The 8 People CLOSEST To Finding THE ONE PIECE!

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these are the eight people closest to finding the one piece and here's what you need to do the thing it is I just said somewhere in the world there is a hidden island named laugh tale containing the titula one piece treasure an island which no one has managed to find since the former pirate king Goldie Roger but we're in the end game of One Piece now and we know exactly how to find laugh tail we just need some unti to actually do it throughout the world there are scattered 30 indestructible mystery cubes named poneglyphs and four of these cubes a special edition Red Road poneglyphs each of these four cubes essentially contains part of a map or directions to laugh tail so you get all four of them you know exactly where to go and yeah that simplifies things a bit to reach laugh tail you just need to find all of these four cubes all of which we have seen in the series to date slight issue though because the text on the poneglyphs are all written in an ancient language so it's not good enough to Simply find all of the mystery cubes we also need someone who can translate or otherwise decipher their meaning you'll see what I mean by that second part in a bit so what we need is four mystery cubes and one way to read them that's five things in total and at the very highest levels the race to become the next pirate king is all about knowledge and we in the final sagon now someone is going to find the one piece and they're going to find it soon and here they are from least close to most closest First up in joint eighth place we have the emperor's big mom and kaido who for quite a shocking slice of modern history pie have been the Two Front Runners to become the next pirate king they had absolutely everything going for them both of them had essentially achieved wealth Fame power but their hearts their hearts were never really in it in both cases big mom and kaido saw becoming the pirate king as a bit of a side project something that would eventually fall into their laps due to their status in the world which is a shame because both of them were fully equipped to go after the one piece each Emperor had managed to find and more importantly hold a road poneglyph big mom even had a potential way to read the ancient text through Charlotte pudding a member of the threey tribe whose vaguely defined awakened abilities are said to allow her to read the text meanwhile kaido Commander wner the land of those who create the poneglyphs with a few lingering individuals who do know how to read the ancient language it's almost frustrating just how well set up they were and how they proceeded to squander everything I should also say that both have the single largest pirate Crews on the planet as well kaido had a crew of 20,000 if at any point in the last two decades big mom and kaido had chosen to team up then they almost certainly would have been able to find the one piece through sheer Brute Force but instead big mom's Focus was on creating an Empire where every race in the world can live without discrimination which actually sounds quite lovely in theory in practice it was horrific and this is due to her inherited will from mother carel who said let's make this our own country a land of dreams where everyone is equal a place where all Races can coexist in peace a land where everyone is at the same eye level now here's the problem right the problem is the big mom took that last sign quite literally and so she employed Caesar Clown to experiment on children to turn them into Giants in order to bring people to her ey level but then on the other side of this you've got kaido whose ambition was something something big old war kaido didn't want to become the pirate king well that's but actually that's not true he did but he thought that he was entitled to it his true ambition was to plunge the world into one Great War and in pursuit of their respective goals they could not have strayed further from the path of becoming the pirate king because whilst becoming the pirate king means different things to each individual pirate one thing that's be becoming very clear is that you need to maintain a certain sense of freedom in order to claim the one piece Goldie Roger being the classic example of this he had no Empire as no territory just a small all male communal bathing crew with a couple of pets and with just that they had the freedom to go and do whatever they liked whereas big mom and kaido chose the path of power territory and consolidation they became prisoners of their own Empires unable to move freely at all because any time an action was taken it would leave part of their empire exposed so both became incred incredibly defensive and thus stationary that and also incredibly arrogant the two of them believed that no one else was even capable of finding the one piece so they were happy to be patient and weirdly enough if they are still alive after being plunged into magma then they're actually in a much better position to claim the one piece now than they were before because they've lost their Empires and are thus less restricted and hopefully just a little bit more humbled but each of them had one road poneglyph and a potential method to read them which took big mom and kaido 40% of the way to becoming the next pirate king which is a lot further than most could even dream of but nowhere near enough and someone who managed to pull ahead of both of them is scruffy worst Generation member eustus kid who managed to earn himself two poneglyphs or more accurately two poneglyph rubbings because here's the thing carrying around these large and disgustingly heavy stone slabs is highly impractical so most people opt to take a rubbing of the text on paper which is much more manageable and during his career eustus kid managed to acquire two Road poneglyph rubbings one for being part of the raid that brought down kaido and the second Road poneglyph rubbing was taken offscreen from one of big mom's sweet commanders and look that there is some confusion here because a lot of people remember big mom saying that no one had access to her poneglyph since Roger did but the actual text is I'm not going to screw up like I did with Roger but in reality by the time she said this a second screw up had already occurred because for whatever reason a rubbing of the road poneglyph was made and in the possession of a sweet Commander the interesting thing is that while killer implies that they stole it the fact that someone made a copy of the road poneglyph almost certainly implies that there was betrayal happening within the big mom Pirates and that this week Commander may have been on their way to deliver the road poneglyph rubbing to someone else we can even extrapolate who this was as well because it was said that kid was able to injure said sweet Commander which immediately rules out kakuri because he's our perfect perfect Machi man it also probably rules out Charlotte smoothie because she's in pretty perfect condition as well and to me she's also the least likely sibling to betray big mom it could also have been Charlotte cracker because he does have a scar and scars come from injuries but it could also have been Charlotte snack who went on to be properly defeated by mad monar Rouge so my money is on one of those last two having tried to traffic the road poneglyph information and very potentially to another Emperor and given this kind of devious tactic I'd say that Blackbeard is highly likely to have been the intended recipient either way it doesn't matter because this put kid in a magnificent position having all of the information that both big mom and kaido bed the entire careers for and then what he did is he threw it all away after arriving at Elbo eustus kid immediately challenged Shanks and was obliterated with Shanks then wandering off with usess kids rubbings so that that was not good but there is still some hope for kid someone on kid's crew probably killer may have been prudent enough to make copies of the rubbings but that is a big maybe and I can't say that trala LA's position is much better although it used to be because like kid La was once fantastic ially positioned as part of the raid team L also got a copy of kaido's poneglyph but more importantly because L was on zo with the straw hats he was also able to access the road ponograph of the mink tribe which is a particularly difficult one to find and it's on that basis that I put law slightly above kid in this video because with big mom's poneglyph look at least you know where to go to get it but with zo it's a phantom Island without a guiding Vivia card you could spend your entire life looking for it and never find it but then L well he had a bit of an accident of his own on his way to Winter Island law did not that after being forced into a losing conflict with the Blackbeard Pirates Who then acquired both of LA's poneglyph rubbings and even if he was clever enough to make copies it's doubtful that beo would have them on hand however even in this position law has some pretty significant advantages over kid one is that he is of course a member of the Declan so fate may very well continue to guide him in the right direction that will promptly discard him because his purpose in the story is over but law also has an amiable relationship with with a STW hats and even if LW himself isn't in a great position to become the pirate king and finds laugh tail on his own there's every chance that he could travel with them and end up there regardless however I think that Law's best chance would be to team up with kid because alone they both suffered incredibly brutal and embarrassing defeats but together their combin L was able to bring down a whole emperor of the sea so then not out of the race by any means they've just Fallen quite a fair bit behind but between them they know where three out of four of the road pwn GFF rubbings are and they both have a clue to find the final one which is the man marked by Flames if they can meet up and combine forces then they are still very serious contenders but if not then they're out of the race which takes us to the top four closest people to becoming the next pirate king commencing with buggy the clown so for most of One Piece you would have had to have been insane to consider buggy a serious Contender but at this point in one piece you'd be insane not to Buggy is a wild card candidate because he's the only candidate in this video who has zero road poneglyphs and in fact has has never had any road poneglyphs to his name nor does he have a method of reading them however buggy has expressed a genuine desire to find the one piece and become the pirate king and as much as it may not look like it he's in a pretty phenomenal position to do just that first point the poneglyphs they might be completely irrelevant to him buggy was a part of Goldie Rogers crew he was already there for every poneglyph they found and to be clear buggy did not go to laugh taale with Roger because he was struck with a sudden Illness but he has been in the presence of all four ston and may flat out already know where L tail is or at the very least have a good general idea and in fact after Roger's death this was the Catalyst for his breakup with Shanks buggy expected Shanks to just head out and become the next pirate king I mean we know where it is or at least we know how to get there but then shank said I've changed my mind for now I don't feel like trying to get there LOL which to Buggy was not very LOL not very LOL at all and must have sounded absolutely insane I mean they both potentially know exactly where it is and if not exactly where then they definitely know exactly where to find all four Clues to get there and unlike big mom and kaido they also know what to do to decipher them as well so even though on paper he has nothing buggy has the exact path to laugh tail all he needs to do is take it it should be noted that buggy also probably has the most loyal crew of any Emperor or pirate in general because the buggy worship is on a whole new level and through a series of arguably poor decisions buggy has also ended up with both the most powerful warlord as well as the smartest warlord in his camp with the the three of them together being a profoundly dangerous Trier all they need to do is actively decide to take it and they have just as much skin in the game as any other Emperor honestly perhaps even a slight advantage over two of them but I actually think that buggy has an incredibly strong chance of eventually becoming the pirate king he might not be the very next pirate king but it's the sort of thing that Oda would do to throw one last curveball into the series and it's been potentially foreshadowed ever since impel down where buggy laid down his mental path to become an emperor and then the pirate King and at the time becoming an emperor seemed like a joke in fact even becoming a warlord was out of the question but buggy continues to surpass all expectations and really who better to claim LT tale than a clown well there is our primary series antagonist for one Blackbeard is an emperor who has been able to achieve that balance between power and freedom he gave himself a lot of Freedom by purposely hunting down a very special series of devil fruits that allow him to maximize his offensive and defensive positions unlike big mom and kaido who chose that devil fruits for personal thematic purposes because kaido likes animals and big mom likes food well you know what Blackbeard likes actually being successful in his Endeavors and Blackbeard has quite the Curious mix of information at the moment he took traal galw Road poneglyph rubbings however he may have a third as well because at some point between wano and EAD Island Kuan and Van alga were sent to hul Island which obviously would have presented them with an opportunity to take a copy of big mom's Road pornograph as well and they also managed to kidnap Charlotte pudding along with it so they do have a viable method of reading them Blackbeard could at this very moment be one mystery Cube away from setting saale to laugh tale because in theory he has 80% of everything he needs to get there and as a fan of darkers Before Dawn writing it could be quite the dramatic kick in the nut sack for Blackbeard to become the pirate king before Luffy sort of like scar becoming King before Simba and Simba in this case is of course our main protagonist Monkey De Luffy who at the moment is on a mostly equal playing field with Blackbeard but with one slight Advantage which is the advantage of consent Straw Hat crew member niik Robin has the ability to read the ancient language and unlike Charlotte pudding she doesn't need to be forced into it nor does she needs some magical awakened third eyye power no because what Robin did is she unlocked the magical power of studying in her youth studying is important and right now Luffy's mystery Cube Hall consists of the road poneglyphs on wano hul island and zo all islands that he personally visited which is something that literally no other person on this list can claim plus Luffy also has the clue of finding the man marked by Flames not that it means much to him Luffy but to the rest of the crew it could be helpful and it's very important because even that is more the most people ever learned but the big reason why Luffy obviously ranks so highly here is because he has fated both in world and from a meta narrative perspective to become the pirate king Luffy has all of the inherited will working in his favor and he's definitely a front runner but there is still one person who we can't forget and that is Luffy's Mentor redhead Shacks as it stands I believe that he is the Prime C cidate to find the one piece this is despite the fact that as far as we know Shanks actually has less poneglyphs than both Luffy and Blackbeard because he took the rubbings of eustus kid which is actually kind of bad because kid only had big mom and kaido's road pphs that means that chanks would have to go and find zo which again not an easy task but also it might not matter just like buggy Shanks was a member of rogers's crew and he's already gone through the Journey of finding all four road poneglyphs so it's entirely possible that he already knows where laugh tail is and doesn't need this information at at all and the really truly scary thing about Shanks is just how casually he declared his candidacy to find the one piece going through this story just saying that you'll become the pirate king is almost always a struggle we've seen Luffy yell it over and over and and over and over and over again and we've also seen buggy break down and cry about it saying that you'll claim the one piece is a big deal but in this case Shanks just poured himself a casual Kake and said yo Ben Beckman I think it's time we make a move let's claim the one piece why not which is wild because it's almost like implying that he could have gone and done this at any point he even said this to Buggy as a child I Shanks don't feel like going after it right now it's as if claiming the one piece is an assignment that he's been procrastinating over for two decades it's the sheer confidence that I don't think is entirely unearned the one piece isn't a mystery to Shanks he knows where it is and what to do to get to laugh tail and he's in by far the best position to do so as the final original emperor of the sea remaining but narratively do I think he'll get there first over Luffy Blackbeard and you even buggy well that that's a different discussion but just looking at his status right now exactly who's going to stop Shanks doing exactly as he pleases I'm certain that OD will do something to stop him but right now I can't help but feel that Shanks is the closest person to finding the one piece
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 363,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AdSw3Kz2QVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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