She Was Abused And Killed But Then Was Reincarnated And Adopted By A Rich Duke - Manhwa Recap

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the manual opens with an aura of suspense as the Grand Duke finds himself seated before the imposing assembly of priests his voice though cold carries an edge of urgency as he demands the return of sintis Dinah the priest responds as a calculated play of smirks and reminders a silent acknowledgment of his initial Act of taking the Sanctus from the Temple's Embrace amidst this verbal duel the head priest leans forward his eyes locking onto the grand Dukes with a hint of Mischief his words measured and deliberate weave an intricate tapestry of intrigue you remember of course that she once stood as a mere mortal in your eyes her saintly potential concealed beneath humble flesh the words linger pregnant with unspoken implications drawing both parties deeper into the Enigma in hand the grand Duke's mask of composure waivers a subtle reflection of the intricate power play unraveling before him the air Bros electric with the unspoken tension coiling as both sides navigate a delicate dance of dominance the head father's voice drops a conspiratorial tone underscoring his next words consider if you will another option a mere million Aaron could secure for you a fully awakened saintes unbothered by their offers the Grand Duke smashes the head priest Rose back leaving him entirely baffled by this sudden attack the Duke unsheves his sword and affirms that he is doing this all for the sake of his daughter fuming and rage for his insulin Behavior the head priest goes on to warn him that the Grand Duke will not be spared for this act of insult against him the ACT is equally surprising for his men who even try to remind Grand Duke about the Temple's status unfazed by their repetitive assertions the Grand Duke advances purposefully his steps unwavering and with a single decisive strike severus's arm in a Resolute tone he elucidates that the young woman isn't Dinah she is in fact his daughter eshtar he emphasizes her role as his kin over her designation as a Sanctus the grand Duke's words serve as both Revelation and caution resonating in the charge atmosphere hindolini it's a clear boundary issuing a Stern warning to the temple against any future mentions of his daughter the message is unmistakable he won't hesitate to instigate a conflict if the temple trespasses the sanctity of his familial bonds inside the mention one of the maids asks eshtar a beautiful blonde hair girl to come inside as it's getting colder for her to play eshtar a well-mannered kid follows the instruction and heads inside inside the prison Saint ravian is welcomed by the staff wondering if she came inside the scientist iterates that she can't give up pregnancy just because she became the same test and besides that her baby is more of a dearest friend to her to the lady in command Mrs Raytheon is pretty kind even for a monstrous person incarcerated in front of them stepping inside the prison Mrs Raytheon strides closer to poor Dinah and inquire fires about her well-being Mrs Raytheon goes on to elaborate that the weight of an immense workload burdens her in recent days her voice faltering due to the strain of her demanding routine she reveals that her purpose in coming here was to revitalize herself with Dinah's life force however her expectations are dashed as she's disappointed by the meaver amount of magical Essence yielded by Dinah's blood frustrated she demands a deeper incision aiming to draw more of Dina's power yet in a surprising turn Khalid steps forward offering his assistance instead overwhelmed by his unexpected intervention Ms Raytheon concedes allowing him to perform the extraction as Khalid strides ahead he unsheets his holy sword brimming with Divine blessings unfortunately Donna is rendered powerless unable to do more than voice her objections to this painful process regrettably her words hold no sway over the cold-hearted Khalid even though she's exploiting the captive Dinah for her gain Ms Raytheon audaciously perceives herself as wrong in this scenario with a chilling warning she informs Dinah that she could return to this cell every day drinking her blood if fairness seems absent Ms Raytheon reiterates that Dinah has the option to appeal to the goddess implying that repentance could lead to Absolution of her transgressions smirking at her miseries raffian lets Diana Rod inside the cell and heads out Austin Empire is the country where a saint and an emperor have been bestowed equal powers and before the blessing of light the empire was walking in an era of Destruction there was a time when epidemics were rampant and the Monsters used to rush over the human settlements with bodies lying on the streets human civilization was left hopeless till one day when the door to the era of light was open hundred years back the Empire went on to enter the Golden Age a consequence of the Salvation of its ruler sheikhan built a temple in honor of a saint who appeared at the imitation ever since the occurrence human civilization is now living under the influence of endless peace and prosperity except for the one person who has been incarcerated in the prison the servants bring her food and the new maid and he wonders why this poor girl in Titan out the older Maids clarify that the innocent looking girl behind the bar is nothing short of a monster in herself her Talent has been squeezed to prevent her from hurting herself their eyes Collide and Dinah can now communicate with Annie Dinah controls her with her powers and uses Annie to free herself from the shackles the maids panic at the site and call for the priest or Saint nearby but it appears that they have been late to react Dinah has bit her tongue and killed herself dynasters rafian's voice reaching her with a blend of concern and curiosity lost in thoughts of reincarnation Dinah discovers herself in the Temple's training chamber rafian present struck by Dinah's disheveled appearance raffian edges closer her worry evident however Dinah's sudden Panic propels her to retreat despite their profound childhood Connection in earlier days their companionship was unbreakable rafayan's apprehension for Dinah's welfare is founded leading her to recommended break underscoring her genuine care meanwhile murmurs Ripple among fellow students in the hall questioning why esteem misrafian is investing attention in the unremarkable Dinah clear distinctions Mark the students on Diana's Journey Back a nun apprehends her for slipping out of class the nun takes the moment to remind Diana of her living progress in the absence of standout talents this serves as a stark reminder of the urgency for Dinah to exert unwavering effort to maintain her standing within the Temple's ranks however the death does not in her chapter but rather brings her back to life wondering why can't she die even if she desires to that she soon realizes that this is not the right to ponder such wandering thoughts and hurries on to check the time and date of her reincarnation it's August 4 of the Year 381 in her earlier 12th and 13th reincarnation she opened her eyes in April 382 almost a year from now she wonders if this is the last time she is regressing in time however she sheds her thoughts thinking that there is not much hope for her no matter how many times she regresses in time the orphan candidate will be king of temples leaving her no place to save herself Dinah is already heart-wrenched despite her regressions she has made numerous attempts to flee from her miserable fate but has followed her in every regression with tears plundering her eyes Dinah cuts down her veins to end her life but the Divine Powers come to her rescue again in her wounds on her own there are only ways for her to end her life either be tied up with the sacred magic tool or get killed by someone from outside the temple there was a time when she used to love this place one day while she was begging for food she came across this priest who identified the holy Powers residing inside her and took her to his place despite her several reincarnations the place she opens her eyes stays the very same with her diary placed on the nearby shelf she finds herself standing before the priest whom she met by chance although she lacks Cherished Memories involving him his simple acts of kindness have been enough to Stave off hunger and Desperation preserving her fragile existence the nun's compassionate guidance leads dinato to her chamber a Haven that is felt like her own Sanctuary since her arrival confronting the imposing statue Dina's contemplation deepens why would the Divine bestow her with potent sacred powers only to thrust her onto Earth a realm where the potential for misuse looms large a profound sense of melancholy washes over her as she kneels in devout supplication beseeching the statue for Liberation from the ceaseless hardships that beset her emitter internal tumult fragments of memory resurface there was a time a festival marked this season at the temple a blended possibility emerges in Dinah's thoughts offering a potential route to end her suffering and attain Solace inside the temple the students are running all over the place in the preparations for the forthcoming Festival it's celebrated every year the heads of four pivotal families attend the festival and out of them one is Archduke behind the regia the man who never lost a war he is an assassin who is crazy for war and Slaughters and knows to never leave a piece of grass in the war even her thoughts Ascend chills down her spine Dinah trembles and the apples fall off her hands the nun schools her for not being attentive as Dinah collects the apples from the floor with the Divine Powers bestowed upon her is evident that Dinah cannot die alone she decides to Concord a plan and somehow fall prey at the hands of the monster Duke on her way into the gallery Khaled calls her name Khalid is the son of a famous Aristocrat and one of the famous apprentices in the temples as well she was also amongst those who like her because Khalid always showed great consideration for her however this was merely a display in his childhood as he grew up to become a knight of rafian Khalid never tried to save her once from the pain and sufferings therefore Dinah now despises him as a mere hypocrite Khalid anxiously inquires about her health because she surely does not look fine however Dinah avoids him and leaves in sight maintaining that she has a lot to do for the preparation of Khalid can only see her leaving him so abruptly inside the temple the students are mesmerized by the astonishing personality of Mr Ben who goes by greeting the girls Camilla and Ellie wondering how one can be so perfect like Mr Ben they affirm that his perfectionism has kept Mr Ben beside the Monstrous Duke when it comes to his master the art shook with Ben is always aware of the smallest developments around him even the Birds buzzing outside Duke's room he goes by the reputation that Mr Ben knows everything inside the Mansion Ben inquires the Archduke about his preferences to wear on the event the archuk has chosen the black dress to wear on the event where people normally wear the white dress to express his deluded terms with the church their Spanish words to take care of his clothings while the dude prepares himself for the celebrations in a lounge behind there Asia comes across his child Judy and questions if he got into a brawl again and got himself injured Judy attempts to clarify that he sustained the bruises in the race and his other child Dennis thurisha also sides with her brother before leaving the Mansion the Duke asks about the things they need since he will be bringing a bunch of them on his return Dennis maintains that father must bring him the infamous voice of the rules which is considered a limited edition publishing in the temple on his turn Judy goes on to shock everyone when he Demands a younger sister by clarifying his demand Judy reiterates that father must bring him a sister from the temple since both Hans and Sebastian have younger sisters but he does not have one Duke considers this demand as a part of his pranks but Judy's reaction shows otherwise he acts heart-wrenched that his father only loves Dennis which is why his demand is not being considered tired by the argument the R-Truth calls for Dennis to help his brother understand that he can bring him a maid of his own but finding his sister is not a possibility knowing that they don't have a mother Dennis brings a solution to the problem to make both his brother and father agree on a mutual consensus Dennis proposes that their father should give a consideration to adopting a child as the carriage sets off the temple Mr Ben takes a moment to reassure Duke emphasizing that there's no need for him to be overly concerned about the audacious demands put forth by Judy he reminds Duke that Judy's penchant for seeking outlandish things is a recurrent pattern and as history has shown these whims tend to dissipate over time just as before Mr Ben predicts that Duke will manage to navigate through these demands successfully however an intriguing shift occurs Duke's contemplative expression reveals that his child's latest wish has sparked a new level of consideration Duke admits that he initially brushed her off as a playful request but Judy's unwavering determination and perseverance have prompted him to view it with a fresh perspective he acknowledges that this matter deserves more thought and that he intends to give it the serious consideration it warrants ever since the unfortunate passing of their mother Duke has been determined to ensure his children lack for nothing his approach has been to indulge their every desire hoping to fill the void left by their mother's absence paradoxically the strategy has inadvertently led to a new dilemma his children have grown weary of the excess materialism he's inundated them with the constant stream of possessions Indulgence has given rise to his sense of discontentum on them leaving Duke to Grapple with the unforeseen consequences of his efforts to provide solace getting more material products like toys does not give them affection like a sister might they have grown up in an environment deprived of affection and bringing a good child can be beneficial in teaching the boys what real bonds mean though adoption is not an easier decision to make Duke is confident in his intuition that he has never been mistaken the notion of adopting a child fills him with anticipation igniting a desire to provide love and care to a young soul on the day of the grand celebrations the priest ascends the stage to deliver his speech amidst the river chattered behind threesia exudes an air of indifference seemingly unperturbed by the words being spoken seated amongst the rows of students Dinah's aspirations seemed to be unraveling right before her eyes the task of getting closer to the Duke appears far more formidable than she had initially envisioned beyond the complexities of carrying out any form of assassination she's even struggling to find a means to engage in conversation with him her musings are abruptly interrupted when two girls approach her with instructions to fetch chairs from the warehouse with clenched fists Diana reflects on how her past self would have likely complied without a second thought however this time around she shocks her fellow students by vocally opposing their orders an atmosphere of tension permeates the scene as Dinah's Defiance clashes with their expectations fueled by frustration over her altered Behavior one student vents her anger at Dinah in a heated exchange the student vehemently asserts the social divide between them emphasizing that Dinah as a poor orphan can never aspire to attain the same status as a noble unbothered by their blabberings Dinah's entire focuses on the chair which is left empty implying that the r-truck has left the ceremony her gaze calms all over the place and eventually finds him leaving the temple with his AIDS she attempts to reach him out but the girls standing next to her pull her back from the arm suddenly a nun shows up and inquires about the fuss the girls accused Dinah of getting up in the middle of speech and falsely assert that they are barely asking her to take her chair where the nun inquires about the purpose done responds that she was up to bring chairs from the warehouse deep down she has taken worried that she won't be able to cling to the Duke if she goes onto this pace she rushes outside to find the Duke and eventually catches him outside the temple she stimulates all her courage and Resolute not to let go of the opportunity summoning her courage dinastrides forward with determination she approaches the Duke and respectfully requests a few moments of his time for a private conversation the Duke taking note of her attire that seems to indicate a saintly candidate obliges her request he instructs the guards to make way for her granting her access to him as she gets closer her heart races aware of the danger and the potential consequences of her actions as they say fate is eternal once in fate the miseries of Life are bound to repeat unfortunately Dinah is experiencing this harsh reality of life she finds herself standing in front of the Duke coldly repeats that Dinah must disclose who sent her to assassinate him else she will be dying in his hands little does he know that his warning brings a glimmer of hope for Dinah who is impatient to get rid of this life she clings on to the king hoping that he will eventually kill her her actions shocked the Duke impelling him to wonder what weird child he has come across the Duke rebukes the silly child for thinking that she can actually kill him and rather asserts that her death has dragged her to him Duke repeats his question inquires if the temple has sent her and probes what promises convince her to pull off this risky task however despite his continuous menacing assertions Dinah is unfazed she does not respond to any of his accusations finally when the Duke orders to hand her to the temple Dinah bursts out begging that she does not want to go back to the temple she needs his health to kill her instead with tears plundering her eyes Dinah begs not to even depict the slightest of resistance if he kills her Duke commands the guards to release Diner from their grasp is gaze is unwavering as he studies her curious about her age he inquires into his surprise it's revealed that Dinah is merely a 12 year old girl his expression softens as he places a gentle hand on her head his voice taking on a more compassionate tone he questions her once more wondering if she truly wishes to avoid returning to the temple and then astounds her with a proposition that leaves her bewildered in an unexpected twist the Duke suggests that Dinah could become his daughter instead the Revelation leaves are utterly shocked her mind reeling to process this unimaginable turn of events stuns she stammers asking him to repeat himself to ensure she hasn't misheard with a reassuring nod the Duke confirms his offer his eyes kind yet determined overwhelmed by this unexpected proposal dynast thoughts race she expresses her reservations her status as an orphan making her doubt the possibility of being adopted by someone as prestigious as the Duke the deuce response however is Resolute it matters not to him and his eyes her background doesn't Define her worthiness of being part of his family if she accepts his offer she will be among the noblest Children of the Empire without a second thought Dinah accepts his offer she will be getting rid of the temple too it's a beneficial situation for her either way looking at Dinah the Duke Ponders what took this made a kid to take such a step she even begged for her death and her Expressions were entirely genuine with any amalgamation of any underlying motive when the Duke inquires about her name it's the first time someone has shown such interest in her name Diana hesitantly introduces herself to the Duke wearing a general smile in the Duke informs Dinah to wait for a moment he reveals that he'll be dispatching someone to initiate the formal adoption process and guide her to his residence as his Newfound daughter expressing his apologies for startling her earlier he acknowledges that his joyful expression might have been disconcerting for a young child licker against his assertions Dinah maintains that she found his looks quite affectionate no one has ever looked to her with such consideration before the Duke departs Dinah can hold herself to question when will she really be leaving this place the dupe respond that he will be striving to complete the adoption procedure at the earliest so Diana can head home with him Dinah is happy that in the coming five days of the procedure she will be free from the temple and eventually she can die getting rid of this regressing life the man consults with dehe Hein asking if he is interested in considering a candidate for the saint disposition and DEH Hein affirms his interest the man goes on to explain that their Temple considers the candidate from the saintest role of valuable asset in principle he's reluctant to offer anyone to DEH Hein unless it's a lower ranking candidate the hand asserts his desire for Dinah as his candidate however when the man belittles Dinah for being an orphaned from the slums behinds Fury emerges he forcefully emphasizes his choice of Dinah as the candidate from the Sanctus position and presents a donation check of 1 million errands to assert his stance after presenting the checked de Hein and bend apart and meanwhile the man along with his accomplice engages in a discussion about their intention to keep the check for themselves instead of using it as a donation meanwhile Diamond's wound is healed and she contemplates the possibility of venturing outside her unique power previously prevented her from leaving the temple making her departure on unexpectedly simple yet Eric's segment wanes as she considers the potential challenges ahead she acknowledges the presence of the grand Duke's twin sons and her own doubts about being accepted Diner's perception of nobility is Tainted by Prejudice disdain and oppression she believes her orphan status will likely result in dehumanizing treatment prompting her to question if she'll be treated as anything more than an outcast despite her difficult circumstances nadina contemplates ending her life when the right moment arrives until then she braces herself to endure the challenges ahead as Dinah is being led by a nun to meet the Grand Duke the nun instructs her to follow whenever the Grand Duke says in response to Dinah's inquiry the scientist mentions that if dehane were to abandon her she would be left to fend for herself hearing this from the same test is heartbreaking even Dina's previous attachment to the temple on her way Dinah encounters ravian and soon ravian halt inquires Dinah about her destination the scientist explains that starting from that day Dinah will be going to Duke tersh's residence the sudden news startles ravian prompting her to see permission from the saintest to Bid Farewell to Dinah due to their close friendship subsequently Raven escorts Dinah outside the temple and questions the authenticity of her journey to the Grand Duke's house ravian's tone and expressions reveal a hint of jealousy and surprise at the tertia family's decision to adopt an orphan-like Dinah possessing the lowest level of divine power yet ravian swiftly realizes the inappropriateness of her reaction and apologizes to Dinah attributing her Fierce words to the Sorrows seeing Diner leave despite her anger Dinah listens to ravian's apology frustration boils within Dinah as she recognizes that even after the mistreatment she endured from ravian her supposed friend continues to feign friendship the realization deepens her resentment toward ravian's insincerity and manipulations despite her burning desire for revenge against ravian Dinah manages to quell her anger and instead conveys her genuine well-wishes she takes a deep breath composing herself before speaking with a smile that conceals her true feelings Dinah expresses her hopes for ravian's happiness and prosperity in a voice that hides her true intentions Dinah showers ravian with words of Praise wishing her good health and a future filled with positive experiences while she speaks these benevolent words a darker narrative runs through Dinah's thoughts in the depths of her mind she secretly hopes for Misfortune and turmoil to befall ravian a stark contrast to the seemingly kind wishes she's outwardly expressing after Diana finishes her well wishes ravian expresses gratitude and begins to depart As ravian Leaves she can't help but Ponder the shift and die in his demeanor meanwhile Dinah takes a moment to steady herself finding reassurance in the knowledge that she will no longer have to cross paths with ravian this thought helps Diana regain her composure and find some semblance of Peace under the night sky the hand seeks out Iran and discovers her gazing at the stars engaging her in conversation hiron asks if they might be expecting a baby soon meanwhile a Sanctus guides Dinah out of the temple she gestures toward a forest path and informs Dinah that someone awaits her at its end with these words the Sanctus leaves Diana alone shut in the temple door behind her Dinah's pass has been fraught with suffering abandonment and betrayal however as she stands there she senses a difference this time despite the cycle of pain that has defined her life Dina's current situation feels distinct before Dinah stands Ben who reveals that he has been waiting for her identifying himself as the archux secretary Ben conveys his position to Dinah with humility Dinah lowers her head and greets Ben asking him to care for her in response Ben politely advises Dinah not to bow explaining that she's now a member of the farisha family Ben elaborates that the thrisha family is the sole architi within the Empire and Dinah will hold his special position as the archu's only daughter her actions and behavior will reflect on the Family's honor sensing Dinah's confusion Ben reassures her that with time she will grow accustomed to her new life and responsibilities for Dinah the idea of being part of the archuk's family feels almost unbelievable a dramatic shift from her previous circumstances having boarded the wagon Dinah expresses her gratitude to Hein for keeping his promise he affirms his commitment to fulfilling his word inwardly Dinah begins to draw a comparison between her current situation and her past she recalls arabian's facade of friendship at the temple contrasting it with dehind sincerity observing Esther position at a certain remove dehines curiosity compels him to ask if she's at ease his Discerning gaze then shifts to her sparse possessions contained within a diminutive bag the r24 sees a multitude of Acquisitions that lie ahead contrasting with Esther's humble Outlook she humbly states that she doesn't require many material possessions considering her eventual plan to end her life this contemplation prompts dehind to reflect on the disparate approaches to communication exhibited by Esther and Judy he Muses about Judy's straightforwardness in expressing his desires compared to Dinah's reticence dehane finds himself uncertain about Dinah's preferences and wishes she could be more direct like Judy in communicating her needs choosing to create a fresh identity the Heim resolves from her name Dinah recollecting a conversation with Irene where she expressed a desire to name their child after a Radiant Star he decides on the name Esther sharing this decision with Dinah he elaborates that Esther symbolizes a child who gleams like the stars upon hearing Miss Dinah now called Esther responds with a hint of bitterness stating that she has lived a life shrouded in darkness and doubts her ability to ever shine in contrast behind holds a more optimistic perspective he counters herself doubt asserting his belief that she possesses the potential to illuminate the world embracing the moment he joyfully welcomes Esther into the therisha family with her new name the name represents a newfound beginning casting aside or pass and embracing the chance to step out of the shadows and into a life of brightness additionally dehyan extends the courtesy of choice to Dinah allowing her to decide whether she's comfortable with her new name after thoughtful consideration Dinah Embraces the opportunity to adopt her new identity even if it's just for a brief span she's eager to claim this fresh start and agrees to the name Esther continuing their journey to Hein observes the transformation within Esther now at ease she sleeps soundly unburdened by the worries that once plagued her deham reflects on the depths of her previous struggles contemplating the hardships she must have endured any ensuing moments behind's perceptive eyes catch the sight of Esther's Freight attire a train of thought leads into a revelation the worn clothing once belonged to the Temple's priests with a Swift and determined decision he beckons Ben to redirect their path toward a clothing store in an additional directive he specifies their destination udar the urgency in his words signals the importance of ensuring Esther's comfort and providing her with suitable attire in a dream Esther finds herself Seated on a garden bench alongside a young boy their conversation begins with the boy inquiring about Esther's interactions with the Grand Duke as their dialogue unfolds the boy's Focus shifts and he expresses his concern for Esther's well-being just as the conversation takes a poignant turn Esther's Slumber is interrupted by a wakeful visit from the Grand Duke himself to Hein he informs Esther of an upcoming important trip to tershik territories older little Street explaining that it is essential for her to have a broader selection of clothing for the future subsequently Esther accompanied by dehe Hein and his secretary Ben embarks on the journey to the clothing store upon their arrival they are greeted with the utmost respect by Lady Christian the proprietor of the establishment furthermore dehayan takes the opportunity to convey to Lady Christian his intention to select clothing for the young girl referring to Esther upon noticing Esther's disheveled appearance lady Christian exercises discretion refraining from commenting on her conditions so as not to upset her suddenly lady Christian leans in and inquires to Esther about her name however before Esther can respond to Hein intervenes supplying her name is Esther with the considerate gesture dehind turns to Esther assuring her that heed and Ben will remain present he encourages Esther to take her time and explore the array of clothing options available emphasizing her right to choose beautiful attire for herself Christian guides esper to a more secluded area within the store and kindly instructs her to wait offering a catalog Christian encourages Esther to peruse the selection of dresses and make her choice Esther however hesitates about sitting on an expensive chair seeking reassurance she inquires if it's permissible Christian warmly assures her that it's perfectly acceptable this simple affirmation triggers a realization within Esther she's no longer in the confines of the temple the contrast becomes clear her actions would have been met with scolding in the temple but now she can sit without fear of reprimand Christian continues on her way her curiosity peaked by the unusual sight of the Grand Duke accompanied by a young girl observing Esther she notices the girls unease in this unfamiliar situation Esther clings to the catalog that doesn't open it a behavior that Christian briefly contemplates but dismisses deciding not to dwell on it presenting The Chosen close to Esther Christian's face lights up at the girl's awestruck reaction to the beautiful garments as they delve into various designs Christian proudly showcases their store's special Creations earning Esther's delighted admiration after considering her options Esther makes her selections Christians experience eye notices Esther's Petit face and she skillfully offers advice on which style would best suit her he'll get herself Esther contemplates the futility of acquiring such things since her departure is imminent as she finally rejoins to Hein she can't help but seek his opinion on her appearance questioning if she looks strange behind upon seeing Esther is immediately struck by her resemblance to Irene and envisions what their hypothetical daughter might resemble he assures Esther that the dress suits her perfectly the simple Act of donning the dress fills Esther with a euphoric sensation as if she's floating on air curious about the fit behind queries Christian if the dress is the only suitable size Christian responds that there are still more options to explore Esther soon emerges in yet another dress and her beauty shines even brighter than before amidst the unfolding scene de Hein turns to his secretary Ben instructing him to acquire all the dresses that Ezra has sampled during her fitting in a gesture of finality the Hain also commands Ben to discard Esther's previous attire recognizing that she will no longer have any need for those worn out garments in stark contrast Esther finds herself enveloped in a sensation akin to a dream sum after the Hein escorts Esther to the Grandeur of the Grand Duke tertius Mansion a place that will now become her permanent residence dehaim proceeds to inform Esther At This Magnificent Mansion also serves as the dwelling for the grand Duke's Sons adding another layer of significance to her new home this Revelation underscores the prestigious and exclusive nature of her new surroundings highlighting the unique position she finds herself in as they're in dehyan are warmly received by the mansion's staff and Delbert approaches them to extend a gracious welcome to DEH Hein curious about the whereabouts of the twins to Heinen choirs to Delbert about their location and Delbert informs him that they are upstairs in the midst of this Esther feels a mixture of confusion and nervousness unprepared for the presence of so many people as Delbert conveys to Heinz request for the twins to come downstairs Judy and Dennis make their appearance addressing dahine as Dad Judy notices Esther a dehind's side and inquires to Haim about her identity playfully referring to her as a brat in the midst of this interaction Esther and Dennis share a meaningful gaze prompted by the Hein the twins descent degree Esther setting a stage for their initial encounter dehein proceeds to inform the twins that Esther is now their sister a revelation that takes Judy by surprise eliciting a more pronounced reaction from him as this news settles in Esther realizes that in the eyes of the twins she's essentially an unfamiliar presence and she doesn't expect a warm reception nevertheless juvie approaches Esther and casually questions if she's younger than him filled with curiosity jubi turns to die and asked him how he managed to acquire his sister so quickly in response Dennis playfully chides Judy calling him an idiot and clarifies that Esther has been adopted by their father de Hein behind reaffirms this officially declaring Esther as their sister going forward to be inquires to Esther about her Origins prompting Esther to introduce herself before revealing that she hails from the temple Judy taken aback questions whether Esther was plucked from the temple but dahine intercedes cautioning Judy and threatening to involve a tutor of his behavior persists sensing the rebuke Judy decides to depart assuring Esther that they'll meet later however gehind halts Judy and instructs him to accompany Esther around the Mansion Judy seemingly reluctant counters that he has plans with his friends searching for Dennis to delegate the task of giving Esther a tour Judy discovers Dennis missing leaving him no choice but to take on the role himself initially jubius courts Esther to the mansion's second four clarifying that this area is mostly utilized by their father de Hein he was on to explain that guest runes are situated on the third and fourth floors Judy then points out that heat and Dennis occupy a room on the fourth floor allowing Esther to select a room on the third floor Esther is awestruck by the sheer size of the Mansion while Judy begrudgingly fulfills his role as a guide irritated by DEH Heinz decision intriguingly Esther's appearance reminds Judy of his mother suddenly Esther comes to a stop as a particular Rune captures her attention evidently intrigued by this room Esther's interest Peaks Judy's curiosity Judy reveals that he uses this Rune to sneak out of the Mansion nevertheless after a brief hesitation he concedes permitting Esther to choose that Rune on one condition she must accompany him to meet Sebastian his friend without much delay Esther agrees to Judy's condition and assures him that she will indeed accompany him to meet Sebastian as they continue their tour Delbert appears and delivers the message that the Grand Duke wishes to meet with Esther after some time Esther finds herself seated at a table where her attention is drawn to an abundance of cookies observing this she deduces that Dehan has a fondness for desserts and Treats in the midst of these events to Heinz mind briefly wanders pondering if Esther might not have a preference for cookies however it promptly shifts his focus and presents Esther with her adoption documents Esther takes her time reading through the documents before eventually putting her signature on them with that the high and warmly congratulates Esther for formally becoming a member of the tertia family yet dehayamsers a certain lack of animation and Esther's demeanor seeking to bring some comfort and perhaps a smile to her face he takes a cookie and gently feeds it to her Esther's response is immediate and genuine as she finds the cookie incredibly delicious allowing a momentary spark of joy to light up her expression furthermore gehine assures Esther that he is committed to Bringing happiness into her life every day pledging that she will never lack anything again soon Dublin arrives to inform to Hein that Esther and has fallen asleep taking this opportunity behind summons a family meeting with the twins morning arrives and Esther awakens from a restful Slumber greeted by the gentle Embrace of sunlight filtering through her curtains shortly thereafter a maid named Dorothy enters Esther's room offering a friendly inquiry about Esther's sleep Esther responds with appreciation acknowledging that she indeed slept well with breakfast approaching Dorothy suggests for assistance in getting ready Esther graciously accepts the offer thanking Dorothy for her kind gesture upon reaching the dining table Esther notices the absence of tableware set specifically for her which leads her feeling a bit disheartened just then Dennis approaches and warmly invites her to join them assuring her that her place is being prepared and the missing tableware is not an oversight Esther's Spirits lift at his words in the midst of this it becomes apparent that Judy has overslept a recurring pattern for him as they settle at the table Dennis engages Esther in conversation to confirm her name and she responds with affirmation demonstrating his considerate nature Dennis requests Delbert the butler to pour water for Esther Dennis goes on to explain his own morning ritual of starting the day with a glass of water to promote good blood circulation encouraging Esther He suggests the idea of establishing her own morning routine for healthier start to the day simultaneously Esther senses a certain distance from Dennis recognizing that he doesn't seem particularly fond of her his unexpected initiation of conversation catches her off guard as she hadn't anticipated him reaching out first on the other hand Dennis reflects on the previous night when nahane had a heartful conversation with him and Judy de Hein emphasized that Esther's origin didn't matter what was important was that she was now their sister he implored Dennis and Judy not to tease or mistreat Esther singling up Judy who often caused trouble Dehan stressed the significance of protecting Esther and fostering a strong familial Bond he encouraged the twins to embrace Esther as part of their family and to establish harmonious relationships with her as Dennis returns to the present moment he contemplates the Hinds uncharacteristic concern for someone outside their family Circle leaving him puzzled by this unexpected display of care a little later Esther remarks about the water tasting delightful expressing her appreciation for the Clean Water she didn't have access to in the temple de Hein enters greeting Dennis and Esther warmly Esther addresses him as Lord which slightly annoys to Hein despite this he remains patient and refrains from showing his irritation Esther is thrilled to be at the table with delicious food however Dennis notices her struggle with utensils he takes the lead teaching her how to use a fork and knife correctly Esther quickly catches on mastering the skill this site reassures to Hine that he doesn't need to be concerned about Dennis Behavior towards Esther it's evident that Dennis is willing to help and support her subsequently Dorothy relates to Esther that Judy had arranged in many of the haval garden before 2 30 pm Hester proposes that Dorothy conveyed Judy to go ahead without her expressing her intent to follow soon after intrigued by Esther's evident happiness Dorothy raises the question of joining her a proposition that as the readily agrees to after a brief interval Esther reaches the expansive Garden where she is taken aback by its sheer magnitude the immense scale of the garden leaves her surprise and awestruck in the midst of this Dorothy informs Esther that she is thoughtfully prepared a lunchbox for their outing settling down on a bench with two companions decide to wait for juby's arrival Esther's excitement is palpable as she eagerly anticipates Judy's appearance she fervently hopes for Judy's Swift arrival her anticipation fill in the moments however despite her hopeful expectations time passes and there is still no sign of Judy a sense of waiting and wondering hangs in the air as Esther's enthusiasm meets The Quiet reality of the unfolding scene meanwhile Dorothy contemplates whether she should suggest that as the return considering Judy's apparent delay however Esther's resolve remains unwavering as she remains steadfast in her determination to wait for Judy eager to meet him for the first time in an unexpected turn of events a young boy arrives on the scene and approaches Dorothy and Esther he inquires directly of Esther whether she is Judy's younger sister introducing an element of surprise and Intrigue into the situation Esther stammers questioning the boy's identity in response Sebastian becomes agitated and grips Esther's wrist suggesting that Judy's Pride might be wounded by acknowledging her as his sister Esther quickly frees herself from his grasp then Sebastian makes an offensive inquiry asking about Esther's pay and offering to double it as Esther remains silent he pressures her for an answer at this point Dorothy intervenes warning Sebastian that if he doesn't cease his behavior she will report it to the Grand Duke Sebastian arrives casting doubt on Esper's identity as the grand Duke's daughter due to her eye and hair color differences suspicious of her honesty he resorts to hurtful comments demeaning her value compared to his siblings Dorothy's intervention fails to Halt Sebastian's derogatory tirade as he persists in belittling Esther and warns of his determination to pursue the issue further Esther confides in Dorothy about her struggle to assert herself among Aristocrats and her discomfort with Sebastian's insults their conversation is momentarily interrupted by a cheerful dog named happy briefly alleviating the tense situation eventually the dog departs Judy's anticipation of the talking bird is crushed leaving him feeling disappointed as he notices the time surpassing 5 30 he begins to assume Esther might have left overcoming his initial doubts he opts to explore the garden finding Esther and Dorothy in cheerful conversation alongside happy his annoyance is evident as he questions Esther about waiting without him however his tone softens quickly as he clarifies that his frustration was an aimed at her this encounter captures Judy's changing emotions from disappointment to concern showcasing his evolving relationship with Esther Esther expresses her contentment with a peaceful setting and assures Judy that his delay didn't affect her negatively to her surprise Judy lifts her onto his back in a light-hearted manner unsure of her place Esther initially addresses him as Master but Judy's laughter and reassurance dispel her unease he humorously explains her weight is inconsequential chubby suggests she calls him oppa to emphasize their sibling Bond on their way back to the mansion Judy pauses who apologize for his tardiness revealing his considerate nature and deepening their budding camaraderie Esther swiftly brushes off his apology expressing contentment with his presence they wander through the garden Esther comfortably perched on juy's back discussing the Flora and the Serene atmosphere her initial hesitance transforms into ease around Judy her Newfound brother the playful banter and lighthearted interaction exemplify the budding bond between them the conversation deepens as Judy emphasizes that waiting for others shouldn't be seen as enjoyable advising esper to Value her time more he asserts that if someone were to make Esther wait again he wouldn't allow it to happen without taking action this exchange reflects Judy's growing sense of responsibility towards Esther's well-being and his determination to stand up for her In This Moment Judy truly embodies the role of a protective older brother although he notices that Esther is quite light upon arriving at the Mansion Delbert notices Judy carrying Esther and rushes to assist but Judy insists he stepped back Judy reiterates his commitment to prioritize his promises with Esther moving forward meanwhile Dennis keenly observes Judy's chivalrous actions possibly gaining A New Perspective on his brother's relationship with Esther this scene portrays Judy's evolving role as a caring brother and sets the stage for deeper connections within the family once more Esther finds herself immersed in the dream featuring the same boy as before in her Slumber the boy awakens her with a gently yet reassuring touch as her eyes flutter open Esther recognizes the boy from her previous dreams he informs her that her fever has subsided and confesses that her illness pains him deeply while Esther grapples with her curiosity about this kind-hearted boy she suddenly awakens to reality took her surprise the Grand Duke and several others are present Judy queries whether Esther recognizes him leaving her baffled by the unexpected Gathering of familiar faces shortly after Judy clarifies to Esther that she felt ill Upon returning from the garden remaining unconscious for two days the notion of a Saints Awakening crosses their minds that even that extended duration seems unusually lengthy Esther gathers her thoughts and offers her apologies to the Hein and Judy after examining her dahine assures Esther that her fever has abated he questions if she might have a disposition toward fragile Health a notion as for disputes affirming her General well-being adding to this Judy offers Esther a plush teddy bear chosen for its resemblance to her Esther contemplates whether her impending saintly Awakening could be tied to her recent illness the boy from her recurring dreams remains a constant presence in her thoughts leaving a profound impact in due course Dorothy requests entry into Esther's room and upon receiving approval brings the doctors along as they approach Esther Dorothy cautions the doctors to exercise care and they assure her of their utmost attention Esther's anticipation for answers grows is the doctor's presence offers a glimmer of hope in understanding her mysterious circumstances after a considerable duration Esther assures the doctors that she is truly well signaling for them to conclude their examination in the interim de High makes his presence felt inquiring about Esther's condition noticing her reduced Vitality he expresses concern to the doctor though no outward indications are discernible the doctor decides to continue the assessment for thuramis a peculiar moment transpires as Esther and the doctor share an inexplicable gaze momentarily captivating her ultimately the doctor divulges that Esther exhibits no discernible abnormalities yet her energy levels appear diminished he advises de Hein to be attentive and takes proper care of her with his counsel given the doctor takes his leave departing the room in the midst of the current situation Esther's mind drifts back to her experiences at the temple where she had grown accustomed to receiving scornful looks from those who held Purity in high regard as she grapples with the memory Esther wonders if her past conversations had reached the grand Duke's ears despite her anxieties she apologizes again to dehein swiftly he reassures her that apologizing for falling ill is unnecessary emphasizing her well-being as a source of gratitude for their new family behind's words resonate with deep understanding and warmth standing in stark contrast to the cold treatment she had experienced before as the Relentless Reign continues to pour outside the gram Duke remains occupied with his responsibilities aching to ensure his children's safety in an urgent Interruption Dorothy bursts into dehein's room accompanied by Ben bearing news of Esther's sudden deterioration behind waste no time in hurries to Esther's side his concern evident in his Swift movements amid the tension Esther's voice trembles as she reveals an overwhelming fear that has taken hold of her she confesses her dread of even the simplest acts drawing breath and existing her words stun those present as she implores de Hein her desperation laid bare to end her suffering by ending her life the room is filled with a heavy silence the way of Esther's plea hanging in the air leaving everyone shocked and uncertain amidst the heavy rainfall ravian senses Dina's Esther's real name somber mood and suggests that such weather affects her adversely ravian seeks Dina's assistance in finding a way to unwind and relax but Dinah's pain is evident as she pleads for relief from her distress in the midst of this they Hine successfully Rouses Esther from her troubled state with care and concern he questions if she recognizes her surroundings Esther momentarily disoriented questions if she's still at the shrine de hind gently reassures her clarifying that she is in the grand Duke's Mansion regaining her composure Esther apologizes for her agitation revealing that during her time at The Shrine every rainy day was accompanied by distressing experiences at the hands of ravian dehind interrupts urging her to take a moment to relax curious and concerned Hein inquires to Ben about ravian's identity and the nature of the traumatic events that occurred at The Shrine with care and reassurance the hind lifts Esther onto the bed and Promises to stay by her side until the Thunder subsides Esther ever considerate questions if he has other responsibilities to attend to to which the Hein assures her that he'll take care of his work right there I see yummy sex her down he inquires to Esther about any past troubling incidents at The Shrine but Esther opts not to divulge the details in the midst of their conversation to Hein inquires to Esther about her fear of thunder and she responds that has been a fear for a long time with a Tender Touch the hand caresses her hair and offers comforting words assuring her that the Mansion is a safe haven where no harm can befall her he vows to protect her and encourages her to feel secure meanwhile Judy makes an unexpected entrance inquiring about dehein's presence the heightened Thunder prompted Judy to check on Esther's well-being jubi approaches Esther questioning her about her red eyes and suggesting he'll lie beside her to sleep as to Hein and Judy discuss Judy's habit of falling asleep while talking Ben enters to update to Hein on Judy behind reassures Ben that he's taking care of things in a private conversation the hand confides in Ben about Esther's troubling memories of the shrine and asks him to gather more information about the shrine particularly the saintes ravian DEH Hein emphasizes the importance of learning more about this past connection the Hein emphasizes that everyone regardless of their importance must face their challenges head on the following day Esther wakes the heartwarming sight of Duke de Hein and Judy sleeping beside her showing unwavering support after preparing herself she leaves her room noticing that Judy and dehe Hein have refrained from mentioning rainy days likely to spare her from distressing memories as Esther enters the main hall she encounters Dennis and they exchange Warren greetings Esther's curiosity prompts her to inquire why Dennis is always engrossed in books Dennis enlightens her explaining that accumulating knowledge translates to acquiring power retrieve Esther engages in further conversation with Dennis their discussion leads to Dennis inviting Esther for a leisurely stroll around the garden while walking Esther notices that the route they are taking is unfamiliar prompting her to realize that this path differs from the one she had previously taken Dennis stops and offers an apology revealing that their Garden Walk was merely a pretext due to the presence of numerous made he concocted the excuse to facilitate their escape in response to Esther's inquiry Dennis explains that Judy is straightforward and accepted the ruse easily however he admits that he doesn't truly view Esther as his younger sister he pledges to delve deeper into understanding her indicating his intent to uncover more about her background and identity this Revelation leaves Esther pondering the complexity of her relationship with Dennis and the uncertainty that shrouds her past the following day Dennis is engrossed in his book until it grows late prompting him to decide it's time to retire for the night as he heads towards his room he spots Judy and Ponders the reason for his presence at such a late hour Dennis's curiosity is Peak as he overhears Judy questioning to Hein about his visit to Esther's room leading him to ponder the nature of their relationship observing the strong connection between Judy and Esther and considering their shared sleeping Arrangements Dennis begins to question Esther's role within the family his perception of her intelligence now intertwines with his uncertainty about her true intentions presently Dennis guides asked her to a secluded corner of the garden and unveils a concealed passage further deepening the Intrigue he clarifies that they will utilize this passage for their meetings ensuring their discussions remain private and confidential shielded from pryan eyes or ears additionally Dennis suggests to Esther that he has some matters to address in the village and proposes that they go there together leaving the decision up to her following this Dennis Maneuvers through the narrow passage known as the dog hole emerging on the other side fueled by determination Esther follows suit eventually reuniting with Dennis on the opposite end during a fleeting moment their eyes meet a silent connection forged between them they decide to continue their journey together as they progress Dennis and Esther arrive at the Village Esther's expression transforms into one of astonishment and joy upon witnessing the bustling activity and vibrant life of the community a site of the bustling crowd engrossed in their daily Affairs leaves as their both surprised and captivated while they continue their Journey Dennis's mind drifts back to his father's chance encounter with Esther at The Shrine he Ponders over which aspect of Esther to hying truly favors to shift the subject Dennis abruptly informs Esther and he has to attend to something else Esther expresses her desire to accompany him but Dennis declines her offer suggesting that he will go alone he requests that Esther wait for him at their current location and she agrees noticing Esther's slightly apprehensive demeanor tennis inquires if she feels comfortable waiting alone Esther assures him that she has no concerns and is content to wait with that Dennis departs on his own Iran leaving Esther behind as he heads off as Esther watches Dennis's figure disappear into the distance a Sinking Feeling settles in her heart she gradually comprehends his intention to leave her behind the pieces of the puzzle align his set in invitation is quick departure and she understands the logic behind it a conflicted sensation courses through her she comprehends the necessity for Dennis actions given her sudden presence as an unexpected family member but it creates a tumult within her as she recollects the warm moments shared with the Hein and Judy amid her internal struggle Esther stands alone her attention captured by a couple of Men Who hide her curiously their focus shifts to her attire a clear indicator of her Noble status observing her lack of bodyguards they anticipate an opportunity to exploit the situation due to their financial hardships however Esther's response takes them by surprise she speaks of her willingness for death suggesting that her kidnapping would be in vain even her past experiences of Abandonment her willingness to even provide them with a knife shocks the men in the midst of this unsettling encounter Dennis intervenes arriving at the scene and questioning Esther's familiarity with the men the men are amused by the situation seeing an opportunity to Target Two seemingly defenseless Nobles for abduction Dennis confronts the men challenging their knowledge of his identity the recognition of his distinctive eye color confirms that he belongs to the tersha family in response Dennis taunts them daring them to touch him if they dare feel and Corner the men quickly backtrack apologizing and choosing to flee the scene to avoid any confrontation after dealing with the men Dennis turns his attention back to Esther his demeanor shifting to one of anger and concern he demands an explanation for her behavior clearly agitated by her actions and the risky situation she put herself in shortly after Dennis admits to Esther his deliberate Act of leaving her alone he explains his curiosity about observing her genuine emotions and reactions while she's by herself however he acknowledges his oversight in not considering the potential danger she could have faced Esther perplexed by Dennis's seemingly emotionless approach questions his true nature Dennis swiftly expresses remorse and apologizes to Esther for his thoughtless action assuring her that he will not repeat such behavior in the future Dennis confesses to Esther that he didn't intend to abandon her and advises her against talking about suicide he emphasizes the value of appreciating life reflecting on their conversation Dennis urges Esther to return to the mansion Esther however raises doubts about Dennis seeing her as a sibling in response Dennis expresses his desire to retract his earlier statement and attempts to reason with Esther about the gravity of discussing death together they head back to the mansion later during a meal the Hein prompts Dennis to address the events of the previous day Dennis openly admits his lack of caution and sincerely apologizes for his actions the hand graciously accepts Dennis sincere apology commending his honesty despite the limited time they spent together behind emphasizes that Esther is now an integral part of their family and he looks forward to a future filled with happiness together the conversation then shifts to the approaching birthdays of both Dennis and Judy the Haynes seeks their input on how to celebrate the occasions Dennis proposed a masquerade party where disguises would add an element of intrigue Judy suggests a book discussion aiming for a more intellectually stimulating event a minute contemplative paused Hein breaks the silence and Reveals His unique plan for the upcoming birthday celebration he expresses a desire to do something remarkable and memorable for the event and announces his intention to introduce Esther during the party signifying her Newfound place within their family when asked for his idea de Hein Reveals His plan to create a special seat for Esther and formally introduce her to their Circle during the upcoming twins birthday celebration capitalizing on the Gathering of all the important guests Judy enthusiastically supports this concept relishing the opportunity to showcase Esther and undermines Sebastian's attitude Esther however is internally conflicted as this clashes with her initial plan to quietly leave the Mansion dehane turns his attention to Esther reassuring her that they have three months to prepare for the birthday party informs her of his decision to arrange a tutor for her ensuring she is well prepared for the occasion Esther expresses her gratitude for his support shortly after Ben arrives and updates to Hein about the discovery of skilled tutors for Esther's education Ben emphasizes their expertise and significant knowledge in various subjects he further reveals that these tutors are currently teaching the lady of the count underscoring their high qualifications dehyde informs Ben that the tutors for Esther will be paid three times the amount given to the lady of the count for their services Ben expresses his astonishment at dehines willingness to spend generously when it concerns Esther's well-being highlighting his dedication to her in addition Ben shares the results of his research into the allegations of student abuse at the temple he explains that he was told nothing of the sort had occurred there and the authorities denied the existence of any incidents involving locking students in the building this response perplexes Ben as he expected some acknowledgment or investigation into the matter Ben proceeds to share the findings of his investigation into the Temple's children specifically focusing on a student named ravian he reveals that after thorough research it was determined that there is only one person with that name the lady of Duke Barron Ben goes on to explain that rayvion is being trained with the intention of becoming a saint test in the future due to the potential secrecy surrounding such activities it is possible that any abuse or wrongdoing at the temple might have been concealed Dahan acknowledges this information and expresses his interest in continuing the investigation despite Ben's efforts the reported findings suggests that there was no evidence of abuse within the temple and everything seemed normal this perplexes de Heim leaving him to wonder about the true nature of what transpired with Esther during her time at the temple the mysterious circumstances surrounding her experiences that remain unresolved prompting further curiosity and concern as there is Overjoyed by the freedom to use as much paper as she pleases without any worry her current happiness contrasts with her memories of the shrine where her drawings were often marred now she contemplates her next artistic Creation with delight in the midst of her creative moment Dorothy enters and swiftly notices that Esther has depicted her in the drawing a heartfelt token of gratitude for Dorothy's continuous assistance and for all by Esther's artwork Dorothy realizes that Esther possesses remarkable artistic talents and contemplates sharing this discovery with a Grand Duke despite Dorothy's intention to inform the Grand Duke s third quickly interjects downplaying her own abilities by stating that anyone could draw better than her this self-doubt traces back to her experiences at The Shrine where the saintes frequently undermine her confidence by suggesting that others were more skilled artists Esther's past insecurities still affect her perception of her artistic talents even as she creates a meaningful and heartfelt peace the impact of the shrine's demeaning remarks on Esther's self-esteem is evident Dorothy on the other hand is genuinely impressed by Esther's artistic skills and labels her as a genius affirming that the quality of her work belies her young age despite Dorothy's praise Esther still struggles with feelings of being overrated and doubts her own abilities in the midst of this exchange Dennis arrives drawn by Dorothy's excitement curious he questions Esther about her choice of address suggesting she call him brother or oppa since they are now a family encouraged by his words Esther tries out the term brother for Dennis and after some practice instructs her to consistently use that term to address him in the future this moment showcases Dennis desire for a genuine sibling Bond and his effort to make Esther feel like a true part of the family furthermore Dennis engages Esther in a conversation about her preferences specifically her feelings about books he notices Esther's drawing and after confirming that she indeed created it he asks if she could draw him as well although Esther initially doubts her abilities Dorothy intervenes and assures Dennis that as there is actually a talented artist encouraged by Dorothy's words Dennis persists in his request prompting Esther to agree to draw his portrait with Dennis gratitude Esther begins sketching his portrait Dennis is intrigued by the focused expression on Esther's face while she works despite Esther nervousing his gaze Dennis doesn't elaborate on his observation and urges her to continue as Esther completes the portrait relatively quickly she expresses her concern about whether it meets Dennis expectations displaying her insecurities about her artistic skills upon inspecting the portrait Dennis promptly recognizes Esther's remarkable talent and his admiration for her skill becomes evident he's intrigued by the realization that a child could possess such artistic prowess however Esther's self-doubt still lingers and she continues to downplay her abilities considering him accessible to anyone Dennis questions whether Esther acquired her drawing skills at The Shrine but she denies Having learned there he emphasizes to Esther that her Talent is something to be proud of and he promptly rises from his seat intending to find Delbert and share the portrait with him as Dennis departs Esther experiences a genuine sense of delight and accomplishment finally acknowledging her own artistic capabilities while conversing Delbert expresses his dissatisfaction with the current regimen of regular training indicating his belief that it falls short of expectations in response to Hein acknowledges this sentiment but counters that the prevailing atmosphere of ease is misleading cautioning that the unpredictable nature of conflict necessitates a constant state of Readiness he emphasizes the need for vigilance revealing a lack of complete trust in the stability of their circumstances in the midst of their discussion Dennis queries Delbert about Esther's whereabouts as the Haynes seeks to ascertain Esther's location Delbert informs him that she is currently situated in the garden deeply engrossed in her artistic pursuit of drawing Delbert continues to share his observation with the Hein expressing that Esther possesses exceptional talent in drawing dehine's curiosity is peeped by this Revelation a mixture of surprise and Intrigue evident in his reaction responding to the Newfound information dehai makes his way to the Garden where Esther is engrossed in her artistic activity he calls out to her inquiring about her whereabouts in the garden Esther is seated at a table surrounded by her drawing tools her intention being to create a self-portrait amidst her intense focus on her drawing as the remains unaware of her surroundings not noticing the Heinz approach Esther lost in her thoughts of what to draw suddenly feels someone's presence and raises her eyes discovering to high and standing there she realizes he has been watching her for a while curious Dahan asks if she Drew Dennis and Esther affirms this while modestly expressing that she doesn't believe the portrait turned out beautifully dihyang then kindly asks Esther if she would be willing to draw a portrait of him assuring her that it's optional and he won't pressure her Esther expresses her self-doubt about her drawing skills prompting dehind to reveal this plan to decorate his office with a portrait he assures Esther that if she's uncomfortable he'll seek another artist Delbert recalls that DeHaan typically dislikes portraits due to their inconvenience despite this behind persists with heartful enthusiasm using a bit of exaggeration to persuade Esther with genuine sincerity he once again asks if she considered drawing his portrait touched by his earnestness Esther agrees to the task behind expresses gratitude and unwavering confidence in her abilities this exchange showcases a unique connection forming between Esther and de Hein as he encourages her artistic potential and she becomes more receptive to his kindness and consideration in another corner of the scene Ben approaches Delbert seeking to Hines whereabouts indicating he has information to share Delbert gestures toward Esther and dehe Hein unveiling that Esther is presently engrossed in crafting a portrait for the Grand Duke this Revelation leaves Ben taken aback echoing delbert's prior observation about dehin's aversion to portraits Ben's enthusiasm bubbles over prompting Delbert to caution him to modulate his voice the Paradox is striking a figure renowned is the world's demon unveiling a gentle side to a mere 10 year old Deion and Esther share a heartful Converse station where Esther expresses her joy in drawing the ham responds warmly offering to not only help her improve her artistic skills but also encourage her exploration of various interests this tender interaction marks a significant shift in their relationship as the Heinz benevolent intentions and Esther's growing appreciation for his kindness begin to intertwine Esther is struck by his benevolence achie remains cautious wondering why dehayan is being so kind grateful for his gesture she expresses her thanks while grappling with the challenge of not getting too accustomed to this newfound warmth in her life as she completes her drawing she can't help but Ponder whether her efforts will meet to Heinz expectations adding an undercurrent uncertainty to her sense of accomplishment behind's excitement is palpable as he calls Ben over to see the portrait Esther has created Ben is rendered speechless by the quality of the artwork and acknowledges it as a remarkable Talent the notion of the shrine's influence crosses his mind but deheim views it as Esther's unique gift with the tertia family dinner on the horizon Dahan decides that the occasion is perfect to showcase the portrait it's a testament to Esther's rapid development and a chance for the family to celebrate her talents the discovery of Esther's artistic ability as another layer took her identity within the tertia household promising a memorable and meaningful evening ahead did Heinz excitement grows as he learns that Dennis possesses the frame one at the auction prompting him to request Delbert to find an alternative fancy frame for the portrait the fact that Hayne is so invested in displaying the portrait indicates his genuine admiration for Esther's artwork Esther on the other hand is taken aback by the Heinz unexpected reaction she had previously perceived him as much stricter and is unsure of how to respond to this newfound warmth the idea of her portrait being showcased at the upcoming tertia family dinner is beyond Esther's expectations leaving her in a state of Amazement the affectionate and kind treatment she's receiving is a stark contrast to her previous experiences and is a novel feeling for someone who has never encountered such care and attention since her birth his turn of events marks a significant shift in Esther's life within the tertia household and that wraps up another thrilling recap but the adventure doesn't end here prepare to be shocked by our second recap's unexpected plot twists and witness the evolution of your favorite characters subscribe to our Channel if you want more twists Kearns and heart pounding stories stay tuned for our next recap
Channel: Manhwa Rewind
Views: 110,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, manga, manga recap, manga summary, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anime summary, anime, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga, summary, mangwa rewind, anime manhwa, manhwa recommendations, anime recap, romantic recap, romance manga
Id: eiMen7xzCGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 58sec (3838 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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