SharePoint Document Sets, Document Set View and SharePoint Premium

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good day everyone Daniel Anderson here back with another SharePoint Saturday edition for you hope you enjoyed last week's episode now today we're going to tackle uh SharePoint document sets and also the different views that you can have inside of a document set as opposed to uh when you're actually looking at the library with the document sets at the root of the library so let's dive in and have a look at how we set things up all right so first up we're just going to create a new document library for the purpose of this video so we'll jump back on to the homepage we'll go new document library and then you can see we've got the new templates that are here but we're just going to add a new blank Library I'm just going to call this document sets Okay and then the next thing that we do need to do is we need to add the document set content type to the document library now I've already enabled the document set feature at the site collection level which you do need to do as a first step to make those available to add and I'm going to go to the library settings and I'm going to go to more Library settings and then I'm going to first of all go to under advanced settings we need to enable the allow management of content types first this will allow us to add additional content types to the library so we'll click okay and now we can add our document set so we can go add from existing site content types because a document set is a site content type and it's under the um document set content type here and we've got our default document set well so we'll just click okay to that and then now when we come back to our library what we will have is new document set all right I'm just going to edit the new menu here I'm going to take away the uh the the folder option to create here because we want to use our document sets all right so we'll hit save now the next thing we're going to do I'm just going to add a uh a simp simple category column and also uh a responsible person column as well so the next thing we're going to do is we'll go to library settings and I'm going to create these as site columns so remembering site columns we can use across the entire site and we can reuse them okay so we'll go to site settings and then we'll go to under web designer galleries we'll go to site columns we'll create a new one and we'll make this a choice column and we'll go actually let's go Department so we'll call this one department and we'll give it a choice we'll create a new group and we'll go custom and we'll go uh H hrit finance and legal and that'll do us okay so let's just fix up the spelling here we'll go to finance we'll go drop down now we won't have a default value and we'll click okay so of of course it does so let's go uh Koso Department all right so we'll go okay and then we're good to go I'll just create another one and let's call this one responsible person all right and we'll make this one a person or group I'm just going to take away the space in this column name as well just a little um best practice here when you're creating a column keep the spaces out we can always rename the title of the column later so we'll go put this in the same group and we'll just keep everything as default and we will click okay so now we've got two site columns so what I'm going to do now is add those site columns to that content type so I'm going to go to site content type and we will look for our document set content type here so we should see this one and here we go and now we can add a new site column so we'll go add from existing site column we'll choose our our custom group we'll go department and we'll go responsible person and we'll hit save so now we've got these two um columns or metadata columns site columns on our document set so we'll jump back to our site now and let's now go to our document sets library and we'll go to new document set and then we'll be presented with a form to fill out we've got our two Fields here that we've just added so let's go document set one and we'll say it's HR and we'll go responsible person can be Nester and we'll save this all right we'll just create one more as well so we've got our first document set and now we'll create a second document set here where we'll go document set 2 and we'll go for it and this time Alex can be the respons person for this set of documents so we are now good so we've got two document sets now you'll see here what I'm going to do is I'm going to add or I'm going to change the view to the all documents uh view here all right so let's add a column and show or hide columns and we'll go to created and created by but we haven't we're not looking at the department or responsible person right here so I'm going to hit apply and you can see that we've got this in our all documents view now when we go into our document set we can see that it's got the same view so what I'll also do is I'm just going to upload a few documents into this document set and then what we'll do is we'll create a new view all right so let's create a new view and I'll go back to document sets I'll go to create new view and let's go for uh document set view um let's go document set Set uh let's go document view all right so we'll call it document View and we'll create this so now we're creating our our view so what I'm going to do is again I'm going to show our department responsible person and we'll click apply now we're going to leave these um actually what we'll do let's change this around a bit so all documents let's show or hide the responsible person and department at the document set level but not at the document level so we'll reverse things a little bit so now when I jump into here what I want to do is I am going to go to document view but I'm going to change this document view I'm going to hide these two I'm going to hide all of these columns all right so I'll go hide all of those so now that I'm left just with the name of the document that is the document view now if I flick over to all documents we can see that we've got this view here okay now you'll notice that these aren't filled out in the for the documents because we set that here at the document set level now how do we go about creating that document view inside of a set so if I go now to the uh the library settings so we'll jump up to library settings and then we want to enter into our um our document set content type we've got some settings here that we can set now inside here called document set settings is where we can change this um uh this the the the view that is seen okay so we can see here that I've got the view set to all documents I want to change that to document view now you'll also see that we can do a little bit around our shared columns so let's say we've got our uh our responsible person and our department at the top level at the document s uh set level and we want to pass that automatically down to the documents that can that are inside of that document set so we'll tick this so we share the columns we'll click okay and now what's going to happen when I go back out to document sets and you can see that I've got this view here which is all documents but when I now enter into a inside of a document set you'll notice that this changes to document View and I've got this view here all right so that means that we can have this view showing or hiding different columns to that at of the upper level here which is the document sets all right so now how does this shared column work all right so if I jump into here let's add and we what we'll do is we'll change this document view so we'll show our hi columns and let's turn on these columns here and you'll see that we're now we now have um this new view so we'll just save this view like so but you'll see it's not retrospective right so it doesn't then populate these documents now what we'll do let's create document Set uh three all right so we'll go doc new document set let's go document set three we'll go finance and we'll go Megan can be the owner of this set of documents and we'll save that now we'll get taken to that document set and I'm going to just drag and drop a couple of documents here and what we'll see you can see that we're taken to the document view all right and you'll also see here that we can drag and drop the documents straight into that view all right now if I refresh this page you can see that these shared columns are now being populated with the values of the document set itself so we've got Finance when we've got Megan there if I jump back to the document set view finance and Megan so that's how the shared columns work as well all right so having the ability to have different views uh inside of a document set as opposed to the top level of the actual document sets themselves does become pretty um pretty powerful because you can show and hide different values at the document level as opposed to the containing document set as well so I hope that brings you some value today thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next Edition
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 2,928
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Id: 86m9BKtW4lo
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Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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