I Am a Landlord. Read All the Rules I Just Made Up ! You No Longer Owner of This House r/ProRevenge

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hello friends and welcome back to r slash pro revenge said comfortably because today we have another set of crazy stories for you if you're new here don't forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day here we go be a jerk about fixing my car hope you and your manager enjoy unemployment okay so for the story in january 2018 my best friend his girlfriend and i all went out we took my car but i got drunk so my best friend drove us home as we were approaching a roundabout a driver from a side street pulled out in front of us then slammed on their brakes causing my best friend to swerve and hit the concrete median with both driver's side tires we parked the car in a parking lot and ubered home the next day i had my car towed to my personal mechanic shop insurance guy assesses the damage and my mechanic gets to work he does everything he thought it needed put it on the alignment rack and found out that the engine cradle had been bent in the impact and it needed a new one he didn't have the capability to do this so they sent my car to a different company let's just call it abc repair abc repair outsourced the engine cradle replacements to d weed shop aka ds cargoes takes forever because the first cradle they got was bent so they had to order another one from california dude ordered the wrong parts originally dude gets the cradle in on the day my rental car coverage expires as a single dad i needed my car also this whole time the manager of abc repair shop was not keeping me up to date on any of this was dodging my calls and anytime i did get him he was rude to me so the guy bus rear to get it in that day test drove and returned it to abc repair right before closing time where i was waiting to pick it up ds gave it a clean bill of health and handed over the keys here's where the rude crap begins so the minute i left abc shop that night there was something wrong with the car since i have a bit of auto mechanic experience i assumed it was a wheel bearing next morning i call my insurance adjuster who tells me to take it back to diest and see what's up so i call him up and say hey it's the dude with the engine cradle job uh i think there's something wrong with one of the bearings yeah i knew about that uh so why did you give it a clean bill of health i was being rushed to return it so i just said it was fine it wasn't critical so what's the big deal uh okay well this needs fixed are you sure you know exactly what's wrong 100 right rear wheel bearing okay i'll call the adjuster and get it approved for repair i have no more rental coverage but i'm going out of town this weekend and won't need my car thursday through sunday i can drop it off then does that work sure no problem see you thursday morning so diaz orders the bearing with insurance approval and all as well i go in thursday morning to drop off the car and the conversation goes roughly as follows hey there here's the keys now if it's not actually what you think it is or there's more please call me right away i'll call the insurance adjuster and get it approved since this is the only time i don't need my car for transporting my child no worries i'm positive it's what i think it is but if not i'll call i head out of town have a great weekend no call from ds monday morning comes around i'm about to head to pick up the car when i get a phone call from my adjuster he tells me he just got off the phone with ds and was informed that no work was done on my car all weekend i was livid i asked why insurance adjuster said he didn't know head down there and talk to the guy myself so i did i walk into the shop and ding the bell he walked into the office and said can i help you as if he didn't know who i was following is the conversation me yeah insurance guy tells me you didn't touch my car what the hell happened well it was the right front not the right rear bearing like i thought so i couldn't do it since the right front wasn't approved but i asked you to call me if it wasn't what you thought it was and you said you would why didn't you call well who's paying for this you are insurance that doesn't matter i asked you to call me so i could get it approved while i was out of town why didn't you call me i don't have to call you it wasn't the approved work i didn't do it end of story why didn't you call i could have gotten it approved like i said before i left for out of town diaz turns around grabs my keys off the counter hands them to me and says take your keys take your car i'm done dealing with you i walk out po'd and across the street to his manager's office and ask to talk to the manager on vacation until wednesday i leave my number and ask the manager to call me in the meantime i get the car to the original mechanic who starts bearing repairs on all four tires approved by insurance as a we're sorry for ds shop experience he noticed that ds used the wrong strut in my car when he replaced the engine cradle and didn't put the rivets back in the plastic wheel well liner causing the tire to burn a hole through which is insurance approved replacing both with the correct parts manager finally calls me at 4 45 pm on wednesday after being busy doing payroll all day me so you know anything about why i'm calling you dsm no clue what's going on i begin to explain what happened when i returned from out of town then state that the strut was wrong and the liner was ruined he interrupts me and says he couldn't have ruined the liner by replacing the cradle oh so you do know who i am what actually happened i never mentioned engine cradle replacement well i'll apologize for wasting your time i don't know what else you want me to do sorry and he hangs up on me the revenge remember that trip out of town well on my return trip i was bumped off my original flight then bumped from that flight to one that finally took me home i get on the plane find my seat put in my headphones and start to settle in now mind you i was out of town for a party and i was wearing a themed onesie a gentleman in a business suit sits down next to me i'm naturally an outgoing person so i strike up a conversation hey there headed to destination for business or pleasure he says business i say what do you do he says i'm the regional vice president for abc repair company my eyes got huge it was destiny so i began to tell him my current experience up to me leaving for out of town the a-hole manager at his shop to the ds jerk that we're subletting his business to vp was taking notes on my entire story i swear his jaw was on the tray table he was furious he gave me his personal cell and email and told me he'd be having a talk with the manager he also had his company pay for five more days for a rental car since they ordered a used cradle and not a new one which a-hole manager decided didn't even ask my adjuster or me which wasted five days the next afternoon after i pick up my car and had that experience i get a call from vp he wanted to make sure my car was fixed and that he also found out there were more complaints about his manager who treated me poorly the manager was hiding the complaints and they never reached corporate so he was fired i then tell him about my experience that morning with the guy not doing any work on my car while i was gone that pissed him off too he said he'd be in touch after i talked to dsm on wednesday i called vp back and told him what had happened he said thank you for the information and hung up about a month later i had a question for vp not related to any of this so i called him up and learned that they stopped giving their work to ds shop and when the owner of ds found out why he fired both ds mechanic and dsm so that's my story moral don't be a d-bag be honest and you won't get bit by karma and our next story coup d'etat at my old apartment building a couple years back i moved into this real exclusive apartment building in the miami beach area i had no clue at the time my landlord was a dictator after she took my deposit and we moved in the problem started she had all sorts of crazy rules like shirts on for a minute at the pool no talking on cell phones in the hallway no overnight visitors and a whole list of crap she literally made up and applied whenever she wanted i knew she was effed off in the head and we generally tolerated it until one day she decided kids were not allowed to play in the courtyard she started harassing my son on a regular basis telling him he was not allowed to play in the courtyard however i had an ace up my sleeve see i took a real estate course a few years back and i knew that discrimination against kids in any way shape or form was against federal law revenge time i told my son to ignore her and play as much as he wants as late as he wants granted he did his homework and his room was clean one day she had enough and snapped even going so far as to scream at all the kids in the courtyard she then knocked on every door who had a kid and informed them that playing in the courtyard by kids was not allowed when she came to me i simply asked her to hand it to me in writing she did needless to say i hired an attorney and won six figures some of which 30 percent went to my son's trust in his name the owner of the building stood by her side the entire time and so rightfully the suit cost him the building he was forced to sell the building the new owner hired me as the building manager i was the resident manager for over two years and our last story handicapped parking is for handicapped people not rich ones first just for your information in most handicapped parking spots there's a place next to the parking spot marked off for loading and unloading wheelchairs in the u.s it's usually painted with diagonal stripes on to the story my son and i were at walmart and as i parked i saw that a new bmw convertible owner decided that the striped spot was set aside for him i was pio'd and i stood about it the whole time we were shopping when he was still parked there when i came out i decided to get spiteful i found a piece of paper and left a note on his windshield it said so sorry i did not mean to scrape your car with my wheelchair i would leave my contact info but you were illegally parked blocking my van so good luck buffing that out we sat in the car for another 20 minutes and waited out came this guy that looked like a personal trainer he came jogging up to his car chatting on his phone he saw the note and screamed oh crap then he spent the next 20 minutes going over his car inch by inch rubbing every speck of dust or dirt he was still looking when we left nothing harmed no damage just a lesson hopefully learned hey guys thank you for watching the video hope you all enjoyed it and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 57,914
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: I Am a Landlord, Read All the Rules, I Just Made Up, You No Longer, Owner, of This House, Landlord, Rules, the Landlord, I Am the Owner, I Am the Landlord, I Am Landlord, Owner of This House, This House, I Am Owner, the Owner, r/ProRevenge, r/EntitledPeople, r/prorevenge, best of reddit, pro revenge, funny reddit, reddit, r/, r/entitledpeople, entitled people, fail, entitled parents, crazy stories, r/entitledparents, dark fluff, entitled stories, reddit stories, my House, RedWheel
Id: Bzk7sPq3J_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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