make the house look like a million [Music] bucks [Music] wow this is going to look beautiful dude I know how's it [Music] looking even though the windows we added earlier are huge they still won't let any light into the upstairs Master bed room so last minute we decided to give that room some windows oh like the glove [Music] dude the house was starting to look pretty good but up close you can see there's a lot of cracks screws Nails the corners are all messed up and it all needs covered up so in the shop me and Kobe got to work on our next step now it's time for trim how's that [Music] fine now you might not have guessed it but Kobe and I saved hundreds of dollars here we could have bought premade PVC trim for this but because we used so much it would have cost $1,500 whereas our trim just cost $160 and some extra time [Music] so the trim is done believe it or not it took us 2 days to do it we ended up using 3,000 nails and like 10 tubes of liquid nail to get all this trim on the house was starting to look great but if you notice the roof is still pretty bare and before we can put anything on the top we have to first put fascia on the front to do this we got a roll of aluminum and actually cut and bent it [Music] ourselves not only does this make the Finish look amazing but it also prevents water from ever touching the wood and with the aluminum fascia installed it was finally time to put on the roof I also made sure to screw it down really good because it will be moving down the highway at some point then we installed the last bit of aluminum on the back of the [Music] house I want this thing looking just as good up close as it does far away so I covered thousands of nail holes with [Music] Bondo [Music] and because we didn't want to mess it up shout out to our dad for painting the aluminum it's coming together [Music] guys [Music] all right everybody this is our tiny house as of right now it's an empty shell but man it looks good all in all we're a little over $33,000 in this which is just insane and here's the first look at the inside obviously there's nothing in here but look how high the ceilings are we're going to do a crazy job making this interior just as beautiful as the outside in the next video so stay tuned for the next video and thank you for watching
Channel: President Chay
Views: 1,934,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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