SharePoint Power Hour: Microsoft Lists First Look

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[Music] hello everyone i'm laura rogers and this is sharepoint power hour i have joelle jobson here on audio say hello hello everybody and this is our show we do wednesdays at 11 central we've been doing this for six probably almost seven years and this is all about you know it's called sharepoint power hour it's all about sharepoint office 365 microsoft 365 whatever we're calling it now it is geared towards business users power users that non-dev role we're not super technical i have a server admin background and joelle you kind of have a similar maybe more of a business businessy type background neither of us are programmers right that's true what was your first role in sharepoint joelle um it was kind of just like probably like most people it was just kind of like a thrown together support role yeah we all get thrown into sharepoint at some point so everything we do in power hours geared towards um nothing you know not anything super technical and there's so much you can do in all the whole suite of microsoft 365 that you don't have to you know that you can do with low code and no code that's what we cover so this week and i send out the night before i send out the newsletter to for everybody to vote on the topic and this time you all voted for microsoft lists and just one more quick thing we have um a chat where we talk in slack during the meeting and you know we might be changing that up too i was thinking of changing our platform of what i used to broadcast kind of try some think new things so joelle can be on video too and um right now we chat in slack we've been doing that for a long time it's just really easy there's a link to join below whatever video you're watching and this is where we have live commentary and questions comments the whole time during that's the fun part of having a live show so um microsoft lists is out it is well it's sort of out it's it's sort of hidden in there but you can get to it so i was debating on whether to cover it now since it's not officially been released but since i can get to it in my tenant i thought we would take a sneak peek now there is a ton that you're going to be able to do in microsoft list and i actually put a link in the general channel in slack to just microsoft's official um it's a it's a really good 17-minute long demo video of all the amazingness that's going to be in microsoft list so i'll cover some of that i'll mention it as i'm going through but only a little bit of it is already out in the tenants so that's why i'm calling this power hour microsoft list first look because it's really just a first look at what's currently there and kind of just looking forward to what is going to be there and what we're going to be able to do with the list all right so and hello everybody in the chat welcome everybody's jumping in it's good to see you all i'm excited to be talking about lists so i have this demo tenant and joella and i have been going in here and just creating some lists and creating some fake content in the list and we've been working hard to just you know show you how to try out a few things so the first thing i'm going to show you so here's the list interface and let me get my screen shared yay pretty shiny look at that how did i get to that so what you're gonna do is here's the sneaky way you all should just go try this right now right just go to the waffle menu and go to onedrive and then what you do is you find this little see onedrive dot h cx sorry you may not be sharing i'm i'm a little delayed but oh no no it is okay there it is there's who knows it's like a 10 or 15 second delay um you change one drive here to lists so it's list.smx so what it's doing is it's for those of you who are sort of old school sharepoint people who remember my sites what it's really doing your your onedrive is really just just for those of you who don't know onedrive is really just a sharepoint site it's just it's really a document library in your own sharepoint site it's your own document library it's just they off you skated all the sharepoint site part that's around it so microsoft lists is also basically an interface to um sort of a screen that's in your own private site um all right so that's kind of that's why all that stuff and that's personal and the url and all that so it's list.aspx all right i'm going to put it back in full full screen mode and um so what you can do is these are all the lists you start off with the ability to create a new list um oh some of you it's not out in all the tenants yet so in another tenant that i have i do just get a white screen it doesn't work so it's just not gonna work for some people they haven't this this whatever this is called this preview thing hasn't been rolled out to all the tenants um somebody was asking how to get a demo tenant i usually go to um and it used to be called and anyway it lets you create if you're a if you're a partner you have to make yourself be a microsoft partner it lets you go create your own uh demo tenants so that that's the way that i know all right so yeah so it's like a roll of the dice to see if you're gonna be able to have this or not so fortunately joella and i have several different tenants we um she has her own personal one with just one user in it that she's able to try it in and i have my own i have my test one that's wonderlar i have a couple of other ones and we have this demo one so we figured at least one of them would have this capability so all right so we are lucky enough to be able to try it so here is where you're gonna be presented with it's just gonna be a blank screen and it's going to just have you know show you this ability to create a new list and it's also got it's going to show you all the recent lists that you've gone to and it's going to show you my list because with lists you're going to have this concept of having the ability to create a list in this my list which is really just going to put it in your own little site here it's like a private list or you create it and it puts it in and you pick a specific sharepoint site to try it in to to put it in where the physical list would physically live so this first thing that you're going to do when you're going to decide where to put your list you really need to think about because they kind of make it sound like well you know if you're starting with a list and it's just for you and you're not ready to share it with anybody yet you just created in my you know my list and you um share it with people with a share button when you're ready but the problem with that is it's not moving the list when you click the share button it's just sharing the list exists in your own private area and you're just putting separate permissions on it so for those of you who are like old school sharepoint who like to keep things nice and tidy and in the right place i don't i wouldn't want to say that it's a best practice to put a bunch of things in my list but um see with onedrive it's different because with onedrive when you start working on a document in your onedrive and then sort of the best practice to say well when i'm then when i'm ready to share this document then i move it to a sharepoint site well that's totally different because you're you're not just um just get changing the permissions necessarily you can actually just move that file to a document library well the list it doesn't you're not moving the whole list unless you have some sort of migration tool so anyway all right so we have all these cool templates now there's a ton of functionality in here that is not in here yet that is going to be i mean i'd say probably um 80 of all the coolness and really really exciting stuff that's going to be in microsoft lists isn't even in here yet for for what i have so we're going to cover the coolness that is in here so far so when you go create a list remember templates remember list templates do y'all remember them they're this is so long ago it's been two or three years so they're back yay so back in old school classic sharepoint when you created a new list you used to have all these great templates you could pick from and then when sharepoint kind of went modern then really the custom list was the only one that had the modern look and then all those old lists that were created with other templates became kind of obscure and became sort of um not as easy to make them look modern and just very awkward and i just pretty much stopped using them i don't know about you all but i have not used anything but a custom list in probably three years what do you think joelle sometimes oh yeah yeah it's a waste of time so list templates are back yay can i get a golf clap this is this is really slick so we have all these different um we have issue tracker employee onboarding event itinerary asset manager recruitment tracker travel requests work progress tracker and content scheduler and then um so what it's going to do is just like with you know the templates like we had before they're going to let you ju just give you somewhere to start and then you can customize them however you want to from there you can go add your own columns you can go delete columns and change things around add views so it's really just giving you somewhere to start with and then just like we already have these three options and we have gone into these in other power hours so the course blank list we've always had that from excel we did just in a couple a couple of power hours ago we showed how to create a sharepoint list from excel and then from existing list we had that in a power hour probably a couple of months ago how to create from an existing list so these three things are not new these are new and um when you look when you click on one look how cool it's actually giving you a preview of what that list is going to look like and what all the columns are going to look like which is we didn't have that before did we joel i don't think we did no i don't think so employee onboarding event itinerary and it's got pretty little formatting and a lot of this this formatting we've gone over that in other power hours too so that's really just regular old list and column formatting and then asset manager oh look at that it's got pictures and recruitment tracker has got you know things about candidates that you're recruiting interviewers notes um even a link to their profile travel requests that's a common one that i do and then um work progress tracker and these are so this little setting this these little rounded buttons that's called a pill and that is just a setting that exists in your column formatting it's fairly new um we just covered view and column formatting i feel like a couple of weeks ago too at least within the last month or so um and these all these little icons are just in there and i'll go we'll look at that again and then the content scheduler is again with the pretty little pill formatting and these images are kind of broken but that is where you get your preview of what kind of list you want to create so i'll just say i want now we've already created one of each of these different kind of lists but i want to show you what this little walkthrough looks like and i also want to show you on microsoft's site um on and i put a link to this in the chat it's this list resource center you can go look at this list lookbook kind of similar to the sharepoint lookbook as a concept and it also shows you all these cool little templates and and examples of them in all these pretty little graphics so check that out too okay and then okay so i've picked asset manager i'm going to choose use template and then just like when i always create a list i can give it a name and a description s2 and then um some assets i can give my list a color so this is the color that it's going to show as when it shows on that screen that's you know with all of your lists on it so that's pretty slick and i'll make that one green and you can change your icon and now this is important this is the thing that i was talking about by default it just wants to put it in my list my list is gonna that that's it's a sharepoint it's just a sharepoint list so these are just sharepoint lists they're just on steroids and they're just gonna um live inside of your if you choose my list it's gonna live inside of your own little sort of my site in the same area where your onedrive lives okay so that's the default so kind of be aware of where you're creating it now i believe that this list creation experience i mean it wouldn't make sense if it didn't but i believe that this experience that i'm on right now is going to be in any sharepoint site when you click to create a list that's what it's going to look like because this is just a sharepoint list but right now it's just not in those yet so this is going to be all of my recent sharepoint sites and so i can go to my sales site and this is going to create that list in my sales site and i can say just like i've always been able to do say they whether i want it to show in the navigation or not so um i will go ahead and create that all right so then here is my list so this interface is going to be a big thing that's going to be uh that's going to change a lot that's going to have a lot more added to it so i'll just add and this just looks like a regular list form right status and joelle um already created a few other um lists in here too that we're gonna go look at dot dom fill out all these fields just so you can see how cool it looks when um it's all filled out purchase date yesterday i bought this wow this has got a lot of fields what are some names in here um we've got adele is somebody um joni deborah joan our little fake people oh joni and deborah let me see if it lets me put multiple people oh no it's just that's a one-person field so due date i'll just type it in here stuff and notice one of these actually had different verbage for the attachments too did you have you noticed that joelle it said something like related files or something yeah i thought that was interesting that it lets you change what the attachments says so we'll have to remember which list that was we'll have to go look at that too all right now check it out now i that okay so what this is is a sharepoint list obviously and then you do have the ability to go into just any sharepoint list and look at it like this though so you don't have to go create it just in this my list view so look at this env equals web list view so i'm going to copy this this this is important so you all might want to grab a screenshot of that env equals web list view and then you can go into any sharepoint site i'll just go to my main route of this demo tenant and i'll just create a new list um test um new thing oh yeah that was the content scheduler it's called content files okay thanks right okay so this is going to be another just a regular old list that i just created and what you're going to do and you can do this you can go to any list that already exists in your tenant and try this and i think that this is going to work whether or not you can get to that special like that main interface because i think this worked in all my tenants see if you go just change it to env equals web list view and john lew in um in twitter put tweeted this last week or so john l iu he's a really awesome mvp that does a lot with power automate and has been in sharepoint for years he this was in a tweet the other day so i had seen this in a tweet and joelle had seen the thing about switching the onedrive url and some other tweet so between the two of us we kind of hacked into here so um if you all want to try this yeah you're right that is that is a weird icon that is very retro icon isn't it the colors on that thing it's this um valerie's talking about this icon she doesn't like it it does it doesn't look like it goes along with everything else does it it's a complete completely different sort of look and color scheme um okay so then i just created a regular old list in just in a site without going to that specialist interface and i can still switch it to be this cool looking view which the form doesn't look any different um but it's wider so i don't know was there any i don't know i don't think there was anything else oh another thing you get in here when you do this though is you get this little list button so that list button is also going to take you to this main interface with all of your lists and these are going to show no matter where you created these so look at this i've got a few that we created on various different sharepoint sites and i've got we've got some that were created just in my list let's see recent list i created my list these are the lists that physically exist in my own area here and by default are not shared with anybody okay so and you can also favorite them so you can say favorite your favorite list to make them show up here so i can go to my recent list and i say i really love this um issue tracker list i want to go to it all the time and i can favorite them so that gives me the ability to just have this quick little view of lists that you know i go to all the time um what am i missing in the chat joelle anything important let's see i don't think so i think mostly just comments just about okay all right so there's a lot going on in the chat i can see it kind of scrolling but i missed i didn't get to read it all all right um anthony says he thinks lists seem similar to planner i don't think they seem similar to planner at all i think they seem more like a database just like a list of stuff and planner seems more like tasks but but you know tasks are a list of things too so planner is really just that sort of visual slicing and dicing we covered planner recently too in another power hour and assigning things to people and tracking the progress of sort of maybe a project or something like that but and so lis is not going to necessarily do that same thing out of the box let's go into a couple of other which ones let's see recruitment tracker joel's been working on these which ones want which one's the one that you said had i'm sorry the one that you said had a different um type of attachments content scheduler okay okay so this one uh we joel's been putting a lot of content in here and it has let's go look at edit one and it says content files here so that's really interesting it's got um content files instead like usually where it would say attachments so let's go look at the list settings this is really paired down to right the list settings just that's the only thing you can click on um oh that must be just built in yeah that must be built in that must be one of those special things that's built into the template joelle remember the old the old templates had a couple of things like that too yeah that were just built in and there wasn't anything you can do to change them that was just what you got so that'll be interesting this says it's the a type of it's a thumbnail is the type that's interesting too i've never seen a field type of thumbnail um let's go see what that looks like over in here now another thing i noticed about let me go back to my list interface see it took me to content scheduler inside the sharepoint site too interesting oh that's cool dustin just said something that i think you should answer um hopefully lists eventually provide us with a modern calendar view oh yes we're getting to that [Laughter] that's one of the things so if you all watch that longer video that i put a link to well not longer than power hour it's 17 minutes but it's a long demo for compared to other microsoft videos it's a very very useful demo it's got a modern calendar view so we're i'm going to start after i finish showing you what i can show you with what we already have in here i was going to start delving into the things that are not in here yet that are super awesome and exciting and i can't wait till they're there okay and calendar view is one of them so um uh stewart says didn't see saving as a template well well remember whenever you go to create a new list just right now you can pick from an existing list so that's what you get you don't have to take a list and save it as a template you have just picked from an existing list which is kind of achieves the same thing but in reverse so i don't think that they're i don't know i haven't seen any plans for them giving a save list as a template type of option um so it's just you're just doing it in sort of a different way um so let's go back to the content scheduler because i want to see this thumbnail thing all right let's look at a couple of other things what i noticed when i was kind of going back and forth in here when i was trying all this stuff out before us before i went live is that it goes back to the quick edit view very often it seems like sometimes the quick edit view is the default um it hasn't done it while i've been doing this demo but it it seemed to do it a lot just kind of as i was trying things out it goes too quick out of you look how slick the quick edit view is by the way this is very very much improved too so this makes it very easy and obvious to just directly go in here and edit stuff and it looks exactly it's you know it's a wysiwyg it looks exactly like you're going to get it so i can go add another um campaign to stuff here i'm just typing a lot and then look it's got like i can even expand it out all right and it's got author is going to be the created by status now a lot of these might have other little just tidbits of things that are built in just like um we used to have in in the old school uh templates that we haven't necessarily discovered yet so that'll be interesting to go find those all right so now it's saved my row that i just created and then i like the way it's got um that little that just easy ability to add the stuff in here in the slick interface now look at this okay by default it's got this auto fit height when you're in quick edit view so it's got some differences in here when you're in quick edit view and in regular view so i go to fixed height and uh it's everything it kind of cuts off you see these they cut off and then when i go to auto height then whenever i've got a lot of verbiage a lot of text in a field it will expand it and make it longer but i can still also do this and expand their widths too i wonder what that thumbnail thing was though let me see if i can go find that so let me go back out of quick edit view and then notice that when i'm not in quick edit view i don't have that same concept in here i just have right now i just have list and combat lists but they they were talking about a bunch of other things that we're going to have here like um one called tiles where you look at everything kind of like document libraries have like a tiles view sorry all right um so what else was i gonna show you in here um that thumbnail thing where did that go let me go find that i'm going to go just edit one item just like i do in sharepoint and it said it had a field that had a column type of thumbnail but i don't see that one do you remember which one that was let me see that that intrigued me content image thumbnail let me see if that's that might be one that's just not um out yet it's just got con additional files such as the text and additional images if more than one is used hmm i will get my i'm just gonna put a file in here that's an image and i'm just gonna see um if it does anything magical i doubt it will no it's just got the little icon okay so now and it took me back to sharepoint did you notice that let me go back to lists here okay so i think we've gone over everything in this interface for just getting around in creating lists and favoriting lists and seeing your senior lists and then we've also got um let's go let's go look at a few of just the way the different ones look real quick so we already looked at the content scheduler we've got recruitment tracker which is going to have fields for you know candidates and information about the candidates and who interviewed them and in the little preview screen it showed or in the preview video it showed the ability to look at them as tiles and then you'd be seeing sort of pictures of all the candidates and all these tiles of information across the screen so that's the recruitment tracker and then this is that's the one that so notice this is interesting this is the one that i created inside of just from a sharepoint site and remember i changed the little env equals web view list in this in the query string in the url and now since i did that it shows here with my other sort of modern list or whatever they're called microsoft lists so even though i didn't create it from this interface and i didn't use one of those special templates i since i switched the url for it to show in the modern look somehow that made it add it to this list interesting huh and then we've got my asset manager and with asset tags and some um assets and the photo uh the photo type of column hasn't changed yet um it's just the same as it's always been in sharepoint where you have to put a url to a photo but that's going to be one of the ones that that improves so that's going to be have you know an actual interface for you to point upload a file or point to which file that you want to be showing in this little photo um column type and um so that's going to be one of that's going to be part of one of the big improvements let me go back to so that was asset manager and then travel requests and travel request also has these cool little pills now let's go look at the that little pill that little pill setting so let's go back to that just that plain old list that i created so you can see that this is not this is not something that's special only in the new modern list but it's in all of them because it looks really slick so what i'm going to do is i'll just add a choice column i'll just say test choice so you can see that choices look how cool look how slick this is so um check the test okay it's a choice field what do i want my choices to be look at this joelle as i'm creating the choices it automatically has for me to choose what colors they are that's really cool did y'all do this is this sinking in this is have y'all seen this is so cool this must just be in all the lists i guess this is live this is awesome so as i'm creating a choice field i'm creating it when i create it by choosing add column we'll have to add this to the training too joel keep coming across things we get to add to our sharepoint training then i get to pick what color they're going to be cool um rad awesome so my my uh choices here are kind of going along with the the the color theme of the list logo right 80s retro so cool it's going to be orange rad is going to be what is it there i'm kind of close cool red or awesome and so you get to change the colors as you're creating that and you even have so i'll go ahead and save that this and and kind of show you um this one's gonna be cool okay i'll go into quick edit really helpful because i was gonna say that column formatting if you're just doing one column is like no big deal but when you have to do multiple columns uh it's kind of annoying so being able to do it on creation is actually very helpful a nice yeah that's true that's a good point and this is going to be another cool one and exit quick edit okay so then i'll show you the little pill thing so i go to get out of quick edit and go to my column settings format this column here we go look at this format choices as pills oh it changed the colors joelle it put it back to some sort of default colors so when you do this you can edit styles so you will have noticed in a few of these new slick modern lists or i'm not going to call them modern lists that's not what they're called microsoft lists that they had some um very advanced so i don't want to go to advanced mode and write code that's not what i want but i want to go edit these styles and do more styles this is down here more styles let me maximize my screen again so i pick a specific one and go to more styles and then i have all this stuff and again i feel like we just covered this a couple weeks ago but so we have icons that you can put on here and we have borders so look see when i put a border around it it it um looks really slick put like a dotted border and i saw some of them with shading on them too i don't know where the shading is anyway so that's how you can make them look like pills and have all kinds of coolness going on on the sides all right let's go back to lists and then um issue tracker oh that looks really slick joelle did it already have like the whole row read like that yeah i think it was for the like if i made it blocked and there was one that was blocked and if i made it that it changed that color nice so that's the issue tracker and we used to have an issue list type in uh back in old school sharepoint too issues apparently are um a popular thing that people like to track okay now let's talk about a couple of other things now we're about kind of got about you know 20 minutes left let's talk about some of the things that are coming that aren't in here yet so um you know when i first yesterday when i first started playing with this and you know kind of hacked in and found this little list interface and then i just figured well yeah let's totally demo this because it's out there they just haven't rolled it out but then i realized as i went how much like the large quantity of stuff that is so cool that's going to be in here that is not in here yet so i don't want you to go in here and look at this and think well that's all there is to it that's just a little bit it just kind of changes the way it looks it's not that big of a deal they are changing it drastically it's going to be so awesome so a few of the things they're adding they're adding a calendar view um a modern calendar not like the old school calendar view i tried just creating an old school like calendar view by going to the list settings in one of these and to see if it would look like the modern one it didn't maybe that's another little thing that you have to add onto the url i'm not sure to hack into that i'm not sure if it's even there yet so the calendar view they have um a little like a tiles view where you can see them all just like documents have with the tiles and then they have when when you go in here to uh show and hide columns this interface is going to be a little different so right now you can kind of drag things up and down to rearrange them but what it's going to have is um little sort of for certain types of columns it's going to let you decide how you want it to be displayed so uh like this little person column right here see how it's got their image well it's going to actually have that next to the column where you can decide how you want it to be displayed and if it's a photo you can decide if you want to display the photo so it's going to have sort of little interface with like an ellipsis or some kind of little drop down next to things that let you change the way they look in the old school way we had to go to the list settings and go to um the column settings like for a person field and change it that way well that's not going to be the way you do it in this new and this new thing it's going to be in when you're setting up your your sort of your order of your view here and this is going to be huge so when you go to edit an item right now i i can just go i'm editing an item and right now all i have when i choose at edit columns is this just me i can just you know rearrange stuff and i can show and hide stuff it's not that big of a deal but they are completely revamping the form the form itself so right now all i can do is show and hide things from just the generic form and then it would just be rearranged or hidden and showing on the generic form but they're adding a whole new form editor so they've they've realized microsoft has realized that for business users that are maybe not familiar with sharepoint or definitely not technical that powerapps is not an easy user interface for quickly customizing a form you have there's a drastic learning curve i love powerapps and i think powerapps is a blast but there's have you all noticed this there's sort of a gap in power users that would be able to use powerapps and understand how to figure out the logic and functions versus like betty sue in accounting who just real quick needs to rearrange fields on a form have you all noticed this so i know there's kind of a delay but um oh yeah thanks uh for it yeah we've gone over that that list 40 formatting thing a couple of times in other power hours but that's always a good resource to have um thank you mark um yeah i know so i'm really looking forward to so there's going to be a completely new form editing interface and um stuart says something about like a list pro license upgrade who knows who knows i they i don't think that that's a plan but um stewart is skeptic skeptical isn't he um so yeah so powerapps is there's definitely now it's gonna be very simplistic it's going to be you know some some pretty easy conditional formatting hiding and showing things and rearranging things the way you want to look on a form but that's all that a lot of you need when you're customizing a form you don't need to have to go through you know hours of training just to learn how to do some logic and i know that i because i teach powerapps i have a powerapps training course i it's it's a lot to learn there's a lot of just fundamentals the way the properties work the way the logic works the way to write functions and how they work and what controls are and just there's a there's just it's there's a lot to it so this is this is going to be a lot simpler and so not only is there going to be a new form editing interface that's not there yet there's going to be a new rules thing there's going to be i don't know if it's going to think it's going to be on this automate tab have you all seen them demo this they demoed this at i think ignite last year didn't they joel something like that it was a while back it's gonna say rules here and similar to powerapps they've discovered that a lot and there's a lot of people that are new to office 365 especially right now with so many people just jumping to the cloud and flying to the cloud and flocking to the cloud and they're all new to this stuff and they want it to make sense to just new people who don't want to learn a bunch of complex stuff so power power automate flows are pretty complicated too once you do something but beyond just you know a couple of basic things so they're creating a new rules thing that will be right here that where you're creating rules directly on a list ah what do y'all think that's pretty exciting so that's gonna be cool too and so i feel like um this new rules thing and the new um form editing interface are gonna be a great sort of between point for those business users who aren't like super power users who can almost figure out code like like some of us are so um i'm not a dev but i you know i can kind of get into all the functions and complexity and business logic where people that are brand new to this they just want it to make sense and not have to learn a bunch right so it sounds like um uh i don't know anthony says the rules sounds like they're the old workflows um i don't know we'll see they sound like they're even more simplistic than that like you're not going to be presented with 50 different things when you're adding an action because that gets to be overwhelming so but i'm not sure all i've seen is in their little demo videos that they do um what else joelle am i missing here that is in here now or that was um something they talked about being in here calendar review was huge forms rules um the new kind of ways to do views um the slick little quick edit trying to remember uh any questions oh yeah so a lot of you have really picked up yeah a lot of you have really picked up um powerapps and and flows and really kind of embraced it but i feel like people want to be able to just hand over the ability to do forms and workflows to just again that just business users who aren't power users and who might be new to this i think this is going to be a great tool and i'm looking forward to adding it to our sharepoint training who mentioned infopath let's see [Laughter] yeah she said that there's definitely a steep learning curve transitioning off nintex sharepoint or sharepoint designer workflows to power automate and off of infopath to power apps yeah and infopath had you could get pretty complicated complex with it too right joelle but but when you created a rule in there there were only like three or four things you could pick from it wasn't this overwhelming like 200 things right mm-hmm yeah so that there's there's what what's going to happen is you're going to have people embracing this new thing that's really easy and you're going to have tons of people using it but then once they get to that point where that new thing that's really easy and simplistic doesn't do something that they want it to do those are going to be the people that are going to be transitioning over to powerapps and flows and so you'll still have i think people reaching that sort of whatever you call it a threshold of complexity and then once you reach the threshold of complexity which right now i have absolutely no idea what that threshold is going to be because i haven't tried it or really seen it then you're still going to have people needing to learn powerapps and power automate and then we still have that whole other dataflex thing that's coming out pretty soon too so date and we talked about this in the last power hour dataflex is going to be like um creating a power app inside of teams and it will be a canvas app so those um that's not going to be like the simplistic interface of microsoft lists and this new form thing so it's kind of different audiences they're going after but um and i'll just kind of switch back here there but what's going to be interesting is that sort of transitioning in between right joel in that decision-making process because when you first start building a business solution or creating a list a lot of us like to know and plan what what technology we're going to use right yeah i think the biggest thing is you just have to understand what the limitations are before you even get started because i feel like some people will start and spend a bunch of time in microsoft forms and then slowly realize it's not going to do it for whatever business process that they're trying to create um and so i think that's gonna you're gonna see that same kind of thing happening with this like people are gonna start spend some time and then be like oh wait it doesn't do what i needed to do so i feel like that's gonna that's definitely a a really good thing to evaluate before you start working yes so that's what joel and i do we figure out what those little sort of um pain points or deficiencies in different products are that make you want to use another product and that we help you know kind of guide people to make sure and use the the correct one when you're building a business process but a lot of people out there are just going to be click click click click creating these right so like we have a ton of people that have customized list forms with sharepoint customized list forms with powerapps you know and i i can't i never customize list forms i always start from scratch with a blank standalone powerapp because that is to me that's my best practice and i know the limitations of you know creating a doing a customized list form compared to just doing a standalone power app so i know ahead of time i never want to customize a list form so that's going to be also something to where okay before i even start creating the list itself i need to know whether it's going to be a dataflex thing in teams or a microsoft list or a um you know like all the other data sources like cds or sql so you got to you know think about it's just so this is just adding one new factor of some decision that you need to make before you even get started but at least it's just a sharepoint list behind the scenes and it's really just the front the interface to it that's been improved yeah but they also added a they it made it sound like there are going to be a couple of new field types too in here so that's going to be something to look forward to um let's let me check real quick to see when i click add column and you all by the way whenever you click add column just uh here in a list this does give you a different interface than when you go to list settings and click to add a column so um like for example this location thing is not gonna give you this nice little slick interface i don't even think it's there as an option when you go into your list settings so just something to keep in mind to try and try and get in the habit of whenever you're in lists and libraries creating columns just go ahead especially if you're the old school sharepoint people like me and joelle just go ahead and start getting used to using this ad column right here because there is a difference in what you're going to be able to do cool yeah anyway mom she should be here all right so i think we got we got about nine minutes left and we pretty much covered a bunch uh i can't think of anything else you will definitely watch that video that i put a link to i put it the link in the general channel in slack and it is called a first look at microsoft lists that's going to be the most thorough one it's just awesome it's new feature after new feature after new feature and then this is the main page that has got the links to just everything it's got that lookbook and it's got links to a bunch of different videos in it so any last thoughts anyone let me switch it back here that was a fun one again i was debating whether to cover that because everything's not in it yet but i just couldn't wait it's just this is just a really exciting update i think yeah somebody asked about the release date and it's pretty much uh if you look at the um the road map thing it's it's pretty much just rolling out now oh okay so let's see i'll put it back let's go to the road map road map and then did you just type a search for it in here yes you can usually search for i don't have the number right in front of me because i clicked away already sorry oh okay it's okay um what am i doing oh i went to the road map and then i clicked up here in the in the yeah everything's for microsoft list is um all the main stuff is in august and q3 so is it under yeah here it is microsoft list lists apps oh that's one thing that i didn't mention is that all this stuff that we covered in the video you can do it inside of teams except we already had a whole power hour about that too didn't we where you can do all the stuff inside of teams so um you can add lists inside as a tab inside of teams and that whole interface quick edit views everything is also available oh one other thing that we're gonna that i just remembered that they're gonna have in here is a little comments button it's gonna be like a little button right here um i guess next to the little share button that says comments and you'll have a whole comment pane that comes out so you'll be able to have this this running commentary of comments now that functionality has sort of been in there for a really really long time but it hasn't been slick and obvious like it is going to be with a whole panel and um a cool little button to get to it so just another thing and then um let's go look at the road map again let's see it says and is this one the one you were looking at list app and microsoft teams maybe it's just that's them putting it in teams anyway that that's a roadmap is where i went to get here where you can go find all that stuff and go dig through it and see the release dates and stuff so all right oh thanks susan yeah uh appreciate that cool i guess we'll be back uh next week and i our live class live online powerapps and powerautomate five day class is going to be really intense it's going to be august 17th through 21st so you all check that out at and thanks everybody for coming and um you all please subscribe to my youtube channel if you um would be so kind i'm trying to get i have about 14k subscribers i'm trying to get up to 30k so for everybody hearing this click the subscribe button however i i don't know if you're watching it embedded in another page or wherever you're watching but if you can do that maybe i need to add more buttons to subscribe in different places but thanks thanks everybody for coming thanks for watching over and out thanks joelle bye everybody you
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 5,615
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft 365, Office 365, Microsoft Lists
Id: qbVGqZlook4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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