Shawn's Circle PIZZA RESTAURANT by OSMO + Coding Jam #8 | DOH MUCH FUN

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this is an ad for Osmo Oh oh my goodness customers we are here with the Osmel family of games so to play the Osmo games you actually have to start with a starter kit a genius starter kit creative starter kit seriously or a little genius starter kit which game do we want to play today you could be a detective you can draw with one of these super studios or we have Pizza Co or coding Aubie or coding gym you get to make music let's pick two this one pizza Co and coding Jam we'll go with the creative starter kit which actually has games in it as well okay but I think if we're gonna do pizza we should teleport to a pizza restaurant want to do teleport we have to let's just squeeze our boxes okay one two three go the dough much fun pizzeria oh my goodness guys look dude there's a brick oven pizza in there is it a pizza oh man this is gonna be perfect let's get the Osmo you want to start with it with the starter kit all right let's get it all right we got Osmo here then we've got our Osmo base and then we've got the reflector for the camera to see what we're doing yeah you do clear the table is that one working in this place yeah pizza cook in the pizza box no we need that yeah and I have an osmosian oh let's see oh thank you all right so we've got our money we've got our toppings our pizza are we ready all right let's open up shop hello Sean the pizzas shop is yours let's make a pizza tasty I can't read that quick here comes the topping delivery oh goodness do we got mushrooms fish peppers pineapple okay so he wants a mushroom pizza so using the camera and this little mirror right here hi Sean we get to put our pizza right here and we have to match it exactly so there you go you got one right there let's pop in another mushroom nice and one more now we're cooking it I'm off to vacation happy pizza baking no dude he's leaving his whole shop up to us oh no it says we have to pay the rent we have to make money we can't just like play around hey I'm serious dude okay goals pay the rent grand Oh oh here we go do your first customer oh he said he just wants cheese oh he likes it he was checking it out oh no do you have another customer but what does he want look you want smush room I know oh he's happy Hey oh dude where's the other pizza oh you have to flip it in order to serve it you have to flip it over and let the camera see it yes oh six bucks he's leaving Oh bye okay where was this she likes it flip it flip the beat says she needs to come out oh look it's a duck yes seven bucks oh oh she wants change she gave us a ten if she gave us a ten no you can't give her a ten back that means a free pizza flagon what's ten minus seven one it's three you need to give her three dollars change look see says it right there a new green how much is that please no no you gave her too no now you gave it you gave her an extra dollar bag we're gonna go broke you can't give people the wrong change sorry do I know honey dude no one is coming to our restaurant I had two customers we need to make money what do we do I don't lose it oh we need a live band no logic Wow or how about a live band so not a live man yeah what if we get people that will play instruments yo music okay fine so what is your idea join G coding Jam dude that's brilliant open up coding Jim no not like that oh my goodness you ripped this beautiful box let's put our pizza stuff aside real quick in order to get customers we need live music that's not how you open boxes oh yeah I'm up a pizzeria we need to do coding Jam we need to have live music to get customers because there's no customers any look there's no customers we'll do the side says pizza here huh you don't care I got in okay it's starting yeah oh my goodness I'm so nervous is my first live band you need orange we should put oranges on the pizza maybe that's why we get customers no let's use this oh here we go yeah yeah nice flat surface it's a little Osmo dry erase board that you can use because these are magnetic - alright so here we are in the studio let's pick our musical character who do you want to choose him so we have orange circle blue and red so if we do the orange and we have the arrow facing right it's gonna be that instrument here that Oh where'd you get a cookie from can I have a bite no no you got a sphere and you put the arrow left it chooses that one now we put orange left and blue left oh you hear that and then look you can even repeat something like let's say you want the blue to repeat two times look see that OH now red want to do red down let's let it choose down here five times let's see what that sounds like not bad but I don't think this is gonna get us any customers let me try one I'm gonna go a red on the bottom and then go with blue on the bottom and then I'm gonna go orange on the bottom and then back to blue on the bottom here we go I'm at the pizza place but where my pizza at i see no customers maybe they in the back he be the pizza man his name is Shawn I don't like mushrooms but throw them on I eat them anyway eat pizza every day Osmo is where it's at so many ways to play oh did you like our song oh she liked our song okay so you want cheese pizza you know what though I want to have a little fun let's throw some olives on there oh okay okay calm down we're just kidding we know you like corny pineapple she's not impressed who knows you want pepperoni listen oh she does not like this who kick you're eating this yes [Applause] no she's leaving okay this we just got customers and now he lost customers hello any other customers please don't leave a bad review the pizza was okay he left a bad review no and he's preoccupied with fixing our pizza table see without you we wouldn't have good tables at our restaurant Thank You Shawn how much money did we make today shine well done and fifty cents willing me $12.50 whoa all right so I don't think that's gonna be enough to pay the rent oh we still need 38 bucks to pay the rent I don't know about you but I'm tired after day one I'm not working anymore I worked hard thank you yeah and after you work hard you get to play hard thank you no not day two at work we got a have we got a relax when I go back to work no not day - why do you want why are you such a hard worker we should have a little fun and do some drawing wanna do that so this is actually a really cool game here use these markers and this dryer oh look at that so check this out here's what we do Shawn you use a marker and now look to those little orbs coming down we have to draw in real time ready watch it boom that look and we're almost filled up but some of them aren't quite making it so we need to make a little block then oh no why not just John the security I make the drive out here okay oh that's a no look God okay that's a bad line let's try that again there we go nope yes almost filled up here we go alright that's cool right round two he's shooting it down there and I'm gonna make a little bouncer boom I can actually probably send them a certain way - we need something to hit that fan right there let's erase this and let's send the ball this way good job we did it fine I need you to do level three all by yourself Oh all by yourself can you do it all right he says he could do it so now you have to get those orbs to these things oh goodness dude I don't I'm not I'm not sure I'm not sure about that yeah why don't we start over whoa look at that if it is just back of this looking at the brick design oh it's backward okay oh goodness already go okay oh we got that one now let's erase this right there yes keep going yes puppet oh no we know that fan I missed that one take your socks off it's so random yes yes yes yes yeah fantastic we did it I'm tired I had it we had a long day right I'm gonna go take a nap what about you yeah all right guys we will see you later thank you so much for watching but that is all for today on Shawn's circle whoa I like that man [Music]
Views: 19,410,942
Rating: 4.5358162 out of 5
Keywords: chase's corner, doh much fun, shawns circle, fgteev chase, funnel vision chase, toys, toys review, unboxing toys, kids cooking, kids toys, disney toys, pretend play, clarence, osmo creative kit, osmo pizza co video, osmo genius start kit, osmo games, osmo coding jam
Id: Va6GNqxlzog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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