How to Sharpen Clipper Blades - Jende Industries

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hey guys tom Blodgett from Jenna industries here and there was a thread on our Facebook page that guided sharpeners Facebook page about sharpening some clipper blades so I wanted to go over a couple tricks that I do while sharpening hopefully it helps I'm sure a lot of the old old guys know this already but just something that might help so I've already disassembled this I've taken out the spring and I've unscrewed the slacker to the back there so a good way to show what's going to happen here is I'm gonna mark these places on the blade here just with the red sharpie so this is our contact points and pretty much here this will come up with alcohol later so and then on the you can see the marks actually on the metal here where there's friction sort of screaming so this is where the blade is riding on the metal and they should be touching zero space between the two faces and what happens is the hair comes up through the other side here and just literally gets clipped from the side so it just gets worse you know the idea is to get that space down to zero in here and the end of the friction even so I've taken both sides with the red I'm just gonna kind of just do some pressure here it's not perfect I could put it back together but it's gonna rub them a little bit so this is the action and you can see I've removed right in those spots there so I've got these worn in spots over here as well these are borne out so that's removing the ink I've got a little bit of ink removal along the middle here so basically we're not into a hundred percent contact here so a little bit more see if I can get it right so put a little forward pressure to see if it still works okay I'm getting some remove but it's not super consistent if you see I've worn down here I've worn down here but the middle is a little bit less wear so this is a kind of indicator to let you know hopefully in the end of when we go through this everything will rub off evenly so that's what we're gonna try to do in here that actually won't because it'll stay in the same spot because our two contact points in the back here will remain the same so that will always be here but we're gonna try to just make it bring everything closer together and make it flatter so we're going to sort them both sides all right come joining me at the stones and we'll do that next so we've come over to the stones here and I've got a flat stone this is a Joe Serra 400 you can use just about anything in terms of what grit you want to go to I'm using a 400 to just get it done you can do six hundred eight hundred even a thousand but I want to make sure everything is nice and flat and this is a metal steel one so it's nothing crazy ceramics you would need to use diamonds or something but for here when it comes to anything mechanical anything moving like this it's about the shape not the refinement because more friction at the finer I make this the more friction there will be in the more heat buildup there will be so I don't want to go too refined so I'm going to stay under a thousand a thousand max will do the 400 I'll probably hit it down a thousand just because it looks nicer and that seems to do well so I won't go above that for this because again the friction and the heat it won't be able to dissipate because the surface will actually be too smooth okay so with that said you do what you want to do okay a little bit of water here my son is flat I'm using here I still left the ink on you can go forward or backward this way or sideways I am more of a sideways guy so either way but just even pressure all the way through you can see already I took some of the you know the red ink that's there the high spots and you can see all that ink is pretty much gone there's a little bit of ink underneath here but that's more of just a an area that's a recess so it's actually below I'm I can actually remove that ink there's a there's a a bevel here on the side you can see here it's actually dipping below so we're never gonna hit that so everything else is clean I'm just gonna clean it up a little bit more even it out and it only took a few passes you don't want to overdo it either so I'm happy with this at the moment and then we'll do the other face I've got the the smaller piece here the moveable blade and again I've left the ink on there so say that does same thing I'm a sideways guy I think if you do it forward here there's you're at your point of contact is just too much in the middle and you put too much pressure forward or backwards here so on the side at least I can evenly top and bottom and in the middle keep my pressure so that's why I sharp it sideways plus you're on a singular plane here on the stone hand here you're on a singular plane here on the stone so if you were to go forward and backwards is just more dipp'd potential because you're using a wider but here narrower you can work more of the stone and be flat before you have to address that in the stone so just a little piece so same thing a little bit of pressure not much I'm not trying to wear down everything and again this red in here is a recess what I'm shooting for is the tips so those tips are looking mighty clean at the right angle you can see how all that ink is removed and then here again in the middles of recess this is where oil goes and stuff sometimes so actually we're removing more ink yeah okay a little bit more removed so I'm down to the below the tips below the V with the point of the V I'm actually below that right now so I'm not worried about the red beneath this you see my my V's are very clearly defined in the red beneath that is not going to do anything so switch it out GetGo mm grid here and I'm just gonna real quick just go over that and just make it a little bit finer again it'll make it smoother because there'll be a closer connection between things but that's also going to create more friction in the end so you want to be careful not to have too much friction okay and it's just a quick once-over and I'm not going for mirror finishing or anything like that just going for it smooth flat so we can meet the two surfaces and remove all that okay we'll go back to the table and Inc us up okay so I'm gonna mark these back up so I'm just gonna stick here and here because we know we're not going to be in the middle then I really want to get the flat areas just get this all come up with some alcohol and two contact points and the flat area here because this is where all the cutting happens in that Vee area alright so we've got a nice thick layer right just sticking together pretty good the ink is sticking to itself but you can see I've cut in here and I had a problem there's actually a lot of I think is causing a lot of friction so it's very sharp-pointed so yeah taking off for short to put this back together and do a quick test opens more importantly is that we've got all that red ink removed here for the most part again I'm not exactly straight on the line either I'm all over the place but what happens it again that hair comes up through there and gets severed from the sides of route sideswiped so it's just a catch so we want that to be a nice straight catch you don't have to worry about getting between the teeth so much because one it's a very arduous task and it's tricky to get in and all there you have to worry about birds and anything that's gonna be in there it's gonna get wiped off or removed and what you want is that that you know cleaving that's just gonna happen is you just go in you chop it off on the side so let me get these back together and we'll try okay I don't normally mark the blades in red so but again I don't want I'm just seeing more red residue come off so I've taken some great cleaner here and just degreaser and it's gonna make sure all that ink is off so I don't want anything getting this is for a pet groomer so I don't want you know fluffy the poodle coming out with red punk hair alright so we come back and get us some of that silicone all right so I'm getting I can feel the friction here before it was just really not connecting as much now I'm feeling an actual sort of friction throughout I'm feeling the vibrations through this so freezer is gonna cut let me find a piece of hair air in here and it just it worked just cleaved right off so I don't know if that can yeah it's hard to pick up the hair on the camera so there you go that's how I generally sharpen the Clipper blades and I feel like that video you know like I'm subscribe please and bring you some more stuff and you know we'll put more videos here and here and subscribe over there and we look forward to the next two sharpening video thank you
Channel: Jende Industries
Views: 203,085
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Keywords: Jende, Jende Industries, Sharpening, JIGS, best knife sharpening stone, buy kitchen knives, buy sharpening stones, buy straight razors, chef knife bags and rolls, diamond knife sharpening stone, diamond sharpening plate, dmt diamond sharpening stone, edge pro knife sharpener, edge pro stones, handmade oboe reeds, kme sharpening system, knife sharpening system, Clipper blades, clipper blade sharpening, clipper sharpening, how to sharpen clippers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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