Andis Masters - How to Sharpen Clippers - Andis Masters by David Warren

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thanks for tuning in this is David War learn the learn to cut Fades tapers and afro by David Warren um this is a clipper maintenance series we're going to show you how to maintain this and this master Clipper we're going to show you how to uh take the blade off clean the Clipper uh clean the blade sharpen the blade and then uh set the blade back up on the Clipper make sure that you're cutting hair at the uh the highest level possible it's important that you maintain your equipment because doesn't matter how good you think you know how to cut hair if your equipment isn't maintained right then your haircuts aren't going to come out as good as they should um I've had this Clipper for a very long time um as you can see uh it takes um you know at least 20 years to get this type of wear and tear on a u this steel and I have a couple pair of andish Masters but I wanted to use these in this video just to show you guys that um if you're thinking about investing in these Clippers it would be a very wise investment um I purchased these in I believe 1995 or 94 somewhere around that time so um as you can see as long as you keep maintaining the blade uh properly uh they'll cut very well so we'll take it apart thing we're going to do is unscrew these top screws and as you can see got a lot of hair in there then we going moove this this bottom piece and first thing we'll do is take we'll remove this hair and once the hair is removed we're going to dip it inside the [Music] solution and second one I'm removing the hair with a wire brush before I put it in the solution and this is a blade wash I'm just going to use this blade wash I got from roster it's pretty good I I like to clean my blades like this once every week or two and I sharpen them about you know once a month and while those are Shing in here you see how hair can build up around that so clean that off that off okay now these four screws in here control the tension on the side lever so if your uh side lever is not tight it's loose it's probably because these screws are aren't tight enough or they're you know too tight or you know whatever the case may be the fact that my arm is is not uh it's not loose right now uh I don't really need to adjust this area too much but if I did if your arm is loose and it's just sliding up and down tighten the tension up and make sure that it's even on these four screws just moving these around a little bit okay once these are all the wash we got the inside of this Clipper cleaned out all right the tension is adjust rested on this the arm is tight so that's great now next thing we need to do is dry these blades off and get them ready to Shar so we'll make sure that the uh blades are try it off okay now when the blade is cutting you have the bottom you have the bottom blade and the top uh basically this top part is going to you know move horizontally along this piece piece and any hair that enters this atmosphere right here is going to be cut so it's important that this piece right here smooth flat and cuts as efficient as possible so what I like to do first is I get my rough Stone and I break the blade down notice I use the thumb and the finger your Technique and make sure everything is even and by about 10 Strokes I can see that my blade is broken down I'm going to wipe that off and I'm going to look at it if it's flat smooth the way that I've been maintaining it and everything looks good I'm going to take it to my second Stone the stone is a little bit more expensive some people don't use it but um you know I I I think that you should okay that blade is looking as smooth as I want it to look going to get ready to put it back together we're going to make sure everything is dry whoa that was an accident I'm going I do that without this being [Music] on all right that's on okay put this top piece back on and we just we're not going to tighten these screws up all the way we're just going to secure them so now we can start looking at this blade and see how we want to adjust it want to try to make sure both sides are are even you're not going to use too much pressure [Applause] right for [Music] okay going test them [Music] out the sound is what we're looking for the hair is removed put a little oil on the blade okay and there you have it and this Masters how to sharpen clean the blade put the blade on get it ready a roll learner David one learn cut Fades papers and afro you know volume 1 volume two check out volume 3 we've been doing this since 2007 this is 2013 and uh this is a clipper sharpening Series so check out our other videos on Clipper sharpening maintain your clippers to the highest level possible
Channel: Dependable Barber David Warren
Views: 86,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clippers, andis, Fade Haircut, David Warren, Dave King, repair, Hair, Afro Haircut, How To Use, How To, Training, Tutorial, barbershop, How To Sharpen Clippers, Clipper Sharpening, Barber, sharpen andis masters, Taper Haircut, repair andis masters, hair clippers, Wahl Hero, Style, Fix Clippers Sharpen Clippers, Dave, t outliner, Andis Clippers, How-to (Media Genre), haircut, Sharpen Clippers, clipper repair, How To Sharpen Bldes, King, Andis Master
Id: 2BnHSrVqpEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2013
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