A Cute Kid Who Can Transform Into A Dragon Becomes Obsessed With Her Villainess Mom

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the train engine Roars to life inside a man sits comfortably in his seat engrossed in his diary he stares at the picture of Baron alen or usle knowing it's that woman again on the other hand a girl is shocked to see a creature coming out of a cracked egg it squirms its way out and stretches its wing revealing itself to be a dragon they used to appear in the past now they are only decorations at the back of an encyclopedia and cease to exist only in Legends Alora didn't think a baby dragon would hatch from an egg she plannned to fr and eat Elenor is possessed by a body the protagonist Noah transmigrated into a romance fantasy novel called dragon's head which was well known for having a good start but a dull ending Noah had no plan of transmigrating but in fact died from overworking when she opened her eyes she was roaming around the world and its stars as a ghost she just so happened to find a dead body lying about so she possessed it the character she possessed was a powerful and evil vainus who could even surpass the strongest person in the world unfortunately Noah came to know the world and her body's identity after she had perfectly adjusted to them knowing that she would be punished by the main leads in a few years she ran off to the countryside she just wants to eat and play while living quietly in this life however not knowing that this dragon has hatched she recognizes it as the pet the heroine in the novel has originally lenia had picked up the dragon eggs and been imprinted by a baby dragon however it has ended with her now not wanting to get involved she decided to return it but the next next day it returned to her and unfortunately tried its best to cling to her she uses a magic invention she found in a Leer's diary to get the pet away from her she picks it up and wonders how it came back the next day she returns it to the delivery services office but the same thing happens to her this time as well according to the original when the dragon reaches the incubation period it begins to form relationships with those who come into contact with it and among them it finds the human that it likes and does something known as imprinting with the imprinted humans the dragons can be humanized Elenor is surprised by the dragon's rapid growth and wonders how such a precious egg ended up in the market it might be that someone lost it she asks the Creature if it remembers who left it in Sorento but it just Smiles adorably in the original novel The heroine lenia who visited the Imperial Palace accidentally dropped the egg and broke it the dragon immediately imprinted itself on lenia lenia is then pursued by elenora a force of evil wishing to covet the dragon's power and so she allied with the male lead however the current elenora has no desire to interfere with the original and wants to return it to its original owner she feeds it and it quickly falls asleep elenora Smiles fondly at the Sleeping Angel rather than living with a lazy dull person like her she knew she'd be happier living with lenia at the Soren security station a purple-eyed man introduces himself as an investigator from tazba he is from the AIT Division and the head of the investigation Security Department shocking the front desk man man the man demands to read the case log about Baron elenora realizing he's Kyle Leonard The Man reveals that the baron hasn't caused any problems Kyle then leaves deciding to find her himself she spots a woman with a child talking to a strange man and sees her exchanging the child however relaxing the man wasn't good news the dragon fled he realizes that Alora might not like her since she has abandoned him five times by now his attention diverts as Kyle asks if he lost his mother the scene shifts to aen or a f in the dragon again at its doorstep she angrily opens the door but finds it with a man the boy starts crying and Kyle asks if she is the one who abandoned this child aleno stares at the man with black hair and purple eyes she instantly recognizes him as Kyle Leonard he again asks if she abandoned the child Kyle Leonard is the male protagonist of the novel as far as she can remember he is Duke Leonard's second son he's a high-ranking government official who belongs to the investigative security department at Laurent he is a genius investigator and the youngest to ever become a general manager above all his specialty is standoffs the which elenora was heavily involved in Lawrence crime scene and so held an awful hatred for him the important reason she ran to the countryside was because of this man the child clings to Elenor pleading with her not to throw him away and promising not to drink any milk she is surprised to see him able to talk well Kyle asks what her relationship with the child is to which she says it's nothing the child tearfully says master talking them both she explains the situation which Kyle calls child abandonment wanting to clear up the situation she finds a rope and calls it towards her but it accidentally binds them both together making them fall to the floor she apologizes to which Kyle says he must always keep his guard when with her since she doesn't know how to self-reflect to his confusion Alena remains oddly quiet he notices blood coming out of her nose Alora turns her head away saying she just has low blood pressure and no longer has the energy to fight someone he asks what she wants to say to which she flicks her finger a rolling pin floats towards Kyle and hits him hard behind his head causing him to collapse to the floor Elenor says she doesn't allow these kinds of dangerous items on her property she slips out a gun after making sure he's unconscious that night she stared at Kyle wondering if he would die from getting knocked out since she had accidentally hit him the boy asks if she is okay and elenora suggests he never change back to his original form in front of that man and from now on on he is forbidden to call her mistress she wonders how she can raise a child she was tired and all she wanted was to rest by herself the boy determinedly vows to protect her shocking elenora he asks if she's troubled because of that human he can do a good job but elenora refuses him she remembers how in the original he barbecued elenora and killed her she is certain a murder might happen if he lets go of this kid and she wants to make sure to teach him beforehand she then promises not to throw him away if he isn't found out by the man and she also makes him promise not to kill whoever he wishes steal or cause pain to others the boy squeals in delight and accepts her condition that night Kyle successfully loosens the knots on his wrist he notices how different elor's small house is from her lavish estate in the capital trying to find his belongings he bumps into a sleeping figure of Elenor making him wonder if it would be good if only she was as virtuous as she is beautiful he is cut off from his thoughts as the boy asks him to stop Kyle notices is how he's grown up with better speech Now The Boy threatens him not to touch elenora noticing how strangely fast he grows has no name and uses weird titles like mistress makes him wonder if the boy could be a dragon he knew he couldn't let it imprint on elenora and decided to investigate in close proximity the boy offers him a deal to make sure elenora keeps him and in turn he won't kill Kyle Kyle agrees the next day alen wakes up and instantly remembers that the male lead was in her house she rushes outside and finds him sitting Cal reading a newspaper he asks her to write a statement regarding the child's abandonment and disappearance of Liz ailen your's egg but Elenor refuses to admit that she has anything to do with the egg he reveals that he came all this way on the orders of his majesty to find her the lead suspect and he's been issued a warrant to Mark her closely she tries protesting but he reminds her of her reflection statement from 2 years ago losing her right to refuse an investigation he then decides to clean around her messy house he confiscates and throws many items pissing her off she sweeps faster making him cough hence he kicks her out for a while soon enough the house was and spam suddenly elor's head started aching badly and her vision blurred making her collapse to the floor in her previous life she was urged to work harder to make people acknowledge her someday elenora wakes up and the boy immediately rushes by her side however Kyle pushes him back asking him not to hug a sick person he takes her temperature takes her a back and no notices how she has a low fever he checks her pulse and asks if she has overused her magical energy before but she hadn't made it all strange he then leaves with the boy asking her to rest the next day Kyle enters the house and soon after a doctor arrives whom he had previously called the doctor does a checkup and reveals that Elenor is malnourished Elenor reveals that cooking meat is too much of a hassle after which the doctor declares the main cause of all her ailments is laziness and it also seems her magical energy is twisted up within her body and is leaking out somewhere the doctor then turns to Kyle asking him to talk to his wife to help her improve her habits the doctor then turns to the boy revealing that he possesses the same magical energy she does and that usually children with the qualities of a wizard absorb the magical energy within their mothers without knowing instantly realizing the root cause Kyle and Elenor glare at the boy Kyle knew Elenor as Mana would be solve if she imprinted with the dragon since the dragon's Mana would be absorbed into her but he can't let this happen he knew it would be catastrophic if she got her hands on the otherworldly power of a dragon he asks who that kid is and she says a three-year-old kid fell from the sky Bora wonders whether to go to the capital herself and help it imprint lenia as the owner since her being the owner just doesn't make sense before she could suggest this to Kyle he refused saying she must do stamina training first confusing her he cooks up a delicious meal for her after which she rests Kyle then advises the boy that if he stays by her side he'll drain all her Mana killing her this shocks the boy but he protests that imprinting will make it better however Kyle reminds him that elenora has no intention of doing that making the boy cry Kyle picks him up asking why he is obsessed with her the boy reveals that elenora hatched him from the egg according to Kyle's investigation elenora hasn't left sorant for the past 2 years but it makes no sense how she acquired an egg since it's impossible even if she's a great witch he wonders if there is an accomplice someone who can approach the egg without triggering the the Castle's defense system a man dreams of a Lenora by his side he wakes up smiling and remarks that he had a terrible nightmare meanwhile Kyle wakes up elenora and asks her to cook breakfast for her she notices how hygienic he is and then turns to the boy noticing his swollen face she asks if he cried but he denies it she also points out that he hasn't grown much either but he says it's all right she says it isn't and hugs him while Kyle stares at them he takes the kid from her despite her protests and points out how she lost 10 lbs in 2 years surprised she asks how he knows this he says he knows everything about her age birthday fingerprint height and weight she calls him a creep and he asks if she doesn't remember how much time they spent together despite her 15 criminal convictions they decide to go on a walk but to elora's surprise the boy refuses to go later that night he also refused to sleep with her she finds him later in the night crying and despite his denial she takes him with her to bed the next day alen or finds the boy back in his chair she picks him up waking him up in the process and to her surprise he pushes her away from him he had been acting suspiciously since yesterday and wasn't telling her why he was avoiding her making her wonder if it was because of the imprint she recalls that once a dragon imprints it's for life she wonders if she is prepared for the responsibility of being associated with a dragon in the future she is cut off from her thoughts as Kyle angrily repeats that he asked if she had recent contact with Adrien rosinol she asks who that is making Kyle Ponder he ends the investigation and leaves her with a grocery list seeing her stare at the boy he sigh and decides to go with her later when Alena comes back home she doesn't find the boy in sight she panics and starts looking for him outside but when a woman asks for his name she is dumbfounded since he doesn't have one she recalls the boy's desperate please not to abandon him in sulks wishing he could have said goodbye she wasn't okay with getting imprinted but she did like living together she leaves her room to find noise coming from a room back at the sauren police station Kyle hurriedly demanded documents regarding elenora he was certain there were no errors in the information he knew about her however aside from her attitude towards someone else talking to her she acted as if she couldn't remember the name of her four-year-long boyfriend minister of magic Adrien but he knew she had no reason to lie and wondered who she was as Kyle walked to her house he wondered how the elenora he knew definitely didn't have the traits the current elenora has mean meanwhile aleno finds the source of the noise to be the dragon calling him baby she immediately hugs him saying she was worried he might be gone suddenly alen's head started hurting and the boy advised her not to hug him he confesses that she hates him as she doesn't want to imprint on him even if her body aches from not doing it elor's eyes widen and she clarifies that she doesn't hate him she didn't want to imprint on him but she likes staying with him he was so cute and pretty so she let him be by her side without committing to a decision she apologizes for giving him false hope and asks if he wants to live with her she extends a hand which he reluctantly takes causing him to instantly be transformed back into a human State and they hug the Lenora wonders what to name the boy she remembers how the female lead named him something meaning the darkest night but she didn't want to give him such an ominous name and decided to call him mule meaning clear blue water he excitedly remarks that he's happy she imprinted with him but gets interrupted as someone knocks on the front door she makes her way to the door noticing how the house is sparkling she opens the door to see Kyle pointing a gun at her asking if she's really Elenor usle he asks her to do nothing but respond reminding her what he did to her house Alora knew he cleaned her house by confiscating all her magic items and knowing the entire house structure she wonders if it's a question for Noah or elenora she reveals that her real name is Park Noah she reveals she was a 28-year-old office worker at an import company and is for where she is from he wouldn't know even if she told him since it doesn't exist in this world he then asks where Len orell is now to which she reluctantly reveals she died but doesn't know what happened to her he then asks where her original body is to which she reveals it died too answering a few more questions He suggests she cooperate with which she immediately agrees with no clear evidence he wonders whether to believe her he finally lowers the gun and notices the dragon imprint suddenly alen begins to cough a relieving feeling scratching her inside mindlessly and she faints once again she regains Consciousness and Kyle points out that she has a fever Kyle picks Elenor up and lays her on her bed at that moment he decided to believe the untrustworthy woman the scene switches to Kyle investigating elenora and asking if she stole the dragon egg elenora denies it saying she thought it was just an ordinary egg lying in the market he reminds her of the responsibilities of imprinting but she says she already knows Kyle questions how to make a Leen or a Ponder whether to tell him this is a fictional story but knowing it'll be awkward she lies reading about everything she wants to know it is soon revealed that Kyle made a deal with mule but Kyle is also pissed that elenora pretended to know nothing when she knew everything he then checks on her magical power and concludes that She fainted because of the imprint he then asks from mule's hands as he seems to be the cause of trouble he then asks if she can attack him confusing her even more but she insists on not knowing how to use magical powers so Kyle says there is a problem with imprinting since the magical powers are being blocked by something he thinks there's an issue with the dragon who hasn't been able to cut off its resonance with the other people who made contact with it remembering what mule told him about the human voices he heard before hatching Kyle asks him about them mule reveals it was similar to elor's voice shocking her in the novel the first person to make contact with him is lenia and it might be possible that this is the case here and so they decide to go find out who the humans are together Kyle announces that he is returning to the capital soon to investigate the the other suspects and advises Elenor to stay as quiet as possible in the meantime he also plans to investigate whether the real elener was murdered or committed suicide elenora then leads Kyle to the place where she found mule they ask a woman from an egg shop and she reveals she saw a young lady who asked her when the train was leaving for tazba a week ago he asks Elena why she gave the dragon to the butcher back then seeing him address her as baroness she asks him to call her Noah and mentions that she gave the dragon to butcher since he was going to the Capital Kyle asks why but she avoids the question Kyle remembers her saying she wanted to return the dragon to its original owner Countess Vell and decides to investigate her once she returns to the capital later alen returns home and sigh tiredly Kyle takes his leave saying that he knows there is something she didn't tell him and he apologizes for all the things he did he advises her to refrain from contacting the Countess or sharing information about mule with others she happily bids him goodbye and Kyle leaves the house smiling he waits at the train station awaiting the long journey he opens his diary and adds elora's murder case to his list of Investigations he knew there would now be no reason for him to come back to this far off Countryside since Noah wasn't of any consequence to him but if he solves the murder case then perhaps he can meet her in her original form he boards the train to find mule and the Lenora is also ready to go saying they have to find the egg Thief Kyle Smiles knowing things will get bothersome from now on the nine major provinces of the Laurent Empire consist of various districts distinguishable by their social importance district one of TBA is where Royals and high Nobles reside District 2 is ridia where low Nobles are the upper middle class reside and District 12 is a slum called heisen as for where mule Kyle and Elenor are headed lunal is farthest from the capital and in an underdeveloped Province known to be secluded from there they will take a train to tazba on their way Alena gets to know she is the prime suspect in the egg stealing and Kyle advises her not to let her guard down for one second since many are targeting her just then a woman disguised as a salesperson approached their train so Kyle alerted elenora he then walks out to apprehend her and brings her back inside demanding to know who gave her orders and whether she belongs to ulum theena recalls ulum is an underground organization hired to steal dragons upon threatening the woman reluctantly reveals she meant no harm as she was already ordered to observe the face however she was unable to reveal more there was a self-destructive device near her head preventing her from leaking information about her employer Kyle reveals it to be an early invention of a Lenor usle he then asks her to trust him and tell him the information she still hasn't told him she hesitatingly asks him to trust her and reveals that there is a book containing the story of this world she then reveals the story and how the male leads were lenia and him taking him AB the novel concludes as Len's Dragon kidnaps her and leaves for the otherw world Kyle cley reveals he has never seen lenia and remarks that there seems to be a strange person in the world where Noah lived to be making an absurd novel using someone else's name she asks him not to think too seriously as she doesn't know if lenia is the real egg Thief since the story completely changed at the point of elor's death they finally arrive at Looney station and Kyle advises her not to take the hat off since Elenor is quite a celebrity but Elenor approves a more certain way and she ends up going in Disguise shocking Kyle she suggests staying a night here but he says it will make no difference say the surveillance is focused here he decides to evade them by making them go on different trains that depart at the same time people in search of the baroness will follow her and as soon as she enters she must make herself invisible using mule's magic and then upon Kyle's signal she must move to the ninth partition for him as per the plan aleno reveals her identity and does what Kyle tells her to she finally approaches him and they decide to move from there however suddenly somebody aims for her neck but Kyle avoids the blow Kyle reveals that the opponents must be magicians to aim for her despite the invisibility spell he then decides to dump the initial plan and move on top of the train despite elen's protests not to elenora goes first however an opponent finds her and raises his gun at her but before he can fire Kyle comes to her Aid and shoots the man he finally manages to bring elenora and mule to another compartment but refuses to follow saying they should travel separately for now Alora becomes shocked but Kyle continues to say that he will see her in 4 days around noon at Banu station now that she's alone she's scared coming all the way here was tough but she agreed nonetheless Kyle smiles and wishes her all the luck the scene switches to Kyle successfully destroying the opponents he walks out and confronts a man he shoots him and demands to know where the train is going as it isn't the way to lunal with further torture the man finally reveals it is heading to the magic division an operation to capture elenora not kill her since it makes no sense to you Kyle realizes ulum wasn't the one who killed elenora and wonders who in the magic division is behind this operation it made no sense why they were acting just now after elenora left for saent after remaining quiet for the last few years it would make sense if the figure behind the operation case was also behind the baroness murder it might mean that the one who assassinated elenora still knows that the current elenora isn't the former one thus the murderer uses ulum to capture Noah who wears alen's body he lands a last punch and walks out he thinks of Noah and wonders if she is safe but she shrugs it off reminding him that it isn't his concern his subordinates rush to him saying they received an emergency report from a passenger on a train Kyle realizes it must be Noah and he Chuckles he orders an investigation into the relationship between ulum and the magic division meanwhile Alora thinks of Kyle and wonders whether they will be able to safely reunite that night she finds mule looking at the stars and says it looks like what he saw in the egg peing her curiosity Park Noah who worked in an office non-stop never thought to look at the sky and would have never thought to see such a pristine night sky suddenly there's a knock on their cabin door and she asks who it is the voice says it is their passenger cabin and they wish to share it with her she reluctantly opens the door to find an elderly woman with a hooded man she is flustered to see his handsome face but she is surprised to see the man call her Ellie and ask what those funny glasses are the elderly lady had also disappeared and the man revealed it was just some Elementary magic the man holds her hand saying he will be sad if she cuts him off she coldly glares at the man and asks who he is taking him a back he reveals that he is her friend and lover he is his Savior and the person who knows her best in this world probably even more than Kyle Leonard she reveals that she has forgotten many things and has no memories of him the man suggests she might be pretending to not remember or she might be someone else living in a lenora's body angry she casts magic and kicks him out of the cabin the next day when when Alena walks out of her cabin she spots the man from last night outside she ignores him while he continues babbling pissing her off she asks mule to get rid of the man for her and he does by Sunset elenora has found an inn and she wonders about Kyle she connects to the security investigation Bureau and successfully manages to talk with Kyle he reveals he cannot come since magic was cast on the local railway and that the terror attack from yesterday involved the magic Department he asks her to go to the city and there is no to worry since the police are watching she asks him to come as soon as she misses him and immediately hangs up leaving Kyle blushing the next day they continued their Journey but to elora's annoyance the man clung to her he Reveals His name as Adrien making her feel like she had heard his name before she remarks that his name is uselessly pretty she recalls that they broke up 2 years ago after having a huge fight in front of the Royal Palace she advises him to give up since she isn't the person he knew long ago but he still insists on a chance and so elener allows him to follow her if he wants if he takes care of those monitors for her they soon reach Banu and Elenor is Amazed by the beautiful Town Adrien was still clinging to her angering mule elenora decides to go to the hospital first and then stop by the guard post to contact Kyle and they'll leave tomorrow she is distracted by The Continuous vibration from adrianne's pager and he says many people are looking for him she wonders just who he is she tilts her head toward him curiously asking why they broke up Adrien blushes and reveals that just because she forgot doesn't mean the things she did to him will go away he asks her to stop being so heartless and asks if there is any other man in the world who loves her more than him this makes her hesitate she wonders whether Adrien might be related to elora's murder case and decides to talk to Kyle later about this to elora's dismay all railway station operations have been suspended meanwhile mule closely observes Adrien they decide to stay at a luxurious hotel for the time being it's been 4 days now and Lenora has caught a cold again nle nervously goes down to the lobby and makes a call Adrien who watches him closely makes his way up to elen's room and finds her asleep he knows there is no way she is the woman in his memories realizing she's sick he decides to get her a wet towel however Alena unconsciously stops him thinking he's Kyle he leans toward her wondering just how close they are she decides to wash up shocking Adrien meanwhile mule talks to Kyle on the phone who asks him not to cry and to let know asleep saying that he'll arrive around noon he walks back to the room to find Adrien he asks him to keep walking and leave to which Adrien remarks that he's honored to meet him the dragon elenora who has overheard this asks how he knew it but Adrien sees her take Mana suppressor pills and asks if she didn't completely imprint with him Elenor immediately orders mule to throw the man out and he complies Adrien decides to keep observing them as it would be better to take away the imprint before it's completed the scene shifts to elenora and mule at a cafe reading about the absence of the minister of magic it is hard to get a fairy ticket right now since many people are stuck because of the suspension of Railways wondering when her headache will go away she gets distracted as Adrien approaches her she takes immediate action and drags him away to the guard posts Adrienne apologizes but she pays no heed but unfortunately she was stuck there too since she used unauthorized rope magic she has to reveal her true identity to the police and vent her anger at Adrien soon a man enters asking if she still hasn't gotten rid of her cold the lenora's eye widens as she spots Kyle they exchange a few words and then Kyle turns to Adrien addressing him as a minister and asks why he is here after not responding to their calls for the past few days Bora realizes this and becomes surprised she reveals to Kyle that he told Adrienne she has Amnesia and he seems to buy it they get interrupted as Adriana asks when the two of them got so close as from what he remembers he was going crazy since he couldn't find her they insist that they aren't close making Adrien glare Alora angrily kicks Adrien asking why he's being nosy Adrien remarks that if she acts this cold-hearted he might say something realizing what he meant about mule she threatens to burn him to a crisp if he spreads this but he doesn't take the bait and strikes a deal with her to let him meet her once a week in t Zeba and in turn he'll teach her how to use the dragon's magic power she decides to think about it Adrien kisses her on the cheek and suddenly Kyle drops a cup his eyes widen Adrien takes his queue to leave before elenora gets mad later Kyle reveals to her that they will move tomorrow via fery Elenor reminds him she's cic but he decides to come with an anti medic she remarks that he can sleep in her room shocking Kyle she bursts into laughter saying she was just joking pissing him off the next day they made their way to the fery as they make their way to their rooms they overhear the name vaaler elenora takes out one of the baron' inventions called Largo's eyeball on the monitor she over hears the men's conversation and realizes that lenia is also on the boat despite her being investigated in the city since she took the train to tazba a woman arrives but before they can see her face she kicks the eyeball away Kyle confirms that lenia is in the city and has secluded herself at her Mansion for 5 days but they can't be sure since her father just mentioned her one thing is clear lenia seems aware that they are watching her as she kicks the eyeball they think lenia might not be the egg Thief but it seems she's hiding something Kyle decides to issue an arrest warrant against lenia as soon as they reach the port he then asks Elenor to sue mu's power if she gets into trouble since her safety is the most important later Kyle makes his way through an empty Corridor an unidentified man picks up the eyeball and smirks saying he finally found it it had been an entire day by now and Kyle still hadn't returned making elenora nervous mule tried finding him using his magic too but to no avail she decides to look for Kyle herself instead she bumps into a woman who advises her that it isn't safe for her to be out alone the blonde locks blue eyes and small stature indeed represented lenia Veller she blurts out asking if she stole the dragon egg causing lenia to Flinch lenia tremblingly remarks that there's only one way up the emergency exit used only by the crew and that the fairy isn't safe she knew she couldn't stand against them but she could since she gave the dragon to her lenar reveals she saw that man drop a wiretapping device on the ground she kicked it aside as soon as she saw it she says she'll be killed if she's caught she then leaves asking her to come tomorrow to room 4009 in the afternoon she determinedly decides to save Kyle they sneak out through the dark Corridor and head to the balcony they notice the boat has stopped and wonder who did this they finally reach the lift and to her surprise she notices the crew buttons appearing when they didn't a while ago the first floor button that appeared out of nowhere and the code-like words lenia spoke all feel like they are luring them down despite this she presses the button they soon arrive and find traces of blood as well as bullets F senses it isn't Kyle's blood and asks Elenor to focus more as she will be able to feel the trajectory of magic power suddenly they hear the sound of a lift causing them to hide immediately however someone reaches for her and puts a hand on her mouth The Voice asks him to be quiet and she realizes the man is Kyle they hear distant voices and scraping metal but the coast soon becomes clear she tells him he has been here for a day and a half and she comes to know that it was him who stopped the boat they decide to go back but Kyle says he has to take care of one more guy and that they should go first he advises her to take medicine since mule's neutralizing Magic on the door might take a toll on her body she agrees while mule sniffs the air and pond Elena hurries away while mule continues to smell blood she hurries to find lenia but cannot help but ponder that something is off while mule tries neutralizing the magic Kyle takes pictures a man approaches him ordering him to hand the camera over when he denies it the man orders his gang to kill him suddenly mule and elener hear a bang but thinking he was fighting that man she kept running to meet lenia they finally reach her and break the resonance elor's heartbeat and breathing finally stabilized meanwhile Kyle had defeated all the men and came face to face with a masked man whom one called his master seeing elor's immense strength lenia trembles and backs away realizing she isn't fit to speak aleno leaves leaving lenia to hope that the baroness will Top him the people soon spot a Lenora and tremble at the sight of her the leaner stares at the sky and decides to go up people watch her fly shockingly she asks mule to help Kyle meanwhile Kyle wonders if he's hallucinating he finally comes to his senses as he spots the dragon Kyle watches the criminal run away but he immediately shoots him while mu swallows him Kyle calls for him and asks him to sit it out he does so and as Kyle had expected the man was only fragments of Machinery he wonders if it's such highlevel confusion magic that even Elenor elel struggled with it it's not a power ulum minions will possess meanwhile Adrien remarks that nothing good will come out of having a power she can't even control he decides to get rid of them all one by one including the woman who wears the body of elenora he then asks lenia if she knows nobody will notice if she dies here he tortures her while she says someday they will he then leaves the room and disguises himself as a crew member again meanwhile the Lenora was still unable to handle her powers on the other hand Kyle struggles to shrug off his instinct to be repulsed when he sees the bar 's face despite knowing the person inside her body isn't her they soon arrive in the capital they are greeted by the investigative Bureau guards Kyle's subordinate Penelope has a vehicle waiting for him but before Lenor can follow Kyle Penelope requests that she disarm herself hearing this nle glares at Penelope causing her to Flinch Kyle Shields them saying he's safe and warns Penelope not to provoke the baroness as they drive their way through the city Kyle takes mule from her to prevent him from provoking further magic nle fondly hugs him tightly causing Kyle to blush saying he likes the people Noah likes an awkward silence surrounds the air elenora remarks that it seems easier for her to control her powers now they finally arrive at the bureau elenora had noticed how people feared her making her Wonder just how psycho the baroness was and why Adrienne seemed to like her suddenly the Minister of Finance approaches her he insults her saying he is a woman who knows no shame and is impudent soon the Imperial emperor also arrives and anxiously she fails to greet him which the Finance Minister also scolds her for she becomes enraged and wonders whether to kill him but before she can do something Kyle grabs her hand bringing her back to reality the emperor sides with her warns the minister to respect her and leaves alen orze realizing things could have gone downhill Kyle suggests staying apart from mule for a while and she agrees but mule protests she assures him she'll come back to him and he agrees Kyle shows Elenor her room and then he orders his subordinate to check the evidence video Penelope watches the video and is shocked by what she sees the next day elenora is interrogated by Kyle himself on her way she sees lenia and is shocked to hear she was declared Innocent but to her shock lenia refus to remember anything at all she again thinks of killing her but is brought back to reality by Kyle she enters the interrogation room with him while Penelope suspiciously watches her elenora becomes uncomfortable seeing recorders Kyle Begins by asking asking about her relationship with lenia and what motivated her to threaten her on the ferry he provides evidence of her entering Lena's room without permission and trying to harm her elenora wonders if Kyle really believes this or if he's just putting on a show in front of everyone else he then asks why she tried contacting ulum with the stolen Dragon Elenor is shocked to see that Kyle isn't on his side unable to control her emotions the table starts trembling Kyle swiftly Taps her leg and continues to say that she was able to take the egg restore the central Mana deceived to its original state and returned to saent she tries to deny it but Kyle Taps her leg again making her realize what's happening she says there wasn't any accomplice and the reason she imprinted with the dragon was because he was cute she continues to admit the accusations he made but it seems unfair to her the recording soon finished and Kyle turned the recorders off he Praises her for working hard but she begins to cry calling him annoying she says he is the only one who knows about her and trusts her she decides to leave angrily but Kyle stops her and apologizes they sat down again and the Lenora asked what happened to lenia it turns out that lenia refused to confess and is consistently playing dumb and lenia or her standon never entered the palace on the day the egg disappeared he reveals that after Lena's statement He was ordered to restrain her he reveals the trial is just a formality and she won't be sentenced if she accepts the charges but in turn she is obliged to write self-reflection papers suddenly Kyle is called through the intercom but the person on the other end shrugs it off as nothing he decides to go up and see what's the matter but elenora insists they go together he agrees and she fastens her Pace he stares at her realizing he unintentionally hurt her he asks if she always looked like that to which she reveals she originally had brown hair he suddenly realizes that if she gets her original body back she might have to go back but he doesn't want this to happen they soon exit the room unaware of the Hidden evidence under the table meanwhile Penelope hears their conversation and she is confused to her core she decides to stay silent for now and asks the chief later about everything she locks the device in a box and suddenly there is a knock on the door it was Adrien who asked her to contact the interrogation team since he wanted to meet the chief seeing his chance Adrienne steals the evidence and leaves Kyle had advised the Lenor to answer the questions just like she had memorized them and asked her to focus on staying calm the trial begins and elenora says what she memorized hoping to return to sauren with mule soon the trail is about to end but to elora's surprise Adrien enters as a witness he calls elenora incapable of handling Dragon mana and ends up sentencing her to several years of community work however Kyle interfered on time and asked the judge to give him the authority to supervise her from that day forward she later confronts Adrien who reveals that the malice thoughts that flood her mind nowadays are because of her cute little dragon he touches the restraint on her neck and suggests she learn restraint from him by sunset Kyle approaches her and she Embraces him overwhelmed by the trial mule later apologizes for causing trouble knowing she didn't do a good job of changing Mueller she requests that Kyle take him with him on a tour of the palace so he can learn societal rules and morals well they soon arrive at elora's residence the sensor outside detects them all Kyle begins to take his leave but elenora insists on him coming inside just for an hour he remembers her words from before and agrees she washes up and they sit for dinner she had never eaten warm food even when she was younger but now there's Kyle she blurts out asking him to live with her or at least teach her how to cook he notices the wound on her neck from the restraint and puts ointment on it causing her to blush profusely the scene fast forwards to 20 days later Arion is frustrated to see Alora using attack magic consistently the magic security Personnel notice how much elenora has changed and wonder why one concludes that it's because of love for the minister later alen reads about Mana being a dense power that SP stands across the entire universe she reads about how there are universes besides the one where they exist to become a magician one has to either have sensitivity to Mana or be born with it for now Adrien is the only person from whom she can learn to control her overflowing Mana later she realizes that no matter how she looks at it Adrien seems suspicious Kyle is pissed that she has been avoiding him for the past few days and wonders why but alen hesitates to respond Kyle soon leaves with mule but he stops him Kyle apologizes for fighting in front of him and mule reveals that elenora doesn't want her to go he reveals that she gets troubled if he gets closer but she doesn't like it when he leaves the next day Kyle brings elenora to the bureau to see the robot likee corpse he shows her lowercase R behind its ears and says he found a human among the gang with an uppercase R meaning it distinguishes between real and fake humans he then shows her a voice recording of that human revealing that the ministry of magic consists of big shots Kyle then reveals that the only individual he can considers to be a big shot and ulum is Adrien he decides to investigate him since he might also know Noah isn't really a Lenora she also decides to find things since she has lessons with him he then reveals that he's going on a trip soon to a place where Mona stones are found they are said to make the human machines and advise her to be careful while he's gone just then Penelope enters saying the doctor has come to look at his wound she immediately leaves after seeing elenora leaving her shocked she is now angry at him for hiding his injury and is upset that he doesn't trust her that much he apologizes but gets interrupted as elenora asks him to take his clothes off he reluctantly complies and takes his shirt off revealing the wound but before she can reach out for it Kyle pushes her away the next day Kyle is demoted to Edmund temporarily since love rumors about him in the baroness spread Penelope swears to not have leaked the contents and amid her sentences she reveals Adrien also came to her office the scene switches to a Lenora bumping into a rather strange lenia she caresses her face and to her shock she notices the r sign behind her ear she instantly realized what had happened she hurries to let Kyle know that lenia in the capital is a fake but is stopped by Penelope who informs her the chief has already left for Edmund meanwhile Kyle had decided to get off the train mid route his subordinate warns him he will lose his job but he assures him he has already found a job as a butler meanwhile panelope had informed elenora of everything that had happened elenora was now determined to investigate shees takes her chance to sneak out during a class and heads to the library finding books on replica Theory she wanders more and finds an empty coffin named replica project with Adrien the scene shifts to Kyle moving to the large Mona Stone mine mauana a few days later elenora follows there too and finds that Kyle also visited it turns out he has struck a deal to buy a mine Alora talks to the owner and he reveals that deep down in the developed mine exists a monster that is responsible for the disappearances of the miners the Lenor insists on buying the mine for 4 million and hands him the check he reads the name on it and is shocked to see who she really is she asks him to forget Kyle and make a deal with her instead she later decides to go home she takes a carriage unaware that it is for minors resulting in her ending up at a mine there she meets Kyle and she informs him of the news regarding lenia she and mule follow him to the Mana Lake and they swim their way to the other side there aleno notices a sound coming from a dark cave and is shocked to see a a figure reaching for her Kyle and mule have now lost elenora to the pitch black darkness they soon spot her complaining that her clothes got all dirty Kyle notices how her collar is gone and she is covered in blood she reveals that someone tried attacking her so she killed him her eyes soon widen in realization as she finally realizes what she really did try to do guilty she begins healing him meanwhile mule reveals that the fairies are saying they didn't want humans to tear away at the nest left to the dragons so they captured and locked them up as they make their way to the captured miners a fairy urges Noah to go back to her original body as it is indead if it was she wouldn't have memories of her previous life the fery asks her to go to the birthplace first because all the strange things happening here are related to it they finally reached the birthplace of dragons and found the miners who revealed that the owner of the mine deals Mona stones with dealers Elenor and Kyle realize the dealers must be from ulum hyle reveals that this might result in the confiscation of the mine and the owner might end up in prison for two decades she reluctantly reveals to Kyle that she bought the mine this infuriates him and he scolds her for doing that Bora prepares to go and Kyle suggests coming if she's scared but she refuses he advises her to come back right away if she thinks she is in danger since her safety is the main priority his words cause her cheeks to Reen and she goes up with mule to the passage that connects the world the fairy appears before her again and advises her to go wherever her feet take her as they'll draw her from there mule asks what kind of place she used to live in but elenora shrugs it off saying it was nothing special her parents were only interested in her younger brother she thought she did well in college and worked a good job her parents would love her too so she put everything behind her and grasp for recognition but to no avail she opens her eyes to see that she has really returned as Noah a nurse enters the room and informs her she has been unconscious for months yet her body condition is great she is discharged from the hospital and goes back with her mother she pers how there's nothing here like having your life threatened or crawling at top a moving train she remembers Kyle and sulks suddenly a bright light shines indicating that it is mule mule asks what she wants to live here or see Kyle that night Noah leaves the house telling her mother she doesn't have to look for her as she'll be happy and healthy from now on as she finds something she likes she then takes new grocery shopping meanwhile Kyle was worried sick about her since it's been 3 days already he sulks thinking she might never turn he is cut off from his thoughts as Noah approaches him with flowers calling him Butler the scene switches to them all on their way to torren Kyle explains to mule that he captured the ulum dealers who revealed that the Mona Stones were being hoarded there he then asks why Noah is sleeping too much to which mule reveals that the fair said it would take time for her to get used to her original body meanwhile mule had put aleno his body in a pocket dimmension they tried finding her soul but to no avail he then asks about her life there but mule says not to to tell anyone not even Kyle he stares at the bouquet recalling how Noah said it reminded her of his eyes they take the carriage next in order to avoid others tracking their whereabouts he then asks Noah if she acted in a way suspicious of Adrien but she says she didn't he then asks why she's wearing a shames dress she reveals that Alena's clothes didn't suit her current body so she just came out in a shames dress she notices how he hasn't made eye contact with her at all making her wonder if he doesn't like Park Noah at all meanwhile Kyle thinks of how cute and beautiful she is he thinks of what those short pants were and it was tricky for him to direct his eyes he shrugs the thought off and decides to find an inn when they reach but he still couldn't stop thinking of what those pants were they soon arrive and check in at an inn deciding to look through the factory situation first but to Noah shock Kyle books separate rooms making her angry she wonders if she is really of no importance to him especially since she left her previous life because of him she telepathically talks to mule about having the option to go back just in case mule who is with Kyle tells him this shocking him he decides to talk to her and rushes towards her room Noah approaches her he becomes speechless to see her State and immediately closes the door asking her to get dressed first later Noah still hadn't left her room making Kyle wonder if she was mad at him for changing his attitude after her appearance changed he approaches her room to apologize and Noah lets him in she remarks that she abandoned her hometown and came here but it isn't going that well Kyle knows he should tell her it's okay if she wants to go but he really doesn't want to Noah continues that despite everything she chose this place because of him he is kind and helpful to everyone does his job well and at the very least she thought he liked her too this shocks Kyle as he realizes she knew all along and wonders if he confesses to her will she accept but he ended up saying nothing Kyle informs Noah the next day that Adrien is in the capital but it seems oddly quiet he plans to leave to send a telegram to his subordinates and advise Noah to buy some clothes she leaves to shop and senses something odd she leaves the shop after buying clothes and asks mule if they are still following her which he confirms she uses invisibility magic but it gets figured out as a man accidentally pours paint over her dress she has no choice but to try using teleportation she asks the fery to tell Kyle to come see him and they then disappear into thin air they find themselves near the outskirts of District 13 she immediately senses a bad atmosphere and decides to go through it using invisibility magic she smells something rotten in the nearby water it was waste from a nearby Factory mule sensed Mana from it making her wonder whether the factory produces magic devices before they can investigate mule senses something coming towards them and they decide to hide she wonders how someone might know who she is a sudden realization Dawns on her and she instantly takes out the Largo eyeball she recalls how its other pair was kicked Away by lenia and she had completely forgotten about it she wonders if the person who happened to pick it up was tracking her with this she opens it to see a pitch black image it felt like she was looking straight at the person in vice versa this makes her realize that whoever is following her is after her not elenora she hands Mule the eyeball and asks him to give it to Kyle she decides to send the pursuers to Kyle and mule as they will be able to handle them meanwhile she walks through the strange town and finds a sign directing towards a guard post she arrives at a creepy looking Hotel thinking it might be a guard post disappointed she begins to leave but it begins to rain heavily soon villagers begin to rush past her saying to hurry before the lake overflows again she enters the hotel to find it lavishly furnished and people happily gambling suddenly she notices an R mark on a man but it has a cross on it she checks every other person's ears and finds that most people have the same symbol she decides to look for staff but there are none she recalls how dirty and poor the village and its residents were hence it doesn't make sense for them to frequent such such a big hotel she realizes it is the place they have been looking for all along a location most suitable for forbidden research to take place she is cut off from her thoughts as Adrienne approaches her back in the Continental year 578 spring alen Russell was working together with Adrien on a replica project despite Adrienne's attempt to suggest she focus on other projects the replica project was way too important to her she complained about their world being too slow terrible and boring she confesses that a genius like her shouldn't be left with only two decades that was one thing even Adrien agreed with back in the present Noah asks Adrien if he made the hotel he agrees and says that the only one who can display Magic on a large scale is him or elenora she swarms him with a series of questions and asks if he's real he takes out a knife and slits his palm to prove he's real he reveals that he didn't kill Elenor instead her attempt to create humans led to her tragic demise Adrien tried telling her that it couldn't be done but this infuriated elenora assult to no extent Adrien then asks Noah where she put elora's body his face seemed sad making Noah realize that he really loved elenora she tells him it's with mule but he cannot access it Adrienne smiles and puts her to sleep meanwhile Kyle discovers that Adrien is creating replicas he resorts to torturing a man to find Adrienne's whereabouts and ends up in heral mule reveals he transported Noah to a place she wanted to go making Kyle realize it was their destination Adrienne's laboratory mule detects traces of the magic Noah used and guides Kyle there on the other hand Adrien is shocked to see that hypnosis magic isn't working on Noah Noah vows to protect mule and uses magic to restrict him to one place she then promises to hold him accountable for his actions and makes her way up it was extremely dark so she cast magic to illuminate her path but what she finds next shocks her the floor is swarmed with experimental failures they were conscious and asked her for help she assures them help is coming and a body warns her to look behind Noah instantly avoids the attack and shoves the replica away using mule's power she commands the replica to drop the knife and lead her to the factory inside she finds a chaotic room with a diary that seems to belong to Adrien it stated why Ellie isn't being nice to him and always hits him one diary entry included his breakup with elenora he had confronted her once again to not try creating the impossible tearfully but elener couldn't care less about how he felt Adrien couldn't stop thinking about elenora even after their breakup and hour before their breakup adrianne's subordinate discreetly revealed to him that the baroness was experimenting with soul separation and using a drug on herself to weaken the bond between Body and Soul he knew he was nothing compared to the great elen orle and vowed to move on but in the end he found himself drawn back to elora's mansion He Saw lenia visiting at a late hour and became curious they hug each other causing lenia to blush and go back inside the next day he went back to her Mansion but found her collapsed on the floor Adrien tries to wake elenora with Awakening magic but she doesn't respond as he tried to find the sole nucleus to wake her up he found a replica of alen instead he gets distracted by elenia who appears out of nowhere Adrien realizes elenora must have given her permission to come and go lenia asks him to call someone for help but halts as she sees blood on his hand thinking he killed her she reveals he must have been jealous of them Adrien became shocked and hurt once again he knew if he woke elenora she would continue mistreating others and when the other person begs for forgiveness she will smile down as if forgiving them for their wrongdoings he knew that if Elenor was selfless and moral then everyone must have been better off a sudden idea strikes his mind and he plots to reverse their damned relationship on the other hand lenia blames him for holding the baroness back he reminds her that alen sacrificed many people for this but Lena remarks that sacrifices are involved When developing new technologies Adrien size leans closer to her and says she's right that sacrifice are necessary elor's Soul was damaged so the laboratory needed time to supplement the Soul lenia on the other hand was locked up Noah further reads that replicating the soul is difficult so Adrien decided to attempt segmentation rather than replication the diary had several entries containing how many experiments had failed Adrien finally concluded that it wasn't possible with human power alone making Noah realize that it was Adrien who stole the dragon egg all along but then did lenia steal it from Adrien and bring it to her she decides to keep the diary for now and hand it to Kyle as evidence suddenly she hears a commotion outside and finds lenia alive in one of the rooms lenia asks who she is making Noah realize that she is in her original body form Noah tells her she came here to help her and notices how close she is to death she uses first aid to make Lena's condition better and she then pleads to take her with her Noah agrees and they make their way through the dark Corridor suddenly Noah Hears A Sound echoing through the building she turns back to see Adrian demanding to get the dragon and aenor she realizes there must be more replicas of him knowing she can't break the magical wall Noah asks lenia to run away first since she will just get in the way of fighting lenia agrees and rushes down the stairs deciding to call for help Noah faces Adrien reminding him that mule won't lend his strength to anything she doesn't approve of but Adrien reveals to her that she is the dragon's fatal weakness having personally chosen her the dragon holds her dear and once Adrien secures her he'll be able to enlist the dragon's cooperation no one knows this Adrien is a replica since the real one was on the first floor and he decides not to hold back Kyle and mule arrive at the burning Hotel before they can go in lenia makes her way out Kyle asks if she saw Noah inside and gives her Noah's description lenia recognizes her and reveals that she is in danger as Adrien is going to kill her suddenly a blinding green light surrounds the hotel lenia points up to Noah Adrien begins to take control of her magic and apologizes for doing this saying he needs a Lenora Kyle tries shooting him from below but to no avail meanwhile Noah could feel what Adrien felt and thought he was obsessed with getting recognition from elenora and did his best to try harder but she didn't care at all Noah regains Consciousness and grabs Adrienne's hand she then tells him that people like aleno never have the intention of loving someone no matter how great the other person is she suggests he likes someone who knows how to love someone but Adrien says it's easy for her to say since she has the luxury of people who love her but he has no one who loves him Noah remarks that she will then love him shocking him suddenly the magic barrier breaks and Noah Praises mule for doing well she then turns to Adrien saying he's done for but to her surprise they both get shoved down the roof Kyle rushes to her and tries waking her up but to no avail suddenly Noah reaches for his face and cheekily asks if he is worried Kyle becomes shocked and asks if it's funny to her he Embraces her to which she apologizes for making him worried he sulks knowing he just watched the situation unfold like a fool and did nothing to protect her he tells her he'll take a look at Adrien and leaves Noah senses the weird vibe and wonders if he's mad Kyle spots an unconscious Adrien and he asks Noah if something happened to Adrien while he isn't there Noah reveals that she saw a lot of replica subjects in the hotel discovered a room and read his diary Kyle reveals that this Adrien is the real one but Noah says the one on the first floor seemed real to her they then make their way to the capital but to Noah's this man Kyle is still avoiding her and has even booked a different cabin for himself that night she makes her way out to find him she does and they return to her cabin they watch mule sleep and Noah remarks that she thought Kyle was angry at her he apologizes and confesses that he felt powerless back then he confesses that he never thought of himself like this but when she was in danger back then he couldn't do anything at all or even ask mule to help the reassures him saying she can just protect him from now on and take his hand shocking him they lean closer together but immediately pull away as mule wakes up he pretends to sleep again but Noah asks him not to Kyle takes his leave and Noah gives him adrien's diary in the process a Page fell out suddenly something comes out of it making them wonder what it is Noah begins to feel something alive inside the bottle as if it were someone's Soul both their eyes widen in realization the scene switches to the train arriving at the capital lenia and Herold residents had numerous health problems including skin damage and resp atory problems they are currently receiving treatment and nobody was injured by the fire Harold and the surrounding Villages were said to be severely polluted so Wizards were dispatched to clean the area upon arriving Kyle entrusts mule and Noah with Penelope as he is going to be busy for the next few days Penelope drives them to a Leonard family-owned mansion and asks them to make themselves comfortable Penelope then Smiles saying it's been a while to meet Noah Noah becomes surprised realizing she knew it was her she had found this out since mule was following her the dragon Master they sat down to have a meal and Penelope asked if she was in a relationship with the chief Noah begins to sulk saying she doesn't know she reveals that she confessed but Kyle didn't really give her an answer Penelope assures her that the chief never treats anyone like he does her and it's clear she's special to him she suggests Noah going a little stronger to which she remarks that she's being a little too excited Noah was soon issued a temporary ID by the Laurent government but the information spread through the city that the dragon has a new master and that its original owner Elenor ass's whereabouts are unknown even Kyle's subordinate wanted to meet her but Kyle doesn't answer him and he teases him for liking her he disagrees to which the subordinate says Noah's hair is on his uniform Kyle quickly becomes alert and starts looking for it causing the subordinate to laugh the subordinate leaves and meets Penelope on the way he asks her about Noah and whether she's pretty Penelope recalls her memories with Noah and agrees meanwhile lenia is being in interrogated about the replica research she reveals everything she knew about the research but refuses to answer whether she knew that the research was being conducted on humans until her lawyer arrives the scene switches to Noah meeting Kyle after a long time she remarks that though it's been a week without him it felt longer her words cause Kyle's heart to pound louder and he alerts his eyes they discuss Lena's interrogation and Kyle reveals she claims to have invested without full knowledge of the experiment and thus it will be difficult for her to avoid void punishment Noah wonders how lenia got along with elenora but Kyle reveals their relationship wasn't romantic elenora soul is someone who went to Great Lengths just to get an advantage to win vor's family investment and so she psychologically manipulated lenia this makes Noah remember how she must have done the same to Adrien she tells Kyle what he said and confesses that she felt the same at some point Kyle assures her she deserves to be loved but Adrien himself wants to be someone like elenora Noah whom he has seen doesn't torment others like that and is rather a caring person touched by his words she immediately hugs him taking Kyle back she then asks about Adrien to which Kyle hesitatingly reveals he attempted suicide and is uncooperative with the investigation shocking Noah Kyle then changes the topic and asks her if Adrien can be returned to his original state since he split into two Noah Ponders saying she doesn't know for sure and will have to meet him with mule they bump into Kyle's subordinate acting as mule's horse and he asks Kyle for help Kyle recalls call the subordinates teasing and ignores him as Revenge the scene switches to mule telling Kyle and Noah that Adrien can be turned back into one person but for that his will is important Kyle reveals that it was difficult then and reveals how Adrienne's two halves are different one seems to be more aggressive and hates Elenor while the other is on the quieter side with no Wilt alive that night Noah remembers a woman who gave her food to eat concerned with her declining Health but she can't seem to remember the woman's face the next day Noah goes to see Adrien and wonders how to make him healthy again adrien's subordinates are also present and they reveal how Adrien tried killing himself multiple times before two whenever his relationship with elenora got tough hearing this Noah decides to try talking to him she approaches him and reveals she came back to turn him into one person but can't since he's so weak she asks him to have some food Adrien remains quiet for a moment and then asks her to stop lying as she just wants to quietly dispose of him he asks if she really thought he would cooperate if she said that and asks her not to lie Noah finds her previous self in Adrien she remarks that she'll try waking alen or a soon as she finds the vial containing her soul she confesses that she was doing this for her sake and asks if he doesn't want to meet her she turns away saying it looks like he doesn't want to however Adrien asks her to stop and says he wants to see her Noah reveals she never lied and everyone was worried about him she makes him promise to eat well and he agrees she Pats him on the head and leaves she she later tells Kyle this saying she can't help but think how much he resembles her if she hadn't met kind people as well she might have also ended up like Adrien and so Kyle agrees with her decision later Noah is informed that Adrienne is no longer skipping his meals causing her to sigh in relief she then asks mule to take her there again it has been 7 days since they returned elor's soul to her body they tried to wake her up today too she finally does wake up to their shock she instantly attacks them but Noah stops her magic alen asks who she is and what this place is she notices how the woman and the dragon have been imprinted she also notices how weak her body is and wonders if her experiment failed Noah reveals she woke her up so she could pay for her sins but elenora States it was more of a blessing for the maggots The Primitives who pretended to be intelligent and enjoyed the civilization developed by talented people like her when they themselves could not think of anything Elenor strikes a deal with her to give her the dragon power while she gives her the ability and knowledge how however Noah refuses and backs away intimidated by her elenora tries guessing her problems and ends up asking if she loves a guy seeing the obvious expression on Noah's face she promises to make the guy fall for her however to Elena's surprise Noah refuses to listen to her crap she confiscates her magical abilities angering her and she vows to kill her but Noah wasn't phased in the slightest about a week later the halves of Adrienne's divided Soul were put back in his original body though adrianne's appeal for meeting with elenora was rejected the king gave special respect to Noah and allowed them to meet from a distance Adrien is shocked when he sees Alora and is relieved he notices she isn't wearing a monol blocker device to which Noah reveals she can no longer use magic as she confiscated it she then asks Adrien if he's angry or afraid he says he isn't angry but has finally come to realize that they wished for something they shouldn't have in the first place and perhaps her loss of magical ability will be a fresh start for her meanwhile elenora is still shocked to realize she can never use magic and has to love as other insignificant dumb humans do she vows to kill everyone involved in doing this to her repeatedly later the postman delivers elor's letters to her lawyer he reads them and heads out with his suitcase he sits on a bench and when another woman sits beside him he leaves the suitcase he left behind is taken by the woman who reads how elenora wants her to take care of the Dragon she decides not to do so but Kyle Leonard on the other hand is manageable me meanwhile Kyle drops mule in Noah home he hesitatingly asks why she cares so much about Adrien and reminds her of all the cruel things he did Noah says it's true but he's psychologically manipulated by a leaner however Kyle says he isn't a child and bitterly asks what makes her pity him he begins to take his leave not wanting to listen to her feeble excuses the scene switches to Penelope staring at a rather Sullen Noah upon asking about the chief's whereabouts Penelope accidentally Reveals His formal meeting with a marriage Prospect which happens every year soon a letter arrives from the emperor for Noah inviting her to the Palace she does as requested the emperor can't help but notice how gloomy she is she asks why he called her here to which he reveals he wants her to become a citizen of Laurent and Promises to build her a mansion in Acra she decides to think about it as she isn't sure because of a personal issue the emperor asks her to Enlighten him so he can help her she then reveals that the person she likes despises her the emperor cheekily assures her that there are many hands some men here he asks her to consider this from a different angle and to choose to stay with the people she loves indeed she wasn't the only one tormented by love Kyle couldn't focus on his work he can't help but reflect on his past actions at the Leonard Manor his brother notices something off about him the matchmaking dinner soon starts and sensing the awkward atmosphere his brother leaves on his way he is informed that a young lady and a child have come to meet Kyle but he is shocked to learn that the child is actually the dragon meanwhile lady Leanne requests to speak to Kyle privately and they head to the drawing room she then reveals that she is also pushed by her parents for this and isn't interested just like him he leads her to his room and begins to rest meanwhile lean spreads gas in the room it causes Kyle to not wake up he immediately senses the smell of lilac a hallucinogen and he opens his eyes he avoids Leanne's attack but she ends up knocking him out with the gas he remembers Noah and wonders if that was his last time seeing her if he'd known it was he wouldn't have gotten mad at her Noah senses he's in danger and teleports to his room instantly Kyle on the other hand manages to break free from the woman's hold before she can attack him again she notices Noah by his side demanding to know what she has done to him Noah attacks her with magic torturing her again and again she remarks that she wants to kill her but Kyle wouldn't want that she opens the room door as Kyle's brother constantly knocks on the door the woman is captured and Kyle is tended to he wakes up to find Noah by his side she instantly Embraces him but backs away deciding to leave however Kyle stops her and asks about the incident she reveals that Alena was the one who commissioned the assassination Kyle then apologizes to her for what he said earlier he confesses he hated how she treated Adrien so kindly and was jealous probably because he loves her shocked she asks if he really just said he loved her he admits that Noah takes his hand in hers they get interrupted as Kyle's brother storms in saying he brought three cups of blueberry ice cream from mule he notices Kyle has woken up and Noah is by his side with both acting awkwardly the trial successfully concluded with Adrien being sentenced to 8 years in prison and 30,000 hours of community service Elenor was sentenced to death but is said to be serving a life sentence in an undersea prison in reality her assets and Fortune were set to be used to restore the lives of her victims and the rest to put toward the state the Assassin who attempted to kill Kyle was arrested but authorities found it hard to track down ulum no bids goodbye to a sullen Adrien while Kyle consoles her for a good while the capital was a buzz with the news that the dragon Master would become a citizen of Laurent Noah was thus entrusted with the task of restoring the natural order of heral and was compensated accordingly the scene switches to mule and Noah returning to the capital by train this makes Noah recall all the times she traveled with Kyle and mule they soon arrive and are greeted by Kyle he asks why she didn't come via magic to which she confesses that she wanted to go on the train he drives them to their new home and mule instantly rushes to his new room until now Noah had been living either at alen or's House or wherever Kyle ranged but this was her house Kyle begins to take his leave but Noah tells him that since there's room for him too he should come often Kyle smiles and agrees they then decide to go out for food with mule happily clinging to Kyle hoping to get dessert this marks the beginning of Noah and Kyle's new journey and with this the man WS
Channel: Manhwa Tower
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recaps, manhwa recap, manhwa tower, Manhwa king, anistory, manhwa mayem, mystery manhwa, miss manhwa, romantic fangirl recaps, A Cute Kid Who Can Transform Into A Dragon Becomes Obsessed With Her Villainess Mom, boy life changed after demon queen became his wife, my girlfriend cheated on me with her boss\, boy becomes strongest necromancer after he was reborn in another rpg
Id: VRs3f0fY3Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 51sec (4131 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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