DELTARUNE SHATTER CRYSTALS | What is Gaster's motivation?

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so as I established in my last video delun flushes out the diic logistics of connection between the real world and the games world that uniquely goes deeper than the meta narrative scene in undertale as I said in that video this is done by diagetic connecting the player to the game what I want to focus on in this video is the mysterious character or rather disembodied voice which manages his connection if you had the title to this video you already know who I and any other rational person believe this is and that is gaster which I can guarantee that you will agree with after watching this video so that asked the question what does he have to gain from connecting this otherworldly being to his reality or in other words why did gaster connect the player to Delta run now I'm sure that set off head Cannon alarms for at least a few of you but I can assure you that every aspect of what I just said will be explained in this video as in this video I plan to scour every crevice of delun with even the slightest of gaster residue since sadly that's just the current state of theorizing about gaster all evidence surrounding him can be put into two groups ones that are directly connected to him and ones that are indirectly connected to him and given the scarcity of direct evidence it's inevitable that basically any claim further than gaster has something to do with Delta Rune will have to at least dip its to toes into indirect evidence so think of this video like building a wall the bricks won't stand on their own so I'll need to fill in the gaps with some soft mortar to be able to aggregate the raw materials of the evidence into the actual finished product of this Theory because of this the analytical part of this video will be divided into two parts indirect evidence the mortar and direct evidence the bricks everything that these pieces of evidence establish I'll be recording on this brain rottom meter I found in the garbage to express the actual possibility of every precedent if you do find my reasoning as flawed in any of these feel free to comment as I managed to respond to every single one of my past videos with some exceptions anyways with that out of the way I guess there's nothing left to do but begin actually uh before I move on how do you like the new set for this video I got bored of the Apocalypse so I looked around and found this house with its store open convenient right but um anyways I'm getting sidetracked let's get back to the video I'd like to start off with the mysterious Valentine's card from the latest newsletter since it's rather fresh and topical though sadly what's topical about this is if gaster was even the one who wrote it but after my analysis I'm sure you'll be a diard gaster writer believer so there are two main points of this letter that are use little to my theory first is the writer's reference to time in the real world wishing the reader a happy New Year as this was written a bit after New Year's though oddly there's a sort of unfamiliarity the writer has to time which I don't know about you but who else including Toby Fox themselves would be capable of observing the real world but also unfamiliar with time it's almost like the writer of this was shattered across time and space as what I just mentioned is the product of a warped time and space the second intriguing part of this letter is that it's asking the reader about Delta run almost like they're catering to the player who is clearly the reader of this letter interestingly delun is written just like it is in the legend which very much points toward despite the godliness of that transition Gast the legend is likely the most speculative piece of evidence St will be analyzing so I'll try to stack as much as I can in its favor despite the legend appearing to be the most important darker can possess very little actually know it it's referenced by a few of chapter 1 darkers but explicitly none from chapter 2 which is surprising to even Rouse who is seemingly the most knowledgeable of the legend speaking of Rouse it's very subtly revealed that he knows the player's name which was only said once during the godmaker sequence to who is likely gaster which I'll get back to later because of these points and the general mystery of the legend some have speculated that gter created it or is at least using it as a way to guide the fun gang SL the player into some sort of overarching plan though if he does turn out to have created The Legend it wouldn't actually prove much as the actual intentions and credibility of gaster and the legend are unknown though it would certainly cement his calculated influence over Delta room's story gaster being shattered across Diamond space is very important to this Theory so I've dedicated a whole section to it in order to nail down its plausibility this precedent is relatively straightforward as he is currently not readily present in delun which given the Loosely parallel lives characters between undertale and delun live this could certainly Point toward him being shattered across time and space like he was in undertale though given that undertale delter parallels are not perfect Reflections another aspect supporting this is entry 17 which is undoubtedly gast's discovery of Dark Worlds through some kind of experiment that eludes to another experiment which ends up being a cliffhanger so it's fair to assume this very very interesting experiment was the event that shattered gastra across time in space so while this precedent certainly belongs in the indirect section of evidence it's still very established in my eye with its parallels to undertale the reason behind gaster being the Eggman is the fact that eggs are one of the two only items that aren't transformed between the light and dark World the second one being Shadow crystals which have an elaborate but still direct connection to gaster which I'll explain later what makes this useful is that gastra being the Eggman sets the precedent that he is capable of manifesting himself in Dark Worlds even if in a sort of non-physical way now that we have the mortar it's time to move on to Bricks of evidence have actual direct connections to the admittedly very limited data set we have of gaster things like his theme or entry 17 and its theme of garbage noise so to put it simply no more gastro residue Beyond this point anyway speaking of gastr theme it's Fallout can be seen all over delter and OST Andrew Cunningham has already covered this in a video which I'll link in the description it's much more in depth than I could ever be so every time I use musical similarities I'll put nicoa Tesla on the screen as a way of telling you to go watch the video but in in short guest's presence and many of the game's songs similar to him creating a legend Point toward his influence over delin story as a whole gast's association with the bunker is relatively straightforward the ambient noise of the bunker when sped up to 666 a number commonly tied to gaster uncovers that the ambience is actually just gaster's theme slowed down this doesn't really establish anything further than his connection to the bunker as it's unknown whether he is currently in there or he was in there before he was shattered across time space though given the rather heavy foreshadowing it's likely that we are going to find out what's inside which is arguably the most currently plausible location for the climax of the story with all the Deep potential it has gaster being at least the first voice in The gonner Maker has two direct connections first being the fact that the game closes when you inut his name and second being the theme of The gonner Maker another himm which not only references him and the title they must have amnesia they forgot that I'm him but also the song is itself is an almost identical copy to gast's theme what this actually establishes is that gastra created the player's connection to Delta Rune as the beginning of the gonor maker is the beginning of the game the very first lines of delun are gaster asking the player if they are connected so why is this important well as we've already established gaster is capable of at least a limited observation of the real world which would make sense if he is capable of creating a bridge to it what this could Point toward is gaster having a motivation for creating this connection other than something like for science which is nice cuz we're approaching an answer to why gastra connected the player to Delta run without even diving too deep into the lore pit though it won't stay that way the answer isn't complete yet given that gaster connected the player to Delta run that would almost certainly mean that they are the one that manages the player safe files as the voice of the safe file selection menu is identical to the one of the goner maker this is further supported by the scientific language of his voice the when manipulating sa files as to put it simply Gast is a scientist this helps support gast's calculated influence over Delta run and his catering toward the player to explain why we know gaster was the mysterious entity that contacted jelin Spanton there are two reasons first is again the similarities of themes surrounding them including the freedom Motif they share to gast's theme and second being the very subtle reference to garbage noise coming from the phone which swampton used to contact the entity that drove them mad which is the same description of when you attempt to use Chris's phone in the dark world as it plays the same audio from entry 17 which is written by gaster gaster being the entity that contacted the secret bosses establishes many things about him it proves that he is capable of communicating with Dark Worlds holds forbidden metan knowledge that drives jevo and spam to Mad making them quote see the world as a game which makes a lot of sense if he can observe the real outside world but most importantly for this theory if proves that he is the one that gave the secret bosses their Shadow crystals these shadow crystals are crucial to my theory as they're likely the greatest Insight of this video so I'll be going all out in my analysis of them what we need to know for this theory is what these crystals actually are which I'll start by answering what they do Shadow crystals have very strange use descriptions in Dark Worlds they allow you to see through Darkness showing its light World counterpart location but more confusingly in the light World they seemingly show a reality where the person looking through had never existed or at least that's the best explanation for what it does since it either makes Chris see through their hand or see Suzie glaring at Chris possibly implying that Susie never developed from being an outcasted bully needless to say these descriptions aren't very consistent and likely don't fully explain what shadow crystals do though what is helpful is the loose assumptions on how they may link back to gaster their Dark World usage could possibly be alluding to some sort of darker than dark double negative seeing that you are using a a shadow crystal in a dark world to see the light world and their light World usage may be referencing gaster's redaction from Delta run if these descriptions are pointing to anything it's that shadow crystals share traits of gaster speaking about traits of gaster another interesting aspect of Shadow crystals is that if you have not obtained them by missing a secret boss you can reload that chapter's previous save file beat the secret boss and have it mysteriously appear in Castle town this is incredibly strange when you considered that this means Shadow crystals are recorded Beyond save files they don't exist relative to Del room's time but rather the time of the real world or at least the time of the diagetic safe file menu I'm sure you're wondering where I'm getting at with all these comparisons to gaster so I'd like to share what inspired me to make this video in the first place one detail of gaster that's always stuck with me is the fact that he was quite literally shattered across time and space as one of gast's followers that you encounter an undertale is holding a literal piece of him if you are picking up where I'm going with this are laid out straight gastra and the shatter crystals share a lot of unique connections and characteristics as I mentioned earlier and gastra has been shattered into pieces which were scattered just like how Shadow crystals shards of some unspeakable substance that combine into powerful tools are scattered across the Dark Worlds as you can now see Shadow crystals are shattered fragments of gaster the consequence of his experimentation with Dark Worlds leaving him trapped in the fabric of delter Run's World redacted from existence he searched for some wage to regain his physical form luckily for him he stood in the very substance in which all creation was built on leaving countless opportunities for him to uncover what he needed was some agent which would travel to the many worlds which he was scattered across seeking all the secrets they held and what he found was us the player a determined entity driven by one thing completionism so he created a bridge a connection between these two worlds only needing to nudge us along from time to time on our ultimate mission to put him back together that is why gaster connected the player to Delta run inevitably in some future chapter just as we must in chapter 3 we will have to combine all the shadow crystals on the pretense of some unrivaled power only for it to reincarnate the very one who brought us here after that all we can do is hope the devil plays nicely and doesn't just like kick us out or something that would suck woof another video down I hope the extra length of this one was worth the extra we time if you didn't know this video is about 10 days behind my original deadline this is because of a multitude of things first is as I mention the longer length of the video but I've also just generally been more busy with things like School beginning to wrap up in fact it sucks to say this but I'm going to have to take a short Hiatus to making videos like these it won't be long and I'm sure I'll get some small things out in the meantime but right now I have to focus on some other things I'd also like to mention my complete hatred for my current editing software it's called clipchamp and it's literally the Microsoft Paint of video editing softwares like seriously it comes pre-installed on Windows needless to say it's barely capable of producing the videos I make near the end of editing any of my videos it slows to a snail's pace and it's unbearable because of this I may try to replace it for any of my future projects I've looked into it Adventure resolve and it seems pretty good if I managed to learn it of course I'd also like to mention that I really like the theory for this video it was actually one that I Loosely came up with before I was competent enough to make videos like these it answers a few big questions whilst staying relatively cautious in my opinion though I can certainly see some people disagreeing with some of my points which is why I chose to structure the video the way I did if you're going to take anything from this video it is that shadow crystals are the fragmented pieces of gaster and if you don't agree with that the comment section is always open anyways that should be everything I have to talk about make sure to like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and also speaking of subscribing thank you all so much for a thousand subscribers this Milestone is a true reminder of how meaningful and fulfilling this channel is the fact that I have a genuine outing for my ideas on something I hold so dearly that is enjoyed by other people is truly one of the greatest privileges to have I'm going to be dead honest I have literally jumped for Joy when I've been notified of things like people sharing my videos and just generally anytime someone has enjoyed what I've made the validation it gives you is just it's just magical so just thank you guys truly from the bottom of my heart I hope you enjoyed the video and I might see you in a [Music] month I'm killing you I'm killing you I don't care about anything else I don't give a [ __ ] about anything else
Channel: PlayerCarter
Views: 5,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deltarune, Undertale, Theory
Id: dnbj4diu9hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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