Follow up to Mastering Foreshadowing || DELTARUNE [Theory/Analysis]

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[Music] more than 10 likes impressive hello everyone Dante here thank you all for the incredible response on the video I'm glad you all really enjoyed it and stuff had been brought up with actually hold on a minute there that's better I literally figured out the issue of my audio on the final day of editing and I wasn't going to re-record everything not again [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you all so much I am very happy with how the video is doing it's been a while since I've done any video editing on that scale but I am glad with how it turned out a lot of you also seems to like how it was edited thank you all very much I will use this to feel my narcissism a lot of you also gave feedback particularly involving the volume of the music don't worry I will learn from this advice that being said all right I am just going to uh add in Big Shot unedited not changing the volume anything into the timeline uh th this is Big Shot unedited yeah when the sky is the limit 1% is still Mount Everest but I will take the ADV heart in fact my next video was going to be an analysis on Rous it's definitely going to be more ambitious so I wanted to take my time with it and then this happened oh hey Misty Sparkles uploaded a sequel to the gaster video so not a lot to go on but I should have mentioned it [Music] [Music] oh you got to be [ __ ] I am the king and/ or bastard of good or bad timing I finish recording audio when halfbreed chos uploads the December holiday video then the gaster followup uploads a couple of days afterwards no fault to both of them I just find this very very funny like what's next Delta run chapter 3 and 4 release a week after I upload this video but yeah let's talk about Dr garlic over here once again so yeah that song playing in the ocean also has his ties to undertale when the Riverman also mentions of a Melody I also forgot to mention how onion says the song itself isn't just a new song for they have heard it before it's only a piece of a song just a small portion of a hole a fragment scattered away I wonder what it could mean it's gaster yeah we all know where this was going there really isn't much to point to other than my good friend Walter goosman over here listen I try to focus on the details that we know are in the text of the story I don't want to point to everything and claim that it's the fortnite man behind it all but listen we all got to pull the Band-Aid off at some point this is a gism there's even more to this than just these two pieces of dialogue thank you I 4,259 of your name for putting this out in the comments but in undertale the mythological sound test room can be reached and achieved by walking between these two rooms one of which has a very big view of a very big body of water I know it's a river don't at me the sound test room is where we get access to Caster's theme it all comes back to that guy all right I've done my legally mandated discussion of gaster let's talk about something else caddy I've talked about her for 1 second in my previous video but that's mainly because it was getting long now though I can talk about her all I want all right first off we all agree she's going to be a major character right her and jingon for sure but her in particular why do I say that well well for starter she has a portrait but also due to the fact that she and Chris do have some sort of friendship that extends before the start of the game both of them studied the occult together and while dialogue like this further emphasizes Chris's personality and interests them being interested in Magic there are also some darker implications I'm not the first one to point out all of the religious connotations the game has banishing the angels heaven spaming calling out for heaven the whole Angel worship and as well as Heavenly light healing people not to say that cultism is inherently demonic trust me I've done my research on the subject but all of this seems to bolster the otherness Chris gives off being called a lightbringer by King wearing red horns as a kid and the fact that us and their connection can be read as a metaphor for demonic possession but back to caddy for someone being a god goth who barely speaks she seems to have a very social life she and Chris used to be Study Buddies her and jingon our besties hell she even taught Noel protection spells not to mention Susie either she and Chris have some sense of comradery and the feeling of admiration towards Noelle cadd freaking hates Susie this doesn't even feel like the same dislike that people generally give suie mainly behind uh misunderstandings caddy just really does not like suie Susie says it's cuz she took jocking Ton's hat once but I feel like there's more to this than just that caddy sees Suzie as a dark presence a genuine danger and she asks Chris to protect Noel because we walk among the dark and she fears that Noel might end up slipping down the dark conversations like this really do make us think about how the game will progress does this line exist simply to show cat's development showing her opinion has changed over time for the start maybe she'll warm up to Susie later was this line a genuine warning for suie because we still only got a small portion of the game there are things that can happen that will permanently change the how character is plus Susie isn't really a paragon of virtue either she was a genuine bully to Chris and while things have changed changed they also have time to change again and while she may be good intention now there's still a chance that she can do a great deal of damage in the future but there's also the matter of Noel she's supposed to be the good girl high up in the heavens like an angel she isn't supposed to fall but if she does how far will she fall thank you for the consideration caddy I can understand why you want to protect Noel Susie's not the one you should be worried about though anyway that's it thank you for pointing these out uh caddy and onion those were the two pressing matters to discuss I believe I talked about everything I needed to there's definitely nothing else important that I need [Music] to ah who could forget about him all right all right I'll play along with this game let's all talk about Good Old Chucky freezes so what is there to discuss about Good Old Isaac entertainment over here well more than there should be to be honest for context an undertale IC is just a simple joke that has one appearance showing up at a crossw puzzle and then never appearing again just a small and minor detail big wolf and Delta Rune however icy sightings have increased tfold ices a theam mascot step inside friederick polar bear's peia look him up online there's a huge and major discussion on the existence of isa's eye be it mascot crypted or just straight up this dude ass guy why is this all important that's a very good question why is ices of all things given this much attention why does he keep showing up not even in the games why is he in the Spang Tong sweep State why does this keep happening I thought it was just a joke at first but the more and more he props up the less I think it's a joke out of all of the things I pointed out as possible checkov gun this one I hope remains untouched I feel fear whenever I think of ices cuz logically this is just a joke that's building up to something but ultimately a joke then I remember Delta Run's ending was formed up of a fever dream Toby had in 2011 okay I'm going to stop talking about ices now I'm going to stop thinking about Isis now I'm actively electing to deny the existence of the Frozen vowel hello everyone Dante here I'm recording this in an undisclosed location so sorry for the mic quality and I was just hit with a divine revelation that can only come at 5:00 a.m. and 4 bottom mod of Baja Blast but I figured out the truth ices is a corrupted game file the first sighting of ices is a Closs word puzle but there is a fun value event that causes the addition of a snowman with icy space on it also called nightmare this this is the first of corruption going forward we have ices being a standin for cash grab Corporation with unethical worth ethic corporate corruption all while they sell you SLO to consume next we have a glitch in the game that comes whenever Chris types gaser you see this you see what this all is pointing to right crypted costume construct all of these points to desire of ices to spread and corrupt all tangential instances into an aspect of itself putting its face on it and spreading more and more ices is a corrupted glitch in a program that is slowly piling up and consuming all other lines of text linking memory and becoming a completely unrecognizable sloth just like it's pizzas ices it's a danger to d r all he wants is to consume corrupt conquer consume corrupt and conquer all of the game until it's nothing but ices we need to stop spread of ices everyone stop talking about ices it's only creating spores to the wind wow I have no memory of recording that let's instead talk about something good hey remember the thrash machine me too a I love it let's talk about this once more ah wow so cool awesome boss fight amazing execution I just love this moment of the game it really is awesome that Toby allowed us to customize an aspect of the game and fully allowed us to do something with it in a major climactic moment of the story even though we thought it was gone forever it's great it's amazing I wish something like this happens again hey wait a minute [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh so shout out to unle spungle and enter Valentine 9588 for pointing this out but I'm surprised I never thought about it the goner sequence and the thrash machine are basically the same I'm not even talking about them being very similar to each other they are literally the same we design the features it gets displayed to us and we are led to believe it's just disappears The Duck however came back which leads to The Logical conclusion that the goner will also come back this this right here this isn't even Czech off's gun this is Czech off's artillery Cannon Plus what's more is that we're supposed to fight the thrat machine but we end up controlling it and the gonner was something we made for the intent of controlling which leads to well let's just hope you didn't choose pain as your favorite flavor God this game is filled to the brim with bullets sifting through each and every one of them is pretty much a sophan task at least we know when something is major and important which this video is not about I specifically made a point about how I want to focus on the smaller things people have missed and then there are things that I just don't have an answer to what do you mean the contents of the store Chang based on the save file what do you mean this is the only instance this happens then there's just the everpresent feeling that I'm just focusing on something that's not really important and doesn't really matter to the main story like an old man yelling at Clouds but yeah I just want to thank you all once again for the response of my last video you all gave great comments pointing out things that I never noticed and adding to things that you think are important and especially elaborating on certain points like for Susie and how she can heal Cal the Untitled pointed out a comment that Toby made before chapter 2 came out I was going to give a certain character a fire spell but decided against it for the first chapter as for what I'm looking forward to well it's hard to describe this without spoiling anything but a certain character will learn a certain type of spell that they aren't really good at actually they're so bad there's essentially no reason to have them use it at first but the fact that they learned it and keep practicing is really heartwarming h a certain chapter one character learning Fire magic while Susie is alerting healing spells this is something to think about which I find neat while Susie is pretty bad at it we can actually actually increase her healing potential I am however interested in how this continues in the future I also wanted to bring back that comment under valantine made I feel like the purpose of suie learning healing magic is to symbolize her becoming more vulnerable and showing her softer side since the only other spells that she knows is rude or red Buster a big attack I feel when you try to get into theorizing you tend to forget that not everything has to fit in an overarching plot or lore undertale and Delta run it's very very character focused in my opinion it's probably nothing to worry about that is a great Point Susie learning healing magic is absolutely a major character moment for Susie learning to show compassion and kindness it's great for her we love to see it that being said that being said I don't fully agree with you and sorry for putting you in particular on blast I just think there is something that you are missing something that everybody is missing like I said before I wanted to focus on the Lesser talked about points of interest and not dwell on the already big plot points so I didn't think about talking about this because it was obviously big but the more I think about it the more I think that some people have just forgotten about it something that should be the focal point of everything something that is foundational to Del the first thing you hear Rousey tell you the first thing you see when the start of the game it's even one of the earliest things on the delun website archived for everyone to find three Heroes appear to banish the Angel's Heaven every other point I have talked about can be debated but if there is one thing we know is important if there is one thing we know that is integral to Delta run it's the legend but Delta run has has a habit of setting something to go in a certain direction only to then go somewhere you didn't think of so it's really a question of how the legend will play out will we walk the predesignated path and achieve the sole ending or will we Forge a new one ourselves [Music] but that's all I have to say for now thank you all very much for reaching this point this is the part where I tell you to like And subscribe but I'm not going to do that thank you all very much and I'll see you next time for for
Channel: Dantes_Integrity
Views: 10,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, deltarune, toby fox, theory, analysis, video essay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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