Working with Microsoft Lists (webinar)

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good morning everybody thank you for joining us for working with microsoft lists we have a lot to show you today if you're new to microsoft list you haven't yet seen it you're going to see it all if you've seen a few things with what we've provided to date with disclosure or when we started to roll out in late july just recently i can't wait to see that you know if you've already seen this you get a sense of what more you can do because harini mikayla and chax will show you the full breadth of what you can do with microsoft list to make them your own and to help you track your information quick introductions my name is mark cashman and i'm a senior product manager on the microsoft 365 marketing team and i work with all of these peers to help market and bring to uh market all the information around microsoft lists but i want to turn it to introduce everybody that will be presenting today first with harini salidi harini hello my name is harini saladi i'm a program manager on the list team and i own the microsoft list app and the new list creation experiences that i'll walk you through today and next we've got michaela barrett michaela hi i'm michaela barrett i'm a program manager on microsoft lists and i own the experience of getting your metadata into the list and ways that you can leverage that to view your data in meaningful ways and i'll walk you through the the newest features we have in that area today excellent and chakra deep chandran shocks for short for folks that know me very closely i'm the one of the pm's in sharepoint experiences team working on building productivity apps using list and power platform so ranging from no code solutions to low code solutions using list thank you all presenters for joining and attendees you're in for a whirlwind this is going to be a very packed 60 minutes i will start with just a little bit of framing so that you know what microsoft lists are how we've built and designed them and then really to get to the point of showing you the product with our three other presenters first we really want to get across the point that leveraging and using microsoft lists are simple if you view sharepoint lists which microsoft lists are an evolution of you already know how to work with lists and they've gotten easy even easier it's easier to create you'll see today creating a list especially using some of our ready-made templates they're easy to share and it's really easy to track information with anyone and on any device our intent is that we don't want to limit the who you are where you are or how you're working with lists on what device we want them to be simple and easy to use but they're also powerful and smart in this context of keeping everyone in sync there's a new experience for microsoft lists in microsoft teams it's a new lists app and we will show you that and you will see how easy it is to have the content alongside the conversation and in addition to that a lot of where michaela will focus is to show you a lot of how you can work with conditional formatting working with rules working with the new quick edit experience to make the list work for you to do what it is that you're intending based on different status changes changes of ownership changes of dates those kinds of things and then we'll round it off at the very end with the flexibility lists are super flexible already today and they got even more flexible both in what you can do with lists just themselves how you can customize the list how you can build out rules for notifications and how you can work with the forms to customize the forms and make them appear and are usable as you need them the real value also in flexibility is our continued integration with the power platform so that you can further customize forms with power apps and further customize flows and build out dynamic flows uh oftentimes with a lot more complexity with power automate so to move us through i want to hand off to harini to first talk talk about how lists are simple harini thank you so much mark i do have a few slides which i'll run through quickly so i can spend more time on the product demos uh so let's get started um so just elaborating on what mark just talked about uh microsoft list is an m365 app uh that helps you track information and organize work for your team with a list you can track any kind of data be it issues assets routines contacts inventory um and much more and then you can visualize this data in different ways we have some out of the box options like card and calendar views but you also have the power to create your own customized views um that work best for the data in your list and you can also configure your list with filters custom formatting smart rules and alerts to keep everyone in sync and on track and the best part is that lists go with you wherever your work is it can be on the web or mobile in sharepoint or teams and you can even import a table from excel which is awesome so we can move to the next slide so one of the brand new ways to get started with a new list is to use our ready-made templates we are rolling out eight templates to start with and each template comes with predefined structure and formatting that will help you jump start a common information tracking scenario i'll talk a little bit more about what each template does as i'm demoing them but let's dive right into the demos at this point so just give me a second to kind of get started and get set up give me a second uh so yeah uh this so one of the uh easiest or quickest ways to get started on using the microsoft list app is through the m365 app launcher that looks like this um and you can see the list app right here i use it pretty frequently so you um i have it about the fold but if you don't see it there you can go into all apps um and search for the list app here and it'll show up go ahead and pin it so it is always available to you in the app launcher now this is my view of the list app you're looking at my favorite list and my recent list the recent list section that you see here it shows all of the lists that i've recently accessed are created and it's a combination of my you know shared list and personal lists and here you can see that i have this list called the work progress tracker and it lives in the list experiences team site and apparently i last accessed it six hours ago um and i can click on it and when i click into it i can easily access all of the information within it i can go ahead work on it and then i can click on the list style on top on the suite nav to get back to my list home page now the favorite section that you see up here uh contains all the lists that matter the most to me uh and they are the list i want easy access to when i come back to the list app next um and uh in order to uh you know favorite a list all i need to do is i can hover over any list that i want um i can click on this star a favorite star right next to the list and it shows up in the favorite section if i don't want it to be in the favorite section anymore i can go ahead and click again and it gets removed it's as simple as that but it's also super powerful because it allows me to personalize this page for myself and the next thing is being able to create a list that is one of the biggest advantages of having the list app is that you can easily get started on lists right from here so to create a list you just need to click on this new list button right here from here you have multiple options to get started the first one is the blank list option which allows you to create a list from scratch with this you can define your own structure formatting and data then you have the from excel option which allows you to you know upload an excel file or you can even choose a list directly sorry you can choose an excel file directly from your odb and then you can choose the table of data that you want to import into the list app the third option is the from existing list option which is great if you want to use the structure formatting and business rules of a list that is already in use and then we have the template section like i already uh talked about we have eight ready-made and first-party templates that are going to roll out with the lis app you should be seeing them and then each of these templates comes with pre-defined structure and formatting that helps you jumpstart a common information tracking scenario uh and you can use these templates as is or you can allow them to inspire you and you can add upon their structure change up the schema formatting anything else you need to do to suit your information information tracking needs um so i'm going to go ahead um there are a bunch of these here issue tracker employee onboarding event itinerary but i will go ahead and choose the issue tracker here now once i select this template i get to a quick preview of what my list is going to look like as you can see all of the schema is available there is a priority column there is a status um there is you know when the issue was reported and how many days old it is um and as you can see there is a a bunch of formatting that is associated with the data as well and when you create a list from this template you will get all of these from the get go before before i actually go ahead and you know create that list i wanted to quickly do a roundup of each of the templates that you're seeing here so like i said the issue tracker template can be used to track manage and bring issues to a close uh because it makes it really easy for you to set priorities and status of issues that are being logged in your system um and you can also send notifications to team members who are getting assigned uh to this issue so they can stay on track of their work then we have the employee onboarding template which makes it really easy for you to manage your new employees onboarding process and guide them through relevant contacts and resources so you can set when they should complete a particular work item by and you can allow them to mark off things that they have already completed and you can assign mentors to them for each task that they're performing so this is really great for your new employees that are getting um you know just getting started in your team um then i have the event itinerary template here uh which you know uh it helps you organize all of your important even details in one place um and uh make sure that everything is running smoothly um and in this particular list you can also toggle to the calendar view that gives you a pretty clear picture of event activities over time like you know you can look at it from a month week or day perspective then we have the asset manager template that helps you keep track of physical assets uh that your team is using so you know which uh which asset um you know is in repair uh which asset is you know what are the checking and checkout dates for your different assets um and also like you know for this particular list because the uh like picture or the image of the asset is like a important column you can toggle this list into a gallery view uh to represent the same data that you're seeing in this list view in a more visual way and then i have the recruitment tracker which allows you to manage your recruitment pipeline really easily you can look at each candidate uh what position they're applying for what's the status of their application uh which recruiters they're working with and so on so this is a pretty sweet template as well uh we have a couple more for travel requests work progress tracking and content scheduler uh but for the purposes of this demo i'm just gonna go ahead and choose the issue tracker i can click on use template and then i have created this list before so i'm just going to go ahead and name this then i can go ahead and add a description for this list and because this is a template it comes predefined with a color and icon but i'm free to go ahead and choose a different color and i can if i want to um and then we come to this part where you know i can choose where i create this list um so i have two options uh one is the my list option um when so essentially this creates a list that only i can see until i decide to share the list with other people this option is great when you want to work on your own to set up the list and later share it with your co-workers when you're ready to collaborate on it or you can create a list in any of your m365 group connected team sites that you can see here i have a bunch of sites that i use quite often um and this is great if you already have a team up and running and you want the list to be available to all of the team members of that particular team from the get-go for now i'm going to go ahead and create this as part of my um my like my as a personal list so go ahead and click on create so as you can see um the list has been created it has all of the schema that is associated with um you know that you saw in the template preview uh let me see if i can quickly add some data to it i have some i have a pre-existing list i can quickly copy that i'll come back and so here i am let me add the data to it well didn't save but uh essentially like as you can see all of the formatting that i had showed you shown you previously um kind of came through as well uh so that's pretty cool um and when i go back to my uh lists app you can see that this list that i had just created is right here um in the recent list section and right underneath the name of the list you have it's indicated that it is part of my list which means that it is a personal list and if you want to view all all of your personal list in one place you can easily do that by toggling your recent lists and going into your my list section so this is a place where all of your personal lists are located i can go ahead and sort them to the latest created list and there it is the one that i just created is right there um toggling back uh to my recent lists as you can see i have these two lists they kind of look like the same but i want to be able to differentiate this one from the previous one i had created so i can easily go ahead click on more options and customize this list it says issue tracker and webinar i'm not going to change the title but i have the option to change it um i do want it to be green in color and maybe i don't know i just want it to be represented with a cube so i'll go ahead and change that and i save and the changes immediately evident you can see that the change happened uh but now i feel like this list is ready to be handed off to my teammates jacks and michaela um so i'm ready to collaborate with them on this so i'll go ahead choose more options and click on share um it shows up oh sorry about that it shows up this sharing dialogue that you might be you you might have seen in the past it's the same sharing dialogue um i have uh like three different levels of control here um i can either give my teammates full control over the list which means that they can configure edit or share the list or i can give them only edit access which means that they can only um add items to the list but they can't share the list or change the schema uh and finally i can you know just give them new access so they shouldn't like they should only be able to view the list but i mean i i want jax and michaela to add more uh information to this list so i'm gonna give them full control going ahead typing out their names and then i'm going to click grant access and this should have sent an email to michaela and jack's with using which they can click in and open the list to be able to collaborate with me on that that's the end of my demo i'm going to hand off to michaela now and she's going to show you a bunch of cool other cool options as well so while michaela gets set up i just wanted to remind everybody that we are answering questions on the back end but we have a full ask microsoft anything just shortly after in the tech community we'll have a link at the end and i also wanted to make a note with a few questions that are coming through that this session is being recorded and will be made later through the microsoft tech community uh michaela off to you and michaela we just need to unmute i was saying a lot of good stuff ah thank you for the reminder mark so harini just shared this list with me and i got an email letting me know that this issue tracker has been shared with me and what we're looking at is actually the email that i received i can go ahead and open this list and start adding the issues that i've found so harini's really helped me out by setting up this list she has a couple of issues that she's found but i have about five that i've been keeping mental notes of and even jotted a few down in an excel spreadsheet so i'm super excited to go ahead and start adding the errors that i found so the first one i have is you know my dialogue error is out of date uh description i'll wait for a little bit later i can go ahead and set that priority to normal it's not anything super critical the status is new and it is going to be assigned to me so i'm going to type myself in there and the date that this was reported was last week so i can go in and choose last week and i am now creating the items so the other four issues that i have i actually already had written them down so i'm just gonna go ahead and copy and paste them into this experience here and so we see them getting resolved super fast uh looks like i don't have an owner for the autocorrect deleted items so i'll go ahead and it actually is going to be owned by my manager lincoln damaris and that's awesome now one thing i can do to make this even easier to view is go into this and select my fixed height row and what this does is makes every single vertical distance on the items the same pixel so it makes it really uniform and super fast to see now the entire point of this list is to get these issues tracked worked on and then fixed so to do this i really want to understand what the top priority is and so of course some of our favorite list features are still here to help us with things such as group buy so i can go in i can simply group by the priority and really easily see the items that are critical high low and then our favorite feature of filtering to be able to show our data in more meaningful ways so i can actually filter by harini who we just heard from here and i see that she has a couple of issues that are assigned to her uh two of them are actually critical and so i can go through and i can actually save this view so that harini can come back to it and always see her items in the most important order so i can save it as harini's group by priority i can hit save and that's great in addition to these features that we've seen before we have new views and intelligence coming out to make it even easier to see your data in more meaningful ways so the first one i want to show is being able to view these items in a card view so i can go down and click on gallery and when i go here notice without even doing anything the grouped by remains and we can see these items in a card format now i want to go in and actually customize what these cards look like so i can format the current view and i see i have a card designer when i go in and edit i can actually choose what appears what order it appears in and if i want to show previews on certain things so if i didn't want to show the preview of pictures i could take it away i personally really like the picture and i want to show the preview of who it's assigned to so right there we see the beautiful picture of harini who owns these issues and i'm going to go ahead and actually add more information so we can see how old the bug is and when it was reported and the days old is super important to me so i'm going to drag and drop to the top so that it's right there front and center the last thing i can do to edit this is go in and change the settings that the column names are not appearing um in this example i think i prefer having them so i'll go ahead and leave them on i can go ahead and hit save and now i can actually save this as the view and i can even make it a default view now i also want to view all of these items i'm going to go back to my all items view i want to view all of these different items in a calendar view one of the most important things about getting these issues tracked and on on on track to get fixed is actually seeing when they're reported and what the status is so i'm going to show a new ui that we have coming out where i can create a new view from here i'm going to go ahead and name this calendar a few of our issues and instead of showing it as a list i'm going to pick calendar and now you'll notice i have a couple of options on which date i want to be on that calendar the date reported is what it is right now and it's actually what i want to keep but i could use created or modified or if i had in any more date fields i could also use them the last thing i can choose is what is the data that will appear on the calendar i am going to keep it as title but if another column was more interesting such as issue description you could choose that and it will appear on the calendar so now when i hit create we see this calendar view and i can go in and actually look at the day and over here on the right you'll see all of the different bugs that were opened on this day i can actually click in and look at that bug directly in the form where i can continue to edit items or access them in any way that i want to and so this calendar view will let me flip through the different months so i can see when all of these different items are there which makes it super awesome to look at and of course if i don't want to see the preview i can minimize that to get a full screen exposure so all right i got a couple of views set up i have one that'll help harini be productive i have one that will help us look at the calendar the last thing i want to do is apply some logic to my list so that it's super easy to see which items are at risk of not getting fixed i'm going to do this with some column conditional formatting i can go in and edit my current view oh my i mean format my current view i have a couple options in here i can do a visual alternating row style but i really want to add some more logic that will appear when certain conditions are met so when i go in i can see that from harini's template that she already created we have this awesome condition set that if a status is blocked we want to show it as red i'm going to go ahead and add a new rule here so i'm going to say if status is equal to new and you can use if um and or or statements i'm going to use and and if the day is old is greater than or equal to five days so basically if it hasn't been touched in a week then i want it to appear as yellow because it's potentially at risk of not getting investigated fast enough so as we go through we see all my items that are listed as new and they are more or five days old and we see we have quite a few here so i'm going to go in and i you know this one rename fails has been open for six days um and this one down here has been open even longer i'm gonna go in and actually leave a comment on these items to help get some traction so that people can can respond back and see why this isn't being investigated yet so i'm going to say any idea why this isn't in progress yet i can leave this comment and as soon as i do you'll notice over in the list this purple box that appeared this indicates that there's a comment on the list item so when harini comes back to the list or chalks comes back to the list they'll see that and can simply open it and access the comment that i left and reply with their response so i'm going to hand it off to chalks now to show how you can use a lot of power to make this list do even more for you thanks michaela i'm going to uh so before we go into the demos i think um we want to talk about how we take the data that you see in the list and make it even more engaging to your users right so it's great that we're able to format we're able to provide the conditional views so people are able to come into the list and get familiar with what is going on but personalizing your list also makes it easier for your users to go deeper into showcasing uh what the list is about and how they can be informed about the changes so here we're going to specifically look at some of our new features um which is coming up with list rules which is an easy and intuitive way for end users to craft certain if-then else conditions and keep everyone informed about the changes and we're going to take a little bit around the customizing the forms with json code which is you know usually focused on power users but gives you tremendous capability to configure the list form so that you can add more information for someone viewing uh the item in the list and then we're going to take it to and customizing a power automatic flow that can do even more for your users to take the list data and and create something uh or you know other services and interacting with other services so um with that in mind let's jump into the demo i'm going to share my screen here in a moment awesome so here's the list that harini shared with me and then you can see that i have the default list here uh that gives me all the information about uh all of the items here i'm going to exit quicker that's one of the things that you can do if you don't like quick edit you can always have the option to exit and come down to the default view that you have always with the sharepoint list so here you can see um i have a list item here um this is great i can get details about critical in progress and many different fields that are really important for me as a user but i want the team to be more productive i want team to understand that whenever something goes uh you know a priority is critical then i do want to send an email to the assign to owner column here so for example in this case you can see it's high and it's the same to michaela but if it's actually now going to be marked as critical i do want michaela to be informed about that because it's very important uh for the team to understand which issues go uh to critical so for that yes i can go build a flow i can go do numerous things today but we want to make it simpler for end users to work with this so if you go into automate you will have a new option create a rule and manage rules this feature is currently not yet available but we are hoping to release this feature in the next month so when you click create a rule it gives you four options today to notify someone when things change and that relates to a column changes or column value changes to something when a new item is created and when an item is deleted so you have those four scenarios that you can help uh track and keep users in form in this case i want to the assign to owner to be notified when the priority column changes to critical right so that accounts to a column value changes to something i'm going to click that and i get this intuitive sentence like ux that helps me to go craft this rule and and decide who to send the email so when i say when choose a column when i click on it i get all of the columns here so i'm going to choose priority and when i choose a condition you can see that it gives me to choose between is and is not in this case i do want to see if priority is and when i tap in the value you can see it gives all of the value available for this choice column so here i can say when the priority is critical right so depending on the type of the column you get different options here so for example if you say you chose the date reported now since it is a date column you get many different options to configure here and one of the things i really like is you can even check if the date is between two different dates and you can choose whether that is today or you can choose a specific date so that's also more options available depending on the column type so here let me go back to my priority is critical and then i want to send email to either here i can type a name but really the power of this rule is to enable you to select a column and then email the person in that column right so it lists all of the suggestions from this list uh that are the person columns so you can see i already have a same two column here issue locked by column as well as the person that created by and modified by so i can say send email to ascend to owner here now i can create a list so now what this will do is it will create the rule and keep the rule active so now i can go back to my list i can go back to this item and i'm going to change this to critical and as soon as it's saved within few minutes michaela should be able to make i will get an email uh saying that someone actually changed the item's priority to critical michaela let me know if you got your email and we can even share how that email looks so while that is going on um i do want to go to the next step of configuring the forms the default form what you see here is great for initial use right so it gives you all of the lists uh one by one and then it also renames uh you know it has a title rename fails as the title of the form but what if you wanted to have some header so this can be pleasing to users and really know that this is an issue that we are talking about here so if you want to do that you can as a list owner uh go to this button here which where we have all of the editing options for the form so you can see we have edited columns configure layout and even customize with powerapps so today we are focused on configure layout and edit columns first let's go look at the configure layout to see how i can configure a header footer and a body so here you can see as soon as i edit the configure layout for this form i get three options play formatting to header body and footer the header and footer are divs that you can do just like you do your column formatting and view formatting in your list if you're very familiar with the json configuration that you use to format a column order view this is exactly the same it just applies to the header of the form and header of the footer instead of the column and the view here of course this today requires json code but you know we have plans to make this a ux base so that users can end users can come in and without writing json code can configure header router for that form but initially we are launching it as a power user feature so i'm going to crab grab some code here that i have the json that i built for this and now i have my json here i can preview save or cancel so let me preview this and there you go so now i get more information delivered to the user so i have a header i have an icon that is issue icon and i also have the the title of the issue so you can see that i can have all this configuration done with json without deploying any code but as a power user with my knowledge of configuring a column or a view formatting uh how i do that i apply the same thing here to configure the header now i can save this and then for the footer actually i can move to footer and i have a sample here for my footer as well i'm going to paste it here and i'm going to preview it and you can see that i have more options here to provide users around learn more about submitting issues so if you have any uh links that you want users to indicate on or something that you want to put in the footer it gives you that opportunity to put that into the proof into the footer so i'm going to save this now so um the body unlike the header and footer allows you to just focus on restructuring the fields rather than taking over the entire body so for example this is great with a single column view but what if we want to change it to multi-column and focus on uh you know associating different columns to sections so i can now do that so i can go to my body here i'll grab this code and i can paste this here and as soon as now i preview this you can see that i get issue and issue description at the top then i have a section called status and i have priority status and assign two columns there and then linked items i can have other options over there as well so now i can save this so these are some of the different configuration options we're bringing up to configure the list form of course the json here right now you can't see it but once we release this feature make it available we'll have documentation covering all of the details here how to configure it um so now if i go back to my list and open this up you can see that i have the issue uh configuration sorry the the form configuration with all of the forms if i refresh this which is a bug right now you'll actually see the form in a much better view going across the screen so that you get more real estate to go view all of the details here now if i do want to somewhat move columns around right so i created the sections i want to move columns around let's say the days old column needs to be in the status um i can just now use edit column and then move it across there and once i save it you can see that that column will now be part of the the status column the other thing here uh that you saw was the days old column was not uh is great out here the reason is that this one is has a conditional formula in it that is only uh show up when the priority is critical so if i click the three dots here i have added conditional formula and in there you can see i have the the formula here again a json expression that talks about if the priority column is equal to critical then true meaning that the column will be shown to the user in the form false the column will be hidden for the user in the form again this is a power user feature uh if you click the learn to use conditional formulas we have uh documentation for all the field types that how the formulas work and we will also be prioritizing building a user interface for this to manage rather than just sticking with the formula so now if you go to a different list and in cases where it's not critical let's say for example this list animation missing you don't see the days old column here because the priority is set to low as soon as i change the priority to critical you can see the days old column comes back here so that's how you can do conditional formatting as well along with configuring the form header body and and the footer now let's go to the flow this is all great but how can flow help me go further than just you know using rules and and you know not using the forms as well but there's something more for example if somebody marks the status as won't fix and if the priority is also critical i want to create a bug for engineers to go and investigate right i'm using a list here but engineers may be using some other system like azure devops to track bugs and assign bugs to engineers so i built a flow around that um so for example let me see if this works um so i have already built the flow i've deployed it i'm going i'm going to go to this issue and i'm going to change the status to want fix and then i'm going to save that now what this should happen behind the scenes is a flow should run behind the scenes understand that the status was changed to won't fix and that the priority value is critical sending a team's message and let's see if i get a team's message anytime soon here and then once i get a team's message i will have an option to create a bug and once i create once i say yes create a bug it will actually go and create a bug in my azure devops board that i manage with my engineers so um to quickly check if the flow actually ran i'm gonna go check the flow run here uh there you go it's actually running i should get a card here there you go i got a card here issue change to won't fix the issue you know gives me all the details about that and now i can have two options create bug or ask for more details right so i'm gonna for this demo purpose i'm going to create the bug and say this is critical as it is a feature we want to support and then i'm going to hit submit so now this is going to uh once it works it's going to now submit this back to my flow saying that user chose that option created a bug and then i also get uh and immediately the flow runs and gives me back a bug was created right so i can actually now either open the link here or i can go to my devops board here and if i actually refresh this page you should see the bug created here in the devops board there you go there's the bug that i created right so and really good way for me to now take the uh list data focus on what the list data and how it changes and then use a power automatic flow to go automate it even further that can benefit my you know my everyday productivity that i do with my list now if you look at the flow it's actually simple enough for people to go build because it's based on conditions we have a new trigger now that focuses on just modifications so now i am able to target this list to only get my flow run when an item is modified so that's what this new trigger is and you can see that i'm able to also point to the one drive of harini because it was shared by harini's personal list and i can put that in my site address here and then select the list that i am working with and then i have a new action that can work with this when an item is modified triggered that is get changes for an item now what this does is it will give you the changes for that item since the last flow check so you know now you can check if what columns were modified and then specifically look for that column change the only caveat here is that you need to have versioning enabled so i do have versioning enabled in my list that allows me to go back to the history of the item to get the changes for that particular item i'm requesting from this flow so you can see i have the id and here for sims and until i can use a particular interval time even a constant date but in this case i'm going to be depending on my flow run so i have a token coming up with this trigger available and i use that to build the time interval uh for uh when to get changes uh until what time interval i need to get changes for this item and then i'm going to check if the column was updated in this case you can see that once i entered this for the dynamic content from the get changes item i have all of the column has column change id has column change title in this case i'm selecting has column change status that will specifically look for if the status column was changed and now that i'm doing i'm checking it if it is true if it is true i'm checking what's the value of the status column well it's if it is one fixed and if the priority is critical i post a choice of options as the flow bot to a user so there is an action here that can let me build a car that i can post to the themes to a user with the options that i want to provide right and here's the message and all of the things that i want to put in that action and once the user clicks an action i can say hey what was the selected output if the selected output was create bug then go create a work item in the azure devops and then post a message as a flowbot to a user it's pretty simple right it's just following what i want to build and with the flow i built that very easily by going through and adding these respective actions so that way now a simple thing that you did with rules and uh you know form configurations the power argument takes it to the next level to configure it even more to be more useful to your team um so that's that was my demo around the rules the formatting options and power automate flow so um as well as you know mark if you want to open the slides yep i've got the slide teed up and we have one special extra demo for everybody that will queue up after uh after uh checks covers the power platform awesome that's a good nice surprise a billion or no mark [Music] yeah so of course you know we only have very limited time today um and then we we showed you about flows but there is always uh more things that you can do with list and power platform um so some things that we didn't cover today is especially the integrations with uh power apps um as well as some of the integrations uh with existing power bi connection that we have right so there's a lot of integrations with power platform um that we do today and uh we just don't have time to cover everything but i would urge you to go look at those integrations now for sharepoint users that are working with list and can and having questions around will microsoft list support this uh the same capabilities with power platform absolutely microsoft lists our sharepoint list evolve so we are taking what we have today and then adding more features that applies across the board so if you were able to build a flow and a power app and a custom form today uh we have the same capabilities available with the microsoft list as well now watching you mark excellent great job checks thank you michaela and thank you harini we are going to pull harini back in because the last thing that we want to show you is all of the list capabilities in the context of microsoft teams we're going to show you just that creation experience and i'll hand it to harini as she gets ready here i do also want to tackle two of the common faqs that are coming through the chat one is just when are lists coming to my tenant i don't see it yet what do i need to do to get it and the real honest answer is we've just begun roll out to our targeted release customers in microsoft 365 and that should be complete by the end of this month so by the end of august 2020 we'll be in full targeted release rollout then we'll start to go into full production which means another couple of weeks and by the end of october 2020 our intent is to then be in full production rollout we'll keep everybody apprised through the tech community in terms of progress and certainly the team that you're seeing here demo and share information about lists are behind the scenes making sure that it's rolling out on time and you're getting all these features and the other thing is this is kind of in the vein of the same question i'm a government agency uh will the gcc or the the forms of government plans in microsoft 365 be included and i made an announcement within uh the chat you can read a little bit more about this full rollout but it does include our government skus so in terms of rollout that is not something that we will wait for and come later that will be a part of what comes by the end of october 2020. our plan is to roll out to all plans enterprise education and government clouds so harini let's see some of this magic in the context of teams absolutely so we saw a lot of folks asking about how lists will work with inside of teams um and i have a demo for you uh so as you can see this is um i'm inside um a team called microsoft list pm team um i'm in this channel uh in order to um add a list to this team i can go ahead and i can click on the add a tab and you will see the list app show up right there i can click on it and go ahead and create my list tab now once you get into the state you have two options uh one you can create a brand new list um the same flow that i showed you on the list app is also available within the within the teams app but you can also pin and a list that you already have and you have already created uh it could be in this particular team or in a different team as well um i'll go ahead and show you the creator list flow go ahead and click it um as you can see the exact same view that you saw uh the capability to create a blank list from excel and from existing um and then the eight templates but within teams we also have three industry specific templates for managing your incidents patients app and also a loan management template so i'll go ahead and choose the patient's template the exact same view that you saw as soon as i click into the template you will see you know what comes with this template what is the schema what is the formatting that comes with it i can go ahead and then use the template i'll say patience and as as usual it comes with a pre defined color and icon and i can click on create and just like that you have a new list created within teams um i can switch between the posts in this channel or i can go back to the list it's right there to add an item i'll follow the same flow i can go ahead and say just add a few items here so we can see this within the teams app i don't know if there's anything else i'll go ahead and save this and there you go uh you have a new item added in it has all of the farmer formatting associated with it uh one of the cool things that is that also comes with this is that i don't know i don't know if that is available right now it's something that is going to roll out soon but um yeah this is this is the list app within uh the teams uh within teams very cool and so when you are in a list in teams you also have that ability to chat alongside the team's uh uh icon if you click into an item if you want to share it you can at mention people yeah um oh actually yeah sorry i'm going ahead and showing it so i want to go ahead and say well michaela is not in this team maybe i should add you michaela and i can go ahead and chat um and i can at mention someone here and once i do this this actually shows up within the post so when you when i go back to the channel everyone will have you a view into this um and the comment that i made is right there um i can click on this chiclet that you see to go back and view the list item as it's available within this team and the conversation kind of lives right next to it as well and you can do this for any of the list items within this list excellent excellent uh that's great i think um i hope that everybody has seen throughout the breadth of the presentation harini showed you a great list experience for microsoft 365 to get started with ready-made templates and to start using them within your team as you saw that new list app for teams point of clarity that is something that's not yet rolled out that's something that we're planning to begin roll out by the end of august you also saw michaela really then make the list your own to give it its smarts its look and feel so that it works for you with formatting with the views and to make it so that everything that the team is working on is to make it so not only is it functional but it's fast you saw a lot of the new quick edit experience is really fast and performant and of course you saw with jax all the flexibility that you can bring to then really programmatically make the list work for you on the back end by adding rules by customizing the look and feel of the form and then taking it even further with the power platform to design and customize to the exact needs of what you're looking for there's a lot of questions that we uh hope we got to a little bit during this presentation we do want to call attention to what we're doing next which is the lists ama that starts in about five minutes and there's a short link here if you go to aka dot ms slash microsoft lists ama that will take you to where you can ask questions you can review other people's questions of course we'll have a whole team of people providing answers similar to today we'll make sure that every question gets answered and it's something you can come back to if you can't make it between 10 and 11 pacific time you can always come back and check in on the questions and answers we do have a resource center aka dot ms slash ms lists this is a place where you can find links to videos blogs demos there's a few customer stories a lot of information in the resource center we have a recent blog that we posted that pulls together all the great work that the team is doing to showcase and highlight how we're rolling out there's a frequently asked question around roll out that's a little bit more in detail in the in the faqs in this blog but it also has a lot of additional links to information to go learn more and as we start to roll out documentation we'll be updating this and of course the resource center and then finally michaela who you saw today give a portion of the demo put together for the initial release and launch a really great 15-minute end-to-end video if you want to view it to catch up on what you saw today or share it with other people either this webinar when it is on demand or this demo video is a really great asset to see microsoft lists end to end and especially for our sharepoint customers that have been using sharepoint lists it really showcases that evolution of how the team is building on sharepoint lists and presenting to you microsoft lists the new lists app experience in teams and of course furthering the integration with the power platform so i want to give a shout out and a quick thanks to harini mikayla and jax wonderful uh to see and to hear from them they are the folks behind the scenes working with a lot of developers that are making this possible uh and really excited to begin to roll out and start the release of microsoft lists so with that we want to thank you for your time we want to thank you for your eyes and ears and questions and to continue to make sure you get your questions answered we'll meet you over at the microsoft lists ama thank you
Channel: Microsoft Community Learning
Views: 88,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, community, Microsoft Lists, Microsoft 365, Lists app in Teams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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