She Became The Stepmother Of A Villainous Child In An Irrevocable Dark Family | Manhwa Recap

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Child Care is recognized as a genre that heals both the eyes and the Heart focusing on a cute and lovely child growing up adored by everyone around them despite being transmigrated to a child care story lyanna feels there is something completely wrong because the child she's looking after is not lovable at all spoiled princess Ru instead throws tantrums refuses to eat and angrily flings her toys at lyanna a novel that lyanna was swept into tells the story of a very evil woman who always gets what she wants she is the only daughter of a dark family that harasses the employees every day and night she is also a picky eater who often breaks dishes and she has a nasty reputation for kicking out stepmothers one after the other the evil villain of the story is none other than the child that lyanna now has to take care of the only daughter of the Perry Family Rana Perry back to the present situation lyanna promises to leave Ru alone if she'd only eat but Rana refuses and throws a toy at lyanna's face however Rue is shocked when she opens her eyes and finds lyanna bleeding she almost looks concerned as she screams about such accidents being the reason she asked lyanna to leave however lyanna just scolds her gently and says that in a situation where she'd done something wrong the first thing to do would be to apologize lyanna had cared for many children before in a nursery job so she had a lot of experience dealing with stubborn kids however Ru was as evil as the kind of vainus that would die at the end of a novel this story truly started 15 days ago with lyanna's last memory being running down the road to to desperately save a little girl from getting hit by a truck when she awoke she had become lyanna soram from another world lyanna found herself in a carriage with a man who asked if she'd finally realized the situation he was the heir of the Perry Family Isaac Perry as she stared at Isaac leana's memories came to her lyanna had been stuck in an attic by a family that called her worm when the Perry family came to buy her they happily sold her under the title of Duchess despite her having lived such a miserable life the man who had bought lyanna was the dark dke Duke of the Perry family a family notorious for all sorts of creepy rumors there were rumors that workers disappeared because they hadd been sold or tortured that was the kind of family that raised the villainess of the novel that Lily had been transported to the Duke tells her not to worry about whatever rumors she's heard and to instead focus on taking care of his child however on her first day introduced to the child lyanna concludes that the future will never be smooth Ru points at her rudely and refers to lyanna as a what instead of a who lyanna thinks she's a rather bold girl but Rue wants nothing to do with her and screams at lyanna to get out her father still insists on doing a proper introduction and that's when lyanna learns that she is to be Rue's mother knowing the novel well lyanna hopes she is not Rue's third stepmother who died a miserable death because she slipped while running from Rue to her dismay lyanna finds that she is Rue's thirdd stepmother Rue is annoyed that she was called to see lyanna and demands to leave her father permits her which annoys the little girl more and she declares she's leaving not because her father allowed her to but because she wants to with rugan the Duke then leads lyanna to her room lyanna is pleased to find a normal looking room because she'd feared he'd lead her to a dungeon the Duke permits her to take a break on her first day but to start her child care duties the next day in the novel little ruana had plans to become the empress and got engaged to the Crown Prince however she committed many misdeeds and was dethroned so she took her Revenge by poisoning the new Crown Princess and was executed in the end theana thinks of the Grim fate that awaits her new charge and Muses that lyanna of the novel also lived a miserable life lyanna is unsure what to do next but decides that she'll worry about that the next day when she has to look after Rana meanwhile little Ru throws a tantrum about having a new stepmother as she wants nothing of the sort a woman with gold earrings Whispers to the child and tells her not to worry the woman says that as long as Rue does as she says then there will be no problems this time either Ru Smiles wickedly and gives the hidden woman her approval after a week away the Duke returns returns to the usual Fanfare thanking him for his hard work during an expedition when he returns home he immediately inquires about his daughter and asks if she got along with her new stepmother however he is enraged to find that lyanna hadn't stepped foot in ruse's room the entire week he was away he marches to confront her demanding of her an explanation for shering her duties for an entire week to his great surprise lyanna is thrilled to see him and recognizes him as someone to end a week of Silence lyanna explains that for the entire week she was ignored by both the workers and Rue every time lyanna left her room she got into small accidents and she couldn't find Rue's room no matter how much she searched for it of course she can easily guess this was all ru's plan and she sigh very heavily asking if the Duke would be so kind as to show her ruse's room Duke Isaac takes her to Rue's room and announces to the little girl that her mother has arrived however Rue denies lyanna's status as her mother since she'd been absent for a week lyanna not to be beaten explains ever so sweetly that she only didn't visit because she could not find Rue's room and she expresses playful shock at finding in Rue's room the maids who' said they didn't know the location of the princess room the maid's presence in the room made it clear that they'd been lying and they looked flustered about it Isaac scolds lyanna and Ru for arguing especially when he'd asked lyanna to focus on taking care of Ru he is interrupted by a messenger who came with news of a serious matter so he has to leave but he says he'll give them another chance to work things out and asks them not to do anything irrational Ru is visibly disappointed to see him leave so lyanna tries to cheer her up with head Pats but this only offends Ru she yells at lyanna for touching her and hides her face behind her big bunny doll telling the maids not to DARE allow lyanna to get close to her lyanna is very disappointed with ru's harsh and rude Behavior just then someone bursts into the room asking what all the fuss is about lyanna turns to see a woman with gold earrings she greets lyanna and introduces herself as hyena Rue's Nanny hyena explains that Rue is awkward around her new stepmother and advises lyanna to give them some time alone together hyena Smiles warmly but lyanna detects malicious intent from her lyanna stands up for herself saying she appreciates the concern but she needs to grow closer to her new child besides Isaac would be upset if she left since he told her to put more effort into fulfilling her duties lyanna welcomes the nanny's assistance but hyena says she can't disobey a duchess then twists to Ru and asks her opinion on the matter to no one's surprise Rue asks lyanna to leave saying she won't let lyanna kick out her nanny lyanna counters by saying she has no intention of kicking out hyena and asks Ru to speak calmly when asking for something from an adult this infuriates Ru and hyena steps in saying it's not nice to make the child do something she doesn't want to do hyena adds that the Duke would be upset if his daughter was treated badly and lyanna knows this to be true Isaac had told her not to DARE do anything suspicious or she'd face the consequences however lyanna stands her ground like a true mother and insists that she wasn't n't forcing Ru but teaching her It's always important to know when something a child asks for isn't good for them and she hopes hyena knows this too it doesn't matter to lyanna if the Duke gets upset with her because taking care of Ru properly is her most important task hyena smiles and agrees with lyanna but her actions feel forced and lyanna feels uncomfortable around her hyena leaves and lyanna can finally spend some time with her new daughter Lana tells Rue that it's fine if she doesn't want to see her face but she'll come to this room every day and will always be there there for her lyanna asks why Rue doesn't like her and if she just hates her but the child doesn't respond lyanna wonders why this child who had everything overlaps with her who grew up in an orphanage with nothing as lyanna is about to leave Ru finally gives her an answer and says lyanna will leave anyway hyena had told her it was all the same the first and second mothers ran away so of course the third would run away too that was why Ru was not interested in being friends with lyanna this makes lyanna realize that hyena had been empowering ru's negativity when Ru was much younger she fell very sick and sought comfort from her father or stepmother however hyena informed her that her father was busy and that her stepmother had said that Ru was too much for her hyena said that everyone was leaving Ru which made the poor girl burst into tears however hyena promised she would always be by her side as long as she was there and as long as Ru listened to her then Ru would never be alone hyena advised Ru that there was no point getting close to other people since they all left in the end lyanna is shocked by what hyena said to Ru when she asks if Rue was the one behind making the maids hide ru's room Rue loudly replies that it was all her and not her nanny hyena whom she calls Auntie lyanna then begins to suspect that all this while hyena had been the one manipulating Ru like a puppet just then two Maids come in with food for lyanna and Ru since it's time for them to eat lyanna is pleased by this and invites Ru to come eat Ru throws a tantrum instead and screams that she's not eating the maids begin to beg and pamper while asking her to eat but she instead kicks and screams throwing a very loud tantrum the maids reveal to lyanna that this happens all the time and Ru only ever eats a small piece of her dessert after much begging lyanna is disappointed to find that the maids have brought Ru sweets and cakes instead of any proper food lyanna recognizes the reason Ru has such a bad attitude is because everyone spoils her way too much lyanna immediately demands that the maid stop begging Ru she asks them to take away the desserts and bring back a proper meal for Rue Rana is at an age where she needs to grow so she must feed properly and helpfully Ru tries to protest when the maids agree but lyanna reminds her that she's her mom now as her mom lyanna is in charge of making sure Rue stays healthy and takes care of her when she is ill a proper meal is brought but Rue doesn't eat she asks for the meal to be brought to the floor where she is playing however lyanna insists that Rue must come to the table and sit up while she eats Rue lashes out at lyanna for acting like her mom when she was paid to be here and is just going to leave like everyone else however lyanna says being paid is exactly why she can't leave and that she's not going anywhere this lights a spark of hope in Rue's eyes and she asks if lyanna is truly not leaving lyanna replies that she's not going anywhere so Ru should come eat with her when Rue comes to the dinner table lyanna calls her a good girl and Praises her table manners Ru just mumbles that lyanna promised she wouldn't leave if lyanna truly doesn't leave then Rue is willing to try to be nice after finally putting rude to sleep lyanna is exhausted and starts to head back to rest unfortunately she realizes that she can't remember the way to her room that's when a man who looks almost exactly like the Duke appears he takes her hand and introduces himself as Liam Liam has been asked to take her to her room Liam Smiles easily unlike the Duke but he looks so much like him that lyanna feels uncomfortable At first she feels like she's been tested and that the Duke is watching secretly from a hidden location she asks Liam about his role in The Palace since he doesn't seem like an ordinary Knight he becomes happy that she is interested and explains that he works as a night for the Duke's family and takes care of the things that the Duke commands lyanna asks if he's the Duke's direct escort and he says it's something like that before she can ask any more questions she finds that they have reached her room and it is time for them to part ways he says he'll come to get her again the next morning and wishes her a good night lyanna Ponders the existence of Liam as she does not recall any character with such a name from the novel she read Liam looks too similar to Isaac to be unrelated but she can't remember any details concerning them she decided Dees to not spend too much time thinking about it since her priority is figuring out a way to survive the novel as ruse's third stepmother she sympathizes with Rana because she also went through loneliness in her former life lyanna groans when she realizes she's worrying about Ru but she's the one that barely survived one day with the little girl and she'll have to try again tomorrow it makes her cry just thinking about it a few days later Ru has grown accustomed to eating with lyanna something lyanna is very pleased about she had to put in a lot of work to achieve it too Rue had been stubborn during every meal time but lyanna knew raising children was all about predictable repeated patterns that they could look forward to so she ensured meals always happened at the same time every day and they always ate in the same place with dedication and hard work Rue no longer had to be forced to join lyanna at the dining table lyanna is Overjoyed though she still has to teach R to eat her vegetables leam still escorted her every day and Rue had started to open up about the things she liked for the time being lyanna decided it was best to keep hyena away from rud due to her bad influence after meals Rue rushes over to play with her bunny and lyanna recalls that Rue is 5 years old she is relieved that the girl isn't small for her age and tells the to this makes R shine with joy in her eyes and lyanna is surprised to see Ru smile for the first time lyanna is very happy that Rue is starting to open her heart to her Rue asks why lyanna doesn't leave after she's finished her food and lyanna asks if Rue wants her to leave Rue says she'll let lyanna stay for today but inquires about her father this makes lyanna realize that the girl must miss her father very much the Duke has once again left for an expedition and lyanna thinks he ought to spend more time with his child to cheer her up lyanna takes Ru out to the Garden to play it's been a while since Ru played in the garden and she looks very happy about it while Rue is playing lyanna has a short discussion with Mia who is the only maid willing to act friendly with her Mia explains that she has a crush on lyanna since all their problems and fights with the little princess decreased when lyanna came into their lives Mia also explains that hyena is likely the reason other Maids don't talk to lyanna hyena was a competent Nanny appointed by the Imperial family because she had the Duke's trust when hyena came the original Nanny had to step down and was reduced to a chore maid it was almost like she was kicked out Lanna reasons that since hyena was appointed by the Imperial family from the Duke's point of view he has no choice but to trust her with the Duke away so often it wouldn't have taken long for hyena to become a powerful figure in the house household suddenly lyanna realizes with shock that Ru has gone missing Mia panics and blames herself for Rue going missing since she was blabbing on and on but lyanna insists that they were both at fault they both go in search of the child lyanna is worried but ni assures her that Ru couldn't have gotten far besides Ru was with her other maid Mia suggests that Ru might have gotten lost in the Maze garden and lyanna is Amazed by how large the Mansion grounds are they call out her name as they search and finally Find Ru in the Maze but she stands by herself with a dark expression on her face lyanna is relieved and asks Ru to come to them but Rue runs to Mia instead which surprises lyanna however to her dismay lyanna finds that Ru stops wanting to spend time with her Ru no longer wants to eat with her or even talk to her to lyanna's Absolute horror she is right back to square one after weeks of hard work while she is sulking Liam finds her alone in ruse's room and inquires about the whereabouts of Princess Rue lyanna explains that she insisted on not leaving Rue's room until Rue spoke to her her so Ru had left her room instead with a kind laugh Liam offers to take lyanna for a walk to clear her head he asks her to be patient with Ru is she's so young but she has been through a lot while lyanna is pondering ru's Sudden Change in Behavior they pass by the maze garden and lyanna happens to glance at hyena in the Maze lyanna realizes that she hasn't seen hyena since she told her to stay away from ru she also realizes that hyena would not so easily back down lyanna recalls that R started acting strange after they found her in the maze which meant hyena must have again negatively influenced the little girl this makes lyanna very upset she excuses herself from Liam saying there's something urgent she must do and hurries away while Liam Smiles in Pride in a flashback it is revealed that Duke ISAC hurried home when Ru was sick he'd spent the day scouring the kingdom for medicine in the rain hyena greeted him and told him that Ru had asked him not to visit her hyena had lied that Ru wanted to be alone so as not to spread her disease Isaac had agreed and handed the medicine to hyena tell telling her to please give it to Ru and to take care of his child hyena took the medicine and watched Isaac walk away with a dark malicious expression on her face in the present the Duke is home again from another exhausting Expedition and he was told that lyanna requested to see him he gave his permission and Lianna came to him with a very serious expression on her face she says she has something important to tell him lyanna shares with Duke ISAC that she believes hyena is suspicious but Isaac doesn't believe that hyena was sent by the Imperial family after going through strict verification and she was selected as the most competent Isaac has a lot of trust in the Imperial family due to a long-standing relationship with his majesty the emperor Isaac's job is to handle all of the Dirty Work of the Empire on behalf of the emperor that is the hidden reality of the Perry Family Isaac looks annoyed that lyanna would say such things when she knows that he trusts the emperor's choices no matter what however she points out that he's listening and following her to the maze because he must be suspicious of hyena too Isaac count cters that perhaps he finds lyanna suspicious instead they pause when they hear Hyena's voice just like lyanna had suspected hyena was hiding in the Maze and she was with Rue hyena offers Ru some medicine but Rue doesn't want it because it's bitter hyena insists that Ru has to take the medicine before bed and that she'll give Rue some sweets to help with the bitter taste Ru asks how long she'll have to keep meeting up with hyena in the Maze and asks why hyena can't just come to her room hyena explains that she cannot be in her room because lyanna remains Hy says that she will be kicked out and lyanna will take her place which would mean hyena would no longer be able to remain at ru's side this makes Rue Despair and she begs hyena to stay hyena tells Ru to lie that lyanna harasses her to hurry and kick lyanna out so that she hyena can be at ru's side once more hyena says Ru has to be obedient so that she won't be abandoned anymore however Rue is reluctant because lyanna has been nothing but kind to her she doesn't want lyanna to leave this angers hyena who shouts at Ru and tells her that everyone leaves because she is so indecisive hyena says that the Duke's patience is running out and then Ru will be completely alone lyanna is shocked by what she's overhearing while hiding on the other side of the maze just as she suspected hyena has been controlling Ru all this time hyena has been everything to Ru and so Ru listens to her hyena is taking advantage of a child who has no one else to lean on however Duke ISAC overhears all this as well and he is so enraged that his fist shakes with anger Ru is reluctant to lie against lyanna especially since she promised to stay this enrages hyena she calls Ru a bad girl and says that bad children should be punished raising her hand to hit Ru the Duke stops Hyena's hand in anger and demands an explanation for what she is trying to do hyena is terrified to be caught but Ru suddenly blurts out that lyanna has been harassing her paring exactly what hyena told her to say hyena of course supports ru's words but Isaac isn't fooled he heard everything and he will not excuse Hyena's treatment of his daughter he orders hyena to be taken away and RUP panics asking what will be done to her nanny who promised to be by her side hyena also complains and says it is an insult to the Imperial family to treat her this way Isaac says he'll let the Imperial family deal with this but first hyena must be locked up in the dungeon Ru breaks into tears even as lyanna explains that hyena was not a true friend to her Isaac tells lyanna and hyena to go ahead when he notices Ru has a fever again he picks up the suspicious looking medicine that hyena had tried to give Ru and stares at it coldly later Le and Isaac regroup in ru's room she is fast asleep and lyanna explains that for the longest time hyena was all that Rue had Rana trusted hyena more than she trusted Isaac Isaac asks how his child can trust a nanny more than she trusts him and lyanna says he should be more present and love his child generously since that is all that little rulana desires Isaac looked sadly at his sleeping daughter disappointed that he couldn't be there for her when she needed him the most he asked her to sleep well placing a red jeweled brooch by her side unfortunately after the hyena incident Ru came down with a fever she refused to eat and drink and lyanna understood the reason despite being a terrible person hyena was still someone that Ru loved with all her heart and her departure greatly affected Ru Isaac even sent Rue's old Nanny to her but it changed nothing and Rue still refused to eat lyanna could not bear to see Ru suffer so she decided to feed Rue herself just like before Ru throws a toy on lyanna's head making her head spurt blood Rue is horrified when lyanna starts to bleed but l Just Smiles and keeps asking her to eat of course lyanna had to get treated after that Duke ISAC says he heard about what happened and apologizes on Rue's behalf also paying lyanna some compensation money for getting injured by Rue lyanna is horrified by this Behavior as it doesn't teach Ru how to properly apologize when she's done something wrong however Isaac insists that Ru need not apologize since hurting lyanna was a mistake she made when she was Ill not bothering to listen to her anymore Isaac takes rud to play leaving the gate in lyanna behind as he caily tells her to get some rest lyanna is horrified by his words and sees that father and child are much too alike the next day she shows up in Rue's room with a plate of sweets and a small Mallet Rue gets scared that she has come with a hammer for Revenge but that makes lyanna laugh lyanna explains that she's using the Mallet to prepare a plate of sweets lyanna breaks open one of the sweets and makes a great show of enjoying its delicious taste in front of Rue this immediately makes ru want to try some of the sweets however lyanna says Ru must eat her lunch first if she wants to eat the sweets lyanna says Ru must promise that sweets will be eaten only after a meal annoyed Ru doesn't want to make such a promise she says she'll ask her nanny to make it but her nanny reveals that lyanna made the sweets herself and no one else knows how to prepare them lyanna is the only one who knows the recipe so Ru has no choice but to agree to eat she demands that lyanna give her sweets immediately but lyanna points out that she didn't say she'd give her sweets at that very moment this makes Rue upset and she shouts that she she's been scammed but lyanna says she'll give her some sweets if Rue can ask in a very sweet voice Rue doesn't want to do that and says she'll go tell her father but lyanna threatens that Ru will not be able to eat her snacks again if she does that lyanna talks about her alluring delicious snacks and Ru can't hold back any longer finally she caves and Promises in a very sweet voice that she will eat her meals a pinky promise and lyanna is very pleased Ru hops up to the seat at the table and tries out lyanna's sweets for the first time when lyanna asks if she likes it R says that their Chef makes better sweets hearing that lyanna says she won't make sweets anymore since she was planning on bringing sweets for dinner Ru immediately changes her mind and gives lyanna special permission to bring sweets for dinner when lyanna comes that evening for dinner she finds Ru waiting at the door hiding behind her big stuffed bunny doll which holds a small white letter in its hands the little note says I'm sorry and Rue apologizes for being such a brat she confesses that her nanny was the only one who stayed by her side and she'd been mean to lyanna because because lyanna had taken her nanny away however Rue is sorry about that now she promises to be nicer and to behave properly if lyanna stays by her side she'd even call lyanna Mom lyanna Smiles ever so kindly and says that she'd be happy to be called Mom and that she will stay by ru's side Rue is so pleased to hear this that she smiles right before she collapses Rue lands in bed with a fever and lyanna stays by her side with concern on her face to lyanna Rue is not a bad child she just wants to be loved it reminds lyanna of her childhood in her former life she used to be a child abandoned at an orphanage with no birth registration lyanna is determined to change things for Ru she will change ru's future Isaac barges into Rue's room when he hears that she's sick and finds lyanna by her side lyanna explains that ru's been given medication but her fever is still high so they're keeping watch over her Isaac is frustrated about his daughter's condition worsening he blames lyanna for Rue's failing Health saying that she makes Rue emotionally unstable which heightens her fevers and and seizures lyanna is shocked to hear this and heartbroken when the Duke asks her to leave since they can't figure out any other cause for ru's illness lyan is distraught and wonders if she truly is the cause of lyanna's illness minutes after Isaac leaves Liam comes in and offers to take lyanna to her room saying she needs to get rest to take good care of the princess Liam asks her to be patient with both Isaac and Rue as they are both trying their best in their way he also asks her to never lose sight of what she desires and he wishes her a good night meanwhile Isaac sulks as he second guesses his decision to send lyanna away all the servants and workers around the Mansion only have good things to say regarding leana's relationship with Ru and how she has made the little girl happier Isaac wonders if he was wrong about lyanna as the reason he' brought her in the first place was because of her silver hair the results of the ingredients for the medicine hyena dropped are finally out and Isaac focuses his attention there instead he learns that the medicine contains poisonous ingredients that make ruse's illness worse Isaac's men even confirmed that similar drugs are being sold on the black market by the arida family a family supported by the Imperial family Isaac keeps his cool and asks about the whereabouts of hyena the Imperial family evacuated her and reported that they would punish her personally the messenger reports to ISAC that the king requests his audience but ISAC declines saying he has to take care of his estate for a while ISAC decides that he'll have to avoid meeting the emperor while he investigates the arvida family Duke Isaac Perry meets up with the Duke of a who controls the big hands that move the black market however the black market is not near enough for Duke arida and he seeks even more power this power can be obtained through an alliance with the Perry family which is recognized as close to the emperor so he introduces Isaac to his beautiful daughter Anna Isaac recognizes the situation for the opportunity that it holds as he can find out more about poisonous plants now that the arida family has approached him first meanwhile back at the house lyanna is still looking after Ru who is just recovering from her sickness however Rue shouts that she has no desire to eat rice lyanna acknowledges that Rue has been cooped inside since her illness so of course she's lost her appetite so lyanna suggests a picnic she takes R to the garden and spreads out a picnic table with chairs and a few plates of sweets for Ru to enjoy however Rue is hesitant because she recalls that she promised to only enjoy sweets after eating a whole meal she asks if she's getting sweets because she's sick and lyanna feels a little bad for not pampering r a little more she likes the way Rue's eyes light up and Sparkle when she eats sweets so lyanna tells Rue not to worry about it and to just enjoy herself Rue relaxes and says she'll enjoy the snacks and that she'll forgive lyanna if she keeps feeding her delicious snacks as they are eating Anna comes out of nowhere to interrupt their sparkly picnic she says she wants to get to know Ru better because she has a special relationship with Duke ISAC lyanna is immediately suspicious of her statement and Rue hides behind her skirt when Anna makes fun of the tiny spread of sweets for Rue The Little Prince princess loses her temper Ru yells at Anna to go away and lyanna asks about Anna's relationship with the Duke to come barging in on their fun the way she did Anna says with a wicked smile that she visits as a suitable fiance just then Duke Isaac appears and little Ru runs to him she invites him to join their picnic and tells him to ask Anna to go away Isaac says they'll have a party later but lyanna and Anna need to come with him later in his office Isaac comments on how close lyanna and Ru have become lyanna calls him Petty and says since he always lets Ru do what she wants then he should also let her stay because that's what Ru wants however Isaac says Rue is a child and her love for lyanna will eventually fade lyanna refuses to accept this and for ru's sake she refuses to leave because she promised to be rana's mother Isaac asks her to do whatever she wants but she will regret it in the end Anna watches the whole exchange while hiding behind her fan an unreadable expression in her eyes just then Rue bursts into the office and shouts don't bother my mom she shouts that if anyone bothers her mom then she will will lay on the ground in the office Isaac asks what she's doing and Rue insists that lyanna has to stay with her Isaac asks if lyanna is truly that good and Rue confirms it when Isaac asks why Rue cares so much about lyanna Rue shouts it's because lyanna gives her chocolate her father SI and says gently that if Ru wants chocolate then the maids can make her chocolate however Rue only wants lyanna's chocolate because it was made by the person she recognizes as her mother Rue runs into lyanna's arms and lyanna is filled with love for her even if Ru only likes takes her because of chocolate lyanna is determined to love Ru with all of her heart Isaac tries to convince Ru to let go of lyanna but it's no use Rue refuses to accept any decision that sends lyanna away eventually Isaac stops trying to persuade her when he sees that her fever is rising again he decides to end the conversation and tells Anna and lyanna that they will talk later outside the door Isaac sigh and thinks of how he didn't know R like chocolate so much after Isaac leaves Anna says that lyanna's behavior is foolish and that someone like her her from a small Noble family could not possibly become a duchess Anna calls lyanna a placeholder and says she will soon take over the role of Rue's mother she tells lyanna to enjoy the temporary time looking after Ru and walks away meanwhile lyanna is confused that she doesn't remember a replacement third wife in the story this makes her realize that maybe the story is changing and she truly can change ruse's fate and protect her from a horrible ending later lyanna takes Ru to her bedroom lyanna is worried because her bed is small and the room is old and not as comfortable as Rue's spacious room however Rue prefers to sleep beside her mom on a small bed than to sleep alone on a big bed lyanna is so pleased and says that Rue speaks so beautifully she adds that it's rare to find such a cute child in the world Ru Giggles happily When lyanna Calls her the cutest sweetest child in the world Rue says her toy rabbit enjoyed the praise as well and lyanna asked for the rabbit's name Rue explains that the rabbit is called ugly since the stuffing was thin and it was handmade lyanna is surprised by the name and and Rue explains that the toy was given to her by her birth mother Rue says her mother only picks out useless things in life like the doll and herself she doesn't need lyanna to make useless things in her life she just wants lyanna to stay Ru says she will be fine because lyanna will stay by her side from now on and lyanna assures Ru that she will be fine because she will always be there for her then Rue comments that her dad the Duke is a fool he thought she liked rabbits so he bought a hundred rabbit dolls for her she only loves her doll ugly because her birth mother made it for her Rue complains that her dad never knows what she wants and he always does as he likes and that these days his behavior has become worse then Rue says with pride that her mom lyanna is not like that then lyanna teases and asks what Ru would do if her mom turned out to be like other moms or ended up a fool like her dad Ru replies that she would still love such a mom realizing what she'd said Ru quickly says that she's not the one saying all that but her bunny instead which makes lyanna giggle lyanna thanks ugly and boops his nose which makes Ru smile wide the they sleep curled together with their arms wrapped around each other lyanna wants to make ru's life better and turn her life around so that she does not die the next day a maid rushes to lyanna's room to tell her that the Duke is looking for both her and Rue they sleepily make their way to ru's room where Isaac is waiting he says he has a present for Ru and reveals piles of boxes filled with chocolates shaped like rabbits made by the best chefs in the Kingdom it's a lot of chocolate and lyanna can see Isaac's gifts are just as over the top as Ru said they were however it was the thought that counted before they could talk more a message came for Isaac that the emperor wanted to see him Isaac can no longer avoid the emperor so he has to go Ru begs him to stay but he says he'll buy anything she wants but that just frustrates her more because all she wants is him Ru gets upset when Isaac leaves and lyanna is also upset on her behalf Ru is just getting better and now she was sad about Isaac then lyanna gets an idea and decides to make chocolate cookies together with Rue as they take the cookies to the oven they run into Liam Rue thought it was her father so she was disappointed to see Liam and lyanna asked what he was doing Liam heard they were baking and came to help them with a Magic Stone lyanna still can't believe how much the Duke and Liam resemble each other the cookies are made and they are excellently done Rue and lyanna are very pleased Ru doesn't want to offer Liam Min since she mistook him for her father but lyanna suggests having a small picnic with their cookies R saves some of the cookies they made in a special box for her dad lyanna and the nanny are pleased to see her do so they have a little picnic indoors with the new nanny and Mia during the picnic Rue asks for tea instead of milk because adults drink tea amused by her actions Lana asks for milk instead of tea showing Ru that adults can drink milk too she says it makes the cookies even sweeter to be dipped in milk and Rue watches her in awe so Ru happily asks for milk instead of tea as they are enjoying their tea who should walk in but Anna who shows up to ruin their fun Anna mocks them for eating such cheap snacks and shows Ru a display of expensive sweets that commoners can't eat however Rue shouts that it doesn't look delicious at all and that Anna should get out Anna gets upset that Rue is rude to her she says that Rue is a very spoil little girl Anna calls herself Rue's mother and says if Rue doesn't listen then she will get punished Anna raises her fan to hit little Rue and lyanna rushes to protect Rue screaming in protest at Anna but before Anna's bedazzled fan can come down on either of them someone catches her hand Anna freezes in fear when she sees an image of Duke ISAC glaring at her and demanding what she is doing and she realizes he's not Duke Isaac but Liam instead she pulls away from him and asks who he is Liam introduces himself as a knight and apologizes for carelessly touching Anna but he also says that Rue is Precious too and should not be touched carelessly Anna is angry but Liam tells her not to leave yet as the Duke will be back soon and that she shouldn't leave without first seeing the Duke he assures her that they've prepared entertainment and refreshments for her Hannah still looks annoyed but she agrees to leave with Liam with them gone Mia and the new nanny rushed to ask lyanna and ru if they're okay they're both fine but Rue is annoyed that Anna ruined their tea party lyanna Smiles sweetly at her and feeds her a cookie asking if it's delicious when ruse Smiles lyanna says they shall continue their wonderful party later the Duke returns and he's exhausted he wonders how long he'll have to keep taking care of the emperor's dirty business his thoughts drift to his daughter who begged him to stay and he wonders what gifts he'll buy to appease her just then he hears that Anna came to visit and he hears of what she almost did Isaac invites Anna and Leon to his office and he scolds Anna for raising her hand against Rue Anna tries to defend herself saying that as Rue's future mother she had to punish Ru for speaking to her so harshly she says she had to make ru understand her position as the future Duchess however Isaac is angered and he tells her not to try anything stupid like that again when she tries to argue he repeats himself and she grits her teeth Anna takes her leave and Isaac brings up lyanna defending Ru lyanna however says she did that easily because it was her job as lyanna's Mom mom and then she brings up the fact that he neglects his duties as ruse's Dad lyanna points out that Isaac knows everything that happens in the Mansion but he doesn't truly know what Ru likes and dislikes he doesn't sit down to have conversations with her he doesn't play with her and he doesn't even know her favorite snack lyanna tells him it's not too late and he can still sit down with Rue and find out what truly makes her happy because it is his duty as Rue's father Isaac says he can see now why Ru thinks so differently of lyanna he dismisses lyanna and says he has finally figured it out lyanna gets confused and upset that she was suddenly thrown out of his office and wonders if he truly did understand what she was trying to say outside his office she runs into Liam who offers to escort her to her room lyanna is about to say that she already knows the way but freezes when she realizes that she suddenly can't remember Liam asks her to rely on him and lyanna seizes his hand she demands that he reveal his identity his real identity there was a time when magic existed in this world when most people could do magic and dra dragons flew in the sky the heads of the five families that founded the empire were skilled in Magic but they started a civil war to increase their power and they were destroyed only the Perry family did not join the war however as years passed the magical bloodline weakened and Magic was soon forgotten there is no longer any magic in the world lyanna lives in but she feels magic can be the only explanation for Liam he says he's a knight but she doesn't want his title she wants to know his identity she says when she's around him strange things happen and he makes her feel like she's possessed no one knows where Liam came from but everyone gets along with him just fine she finds that strange Liam Chuckles and says no one else has inquired this much about his identity he says that he is not a bad person he is just someone who hopes that everything will come together well Liam says that he is a wizard but he can only do very little magic and he has only ever erased her memory just a little Liam swears that he has no intention of hurting anyone and he understands if lyanna doesn't trust him he'll do his best to become Trust trustworthy Liam makes a covenant with lyanna that if he ever lies to her then he shall cease to exist he says he will prove that he is harmless to the mansion and he hopes that she rests well lyanna isn't entirely satisfied with Liam's answers but she doesn't feel like he's a bad person so she decides to let it slide the next day lyanna mentally sigh that not a single day goes by in peace Duke Isaac comes to announce that Ru will be having guests so she should get dressed and ready Ru who's coloring pictures with lyanna in her room is surprised to hear that she'll be having guests and inquires about what kind of guests they'll be Ru says she'd rather draw with lyanna than spend time with strangers but Isaac says that she won't remain a child forever and she needs friends that she can talk to and share with them what's on her mind Isaac leaves saying he will send the guests to her room he asks her to get along with them and not to cause any trouble lyanna is upset that Isaac said whatever he wanted to say and then left he didn't understand the advice she gave him at all Rue is upset that her dad just does whatever he wants and doesn't listen to to her lyanna Comforts her and says she'll help her get ready for her guests she adds that if Rue doesn't like the guests then she can send them away Rue agrees but asks lyanna not to leave her and lyanna agrees to stay by her side Rue is all dressed to meet her new guests and in walk two little girls dressed rather nicely the first is Lura the daughter of a marquee and the second is Jenna Marina the daughter of a count they thank Ru for inviting them to her princess tea party rolana welcomes them to take a seat and the two girls smile wickedly in the shadows RUP properly introduces herself as rolana Perry and Laura thanks her for the invitation and the chance to meet her Ru says she didn't invite them her dad did Laura notices the mountain of rabbit dolls in Rue's room and she says only babies play with dolls her statement annoys Rue but Rue says nothing lyanna tries to clear the air by offering a glass of a Savory drink lyanna asks if Laura and Jenna would like some milk but they insist that milk is for babies and that they only drink tea the girls compliment the tea and say that it's so good they say tea is better than milk because milk is Bland Ru finally loses her patience and curses at them she calls them out on their nonsense talk saying drinking milk doesn't make anyone a baby and that they put so much sugar in their tea they might as well be drinking candy lyanna adds that milk is great for both children in adults since milk helps children to grow taller but Laura doesn't like that Laura and Jenna yell at lyanna and tell her to stop talking because she is insignificant before lyanna can explain Rue grabs her hand and introduces lyanna as her mom Lauren J are surprised because they think lyanna looks like a maid however Rue insists that lyanna is her mother she tells Laura and Jenna that they pretend to be adults but they are still children they get offended by her words but Ru points out that they're only here because of her father's status and they should watch their words because whatever they say to lyanna is an insult to her Laura and Jenna try to defend themselves and say they were only offering advice but Ru silences them by asking if they can repeat all they've said in front of her father Ru says they will be punished for cursing at her mother but the girls insist that Anna is Rue's mother instead however Rue will never accept Anna as her mother and she says her mother is lyanna and only L Lura and Jenna finally reach their breaking point in Jenna cries that they just said what they were told to say they were told to be mean to R to get a reward Ru asks who told them to do such a thing but before Jenna can confess Laura stops her however Rue and lyanna can guess that Anna was the one who ask them to be mean Ru mocks them for being fooled by Anna and tells them to get out Ru is furious and demands that they find the Duke right away to scold him rub barges into Isaac's office and he asks if her friends have left she is angered by his words and reveals that those girls only came around to side with Anna and insult her they made fun of her dolls and her new mom they made her depressed and unhappy she asks her father why he would bring girls like that to her and he says he just wanted her to have more friends like lyanna Rue gets upset and says that lyanna isn't just her friend lyanna is her mom who listens and spends time with her and she just wants her father to do that too I ISAC apologizes deeply but while he's comforting her he is reminded that he has to get going lyanna and Rue are heartbroken to see that he's leaving again ISAC apologizes but Ru wants nothing to do with his apologies she yells at him kicks him and says she doesn't want a dad who leaves all the time Rue says she doesn't want a dad who doesn't listen to her and declares that this time she will be the first to leave Ru runs away from Isaac leaving both he and lyanna in shock Ru runs away and no one in the Mansion can find her lyanna searches everywhere and starts to worry however the old Nanny knows where Ru has gone Ru used to hide there long before lyanna ever entered their lives thanks to the nanny's advice lyanna can find Rue in a room she'd never entered before she playfully asks Rue's Rabbit doll if it knows where Rue has gone because her mom is worried about her the rabbit controlled by Rue says that Rue is fine and there's no need to worry about her lyanna tells the rabbit that she doesn't want Rue to get hurt and the rabbit assures lyanna that Rue is fine so lyanna decides to give Rue some space and waits outside the room for her to come out however Rue doesn't come out for a long time so lyanna goes into check on her and find her asleep lyanna carries R to the bed and sees that she fell asleep on a book that looks handwritten the story in the book is about a baby rabbit living happily with his family in a small village in the forest the baby rabbit ate carrots and was a strong and brave child who fell asleep in the arms of the yellow rabbit on rainy days one day the rabbit's mother and father were shot by a hunter while picking raspberries the yellow rabbit and the baby rabbit were sad but they spent every day finding comfort in each other when the baby rabbit grew big enough to pick raspberries on a rainy day the yellow rabbit could no longer get out of bed the black rabbit who was no longer a baby stayed by the yellow rabbit's side eventually the yellow rabbit did not wake up anymore and the black rabbit didn't go out to pick raspberries on rainy days he thought of the yellow rabbit and it was painful one day the black rabbit heard someone crying in the forest it was a little white rabbit the black rabbit brought the White Rabbit home and the White Rabbit eagerly ate raspberries after a long time a smile appeared on the black Rabbit's face Leon recognizes the book as something homemade she wonders who could have made it and recalls that the nanny said the room was where they store things that belonged to ru's birth mother Rue is still asleep and lyanna wonders how she and her father ever fell apart suddenly a hand touches her shoulder and lyanna whips around she is surprised to see the Duke who immediately grabs her and asks her to follow him he takes her away and says that this is all her fault he says Ru wasn't the type to say bad things to him until lyanna came but she says that's his fault and not hers when she asks if he hates that she is so close to his daughter she is surprised that the answer is yes lyanna is hurt and confused by his answer all she desires is to heal the relationship between father and daughter she wants to make ru happy but she fears her interference has only widened the gap between the Duke and his daughter the Duke in the novel used to be someone who wasn't affected by anything but now Isaac seems unstable lyanna worries that she truly truly is ruining everything Isaac can feel his relationship with his daughter slipping away and it scares him because she is all he has he desperately asks lyanna to leave lyanna points out that he doesn't even understand his daughter or understand her Treasures but he begs lyanna to leave all the same lyanna is hurt by his begging and would have preferred him to try to bribe her with gold so lyanna agrees to leave on the condition that Isaac fixes his relationship with his daughter she makes him promise to be there for her and to stay at her side before the door to her heart closes forever lyanna tells him that Rue loves him very much as she turns to go he offers her money for her advice but she turns it down she says she only offered the advice for Rue's sake she hopes Rue can move on from breaking her promise even if Rue ends up hating her lyanna just wants Rue to have her father back lyanna is also disappointed that she's no different from the other stepmothers but she Embraces her decision to find a different path as Rue's mother so that Rue and her father can be happy a few days passed since lyanna left the palace and she's Unsure how to spend her time she recalls the Covenant she made with Liam but decides it doesn't matter since she's never going to see him again as she's walking through the town lyanna runs into a temple Magic doesn't exist in this world but the people worship the God amadas and the Imperial family has a close relationship with the temple and they sometimes received oracles for important matters of the country lyanna believes there might be a trace of magic in the temple which will help her find a way back to her world she might also get a chance to find out more about the Perry family or even the Imperial family even if she's no longer dealing with the Perry family anymore she wants to help ruin any way that she can when she steps into the temple a handsome priest asks why she's here and she says that she wants to pray on the night that the Duke sent Leana away he watched her leave and wondered if everything would go back to the way it was when he closes his eyes he remembers lyanna's request for him to be there foru the Duke seems to have a breakdown and clutches his chest in pain meanwhile the priest takes one look at lyanna's dirty clothes and sends her right to the poor section at the back to pray away from the rich fancy Nobles lyanna is upset at the Discrimination but she complies as she prays she sees the priest laugh with a rich lady and even collect money lyanna frowns as she wonders if the temple was turned into a place to make money as lyanna prays for Rue's happiness a sparkly old man in a dark hooded robe stops by her side and Spooks her the surprisingly pretty old man apologizes for spooking her and introduces himself as kale saying that it means dog and asks if lyanna finds that interesting lyanna also introduces herself but she thinks kale is very weird thinking that he's poor she hands him a gold coin and decides to head out as she leaves he says that whatever she wishes for will come true and that all she has to do is have faith after she leaves some priests rush over to the old man and say they've been looking for him for he is The Honorable Minister sir kale they ask why he's dressed in rags again and he says it allows him to listen to this and that among other people the emperor ising coming so must leave now but he looks forward to meeting lyanna again lyanna found no trace of magic and she lost a coin so she feels rather disappointed with her day not to be discouraged she recalled the port sometimes had ships that go to neighboring countries so she decides to get on a boat and leave suddenly she bumps into Liam who doesn't Smile as usual instead he looks rather disappointed when she asks why he's there he says he came because he was worried about her he understands that she's hurt and confused he can sense her turmoil and guilt over f failing to keep her promise to Ru he tells her it's okay to cry but she lashes out at him and asks who he thinks he is to comfort her he says she is pretending to be strong on the outside to avoid appearing weak lyanna asks why the Duke has asked lie to watch her but lie says no one has sent him he came because he was concerned and he covers her eyes while she cries while she cries he holds her gently and Pats her head when she finally CES lyanna feels a little embarrassed Liam asks if she's going to leave and she acknowledges that she wants to leave lyanna say says that she loves rud dearly and doesn't want her to get hurt however she also says that she hates the Duke more than anyone else in the world Liam asks surely the Duke has a good side but lyanna denies that saying as a man and a father he is the worst he asks her not to hate the Duke too much Liam offers to help her whether she chooses to stay or to return to Ru she asks how he can help her and he takes her in his arms Liam whisks her away to a ship and says he wants her to be happy he wants her to do whatever she wants and go wherever she wants she wonders what she wants and if she wants to go back to her real world but there's no one waiting for her there she wants to be around someone who will love her and be there for her to lyanna that person is Rue she so badly wants to return to Ru Liam tells lyanna that Duke Isaac is looking for her since she doesn't believe him Liam shows her with magic she sees Duke Isaac shouting at her family at the sorum family mansion and demanding to know her whereabouts the Duke regrets sending lyanna away and searches everywhere for her Liam calls Isaac a weak person who doesn't even understand his feelings all he can do is Rage at her family lyanna Giggles because the Duke seems like a fool Liam asks her what she wants to do now and she says she's upset at the Duke but she misses her child so she asks to return to Ru this is where I'll end the summary what decision is lyanna going to make will she go back to Rue and keep the promise she made or will she turn her back on everything to find a new path for herself please like And subscribe to enjoy more of this juicy story and find what happens next
Channel: Manhwa Tower
Views: 18,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recaps, manhwa recap, manhwa tower, Manhwa king, anistory, mystery manhwa, miss manhwa, romantic fangirl recaps, manga recap, manga recaps, recap manhwa, manga capped, manga summary, manga secrets, recap kun, asura manhwa recap, manga recapped, actiontoon, Animeworks, Recap Haven, Tensei, Yahello, Manrecapz, Mr.plot, action toon, She Became The Stepmother Of A Villainous Child In An Irrevocable Dark Family
Id: yTCgax26Jmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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