SharePoint Power Hour: Conditional Formatting for Views

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to SharePoint power our this is a show we do most Wednesdays at 11:00 central I'm Laura Rogers and I have Joelle Jobson on audio here hello everybody and so this week's topic is going to be this new list conditional formatting and it's come out list in library view conditional formatting in SharePoint Online so that is what we'll be talking about and we are streaming live on YouTube and Facebook probably about three or four weeks ago when we did this YouTube had been starting to restrict their bandwidth or something was going on and we couldn't stream via YouTube it was having all kinds of issues and kept cutting out so I am currently streaming on both YouTube and Facebook and on our power our page on iw mentor IWM intercom / pages / - our it's probably where you are right now but that's that's got a link to the YouTube and to the Facebook just in case the YouTube one goes wonky again and I'm sure y'all will let me know in the chat if that happens but it seems okay so far because last time this happened when the issues happened it was hard just even getting it's getting the broadcast started so we are on both platforms and the fun thing about power hour is that it's live you never know what's going to happen that we have chat going on so we have we use slack for our chat and we have you know conversations questions discussions about whatever we're talking about that day and you all a couple of people asked me why we're using slack not teens well first of all we've been using slack ever since the four teens existed just that's the platform we've been using haven't solved over two teams teams has a live a way to stray I'll have a live event functionality but the live event functionality doesn't have the chat like we use in slack so I was kind of waiting for the live event functionality to have to be a little better and to have all the things that were used to here in just using slack so we're just gonna keep using slack all right so I'll go ahead and flip over to sharing my screen it's good to see you all it's been so just crazy in the world and it's been so weird you know not going out and seeing humans and being here with all the kids here and going a lot of bike rides and things but it's good to see you all and catch up with what's going on with people out in the community and it's good to be chatting with you also keep it up say hi roll call and definitely get involved and ask questions as we go so let me switch to my screen sharing there we are and my site see a demo list all right I started off by putting a couple of things doing this formatting on a couple of things but I'm going to go ahead and just start completely over from scratch and show you what this looks like what we're talking about today so I think you can see my screen alright so what we have that's new and this is a list that I've used in a lot of other demos so it's got a lot of just different types of columns and things like that so it's a good example for just all this different conditional formatting we're doing because it's got all the different column types in it and so what what is new is when you click all items and this is on a list or a library you have a format current view that's not new but you have this conditional formatting thing so this alternating rows styles is just to alternate the rows that doesn't that's not the conditional formatting that's just a way that you can style it and you can just uncheck it to turn it off if you want to and here so here's the conditional formatting so as soon as you turn it on you're creating a rule so first of all it's got this interface where it's saying to show all the values as something it's just turned them all to gray by default but then when you then you start adding your rule then you're going to define what they're going to look like under a certain condition so you could before you so what you can do is you can have columns be just a certain color if there are certain values so let me just before I start building this I'll compare it to what we have so I can say status format this column and I can say the format choice options are really just saying okay if it's not started it's this color if it's in progress it's this color and if it's completed its green so things like that so those are just going to define what color it is just no matter what so the conditional formatting is new let me so we've got rid of that because you can say show it a certain way under a certain condition and you can do that for columns and views so on each column when I go format this column it has such the format choice options that I showed you and it also has conditional formatting so it's here for this specific column or I can choose entire row so I can just toggle from column to column just in here I don't have to like I used to have to go back out and then go to the other column and format it and but now I can just kind of toggle between it so if I go to format current current view and right now it says apply formatting to entire row and then I could just change it to something else so let's just do one that's got is anybody see this does everybody see this thing in there Tennant this option in there tenant conditional formatting I'm interested to see kind of the feedback in here I would assume that people that are maybe on government tenants don't have it yet because it's fairly new but I think a lot of you will have this so kind of go go and checking your tenants and let me know if you see this or not but I'll go ahead and go to conditional formatting and I'm adding a rule so if something then show it as a certain way so if the status is not equal to completed so this is a choice field so it just gives me these nice easy drop-down boxes if the status is not equal to completed and if the due date is before today see it knows what type of field it is so it gives me easy little selections here then show it as what and the colors are kind of ugly that's because that's the closest I could get to red I was like it's got like a pink and an orange well so we'll talk about the colors too but the idea is that it's if this then this so if this and this then showing is this so that way you're not just only showing it as red if it's not completed you're only showing it as red if it's not completed if it's also past it's due date so for example I'll go to this one and I'll set it as completed instead of committee meeting and now that one is not read anymore so it's past it's due date it's just not you know it's completed so it's not read now you can change the colors now once you need to do anything beyond that it's gonna you still have the Advanced Mode that you can go into so let's go look at a couple of other things real quick so I can say like due date I'll be interested to see what it looks like when I when there's there are two different possible conditions that could be on something so I'll say conditional formatting on the due date if add a rule if due date is on let's say is equal to today so it is due on today and if status is not equal to complete it and then what do I want it to look like I want it to be like yellow now I don't have any that are due today so I'll just go ahead and edit them and look and and make one say that it's due today and we'll see what it looks like due date that was a long time ago you lock down your list and use power apps to develop list manipulation I do the same thing Greg I usually do that today okay there we go oh it's even got a time field well I don't really care all right so now it looks like the the setting for it being today is now it it's got a yellow due date instead of having the whole row being now those again those wrote those colors are still a little obnoxious don't you think now I did notice that when I go to column settings format this column well let me let me not mess with this this is something I did a long time ago in a different demo let me go ahead and go to the title column and I'll say show if assigned to is equal to and you don't have a mean in here so you can try like meaning like that and it's really a people picker so I type Laura and I've got people picker where I can pick myself there we go so if it's equal to Laura then show it as green but that's the problem because I don't want everybody to see it that way if it's equal to Laura I want it to be showing green for yourself right so that's another that's one little kind of negative about it is that you can do that in the in the advanced mode and in that column formatting thing that we talked about a few power hours ago so listen look at the color thing we've used in the past doesn't work like you know the me thing that we use like where we put in the brackets are on me that doesn't work in that yeah that's a painter and then but the code so this is the code because I got this from that other tool that we're going to talk about so it is possible to do it you're just not going to have it as in the little easy mode settings that that give you the ability to just pick me all right now let's look at this color code so let me go back to format current view conditional formatting oops I just turned it off when we turn it back on I'm glad it didn't wipe out my setting when I did that all right so I can go manage rule and I go to Advanced Mode I can also have multiple rules so I have when I manage my rules so I've got two rules so if status is not equal to completed show is read otherwise show all values is gray but I can add more rules so I don't have to just have one condition I can have multiple rules on the whole view I can have multiple rules on any one column and you can just just stack the rules down down the row so go back in there and keep clicking on it kind of go manage rules okay when I go to advanced mode so this is all that JSON that we used to have to do the only way that we had to deal with it and it's got this these little color codes that it's given me so look it does have an now hey Laura I think what can you hear me yeah I think you're having buffering issues oh nice umm so it might be it might be connecting to Skype so maybe if you just oh yeah as I hear it it's a Skype like I can hear you I might easily yeah yeah we can screen sharing at least we can hang up yeah let me stop screen for now and see if that helps oh my gosh every time oh they're saying it's fine on Facebook oh no somebody says it's buffering also so I'm not sure yeah I guess you check Facebook and let me know yeah um every time I'm gonna make sure I've got every single possible thing on my computer turned off let's see okay everybody's saying YouTube's locked up can I get confirmation about a Antony said Facebook is buffering but Claire said it's fine on Facebook I see YouTube running okay right now okay told y'all what's gonna happen like tell me something right just sitting here minding my own business getting buffered okay should I keep going okay now they're fine yeah I mean maybe it was about me sharing my screen with you that how much of a difference I helped my it helped us put that room huh yeah it looks good to be on both for now it's okay all right good to know okay I'm gonna take this now I'm kind of digging into the code so I'm going to take this since I it's hard to kind of work with it in this little window I'm gonna copy it and paste it over to notepad plus plus and set my language as JSON and here we go back to code again so if you don't like the colors that it has to pick up that it has just to pick from in the little picker then you're back to dealing with codes so you think Joelle that I could just type a color in here just a hex color so here are the hex colors I'll go ahead and show you that see I'll put that link in the chat just a nice little reference I'll put it over in the general Channel hex colors and then I'm going to put the list formatting samples in there too so this is just an while I'm sharing links this is the list formatting samples that you can go grab the grab the code from so for example this one takes and looks at the current user and just shows a certain color if the log game user if it's their name in the row so it again it's got a ton of different cool little options but I think I already covered this in a in another Power Hour so look how cool that is that's another way you can do a view anyway so that's where you can do the list view formatting and so let's go back to this so I'm going to stay CC 3 3 6 6 let's see if I can just put that in here and put and just copy that and no it's not as easy as just putting a hex color in there so it's they've they've made that part a little it's it's got those certain little codes in it so let me go back to my um and hit undo see it's got these special CSS codes for the background colors and those are associated with all those little colors that you can pick from so manage rules so that's this stuff I go to more styles though so instead of it had a little limited you know set of things that you could do in that one little box but you do have more styles so you don't have any more fill colors you can pick from but you do have look at this I can change my fonts I can change my font color to purple and then I can even oh that's really pretty I can't even do boxes and borders around things so that's a ton of extra sort of extra information about what you can do change your border color so they give you a lotmore different colors that you can pick from here I feel like well it's not it's not a larger quantity but it's definitely brighter colors to pick from in here but notice that it Joelle look how cool it's got my theme colors so whatever the theme is in SharePoint so I've got a purple theme on the site but so you can see all the you know links and things are purple so it gives me my theme colors as the first thing to pick from it's pretty interesting so I'll go ahead and save that and now let's go look at the code I'll grab that copy it and put it over here but it's C it's still got all these other little color codes and it's just got them in a certain order interesting but at least that's a good way that you could go figure out what they are right let's see try to look at the chat you all think about that oh you do have it in GCC that's good to know Wow I missed a lot of comments let's see yeah that's right Eric they don't accept RGB format either so let's try this so these are in a certain order I feel like so these are in it looks like whatever I picked a bunch of colors for various things like font colors and I just put them in this order it doesn't even indicate which one is which so let me see I'm gonna go get rid of a few variables here and go back to my more Styles here and change the font color back to automatic and save it so now it looks like so the only color I had I have this pink for the fill color and I have the blue for the border color and I don't so I don't have a separate color for the font so now I've got the color that it is when it's overdue and otherwise it's going to be this gray color so let me go grab that code now Advanced Mode grab all that copy so this this pink color I believe is this error background 50 so all these colors are this is what this is what it's going to show me otherwise it's going to be this neutral background which is that gray so what happens if I take this it looks like it still put that this stuff at that blue so let me see no yeah it's it's specifically named border bottom color blue so I feel like they just have some sort of syntax in here that you just have to know the syntax if you really want to dig in and mess with this and you really yeah you just have to know the syntax and you have to be able to dig and dig through here and figure out the pattern now another thing that I did try is so I went to that website that I just showed you that has all the the different view formatting that you can do and the format for showing assigned to is me paste it back in there and let's see if it's as if it's assigned to as me then see I think it's I think it's very confused because I had assigned to in there with and then I added all this other stuff it doesn't like me trying to just throw that throw that coat on top of everything that's going on so let me just undo that alright so again assigned to that I mean the the people picker fields are not going to have just an out of the box away so what I was trying to do is like I did for this title here is I'm gonna go back into the rule instead if I was trying to replace my name with because the way the code does it it says if assigned to a mail equals me then show it as this certain color so then I was trying to just replace my name I was just trying to put that at me in there and that wasn't as you know as easy is just typing it in there so again a few limitation so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to stick to business user what you can do because what we've already been able to do in in these you know formatting these views is JSON so we've been able to do JSON and the views for at least a year maybe a couple of years right Joelle something like that yeah so for this particular demo what I'm trying to do is highlight what they're providing us out-of-the-box because we've already kind of covered you know when you have to get to the point where you have to edit the JSON so what I'm getting to is showing you where you hit the limits where okay you can do this and this and this but then if you want to change the color then this is the limit that you're going to hit and then if you want to change the assigned to to be dynamic then this is the limit you're going to hit so that's why I'm specifically avoiding I'm not getting into the weeds with editing code in this particular demo because what we're trying to highlight is the new things that they've added in the product so let's go into let's kind of this thing a mess let me go back and first of all let me see if I have any questions yeah you're right so that's exactly just kind of said as someone who's new to SharePoint this type of thing drives me crazy so I guess Billy it hopefully it makes you feel better that it's they're getting closer so they're adding more things that you can do just in here with lots see that you know more interfaces of things that you can change and they're still gonna be they're still always going to be some sort of limit of but I want it to do this but it does 80% of what you want it to do right so it has this lovely little interface and I can go delete so I can go completely delete that role and kind of that kind of cleans it up a little bit but you can also do just format your view and by just doing things that we've never been able to do in SharePoint before either like just changing a font color in a list right Joel I mean that's kind of that's a really big deal if you ever wanted to change a font color in the past that wasn't you'd have to go dig into the master page or CSS or something right yeah it was much harder yeah so let's see oh so many comments let me see oh thanks Lisa for the link to Laura's site she's got a detailed and explanation of multicolored themes that's a great link and that way if you want to have a very customized color scheme then you can do that but this is definitely a lot better of an end-user way that you can get your list to look as let me go wipe that out again go manage rules and delete my rule and save it and then again I can add another rule and I can just simply say you know if the status is is say am I gonna do the same rule again I like the way that you can do these on on all the columns and the rows and not have to go have it be restricted because when they first you know this first rolled out you can only do it on columns and then they added the row thing in and it was just you could do it on rows but only if you could write JSON but now at least it's more of a congruent experience where whether you select the whole row or just one column you have this conditional formatting box where you can turn on the conditional formatting and start creating your settings oh that's a great question are there any admin settings to prevent users from doing this so that's most likely going to be people that are members already have the ability to manage the lists and libraries and manage the views but we can test that out so what we'll do is let me see that's a great that cuz you know you have to worry about random people just showing up in here in condition and formatting things and then everyone else just see it comes you know arrives on this list and sees it some completely different way so let's try that out let's go look at Billy Bob's settings in here so go to my list settings and I've gotten in my demo tenant so I've got all these little fake users I can use so look at my permissions and I'll check my permissions first to see Billy and I'll see what permission Billy currently has so he does he is in the members group so what I want to do is remove him from the members group so actually let's just test it as it is just as as it is he doesn't have any kind of list management capabilities he's only got read and contribute so let's go see just as with the ability to read and contribute then what he'll be able to do so let me go back to my okay so now I'll login as Billy go to the same site I've gotta go to the same list - lets see demo test list you're not the other it goes okay so Billy can see this list he can ooh format current view let's see if he can actually change stuff so I'll go into manage rules so this is Billy doing this now yeah yeah that's interesting let's contribute you would be able to do that yeah that's not good so yeah it doesn't just apply to their personal no it's as all items so let's go look and of course then when I I mean now I'm logged in as me you can see my name up here and now Oh interesting let me see I'm not seeing his formatting let me do a hard refresh that wouldn't make any sense if I didn't see the formatting that he put on the list cuz he sees the formatting that I put on it it's not a per user type of thing unless it's like personal views in some way you know like the whole concept like in there yeah and the permission list that's like creating personal views so it's somehow tied to the I look when I refreshed it for Billy it went away that is hosting let me try that again okay conditional formatting I just changed that whole column to yellow just to keep it simple I didn't even do any condition I just changed it to yellow and I saved it okay it looks like it's saved no oh maybe it didn't save it it doesn't save it when I'm logged in this Billy but it lets you try to do it let me try just for a more choice options say high priority is this weird color okay it shows it oh look when I when I try and save it it looks like it's saved but that doesn't actually save it it just kind of previews it and doesn't let me change it well that's kind of a tease huh yeah so Billy the end user who only has contribute access can't it makes him think that he can change it but he can't know so if Billy creates though a personal view so let's just go the old-school way oh no I can't go into the view I can't go into the list settings duh so let me see if I can save you as Billy and make it a personal view now this is Billy's personal view now let's see if it lets him change it it should right I would think in progress it completed it's gonna be green save save and then okay no it went away so he can create a personal view but he can't put the formatting on his personal view okay the plot thickens okay so um let's go give Billy a higher permission so let's go make Billy so now this is something to be aware of by default on all SharePoint team sites right now everybody that you add to the site you just add them as a member they have edit permission now I know you've all heard me rant about this before the edit permission level lets all those members add edit and delete entire lists and libraries and manage all the settings in all lists and libraries so and that's so that's the default so he doesn't have that default permission level on this task list he a contribute permission level which is the one I like to give members you can't even change at the site level in just modern team sites you can't even change their level from edit to contribute you can do it on individual lists and libraries only so I'm just going to go to the permissions for this task list and just give him edit again which would be the default so then we'll see if he can change the the colors Antonino the opposite not only site owners can format lists and libraries all most likely what we're about to test is all site members can probably format them too I would like it to be if only with people with higher permission but like I said by default everybody has higher permission on all the lists and libraries so permissions for this list yeah yeah the the naming the permission level called edit is very misleading isn't it and I feel like that's on purpose okay so see I got members with contribute here I'm going to change members to have again what I've messed with this a bunch over the years this is my demo site so edit is the one that is the default for everything in all the modern sites so now I'm going to give Billy the edit permission so I'll show you now what Billy can do with now with edit and me double check when I click check permissions and Billy and see now he has edit he's in both groups but of course he has edit so he can do everything now let's go back to being Billy Bob see Billy Bob up here and or hard refresh yes you're right Trevor it does make sense to educate users on what not to do but when you have people in droves just throwing SharePoint sites at people and just people in these big organizations or even smaller is Asians creating hundreds of sites and just clicking clicking create site clicking create team just whenever they feel like and they've got sites all over the place the companies aren't necessarily keeping up with making sure every single person in the company knows the ramifications of creating a site and leaving all the default permission I mean I would in a in a perfect world I would think that everyone would get trained on SharePoint but that is not happening that is not happening in the real world so you have messes everywhere and you have people just using SharePoint that are brand-new to it and don't know doesn't even they've occurred him to even wonder what you know all the permissions are on various lists in libraries so that's why I teach that in my SharePoint power user class I teach all the nuances about that stuff all right now I am Billy and I am I'll just go to my all items view everybody view and I'm going to try to edit format this column and I'm just gonna do regular just styles I'll say if it's high then make it ugly color alright so I saved it and now it let me save it and I'll just double check by refreshing it and so priority high is orange now and now I'll flip back over to being logged in as myself and I'll go back to logged in as Laura and I'll and look at that so now priority is showing us high so that answers my question as to what happens with permissions so now just with all the default modern sites members have added permission I've given billi edit permission so this means that all of the members of your site can change the formatting on all the default views on all the lists and libraries so to in order to prevent that you would have to go change those people to have contribute permission level and you can do that at the site or at all the lists and libraries yes all right look and see any other questions Oh Stewart says they turned off the ability to if for anyone to create SharePoint sites aren't about to turn off teams let's say so let's talk about now that we've talked about kind of what what you can do with these new conditional formatting settings and that you can format color that the background colors and the fonts and even the borders which is really nice let's talk about just all the options for no code if you don't know that I don't know JSON and takes me hours anytime I need to go figure out JSON on something let's go look at one of just the popular concepts in that the most popular blog and I wrote it a couple of years ago is showing a button to trigger a flow in a list so what what I'm going to do is just a little fun thing since it has to do with conditional formatting is the trigger a button to put a button in a list in a column to trigger a flow but then make the button look different under different conditions and that is not an out-of-the-box functionality but so the link to see here is the I'll put it in the general channel the link to customize view formatting is there and then real quick you go to mommy since we have what 15 minutes left that's just a kind of little bonus thing I'll do this one put that link in the chat in the general channel too and then here's Microsoft's reference so what they've got is this little symbol code that they give you create a button to launch a flow and then this is actually what I already have in that list this little thing that sends an email so you click a button and it sends an email this is going to try and open Outlook and send an email to those people so that is what it provides you in their little samples then you've got they do you have a really simple one it looks like they've they've added more to their repertoire here because this stuff was not look at this this stuff was not in here last time I checked it let me go back to the the flow thing I'll just copy just what they have on their site and then I'll go to my TAS list and then sometimes what I do just when I'm when I want to put a button that triggers a flow I'll just add an empty column that's just called button or something like that or run or just something generic and I'll just use that column purely for showing a button to trigger the flow so now I've got this column called button now I'm gonna go in my view settings and remove a few columns because this thing is just getting too wide so I'm going to just hide a few columns just so it's not taking up so much real estate so I can see what I'm doing there and then I go to button and go to column settings format this column and then this is where you could put that code so there's the code that i just copied off of microsoft site so now it's got this sin to manager button and then i have to give it the URL to a flow i mean not the URL that the code to a flow so let's see just go get you just need to have that you need to have this little number this little gooood and that's what you would take and pasted over in the code where it's got see the number for the flow that's where you'd put that now now i'm going to go show you a way to do two different ones so this is using that same exact concept but it took me hours to figure this out because I don't know JSON but I figured I'd share this with you all I mean it took me forever because I don't anyway it was a lot of trial and error so two different flows in this example in this business example one of them I want them to see this button if the status is new and then another one I want them to see the button if the status is acceptance complete so I'll just copy that code and I'll put it in this little button column and then notice that I don't my status doesn't equal either one of those things so it's not showing anything right so now first of all I need to look at my status column in here and I need to see what its system my quick way of just seeing what the system name is of a column is to just sort by it and then I can see sort field equals status so it's not something like task status or something else that is the system name status so now I just need to change I'm just going to change the code to look for statuses that I already have because I'm lazy so let me just kind of set that back so it's not sorted again so now I'm going to say if status is equal to in progress I'm just gonna change my code I want to show this button and then if status is completed I want to show this other button and then I will go back to my button column look at that and that cool so it's not just showing different text it's showing and hiding two completely different buttons so let me show you how that and I don't have these wired up to any flows right now it doesn't all you do is you just replace that little code this little code with the code for the flow that you want it to trigger so these are two completely different buttons though so the way that I'm hiding and showing the buttons and again I had to let's just trial and error figure out how to do that is by doing the display so the display is gonna show in line or none and that's how I figured out how to show or hide an entire button is this whole button is going to say it's basically saying if the status is in progress this button will display in line otherwise the display is none so see this is the display and it's in line or none so that is how it works for one button and this is just what it says on the button so it's just a button that's gonna say kick off this email that sends this flow that sends an email to the investor and it's got metadata and stuff like that and then otherwise so then I have this completely different l button element and it's got this style and color but the display is if the status is equal to completed its gonna show in line otherwise none so you wouldn't want to ever try and show them both at the same time it's just going to be if it's this status it shows this this button that says email investor form and it's green and then otherwise show this button that says receive funds and it's blue and it triggers this flow so the code that is in the blog post for the way the buttons are colored and what they look like the main thing that I'm demonstrating here is this display of inline or none is showing and hiding the buttons that make sense Joe well yeah I think so okay so let me see here alright so that's a so that's one of those things that it's it's two completely different flows and it's just again I didn't wire these to actually do anything when I click on them but all I have to do is replace them now these flows actually have each have a trigger of for a selected item and I know we've gone over that in a lot of power hours too but the flows that you want to trigger with this button it helps if they the trigger is for a selected item because then it knows you know what information to pass to the flow that the item that its triggering on right and that's all in that blog post to see any other Louise's house formatting either styles are visible or not affect how a list acts and power apps it does not so that is a that's a good question nothing that we're doing in any of this formatting oops let me paste it back in there none of this has anything to do with power apps none of this has any relevance or any impact on anything in power apps let me go flip back to my so this is just simply the way you're viewing a SharePoint list in the browser in the list and power apps is directly using the SharePoint data and displaying the SharePoint data but power apps knows nothing about any kind of JSON code that you're displaying a list with in SharePoint so this will not impact the way something looks in a gallery or anything like that yeah this is just simply to display something now I wonder if you can make one little more thing that I'm in a ponder is if you can make something disappear with formatting if you can just make it not show I guess well I guess if they had color the vintage they didn't have any options in there to just hide something the only option was the colors and the fonts so I guess if you had a color of the font that's exactly the same colors the background you can make it hidden so let me check real quick that would be one of the first things I would want to do go just refresh this and go to the title um get rid of that Oh notice that the title column is since it's a since it's just text it doesn't have that additional one that shows up for some of the choice fields and things like that it doesn't have like a little built-in you know if it's if it's this choice show it this color and that kind of stuff alright so if if assigned to is equal to Laura Rogers instead of showing the sign to is equal to Laura Rogers I'm going to say if status is equal to completed then I am going to let's see not do a fill color but don't color yeah no they don't really have a font color of clear but they do have these cute little icons that's pretty cool see so if it's assigned to Laura Rogers I made the font lighter and I made it and I put a little person symbol next to it that's really useful yeah it's assigned to me I get a thumbs up so the font that's hiding something it looks like is not going to be something that it can scratch it out but there isn't just an option to not show it hey I think you're not showing your screen Thanks do that--don't so um I went to my pool delay there um I went to my title column and let me just say that so I said is if status is equal to complete it I was trying to test if the title column can let me do a different font or something like that to make it look like it's invisible some way that I can make this column not show anything in it and it doesn't look like I try to do if status is equal to completed to see if I can make it look hidden but when I go to more styles I've got things like icons and borders but I don't have anything that just says hide this column so I can change my font column to a really light gray and maybe my fill color see to match the font color it doesn't really there's not a really good way to make it invisible you'd have to have the fill color match the font color both of them be clear or something like that so that would be nice good that would be awesome if you could hide stuff because then you could potentially have just say look at who the currently logged in user is and hide stuff right and say if you're not a manager then you can't see what's in this column or something like that that would be a whole other level that is not there yet with what we get out of the box but the icon share are cute all right go ahead and come back did Anthony would you end up with empty rows if you were hiding text on an entire row yeah in this case I was just hiding trying to hide I was trying to hide just the title
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 2,363
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Microsoft 365, PowerApps, Power BI, Office 365, Microsoft
Id: 0ZfOy0Jemd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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