This Broke Me

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this broke me uh so usually I try to start off these videos with a very high energy hype introduction because mate it's one piece of course it's hype but this just isn't the chapter for that I think that Bola Muma will go down as the character who has suffered the most in all of One Piece and it's not even close to over yet he still hasn't even begun the whole Dey organizing process which while thematically appropriate for how Buccaneer Mata has produced one of the darkest chapters in the series and look we''ve got to talk about jewry Bonny as well because we know her age now and it's it's not many in fact pre- time skip you could count her age on two hands and also it may be time to start worrying about ETA if you've read the chapter yourself then you know what I'm talking about and if you haven't read the chapter then I'm going to tell you anyway so no problem before diving into the depths of this chapter however this channel has advanced to the second stage of La Gala pirata in which we're nominated for best International content creator alongside teeking BDA law the library of Ohara and so many others so don't forget to vote for your favorite Creator because the eventual winner will receive this prestigious golden cho cho there's a link in the description to vote and look I really want that dog but I won't be offended much if you choose to vote for someone else also to make it clear this is the last time you'll be asked to vote after this round the eventual winner gets decided by a panel of judges and also our Channel artist Gracia is nominated for best Spanish-speaking artist so while you're over there keep an eye out for her picture as well and definitely throw her a vote she puts a ton of work into making one piece art for this Channel and definitely definitely deserves a golden doggo at the very least all right that's enough stalling let's do this Kuma's facial expression sets the tone of the entire chapter it's a master class of subtlety because Kuma's face isn't radically different from usual but it's just a few subtle choices of shading and pupils that completely shifts the atmosphere from gentle giant to war machine to the point where Kuma even pushes himself too far we hit a limit to his abilities and he's unable to teleport anymore and remember Kuma he's a big Burly Buccaneer so pushing him to any kind of limit is not a simple task getting to Jenny though this is probably one of the darkest things that one piece has ever outright done there's a lot of implied darkness in the series like boa Hancock's backstory as well as what Oda said about Viola's relationship with do Flamingo but again it's all implied this is not an implication this outright happened because we have a Bonnie and I'm dancing around saying what actually happened because I'm fairly certain that using the actual word would get this video demonetized and to add to the tragedy we don't actually see jinny in this chapter just a couple of close-ups of her body Afflicted with the sapphire scale disease it almost feels as if Kuma himself is manipulating us and pushing that memory out of the manga because it's too much to handle but also in one of the most despairful chapters of One Piece that's ever been created there is this one tiny Ray of optimism which is that I will always remember jinny as the way she was rather than what happened to her which is something that Oda has deliberately hammered home because no images of jinny were created after she was captured but in this chapter we have like five images of of jinny as we knew her which is what jinny wanted she didn't want anyone especially Kuma to see her so it's a nice little touch of odor respecting the wishes of the characters which yeah it sounds a little bit insane but remember this is the guy who quite literally has full conversations with his characters so I know that it's something he considers at the very least and putting this into perspective jinny is a character who was introduced three chapters ago and in that time we've gotten to experience a full spectrum of emotion with her everything from laughing to crying and despite being in what is mathematically 0 point 2% of the series I don't think any of us are ever going to forget her name I also kind of feel like instead of writing a review what I've done here is written an obituary for jinny which got me thinking is it at all reasonable to feel this way about a fictional character maybe maybe not all I know is that as sadistic as it is I can only give Oda all of the credits in the world for still being able to create and Implement these entirely new show stealing characters a quarter of a century into telling his story and then there's the added element that jinny's final moments were spent in the church it's really conflicting because again everything that happened to her is beyond horrific but at least she got to die in her own home you know and as for Kuma look I have no words to express just how bad I feel for this man off page bartholomy Kuma must have done something terrible to Eta because this is an above average serving of suffering that he's delivering Kuma chapter after chapter oh I almost forgot one of the hardest hitting moments of the chapter is when Kuma doesn't even get to hear jinny say that she loves him because he teleport away too quickly I mean I guess at least jinny thinks he heard so that's that's something it's not easy finding positives in a chapter like this however in typical Lotus style he then flips the emotional switch as we are introduced to a baby Bonnie so we'll get to talking about her age in a bit that's that's a whole thing of its own but baby Bonnie is painfully adorable especially when Kuma is feeding her with a massive bottle it's like a Kuma siiz bottle but he knows that Bonnie has jinny's appetite so it works then we have this nice Montage or I guess collage showing the new found duality of Kuma it goes Family Image War image Family Image War image and so on and so forth and Sabo even makes a cameo appearance in one of the war images which shows a cool contrast as to how Kuma treats the children in his life within those different settings and interestingly I can't help it feel like we're already starting to see Kuma's personality split from his body even before it literally happens because the Revolutionary Army Kuma that we see strongly resembles the grizzled calculated cyborg that we know so I guess Kuma has achieved a perfect work life separation not balance never balance but separation yes at home he's the loving pastor and at work he's the merciless Soldier like a Satan sinner Dynamic happening as well but this is the first time in the life cycle of bolom yukuma that this fracture is evident and it's only going to get worse more and more of that core humanity is going to be stripped and evaporate away over the next I know two chapters or so so when and if Kuma does make it toad Island I wonder if that's going to be the first time that we will see modern day Kuma Express an emotion of any kind because as the spash back goes on Kuma's emotions are becoming a commodity that is only divied out to Bonnie so surely their reunion will come with something even just a slight cyborgian smile so in the past there's been a lot of theories about Bonnie's name it obviously contains neither batholomew nor Kuma so just where did this jewelry come from and that that's actually the part of the chapter that kills me the most Kuma is saying that she's adorned with such pretty jewelry that and the origin of Kuma's classic quote if you were to go on a trip where would you like to go which I believe he first said to perona in chapter 473 which makes sense Kuma saw a young pinkhead princess very Bonnies really and so he got perona out of Harm's Way and sent her on a holiday really really nice guy but like everything else in this flashback it's absolutely Twisted Kuma's devil fruit allows him to practically teleport anywhere on the planet he is the most free person and there are probably some places he could take Bonnie like maybe kuron Island although mihawk wouldn't like it but of course what Bonnie wants to do is go to Sky Island and Fishman Island all of the Exotic difficult locations so something else we see Pop Up is a reference to ambered syndrome which is the disease that law had and it's interesting that the doctor goes to that first because the genocide of flant would have happened what like a decade before Bonnie's condition and I guess that goes to show how rare it is that the immediate first response was this already super rare and thought to be eradicated disease but of course Oda has created another fake disease which in case you don't know Oda has a policy of never using real diseases in one piece which is one of many reasons why Doc's devil fruit was used for a more quirky condition rather than and say giving a LW cancer or something and why Stella didn't want Bonnie to see Kuma's memories as getting more than understandable now it's also very classic Kuma and I want it known that I said classic with a k for alliteration Kuma would never want to share this pain with Bonnie instead he'd take it all on himself and make sure that she had the happiest most ignorance as Bliss life possible and also she's only 12 so probably not the best age to share the horrific story of her birth and I guess we should recognize that Bonnie is half World Noble which is something I don't think we've ever encountered before at least not not to our knowledge it has been assumed because if someone like St charos can have at least 13 wives then look these things are going to happen and I did briefly ask myself who the father could be I started going through World Nobles in my head before I realized that you know what I don't want to know and I think it's best that etra Oda never reveals that because then there would be some pretty serious blood lust in the fan base which I don't think that Oda is quite capable of satisfying as it is I think the world Nobles are going to be very difficult to deal with as a group I don't know if the typical answer of jail for all of you bad people is quite going to cut it here but all right let's have this discussion we officially have Jory Bonnie's age and a lot of people are a bit confused by this because there's a lot of misinformation about Bonnie's age that was spread on the internet but basically there's an SPS where OD refused to say how old Bonnie is but stated that she looks around 22 which would be 24 post times skip which a lot of people misread or misheard or misread or misheard it from someone who misread or misheard it that's just how the internet works you see a post on Reddit and you take take all of the information from miscellaneous user at face value but I did a video about the child Bonny Theory a while ago and all I'm going to say is that it's pretty amazing how confident people are in the YouTube comments section when they think they know something but jewry bunny is 12 years old the bunny we're seeing right now is a pretin quite rare in fact JY Bonnie is currently only one of two characters who is 12 in all of the series The Other being Charlotte weo well this might be a better comparison actually remember Isa from skypia She's 11 now so Bon is only one year older than her let's get straight into it I'm definitely feeling a bit awkward about all of those butt shots and that one topler shot of Bonnie in the AR in fact when I made the child Bonny Theory video my conclusion was that it probably wasn't true because Oda has gone into a lot of trouble to give her the full Nami Robin treatment but then again perhaps that was his masterful Gambit all along nobody will suspect she's a child if we keep showing her us and yeah well played I suppose it's a really great story twist I genuinely love it and I think that this is the best possible thing you could do with someone who can manipulate their age but it does come with a bit of an uncomfortable retrospect and I do question what Oda was thinking when he was drawing a lot of those Bonny shots also it's official Blackbeard canonically propositioned a 12-year-old girl actually no Bonnie wasn't even 12 then that was pre-time skip so Blackbeard canonically propositioned a 10-year-old that aside there's a lot of fun retrospect that comes with this as well like Bonnie's introduction eating in the same restaurant as Capone gang bee and he's disgusted because she's eating like a filthy filthy child which is is a fun dynamic because beige is a fatherly character so they have this interesting parent child interaction here's another fun positive when Bonnie's age was confirmed my first thoughts were o Sanji you're in trouble mate but to the best of my memory he's never shown any interest in Bonnie so maybe Sanji is just such a pervert to his very core that he could sense that something was off either way well done to him and after finding out I think that Nami is going to be very protective of Bonnie due to her thing with children probably Robin as well because she can definitely empathize with being a child Hunter by the world and there's definitely a for boing sense of what could happen to Bonnie because we don't see the end result of jinny's disease Oda purposely hid it so it's like keeping the monster in the shadows of a horror movie as soon as you see that monster it loses a lot of its power because truly terrifying horror plays on the imagination it gets you thinking about what could be and then as soon as you see what is then it's limited and it's not as scary and we have a similar effect happening here with the sapphire scales which does make me worry for Bonnie even though I know she's going to be fine cuz I I see her now but we're also in a very fun spot with the seven Warlords timeline so the very first person who was known to be given a warlord position was Boa Hancock 13 years ago 2 years after that jinbe became a warlord and after that DOL Flamingo became one and it's really interesting that this whole system was a very slow build Affair it's not like they chose seven Pirates all at once it was a gradual process until they ended up with seven that or there was an original Seven Warlords but they started dropping out pretty quickly and the systems always being a bit of a mess but Kuma would now be the most recent to join the original Seven because we ended this chapter fin years before the modern day which happens to be the very same year that Ace left the Goa Kingdom to start his no doubt very successful pirating Journey but that's just a taste of how close we're getting to the modern timeline I tell you what though as a result of this chapter we now have a brand new tragic Kuma thought to consider because at first I thought we'd finally found a limitation to Kuma's devil fruit given how he can react to everything else I'm a bit surprised that he can't just push out the disease and take it upon himself but then again he could still do that once the disease properly threatens Bonnie and that's why he becomes a cyborg let's say we hit Bonnie's 10th birthday which she misunderstands as the time when the scales will magically disappear and so Kuma as always makes it better he says happy birthday Bonnie then goes push and takes all of the scales into himself because he lied to her he said that the condition was going to be fixed so from his perspective what other choice does he have than to fix it regardless of the cost so out of necessity he needs to keep bloing off diseased body parts and replacing them with new bits eventually needing toan to go a full full conversion for Bonnie sake and it should be said that Bonnie was 10 years old when she was first introduced on Sab so whatever happens on Bonnie's 10th birthday it's going to be quite the eventful year not good eventful though bad bad eventful and speaking of bad eventful this cover page was a little heartbreaking as well od's apology message was sad not because I don't get to read a completed chapter but because I know that he probably wouldn't want us reading it in the state I imagine he probably feels a lot of Shame and guilt for releasing 1098 like this especially because it's such an emotionally poignant chapter so you really don't want anything breaking that immersion for what it's worth though these sketches are insanely good compared to the sketch work of most other mangaka who are forced to resort to releasing a chapter in the state I really don't think they're all that bad at all you can always very clearly tell what's going on but that's not the issue here for the first time in the history of all of the one piece we have an incomplete chapter so as a hunter hunter and Jud kaisen fan I'm used to seeing chapters like this what happens is the authors due to the health issues often miss deadlines and are forced to release manuscripts in less than completed States and this is now the second chapter in a row with this red flag 1097 was a 133-page chapter and I can practically guarantee that that was not the autistic intention herder is famous for complaining about how constrained he is by 17 to 18 Pages a week and this week is not only on the shorter side but we didn't even get to finish it so I'm now genuinely concerned about od's health and that his recovery from surgery either isn't going as quickly or as goodly as anticipated or both it could be both it does give us a pretty concerning idea of the current production schedule of One Piece as well prior to this etra Oda worked three to four chapters in advance so whatever was being released this week Oda was already storyboarding what was coming 3 weeks from now and I think that's how for almost 1,100 chapters we've been able to avoid situations like this but what this says to me is that production is Razor tight right now like we're writing the essay the night before its due sort of situation so what happens from here well basically 1,98 isn't going to be fixed anytime soon so we won't actually get to see this completed chapter until volume 108 is released which is probably going to be around late February or early March next year but also we do have some more immediate concerns I honestly would not be surprised if one piece had to take another long break like another monthl long break because something is clearly going very wrong here and a regular break week isn't going to solve it with that said we are rapidly approaching that time of year where we start to get extended breaks regardless January is traditionally known as very dry month for manga because of all the weekly shown and jump holiday breaks so that could be a good opportunity to break although honestly as one piece fan I don't think we'll notice dry January as much as we usually do because a lot of 2023 has being a bit dry as a whole but I just don't think that Oda would release a chapter in the state unless he had no other choice like there is something physically preventing him from finishing it so in addition to the Heartbreak of Kuma jinny and Bonnie this chapter also makes me feel for the author himself and no matter how long of a break he needs I hope that odor is able to recover or at least find a more sustainable lifestyle and for the sake of your own sustainable lifestyle you can push the Subscribe button for consistent injection of One Piece culture delivered straight into your YouTube feeds
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 327,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5SzaGhIrkOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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