SharePoint Lists, Libraries, Lookup Columns and Dynamic Filtering

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good day everyone welcome to another episode of SharePoint Saturday now this episode is proudly brought to you by the co-pilot Studio A Weekly Newsletter that is designed to help you maximize your use and improve your productivity in less than 10 minutes per week it is a Weekly Newsletter that is going to uh showcase real world examples uh use cases and just how you can use Microsoft co-pilot more effectively to improve your productivity so if you're not already subscribed head over to the copilot pop your email address in there you'll also be able to see all the past editions of the newsletter directly on the website as well now on to today's SharePoint Saturday where we're going to take a look at lists libraries look up columns and then also bring all that together and connect lists and libraries on a SharePoint page to give you a really good user experience so let's dive in and get stuck into it so we can see here I'm just on a SharePoint team site here now let's set the scene a little bit first I've got a couple of libraries here or one in particular that we are going to uh use for this example and it is uh a library that has been created and crafted for invoices so it's already been set up we've got a a bit of metadata here already and what we're going to do is create or associate these invoices with vendors okay so the first thing that we're going to do so that we can associate um and have a vendor option in that library is actually create a master list for our vendors all right so let's jump in here and we'll click uh new list and we'll create a blank list now all I am going to do is call this vendors and this could be crafted or taken and implemented in any number of different scenarios here it's just that this use case here is going to be around vendors so I'm going to call this name vendors it's going to be our Master list it's just going to have a title column and we're going to add our vendors to this list so let's add a couple of vendors so I am going to say Microsoft I will say apple and we'll just add a couple more we might even add uh Koso here so we'll go Koso and then we'll also might add fabric cameras as well so let's type in uh fabric cam here all right so now we've got four vendors on our Master list now if we now jump into invoices what we're going to do is we're going to create a type of column that we call a look lookup column so I'm going to click add column I'm going to scroll down to look up and I'm going to click next so what we want to do is we want to look up the values from that vendor list from that title column all right so I am going to say uh vendor now name and we it is a type lookup now we need to select the list that we want to use as the source all right so here the source is going to be vendors all right now we also then need to select the column from the list above that we want to use as our selections because our vendor list could potentially have more information so there could be contact person uh address website all of that sort of stuff around a particular vendor if we're using that as a as a master vendor list all right so I'm going to use title and I'll hit save now that has now created our lookup column so what we can now do is we can select and I'm going to just going to select a few documents here I'm going to go to the information panel here and we will now have an option where we can choose and Associate from that list our vendors all right so I'm just going to hit save and now what we've got are these three documents that have now been Associated to Apple all right so you can see there and we've got Apple so let's just do a couple more uh we'll associate these ones to uh let's say Microsoft and then we'll do the last two we'll just deselect these ones we'll choose these two and we'll associate these two kosa all right so now we've got our uh our invoices and we've aligned those and Associate those to our vendors all right so there we are there and we've got that vendor name we can still here we can uh Group by vendor name here as well all right so we can still do everything that we can do with a normal uh metadata column we can do here also in this um with that lookup column all right so now what we want to do is we want to create a new page so let's say we've got our invoices so we've got different types or if we go to libraries and we go to invoices we've got different types or um statuses of invoices here so created rejected all of this sort of stuff here all right so what if we had a single place where we could have our um a couple of different views of this invoices library on a page but also have the ability to select a particular vendor on that same page and then dynamically filter this list here so that's what we're going to build out so now I'm just going to create a new page so we'll go new page and then we will we'll just keep this as a blank page for now now I'm just going to change this to image and title and let's call this uh Vendor Portal all right so we'll call this one Vendor Portal I'm going to get rid of the text I'm just going to lay this out in a um let's go a 1/3 right because what we're going to do here actually let's let's do something else let's add a vertical section let's change this to a single column so we'll change this one to a single column we've got a vertical section now what I want to do here is I want to add our list all right so our list that we're going to use is vendors all right so there's our list now I don't I just want to have the list of vendors I don't want to have the the command bar or the SE all but uh bar there and I'll just apply that so now we've got a simple list now over here we are going to add a doc our document Library so our document library that we're going to add is invoices all right so that's now added our invoices now what we can also do here is is choose the view that we want to uh show in this web part so I'm just going to publish this for now and we're going to go back to our document library and we're going to create a couple of different views all right so we'll go to libraries we'll go to invoices and now let's create a couple of uh views so let's go to create one for paid so let's go filter by uh paid invoices so we'll go apply we'll save this view as uh paid and then we might also just create one more view here so we'll go back to all documents and then we'll create actually let's go to all invoices because that's the one that I put the vendor name in now what we might do here let's just have a look let's go for also rejected all right so let's filter by status filter by rejected and let's create a new view of this so we'll go save as we'll go rejected and we'll hit save all right so now we've got a couple of views rejected and also paid so now let's jump back onto our other page so we'll go to vendor port portal now let's hit the edit button and we're just going to select a a certain view here so all invoices let's go for uh paid so we'll hit the paid I don't want to have any of the command bars and we'll hit apply so we'll change this to paid invoices and then I also want to add another instance of our document Library so let's go for document Library um we'll choose CH invoices again and now I just want to choose a different View and we'll go reject it so let's choose and we'll change this to rejected invoices we'll turn off the command bar and see all and now we'll hit apply so now what we've got is two instances of our document Library looking at different views and we've got our vendors list on the right hand side now when we select this it's not doing anything at the moment right so what we want to do is we want to say right when I select this uh vendor in the list on the right hand side dynamically filter the documents that appear in the web Parts on the left okay so let me just fix up this we'll go paid invoices so now what we can do is we can edit the web parts and choose uh actually let's use this one we want to dynamically filter the items uh selected in another list or Library so I'm going to choose turn this on on and I'm going to um column in the invoices to uh to filter we want to go vendor name a list or Library containing the filter value which is vendors which is this list and the column is the title so we'll hit apply and then we'll also do exactly the same thing here we'll turn this on uh we'll choose vendor name we'll also choose vendors and then we'll choose title and we'll hit apply all right so so let's republish that now we can see here if and we'll fix up these views in a minute so we've got Microsoft and contoso is the vendor name on the top and we've got Apple at the bottom all right so if I choose uh Microsoft if I select Microsoft you can see that I've got no rejected invoices but I do have a single paid all right if I go to Apple we should see the same thing all right or a similar thing but here we've got a rejected invoice down here for Apple all right and if I go to what was the other vendor over here if I go to Koso we should have one uh paid invoice and no rejected invoices but what we've got is a little bit of a scroll bar here so what I want to do is just fix up these views so we want rejected and paid so I'm going to jump into the document library and I'm just going to uh hide a few columns in our views so I'll go to paid and and I'll just go to uh show and hide columns and I want to turn off all of these and we might just untick that as well now we've got a cut down view uh of the paid and I'll do the same thing with rejected so I just want to uh go show and hide columns we'll leave the vendor name now the vendor name needs to stay in the view because we're going to uh we need that value in there to do the filtering right so you need to keep that vendor name there so if I now go to pages and I go to Vendor Portal what we'll see now are those views on the on the page here as well change because we've changed it uh in the document Library so there now what we've got is if I choose Microsoft I can see that I've got one paid invoice there uh and we've got the same filtering options I can even select multiple here so you can see here I've got apple and Microsoft and you can see that Microsoft's got one uh paid invoice and Apple has got one rejected invoice all right so by using a combination of lists and libraries and using a look lookup column from that list in your libraries and then using this Dynamic filtering you can really enhance that user experience um and create a dynamic page that when you select an option uh in a list on that page it then dynamically filters the web Parts on that same page so I hope that brings you some value today thanks for watching and once again this video uh today's edition of SharePoint Saturday has been been brought to you by the co-pilot studio so if you haven't subscribed to that it is a Weekly Newsletter all about Microsoft co-pilot and taking advantage of it to improve all of your productivity and processes head over to the co-pilot pop your email address in and you'll start receiving those weekly newsletters as well thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 7,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rmiKhIsxXUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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