Power Hour: MS Forms Recurring Surveys

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to power hour i'm laura rogers and this is joelle here say hello everybody and this is our weekly show that we do wednesdays at 11 central where we talk about topics in microsoft 365. um we both have sharepoint backgrounds but we talk about everything sort of geared towards business users we're not super technical um so we talk about sharepoint onedrive microsoft flow power apps um it's not called microsoft flow anymore power automates microsoft forms microsoft teams just all these different technologies in microsoft cloud and um just you know a lot of tips and tricks and just cool demos and the demos are just you know on the fly you never know what's going to happen so today our topic is the concept of a recurring survey and this is something that you'll find in microsoft teams but it's going to use microsoft teams microsoft forms and power automate so we're gonna i'll go ahead and show you one that i built already and show you what it does and um and then we'll go ahead and just build one from scratch so um let me show you where you can find this so i'll share my screen real quick and i will go ahead and show you the one i already did so i've got i'm in teams so this is a teams window and you could see i was kind of playing around with different things in here so in my teams window i'm in committee a the way you get started to find this feature that i'm talking about is when you go add a tab in your team's channel and you create and you pick microsoft forms here and you'll notice when you pick forms you have create a recurring survey so this is the this is this cool little pretty wizard of creating gives you some little pre-created little surveys and these are um employee well-being measurement student well-being measurement and daily health check-in they're just three of them but it gives you it's a microsoft form so once you pick one of these i'll just say daily health check-in it's actually creating the microsoft form right then and it's giving you a little preview of what's going to be in it and then if you want to you can go customize the questions over and it will actually just open up microsoft forms in a new window if you'd like to do that and then the next step is to set up the recurrence now this is the part we're going to be sort of deep diving into it says to open reminder customize and power automate and it's basically going to create you a flow and then it's really just got this template if you i don't know if you can see when i hover over this what the url says it's a template in power automate called send a meeting reminder to microsoft teams during weekdays so all it really does is it pulls up a new flow in a new window using this template and then it tells you that you need to fill in this flow and then it tells you to go ahead and grab the link to the survey it just created and then click save so what it's doing is it's creating a microsoft form which we've i think we've had a couple of other power hours where we talked about microsoft forms and what they are and what they do it's just a simple survey tool um in microsoft it's just a one-way just form or survey where you're just just one-way information it's not like a form that you could create to build some sort of business process where multiple people you know open the form and then someone else opens up the form and looks at it and fills it out you can't do any of that it's just sends data one way so that's a quick synopsis of what microsoft forms is so you have the form and then this pretty little wizard is really just kind of pointing you into several of the the other technologies it's going to be using where it's going to create a microsoft flow for you and then what the flow is going to do is it's just going to be a recurrence so the trigger in the flow is a recurrence and then when uh it recurs it's just got an action that's going to pop up in a team's channel just saying hey please fill out this survey so it's just going to do that once you know in however often you set for your recurrence i think by default it's like three times a week and it's just gonna pop up this link for people to quickly take the survey and they have to click the link and fill it out but then it doesn't do anything magical in here as far as the way i'll just click next check results the check the results is exactly what the way you always look at microsoft forms results there's nothing magical that has to do with this wizard that it does any differently than what microsoft forms results already do so you're just going to go look at in the microsoft form in microsoft forums and you can just like you've always been able to do go and export those results and analyze them just in excel just sort of offline so then i'll just go ahead and click save so that is so and another kind of odd thing that's a little off with this is that you you the way you create this um recurring survey is by like i just did i clicked the little plus in the tab and created the new tab and then went through the wizard but then when you finish the wizard it actually adds this tab so now you actually you have the new form and you can get to it in forms it's forms.microsoft.com you can get to it in there and but you also have it as a tab in this team so you may or may not even want this to be a tab so you could still just go remove this tab and it's not deleting the form but if you don't want to have people um going straight to the tab and you just want them to wait till they get the link then um you can do that so this is kind of result of i'll show you what these look what these results are that i did and show you how i achieved these and we'll like build a whole new one from scratch so this is the action that it gives you by default and that little flow that it generates for you it gives you an action that is just posting a message it's it's post a message to a team's channel and it's telling you basically to take the get the hyperlink for the form you just created and to just paste it in to this action in the flow and it doesn't even automatically make it a hyperlink you have to know html and you have to know how to make it a hyperlink so i'll show you how to do that but then i thought it would be nicer looking if it came in as an adaptive card and we've had a couple of other power hours where we had the whole power hour was about adaptive cards so um this is kind of that technology again so if you if you wanted to go look further about those those are in the other power hours but i thought it would be nicer if it looked like this so it says it's employee survey time and i click take survey and then it takes me to the survey so then you don't really have any accountability with that you don't have any way of knowing like or waiting for all the individuals to go ahead and take the survey so all this does is post to the channel so um i guess let's see if anybody has any yes adaptive card kind of looking at the questions here oh another thing about power hour and i didn't mention this the beginning is that we have our chat going on in teams so we have um at the bottom of wherever you're watching this video in the youtube description or on the our iw mentor site under the video it's got a link to fill out a form if you've never joined power hour before to be invited to the team because we have to invite everyone as an external guest into this microsoft teams team and then once you're there you you might have to once you get invited you might have to completely exit out of teams and go back in so that you can switch your organization over to um ours over it'll say like iw mentor power hour and then you'll have this power hour team so you go to the general channel and then in the general channel i've added a tab each time we hold power hour and i just keep the last handful of them in here so you go to the one for today and then once you're there you can click play to watch the video but you can also click this little show tab conversation and that's where we're having our chat so this is the live chat about what what we're doing so this is actually a teams demo so now that i've shown you what it looks like what the kind of overall of what the recurring survey looks like and what the end result looks like i'll go ahead and start a new one from scratch over here in the channel we're using which will be fun right and then um we'll go ahead and build that whole thing and build the flow and and all that stuff because we have 50 more minutes and i've already shown you what we're the thing that we're building so i'll go ahead and click the little plus and i'm going to pick forms and again i'm just going to click create a recurring survey and i'll i'll go ahead and allow it to post the to the channel about this tab now um let's see how are you all feeling just kidding so um i'll just say employing well-being measurement that's fine i'll just do that everyone can let me know how they feel and and then i'll just say next step and this is showing me what my form looks like now as soon as i i mean as soon as i get to this screen this form has already been created so this exists so i could literally just close exit out of this whole wizard and i would still be able to you know have my form and do everything i need to do so if i click to customize my questions in forms it's going to take me in the browser tab over to microsoft forms i'm not going to click this because i don't want to open my default browser because i have a special one that i use you know where it's got my credentials for this tenant so i'm going to go ahead and go to you can go to microsoft.com and um there's employee check-in so let me go back to this so that's see there it is that's the one that it just generated so that's where it's gonna take me to customize my questions in forms and then i'll go ahead and go to the next step and then this is going to open up again that's going to go into microsoft flow it's going to go into another browser window but i'll go ahead and show you what it generates in um in my other browser so if i'm using the thing about the the cool thing about this is if i'm using teams inside of the browser like this then i go through that wizard then all the little links that it pops up are going to keep me kind of in those with those same credentials i don't know if a lot of you use a lot of different tenants like i do but it really helps to be able to kind of stay with the same credentials in you know whatever in whatever tenant you're working in so i'm going to go ahead and go to that i'll i'll open that again so it will show you the link so that it will open up that specific template that it uses i just have to do it in um in the browser for it to be able to open it up correctly does that make sense to explain that well joelle let me do another one yeah i think so okay so see when i click these little links here so open reminder customize this way see it's opening in a new tab and it's not going to take me to a completely different browser and all that stuff so it says send a meeting reminder to microsoft teams during weekdays so this is a template so then it's going to get you to log in to using your credentials to your tenant so if you've never if you've never tried this another way to get to flow is to go to flow.microsoft.com and that is where it's taking you so it's taking you to flow.microsoft.com and it's taking you to the templates and this is just a shortcut directly to a specific template so i'll just do sign in there instead of sign up i don't want to sign up all right so as soon as i click to sign in then it's just prompting me for this um this template and every time we use a template it shows us what connectors are in the template so but that is the name of the template it's using so all it does it's got this recurrence this is the trigger okay so the trigger can be changed so it's telling you by default it's going to run on monday tuesday wednesday thursday and friday so every single day of the of the week you want to send a message in teams to ask people to fill out a survey but you can change this so it's completely up to you what the frequency is maybe you just want to send it only on mondays or you can you only want to change it once a month you can change that so you can make the recurrence be whatever you want it to be and then the only action it's got is this post message so it just says reminder please go to the daily stand-up meeting so you've got to pick your team and i'll just say power hour and you've got to pick your channel and um i i probably should just create a new channel but i'll just say um put it in ideas and then it's just got text in here so it's kind of it this little toggle button doesn't even work for some reason to toggle from code view back to regular view just when it's a new uh when it's a new flow but i found that when i save it and go back into it for some reason it works better so it look it's a little sort of an awkward interface when you first do that okay so i'll go edit and because if i want to put a hyperlink i want to actually make this something clickable then i'll want to be able to use that little code toggle so i'll show you how that works okay so what it's giving me so far it's kind of a mess right it's all everywhere it's all different places so it's given me a pretty little wizard to pick which form that i wanted but then it created the form over here in microsoft forms now i've got two of them the employee check-in and the daily health check it created the form over here and then it created the flow over here and then you've also got the team's channel where it's going to be posting something but so it's still a little bit disjointed so as long as you what i'm trying to do is explain what all the pieces are and where they are and how to get to them so that you'll know how to make this a smoother if you want to use this technology if you want to make it work in a smoother way for you or work with what you've got so i've got my employee check-in and it's got this little how have you been feeling blah blah blah blah blah what i'm gonna do is i'm not gonna use the employee check-in and i'm gonna have a free t-shirt raffle today woohoo okay so i'm going to go back to forms and i'll do a new form and i'll say power hour 5 26 free t-shirt are you all excited and i happen to be wearing the may the course be with you a winter t-shirt that you'll that will be um giving you so let's see do you want a free t-shirt and then um yes no okay well don't fill out the form if you don't want a free t-shirt okay and the oil's cracking up and then i've got um this is important do you live in the continental united states because i can't do shipping i accidentally didn't say it was continental united states only one time and i had to ship something it would cost like a hundred dollars it cost way more than it was worth than the object was worth to ship it so continental united states only okay and i'll say yes or no okay and then um who are you i guess because i think it's gonna it's gotta be a not since they're external users it's gotta be anonymous so i have to ask the email address and then that's just going to be text and it's going to be required all right and then how do they feel about lionel richie and most importantly if i could get a picture of him and like have time to go put a picture next to it that would be huge okay um now let's see i've got my settings anyone can respond and um yes uh the end date is going to be today at 12 p.m yeah and um thanks for being a power hour fan okay and then i share it i get a short url and i copy that so that's the that's the thing that i'm going to use in my little message that i'm going to post to teams now in the team that y'all are in in the chat so so like i said the wizard creates a form for you but you really can just create whatever form you want and use kind of do all this manually okay so the next thing that it does is it's got this recurrence so um i'm not really going to do the recurrence because i only want to i'm just going to manually kick this off and then it's going to go to you all now during power hour and it's not going to do it you know frequently so i'm just going to leave this how it is though so i'll say it's going to go to power hour channel called ideas and then if i just paste that url then it's going gonna be kind of ugly um but let me see if i can if i can type some html here so give it some quotes please take the survey instead of leaving their default text so what we're going to do is what i probably left this out joelle that i'm going to be drawing a name i'm not giving a free shirt to every single person who responds i'm not sure if i made that clear i said we're doing a drawing right it's a raffle shirts for everyone i don't know i don't have enough shirts um anyway are you muted probably yeah i didn't know if she said something important yeah she's muted you're not muted um anyway so yeah we're going to be doing a drawing like at the very end of power hour and we're just going to pick a name okay so i saved it did it run sometimes when you save these they just automatically run so did it already do it let me close this so we don't need the um the little employee wellness things those aren't the ones we're doing let's see okay so when it when it automatically it does this sometimes when you're working on flows is it will trigger it before you even click play or click to trigger it so it triggered it when it was just that default text before i was even ready to trigger it so i'll go ahead and go back over to it and click run and then that will run the correct one joella just turned your audio off and back on again i don't know if i fixed it um okay let's see okay now it ran now there we go so there's your we're gonna draw a name at the end of power hour to get the free t-shirt okay so there's that's one way that you can make it look and that's gonna be kind of ugly right so what i was thinking and you let me know kind of your questions in the chat what i was thinking is that we could make um it look a little nicer and not just be one an ugly little plain message with not with a hyperlink in it we can make it look like an adaptive card so that's kind of where we're taking it to the next level just in the next half hour is kind of taking what they the idea that they've given us and making it look like a nicer sort of message that pops up for people to click on and um joe i you know i just made the email address required for everyone so i didn't put any kind of branching logic in the form that i just created sorry it was just a very quick one oh another thing about the t-shirt is that if you're a student at iwmentor.com it's free to create a student account we have a little store and you get points we have a whole point system where you achieve points as you're going through our classes and so we have a t-shirt raffle once a month and for using you use your points to join the raffle so just a little side note okay okay cool so now we're getting some responses now what we want to do is go back to the flow now we can also edit the flow inside of teams now i kind of i want to leave this window open because i want to be able to just quickly see all the commentary in here but i'm going to go to the same teams just in the browser so that i can kind of flip back and forth because i can also go straight to power automate inside of teams and they've really improved all kind of what you can do inside of power automated teams lately like you can do a lot you can do pretty much everything you can do just in the regular web interface so by default though it only shows flows that you created with microsoft teams but the cool thing about this is that you don't see in the regularflow.microsoft.com interface is that you can see which team and channel that it's using in that flow so that's a nice little interface so it also gives you this um sort of list of teams templates that you can pick from and those are only templates that involve microsoft teams so here's the this is the one that i used and i can also rename this so i can go in here and edit it and i can rename it from here microsoft teams demo power hour something like that but what i decided to do is instead of post message to use the teams use narrow it down to microsoft teams there is a this post a message here but there's post adaptive card so i'm gonna do a search for adaptive card okay post adaptive card and a chat or a channel now we had a whole other power hour where we talked about this concept of posting an adaptive card and waiting for a response and that's where you want to make sure that someone actually respond like you're giving them a form to fill out and you want to make sure that they respond to whatever you're asking them but this one is really just kind of putting a link out there and saying you know somebody everybody in this channel go ahead and fill this out you know three times a week so it's got the same it's got the flowbot is going to be the one that's posting it or else it would be posting it as me the creator of the flow so i'll just say i want the flowbot to create it and then i want to post it to the channel i'm not chatting with the flowbot i'm just posting it straight to the channel so then it asks me which team and i'll just say power hour and which channel and it's going to be ideas and then here's where it just says insert adaptive card json here it's like oh wait a minute i don't know i don't know json i don't i'm not a developer i don't write code i don't know what to put here so i'm just gonna this is like like the i'm just gonna get back to this so i'm just putting an x in there and i'm hitting save because there there's a whole other set of steps in here to figure out how to do the adaptive card now you can go to um adaptivecards.io um adaptive cards dot io and then that's where you can get to the samples and again this is some of the stuff that we talked about in those previous power hours is all these adaptive card samples but another cool way to get to an adaptive card is in flow if i create a new flow that has um i'll just show you this action that it's got it is um it's the one that we used in the other let me pull it up let me go here um to start with a message so it starts with a message post or reply to a message let's see microsoft teams i mean narrow it down no it's not that one goodness gracious let me go find it hold on i had it pulled up and then i exited out i had it pulled up all ready to go and then i exited out of it it's the one that i did in the other power hour with the where you can click on somebody's when you're chatting with them in teams you can click on their name and like send them an adaptive card just directly in the chat for a selected message so it doesn't have the word adaptive card in the name of it which is what kind of throws me off so it's called for a selective message but the cool thing about this for selecting message trigger is that look it's got this little instead of having to go to a completely different website the adaptivecards.io it just has create a create an adaptive card and this has got that exact same interface just built into it right there inside of the flow that you're building so this is just you know another way of being able to figure out this whole adaptive card thing which is a prettier type of message and as you can see from all those different samples that i just kind of flip through those are kind of examples of what you could do like one place you've seen adaptive cards is when you use the approvals in microsoft flow that approvals action that email that it sends you that's got the little approve and reject and you can type your comment and submit it that is an adaptive card so that's an example of a really useful way to use one so it's got this adaptive card that you adaptive card builder and the cool thing is that i've got this copy card json so once i use this little interface to create this card to make it do what i want i can just click copy card json and that is where i can post the json code that it was asking for in the other flow so what i can do is i'll just delete some of this stuff in here i'm i'm not going to have a form for them to fill out i just want to have a button for them to click to go take the survey that i just want this whole thing to look a little nicer than that ugly little hyperlink um so instead of tell us about yourself i'm gonna go to this little see it's got element properties over here so each time i click an element in the adaptive card i can edit it over here so um take a survey and i'm trying i'm trying to read your comments so funny okay take the survey and then this one is i want to win a t-shirt and the raffle okay and then the submit button so it's got this submit button in here that's already in the little example that it had but i don't want it to submit i want it to take me to the survey so let me get my link again and i'm going to go back to here and so this is the first thing i tried is i just tried pasting this in here well this didn't work so you can't just take the built-in submit button and just paste a url in and then have that function so that was that actually just sent something broken to my team's channel and it was not a link to the survey so this is it's a little it's a heart it's harder than that so what i had to do was i had to go to the little um schema explorer here and so here are my actions so the actions are what you're going to be doing when you are clicking a button so you notice in here that it's got i'll go ahead and go grab the code now so i'm going to take this code because i'm going to edit the code so i'm just going to grab this card json and then i'm going to paste it over in that spot that that flow needs it and then i'll just show you a couple of little things we have to tweak so back to the other flow copied that and then i'm not saving this i'm just going to go back to this other one and the and then here's where it needed the code so that is really ugly and i don't know what most of it means but here's where it says action.submit so instead of action.submit i want it to be action.open url and then the the icon url is what i'm putting in here it and it's not supposed to say oops let me go grab my link again copy that verbiage is also going to be a little bit different so like take let's say make this say take survey but this says type title and icon url but in my schema explorer this is what the code is for action open url it's type title and url so this is url with lowercase letters so that is the difference so it can't just be icon url which was the default that it had in there it's like little tricky things here and there right such an easy wizard right joelle you just click here and then your your survey is amazing and everyone gets it all right so oops i accidentally put a capital u that is not gonna work okay save okay now i'm going to test that and it's just going to run it again and so it's still i still left the action in there that's going to post a link but it's also going to post in a see it's got two things that it's going to do now so now in um look i flipped back over to teams and i'm still in power automated in teams so i still had that flow opened up over here so now um i've just got had the same flow open in a couple of different places okay so now this is the second time this one posted but now i've got this lovely adaptive card doesn't that look much nicer so now i can click take survey and it takes me to another window and it looks nice and it works so then what do we do with all the survey responses where are those so that's going to be another thing to consider so what this is kind of a question for you all what do you expect from the survey or like what would you want to be doing with them or where would you want to see them or if would you want to see them in a sharepoint list or how would you want that to work just in the real world what would you be doing with a survey like that so i'll go ahead and post the go back to my forms here i'm gonna post the employee check in one that way you all can just i don't wanna i wanna i don't wanna look in the demo at the one with all of your email addresses that would not be appropriate but i'm gonna take this employee check in one and let you just fill in some fake uh let's see let me make sure it's got a setting to do any one here let you fill in some fake data here okay and then i'll put that in the power i'll just put this and where we're chatting okay so this is the fake form that um i just put in the chat that you all can fill out just for us to have just some fake responses to look at so i'll just fill one in two click preview and then um just clicking some random things stuff no whatever okay okay so then there is my response so we're gonna take this it's gonna it's the forms is gonna give you some responses but let me see what you all are kind of saying about what you'd like to do with it in the real world power automate to copy it to a sharepoint list sharepoint list survey results in excel lisa says can you tag the whole channel so they get notified um i think that has more to do with the settings on the channel so people can all have their individual notification settings of whether what they want to be notified about things in that channel or not so like if somebody's turned off the notification for that channel i don't think you can force this to notify people anyway so it's gonna it's gonna be a notification because notifications are turned on by default but if someone's turned off their notifications it's not going to do that but you could have joel says you could do the at symbol and put the team name but again as far as like a pop-up notification if those turn are turned off they're not gonna get it um but you can also in in the power automate you could send those individually to people so that was just the option that i picked was just to post it to a channel but if you wanted to send them to individuals there's there's an action that does that um let's see oh thanks craig for the information about the um the adaptive cards um is there a way to get the feedback sent to a manager oh that is a good idea i like that one okay so let's do that since so every time an employee fills it out do you want that one like you just want that employee that an individual survey response to go to their manager that seemed that's something we can do now as far as like figuring out everyone's multiple subordinates and putting them all together or something that would be more than a power hour but we can do it uh just for a manager so let's see um read making sure to read all the comments yeah okay so what we can do is if you wanted to notify their manager i'll just get rid of this other action that i had in here so that we don't get to and then um so they're going to reply well the thing about that is they're not it's not going to be part of this flow it's going to be part of a different flow so if we want to flow to happen when people respond then you'll have to use the forms trigger so this is the forms trigger called when a new response is submitted and then you're going to pick the the form you want so this is again a completely different flow than the one that we already created and i'll just say form t shirt response no i don't want to do it for the t-shirt one i want to do for the other one i called it join our team is that what i called it that was employee check-in that's weird let me um let me just completely refresh refresh that maybe i just need to hard refresh my my form my flow so that it recognizes all the forms i've shared so let me try that i just the browser session i'm in just might not realize that i had created more forms now it's just got the two that is weird i don't know i don't know why it only has two in here it doesn't have that other one that i just created that everyone filled out so anyway so when a new response is submitted then the next action you always have to use after the response is submitted is it that one that action is not going to the trigger is not going to give you all the data about that form so what you have to do is do get response details and tell it specifically to get the response metadata of that response so then i have the details i have all the data that people filled out so one way that i can just manually go get it is if i go to i'm in forms here and i go to employee check-in this is that one that everybody's filling in for fun this is just the manual way of getting the responses so it looks like most of you are very satisfied with your current arrangement of working remotely that is so good to know thank you and then um most of you most of you are emotionally exhausted so i'm sorry to hear that anyway so this is where this is just the manual way of getting the results in a microsoft form it looks very lovely and i can click to view the results which is gonna just show me um just a list of just all the exact forms that people had filled in but open in excel is the way that you can just again this is manual you're just when you click this button it's showing you the results that are in there this isn't just like a spreadsheet that's just going to automatically have results as they come in so this is just the spreadsheet version of what your responses are so the reason i'm showing you this flow is because this is if you don't want to do it manually if you don't want to go to the forums and click results manually every so often and you want to have something automated happen when the each result comes in this is what you're going to do so you're going to get the response details and then what so then some of you had some great ideas so office 365 users has the get manager now the thing about this action is that it's not going to work with um this specific example is you all people the people in power hour right now are you're all external users in this tenant of mine you don't have a manager in my tenant so none of you are going to have a manager so the get manager is really going to only work for actual internal employees so but what you're going to do when you get the manager is you can use responder's email and that will be whoever the person was logged into microsoft 365 as when they filled in the form and that is not just for the ones that are not anonymous this one is anonymous so i actually have a separate field that i created in the forum remember this it's called your email address so i'll just put responders email though so it's gonna go get the manager of whoever's email address that you put here so then it once it has the manager then i'd wanna go say send an email that's outlook so send an email so it's going to use my outlook connector and then who do i want to send it to so now i now that i have the person's manager i want to send it to the email address of that person's manager and then let them know what the results were employee blah blah blah and that's going to be the responder um i didn't get the uh data about the actual person's first name and last name who filled this in so that would be another action that i could do if i wanted to just have like a pretty first name last name i don't even have that yet so i can go get their pretty first name and last name office 365 users and then it's going to be get user profile and it says user profile of who and that's going to be the person that responded to it so now i'll have all the data about the responder and all the data about their manager so now when i send the email about the person i can go put their display name so that's how i can get like a nice pretty name okay so then once i have my email body then i'm going to scroll down into all my form data my response data so here are you won't let me scroll down any further but here are the questions that i asked in the survey so i said do you want a free t-shirt and i could just type the name of you whatever whatever all the different questions were i could say free shirt each question i can just put that data in the email body whatever your list of questions are live here blah blah so then i'd say so this is not going to work i'm not going to test the slow because none of you have a manager so it would just error out there is something that you can do just in your organization if you want to be able to have a flow that that gets the user's manager but you want to be able to make sure that it still proceeds if they don't have a manager then um you can do this so i could say do a parallel branch and i can say um notification let's see notifications let me know let me the flow creator know no manager no manager for somebody okay so this is if it if it errors out so if it has failed it's going to go send me an email notification and if it's successful when it gets the manager it's going to send the manager an email and then it's going to end so that's that's the way you can make sure that that the whole thing just doesn't fail out if it doesn't have a manager and nobody knows zach says i don't have a manager don't you hate it when you're the ceo zach okay let me see um what did i miss and i think i don't know what happened to joelle's audio like i said we test all the audio and technical things in the very beginning of power hour and then at some point somehow her audio stopped working let me put it back to the other um thing let's see now try talking no i don't know okay um joelle can chat with us we'll have to figure that out later all right so um what did i miss in the chat here um okay so we had some some people were mentioning that you wanted to add it to a sharepoint list so and we we actually did that we had a whole power hour we talked about microsoft forums i think it was like two years ago and this is also a lab in our power automate class where you actually create a form and you um and you go through the process of setting up that action to go right to a sharepoint list but i just don't have time in the next 10 minutes because what you need to do is for each question so see all these columns in the spreadsheet that it generates basically you're going to need to create a sharepoint list that kind of looks like this so for each question in your survey you're going to create a column in the sharepoint list so when um in the flow that triggers when a new form response comes in you're going to do the action to create a list item in sharepoint and then you're going to take each response just like we did with each response in this email you're going to take each response to the to the questions and put that data in that column in the sharepoint create item action and therefore every time someone fills out the form it will create a new list item in sharepoint yay all right let me see what else we got nine more minutes i think i pretty much covered everything it's a lot of comments it's fun doing a demo in teams about teams okay well now we gotta do the drawing right so let's see um oh i know what i'll do okay so joelle um did i share no i didn't share it with you let me share i wonder if i can share that with you joelle um share um okay i'm gonna copy no that's the employee check-in one hold on forms free t-shirt i'm gonna share that with joelle so joelle i'm gonna imu in here and then we'll get to do a drawing so that is the list of responses and let me know i guess in the chat that you've got that and you can see how many responses there are because all we need is a number of responses so and joelle's also going to visually make sure that nobody entered two of them there's not two of anybody's email address and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a flow that generates a random number between whatever you know however many responses that we have so that'll be fun so i'll just go create a new flow real quick and let me make sure you can see my screen yes okay my flows new flow we're just making use of all the technology today and i'll just do a manual trigger for this one and i oh i'm going to do an input of whatever that maximum number is max number and then i'm going to do a compose compose is just an easy way to just put something together put some text together with some dynamic data or just do a formula it's just so you can see see it when you look at the flow results so i'm going to do rand so my random expression here is going to give me okay what is my minimum value and then what is my maximum value so it's just got two different little parameters in here so my minimum is going to be one and my maximum is going to be whatever um i type in as the max number okay and then i should just theoretically i should just be able to look at this flow results the flow results when i run it and it might have already run sometimes it does that like i mentioned it might just run but i'll be able to go look at the results um once i type in a number when i trigger it okay so saved and i didn't give it a pretty name that's fine okay okay there are 23 okay so i'm going to run my flow max number 23 and go and then i'm just going to look at the flow results 11. that's our random number and we'll just uh we'll just say it let's see joelle can you want to type it in the chat i don't know i don't want to get like all up in people's privacy by saying their first and last names in my recording but i'm not sure all right just put like i don't know their first name and their last initial and or something i don't even we don't even know necessarily what their first and last names are because we have all we all we collected was the email address so do you know who it is joelle who's 11 okay oh let me see oh okay let me see do a drum roll the winner is let's see go back to my team's team and put this back on this one the winner is so that is what the um email address starts with starts with a k it's like kennedy or something like that so um we're gonna go ahead and email that person so congratulations woohoo you're gonna get a free t-shirt shipped to you yay so that's fun we should do that more often what do you think okay so that is any i guess any last questions about oh it's awesome that's okay there she is cool all right so congratulations and um our rube goldberg machines that is so true so uh congratulations and that was fun and uh we had that was a lot of great questions and great interaction on that one so uh thanks everybody for coming to power hour and we won't be here next week we'll be here the week after that but take a look at iwmentor.com and you can click schedule at the top to see our schedule of power hours and you can also join as a student and we have a whole point system that's really fun so as you're going through our courses we even have several free ones you can earn points and then we have a little store where you can spend your points where you can get there's a raffle for free consulting or it's an auction for free consulting a raffle for a t-shirt we have a drone we have um just a lot of cool stuff so check it out and thanks everybody for coming over and out thanks joelle she's like miming you
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 932
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft 365, Office 365, SharePoint, Microsoft Forms, Power Automate, Microsoft Teams, Flow
Id: vbTP-yjQLQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 33sec (3453 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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