SharePoint Power Hour: Power Automate SharePoint Permissions

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome this is SharePoint power our I'm Laura Rogers and I usually have Joelle with me she is busy taking care of some family things today she will be back I promise don't worry but I had you all vote I sent out my newsletter and in the newsletter I had you all vote on today's topic so the winner of the vote was drumroll it was permissions on SharePoint permissions using Microsoft Flo so there are a couple of new Flo actions that have come out in the last couple of weeks and so we're gonna it's only two actions so I'm gonna you know like I always do I'm going to manage just stretch it out and fill up an entire hour talking about two new actions but we're gonna I'll you know tell you about them do some demos and talk through different scenarios so this is all about yeah SharePoint permissions inflow which is something that people have been asking for for a long time now right now as of today now I need to say this as of today stuff probably at the beginning of every Power Hour because I feel bad when people watch these like a year or two years later and everything's different so everything changes so fast that I have to say that because who knows but it'll be a month from now so as it today there are two actions and there are kind of limited in what you can do I mean I have seen some third parties that let you third-party products that let you do very much more granular things with permissions in automation but this is a start right we can do we can accomplish some things so what prompted me to start using this in the real world was that I had a customer that I had created an approval workflow on just a list of documents they need to have meeting minutes that need to be approved by a bunch of people and they started the workflow and then someone deleted the file that the workflow was running off of and I could tell because I went and looked at the workflow history the little log and the item that the original item that the flow had been running on I looked at the ID and then I looked in the list and scoured the list and that ID was gone like it didn't exist anymore anymore someone had deleted it and so and then it probably happened a month ago so I asked the customer I said well this this flow got triggered for a file that's not even there anymore someone had actually deleted it and then re uploaded another file with the same name but you couldn't tell by looking at it that it wasn't the original one but then the flow that had started like you know what happened right so I said do you want me to just lock this down so that when someone starts the approval workflow nobody can delete the file or mess with the file because it's got an approval workflow running on it it's important we don't want them just leaving it so that is what for for this case that is what kind of prompted me to test out these new actions and use them and try them and use them and implement them in a real-world scenario so I made it so that when you kick off the approval workflow and immediately locks it down so that people just have view access I think that's what I did view access to it so all right I will go ahead and share my screen and flow they've changed their interface again let me see why is it not showing my desktop oh let me see Oh my desktop is not available I have to troubleshoot this real quick it always just works this is my um my xsplit broadcaster is what I use for this there we go okay that's weird gotta make it bigger now there and put it behind me alright that worked okay so here's flow they've changed the interface have you all noticed that just in the past few days that this is all different now this interface you may or may not have this in your tenant so yeah they've create is now over here and my flows that's usually the first thing I go to but they've added the AI builders fairly new but this create thing I think and action items now has approvals and business process flows here under it alright so this is the one that I started with the test permission so I will just run it and show you what it does first and then I'll show you how I did it so I'm gonna go to my company policies and I want to run my meat and select that I'll go to this file called conflict of interest and I'll look at the permission so just a quick way in the new modern interface to look at permissions is by this little manage access thing so I can see I've got a couple of owners owners visitors members designers all have in the little icon shows you what permission they have on it so that is the current set of permissions on this specific file and I mean it's it's just getting its permissions from the library that it's in so I will go run this flow and I've got this little button that runs my flow I have a whole other blog post and I think a Power Hour we did about triggering the flow from a button but I don't have any input parameters I'll just click run on my conflict of interest and so what I have it doing is taking off everybody's permissions and then only giving to specific people just few permissions so this was just something that I doing as a test so this is not necessarily what you do in the real world but I I want to just kind of show you the functionality first before we start going into all these different scenarios so I've got this is the one that I just ran it on so now I'm not sure if I even need to refresh my page or not I'll just go straight to the information panel so yeah okay now something to note about permissions is that and for those of you who are you know old school sharepoint and you know you're familiar with the concept of site collection admins versus sharepoint groups and things like that site collection admins are considered owners and anyone that you make an owner in all the sort of modern team sites and communication sites anybody can make an owner is that is a site collection admin that is like god mode on the site they can see and do everything they can do all the settings they have permission to every single piece of content in that site no matter what no matter what sharepoint groups are entering things so owners always see and edit and full control on every single thing in that whole site collection so i'm not going to go on my rant about narrowing it down to a whole one or two owners so i've got two owners which is a good practice and so we are the site collection owners so this is why it's showing me that because we're owners we are always going to have owner permission on everything so even though i ran this flow that completely stripped off all the permissions and added just a couple of new ones owners still can get to it so when i for this customer when i implemented this i mean my customer is an owner on the site so i said we'll just be careful because you know this flow will set it to read-only for everybody except you and i our owners and owners can still delete it so he or I could easily accidentally delete the file and the what I did with the flow is not going to stop so alright so it it went in and gave these two specific people just view permissions on this one item so that's what the flow did and I do have let's see let's look at my settings for the library and this library is inheriting permission so even though it is inheriting permissions from the site's I am still able to do to run that action on it at first I wasn't sure if I had to go you know stop inheriting permissions for that action to work but I even though it's not inheriting from it is inheriting permissions it still lets me do that action so this is where if you ever are curious what specific items in a list or library have been set to have separate permissions like I just did this is where you could click show these items so these are all items that I've run that flow on and changed the permissions on them individually so that's where I can see that all right let go back to my policies now let's go look at the flow let me say only look and see the questions here real quick in slack and that's if this is the first time you're joining our slack channel was the fun place where we have conversations and ask questions and just discuss all this the whole time during power hour so let's see Shaylee I'm gonna have to i'll look at your question about the approval stuff in a few minutes when we get to the approvals I'm um I'm looking to see if we have any questions about the stuff I've covered so far Kate and Shaylee basically it has to do with what client they're using to read their email if you're talking about the asking about people approving something and writing their comments and the approval email it's it's just going to be different depending on what your email client is like Outlook Web Access or outlook client or however you're reading and that's how it renders it it renders it according to that um okay so back over to the flow here's my test permission so I will I'll I have a couple of weird things that I had to do in here so I don't kind of I'll just show you the actions first so before I go into this one I already created I don't want to confuse everything so I'm just going to do I always hit skip on the screen I was just gonna do a simple one that's just a button trigger just so I can show you what these actions look like okay so I can type SharePoint here and click SharePoint so these two new actions are stop sharing an item or folder and grant access to an item or folder alright so that's all I'm doing is I'm for the actions for that I stop sharing it and then when I stop sharing I have to tell it which site which list or library that I'm working in and then which specific thing a folder or a file which specific things ID that I want to stop sharing I'm not gonna put that in just type a number in there for now but and then the other one is I you know what this really annoys me that SharePoint doesn't show here anymore in this little quick list like how important is MSL in weather do y'all use that in flows a lot anyway then grant access so here's this is the magic this is where the magic happens Steve says doesn't this fly in the face of a permissions management strategy well Steve this is a very specific requirement about a very specific business process in this you know when we have our meeting minutes and we have this library or if you have company policies and you have this specific place that you're doing this then it's just I know I'm a Microsoft kind of held out and didn't put this this action in here for a long time but maybe that's because it kind of flies in the face of the permissions management strategy but when it comes to the real world you need to sometimes and manage permissions using a workflow and so think about like forms you might be filling out that have personnel content like people's personal information Social Security numbers and things like that you might need to have people be able to fill out a form but then lock down that item as soon as they fill out the form so that's it's a real-world requirement so I mean you can't just yank it away from people and not let them have it because you know people have been trying to figure out ways to do this for a couple of years now that since well SharePoint designer 2010 had it and the SharePoint designer 2013 didn't so I have I know of people or customers that are still using SharePoint 2010 workflows here and there just because of that specific thing of of having to do permissions on items especially like forms that have personnel information so yeah it is important you you don't you know you don't want to use it just all over the place willy-nilly but it's something that is that's useful in some business processes all right so get my site address mr. library name ID and that's gonna be and we'll do that dynamically in a minute that's gonna be what specific item that you are doing this to so you'll probably be the same one just but the same time right there not that I'm gonna run this or anything all right so then who am i granting access to so this is one person so I can just type like Billy Bob now usually best practice is that you're not going to put individual people's names in hard coded in your flows and power apps and things that you build it's just a bad idea people come and go right so you're you're most likely not gonna want to do this so let's see if I have like yeah so I have this is a like a shared email address or it's a like an email enabled eighty security group just a group of people so this is where I can say Who am I granting access to and the only two choices I have here for roles are can edit and can view so edit is going to give them that edit permission and view is going to give them read-only so I can say take everybody's permissions away and then individually put those guys in there maybe I want the IT department to edit it and I can do another action after this where I want the HR department to be able to view it or something like that so I could do separates grant access actions one after the other if I want to grant access to you know various levels of access to different people and I can also use a semicolon and put multiple people listed here multiple groups or multiple people so it's not you don't have to do one at a time you just can't pick you know if you're everybody can everybody that can view you'd put in this action and you can do another action where you want to give them edit and you could say those people can edit so this now you don't have to do the notify effort when I first saw this I thought oh my gosh I don't want to send a message these people I don't want every time this is automated everybody getting an email about this oh goodness so you can just change this to no so you can just not notify them but you can notify them if you want to you can change it to yes and then this is for you to view you can make it send them a message there's no such thing as a SharePoint security group steward a SharePoint group is anyway so no you can't use SharePoint groups power-ups and flow don't recognize SharePoint groups so yeah but that is uh that is I always just email enabled security groups is always what you can use in SharePoint and you can also use them in flow and power apps and all that stuff and sending emails to them so if it's just a distribution list it's not going to show in here either but you can also use office 365 groups that will do that next all right so this is so those are the two actions really so you don't have to stop sharing and then grant access you can just add new people to a file maybe they didn't have previously have access to it and when the summit process is happening you want to grant them access to it but those are our two new actions that were going over all right so what I had to do here is I got my policies and I want to say the selected item and not the selected item but the selected file so my trigger in this case would be I want someone to be able to click on the item in that SharePoint list like I did at the beginning and be able to trigger the flow that way you know of course obviously the other options are you can have it triggered when the items modified other stuff like that alright um yeah Nick you're right the SharePoint rest API call I've seen when you get desperate and you don't want to have to resort to SharePoint 2010 workflows then yeah that's another thing I've heard of people doing just as a way to be able to do what we're showing here alright so yeah it and I'll show I'll show you the office 365 groups thing all right so this is the concept of I want to be able to click on a row and be able to do a flow from here so see all the flows that I have that I have that I have a action for selected sure the selected thing in SharePoint that's where I'll see them when I select something so the bun is the button is just something extra I added to that column mm-hmm all right now when you're in a SharePoint list you are going to use the selected for a selected item trigger but in a library you're going to use for selected file so watch this this is just kind of one of those little hidden random tips and tricks things so I go to SharePoint I've got for a selected item here let me type selected all it shows me is for selected item this has got to be a bug but I've discovered that if I just type selected not don't select SharePoint first just type select it up here there's four selected file so it's kind of lost like it's not categorized in the SharePoint category for some reason but here's for a selected file all right for selected file in what library in that site in my policies all right so when I select the file I want to do the workflow now the problem is watch this when I try to put the ID I want the ID for the file they selected right it doesn't give me any dynamic content I don't have anything so I'm going wait a minute how do I point it to the right item so this is enough this is like a workaround that I'm about to show you this is this is a bug and this is really unrelated to the permissions thing but it's still useful for being able to manually trigger stuff from a library so I noticed that when I'm so I have to figure out where on my dent dynamic content is so if I just to troubleshoot this is like troubleshooting troubleshooting fun with Laura okay I just I like using the compose action sometimes just to be able to poke around and figure out what's going on all right so notice I see that I have file ID in here but it's it's like it doesn't know that it's a number because these fields are expecting a number so it doesn't know that the four selected file that file ID is a number so I have to kind of make it a number so I'm going to so even if I put let's do a variable so just kind of wanted to see what my outfits were up puts works I know I have some outfits but the only thing that's showing me when I am in the ID field is outputs that are an integer all right so I'll go do a variable so here's the first thing I tried I tried putting air ID int and making it an integer and then I still don't have any dynamic content because this has got to be an integer so it's like well maybe I'll just make it an integer using this integer function but even when I do that come on go away this little box is in the way now I still don't have any dynamic content to pick from so I have to do another variable fair eyed a string I'll put my file ID in here and then oh not just directly but I have to do an inch thin it so I make the well I'll show you and the other one I already built it so I go an initialize the variable I make it a string and then I just put the file ID in it and then I Vishal I initialized this integer variable see this one's an integer and that's where I'm able to do this int thing and put that that variable inside of it so I'll go I'll show you I'll type it again so I'm getting the integer of this thing so then once I do that then I can put my variable ID integer in all these places another thing I could probably do is for selected file doesn't give me much information anyway so a lot of times when I'm using for a selected file in a library I will need to have more metadata more information about that file so I can do get item get will get file not get item get file properties yeah that's that same library and then ya know so this one still needs an ID to so I'd still have to do these things before before this to be able to just to be able to get the the ID so y'all got it so I had to do a variable that's a string and put the file ID in it and then do a variable that's an integer and then do this int function to be able to put that other variable inside of it and then it finally gives me effect II okay so that's that's the way to get the ID so then in this case the next thing you do is the approval and there goes approvals start and wait for an approval and I'll do a approving reject I'll just do first to respond and then the title is going to be approve this thing this so I see I did the get file properties see my forests selected file doesn't have much information it doesn't have the name of the file and I mean hardly anything so this is since I did the get the get file properties thing then it gives me a whole bunch more information like the file name so I'll just type name here final name of the extension or just name Who am I going to assign this to I'll just bad practice don't tie people's names in here but we just do Billy item link is in its effective Inc item link is in here it is link to item and the description I can make it be whatever I want to but I usually just put the name finding the extension and then another thing you might want to do is the requester instead of it being me the person who created the workflow I want it to be whoever actually triggered this is the in the trigger that's whoever actually triggered the flow is going to be the requester okay so we'll go ahead and run this just for fun I could probably give these better names to y'all notice that they have a the copy and paste is in here now so I can copy this to my clipboard just I'll just show you what it looks like copy up file properties to my clipboard and go down here just anywhere I'm adding a new step and I have this other option here in my clipboard so then there's my get file properties and then there's my copy of it so that's that's brand-new I'll delete that yeah like that that's a huge time-saver right um can you pull a dynamic field from the list item you're pulling this permissions on yep exactly so you have to do Marilia get file properties and then what I can do when I grant access is so let me take these two people off of here is I can grant access to delete them and I'll just say policy owners so I have a people field on my list of company policies called policy owner so I can put the policy owner is gonna be the person that I want I'll say I want the policy owner to have edit permission and then I can say I want everybody else on the site to have read permission or I'll do that in a minute I will go over to a an office 365 group site which this one isn't and I'll show you how you can put just everybody in the group ok all say that and I'm not doing anything after the approval it's not really what it's about so I'll just go over to the list and my policies refresh that so my let's see if I want to check the permissions if I ever want to go to that sort of old-school permissions interface and because that's you know if that's what you're used to that's what you're familiar with you can do that you can go to advanced here so this spreadsheet is still inheriting permissions so I'll go ahead and run this flow on that spreadsheet so Chris Rogers is the policy owner and I'll continue okay so it's running my test permissions workflow and let's go look at the flow well let's just go look at the permissions on it manage access and look at that so he is the policy owner he's in that people field called policy owner on that specific file so now my flow just took everybody else off off of that no one else has permissions except for him and he has edit and you can tell by this drop down pretty cool alright so let's let's go over to and uh an office 365 group let me see what do I have here it's my list of all my it's my this is my wonder law right tenant my test tenant that I just play around and try stuff in I'll go to my project team site okay so this is an office 365 group and I can tell because it says group either private or public group at the top and then I want to or gonna kind of do the same thing but we'll play around with folders and files and stuff and I'll show you the office 365 group people thing so I've got two people in my group I've got I'm the owner and Billy Bob as a member I'll just go add just add her add one more person ok so I've got three people okay and I'll put a file in here a couple of miles just to play around with okay and so now I can do now I can do a similar flow on here so watch this this is the flow that I already created test permissions I'm just gonna do save as and I'll do - permission just call it something else I know that way I don't have to do all that work all over again but I do have to go in and change all the references to the site see it and automatically it's gonna be turned off when I first do that okay for selected file different site oh I gotta to get the URL for my other site now that I'm doing this is call not this one but where did it go Oh project team teams slash project team if I don't feel like looking through this list well there it is but I could always just do enter custom value and just paste it in there okay and then the library I need is the only one in there is just documents so then I need to go do the same thing down here project team documents same thing now I don't have a policy owner in this new library I don't have that feel that I had in the other one so you notice it had like kind of a bunch of weird characters in it okay so for this one I'll just say I want to make everybody in this office 365 group only have you permission because this is you know I'm about to run the approval process on it and I don't want people accidentally deleting it or messing with it so this is where I'll know they by default they're all going to have what edit right just out of the box they're all going to have that edit permission level so I want to change everybody in the site to only have view on here so let's see my project team what happens if I just typed the name of the see it doesn't recognize it so what is it what's the email address here what's a quick way to find out the email address of one of these groups let's see it's probably just project team yeah project team one word so that is not it's not a security group so it's not going to recognize that see it doesn't resolve it so what I do to do the office 365 group is my office 365 group actions list group members so that's going to tell me all the members of a group so I have to pick what group it is so it's my project team and then what it's going to give me back is just a list of people so I want to give that list of people make them recipients now so what happens though anytime you have a list of stuff that's uh and if you all took my advanced flow class this is one of the like a whole section we had on this this concept of an array so it's going to be a whole list of stuff so if you try to put a value of something from an array in another part of your flow it's going to put it inside of a loop because it's then it's gonna say for each of these group members see for each group member grant them access so there are a lot of cases where you don't want it to do this separate action for each individual person you just want to put all the people in a string like if you're sending an email to them or if you're putting them you know in approval process so I'll go ahead and do a variable for that there I gave that one a good name I didn't do that with other ones and so for I don't want this to be in a you know loops I'm going to take this back out of here and drag it back out of the loop and delete the loop having a lot of unnecessary loops is kind of a pet peeve of mine it's just kind of gets so messy all right just make sense so far getting all the people in it seem useful getting all the people in an office at lucey's five group and doing something with them like sending them an approval sending them an email something like that so I'm going to put them in a in the variable one big string of people with semicolons in between them so I'll do a pend to string variable and alcohol that's my ver people and then all their email addresses I'm going to append the email address and a semicolon so it's it is still doing a loop but for each person and I'm pointing to my screen here for each person it's looping through them and adding them adding their email address to the string variable and Steve says what happens when the membership of the group changes well any workflow that gets started after people come and go from the group it automatically incorporates them in so that's one less place that you have to go change things right it's just automatically going to go look at who all the group members right are right then right when the flow gets triggered now if the flow already got triggered and it's and it already sent whatever it was an email or an approval or did its thing then it's then no so that's one of the bad things about this one is that it's not so for as far as permissions it's going to put them all individually on there so yeah that you're totally right but this principle here with of getting everybody into a semicolon delimited string and using it somewhere else that list of people is needed is that's a very common one so but yeah you're right about exists so let's go see what it does let's go watch it happen so my recipients are gonna be my my they're their people and I'm just going to change it to can view and so but what you can do here is after they've approved it what you know what do you want to happen you probably you might want to just put the permissions back how they were or move it somewhere else so then it may not even matter that you're splitting off and putting all these individuals on for from with permissions okay say that and then now let's go Larry says is there a trigger for when membership changes I don't know I highly doubt it but I see where you're going with that okay so here's my marketing compensation report I mean if if you've got a very strict sort of approval process that you're worried about permissions and things you may also be you know converting it to PDF or something as well and then that would be a completely new file okay so this ought to I click that okay that file flow there it is test permissions on it took a second test permissions on office receipts about group I don't have any this is the first time I've run it but I don't have any input parameters or anything now this is also a good reason to use Active Directory email enabled security groups just across the board so now that of course especially now that we've got this model where everything is a separate site collection it's kind of painful to go manually add all these members to all these sites like what if you've got like a marketing collaboration site a marketing collateral site and all these similar sites that all just need a group of marketing people it would make sense to just have it in Active Directory as a single thing and that way you could give that group permissions in in the sites instead of having to add individuals so if you went with that model and if you were a big company it's most likely that you have something like that and implemented you can also use that as your distribution list for those people so anything that you have you probably have a lot of current distribution list convert your distribution lists to be email enabled Active Directory security groups instead and then that way when somebody joins the marketing team you just have to add them in one place and they're on the email list they have permission to all the sites etc so in that case you wouldn't have to go looping through a bunch of office 365 group members you could just directly just add that ad group and and done right so that's that's gonna be more of a best practice instead of a bunch of individuals everywhere okay I started my flow and let's go see we'll look at the manage access ah this makes me think that it hold on this makes me think that it ran like the older version of this flow because those are not those are the two people I had in the flow before I'm pretty sure I saved it though let me see yeah it's my fare people will go look at the I thought the log of this thing oh that wasn't that was the list of people because it was it was just like the same people that I on the other one that was a list of people from that group yeah so for selected file it initialized my variable initialized all my variables got the file properties did stop sharing I got all my group members and then for each group member i pended their email addresses so this is all its going to show you all their email addresses together into one string and then when I granted access notice that it see this is the list of people semicolon delimited it's just three of us that's all and up gate and gave them can view so that worked it worked I just now it's waiting for an approval so I think it's sound waiting for Billy Bob Davina that licensing and pricing model for flows that is unrelated to SharePoint that is not apply to any of this okay so here's that approval email we were talking about they can approve now again I didn't put anything in the flow for to do anything once they approve it but that is that's the interface so a couple of you were asking about this thing this interface in the questions and some wandering des jours not look like that so if you're in Oh wha it's gonna be nice and pretty and it's gonna have the box in rendering inside of the email but if you're in the outlook client outlook clients just not gonna render it's just not set up i don't know i don't i don't know technically why it doesn't but the outlook client doesn't render it nice and slick like that one with the adaptive card in it so all those the yeah that stuff microsoft announced about flow and power apps model pricing and that has nothing to do with flow and power apps on SharePoint lists and all pretty much all the stuff that I cover in my class and in power our in my class they're talking about like this stuff the CRM and the common data service and the model driven apps all that stuff the business process flows and all the entities and all the stuff in the CVS and dynamics all that stuff that's what it applies to not the stuff we're covering in here so don't worry um all right so let's do a folder so I have when someone creates a new folder in here and I'll just go I'll just have this automatically happen when a new folder is created so and I haven't done this this is one of those just on the fly you know I always do a couple things towards the end that it's just I hadn't pre-prepared so let's try this out okay so I'll do a new one I do I want to run this on the same the same library so I'm gonna just do save as just because it's got a few actions in it already having to do with that library let's see permissions so what the attempt is to say when it's run when a new folders created this would change the permissions on it desktop oh yeah so Zach said I believe it's supposed to be updated within the desktop application in the near future oh nice yeah that would be very helpful that would be nice at the outlook desktop would do all the same cool things that oh it does ok permissions on folder so I'm going to delete a bunch of this stuff maybe I would have been faster to just create one from scratch you can't create an office 365 group from flow by the way but you have Azure Active Directory connections that you can create them that way just you actually have to have higher permissions to be able to use those all right I don't need that okay for a selected file now I'm not actually you know what I'm not even doing for a selected file I'm doing just when a new folder get like on create alright okay so SharePoint when something gets created now I'm going to type folder in here just a double check so it doesn't have when a folder is created is not a trigger so I'll just say when a file is created new file not one of the items created yeah there we go what if I was created and then it has to check to see if it's a folder or not is folder is equal to true alright is folder is equal to true then it will do what we want it to do otherwise it's not going to worry about it so if it is a folder then so when I grant access so again I can do the grant access before I do the stop sharing but if I do grant access it's just gonna add on to whoever already has access to it it's not going to take away the people that were already there stop sharing an item or folder and then now this will be interesting with the ID and see if that works on a folder because that I've seen that'd be kind of tricky in the past before this might not work stop sharing and then grant access to that item I'm just gonna say whoever created the folder so I'm just gonna as soon as I create a folder everybody else gets wiped off and it's only my folder I'll give them an edit and we'll just do a notify that's fine just your folder is now only your's that'll be interesting now let's see what happens okay let's see okay it folded I created let's see if it even triggers it I didn't give it a name did I older permissions um oh it does the abbreviate card as well as are showed Oh Davina says does that mean I don't have to worry about how many flows maybe using a SharePoint solution well um you still have it it's still counting your flow runs I believe your runs like it always has so I don't I don't know the answer that as to how the flow run count is now going to be impacted when they change the licensing for SharePoint stuff I don't know sure look check however everybody's questions all right I think I did it failed yep thought so the response is not in a JSON format okay so let's uh you know for this being a folder I'd probably want to try some other action that is doing something else on the folder just to make sure that the ID is not the problem it says ID for and that's the that's the idea of the folder but response is not a JSON format yeah it's I think it's expecting a different type of ID when it's when it's a folder so if it's a folder I'll create a new folder that's new that is definitely new I because I was doing a work around with like doing something the SharePoint services web services to do be able to do that before so like literally this this must have just come out with all that other new stuff that came out [Music] list folders gonna list everything in it get folder metadata okay let's try this I'll just rerun it I know it's almost time to stop but you know this is fun stuff okay thanks Devon yeah what's it doing yeah so it was still hit it's still saving okay mm-hmm yeah you're right we'll see what happens with that one did not find the folder for insight ensure that the folder exists uh-huh yeah file identifier oh I'm supposed to use the identifier or not the ID of course right okay saving oh wait for it wait for it to finish saving and go okay so it didn't tear out on this one this time it aired out on the other one so I think I need to use that identifier down here mmm yeah it's got the item ID that might be one of those situations like earlier at the very beginning a Power Hour when I had to kind of convert something from one type of value to another for for it to be able to you know recognize it in this box that I know I've done this with folders so I'll have to go look I'll probably just have to go look at some older ones that I did but yeah so the next thing I'd be do would be playing around with like this identifier which it might be what I need so I might need the identifier here but it doesn't have identifier as something I can pick from I'm not sure what even the structure is of the identifier either I don't know all right well we got close but the folder I had a feeling that I had a feeling the the way the folder ID identifier item ID that whole thing is different would probably impact using it in in these actions so yeah definitely but so if you come across that it's not you it's just gonna you know take a little more digging to be able to get the right sort of structure of what ID it needs in here to be able to do that action and I mean it's also possible let me flip back over to this it's all I mean it is also possible that the it says stop sharing an item or folder but the item works and the folder just doesn't work yet because it's brand-new I don't know so just kind of keep that in the back of your mind when you're testing this that is a good question Lisa says how does the flow know that the folder is documents in this step it would it would you need to tell it I mean it's got an ID so every single thing in a library has an ID whether or not it's a folder or a file so you would think just giving it ID ID would just do what it needs to do but I think it needs a different structure so but the folder Lisa is not documents the library is documents and the folders the one that I created called projects or something like that all right thanks everybody thanks for coming I hope you all had a good summer and hopefully you all are going to Microsoft ignite also if you are still using InfoPath read my blog post and fill out my survey that I'm doing about InfoPath about stop using InfoPath so can I gather up and see what some of the reasons are and hopefully that'll be an eye-opener for companies that are just still kind of sitting around it I don't know waiting for something I'm not sure what they're waiting for though so thanks for filling out my survey thanks for coming happy Wednesday
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 7,711
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Office 365, Microsoft Flow, permissions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 23sec (3743 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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