She’s Leaving Me — but why?

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greetings everybody welcome one and all well basically just one and all of you that behind in front of me is Hana Victoria and she is on our last day here working with me for only in Japan in front of the scenes in the only Japan go channel especially over the last week and then behind the scenes on the only Japan main channel she's been an instrumental instrumental part of the channel because I've been able to create even more amazing content which we're editing right now just takes a little bit time and before she leaves he goes back to the United States we're gonna ask her the question why why leave why leave such a beautiful job was an amazing boss somebody I I don't say boss I say leader and we've had such an amazing time traveling Japan all the way to Santa Seema and then to Niigata and then I think we went all the way to okey now I know we didn't go to Okinawa but we went a lot of places we're gonna answer all of these questions and then wow after we answer this she's gonna sing a song one of her new songs on her channel which is approaching rapidly 1000 subscribers and she said to me she said I can't believe that we got 300 subscribers in like two days and behind each subscriber is a real person she said to me it's true true she's right and I've learned a lot from her too and hopefully she's learned a lot from me and in the land of the space-boat and the Tokyo Skytree and all these tall buildings how could she leave this for the United States and the answers lie within hello hello huh now we're gonna sit here on this on this peacock thing yes it is a good spot we have the wide-angle lens for you so you don't see all of the all of the stuff on my nose and mouth I know there's anything wrong with that sweat day thanks to adding to the list yeah so tell tell me like so you came here in June and to be in the first half of June and now it's this first half of September just to get you going into the halfway mark and so two good three months out three months so much yeah what what what did you take away from this job which was assisting me that's essay about it because it's I've learned a lot working with John he's just such a positive human and exactly how you you see on camera he's exactly like that and real life too very positive and when things don't go as planned which you know life throws at you and I just kind of often this summer just guys plant I know often this summer but yeah it's hard it's hard with life to stay positive but seeing John handling things in a really mature and positive way it really inspired me to be the same and try to spread that you know to my friends my family also through my channel hopefully but also being a part of your community your community John I just come to realize how you you somehow managed to create a community that's very wholesome and like milk like milk okay yes wholesome and because you know social media it's it's you can't control what people say and people can say mean things because you're there behind a you know a keyboard but you've somehow created a community and you all thanks to you to keep it such a wholesome place and so much positivity that energy really like inspired me to be better and I'm that's something that I'm gonna take with me for forever really um even when I go this date I'm gonna try to challenge myself going there I love Japan I love being here I love this community but I feel like you know I want to try to push my boundaries right now I want to get out of my comfort zone and I want to challenge myself and if it doesn't work out I'll be back in a few months you know yes fail no no no I didn't just say that out loud I did not say fail out loud whispered but you know I'm still gonna try my best and if I do come back to Japan then that's fade that's how nature works and I will be back you know put my best in that too but I have I'm in a position where I'm very grateful that I have the option to go out of Japan and try to experience things and try to challenge myself so I don't want to like waste that opportunity and so I'm gonna go and keep up my it was my channel and my music of course keep it you know I might comment on Jon's videos too but I'm gonna do my best out there but if it doesn't work I'll be back so you know yeah we know we know thank thank you so much a lot of feedback for you as well more critical no no it's elastic I try to treat all of my employees very nicely I have very little experience in it Hana being the first one but I think though that I mean I'm I'm kind of encouraging her to go to the US because I think it's at your age when I was that age which is when I first came to Japan kind of I think it was the same thing I had to get a little bit out of my comfort zone and go out and try something on my own and see if I could if I could be that mouse that churned that milk into butter okay you catch me if you can reference from from christopher walken when he tells that and tells that to DiCaprio as a kid yeah yesterday anyways you can go out there and you can be that Mouse that turns the milk into butter and stand on top of the mountain of cheese yes and all the Mounties will be jealous of you awesome but I want to be the kind of an employer who encourages people to try to do better and it's inevitable that people will leave you and you want to encourage that because I think if you set up a place this is my own philosophy a place a wholesome place with like milk where you can encourage people to do their best you're gonna have always the best people wanting to be a part of your community as well so I think it goes both ways and Hana has been a huge I've learned a lot you set the bar one because well you're the only one to set the bar yes but everything that she did was I didn't really have to explain too much she'd kind of got the idea of exactly what I was thinking and doing and I like that I think you could find as as somebody who is working for a company and if you're in the u.s. hire her because she has an as she she goes above and beyond she's very particular with the details but not in her way she tries to find a way to do it in your way and that was just the little details and everything you did just struck me like wow well beyond her time there was a moment in niigata where I was just I faked sleeping in the car and you were talking to the client not the client but - I was fix leapin I could hear everything she was saying and she sounded like she could be President someday I know yeah that might have rubbed off from your mom but I like to think it rubbed off from me I'm just totally playing this out I've never been am i never employed anybody I've always done this show all by myself and it was just the summer we kind of experimented and I wanted to see if I could bring in new people into the channel to try to improve it or grow it I think that's important to grow what you do in order to do that you have to bring in people and Hana is a budding creator this is one of the reasons that I liked about her Hana is a budding creator who is about to explode on the scene and yeah it's true you true you have doubled your subscriber base this summer doubled yes and Jim has just why am i shouting cuz I'm passionate Jim just Jim just wrote in the the link if you want to go in there and subscribe to your channel during this live stream she's going to surpass 1000 subscribers and for any creator that is an amazing achievement I remember my first thousand it was really a hard-fought battle of begging my friends and family please subscribe to get at least to a hundred and then after I ran out of friends which was very quickly I had to appeal to the to the viewers and make really good content and that's what you do um you put a lot of look she puts a little love in her content and she's like me in a way it just you can't you can't just whip it up and throw it on the internet which is what a lot of creators do she puts her time and effort and a lot of love into it and when you watch it you can feel the effort that she puts into her music videos but in order to survive on YouTube you have to create more content more frequently for a longer period of time and connect and you're a good person Hannah and I think people will connect with you so you have to share more of who you are not just through your music but have the courage to do it through your words talking and just like this I I'm not really I'm not perfect at this life format which it can be explained in some of the comments and I read all the comments even the critical ones but again I don't they just kind of bounce off of me I take it that's interesting mmm that has no basis so that that person's crazy and I believe that I can fry yes this is we were outside here's a little story we were outside walking at the Hanafi festival a few days a couple days ago sounds like it so for a few days ago it was so hot outside and we're all sweating and then like I just started busting out singing you know I believe I can fry I believe I can fry yeah I believe I can touch this sky the hot oil and I just I felt like a piece of battered shrimp frying and that's why the song song stuck it did like the batter - deep fried shrimp joke yes there's also the Nina Polly yeah you know Catan doll yeah this girl that we met a very nice girl pretty girl she had a name that sounded like a beat to me so he created Nina Cataldo Nina Cataldo Nina Cataldo Nina Catalan in aquitar this is like I mean you could sing a song based on her name you can't do that with my John dog it sounds like the background things it's not good yeah dun dun dah be Nina Cataldo Nina kaathal it's like this little little beats in the front everything is music it just boils down to music and beats and sounds and death exactly right so how would you rate me as a boss a leader on a scale of minus one to nine can I say beyond the charts beyond the charts no because there has to be chart there has to be a basis no one is a perfect ten but I will take a perfect nine so between minus one because we should be able to go below zero cuz there's some people that are not good one tonight one nine nine being a perfect night of course nine whoa whoa stroke stroke it yes bonus time bonus yes do it good you're like not just the boss you're like a friend you're a great friend and I think that's why people like you so much is because you're so approachable and friendly and that's why people see a connection with you because they're you're like their friend and I think that's kind of the basis upon which your community is based and that's why it it can be wholesome but that's what I think yeah I try to I am hooked well the one thing that I learned as I studied English literature in university of I got two degrees cuz I did I couldn't pick one so I did two cuz it cost the same amount of money in tuitions one of them is economics the other one is English literature and I was really close to one of my professors who became my advisor at the University and he told me when you write a story you have to write what you know because the reader will be able to realize that you're not really authentic this is about writing people can can relate to you by writing about what you know which is usually your own life or experiences that you have because you can feel that and as a writer that's very important this also works with YouTube and if you are if you tried to vlog and you're trying to copy someone else's style or copy another creator and go hey guys you're coming off as them and you have to find out who you are meaning you have to learn who you are I know who I am do you know who you are right there your music I knew who I am through and through cuz I have to live with myself every day I know can I just - you can't oh it's an Asha broad just rights in here that you've reached a thousand high five you did it that was one of my promise sis to her I said we're gonna fight and get to at least one thousand you get a four digits and behind each subscriber what there's a human there's a heart I like the way she says I learned from her there's a heartbeat to every subscriber on the Hana Victoria channel 8 j na is how you spell the name Haan na h is nice too but that's Hanna and your Ha Na you're different than Hannah Montana who is now she's the twerker right I don't know I'm I didn't get into the whole cultural twerking and dabbing I don't know what's going on in the US I'm stuck in Japan oh I know which is I think it's good for you to go somewhere else cuz you grew up here in Japan right yes I grew up here and for 18 years of my life I was here and not Tokyo but Yokohama and so every time I come back it's hits me with nostalgia and I love being here so much of course because I grew up here and every corner there's a memory I shared with a family or loved one or a friend but that's why I should go out into the world is because there's so much comfort here you know they say you should seek discomfort and I think it's cheesy but I think it's true I think you learned a lot from difficulties and not being surrounded by unfamiliar things so that's what I want to do and I'm so scared I'll tell you him to be honest there's so many uncertainties and you know the future is so blurry and that's very scary but it's like some of our live streams so blurry Minecraft's we're doing anyways and we go with the flow and that's really what you can do do your best in the moment so that's what I'm I'm doing yeah and thank you for all your support on my channel it really really means a lot and it blows my mind that a thousand people actually click Subscribe and you know watch my videos and I've run so many lovely comments and it's just like really helps build my confidence and of course I should have confidence on my own too without having the validation of other people but it really helps so thank you it helps when the community loves who you are as a but you can't expect everyone to love you and you can't expect to be perfect all the time but you can't expect one thing people will criticize you anyways and you just you learn from that right this good criticism bad criticism there's there's some truth in some of the people's trolling things but one episode or one one mistake does not define a person and a lot of you who are watching have had mistakes in your lives as well and that does not define you North Shore should it life is very long only in Japan main channel is a marathon not a sprint everything I do is is for the long run you build it strong that's why we have a really good community of people that's surrounded by surrounds this channel on the discord server on Instagram all the social media we really do have an amazing community of people you see them in the live streams all the time that are watching and that's that's who this song is for I think what's the title of this song this song is actually called I'm home and it's not really literally I'm home it's more like a symbol because the main message of the song is kind of bringing back like the child and me or preserving the child of me and you know as you grow older it's kind of inevitable that you become very realistic and how old are you I'm 21 okay yes okay okay you become very realistic and you don't really notice the little things but that's what a child can do they value imagination and they have dreams to be something and they can look at a flower or or be on an airplane and see the wonder of that and so the whole point of this song is to sort of bring that that spark of joy that you feel as a child back back home so that's kind of like the main message and the inspiration of this came from me wondering why as you grow older time seems to pass quicker I mean it's something that I've I've experienced since going to college is that every day just passes by zooms by so fast and an ear is just gone and like I can't even keep up with time and one sort of theory suggests that it's because we everything kind of becomes a routine and you don't have that fresh perspective as you do when you're a child so you don't find joy in writing an airplane or as much as before and so time kind of just zooms by you and so that's really the inspiration the core of the song and I just hope that in the video there are also some little tricks that I've put in that kind of whoa would like hopefully make you pause the video because there's some text that I would love for you to read and I've deliberately made it so that you kinda have to pause the video to read it so that's pretty smart yeah also goes with the message of the song so just like slowing it down you know it's so important yeah life moves pretty fast especially in social media it's good to just slow it down I read I you know I haven't read a book this year because I've been on the move so much and on on this smartphone so much they just released new smartphones with new cameras and new technology sometimes we do have to slow it down and I think yeah this is gonna be pretty good song for all of us I I've learned as I said I've learned a lot from Hana she's and this is another reason why I've had other Creators on the show I've had Erik just in the last couple of months Paulo and Erik surf six I think the reason is because you you get you learn a lot from each other as a creator and your your channel was small but it's getting bigger and bigger and it's for me it was really important to go back to the roots of why why and how I started only in Japan I never really forgotten it but you don't really feel it because the bigger a channel gets the more you can you can disconnect to what your mission is with the channel and I am always trying to reset myself and never letting it get get to your head when when fans come out that's what you know when fans will come out or a viewer will who notices me and go hey you're that guy in the on YouTube I like just like anybody who I would meet no matter if I was a youtuber or not would be the same way I think you have to kind of keep that up and it's really hard it's hard cuz this job can change you whenever you're in front of the camera or the media can change you so I'm hoping that this song sticks with you to Hana as you get your 1 million subscriber in a month from now people lining up you know keeping myself crowd undid it I think keep yourself grounded and so sometimes you know every every couple months I kind of look back to my first video that I made in the bamboo forest that was a good one yeah thank you and I I remember what that was like and just going in there not really knowing what to shoot just going in there with my guitar and camera and and really just believing in myself and believing in what I've created and just going with that I think that core is so important to keep in and already with the comments like that obviously been so encouraging but I know they're probably gonna be a couple like critical ones and I'm afraid that might like sway that core but don't ya so I will read them and ignore them exactly stay on course stay strong stay on target destroy the dead star stay on target all right we're gonna do this now without further ado we got 750 people so basically we filled up this entire amphitheater with you who's gonna be watching and this place is special to me because this is where can I did her dance when I introduced her to everybody and now this is a special place for Hana Victoria because you said these places bring back a lot of memories and when you come back to the point this is what I like to call the point this is one of the most beautiful locations in Tokyo if you're looking from a tile 80 Bosch e8e itai that's the name of this bridge here looking back at this island it looks like Manhattan in a way because this is a some of the really big skyscrapers this is an impressive spot to come and eat your lunch and relax this point between the two rivers that divide and I think this is a great place for Hana to sing because I like the lines right here and also sky trees in the back but we have a hazy day so you can't really see the sky tree I'm gonna be moving around you Hana so you just play just do do what you do best you really nervous do you need a minute to collect yourself joshua del Moral says you're a great guitarist Hana and when Edwin writes in everyone bribe Hana to stay definitely come in come in and do that Michael Kelley sub - Hana everyone's telling you not your broad rights in here 1000 reached so your channels growing right now cobra bebop rights in what up nice videos both of you Steven theis congratulations hot on 1000 Thank You Steven thank you also let a couple of days ago - and yesterday Gil it's always nice to hear from Gil it's not much of a police pass this on to Hana I will for her first meal to the US thanks a lot so we're gonna give you some money for your first meal when you get back in there awesome journey trials enjoy all the best and Jo GE kada rights in vibes Thank You Jo ji thank you all for the support and yes we will be making sure huh not does not go hungry yes States in fact we try to keep Hana behind the scenes doing stuff you could be on the internet you could be on the internet but really working anyways anywhere so we're gonna try to retain Hana as much as we can for as long as we can emails for John definitely I need help if you don't do it then can I have to do it and she's busy with the counting all right no you're taking on that duty all right let's do this Hana the microphone is this way so okay what's a cool which is called again it's called I'm home which is tag I mine Japanese at edema hi mom okay yes and it's a fully Japanese song but I hope that you can get something out of it it was just a feeling in the melody so yeah all right you did okay metal Tom Mooney kata matter ho ho ho cootie catcher ooh tsunami des Eaux Micucci gamma no naka no monogatari if ikkaku EB could include more iki Oh Cleo me guy do I know he she [Music] missiny to Sakai sort out a bit okie dokie okie sama Oh homie Coco no no hurry okay mother shall I forget you you ki khatti all da do my heart okay man [Music] [Music] ha ha [Music] [Music] Thank You Beto you donít go now got a Apple sheet oh honey go core I know god oh no gee you are in cottony nothing more but sit and I yo you know [Music] [Music] Nagase go Nina got it it'll go omikuji again no Kiseki fire me no Mahan he a Madonna Soto he saw sake my dad Danny okay [Music] [Music] [Music] that is I knew it that's Austrian away I was trying to I gotta I can only use the front-facing camera so it was really hard to do that because the microphone is here but that was really that was really good I know I said I already crack a smile that makes it authentic you did a good job you didn't fake any of it okay so I have this fix I always have a fake smile when I go onstage and everyone knows they go oh look he's just fake smiling much better than looking like a like a zombie sir yeah there you go great awesome that's a song all right very very soon um gem defense whoo thank you he said he wrote in number one so much thank you yeah that means a lot um yeah this song I've kind of incorporated also like a child's perspective world and also adults perspective world so I gotta try to symbolize that or you know represent that through the guitar as well when it gets kind of quiet and like a little scary a lot of people might not know what you're saying though because he cannot speak Japanese but in your views video you have subtitles yeah yeah so when does a video drop before I leave tomorrow Laura what you can drop this thing that fat would jump it tomorrow yes I promised you that so I pinkie promise all those people that are subscribing now make sure you notifications rod always not personalized every time and you're gonna see it and then you'll see the notification tomorrow because I think what you just heard is gonna be then translated in English you singing Japanese alright I do yeah so I think that's good the CC button because the subtitles will be there and I've also really thought about how to translate the lyrics you know do it justice you know in English too so right take a look at that yeah good good I think you could really feel feel the music and in the tone whenever a musician is singing the way that they sing it just the inflections up and down along with the tunes behind it you can really get especially if something is that like a ballad or how would you characterize that song I usually just see acoustic it's an acoustic an acoustic masterpiece yeah Adam Kenter writes in here does Hana know how to play any happy endings what was beautiful though I guess I don't know like like happy I know everything kind of just comes down to a very smooth ending right yeah I understand that because some of those when I live stream like this isn't a happy ending or I make it only Japan go channel I try to end always on a happy ending but music is different though you have to bring it down the lyrics is happy it's a very um wholesome ending um so hopefully you'll see that when you read the subtitles and you see the music video yeah and then Eric caller on hey Eric Vegas thank you very much and then under 1 1 3 5 honey arigato this cheered me up because I've been having a hard time recently how do you get over the tough times in your life yeah the tough times I really need to project myself in some way so I express myself through music or I write in my journal I have a journal that I keep very preciously so writing definitely writing a song is the way I channel out did have an outlet energy yeah exactly it helps me like process the experience too and take my time I need to recover from it yeah you have to I think everybody needs to have a hobby or something or something a passion in life there's out there's what are they out outlet there's outlets and then there's inlets for me I'll have an inlet first which is to eat lots of cheese and pizza and ice cream which is not good but you need an outlet so I'm gonna I'm a massive inlet of food when I get sad oh yeah it's not alcohol it's just beer and wait is that alcohol it's like mostly cheese anything with cheese is good ice cream anything with dairy rich cheese cake so that's all in one but like music and and also for me making only in Japan is an outlet this is where I can ice I don't think about anything except for what I'm doing right there so whatever it was on the outside that was affecting me just melts away and disappears because I'm focused on one task this is why I think like a lot of the jobs where you're just doing one or two things you can focus just on what you're doing in front of you and not worry about what was behind you or or like what's going on right now you just focus on what's in front of you and that's a good way for me that's how I reset and the older I get the more I realize it and the more easier it is for me to reset myself for better or for worse yeah so the emotions are different because you're 21 now Kerry Larson writes in it means happy and the band I didn't know that I haven't don't any of us read any reference to music bands I'm like what we don't know what's going on I appreciate it ray steel writes in you have you will be missed young lady we hope you we hope for your return if Hana does return it doesn't mean that she was she failed just means that she loves you know Japan and only in Japan guided fang over fang all rights in here for good japanese singing thank you very much from new zealand just very cool yeah at least if i missed anybody looks like we've caught up very good so thanks so much we're gonna do some QA yeah so how often how often can you make a song like right now you have a thought this is the one thing now you've built up a subscriber base you're into thousands which means now the expectations have skyrocketed no no no you can put your guitar away you can put your guitar away just just keep on talking yeah yeah I'd start I remember when I first passed 10,000 subscribers and back in 2013 you can put I mean if you want to just put everything away yeah yes they're pecking up when I passed 10,000 subscribers it was like a 2013 and there weren't a lot of subscribers at all back then and all I knew is that the the greatest youtuber at the time for me was Kevin it was Kevin Cooney Tokio Cooney was his name and he had like a certain amount and I'm like wow that's one quarter of what he has and I was just really in awe of each subscriber back then and now I'm even involved that we have a hundred and fifty one hundred and fifty-three thousand subscribers on this live streaming channel so I want to thank all of you in the community right now I'm seeing such an outpouring of love for hana who is leaving us but you know peter has also given up YouTube hana is leaving but you'll be back to visit yes yeah yeah it's your home and yeah I mean it's not like people leave but people will move on and you have to take a positive positive it's hard for me to be positive I promised myself I wouldn't try my mascara but I think though they're like I've had a pretty tutor that eventful life well I'm pretty good at just changing so even though you're leaving I have to adjust again and that's something that I have to do to I've been doing to survive as a freelancer I've never really worked in a big Japanese company I've always been out of here on my own so some of them used to but for these three months Hana I haven't been out here on my own I've had Hana yeah and that meant a lot to me so I really appreciate it thank you thank you very much public hug public display of affection so I really appreciate it I just want to show here some of these birds and maybe a tonka will arrive in my mind and all saya Tonka I met a 106 year old woman who was in she's now 180 I believe she was in an episode that I filmed on why Japanese lived so long and Allah was flying she just will come in mentally mentally she will just come up with songs sorry Tonka which are like a Japanese form of poetry like sort of like a haiku and she comes up with these Tonka's they just hit her like like God in the sky came down and gave her words right I know I have not I should put this up on the main channel I will in some outtakes but she came up with a Tonka while I was flying the drone she'd never seen a drone flown she's 106 and then here's a drone and I'm showing her on the monitor said this is you from the sky right this is you from the sky and she was just so emotional because she never thought that she'd see what a bird would see of her right so she felt she had a hundred and six year old the technology and allowed her to see herself from the sky as though a bird was looking at her and just she closed her eyes we thought she went to sleep she opened your eyes and just started speaking she just started speaking and she said a Tonka and and it was a Tonka about the drone and tomcod you know that time guys it's a short poem I'd sent a song it's a it's like a short poem of words and she's and she keeps her mind occupied which is one of her other secrets too for having such a long life she's always occupied with something she never she's never gets down she's a very positive person and she just opened your eyes and she smiled to her her one hundred six year old smile which is adorable it's like when you get to that age you become like a kid again and and she just said these words and I would I believe I filmed it and then after it I'm like what was that and then her daughter who's like in her like in her late 80s like what her daughter's like in her late 80s and then her and her granddaughters and her sixth in ur like up four 60s or something it's pretty cool I think it was amazing and her daughter and her daughter who's in her late 80s said that was a Tonka just rode a Tonka for you about your drone and for me it just struck me as like yeah for the first time this lady is seeing herself as a bird would have seen her and I didn't look at it that way so every single creator ever a lot of people will ask me who my who my favorite youtuber is who my favorite creator is I don't know who what my favorite food is in Japan when you say with favorites I can say this definitively I'd really have a favorite of anything because it's always changing and it's always evolving and that's the kind of person I've always been meaning I might like like one neighborhood but probably in two months later I'm gonna like another hit neighborhood more and I'm a I'm a product of my environment meaning I will just live off of the changes the energy of the change and that's what I feel what I bring is go when I go on a location shoots and see different people with different stories I live for that I live for the only in Japan maintained to look for stories and you've experienced that too because we have for the last three months we have been doing what what have we been doing really we've been just contacting a whole bunch of people doing a whole bunch of interesting creative projects and you know we've actually got to go to one of them which is was the cut acai festival that you were at that was a heart that was hard to set up it was hard but it was entirely worth it because I get to experience it's something that you have to go there really to experience but it's such a great position we are in that we were able to put that on video and have that into the world so that you can experience it too yeah that was the biggest fireworks firework in the world and we got a chance to see him loading it into the cannon making it so I'm really excited about that episode but the thing is I wanted I wanted Honda to go and see the process - and again like all this travel is made possible by patreon so I got to say thank you to a patreon I wouldn't have the budget to to hire anybody without the support from everyone on the channel so that all the effort that you're going to see over the next couple of months as a result of the support for the channel and what what I'm doing which is trying to do something a little bit different than other creators trying to bring more background and substance to the content I just can't produce it as fast even with the help I can't produce it as fast as I would like but I'm always gonna be trying to evolve the one thing and I'm gonna keep this going for like another five five or ten minutes there's a couple of things I want to say cuz there's a great time to do it because I'm right now I just love this boat mr. Dawson the house is it ethical John for you to drink with Hana it is totally ethical mr. das knows that whenever I see mr. das chime in I think Asahi super dry I know what he's talking I know exactly what is he purring I know exactly reason for a we're gonna be doing we'll be doing a walk up in a second but just it's time for us to pay our respects to another marvel well you see space book pass by it's not really called space book that's what I call it because it's just so cool um this is like to me I'm not sponsored by space book but I see the innovation and things I see the hard work that people put in the little details and I want I don't want that to go unnoticed and two days ago I watched the largest firework in the world go up into the sky and then it didn't actually had exploded on the ground and it was a it failed right the first one it was a failure and last night they did it again on TV live TV and it was a success but what it reminded me is that you have to have the courage to go out and do crazy things it is crazy and he said it was like it was like a like bah kimono like he was foolish to go out and try to make this is the creator of the of the biggest firework in Japan and in the Guinness Book of World Record was mr. Honda Honda son like the car but there's lots of Honda's in Japan he told me like it was just foolish they had the shock Adama which is ten times bigger than the normal firework okay ten times bigger and then they have the me shock Adama which is 20 Sansha Kodama which is 30 and then the young shock Adama which only he makes I believe he only makes it and it's it's insane but if you don't have these really big zin this is advice to young people like Hana who's 21 I'm 45 if you don't have big dreams and you don't try to do things they're a little bit crazy within the league within the law within the laws maybe not the laws of physics like like him but within the laws you don't ever really innovate or do anything bigger so he had this crazy idea to do what his father had done which was crazy the SunShot could so he created the young shot gaddama and as a higher fail rate but if you don't try you never really succeed and breakout it into this world it's all about innovating and coming up with something different a new angle a new way to see things and he did it with size and other people might do it with technique that just really impressed me despite failing when I saw it I was still very very moved by just the whole story of it because when you know the background of something that is what you connect with not just what you see in front of us because the moment is so fast and I loved what Honda sons head after we got to meet with him a little bit after the you know Yoshioka comas failed and he said well it's made by hand so of course it's gonna be imperfect and I found so much beauty in that because we as humans are imperfect to begin with and so whatever we make of course it's gonna be imperfect but you never know it might go off and might not and so having that mindset and knowing that it could fail but still doing that every year is mind-blowing and really inspiring to me yeah I was really impressed with Honda after the after it failed we went back to his he's extremely busy guy the guys like like like a king in the town really because he's he's got a statue of his father in at the shrine and he's a very much respected person and he gave I said I gotta go back to Tokyo tonight or tomorrow morning early so I won't see you again and he gave me a hug and I didn't ask him to explain but he explained himself in it he goes look when you make stuff by hand might a day right making when it's handmade like this sometimes it fails but the way he said it it was positive yeah and I think that he's learned a lot by trying to push his boundaries even though you might fail in the US and come back exactly no shame no regrets but you try you made a young Chuck Adama exactly and try to make it you take them out of me four times 40 times the size of a normal fire exactly yeah but you know if I end up coming back here I will still be proud of myself fully proud of you thank you and we'll be proud of you when you come back and we'll have even more subscribers and more bit more bass to hire you full time as as a director of as a director of something yeah yeah I don't know our company's still growing actually I've owned a business in Japan since 20 2005 yeah so I've had a actually established business because I knew that if I was gonna stay in Japan I can't do that without establishing myself and in Japan you can't just have a business like in the United States that takes off you need to build a reputation it takes a decade before you start to make money which is true I cuz I didn't make it I lost I lost thirty thousand dollars creating this business but you just keep going and you keep going and you stay positive and then you start to see some results and I think that everything that you see with only in Japan is is just a result of very very persistent see through failure and being humble you have to be humble and you have to realize that you're not going to be able to do everything that you want but you should still set really lofty goals leap of faith I believe I can fry I I believe in myself yeah and when other people including TV networks Japanese TV networks even NHK they didn't really believe in me I still believed in me I said that's what I create the channel because I thought I could do better than NHK it's like all you directors you won't hire me as a director but guess what I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna do it myself I'm gonna prove you wrong I can go out and I can make a pretty darn good episode too I could do what you do you think I can but I can't I knew that I could do it I kind of I think I did I did a pretty good job I can always do better always evolving I'm I want to stay right here for a second in the Sun so we get so he could get sunburned and you can go to the USA and they're gonna look at your passport he goes this year you're so ground any questions for Hana here any questions before we let let you go into the world david camuto's hat here good luck Hana from David we love David David's always here thanks David are you coming back she is cuz her mom is here yes so she's always gonna come back to visit family and now she's part of the only in Japan family yes which state are you going - I'm going to the District of Columbia which is UCC yes good singing the politicians and make them feel like this should do the job some of them are some yeah do you have a patreon you should probably set that up and people will help you because I would like to see you do get up update your equipment last year she got a MacBook Pro to edit on and then hopefully you can update your camera there's some new cameras that came out some better audio yeah and get the gear and then be able to make shows more frequently because I think you have a different point of view people who are 21 I'll be honest Hana they don't make really quality most people don't make really quality content they're in it for a cheap view but you're not I think that's something unique that people of all ages would watch so it's good to be Hana will be a house of card I'm reading them on that yeah neighbor just a fairy Washington State yeah yes so Washington State's all in the West Coast you might go to California yes I will be in LA in October my auntie relative lives there so I'll be staying with her and trying to you know find some doors yeah find some connections I'm very very excited it's it's an adventure I'm seeing it from a child's perspective a child would see this as a huge adventure not a scary overwhelming thing exactly that's like oh I think if you go to California there's a lot of people with that can speak Japanese and have a Japanese background yeah you should maybe do some performances see if some places will book you yeah open mics or even more cuz you got a thousand subscribers now its power to come Hana you're creating your own community now which is great so yeah see if you can get see if you can open up your world that way to entertainment business in California's rough though it'll beat you up but the lessons you learn are important yes it's important I've learned those lessons here working with TV I learned them I learned that people are very pessimistic and they'll kick you to the curb and better make but people either quit or they get tougher right I like to think I got tougher cuz you have no choice you either quit or you get tough and I got tough that she is on she is on the she is on the only in Japan discord server so we can talk to her about her own discord server yeah what do you like about Japan Hana she's Japanese so she likes her citizenship you can vote um ha that's a very difficult question you know of course I love the food of course I love the people you know but for me it's it's the familiarity of it it's going outside going to Yokohama and recognizing each building and recognizing how some buildings have have changed and maybe a new paint has come on or thing noticing those differences and just the home it's just home for me so that in the memories that lie here are immense and being able to speak Japanese is one of my favorite things ever collage I I really miss it when I go to the States or go outside of Japan when I can't speak Japanese because it's what I use to communicate with my friends and so it's my way of speaking informal I think I'm interrupting a little bit I think that's an opportunity to make like a Japanese speaking channel for people who are interested in Japan to make a channel teaching the words in which you sing through lyrics maybe you can break down said she loves music she loves to crew to create herself I'm also a creator meaning I I don't I'm not into I I make my own songs like I believe I can fry because yeah I like to make up my own song so when I go to karaoke I'll just won't play any music and just start singing but for me it's about the creativity and seeing what you can create instead of imitating what other people do like COD okay I'm not really big on it because I don't I'm not really if I'm a fan of some artists I like I don't see a lot of originality in the world but you can take but you could take a lot of the lyrics and then teach from that I'm trying to think of ways using music where you can build a channel I think that'd be really great and and whenever you make content for people you have to add value to it you have to learn something from it I think or else it you're wasting the worst thing you could do when you make content is to waste somebody's time with watching it either you get a cheap laugh or giggle or you make them forget about something that's entertainment or you could do that and they learn something and that's when they subscribe so I don't know there's lots of things that you could do if you have any ideas yeah advice for Hana is some of these river boats go by leave them in the comments below because I think it's really useful for Hana to learn from as well as on her own videos what you have 1080 subscribers now are you serious no I'm joking no of course I'm serious let me pinch you okay it's not really a pinch I'm afraid because that could be considered a workable offence if I I don't want to get in trouble I don't know you're awake okay good consistent work because the songs really are very unpredictable and they're based on my experiences and you don't know what's gonna happen in life so yeah to have something that I can create consistently yeah that's what you're walking this way I think I think there's a song you call called ripple where you came up with your creative process and she explains a little bit about how the creative spirit is ebbing and flowing and sometimes you feel like it's not there and then sometimes it hits you but whenever I got I never really get in a writer's block or creative block anymore because I learned this you fight through it you just create something and then the next thing will come to you the moment you stop and go out that that's come into me if you failed it's like a marathon I've run in about 10 10 marathons I've run in a lot of marathons and the one thing I learned is if you ever stop after you've get into like the 25 or 30 kilometer mark you'll never be able to start again because the muscles get tight right so you always have to keep running always put one foot in front of the other and then you get to the goal but the moment you stop is when everything starts to tighten up and it gets worse so Creator has to always create you always have to do something that's how you get over a writer's block and create his block just right go open up a book and just start writing the words of a master right and then it'll start coming back to you right just as long as you don't stop and then get sad go to the dark side lose your hand learn Vader is your father no it doesn't yeah it's a part that it's a part that makes people question that they learn the most from so not everything has to have a meaning right so just learn from nirvana I don't think half their lyrics had meaning but I like it made me think about other things yeah it's the the thing I learned I'm not us I'm not a writer like of music but everybody will interpret something their own way right alright so there's no one way to interpret something the way you sing it and the way you hope that your audience will learn from it is not actually what's going to happen they're gonna find their own voice within your music and it's it that's about that you can explain it but sometimes that ruins it I don't know like I know I meant it for the people to think this way you can't ever do that you let people and it takes a life of its own and that's when things go big sometimes people will see things in your music that you didn't know existed that's what I like I well I came over here for one reason I just wanted to show you the point that we were singing at and this is a good place to say goodbye to the people who have been here Jim writes in here hello hi 8:21 good luck Hanna we miss you here all the best Jim she's coming your way west code East coast/west coast across to the across the pond to the United States that she'll be working hard but yeah she'll keep on working with with me digitally yes but we won't see her until she comes back to visit probably at holidays or something yeah probably hopefully beginning of the year is my ideal so that's only a couple months away so yeah we'll see what happens we'll go with the flow you know just ride the wave of life there's actually a supermarket over there but we're gonna keep the live stream on hon has music in doubt my desire for it açaí super drive because mr. das it is very very hot it is very very hot today in Tokyo it's kind of unusually hot day so there you go everybody I want to say thank you once again to Hana for the hard work she put it in this summer you set the bar once again and I will be I am now looking to hire a new assistant here in Tokyo but remember you have to be as good or or better than Hana which will never happen so just saying that in advance yeah it means a lot to the next person that replaces you but nobody but you're irreplaceable the sky tree is also irreplaceable and despite the haze it's starting to make its way out a little bit over the Sumida River sincerely though thank you so much for all that you did and for us and the community in the last few days of live streams have been epic and people have really enjoyed yeah I don't use that word a lot they people have really enjoyed your smile and your positivity and every time you show you every time you produce something it makes people feel good so don't give it up yeah subscribe your channel the link is in the description and also in the chat and also in the comments below and watch our new song coming out tomorrow 24 hours bye from Tokyo see you next time Hana see you next time probably tomorrow
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 26,738
Rating: 4.9018989 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, youtuber, office, job, position, help wanted, internship, intern, tokyo, hana victoria, hannah, japanese, performance
Id: 7Qzkk363kwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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