She-Hulk - This Is Rock Bottom

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congratulations Galadriel you've defeated everyone as always well done you can go home now I am grateful you have not known evil as I have but you have not seen what I've seen I've seen my share you have not seen what I have seen I've seen She-Hulk Jesus wept where do I even begin with this one I mean I know I've shot on Marvel's TV shows in the past for basically being a never-ending race to the bottom chewing up popular characters and tarnishing the legacy of previous movies in a desperate effort to launch next product or push the message or just keep the content sludge pipe flowing at full capacity for Disney plus but as bad as they were there was at least some semblance of quality control some attempt to tell a coherent story it was rarely a good story and definitely not worth your time but you at least felt like there was some kind of point to the show but She-Hulk is a different Beast a show that lacks even the basic elements of a story with which to Grapple whose cast of one-dimensional caricatures lurches and meanders from one pointless episode to another with absolutely no sense of where they're going or why while desperately trying to push jokes that are about as funny as a [ __ ] cancer diet diagnosis it's a show that seems to have been conceived and written in the space of a single afternoon by a creative team and I used the word creative to describe these people in the same way I'd used the words faithful adaptation to describe rings of power that couldn't quite believe that they'd actually been given the gig and having watched it myself I can't [ __ ] believe it either and because I want to get this [ __ ] over with as quickly as possible allow me to outline the plots and believe me this isn't going to take long because barely anything happens in this [ __ ] show the story such as it is picks up with Jennifer Walters a successful attorney and that's basically all I can tell you about her because that's all there really is to her life and personality she's a lawyer and she really likes her job and that's it but when she's out driving one day with her cousin Bruce Banner who somehow managed to turn himself back into Mark ruffle also the rest of the plot Could Happen she gets involved in a car wreck because she wasn't paying attention to the roads take that unfair stereotypes that women are bad at driving and while pulling him out of the wreck some of Bruce's blood fuses with her own thus turning her into a female version of the Hulk a She-Hulk if you will naturally this presents quite the problem because randomly turning into an Unstoppable rage-fueled monster could put everyone around her at risk which means she's gonna have to learn to be extremely cautious and develop absolute self-control are you serious oh wait I'm just kidding that's the plot for a completely different and far better TV show in she-hulk's case it's more like a light switch that she can turn on and off whenever she wants with no repercussions resource costs or danger to herself and she also remains fully listed and in control of herself while she's in Hulk form well that's lucky it's almost like the writers now have complete creative freedom to do whatever they want with absolutely no constraints or limitations anyway it's not long before she's forced to reveal her powers when this ridiculous [ __ ] bursts into her courtroom for absolutely no reason [Music] mind-blowing editing there guys the incident causes Jen to lose her job but that's okay because literally five minutes later she's been hired by a different firm who wants her to represent superheroes and villains as the She-Hulk well don't you love her actions and decisions have serious long-term repercussions for the protagonist and those around them Spider-Man could only dream of such quality character developments Jennifer's job now is to represent people with superpowers in various court cases that showcase The Writer's complete ignorance of the American legal system while navigating the trials and tribulations of dating as a famous green monster lady thus showcasing The Writer's complete ignorance of men modern culture and normal interaction between humans honestly it's genuinely hard to know where to even begin when it comes to critiquing this show because pretty much every single aspect of it is so irredeemably awful that it's practically a waste of time trying to sift through it I mean I guess we might as well start by judging a book by its cover which in this case means the visuals now anyone with functioning up nerves doesn't need me to tell them that She-Hulk is a visual nightmare the CG is the kind of awkward jerky badly animated trash that I'd expect from a low budget superhero show from the mid-2000s Jen moves and walks with all the grace and fluidity of an NPC from a PlayStation 2 game to the point where I kept expecting her to get stuck in doorways and start glitching out and it's even worse when she actually has to speak half the time her mouth doesn't even match up with the dialogue that she's saying your honor I believe this information would be incredibly relevant given the nature of the complaint how the [ __ ] could this come from the same Studio who made stuff like Thanos and what's truly mind-boggling is that they actually had a six foot seven inch model to act as a reference point for the animators which begs the rather obvious question why the [ __ ] didn't they just paint her green and save themselves a [ __ ] ton of money the writing is another massive steaming turret that absolutely has to be addressed the overarching plot is well basically non-existent each episode feels like it was conceived by getting a group of nine-year-olds to write a bunch of single sentence ideas onto a board and then throw in darts at them to see which ones came up the board I mean not the nine-year-olds that sort of thing doesn't end well believe that we got a bleeder Jen tries out a dating app Jen goes dress shopping Jen goes to a wedding Jen gets ghosted by her boyfriend Jen meets a new man it's like [ __ ] party time here mate most episodes barely managed to scrape past the 20 minute Mark and even then it feels like there isn't enough plot to sustain them I mean don't get me wrong they also feel like they're about two hours long but that's just my own perception of time getting dilated by the shittiness whatever nonsense is going on either serves as a vague backdrop to Jen's personal issue of the week or as a catalyst for some tedious new drama in her life wow it's almost like the writers totally don't understand or care about superheroes or the law or constructing action sequences or character development and really just want to write a breezy comedy about a modern professional woman trying to negotiate a man's worlds which is all a bit of a problem when your show's entire premise is built around your protagonists being a super powered lawyer well we're talking about Jen though I suppose I should mention that she's probably one of the least interesting least intelligent and least likable protagonists I've ever seen on TV well aside from the obvious of course she's self-absorbed shallow condescending narcissistic patronizing boring and aggressive and that's before she even turns into She-Hulk I've already talked about the ridiculous unhinged rant she goes on against Bruce a man that's lost and sacrificed more than she'll ever have I'm an expert at controlling my anger because I do it infinitely more than you and this kind of shitty Behavior pretty much sets the tone for her entire character she gets to do and say whatever she wants with almost no negative consequences in fact if anything she seems to get rewarded for it and if that's not an insight into the mindset of the writers I don't know what is for me the Hallmark of a good well-rounded character is someone that you can picture in situations outside the scope of the story for example I can totally imagine what guys like Tony Stark Steve Rogers and Peter Parker might get up to in their spare time but outside of working and drinking with her one and only friend I genuinely can't picture what Jennifer Walters might do with her life what are her interests her Hobbies her personal history her aspirations her hopes fears dreams and insecurities don't know because the writers don't seem to know or care either she's basically just an avatar for them to project all of their gripes and Hang-Ups onto and it's a shame really because I think Tatiana and maslani is a pretty good actress and I actually ended up feeling kind of sorry for her you can tell that she's working her ass off trying to sell this shitty character to the audience but all it really does is prove that you can't polish your turds Tim Roth on the other hand delivers the kind of don't give a [ __ ] performance that tells me the only reason he came back was a hefty paycheck and I couldn't help but wonder why did they choose this guy out of all the black Story character as they are available remember Emil Blonsky from that mediocre Hulk movie from like 13 years ago nah neither do I particularly but he's back and now he looks and acts like a completely different character I was also about to say that the show disrespects one by turning him into a goofy clueless [ __ ] with a room temperature IQ but let's be honest here Multiverse of Madness already did that pretty effectively so I guess I can't criticize She-Hulk for beating a dead horse honestly Benedict Wong you deserve far better than this but the one that really saddens me the most is Charlie Cox's Daredevil don't get me wrong out of all the flaccid Meek brain dead excuses for male characters in this show he's probably the one that gets humiliated the least and his brief court scene only serves to underline how absolutely incompetent Jen is as a lawyer I'm dismissing this case am I gonna go to jail no but I would like you to but man the fact he's even in this show is like some weird taint on his character now the fact that he went from this to this morning there's something we'll never be able to wait from our Collective memory no matter how much toilet duck we drink believe me I know and the thing is all of this stuff the unlikable characters the nonsensical storytelling the laughable special effects would be more or less tolerable if this show managed to deliver the one thing it desperately wants to sell itself on Comedy but that's where She-Hulk really falls on his gigantic green ass because well how can I put this it makes Amy Schumer look like Dave Chappelle and before you make assumptions no I am not a matter of us fighting pretty cliche I just did 600 I'm not even a superhero hey can somebody take our order longer it's gonna get further we can talk about this honestly if your goal is to break the negative stereotype that women aren't funny then this show really isn't doing your cause any favors and of course there's only ever one target for the jokes and She-Hulk almost without fail the men in this Shore portrayed as incompetent overbearing patronizing dumb cowardly weak insecure and comically misogynistic there's a hot chick over there I'm gonna go talk to it basically just a bunch all men for Jen to knock down with absolutely no effort the writers seem to view men as either corrupt and arrogant egomaniacs undeserving of the success they have or unthreatening submissive whipping boys who do exactly what they're told and know better than to question their female overlords and I don't know man beneath all the smiles and the lame jokes there's this weird undertone of spiteful bitterness and hatred to She-Hulk but hey it's also kind of funny once you realize you're basically seeing the writer's own personal Hang-Ups and insecurities projected right onto the screen in front of you why don't my co-workers respect me for being given a job that I didn't earn why do guys think it's okay to flirt with me at a bar but also why am I still single and staring down the barrel with middle age why do people question my judgment even though I'm plainly terrible at my job why do men not like me for who I am instead of how I look even though I desperately want to look better why are my family putting pressure on me to settle down when I just want to party and pretend like I'm still in my mid-20s why is there nothing of substance or value in my entire life outside of of work and drinking why can't I just do and say whatever I want with absolutely no consequences these are all issues that I can safely label as Rich liberal women problems it's the kind of petty mundane and mostly self-inflicted irritations that people like Hollywood writers obsess over because it's the closest thing to adversity they've ever experienced so naturally they think everyone else can relate to it too because the idea of anyone existing outside of their carefully protected socioeconomic Southern Californian bubble is some crazy mind-bending impossibility for them yeah I'm sure a working class teenager from Hicksville Virginia working a minimum wage job is totally going to empathize with the online dating Wars of a rich narcissistic 30-something lawyer all of this stuff adds up to a gigantic pile of green [ __ ] without doubt the worst TV show Marvel has ever put out and a complete waste of time money and life and the thing is who even really cares at this point Marvel certainly doesn't I'm sure it's going to get a second season and despite being an internet local for the past couple of months and a complete embarrassment and I'm sure that She-Hulk will probably end up appearing in future movies too in which case well they're welcome to her but if you value your sanity or just the couple of hours of your life that it'll take you to fight your way through this then you'll stay as far away from She-Hulk as you possibly can anyway that's all I've got for today go away now
Channel: The Critical Drinker
Views: 3,510,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, critical drinker, feminism, feminist, jessica gau, marvel, mcu, jennifer walters, funny, comedy
Id: 9Rt0en0f_pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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