sharpening hair clippers

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hey today I have got a hair beard trimmer and I've been having issues with it so I am going to sharpen it and to sharpen it I'm taking the the actual cutting heads and if you look look at them you see there's lots of serrated teeth on both heads and they just wiggle back some forwards between them but that means that the very edges where they wiggle backwards and forwards slowly go dull over time so to sharpen it I'm going to rub it against the oil stone you could use wet and dry paper on a piece of glass or something like that you just need to take off up just nervous a fraction of the metal it doesn't matter exactly how that's done which will then bring the edges back up to being nice and nice and square whether we're the team we're the team it fits meet as you're sharpening them you want to go in a set either a circular motion or a figure of eight motion going across the whole area see you don't want to just just do one bit at the stone because you'll find that the stone will then wear unevenly you want to use the whole surface of it so so that it's so that the stone wears evenly otherwise you'll find that it's not flat when you next come to use it which means that you won't be able to get nice crisp clean edges to a new next sharp and something like a chisel or something anyway having having done that on both halves across the stone to to really square up the edges either want to put just a little bit of very light oil a light machine oil or something over the surfaces where the two halves actually meet together and then you reassemble it is very very straightforward and it feels like a completely different machine having done that it's cutting so much better than it has done for a while okay if it ain't if it if it's broke you can't break it so
Channel: Jeremy Creates
Views: 81,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lu0PQFUxWhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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