SHARK ADVENTURES! (2023 Hawaii Vlog)

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oh good morning uh oh we're in Hawaii I thought you were talking to me well I kind of was because we were going on an adventure it is 5 a.m right now we're getting ready to go have a quick breakfast drive an hour and then we are going diving which I've never been before so here's all the gear apparently that I'm gonna need for my scuba diving here's all the gear that I don't really need but also kinda need it's just impossible to pack light we're in Oahu because we're gonna be testing out the new insta360x3 invisible dive case we tested this out in the pool last night it looked so good so imagine how good it's gonna look in the ocean oh we're on our way to go diving I've never done it before so we're watching like well not watching I'm listening to a quick little how to dive in 10 minutes uh tutorial super helpful see now you're gonna be great but you're gonna take the Discover scuba course so with that you'll be able to learn all the things you need to know and you'll be fine well we'll see what happens yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll just keep listening except um now they're doing hand signals so you can't watch that okay I know this one out of air good that's how much air good uh boat this is okay um going up going up which way this was an hour drive mandatory destination park the car and we already greeted the crew who's gonna be helping us out today uh we do have like a private dive experience set up for the day which is going to be great because I'm definitely gonna need uh like one-on-one help look at her walking with a purpose you ready yes all right we're gonna be we're gonna be heading out in the water soon they have the plan so we're just gonna follow we're gonna follow what they say so that's what we're gonna do Christine just got back from her first Hawaii dive how was it oh my gosh it was so fun I had so much stuff because I had some new gear I had a new camera so it took me a while to like get used to my stuff like once I did man it was awesome we saw two sharps two sharks that's my dream so now we're gonna go to a new spot which is gonna be where I'm gonna kind of learn because I don't they're not just gonna throw me in the middle of the ocean uh it's much more shallow okay cool you can snorkel we're gonna learn how to dive um I peed off the boat I'll do that heat up the boat check that off the list it was nice it's nice yeah it's a good time all right it is now my time to do the Discover scuba um I've got my brand new wetsuit here and I'm gonna put it on and then and then we're gonna learn some stuff we're going in anything like that leave the regulator in your mouth it's designed to handle all of them you cough s and throw up oh wow if you throw up in it I recommend hand it to somebody to print it out glad you said that because I didn't ever I never thought of it no I never got that yeah I just learned that you can cough sneeze and throw up in this I hope we don't do anything we're really shallow here as well there's about 15 feet so what we're gonna do we're gonna drop down we're gonna hang on to this little anchor line going forward okay we're gonna need to do three skills okay we'll sit down at about halfway down the line so about six seven eight feet and what you're gonna do is you take your regulator out keeping it in your hand you're gonna put it back in your mouth and then we're just gonna spend about 20 minutes hopping on the little Pinnacles here 20 25 maybe 30 minutes hopefully we'll see some dolphins in the van and then we'll come back to the boat we'll take all our gear off we'll hand it up to Uncle Lee and we'll jump in the boat okay cool pretty straightforward right ready I think so are you ready I'm ready are you excited I am ready and I am excited try but it's worth a try all right I have successfully made it back on the boat for my first dive that was so much fun we were down there for like 20 some minutes I need to check the stats um but yeah super super fun super chill got in the water had some issues with my mask and fogging so have to figure out that solution um but yeah really excited to see the footage and you know further my dive expertise because this was just a baby dive basically the instructor was helping me with like my buoyancy so got a lot to learn but it was a good first step officially back on the ground the boat is getting cleaned and packed up and yeah I think it was a pretty successful first dive so excited about the future excited to go take a shower and excited to have some lunch so let's see where the rest of the day takes us so this is one of our favorite places to get shave ice when we're on the North Shore which isn't very often but here's the problem the line is literally wrapped around the building I dropped Justina and took me 20 minutes to park and she has not made it very far you didn't make it very far no I did oh you did yeah so I was all the way to that sign so see how far where all the way to that sign okay that's pretty far yeah it could be a small large oh wait this is what we need oh yeah that's lovely we've sprung a leak in our boat we made this mistake last time where it was so hot outside it was melting so we call it our boat our boat was getting too full so we had she's interesting keeps it you need to eat faster and I'm like but like I can't and it stressed us out last time and it stressed me out again but it was so worth it it is now time for some dinner we're here at the beach house and then we're going to get a little drone action a little Sunset and then it's time for bed cheers Jess isn't it weird that when someone cheers you you like are basically foolish to drink like you just had to take a drink of water I was thirsty beautiful you're gonna get a little dip um yeah it has dip that's a lot of dip oh look at that dip is it goat cheese is that what it is yeah it's goat cheese honey and something else so good fancy I know we're gonna eat okay and we're gonna go get the sunsets for day one here in Hawaii I'll see you guys in the morning for day two Adventures it's gonna be good good night good morning it is day two here in Hawaii we have early morning plans to go to a place called sharks Cove to do a little snorkeling and test out our gear but first Sunrise it's absolutely beautiful gonna get some breakfast gonna have some coffee look at this little breakfast little coffee to go because we're late Jocelyn's got a little eggs Benny got a view um excuse me they said it's eggs quarantine sorry maybe it's the spot we're going to be doing some snorkeling you're gonna be doing some diving I'm just gonna be snorkeling today uh I can't take any technology with me except what I need to with the Apple watch Ultra I've been using the oceanic app to record my first dive but you can also record uh things like snorkeling so I'm gonna change it so that I can record my snorkeling okay oh God you didn't see that successfully snorkeled I probably snorkeled for like an hour and a half while Justine was diving it was so much fun didn't realize how difficult snorkeling actually is um especially while trying to film and stay afloat and not touch anything but it was really good time Jess how was your dive oh man it was great it was my first like hour-long dive yeah I know I forgot to set my Oceanic app the first time and I was like I gotta go back in gotta set it laid by the pool had a nice relaxing couple of hours took a nap but now we got the backpack all packed and we're gonna wander on the island and see if we can find some cool shots so I remember doing this walk before with Justine because we went to go see the tree from lost and I remember that we found a really cool other tree and I found the picture found the coordinates and I remember it's like over here I'm like cool I want to go get a cool shot of this tree I hope it's still there we're on adventure it's so hot I could not find the tree that I took a picture of a couple years ago so maybe it's not here don't want to find a cool place to take some photos so to be continued and here is The Banyan tree from the show Lost which is one of the greatest shows of all time I'm pretty sure it's like my third time seeing this and every time it's like it seems bigger on the show I don't know but it's cool good morning it is day three here in Hawaii we have an early morning shark Adventure so we're starting with coffee and a little breakfast so we have done some shark adventures in Hawaii before but normally it was with a cage today there's no cage it's basically just a free dive a free snorkel uh with some sharks in the ocean I'm being shocked I'm proud of you because I didn't think he'd ever do this okay well I ended up going and getting dive certified because you wanted to do it and then you weren't able to yet so now I don't know so here we are anyway so here we go so now we're gonna have to actually dive as soon as you're certified let's go see some sharks we have made it to the spot just yo we're going in it's happening let's go in off the boat in the car made it saw the Sharks we'll talk about it probably later I'm still a little funny feeling I don't get seasick but I got a little seasick but everything stayed inside which was good um great let's um we have a call in three minutes this is a zoom call or a team's call so I know you just flat your hair at me did it hit you yeah cool cool yeah I don't feel I feel funny should've brought the crackers me too we came to this one place where it's notorious for having Turtles and they are protected so everyone's being super respectful but look at this Turtle just hanging out this is The Woolly Bully and approximately 50 years old 295 pounds it's a green turtle look how cute we went to a couple different Sunset spots and we just weren't happy with what we were finding we set it on this spot because the sun was literally going down flew the Drone got a little hyperlapse but I think that's gonna be it for this vlog we still have a couple days in Hawaii and I did post an insta360 video about the dive case so check that out but yeah you have fun oh my gosh so fun time for bed beautiful sunset no I gotta go edit I actually have to edit it as well make sure you guys subscribe uh more content coming soon
Channel: Jenna Ezarik
Views: 7,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, ezarik, itsmejennae, vlog, vlogger, vlogging
Id: lvB4h2tIZ5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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