ASMR is weird

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Hey hey guys today we're gonna be talking about how stupid is Morris don't get me wrong I don't dislike ASMR in fact I found it years ago it was like massage ASMR and I can understand that because it's like a really relaxing thing just like a massage you're such an intimate thing I can understand like the whisper of ASMR for that however it's the fact that ASMR is going too far how far let me show you this is what I don't understand why are you whispering this conversation to me you couldn't you couldn't just speak normally what's the appeal of just whispering things like regular conversations what what is this what are you what is this about when you endo intended okay so my god which ones I use in they were just wrong turn this is a really good game okay so now put two like this huh are you really gonna narrate what's going on in the game why wouldn't you put that on the screen so instead of having her in the corner then they came on the screen instead she just narrates for a little bit sits in silence then turns her camera on the screen the PlayStation literally has built-in screen recording it's hit it twice and it records it for you I think ASMR is supposed to help calm you down it's just infuriating me what else is this girl got on our channel you know maybe I'm missing something let me try it myself how did you guys enjoy that did you uh did you enjoy that okay how can you say this is not innuendo when you're making those noises and there's this shape thing in front of you but you can't your mouth is right there you can't say this is not innuendo that's why every video you got like a swooping shirt you know I'm talking about a big swoop and that's exactly why you have a video saying you will do porn at 1 million subscribers let's see what people in the comment section are saying about this this Kitty needs some milk hey need some milk this weird AF Mohammed Najib I like to imagine this is Mohammed's first day on the Internet and he's like oh what's this thing called YouTube all people post videos interesting with sort of things that they post mouth sounds what's this all about this weird 1/2 fapping all the time on your patreon videos I've mapped to this tube but patreon has better love you and she hearted the comment don't heart somebody's comments saying they masturbated to your thing Devin says just in time for me to get off work but guys it gets weirder it gets so much weirder we haven't even scratched the surface of the weird you thought you thought the licking thing was weird wait till you get a load of this what is this device where do you go to buy this device I want to I want to practice licking ears do you have anything like a fake ear that I can lick and she just goes to town on it man I'm pretty sure Mike Tyson took lessons from this girl baby bites and Holyfield in agony at that point trying to rip free hang out with this girl for 20 minutes and I guarantee you your hearing will be better than ever okay I feel like at this point of the video she's she's done with it man there's only so much ear you can lick before you're like yo my tongues kind of tired is your ear good cuz like I'm I'm done hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk with you again if cleaning ears is something I like how did you know my fetish I love cleaning ears ah yeah oh my god this video is so weird did I mention it gets weirder oh because it gets weirder how about it ex-girlfriend that kidnaps you ex-girlfriend that kidnaps you ASMR so you're telling me that you used a key to my apartment that I forgot to take back came into my place late at night scooped me out of my bed put me into a wheelbarrow and then wheelbarrow me down the street to your cabin how do you know how far I am from the nearest cabin we have to go at least 10 miles you wheelbarrow me in the middle of the night no one saw no one saw as you push the body you know real barrow down the street nobody saw that but you went ten miles with my sleeping body in a wheelbarrow I gotta say I'm not even angry I'm impressed did she just say those ropes look uncomfortable I know what will make you more comfortable replacing those ropes with gold chains well what am i a rapper that's the only person that's getting satisfaction out of having gold chains instead of ropes I wonder what the problem in our relationship was it could it be the fact that you're the kind of girl who goes to her ex-boyfriends house and puts them in a wheelbarrow and then takes them ten miles down the road maybe does that go through as a possible reason why I'm not into you oh I look tired well excuse me I spent the night you know wheelbarrow my eyes are puffy that's probably an adverse side effects to the chloroform I know you chloroform me there's no way I can be is that a promo plug is you just kidnap me and then get a sponsorship to plug your product to me did I mention it gets weirder cuz it gets weirder I'm talking ASMR elf abduction elf how can you say that seriously there's no need to worry I was just curious about you so I abducted you anyone who would abduct you is potentially dangerous I should be on edge I am especially because you're a [ __ ] elf and you're really close any closer and I'm afraid you're gonna pop through my screen oh and you drugged me as well so yeah I feel really safe yeah yep I knew that's where this is going immediately following this is a sequel overrun pornhub guaranteed although I don't know if it's ASMR she's literally been shining the light in my face really four minutes of this video at first she was like I'm gonna check your pupil size and I was like okay for like five seconds she's gonna do the people thing like a doctor but no it's been like four minutes and she's still checking my pupils apparently elfs aren't great doctors boning elves is that I feel like why am i thinking everything's gonna be a porn line how did this turn into an eye exam I get abducted by an elf and they test my eyesight like that's it that's the whole thing they do they don't want to like finger my butt or anything they don't want to like hit my knee with a thingy to check my reflexes and stuff I figure they brought around a little bit but instead they're just solely focused on my eyesight I don't know about having 20/20 vision but I only have eyes for you oh oh me and this F would be smashing guaranteed I'm on my game you want to take a look at my lips well yeah look look do you I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to spring that kiss on you I don't know all this abduction stuff is really getting me going I'm sorry though I'm sorry we can't date I still had feelings for my ex-girlfriend I know she has her flaws she puts me in wheelbarrows but you know what I love her or you want to measure my ears okay if you'll notice there's no wax in them one of my ex-girlfriends sucked it right out yeah check it out but be very careful be very careful I have a little fetish with my ears don't don't worry too much about it but if you make any contact with my ear I did send the orgasm but yeah check it out oh really because I only have eyes for you oh [ __ ] that I use that one I have a very limited number of pick-up lines if I don't seal the deal with them like the first three pickup lines it's game over all right so what's the deal what's the deal am i turning into an elf or not how we finishing off this plot Ike I'm kind of invested when you're ready to turn me into an elf without my consent don't worry I'll be abducted okay thank great great so if I'm a family you'll just abduct me away from them and I won't have a say in that at all I won't get to say goodbye but I shouldn't worry okay great if you guys enjoyed this video you might also enjoy this one or this one click on one of those as always I love you guys have a great rest of your day
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 167,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, sleep, eating, role, playing, role playing, asmr role playing, calm, tapping, massage, funny, laugh, challenge, mouth sounds, haircut, ear, licking, elf, humor, no talking, humming, head massage, hair brushing, hair cut, ear cleaning, ear massage, cupping, exam, gaming, dylan, is, in, trouble, will, not, participate
Id: R8WCzx7qsiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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