SharePoint Power Hour: Intro to SharePoint Admin

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome I'm Laura Rogers this is a SharePoint Power Hour and I have Joelle drops in here on audio hello hello everyone and a SharePoint Power Hour is our weekly show that we do Wednesdays at 11:00 central we'll be doing this for like six or seven years or something like that right yeah and we just cover topics where neither of us are programmers or we're not we're not talking about anything hardcore server admin in here it's just mostly always been geared towards business users of and power users of SharePoint so this is all SharePoint office 365 just not super technical in general as as power hours so this week this power hour is geared towards beginners so SharePoint admin beginner so know a lot of you allow my power our people all of you that come here every week a lot of you or you've been doing SharePoint for years well I'm gonna take a step back and think about all those people that are possibly new to office 365 new to SharePoint Online may not even know that there's a SharePoint admin Center or all the things that you can do in it now even a lot of you might not even even if you're not an actual admin and you don't have access to the SharePoint admin Center you might just be SharePoint power users managing your sites at least it's good to know what is possible in the SharePoint admin center so that potentially if you have an idea of something you want to do or something some setting you want to do in SharePoint admin you could possibly ask your SharePoint admin and know kind of you know know the basis of conversations that you can have about how things can be configured so this is going to be a pretty high-level just letting you all know in advance that it's geared towards SharePoint admin beginners so I am going to and Joelle you know let me know if you have you know kind of shouted out if you have ideas about things or ways people do things that that you've seen people do things you know as we go and you all the fun thing about having the live chat is that you can ask questions and have discussions as we go and you make fun of me you know anyway whatever you want to do but um I'll go ahead and share my screen and we'll talk about SharePoint admin and I'm going to start okay I'm just gonna start from the SharePoint homepage so this is I have my little test tenant here wonder Laura a tenant that I have all my fake users and fake sites and things like that in it so this is not real data or real customers but so what we're going to do is just start from the beginning and go through the SharePoint add to the SharePoint admin Center and talk about what it is and what you can do in there and I'll and I'll talk about some things maybe in the other admin centers if we have time if we any common things that we do in other ones but we've done other power hours about like onedrive admin a few months ago and we did I think maybe security and compliance we did like reporting different stuff like that that has been sort of admin topics so this is I'm starting from just the SharePoint home and I'm going to go to the little gear go to admin and then from there now you might have your admin Center configured differently so if you don't see SharePoint in the admin centers over here you can click show all and it will show you all the admin centers I had customized my navigation over here and I made it so that it always shows SharePoint here so that is something that you the way this looks over on the left is something that you do have control over or certain people have control over not everyone here is going to be a global admin in SharePoint like I am all right so here is the share point the lovely modern SharePoint admin center and its first thing it's doing is letting me know just some pretty little charts and statistics that I can see about my total sites and active sites I have a quick little link to see the message center and it's showing specific messages having to do with SharePoint and the message center is something just a general office 365 concept where you can see all the things that are rolling out and you can even configure so I'll go ahead and go to that oops haha that's so funny they they their link is broken let's see let me go to the message center this way what's fun all right this is the message center so the message center that's displayed on the SharePoint home is just a sort of a filtered list of SharePoint messages but the main message center you can get to from just the main office 365 admin screen and you can let me scroll over a little you can actually this is kind of going off the screen here but you can edit your message Center preferences so as far as getting staying up to date with what's going on in SharePoint this is where you can configure which products you're interested in it has all these office 365 products listed here so be sure if you're interested in SharePoint be sure and put SharePoint here and I do want a weekly email letting me know all the changes in these products that I specified here so I can put other email addresses here maybe if I have a group of SharePoint admins or a group of you know people that are in charge of change management or something like that for SharePoint I could put it says up to 2 email addresses so I could put maybe the email address of a DL but when other people to be notified all right but the links and the messages will take you to the message center so that is the message center and the concept of you can also filter them to be able to see just certain products and things like that alright and and a lot an article about managing change and that will actually take you to stay on top of office 365 changes which is important because we noticed probably especially if you were at the sharepoint conference a couple of weeks ago or if you watched the keynote the changes that are happening are so fast lately that I mean it's just mind-blowing so these are just some ways it's got a link of and I put that link in the little general channel they're staying you know up-to-date with the changes so that's the first thing that I'm pointing out as far as sharepoint admin is just the message center and knowing kind of what's going on and what's been updated so I mean right now it is June 5th 2019 if you're watching this video in six months all the things that I'm showing you might be different so or at least some of them might be different so just kind of take that and just kind of keep in mind that things are changing and they're improving though they're constantly improving things you don't typically see changes that they roll out that our negative changes maybe every now and then but usually they're making things easier to work with easier thing easier to understand so the first thing I usually do when I go to the SharePoint admin center is I go to the list of active sites I have active sites and deleted sites so these are all of my active sites this is dramatically improved over the way that we have to had to do this in the old days or we didn't know much about what was going on in our sites or information about them and so I've got this whole it's like a SharePoint list right here so this is a list of all these sites I can create a new site from here and this create button looks kind of it looks familiar right it looks like kind of what you see when you are creating a new site just if as long as you are if you're allowing people to do that everywhere in SharePoint just the way it looks to create a site with team sites and communication sites admins also have other options down here so you can choose sort of these old I don't recommend choosing any of these old types of templates um I would just typically try and stick to the ones the newer ones Microsoft's pushing the team site or the communication site and not not be I don't know it I could see potentially problems if in the future if you're still creating a bunch of sort of the old-school way of creating sites but some people you might have your reasons alright so that's how you can create new sites and then you can see this is a list of all my sites oh there's so much I can do with this list so for example this is a site this first one that I have selected is called archive this one is just a project site I can see what kind of site it is so I can see some of these are older I can't even look change the column width I can see like this one is an older one this is an old content type hub I have a few so this tenant I've had for years I mean back when office 365 was brand new so I have a lot of a good bit of older classic sites in here so you can see what type of sites they are and you can even filter them so if I just want to see my team sites just like you frilled you're filtering a SharePoint list so I can also see how much storage is used so I can see go find my biggest site is this demo site that I use and it I have any of them that are associated with a hub site I can see here too last activity that's a big one so look how old some of these sites are the last activity on this site was in 2017 this is a site called roofing it's just an old template or something like that and it's from 2017 and it's got no storage use so having just at least having a view like this it lets you be able to see what the older things are especially things that are older and are taking up any storage is just by looking at this screen it would be a good way to get see things that need to be cleaned up you can also if I want to take this and create view I can create a view just like with a SharePoint list so I can create a view and I can even export it so if I want to just take this spreadsheet full of sites that need that I think need to be cleaned up I can just export this and off to a spreadsheet and that's something that maybe we could you know put in a use in Excel or put it in a SharePoint list that people can collaborate on and you know tell people they need to go take care of their old sites or contact all the group owners and things like that so that's something you can export and then I've got the ability to oops I clicked on one and it actually took me to the site so this takes me to the site itself this really old site that has no contents in it this must have been something that I you know I wrote a blog post and I created a test site or something like that I didn't do anything with it that one's called newsletter so this old one took I just clicked directly on the URL to get to it so this old one I can I can just delete it if I want to see yes I'm gonna delete the whole thing that's fine so I'm going to delete that site and when I click on a site just like in SharePoint I have this information panel so I have a one site selected here and I have this information panel down the right of all these details insights into the site zero page views and day zero files no activity zero space used so basically like this looks like another thing that I could clean up you also I was looking at this list you know for a customer the other day they had sites that not only were three years old they were not using these storage and they had no owners so whoever had been the owner originally created the site originally wasn't even there anymore it didn't exist what didn't we didn't work there anymore so I would think that I mean you're cleaning up sites that would be you know first you know contact the owner and make sure that it's okay there's you delete the site but they don't even have an owner I don't know so that might be a good candidate for sites that you could clean up as well so this is also where you can add and remove owners and add a description over here the description is also there when you are creating the site and you give the site a title and description that's the description so your description might want to you might want to put some information in the description that you can see visually when you're doing site admin so you can see what's going on and what you know what that sites all about what it's for and then you can also per site per you know these are all site collections you can control external sharing so right now this site that I have selected can be externally shared with new and existing guests and I can turn off external sharing for site if I want to so I just turned off external sharing I can not only can I add and remove owners and do some things from over here but me I can close the information panel and I can simply select a site here and go to owners and change the owners directly so I can add joelle as an owner too and so now Joe al you probably got an email in this little fake tenant that I added you as an owner so that's where you can control who the owners are of your sites now also different types of sites are going to have different things you can do up here so let's go look at I'll go look at I'll just unfilter this I'll just clear my filter and let's go look at a old-school classic experience team site so this one's called modern demo that's funny it's called modern demo but it was originally created as a classic site and I had just kind of switched a couple of the pages over but it is not an office 365 group ok so modern demo is a classic site I have owners so when I need to change the admins of a classic site it is basically putting people in a site collection owners as opposed to just the interface it looks a little bit different with office 365 groups see where it says group owners so you can see that the verbage there is a little bit different alright so you've got primary admin and admins went so that's that's where you'll see a little bit of differences there and then let's say communication sites let's go find a communication site that one is going to have it's not an office 365 group it's going to also have primary admin can be one person and other admins too can be added here all right and so you also have I'll get rid of this information panel and unselect something of course I can search for things just like in share points Oh Trevor brought up a good point he said that now they just announce something at the sharepoint conference so something that was huge a huge deal to a lot of people who have been doing sharepoint adding it for a long time that you will be able to rename the urls of sites so let's go see oh yeah see look my URL it the edit button this type of site can't be changed so this type of site Oh see look that's an old-school publishing site so let me go to a new a modern look at that you can do it look so this is new this is something they just announced at the SharePoint conference I can go over here it has to be a modern let's see office 365 group or communication site just not a classic site and I can have my URL over here and I can actually edit my URL there we go so that is the new way to do that nice right Jeremy as our way to manage the site collections users one drives with the new admin interface I don't think that's gonna be in here that's gonna be from the users or from onedrive admin which maybe we'll have a chance to go to ok so we can also we out it will have built-in views here so these are views just like SharePoint list views so I can see most popular shared sites so my most popular site is just my my root of my home page and then I have least active sites which is a filtered list of sites that aren't aren't being visited and then I can create my own view so let me go back to my all sites view and I can say I want filter by primary admin well it's not a good example see clear my filter storage used smaller to larger and template is classic so then I can take this view and I can stay view as and I can call it classic sorted classic by size so now I have a new view here alright just like at your point ok so a lot of just the way you get around in here is just like SharePoint I can also customize my columns just like a SharePoint list I can pick additional columns like external sharing settings office 365 group let's just add all of these and see what they look like and then I'll go save my view again alright so in this resolution I have is really big so it's not gonna yours is not going to be this painful with all the scrolling but like I have this view I have storage use primary admin is it associated with a hub site last activity created on what's the URL is the external sharing on so this would be another filter you could do right to say whether you want to see just all the sites that have external sharing turned on or turned off you can see whether they have an office 365 group just the number of files being viewed and edited pageviews the quantity of files so this fight this sites got a lot of files in it right alright so columns filtering sorting creating views information panel and the ability to export the whole thing as a CSV all this is pretty much just like what we can do with SharePoint lists Oh Joe a whole bunch of people just requested to join over in that they filled in the form can you add them please sure I just got like this flurry of notification saying people are filling out the form okay so that is and then one more thing insight so let me go back to my all sites view is you have the ability to control this hub site thing so for example this is a site called it's just a project site I can either register it as a hub site I can say now this is going to be the hub site or I can associate it with an existing hub site so I can control all the hub sites stuff from here so if I say associate with an existing hub site and some of these will look familiar a lot of these are demos that I've done during power hour but these are all my existing hub sites that gives me to pick from so that I can go ahead and associate a SD court project with a hub site and we've done other power hours joelle has about hub sites and so now I can see this one it actually shows that this is the hub site Association so if I go to intranet home site Association intranet home and I don't let's see hmm of Internet home is maybe I have it filtered or something yeah oh here it is so this one call it the name of it is Internet but it is a hub site so that is telling me the name that uh this is what I've called the hub site this is not the actual name of the site which I know is a little confusing but all right um Susan says I don't see edit edit as far as in here of what you can edit well you can't edit all the you don't have datasheet view with sites so I'm not sure if that's what you're asking but editing oh the edit oh if you don't you don't see edit URL hmm it's well first of all it's only gonna show for certain types of sites and maybe it didn't roll out to everyone's tenant yet I'm not sure I could have sworn that at SPC they said that it was there right then like everyone could do it right then it had already rolled out but I'm not positive so but you can edit the names of your sites and hub site Association and external sharing a few things few individual things over in the information panel and up here okay let's see anything I missed here in the active sites list there's so much you can do in here me it's pretty powerful I mean it looks it might look pretty simple to people who have never seen it before it's a list of sites yeah but those of us who had to deal with the old way like really appreciated because it was painful so now we have deleted sites so for example this is the site that I just deleted and I can restore it so any entire site that's deleted I can restore those from this list of deleted sites and I can do searches for them and of course I can see all these columns just like with the active sites all right let's see okay so that once we get beyond sites we get to this little policies section so this is where you control so we saw that you can control sharing from you had some external sharing settings on each individual site collection but this is the high level sharing settings the default settings so right now in SharePoint SharePoint is most permissive users can share files and folders using links that don't require sign in so they can everyone can just pretty much share anything and then with onedrive I have only new and existing guests can share things yes must sign in or provide a verification code so that I do if someone shares something from onedrive shares content with somebody external those guests I want to either already be in our directory like they've already been added as an external guest a person sharing person or and and they also need to provide a verification code when they authenticate to go view that content that's shared with them so here is a link I'll just copy that link address and put that in the chat window that is going to be change the external sharing settings for a site little link there let's see oh yeah as ACK that's a good point about the term store for the new admin center well well what kind of I might get a chin there are still a few things that are only in the classic admin Center so we might go over those a little bit I was trying to stick to just stuff that's already that is in here I mean as a term store even a I wonder if that's ever even gonna ever gonna get updated at all I don't think I don't think you would need to right I mean it's a little alarming you know if they're not making in getting it in the modern I mean sooner because obviously eventually the classic admin Center is not gonna be available so yeah but some point all that everything that you do to admin the term store are those all things you can do just from the site collection level or no you're probably okay but if you're if you've gotten into all the like search driven pages and all you know I mean all that kind of stuff then that's tall stuff you'd have to do at that I'm a sinner yeah that's true so I'm just curious yeah that will be interesting to see if it moves over I'm so sharing so that's a nice little visual I like the way they configured this is a nice little visual chart instead of just verbage that you're not really sure what it means it's like it's actually showing you little sliders what everything means for most permissive the least permissive it's nice so I think before just some of the syntax or way things were phrased you couldn't tell what meant what advanced settings for general sharing limit external sharing by domain so if I only want people to be able to externally share with certain domains like if I want people in wonder Lara only be able to share with people who are IW mentor or if ABC pharmaceutical company has made done a partnership with some other pharmaceutical company and they want people to be able to just share amongst themselves between the two companies then you can do that kind of thing guests must signing using the same account to which sharing invitations are sent which means that if that you actually if I send a sharing invitation to like a share a file with Laura at Ida beam intercom Laura dyw intercom has to be the one logging in with that email address now that's kind of a pain sometimes when you get to call these various and sundry external users because like for example I have a mine spring account my old mine spring email account that I've had for years my mine spring account is not an office 365 account of course and is not my just like you can have just a Microsoft Live account I don't have a Microsoft Live account for that email address either so that would be a huge pain if somebody had that setting on and sent me a sharing link to my mind spring account I would actually have to either tell them to use a different email address or I would have to go create a Windows Live account and associate it with that email address so just that's what that setting means though so you have to kind of have communicated with the person that you're sharing with for them to understand how to authenticate and that kind of like like just ran just some random lawyer that your company does business with that's got a hotmail account and you send him a sharing leak he's not gonna know what all that means so that is we're gonna require a little more maintenance but it's more secure right because then people have to authenticate they can't just take so this is helpful because someone can't just take an email sharing link that was sent email to them and just randomly email it to someone else and that's someone else actually getting into your domain as a guest so just kind of keep that in mind that's what that means allow guests to share items they don't own that does not seem like a good idea at all but that is a check box you can check file and folder links this is all this is new right here this is something this is really nice the way that you can do this now because previously you can only do it be a PowerShell choose the type of link that's selected by default this is so nice Joelle right because you used to have to always change it because the default thing was like something dumb like external Kindle or something right yeah so this is huge that you can actually set what the default is when someone clicks the share button oh my goodness right do y'all like this is this huge to you all does anyone know what I'm talking about has this been a painful for you in the past if you ever had to do this before if you're new no this is just a nice easy way to control sharing right so choose the type of link that's selected by default when users share files and folders in SharePoint and onedrive that just means Betty Sue and user is just on a file and she clicks the share button what is her interface going to look like so this is a really good place to go to make sure you have all that configured so specific people which means only the people the user specifies only people in your organization which I like to use that as the default only people in your organization but anyone with a link is also so you could just choose only people in your organization and then you see you have these advanced settings so anyone with a linkage it can mean just absolutely anyone but if you default it too and we'll set this up we'll do this setting and then we'll go look in SharePoint and see what that looks like how about that so I'll set this to only people in your organization these links must expire within this many days so you can make the link itself expire so someone goes to that old email and you know five months the link won't work anymore so you can make the link to expire which i think is a good idea these links can give these permissions view and edit view edit and upload that's interesting so let's go I'm gonna leave that on view and edit and view at an an upload for files and folders and we'll go look at what that looks like in the sites display I'll go ahead and save that just to make sure the settings are being propagated display to owners the names of people who viewed their files I like that too and then limit external sharing to specific security groups and that is a that takes you to the classic page if you want to do that let's see yeah that takes you so that is something specific in the classic admin center that you can do shortened links or changed their default permission that is also going to be under this old external sharing settings in the classic admin Center and said I can't believe they added special stuff to folders they've been telling us not to you that use them for years I think and that the whole pushing the metadata and pushing the no folders was something that was attempted that it's just it's impossible people have been using folder for folders for 20 years and there's just not a way to get people to stop using folders there are best practices that I think a lot of people you know in the community we push you know either don't use folders or just use like one level of folders maybe two but and we try to get rid of people having all these libraries with multiple like five six levels of folders drilling down and get people to use maybe multiple libraries in a site instead of a gajillion folders in one library but Microsoft I think has embraced the fact that people are gonna use folders no matter what they say because that's just what people do and to not take away every type of settings and controls that we can do having to do with folders just because they don't want people to use folders and just one of the main reasons exactly Stacey they had to give in folders help humans not computers they're going to stay around this intrusive I think that has changed a lot of in the like in 2013 we were trying to do a lot of stuff with search and using search so much in the web part search web part and all that kind of thing and it was like imperative that you had metadata for that and that's kind of changed yeah yeah and and also there's a setting where you can go into folders and make it so that when you drop things into a folder it automatically gets a certain metadata that you define in those folder default value settings and you know and I Bri not sure if everybody knows about that I'm sure we probably did a Power Hour about that yeah but uh also there's just the main technically the main problem with folders is when the URL gets too long the more folders and the longer the folder names and and file names then the URL gets too long and when your URL hits 255 characters you start having errors yeah so that's that's the technical reason to try and get people to not have such deep structures and deep folders and that goes for your site structure too right because even sub sites and things will all add on to the length of your URL yeah another reason to go to that flat structure with hub sites right yeah okay so we've looked at the file and folder links and all these settings in the sharing and so let's go look in a site let's go look at one of my sites and see I will go to this ASC corporate project site and we'll see how fast this setting propagated because I'm gonna go to a document and see if I have any documents I will upload a document and then I'll try and share it I have some demo files here there we go so I'm dropping a contoso business budgeting plan in here alright so now I've got a file and now so this is an end-user clicking the share button here or clicking the share button here just to you know they want to share the file with somebody ok so right now people in Lohr arrive so that's what my tenon is called so that's kind of confusing the way my tenant is called Laura Rogers but this would be the name right here would be the name of your tenant like the name of your company so right now this is that default setting people in Laura Rogers with the link so instead of anyone with the link so let's look at that my sharing screen here see only people in your organization so this only people in your organization is this right here that's gonna be the name of your organization pretty cool so then this is where I can say whether I want people to allow editing when when I share this was people or if I just want to give them the ability to see the file and then I can say if I want to block the ability for people to download the file which I is awesome it's an awesome setting so I can block the download and I can say they can only click the link and view it and when I then I click apply and then it lets me pick who I want to send that to so I'll just say Billy Bob so I want Billy Bob to get an email for you to read not edit not download and then I can either hit Send which will send him an email or I can just copy the link and just go paste the link into a chat window or something like that so now I sent a link to Billy Bob and to go share that file with him all right let's see and then let's try it with a folder so I'll take this whole folder and when I click share on the folder see when I click this link up here it's got well see that doesn't have that folder setting where you can say whether they allow upload or not but yeah it doesn't have like multiple settings here for folders it just has allow editing or not which I think allow editing allows them to upload but I'm not positive that some of this is very very new ok so now I have so it's nice being able to see what it looks like in the settings and see how that applies to end users right to kind of put two and two together alright I'm gonna go to this other screen is being really slow but I'm trying to get this email for Billy Bob Jamie says external sharing is still a nightmare for us you always get something is wrong when external users try to access our SharePoint Joe LD do you had that happen to you the other day was there something magical you had to do when you were helping that customer put in incorrectly ok was it sadly was not magical you can so million things that can go wrong with that okay so yeah endless endless examples of external user issues okay Ally so this is the email that just got sent to Billy Bob so that I just opened Billy Bob's email and this is I typed this and when I sent him for you to read not edit not download so then I sent him this contoso business budgeting plan and when I click open then it opens it up in PowerPoint and it says you don't have permission to download or print this file and he can't edit it he's just looking at it and looking at the slides that is awesome ha ha ha control right ok so that's what that setting does alright and Stacy says it's crazy external users still cannot sync SharePoint documents like you can in Dropbox external users have to keep downloading to get the new version on their computers yeah even if you share a folder with them I guess yeah they can't think I know that from two different in it ok yeah I mean there are users who are actual like employees they can't sync so they have a site yeah ok so this next screen is access control so this has to do with like logins and devices people are using so I can restrict unmanaged devices I actually have to pay extra for that so that's gonna be this enterprise mobility and security and that is gonna require me to get another license to be able to actually manage devices enterprise mobility idle sessions sign out this is that screen that annoying screen where you been working in SharePoint and then it says you've been logged out or you're about to be logged out this is I found five four hours is less annoying than one hour and then give them how much notice before so I'm signing them out so that screen is probably pretty obviously you guys have probably seen that happen to you just your sharepoint screen will just have a little blue button that pops up and says you're being logged out but then all you have to do is just click to sign in again and it's usually not that painful network location if you really really want to be secure only allow access from specific IP address ranges so if you you only want people to get to SharePoint to anything in office 365 when they are at work when they are in your corporate office then you can actually define your IP addresses here and that way people would only be able to get to office 365 from that location absent don't use modern authentication so this means you can block third-party old versions of office old browsers any kind of devices that don't use this modern type of authentication that office 365 needs you can just completely block them here I might do that and all my tenants it's probably a good idea I mean I don't know why do people still be using office 2010 oh yeah Oh Zack says he saw it for the first time when using his iw mentor student account yeah I think I had it set to one hour or the default was one hour and then I changed it to four hours but it still seems like it's just a few minutes that it keeps signing me out all right other settings I'm ed Williams says designer designer what well what is the context of that oh sure point designer does it block SharePoint designer when you do that they'll be good to know okay if I can't get in now in my wonder Laura tenant with SharePoint designer that will be why cuz I write joelle so I'm gonna remind me if I if I start complaining about your um I should try that just double-check that might be a good thing yeah yes so ed says that SharePoint designer uses the old way of authentication that would be a good wife you want to just block all your users from using SharePoint designer just flip that switch Wow okay so settings for lists and libraries hopefully you all have the new experience turned on I mean this should be on for everyone right now and then notifications this is in the mobile apps so I'm not sure why you wouldn't sharepoint to be allowed to notify people in their mobile apps because even if you had this turned on any individual can go in their phone and adjust their own phone notifications and turn them off if they don't want them site storage limits easily share site storage among sites sites will use a storage they need up to a maximum of 25 terabytes or manual set specific limits for each site so if I change this to manual so I change it to manual for site storage limits and I click Save so let's see what let's see what that changes in here so now I'll go to my good old let me just refresh this just for good measure I'll see if that immediately changed anything over here oh look at that look see okay so I set it to manually change the storage limits for Intuit individual sites though now I have a storage limit little option over here that I can set for every single site so you might want to do that and it lets you will email the owners when a certain number of amount amount of storage is used I think that there's a storage default somewhere but I think that's a PowerShell thing does anybody know off the top of their head just because I know I set this up in the IWM inter tenant as far as what the default site size is for every site but I just don't remember and you know of course this keeps changing so anyway that's the site storage limits I changed it to manual I'll just set it back to automatic in this tenant default admin experience yes I do want the new modern SharePoint admin center site creation so the sites always cheese team sites used to by default get created under slash sites but by default now at least in this tenant I have them getting created under slash team so if a named user just goes to click the Create site button and they create a team site not a communication site but a team site or you a Microsoft team because Microsoft team actually creates a SharePoint site so that will be listed under slash team so all those that list of sites that you're going to see there a lot of those might have just been created by people in teams by clicking create team and they might not even necessarily realize they created a site this is important your default time zone for your whole tenant right here or for every single site that gets created and whether or not you want to let users create new sites so if you turn this off right here that little create site button that you see everywhere and share points that well that you see like on your SharePoint home that is not going to be there so you could turn that off um there are there are kind of different theories about whether you use that the the recommendation is really to leave that turned on and because if you take away people's ability to create sites then they are going to do something else and find some other way to collaborate with each other they're gonna go use some other service like box or you know some other file share service they're going to find a way and they're gonna find a non-corporate approved way probably so yeah typically recommend is to you can turn it off at first while you're just getting your own structure created you know while you're building your comp sites and the things that you need to do as the admin and then turn it back on but like have some kind of a quick session with them almost like a site agreement that they have to sign which will like you know tell them how to name their sites and what to use them for and what's team verse communication and that kind of thing that's typically what I would recommend that way when you turn it back on they actually know what what to do with it you know oh yeah I'm sure there's a way to automate even after someone has created a site like having an email that goes out to them about their responsibilities and being cited absolutely I mean there's even things you can do where they with site designs and stuff like that you know I mean so I mean there's there's a lot of options there but I definitely would just like I typically tell people to turn it off when they're getting their stroke when they are building the initial structure of whatever their internet or whatever they're building you know as the admin that there can control of and then when they're ready they can turn it back on and then kind of start that process just because I think people get scared of you know just all these teams and names getting taken and you know I mean like yeah totally HR sites have to worry about changing that URL and you know it just gets a little messy at first so mm-hmm it's helpful like you said an email even would be a great way to do it you know just so that they some information and to help with adoption - absolutely I mean we have so many customers that come to us and say okay well we've got SharePoint but we haven't been using it but we want to go ahead and migrate to SharePoint now SharePoint Online and you go into their tenant and they've like 200 yeah sites in the list because they didn't even realize all these people were either clicking the create site button or creating teams which also created sites and they're all these sites already there that then that's just kind of needs to be the part of part of what you go there we clean up understanding the whole like concept of when they're creating stuff in teams as well that that's a whole separate thing that will create a team site so I think that's that gets can office 365 group and everything so that's just there's just a whole whole thing there yeah yeah and Rachel Rachel's right she says she doesn't understand the team's and SharePoint that seems a lot of sites will get created for no good reason there's a whole like that's you know I don't know I think I am somebody who likes some structure and Internet I totally get like allowing people to collaborate as they need to but I think that just opening it up and then just like not even training or talking about what the purpose is and just letting them create whatever they want that's what's creating these messes you know because oh now well well this team does have this secured area for them to collaborate but then they also have this one in this one and this and then it's confusing for the end users because then they don't know which Human Resources site they're supposed to go has to be the tightest craziest 200-page Governance document that we used to but there is definitely still a need to kind of figure out what people need to use and give them that direction and like you said whether it's you're automating that so that they get it when they sign up or you know something else but yeah I don't know I just definitely think it's the free-for-all thing is not not always the best scenario unless you're not if you're giving them zero guidance yeah yeah totally so I got my you're about to be signed out of office all right so that was the site creation screen so that was under settings and then we have API management which is that is dev stuff I have no idea what that even means then there are there are a couple of huh let's see let's look on the home page you do have some reports showing on the home page to like files by activity type and when I go to details of that that's going to take me to the main office 365 basically the reports sure filtered by SharePoint activity so this just takes me to this URL with the SharePoint activity reports and that's where that's coming from it's just basically being displayed on the SharePoint admin Center and then you do have the ability to go to the classic SharePoint admin center like the other day I had to go create somebody an app catalog so you that's the only place to go create an app catalog doing the term store that's the only place you can do that I'm not sure what the story is with the term store I feel like I'm under the impression Microsoft is revamping that and revisiting it or something but it is still the only way to get to that is the the classic but if you're new again this session this presentation is geared towards people who are new to SharePoint admin so for people who were new I think I've covered just a lot of just the basic topics you need to know now we haven't covered anything like PowerShell and like some of the things having to do with site govern governance and like some of the like this the storage settings and things like that that still there are a few things you can only do with PowerShell but I think just as far as the concept of sharepoint admin and that here's where you can get to all of your sites I think that we've covered we've you know we've gone through all the basics what do you think Joe and anybody else have any questions Zach put a link out here so that's the updates to SharePoint security administration in migration by Bill Baer so that is coming out of the conference the sharepoint conference a couple of weeks ago and this is a list of a lot of things like these SharePoint admin Center updates so they're potentially I don't know why that didn't go anywhere they're potentially some things in here that they announced that aren't necessarily in my tenant yet or that haven't been rolled out yet but that's again that's going to be where you can go to the what's the what's the URL Joell to the list of all the things being rolled out yeah remote roadmap you can always go to the roadmap so if you don't see things in your tenant yet you can go to the roadmap and you can filter those so you can see I've already filtered mind by SharePoint and team so I can see the specific thing so you'll be able to read you know what they mentioned and all these updates and you'll be able to go see when things are rolling out in that list of updates so anybody out there who feels like they're there your server hugger and you feel like you're gonna lose your job if you're not a sharepoint ad server admin anymore and that your role is going away look at all the work you still have so you have to keep comfortable yes so you have to keep up with all the blogs and keep up with the roadmap and then take a look at things in your message center that are actually rolling out to your 10 and then check in your tenant to see if it's there yet and yeah I mean you could spend your whole week doing all right um let's see I think that that kind of wraps it up if again if you all have any ideas you all go to the little ideas channel in Power Hour and vote on other people's ideas that are again let me just share this so right now I'm in power our we're in here chatting bla bla bla and this is where we have our conversation then ideas so you can always just go to channels here and this newsfeed is actually blog posts and I think it's like tweets and things like that yeah that's blog posts and then I have ideas and when you go to ideas it's gonna look like this click the information panel and then I have these pin look at the pinned items so go read the pinned items and you can click on them and you can vote so like this one is pinned external access strategies on internet sites and you can do a little just reactions so chat just lets you do little thumbs up and little smiley faces and stuff like that so you can just do a thumbs up for people's these ones that are pinned are going to be yellow so you can vote on those and I look at those sometimes a lot of the times that they won't have any votes so somebody will just type something and then see like this ones I don't look Beth voted for jeans idea here anyway so go put little thumbs up on people's ideas or type new ideas and help me think of stuff to talk about in power our of course when we have new new things that roll out and we just cover the new stuff in power our but or you know a lot of times if it's something that I figured out for some customer project or Joelle figured out we'll just say hey will that be a good topic for power our her Chris was figuring out something to do with power apps making them responsive and changing according to what size the pages and stuff like that maybe we'll do that on a Power Hour so any last thoughts or questions anyone thanks everybody for coming that was a fun one I think admin is always a pretty popular topic cool all right I guess over and out and we will see you all next time bye everybody thanks
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 25,393
Rating: 4.8166666 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Office 365, Administration, Admin center
Id: h80fOQoPKVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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