SHE PASSED AWAY! This storage unit was left behind for decades, let's uncover it!

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what's up Locker nuts all right it's Locker time just got done with a live auction we're about an hour and 15 minutes away from my house in a town called Turlock and ooh I'm excited actually I bought three units today this is the first one I bought it's the first one we're going to go through previous owner passed away right here so we have a deceased owner unit these are so exciting because you never know what was left behind let's crack it open and take a look okay you ready oh look at that dust right oh that was crazy look at this it looks like the Sahara desert on the floor down here oh my goodness this is about as Dusty as I've ever seen look at the cobwebs in here here's a sewing box it looks like right and one of the other guys the guy actually I was bidding against told me after he thinks that right there might be a sewing machine specifically perhaps a feather weight in there I'm very excited that right there is worth a couple hundred bucks potentially potentially look at this this old trunk right here I thought that was really interesting but I'll tell you what I didn't see anything in particular that I thought was big money I did not know that was a featherweight box potentially so what I was bidding on right here is this the dust the dust it's been here so long and of course the story all right so there's I'm I'm basically just gambling and how much did we pay for that I know you guys are asking yourselves 300 bucks for this unit right here 300 bucks obviously is very very small maybe a 4x5 or something not that much stuff here and that's fine cuz I got my van today let's get the digging yeah unfortunately again I didn't plan on coming so I would have brought a table garbage cans out it's usually what I like to roll with but today we're doing it we're going to do it old style here okay I think my van might get a little dirty today that's my prediction wa oh my goodness it's even Dusty inside okay little bit of sewing machine uh sewing supplies nothing too crazy what's this just a little wall hanger right there H good do okay oh bummer missing a leg that's going to be a little bit harder to sell oh there's the leg right there okay oh Dusty okay there's some brand new yarn right here look at this it clean up perfectly yeah okay that looks like that's what that is all yarn this towel right here oh great it's blowing right into my van looks like I'm going to get my van detailed pretty soon all right let's see what's in this box right here oh got some letters no more like receipts and paperwork yeah we'll go through that later probably over a garbage can see if there's anything in there like a envelope of cash I'm not having too high expectations of that all right guys moment of truth let's see what's in this little box ready let's see oh he was right wow good on him he's got a he's got some knowledge about these things I did not that is a little featherweight Singer sewing machine the last one I found the box was destroyed this box looks in very good condition little box of parts that's very good adds to the value and and Singer Sewing motor cat 3-120 since the other one I found the box is falling apart I didn't have to get it out of the box the box kind of did the work for me I don't know how to get this out actually there's got to be a trick to it but I don't know what it is all right guys hopefully you can see enough of that to know what that is I'm pretty sure it's a feather light so good fine okay let's see what this big box holds from the weight and density of it I'm thinking it's not that okay wait wait wait wait wait what we got okay looks like more sewing stuff there's some yarn there's a little embroidery hoops right there ruler it's got some other stuff in here too though what's this what is this food coupon Department of Agriculture Series 2000 it's not that old looks like money huh huh that's a little different okay what else we got in here A bunch of fabric got a ceramic cow looks like he sits on the shelf and his leg hangs over and he's sleeping lazy cow oh oh what's this okay look at this guys Penny wrappers here no pennies just the wrappers and some pencils but hey we might uh maybe we're going to find some coins if she liked the coins might be some coins in here vy's attraction perfume H want a bunch of sewing little goodies in here oh what's this all right homco right here got a little decorative piece and look at this very old photograph looks like South America or something that's neat and below that we got some magazines looks like all sewing magazines vintage 1995 stuff it's almost 30 years old there's 1991 o that's cool what else is in here let get some books books okay let's grab this thing right well first let's see what this is okay it's all right it's pretty right it's a print but there's the artist name there through God's glasses or through God's glass but the print looks like it's wavy so it's been uh exposed to some moisture issues probably not going to be able to sell that for much now let's get this you guys watched me for a while you know I like these little plastic things usually you can't grab the stuff out the front like that that's busted lasas something in Spanish ooh look at that tall kitchen bags I just grabbed kitchen bag out of my van there's some more put that in here we go to the flea market and use those for customers okay let's see what we got notebooks unused okay oh my goodness look at how old this stuff is 1967 that's older than me right here guys 25 work basket this looks like the little type of magazine you see in the supermarket checkout counter oh what's this okay oh what's this it's nothing it's cute though seems like it's old too it's made in China but whatever I see something look at this guys dos mil pesos 2,000 2,000 P pesos from Mexico what's that worth I don't think it's worth very much but it's cool and the fact that we're finding some money is good mu Bueno here we got little little bit of princess house right here let's see what that is okay little crystal salt and pepper shaker brand new it looks like made in the USA okay that's cool okay next one oh what's this okay this a little more interesting it's a little notebook keychain it's funny this but this but this but this it's just some costume jewelry but costume jewelry is better than no jewelry yeah H look at that it's kind of nice it's another very old magazine right here pineapple designs 29 1958 on that guys that's pretty neat little bit of photos I'll have to see if they want it back I don't know if they're in contact with the family oh dang okay I'm going to have to look a little more care through this Locker there's maybe some silver right here and this maybe some gold that could be a little piece of gold right there and this looks to be silver maybe not we'll bring it home and check it okay a little bit jewry though little beads getting away all right okay look at the dust on that dang what is this some sort of safety helmet right here try to dust that off after what do we got here oh little kitty cat bag just needs to be cleaned up just a little bit oh my goodness why do I have to wear black shirt today I almost wore a gray shirt today okay a little more sew stuff a little more books and what's this another very old sewing book right there I'll put that aside I think those are cool that's it the bag's nice it's going to need to be washed oh what's that what's that what's that what's that it's dusty but that's a little C it's a I think a rosary got a little cross right there huh that also needs to be cleaned up but that's worth putting aside Luciana collection right here oh hand painted limited edition Italian designs St Michael I don't think that's worth what it said yeah made in China all right guys should we get in this trunk is it is it time is it time W look at that old stapler very dusty that's a super old stapler oh it's got a staple remover built into it that's a cool piece I'm going put it aside okay what are you guys thinking here I'm thinking maybe a musical instrument this way oh very very nice look at this what is this this sa saxophone oh dang that's pretty standard American standard American low pitch a 1213 those are the numbers on it I think this is going to be worth a little bit there's the mouthpiece right there there's another piece right here I don't know what these things are I never took band I don't know about this sort of thing I don't know the sort of thing but I know these things do sell quite well at the market whenever there's instruments like this that people people dig it all right next up draw Dash draw Dash suitcase nice oh no he's got it locked it's locked up that's not good for me cuz I want to see nothing in there oh man I'm I going to open that oh I just bent it look how strong I am wow super human strength right there guys on display caught on camera she locked up her sewing stuff come on there's got to be something better in here perfume hummingbird perfume that's funny Spirit of good luck multi moral perfume all right that's that's kind of neat $6.99 wasn't cheap either I mean I'm assuming she bought it a while ago so let's see nothing interesting in there nothing to see folks nothing to see there's something that's been crocheted up there's another piece that's like in progress H what's this oh my goodness look at this it's goofy oh made in China Disney that is a neat piece right there it's plastic it's not Stone it looks like Stone but it's not she got some neat staplers oh what's this guys come on locked suitcase what does this have oh okay this is oh no I'm just trying to pull it out and the thing came right off it needs to be reglued the corner fell off oh Locker nuts what are you doing okay that says $25.99 it's a it's a rabbit with like a glass base and it looks like it's I don't know Chrome and brass or something I don't want to pull it out it's falling apart a little bit this new ideas in crochet look at this 10 cents super old books nice pencils a nice uh keychain there from Wyoming brass okay next up just a blanket covering this from the dust see what this has got it all right what do we got little purse right here apostrophe it's like fake leather it's not real leather I don't think I put it aside just in case can't tell through my gloves more sewing stuff and a bunch of clothes and sewing stuff sewing stuff in some clothing what's this it's another purse M Dany New York that's all right huh I think that might be leather more sewing stuff okay that's what that is okay another box of heavy items see some Electronics some wires I see a lot of fabric too or sheets or something ah paperwork paperwork and fabric that is not the combination of a success full box right there another very old book right there though look at the outfits on these ladies okay ooh this feels like a clock yeah that's what it is not terribly amazing or anything all right looks like there's a piece missing right here seems like something's supposed to go right there yeah oh wow the batter's all corroded out that's going to be a tough sale they need to replace the battery compartment in that and I don't know if anyone's want to do the work but it is solid wood okay okay next box next bag this is pretty effective for getting the dust up but say that much a whipp it good corck that towel Shake the Dust off what do we got Walt Disney World 1971 that's a good piece right there I like it I like that a lot a lot a lot oh this is cool too look at this guys this is super cool this is a vintage and I'm saying that without knowing for sure but it certainly seems vintage denim handbag no brand on it maybe someone custom made it that's a very cool piece that I'm almost positive we sell at the better flea market all right there's some paperwork paperwork I hate paperwork paperwork there's some more interesting stuff in here okay like this a box oh n look like a little male sorter m a i l e right not not for sorting out your boyfriend's okay little puzzle sewing stuff and I lost interest all right next box okay right on top there we Nine and Company bag but o not sure what that white stuff is yeah hey guys there's some stuff in here this is oh let's close that up don't want those star Foams blowing what's this it's heavy and then what's this wallet okay little book yeah this is gross though H okay just a wallet fake leather I think with between the featherweight and the uh that instrument whatever it is sax phone or something else I think that we have our money back and then this stuff is just a little bit more profit and of course whatever we sell the other stuff at the flea market for $1.99 angels of Love Can You Feel The Love I don't feel the love not for $1.99 takes a lot more to buy me love this is a heavy item and you know what it is guys I think it's an old no I don't know I thought maybe an old phone B something different I'm might have to open that and this too nope that's an old mixer never mind that's what that is is the base to a mixer all right I thought it was something fancy I don't know maybe something expensive and fancy it is not some of the other guys at the auction were kind of making a big deal out of this saying it's just an old lady they're sewing me stuff in here and I think they're trying to talk it down thinking that actually works for some of the buyers there I don't know maybe it does work that's kind of an interesting piece right there uh I wasn't buying it but I think they might be right this might just be mostly sewing stuff but there's it's just the in intrigue of getting something that is from a person that passed away you know it just Peaks my curiosity but sewing fabric more old sewing stuff picture frames more old sewing magazin aines too much in this one either unfortunately okay look at this that's a cash boox Yeah couple mirrors oh what do we got here guys this could be good there's something in it that's not what I was hoping a dang it that's an old sewing pattern very old uh lots of yarn yep and some fabric at the bottom oh man that sucks empty old Nike box what do you think I'm thinking sewing stuff I don't know that's just a hunch I got oh what's this an old wallet looks a little bit higher quality than the others huh I don't think it is I'll put it aside though we'll take a closer look at that kind of a neat neat pattern I don't think there's anything in any of her wallets yet sewing stuff yep guys I will go through I will go through and there's 1989 right there I'll go through these again uh when I get home like I said I don't have a bins to sort I don't have a garbage can I don't have a table I'll go through through this stuff again when I get home and I'll update you at the end of the video if we find anything better anything I missed right now I just want to get a feel and pull a few good things out right oh yeah like this stuff's got to come out I think we can sell that stuff the old patterns sewing patterns it's not big money but there are buyers for that so we'll pull that stuff out yeah it's getting sunny and that means it's getting hot I'm wearing jeans oh this is heavy oh I think it's another sewing machine show me something good come on oh okay I like it I like it oh yes this is nice look at the singer look at that it's really fancy right there this a old singer very old okay cat bz1 15-8 is that the model number I think it might be I think it might be that's a nice piece I like it um when you have the really ordinate ones sometimes you get upwards of a 100 bucks but it takes a right buyer guys so with something like this I'll probably be asking more like 50 bucks maybe 40 bucks at the flea market just to let it go the clock's falling apart as as I put it in there literally falling apart I think this has probably been here a couple decades the newest thing we saw in here was what 1990 something 1995 I think I think this has been in here at least 20 years maybe longer some of the stuff that glue has deteriorated heat and age I think that's my guess and that looks like a lot more sewing stuff right here yep that's what it be okay mhm all right been kind of avoiding this big bag right here just not feeling it but let's get into it oh no he's got this locked too dang it it feels like clothes it feels soft there's a lock guys this thing is locked up and super Dusty stored for years maybe there's something good in there we'll have to take that home and do it cut the lock that one didn't have a lid on it and it's full of dust nothing this old tin is really cool though popping corn huh that's a neat one h in Spanish little letter that's sewing stuff this lady's whole life was about sewing okay more so Wing oopsie this one's got a lid on it and SE stuff What's this called I don't know okay we're here with Rita she works at this facility how you guys doing it's very nice to me when I came you said you watched the show and yes I am a true fan here you're Locker how cool is that I'm a little star stroke oh yeah but yeah it's pretty cool yeah you know you got you good unit so and you uh you have a YouTube channel and an eBay store I do have an eBay store it's Skully star Fashions and I have a YouTube channel not currently running it but I do have one okay we'll put a link to it so maybe get some sub drivers and encourage you to St yes I'd appreciate it what kind of stuff do you sell um basically clothing right now I do the clothing some toys okay yeah I got around 15500 items on my store oh that's a lot oh yeah we only have 500 I'm a dedicated person that's great and I full so cool and thank you so much for watching the videos yeah for sure for sure always praying for you guys thank you so yeah no definitely that's awesome thank you all right next box little wooden Thimbles in there or not Thimbles spools pools a b more patterns here and paperwork did I mention lately that I hate paperwork okay next box uhoh it's like a ticket someone get a ticket no Western Union all right here little chest game nice more old books and patterns and fabric let this batteries oh wow wow oh this might be the dirtiest one yet Scot tape and tons of more thread and stuff a yarn come on couple more old books though look at that 195 7 on that in 1955 wow I'll try to go back through all these boxes and pull more of those out so we can make a nice lot of these you know this kind of stuff we we do like to put those in our live auction and the live auction I'm talking about of course is what not guys that's why we buy lockers I mean well that's not that's not necessarily true I buy lockers cuz I have a blast going through them but when I'm really looking for the best stuff to sell and whatnot that's where we sell our best stuff that's a live auction app this made for your phone and other mobile devices this looks like an old one too 1978 wow was a 1950 that's the oldest one yet beat our last low score 1960 1970 1960 1962 these are cool so yeah this kind of stuff I would put in a lot and it would be a lot right so it wouldn't be like one book at a time we put a whole big stack probably every single one that we find in here in a lot and auction it off all of our auction items started it's just $1 or I should say almost all of our auction items every now and then we'll have something that's really really quite valuable we might start a little bit higher like we had a Louis Vuitton bag we started at 100 bucks had a switch a Nintendo switch like brand new it's think we started 100 bucks whatever we started out it's like very very low well be well below the value of it and man we sell we sell some good deals on stuff guys you can get a great deal on stuff so if you like what you see me pull out of the auction make sure that you attend our next auction we do them usually on Mondays like almost every Monday we've got an auction going on sometimes a little different like we got one coming up we're going to do it on a different day because we're going on vacation we'll be gone on the Monday but usually we try to do it on Mondays we got like a regular routine and if you haven't been there before I invite you as I invite everyone every time I talk about it Go and sign up using our link so the link you'll find in the video or you can find on our website Locker very simple very easy but you could have guessed that was our website Locker look at this clean clean clean they're rollers for her hair oh there's some uh nail polish right there okay that's not the kind of stuff we're looking for but use our link and the reason you want to use the link is cuz that's going to get you a $15 spending credit for free whoa hey now spiders I don't like spiders being in my van but they don't leave me with a lot of choice here I got to get it gone I only have my van this hour 15 minutes away so yeah if you use the link sign up $15 in spending credit for free so the first $15 item you buy or the first $15 you spend is on whatnot as a thank you for for trying them out cuz they are confident that you're going to have a great time and want to come back for more so they're investing in that they're investing in that experience 1959 on these some more great little books more sewing patterns here oh we got some different stuff it's getting a little better up on here patteron Galore this is I see a dolly selling sewing maybe we'll even do a sewing lot in or whatnot I don't know we sell whatever people want to buy so if there's some collectors for this kind of stuff we'll we'll put it aside and wait till the video drops and then put it in the next auction we like our auctions to be exciting so we do want to sell the stuff that you guys are looking for a little basket here but more sewing St what's this oh hold up hold up we got a little bit of jewelry a little bit more jewelry and this right here looks to be silver looks like it could be silver huh I don't see a mark on it but it looks like silver I don't know a little bit of silver rings in here yeah they're little tiny ones though okay that's good yeah I'm going to definitely have to go back through this thing do a closer look right now we're just trying to do our first Peaks um this right here Classic Treasures COA fine bisque porcelain what is that is that no I was going to say is that Toto and Dorothy no I don't think so it's a little mirror tray jeez I didn't even notice in here there's a little bit of jewelry too it's all costume though I can see his costume H still put it aside what about this one that one looks like sewing and that looks like that's it for that box okay two more boxes and we'll crack that bag open see what we got hopefully got more stuff to put into our auctions jewelry be great just takes one jewelry box to turn our whole day around no books and fabric I mean uh yarn and thread knots knots what was hoping for nope nope nope no nope nope nope all right guys a I was hoping that might be a drawer box it's not it's an empty box okay this one's heavy heavy oh these are kind of nice these blankets uhoh lots of books it's just all sing guys oh man yeah a lot of selling stuff but these blankets right here we do sell these this has some value believe it or not to some collectors I'll put that aside and of course we'll go through that a little bit more carefully make sure I don't miss anything all right guys that's that um dirty Dusty load it's going to make my van dirty but that's all right uh let me get the rest of this in there sweep it up we're done I'm going to go take peek in the other two that I bought hopefully they turn out better than this one but like I said few items oh a little lot of breath out last couple boxes were heavy with so many magazines and fabric in there um two more lockers and uh but this one the three items the two sewing machines and the trumpet or saxophone or whatever that is uh not trumpet I think it's saxophone those three items put us I think well into the profit so the feather light should be 2 to 300 if not more we'll have to look up that model and we'll go we'll get home and open this guy right here so let me do the pees and uh then we'll hit the road and go home and who knows maybe that's got the best of all the stuff right there all right guys first peaks of this one I spent 2700 on this one this is a big 10x 20 oh my I am crazy guys I'm just realizing how crazy I am whoa this is full full 10x 20 tons of garbage too I can already see tons of garbage like these mattresses probably just going to go to the dump oh books I mean that's basically garbage but but guys this is like this is really this is a real lot of stuff all right that's not proper grammar but you get what I mean I see like what looks like maybe an old school desk over there lots of oak chairs the school desk just makes me a little bit more interesting cuz I think okay maybe there's a collector the tools here look decent this is some sort of pitching machine I think right here a pitching machine those if that's what that is that could be some decent money I'm not sure what this thing is right here maybe a heater some sort of heater I don't know little box right here uh the tools might you know that might be good sellers at the market big old hydraulic jack right there some old computers an old CRT monitor there this is good right this is this is a lot of stuff a lot of stuff I I can't say that I see anything that makes me go oh that's this looks like a collector or this looks like really good the the school desk maybe maybe but up there I'm seeing yarn right there um really I bought it for two reasons one is that it is a ton of stuff right a ton of stuff and for two the guy reportedly had been here for 25 years and the dust and cobwebs that you see definitely imply that it has not gotten into for a long time a long time the story is that the guy moved out of state so there is just so much stuff in here that if we find some good stuff there could be a lot of good stuff but of course if we find bad stuff garbage there's going to be a lot of garbage the dump I think is not too terribly far away from here this is going to be a couple days work right here just this one Locker so oh boy what did I get myself into I don't know guys I am a little bit nuts at times yes indeed here's the third one I bought this one also the owner passed away different owner than the last one but this owner also deceased oh W more dust also looks like it's been here for decades hard to believe all three of these are so dusty as they are but um look at that there's a little cuckoo clock there I didn't even see that I didn't actually see very much that I liked in here I like the aners this to me looks more like it's been tossed and garbagey O that helmet looks kind of cool but um I don't know the aners gave me a good vibe this right here I don't know what this machine is right here it might be for corking bottles that's what it looks like it is putting corks in the bottles yeah I mean it's cool this definitely feels like a guy big old Tire right there to a big 4x4 or something maybe some car parts down here I like it but I didn't love it I didn't really see that much that I got super excited about o there's a I think that's a trunk down there at the very bottom I think that's a trunk let me get my iPhone out and see oh yeah that's well not really like the kind of trunk that I like to find like the old steamer trunks but it's probably more like a toolbox down there but you never know it's on the bottom could be anything could be anything um these boxes over here you see this it says like peach cherry the one below it says grape see that right there grape 1994 guys this has been sitting a while I think this guy was into own Blackberry on this one Blackberry maybe he was bottling his own booze I don't know it's kind of interesting these lockers today all three of the ones I bought have been like time capsules I like that the other ones there were six of them for sale today and the other ones didn't look like this they weren't quite this Dusty and mysterious looking I got I think the three most interesting ones but who knows what do you guys think this one I paid 350 for I think I did good today guys but the first one was it's okay um but the next two they there's some real real potential there but we're not seeing like the fire fire from the door uh but I'm going to be looking forward to going through these I'll be back at this one later this week all right guys back at home took me a good hour and 15 minutes to get home oops where am I going let's get this open and let's go through this guy oh my God looks terrible what's up Luna she just she's like I want no part of that that's gross oh man my car so it's going to need a good cleaning okay I got some bolt cutters here let's see these are big enough to do the job I think they are it's a little tiny lot easy breezy should probably keep some of these in my van okay let's see let's see where the Priceless Treasures are oh boy doesn't look like it man w wow wow wow wow a lot more fabric Essentials of algebra this thing is packed with stuff this box oh all right guys few more crocheted blankets right here little lined paper H bummer this kind of stuff here might you know have some value dollar here dollar there but it won't add up to much it won't add up to much all right well anyways guys um just like I keep saying I said a few times already those three items alone got us in the profit the rest of it I'll drag it to the market it ain't no big deal a little bit of garbage to dispose of but definitely the dustiest locker I've worked with in a while uh the drive home I was blowing my nose not the grocery out but I was blowing my nose in the van and it was black black stuff coming out it was like I probably inhaled a bunch of dust too not the best working environment and I'm not even done cuz the next two are just as bad well it's okay we'll endure the dust we'll endure the dirt if there are treasures inside let's hope let's hope the next two are big ones and they could be there's definitely potential all right guys I hope you enjoyed this Locker we took a swing it's still a profit but ain't a home run we'll see you in the next one until then good luck to you God bless you we see you next time here on Locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 82,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, sewing, embroidery, sewing machine, singer, featherlight, crochet, crafting
Id: rKe51-ibtaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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