Pastor Shawn Jones, "It's Not Over Yet"

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] michael chapter seven now if you're in malachi or matthew you're in the wrong place [Music] micah chapter seven for your glory michael chapter seven look at verse seven i will do [Music] anything just to see you [Music] true behold you wet by your glory it's really all about his glory i will do i will do anything she'll want to see you not about me but it's all about you i don't know anything you wanna be where you are have you ever been in that place where you just told god i gotta be where you are i'm tired of fake friends and and fickle family wanna be where you watch gotta be well look at look at michael chapter seven for your glory if the glory hits the house tonight i'm good i'll do i'll do anything just want to see you [Music] yeah michael chapter seven look at verse seven when you finally say uh-huh still look and say wait on me we all together the bible gives us this intelligence therefore i will look to the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation for my god will hear me somebody say he's gonna hear me here yeah verse eight says do not rejoice over me all of my enemies that's that's enough to preach right there he says to his enemies don't get happy when you see me down he says because when i fall i will arise when i sit in the darkness the lord will be a light to me verse 10 and i'm done with this then she who is my enemy will see and shane will cover her who said to me where is the lord your god my eyes will see her now she will be trampled down like mud in the streets can you say amen that's enough you can be seen in the presence of god the grass with us and the flowers fade but the word of our god shall stand forever look back at verse eight because that's what i'm gonna build this message around for the next 18 minutes says do not rejoice over me my enemy when i fall i will arise do not rejoice over me my enemy when i fall i will do not rejoice over me my enemies when i fall i will arrive i don't talk for a moment tonight using another subject it's not over yet it's not over yet just look at somebody and tell them it ain't over yet it ain't over uh that was a hater find a celebrator somewhere in the room and just tell them it's not over yet it's not over yet brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen saints and sinners yogi berra was one of the greatest baseball icons in recent history when you understand anything about yoga bear where you understand nerdy that this man played both for the new york yankees in 1946 and he played for the new york nets mets in 1965 talk about yogi bearer cardwell he set the record for the most home runs of anybody in the game 313 and all right set the records for the most consecutive errorless games 148 his lifelong career as a player as a manager and eventually a coach culminated with his election into the baseball hall of fame you understand beloved that many times in his career although he was the best he was not faced with the best of times you understand that yogi bearer faced times when the base were loaded and and the odds were stacked up against him he he faced an irritating clock who was ticking down to the last second and he knew that time was running out and even in those times yogi had some kind of determination that just would not let him quit when things got hard uh the reporters suggest that there were many times that the reporter would stick a microphone in his face when it looks bad and they say to him mr yogi it looks like you're gonna lose this one tonight it it looks bad ain't no way you're gonna come back from that what do you have to say they they said mr yoga the bases are loaded you're down by five and we're in the last quarter of the game the last inning ain't no way he said what do you have to say and history says that yogi was a man of very few words and his only reply to the reporters no matter how bad the thing looked his only reply to the reporters was it's not over till it's over y'all ain't gonna talk and just for a moment tonight i thought that we'd have a real conversation i i thought it'd be good if we just let our guards down and just come out of our closets of fake and phony i i thought just for a moment tonight i could preach to the cupid real baptist church and i i thought i'd ask somebody in the keeper real baptist church tonight how is your spiritual battle working out i i just want to have a conversation tonight how are things what does it look like the enemy is winning the battle against you come on y'all talk now i know it ain't i know i didn't charge you to admit that the devil is whooping you're behind i know i know it's charging to say that whenever somebody asks you how you doing the churchy thing to say is i'm blessed and highly y'all ain't gonna talk but most of us are lying most of the time because uh y'all like i'll talk now i wanted to ask you tonight how is life going for you does it look like the devil is stealing some basis in your life let's just talk do it look like sometimes the devil is stealing bases in your relationship and the one that you used to couldn't live without now you find a hard time trying to live well yo y'all ain't gonna talk to me i thought i thought i'd ask you is the devil stealing basis in your health you didn't even see it coming the devil just attacked your body out of nowhere you you went for a regular checkup and the doctor told you something you did not y'all they gonna talk to me tonight how is the devil is the devil stealing some basis in your finances you you know what you constantly find yourself having more bills than you got benjamin's and at the end of your money you still got mo month left y'all y'all ain't gonna preach with me tonight i thought i just asked you to look like the enemy is stealing some basis and if that be the case i came with the good news for you tonight and the good news is there's no reason for you to give up because it ain't over till it's over yeah i tell you to just tell somebody it's gonna get better come on i just need 20 of you all to help your boy tell somebody it's going to get better i know you're down now but it's going to get better i know you're struggling now but it's going to get better i know the enemy is putting something on your behind now but it's going gonna get y'all they gonna preach to me tonight ah you gotta learn how to tell yourself because sometimes like tonight you sit by the wrong neighbor and that neighbor don't wanna encourage you but when you really got the thing you don't need no neighbor to encourage you you've learned how to encourage yourself and tell yourself it's gone it's gonna get better and some of you said to me yeah john yeah yeah john that's easy for you to say but you don't know how bad i'm going through you said john you don't know what kind of situation i'm dealing with said john you don't know that now i'm stressed out i'm about to lose my mind jones you don't even know that my bills are behind and don't even know where the money is gonna come from jones you don't even know that folk don't like me that don't even know me you don't even know folk talk about me that ain't never talk to me and you don't know i got a hard time sitting by folk i know don't like me and i gotta act like everything is all right and i say to you tonight no i don't know what you're going through but i do know who's going through it with you come on i ain't got no church i said i know who's going through it with you and when you got the right one going through it with you so what so what jones that you're in the last quarter of the game so what the bases are stacked so what the clock is running out can i tell you i serve it gone yeah yeah that can stop time i know i know it's got one second on the clock but i know god that can stop time step in turn it around so and so in those moments when you feel like you're behind apostle paul says in those times you've got to press towards the mark okay okay okay there's not no time to throw no pity party there ain't no time to feel sorry for yourself it ain't no time to quit just because you're behind that only means you gotta press a little bit harder would you just touch your neighbor and tell them you gotta press harder come on ah come on tell them press on i know you're stressed out but just press on i know you're depressed but just press on i know you get lonely but just press on i know you get confused but just press on i know you got enemies on your track but just press on i know sometimes you put your hand in your your head in your hand and make you want to cry but whatever you do just press i need some help in this house that's had to press your way through with chills in your eyes you had to press your way through with no money in your pocket you had to press your way okay okay okay okay okay here's why here's why he says i press towards talk man talk to words mean there's something in front of you he said he said so i'm forgetting i feel like i'm a priest tonight what's behind look at that he says i'm pressing stewart the press suggests that there's some kind of opposition oh god oh god that's keeping me from moving forward i don't know if you've ever been there but you you tried to take one step forward look like something worth it listen listen so so so real why why should i press here's why here's why um because the future is your reservoir of gladness okay that shot right over your head ah let me tell you why you still have joy in the midst of your situation because your joy netted is not predicated on your present situation your joy is predicated on a future manifestation that means just cause i'm going through now i'll still praise him cause y'all ain't saying i ain't praising for where i am i'm praising from where i'm about to go okay okay and you said john you you making this stuff up no no cause cause psalm 107. put on bible ground tonight psalm 107 2 says let the redeemed of the lord say so now now i understand who hath past tense yeah half redeemed us from the hand of the enemy no more about that too fast don't one pass that too fast that word redeem means to buy back at what redeem means to pay off now understand you got to understand that when the psalmist wrote 107. nobody had been redeemed yet oh my oh my oh no no sir no sir you you didn't get redeemed until jesus came and paid the price all right so when the psalm says let the redeemed say so what he's telling them is to speak those things that be not your y'all help me in other words you ain't redeemed yet but just start speaking like you redeem you ain't no millionaire yet but just start talking millionaire talk you ain't got the house yet but just at your angles [Music] you start telling folks i'm a millionaire i'm a millionaire i just don't have the money yet huh i'm a homeowner i just ain't got my keys yet i said i see he says let the redeemer in other words speak it by faith all right all right now now that's what faith is faith is this yeah y'all know what the set stands that's it yeah a things hoped for and and the evidence of things not seen faith deals with what you can't see y'all ain't helping me tonight you understand you understand understand that when you tell when i tell you the devil does not use faith the devil is not a faith devil the devil is a flesh devil that's why the devil don't tip you in your spirit the devil tempts you in your flesh because the devil knows he can't handle you in the spirit so he'll pull you out of you he'll pull you out of the spirit and get you to move in the flesh because once you get in your flesh the devil will whoop you every time y'all ain't gonna talk that's why paul said you gotta crucify your flesh daily and come alive in the spirit and understand this tonight the devil is so slow that he does not really know who you are the devil can't look at your spirit because your spirit is too bright with the glory of god and so the devil will try to do stuff and pull you into the flesh y'all ain't gonna help me preach tonight can i tell you whatever you do just stay in the spirit because as long as you're in the spirit you got that m.c hammer thing can't touch this y'all real saved tonight listen listen the devil can't see faith but the devil can't see flesh [Music] the devil can't see faith but the devil can see a bad doctor's report oh he can see that dog can't see faith but the devil can see past through bills and so what the devil says he can't see faith he'll maximize what he can see so you'll minimize what you can't see y'all ain't gonna help me and so whenever the devil tried to maximize what you can see make that minimal and make your faith maximal i got bills i can't pay that's y'all that's minimal but my god shall supply all of my i ain't got no help in this one i'm sick that's minimal but by his stripes i'm already watch this out watch this out so so so watch this that's why that's why the bible says put on the whole the whole armor of god you thought i was making this up but did you know that one of the main components in the armor is the shield wow wow wow of faith that's it that's it now you understand a shield is something that hides you i just told you devil can't see hey wow wow whenever you put up your shield of faith shield is something that blocks so when the devil throws stuff your way oh god oh god the devil want to know why it didn't knock you down he didn't see i had a shield some of your enemies wonder why you're still doing as good as you doing and why you still look as good as it baby they don't know that i got a shield you always touch don't never tell them i got a shield that's why the last light didn't work cause i had a shield that's why the last trap didn't work cause i had a sh [Music] so and so watch this now watch this and i i gotta hurry 8 52. now watch this look look at the text the text said the text said therefore verse seven i don't i don't have a longer treatise tonight son be a preacher verse seven says therefore i'm in verse 7. i will look to the lord he says i will wait uh for the god of my salvation watch this verse 7 i got happy when i saw it he said my god will yeah hear me notice beloved no notice tonight notice the language in the text it's not a question it's not a probability when he says the lord will heal me that's a statement of faith okay okay see we've changed the bible we we we we say i wonder will he but the text said he will y'all ain't hearing me y'all ain't hearing me michael said he will hear me and so it's not a speculation it's a proclamation that he's going to do it i said what's this what's this and talking like that will make some folk mad it will it will when you start talking boldly about what god will do people who have not graduated to your level of maturity will begin to think you arrogant y'all ain't gonna talk they'll get an attitude and they'll answer who you think you are but next time somebody asks you who you think you are your question to them ought to be how much time do you have if you want to know who i think i am it's going to take me a while y'all ain't you ain't got time for me to tell you who i am don't you never tell them you must not know me come on y'all you scared tell them you must not know me you don't know that when i pray god answers my prayer you don't know that i've got a relationship with him okay okay okay he says he says and and my god make it plain in here tonight watch this there's two parts to that he says my god that's personal but not only is it personal my god it's prophetic because he says will hear me those things in the future yeah which suggests because he's personal i can prophesy over my own life if i didn't know him like i know him i need the preacher to prophesy to me but there comes a time you gotta y'all y'all there you get to be a big boy in the spirit and you ain't got to run up in everybody's prayer line letting everybody lay hands on you looking for a word from god cause you got to a place where he speaks to me y'all ain't gonna talk to him he's my god y'all listen listen listen i i got some kids and ain't nobody in this room got to tell my kids what i'm going to do why cause they mine you ain't gotta tell sean junior your daddy said do this cause he's mine and he's been with me long enough yes sir he knows what his daddy can do i just need somebody that's been with your daddy long enough now that you don't let pastor bill shake you up you you don't let haters shake you up you you don't let sickness mess you up cause he's you [Music] oh lordy okay okay okay okay okay watch this now watch this now he says he says he says my personal god will prophetic because when you have the proper knowledge of god and you've been acquainted with god there's some stuff you just ought to know okay okay next time you get sick listen y'all been saved 30 years what's wrong with you you should know it by now my mind some stuff yes sir you all know by now i think that's why the three human boys when when nebuchadnezzar told what they're gonna do to he said don't don't don't even have to think about it twice my god will deliver us but here's when you know you really got it going on he said but even if he don't i still know he's able and you get to the place where your god even if you don't do it i still knew [Music] okay okay let me hurry up son he says he says my god will when the devil comes at you and i'm i'm hastening to a close now with everything he's got all you got to do is telling me my god it's it's more than a confession it's really a possession yeah i've got an online bank some of you tonight here's what you need to do you you need to move from confession to positions if you got online banking tonight as soon as you get in your car a daily just open up your accounts and say three words my god will come on y'all they help me what will he do he will supply him he will bless me so much i gotta bless somebody else if you got sickness in your body lay your hands on your own self and say my god will by his stripes i'm already here y'all ain't gonna help me tonight here you gotta get to that place where you know my god will and when you know god will it don't even matter who else won't y'all [Music] listen when you know god will it it delivers you from kissing folks [Music] you don't like what i'm saying but i'm gonna say it anyway when you know what kind of backup you got you ain't gotta dance to nobody's music you ain't gotta scratch what you don't itch you ain't got y'all they say nothing here [Music] cause some of us do stuff because we feel like if we don't do it then that certain person will shut a door that we need but when you understand who your god is if you don't like it and you shut the door god's gonna open up a window yeah y'all ain't gonna talk it really delivers you from public approval that's good that's good when you when you're unsure about what god will do you got to walk easy my man pastors pastors some of these churches when you don't know who's really taking care of you some stuff you can't even preach y'all they y'all they said you you can't say nothing that's gonna make your biggest tire the man because they might negro if you leave god got five more gonna come because one market ain't gonna stop god so [Music] somebody just holler god will god okay okay i'm done i'm done but look at this verse i've been here thank you bishop i've been here long enough um verse eight says look at it i'm done thank you says do not rejoice over me i'm finished oh my enemies i said he said when i fall that's what he said i think that's where maya angelou got it from because the text said i will arise he said he says when i sit in the darkness don't you laugh cause the lord's gonna lighten it up for me let me be honest i love this text ladies and gentlemen i love this more than the 23rd song i love this more than john 3 16 because the text says to me that even if i fall he says tell my enemies don't y'all get happy too fast he says when i fall put the facebook status don't get happy too fast cause you saw me fail but don't you walk away cause i fail just stick around long enough and you're going to see me get back up again i need some help in this room just watch god lift you back up again [Music] okay just touch somebody tell them i'll get up again come on no that was a hater come on find somebody that's got some faith and tell them i'll get back up again come on [Music] so that's 902 i told you i was going to be done that [Music] i told you i'm going to be done and so i'm gone tonight but uh the text says that uh that i may fall but the text says i will arrive again did you hear me and you know i'm gone tonight but uh i was just standing here and i start thinking i can remember when i was a little boy and my mother bought me a toy that was a plastic punching bag can the church say yes can the church say yes lord oh good god almighty mama bought me a punching bag and every time i punched that bag it would go down but pop back up again can the church say yes every time that thing would go down but pop back up again and i wanted to know i wanted to know how that thing wouldn't stay down and i never will forget it bishop dawns one day i picked that thing up because i wanted to know i wanted to know why it wouldn't stay down and when i picked it up i discovered that there was something on the inside of it that wouldn't let it stay down good night not y'all but your enemies they may want to know why they won't stay down it is because they got something on the inside can i get a witness here is there anybody here that's got something on the inside what is this that make me feel good inside what is this that make me laugh when i ought to be crying whatever it is it just won't let me be ashamed good night not children but do me one favor and i'll let you go i'm gonna let you go do me one favor if you're not to me if you're not too seddi if you're not too sophisticated if you're not true never now oh do me one favor shake your hand and shake somebody's hand come on shake somebody's head but don't shake their hand like that contagious don't shake their hair like they got a disease but hold their hand with some wow oh their hair with some power in your head said neighbor i've got a feeling that everything is going to be all right is there anybody here you want to make it all right [Music]
Channel: Restoration Baptist Church MGM
Views: 10,491
Rating: 4.9253731 out of 5
Keywords: Restoration Baptist Church, Clarence Stewart, Shawn Jones, Shawn Jones & The Believers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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