Get out of my private property ! I'm Your Boss 's Nephew and You're Fired r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady today we have three more new stories and let's start with a story where karen can't tell the difference between emergency services and stadium employees what's your emergency i used to work for a county fire department we could pick up overtime working special events at the college sports arena coliseum our uniforms consist of navy blue work duty pants black work boots and a navy blue work shirt with our department patch on one sleeve and either a paramedic or emt patch on the other all this topped off with a radio that has an attached mic these students that work for the arena are required to dress up skirts or slacks dress shirt tie etc they also carry walkie-talkies it's a pretty small venue maybe 8 000 seats and when you walk in you can literally see every seat there are huge letters maybe 10 feet tall painted on the wall over each section indicating the section now for the story i was working an event standing out in the breezeway when clueless sports fan csf walks up to me yeah can you direct me to my seats ma'am i'm here for ems standby yeah i'm in section eight do you have an emergency i can't find my sheets what as i look up at the numbers painted on the wall i say yes ma'am looks like your seat is over there i point her in the direction of section two in the opposite direction of section eight yeah thank you you're welcome enjoy the game come back when you have chest pain or shortness of breath you see that big number two on the wall over there yeah not there and we move on to our second story the bee got what she deserved while back maybe a decade ago i was heading home but saw a train being delayed for an extra 25 minutes so i decided to stop by for some delicious mcds mainly to avoid the task of cooking at home i queue for a moment to the left side register and place my order for a standard meal no extras or stuff guy next to me orders like 20 burgers and a bucket full of nuggets and whatnot but no drinks or takeaway i get my meal in like 30 seconds and sit down at the closest table guy that was ordering next to me comes and asks if he could sit down at my table while waiting for his takeaway for which i just nod and move my tray to the side a bit leaving more space for him to put his helmet and gloves and a towel it's a four seat table anyway so plenty of space he was wearing this baseball uniform red pants and yellow slash red striped top it was quite exotic overall as baseball's not something that is a common sport around here not in the u.s i don't think much of it only that he must be a coach for some kids team and i just keep munching away on my meal while mr baseball focuses on his phone after a minute a wb whiny bee appears in her all pink clothes and tells my new friend about something being wrong with her order mr baseball just glances a bit upwards not even close to eye level and says registers are over there go there to complain i don't work here the wb just stares at mr baseball a bit then proceeds to dump two sundays on his lap asking with increasing volume well do you work here now and proceeds to slap his phone on the floor and starts to stomp it while cursing him out mr baseball gets up and pushes her off from his phone and she takes a few steps back he picks up the phone and sits back down in disbelief with the mess in his lap after like a good 10 seconds she theatrically falls on the ground shouting that an employee pushed her down and she banged her head on the trash bin luckily the phone was okay no damage no kia phone this was like 10 plus years ago then i point out for her there's nothing where you could have hit your head in range besides you attacked him a fellow customer he doesn't work here obviously just look at what he has with him she stops whining for two seconds and crawls toward the dumpster then increases the volume of her whining commotion attracts a manager and one of the cashiers to see what's going on wb's volume just increases and now her chest hurts too she then realizes that she was pushed from her chest and now her accusations escalate a bit she claims that she was sexually abused in daylight in the middle of a mcdonald's floor as a stroke of luck or destined by karma a pair of policemen arrive maybe they were patrolling the train station and someone just pulled them in or maybe they were also grabbing a snack or a coffee or a drink the manager helped them get sorted out of the situation and the accompanying cashier helped mr baseball to clean his uniform using my napkins i might add so i was left with only one napkin that i had wrapped around my burger one cop tried to calm wb down and she screams that her ankle is broken and pelvis shattered and she was raped the policeman just says to her that she really shouldn't be rolling on the disgusting mcdonald's floor at the train station around rush hour so that shuts her up and she gets up from the floor suddenly ankle and pelvis are healed miraculously probably she's related to a top italian soccer player but she still feels that she was sexually abused by a mcdonald's worker and demands his job for pushing her over she still doesn't get it mr baseball doesn't work there and he didn't push her over obviously manager gets back with the other cop in a minute and the cop states that security footage shows that wb clearly attacked mr baseball and attempted to destroy his property which he was entitled to defend especially is that it didn't cause any harm to her wb started to scream but the cop calmly interrupts her by stating that there was a 10 second gap between the push in her falling over while she clearly hadn't lost balance due to the push and that she is clearly faking the entire episode wb slaps the cop and screams something non-audible that i can't understand other cop instantly twists her arm behind her back and cuffs her she keeps just whining and whining and whining and fighting the cops trying to get free most of the people in the restaurant are leaving but hey it's a dinner and a show so i'm not going yet but finish my fries instead cops tell us that she's being arrested and asked mr baseball if he wanted to make a report out of it he just says that his phone is okay and his clothes needed washed anyway so he just wants to leave cops are fine with that so is the manager justice is served as the wb got arrested did she get what she ordered absolutely that is great yes but let's finish the story about her dessert at this point mr baseball gets called to the registers his orders ready he gets three bags of food and starts to leave he walks back to my table puts on his gloves not like a baseball glove but like the ones to keep your hands warm like batting gloves maybe and a helmet then he stuffs the towel under his belt as he turns to leave she kicks him into his shins and spits towards his face i heard this plastic pop he must have worn some sort of guards for a split second i think she got away from it but mr baseball falls down towards her reed headbutts her with all his strength even carpet crumpled a bit wearing his helmet pow right in the kisser even as two cops are holding her she falls down and is spitting out her teeth on the floor in a puddle of blood he just says with total indifference kind of with this f head b tone oh damn my leg my leg i nearly fell because you kicked me stupid oh oh i hope you're all right i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i hope you're all right the cops just tell mr baseball to leave which he does one cop radios some codes and starts to pick her up while the slapped cop is picking some loose teeth into a discarded big mac box with some cheese and lettuce remains in it there are at least five items that the cop picks up from the floor maybe more but those could be onion pieces or that coarse street salt they use in the wintertime after the cops get the wb up she spits at the cop carrying the teeth blaming them for everything to which the cop just says all right then so be it and drops the box on the floor while maintaining eye contact with her she looks like she's going to start shouting again so the cops drag her outside while twisting her arms further making her bend forcing her face downwards and away from them the manager just looked at me like this wouldn't be the first time something like this had happened and asked if everything was okay then offered me dessert for my troubles i just thank him for the show and leave as it's like two minutes before my train leaves while expressing my sympathy for the mcdonald's workers outside i see a few more equally pink wb's friends harassing the policeman whom gets threatened to be arrested too if they enter the restaurant is they would go there just to be belligerent and to make a scene show is over my train arrives didn't even have time for an after dinner smoke but that entire episode was worth watching somebody could say her argument was toothless and our next story um i'm the manager's nephew backstory my uncle works in this warehouse that sets up the decor and stuff for events everyone who's worked there has been there for 10 years plus and they know me because i would go with him occasionally since i'm now 16 and can lift stuff my uncle asked if i wanted to help with some cinco de mayo events i had agreed this is said in may obviously now for clarification i'm 16 but i haven't grown any facial hair yet so i look 14 maybe 13 but i doubt it the cast is me my uncle uh rw is random worker i never met also my uncle is the warehouse manager for this warehouse so he's the boss anyway let's begin my uncle drove me to the warehouse but i was eating so i went in around 10 minutes after him i see everyone there so i say hi and they greet me with smiles and handshakes my uncle told me to go to the back and get the boxes of decorations sombreros and parrots and ribbons etc so i'm in the back pulling boxes off the shelves and enters a dude i've never met apparently he was hired like two months prior this is random worker hey what are you doing i have really bad social anxiety so i don't really like being yelled at um i'm just getting get out of this warehouse it's private property you're all called security my uncle is the security because he was a big dude i actually am uncle's name i don't care he proceeded to grab my arm and drag me out i'm basically on the verge of tears now but i don't yell i don't know why my uncle hears all the commotion runs back to where we are hey let go of him this dumb teen was trying to steal get your effing hands off my nephew the random worker hears nephew and gets all red and shuts up oh god i'm sorry i didn't know i thought he was stealing in my defense he looks like a criminal i was so shocked because i thought i was a respectful young man but i didn't do my hair and was wearing all black in a hoodie my uncle walked up to him pinned his right hand behind his back and walked him out and yelled at him not to come back because he was fired i'm crying but relieved and i got a coke and some time to relax in a rolling chair so i'm spinning for anyone wondering why my uncle pinned the guy's arm behind his back my uncle does not take crap from anyone talking like that about me and my sister especially anyone grabbing them aggressively hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 66,277
Rating: 4.9521971 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, Get out, of my private property, my private property, I'm Your Boss, Nephew, and You're Fired, Fired, You're Fired, Your Boss, Private Property, Karen, Doesn't, Realize, she' s, Boss, Store, reddit idwhl, Idwhl, I do work here lady, Reddit idwhl, RedWheel, r/idontworkherelady, r/, reddit, funny, cringe, karen, boss, chief, This is, Private, Property, Karen Demands, the Store, manager, r/ Tales From Retail, Officer, House, My Boss, r/IDOWorkHereLady, Work, work, r/Entitledparents
Id: oB4BTh_-wFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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