She Attacked Me! Your Boss will Fire You Right Now! | r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady and today we have a two-part story so sit comfortably and let's get started what a mess gather round guys and dolls as i spin the beginnings of a lovely tale of karma an angry anti-hero and not just one nor two but three yes three messes all featuring the same sea word asaurus rex small world right originally i was just going to tell my esso about this sweet karmic justice but then i realized i'd have to re-explain the drama to explain why i cared so much so i figured i'd just post it on here and he'd probably lure can find it later hi babe it's a long read so i apologize i just remember it strongly and sometimes i get a little overzealous with details mess number one begins with our anti-heroine moi walking around the grocery store two weeks ago as i've been mistaken for an employee at two separate stores before i am now increasingly wary of strangers approaching me and have started trying to turn off my customer service mindset outside of work i wander into the frozen foods aisle because ice cream and practically shove myself into the freezer to find something specific that's where the sea word asaurus finds me at first it started with humming then a couple of hems peppered here and there weird but everyone shops different then we launched into foot tapping i thought maybe she was listening to music had to be a good song to tap your feet right oh my poor innocence excuse me oh this crap was forceful i looked up and she was glaring down at me i took out one earbud to be polite obviously not holding true to my mantra of do not engage uh yes i've been effing standing here for 15 minutes is this how you treat customers can i get some gd help i opened my mouth to respond but didn't get a chance she huffed and scrunched her face hug forget it clearly useless where's unmemorable food item previous time this happened i froze so far past that stage now i tried keeping it short and sweet but i felt my temper rising don't know don't work here i put my earbud back in i did not even want the ice cream anymore effort i didn't process the actual feeling but i watched my headphones hit the floor and i was shook while i was still processing she was letting me have it excuse me are you actually lying to a customer i don't care if you're on your break i'm asking you for help i genuinely thought for a brief moment maybe i'm being pumped she was ridiculous this had to be a joke but then seeing my headphones on the floor i got slightly angry i still hadn't picked him up that was a mistake listen i just effing told you i don't work here i'm not on break i'm not off i do not work here she didn't process anything i'd said it was like my words were just background music something to slide along the beat of her continuing rant even if you're on break customers come first you definitely shouldn't be listening to music while you're working you're really going to risk getting in big trouble for a little music i was about to reply maybe add a little sass and let her know that nothing had actually been playing i just never took them out of my ear before i had the chance my mistake came back to haunt me she looked down at my headphones still laying on the floor between us with a quick look at me she stomped as hard as crap on him i heard a crack as the right side was now completely disconnected little speaker just rolling on the floor i couldn't find the words at first did you just effing break my headphones she gave me a nasty smirk you're damn right let's see you ignore someone else now i can't even really think of accurate things to describe my anger you're going to give me money for those right now right effing now you had no right there was so much more i could have said but in my fury not many other words came to my mind she got even angrier you should have done your effing job i was the wrong one to test today b word in an attempt to not act out my thoughts i imagined testing my hand on the side of her face then she gave me a gem actually you know what i'm getting your manager and he and i are going to have a nice long chat about his previous employees work ethic she started walking away as she pulled out her phone better start looking for a new job nah b word i want money for these headphones i stomped after her she loudly tried to hold a conversation i'm in your store this little bee refused to help me you need to fire her she eventually turned around and saw me following her and proceeded to freak the f out screaming that i was stalking her and needed to hurry thankfully the manager found us with what i can only assume is echolocation and tried to help he saw her first and started attempting to calm her i stepped closer and he looked at me and told me he'd be right with me he just needed to take care of this family emergency and it'd only take a moment unfortunately for both of us she was still screaming and drawing attention this is her the girl who wouldn't help me he gave me a glance and returned her expectant look with confusion her voice started rising and i swear it could have been broken glass this girl your employee i waited for 30 minutes for her to acknowledge me she was too busy listening to music to do her job uh she doesn't work here i've never seen her before in my life his attention then came back to me did you tell her you worked here i told her multiple times i didn't work here she effing snatched my headphones then broke them i want compensation for my damaged property or i'm calling the cops i doubted they would come for some petty grocery store squabble but it was the only scary repercussion i could think of before she could open her mouth he dug out his wallet and handed me thirty dollars is that enough i'm so sorry please anything you were going to get half off please don't call the police i took the money and thanked him but i absolutely wasn't done with c word asaurus i needed the last word everyone in the effing store is staring at you you're a effing nut job lady i had so much more that i wanted to say i wanted to point out in depth every single thing that screamed that i was an employee from my sweatpants to my hair i wanted to go through each and every clue that could have been but after all that i was mentally exhausted i decided to go home she was still raging and spouting her own crap-talking barrage but i was so ready to go i ignored it and walked out of the store got home explained my crappy afternoon to my s.o and thought up lots of snappy comebacks and alternate actions in the shower that night didn't think i'd ever have a reason to use them until i ran into her again three days later let's move on to the second act what a mess act two act two of the mess that was seaward asaurus rex this time in surround sound and in a movie theater this happened three or four days after our first tango in the frozen food aisle and trust me it was just as wild as the first encounter to preface our tale through some movie theater connections a close friend got myself herself my esso and another friend tickets to a matinee she'd previously worked at the theater and since she parted on good terms the managers were okay with her sneaking some food and drinks for us movie theater friend will be jay for story purposes my other friend is gina important to note gina and jay look absolutely nothing alike now the encounter the movie had just ended we were waiting around while jay talked to one of her old co-workers and gina went to the bathroom eventually jay and my so decided they were hungry and left to find food i stayed behind to wait for gina things were looking good the day was shaping out to be a great one sun was bright weather was good for once gina walked out of the bathroom and headed towards me she had almost reached me when i heard it hey you over there i didn't want to believe it i didn't want to look i took a glance from the corner of my eye and there she was seaward asaurus how could i forget a face that infuriated and she walked right past me to speak to gina you theater six looks terrible someone spilled popcorn all over my seats and dropped their soda on the floor you need to come clean it up before the movie starts gina gave me a furrowed brow are you talking to me i don't work here sea water soros did not like being challenged she gritter teeth planted her feet and squared her shoulders she was ready this time this time she was gonna win excuse me i saw you talking with other theater people i just want you to clean it up before the movie starts gina slowly inched towards me taking small steps around seawatosaurus rex to reach me i'm sorry you might have mistaken me for my friend but i really don't work here seawattasaurus huffed and groaned inside seriously it's just a quick cleanup you'll be back on your break and gossiping in 10 minutes just clean it before i have to sit back down she stamped her foot and i decided to have my say when else would i ever see her again to get my words out i didn't even look at her i just started talking you're either blind or dumb she doesn't work here go talk to them i point towards the concession stand where a small group of employees were watching the exchange with baited breath and a couple of bags of popcorn she gave me a quick glance rolled her eyes and said i'm not talking to you just tell your friend i need my aisle cleaned before i sit down for this i've been thinking about her since our first meeting i had so many comebacks make their way to me in the shower but only one stood out at the moment i went with it do you need a doctor they don't fix stupid but they make you pretty enough that it'll distract people when you speak seaword was quickly turning red her forehead had started to glow an ugly shade of pink excuse you she looked at gina again taking a full step forward and prompting us both to give each other a glance where is your manager bring him here right now i couldn't believe she only had those ears for decoration didn't listen to a single effing thing do it yourself come on i grabbed gina and started to push her in front of me we almost made it when i felt a forceful clawed hand on my arm c-word was still screaming i said get the manager right now i decided to match your screams yo get the f off me what's wrong with you i told gina to get the manager as well she ran to the counter and the audience scattered save for two or three employees who wanted to know what was happening good old c-word still hadn't released me from her grip i wretched my arm out of her grasp and realized that seahortosaurus had not been graced with balance she stumbled backwards twice then fell directly on her butt into a wreck-it ralph promotional cutout the manager arrived just in time to watch her flail and plop onto the floor the woman started to ask questions was she all right did she require medical attention but none of that could be answered as soon as seawatosaurus saw the manager in the flesh she started crying i stared at gina who'd stayed near the counter with all the other employees while i listened to the crybaby under crocodile tears all i was able to make out between sobs was employee pushed in theater lying the manager was still trying to calm her down she stretched out a hand to help her up but seaward waved it away still choking out cries of supposed anguish i'm sorry what was that the tears were beginning to subside she pushed me she said between whimpers pointing at me and then whipping quickly to gina and she refused to help me your employee the manager lady looked at gina then back down to the floor a mask of confusion evident i'm sorry who refused to help you our entitled stars seemed to realize she wasn't being clear in switch tactics she gestured to me again her friend that girl over there the manager was giving glances between seaward and gina and still looked befuddled um she doesn't work here and then silence it was like a switch had been flipped the sobbing actress on the floor was suddenly still focusing on the manager and not looking anywhere else i i she started to stutter but then stop she looked back up to me my presence seemed to give her the strength to struggle to her feet she assaulted me she shoves me into the poster you need to call the police i just shook my head you can check the camera she grabbed me manager lady agreed and started motioning for us to come with her to the back of the house suddenly seawatosaurus was no longer interested in checking the cameras she just wanted to get back to her movie she kept repeating and speed limped away manager lady apologized and offered us some free snacks but we assured her everything was fine and i gave everyone the first story of my run-in with the lovely seawardosaurus laughs were had i got a glimpse of her leaving the theater from one of the side doors clearly not up for walking past the front again to accuse another person of working there and that was that i wouldn't need to see her ever again right i was so sure of it until yesterday at my actual job hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 136,500
Rating: 4.9296188 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, She Attacked Me, Your Boss, fire You Right Now, will fire You, fire You, fire, You Forgot, Security Cameras, Big Boss, Boss, YOU ARE FIRED, I'm a Big Boss, to Work, I'm the Boss, Chief, reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here, idwhl reddit, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, r/, r/ i don't work here, idoworkherelady, Work, manager, I'll fire You, FIRE YOU, i dont work here lady
Id: Z4IUV9qTp_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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