SharePoint Document Sets - How to add metadata and create specific views

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foreign Daniel Anderson here welcome to today's session on document sets or folders on steroids as we like to call them and today we're going to focus on two things uh first of all we're going to add some metadata to the document set itself and then we're also going to set and create a a specific view for inside of a document set as opposed to the top level of the library itself okay so just to recap on the previous session we took a look at how we actually enable the ability for us to use document sets so it's a feature that we need to enable at the site collection level then we need to add that content type because a document set is actually a content type so we need to add that to the document library for us to be able to utilize a document set so all of all of that is being done and set up and now we're going to take it to the next level and have a look at metadata and also some custom views so let's have a look at how we go about adding metadata to our document set so we can see here that I have already got a document Library I've got a document set inside of this or added to the document library and I've got the default metadata here of modified and Modified by and you can also see that I've got a custom column here that's called due date all right now when I go inside of this document Library you can see when I click inside I've got some documents in here now I've also got this due date column is actually added to these documents as well now that's what we call a shared column so we're going to take a look at the settings of this document set and have a look at at what that shared column looks like and where we turn that on and how we can enable that shared column and then create a custom view so you can see on the right hand side we've actually got the properties and what let's just call this a landing page for our um or our welcome screen let's say for our document set we can see we've got the properties of our document set on the right hand side here so how do we go about adding some metadata so first of all we're going to create what we call a site column so let's go into the site information and we will go to all site settings and then let's just put in a single site column here and let's call this uh we'll call it project status okay so because these document sets are going to be used for combining or collecting all of the relevant documents related to a specific project all right so let's call this project status and for our case we are just going to use a choice column it could be a metadata a managed metadata column or something like that if we want to use that across different site collections but in our case we're going to be specific and just create a site column here so we're going to choose a choice column uh let's create a new group and let's call this uh project columns and let's just give three options here so let's go new let's go um active and let's go completed all right so let's actually change this to uh not started all right so not started active and completed so we click OK and now we've created a site column so what we want to do is we want to add this site column now to our document set so I'm going to go back into site settings and then let's go to site content types and right and then what we're going to do is we are going to look at our document set all right so let's search for uh document set and click on document set and let's add a new site column so you can see here that that due date isn't actually a site column right it's been added specifically to that Library all right but this one here is a site column which means we can reuse this content type across different libraries in in our case Okay across the site so we're going to add from existing site columns and we will look for our group which we've created called project columns and we've got our project status and let's click and select that and we will save that and we are now good to go so we've got title name description project status so if we now jump back into the library itself so what we might do is let's go to to documents and let's have a look at what we've now got so if I select our document set here click on information what we should see is we should see now a status so you can see on the right hand side we've got our status not started active or completed so let's select not started that's saving and that column has now been set to not started but we want to show that column at this level so at the document set level all right so let's show this at this particular level so we'll show and hide columns let's have a look for project status and we will apply okay so now we've got our uh our project status showing in our view but what we've also got is inside of this we've now also got that project status column appearing inside of the document inside of the document set and I in in this view of our document okay so what we want to do is we don't really need this document status column in Associated to all of our documents all right so we are going to create a different view of uh in this Library here that doesn't include our project status all right so let's just jump back up into documents and we're going to create a new view all right so let's call this um we'll just call it inside um inside document set okay so we'll call this inside document set it is a list it is public and let's click create Okay so we've now got this view inside document set let's show and hide a column because we want to hide this project status okay so let's turn this off and we'll hit apply and we'll save and this document sets automatically been saved okay so if we need to double check let's just go inside document set we'll save it and now we've got two views so we've got all documents um which when we flick over we'll have let's just refresh this sometimes it goes a little bit funky so let's go to all documents and we've got the project status there and then when we flick to inside document set we've got no project status okay but how do we make that available um so the all documents view available at the top level which is here and then when we click inside a document set we select our different view okay so how do we go about doing that let's go back up to what we're going to do is we're going to go to library settings and we're going to go to more Library settings and then inside of our document set so we're going to select this content type here and then we are going to go to document set settings so inside of document set settings this allows us to also select our shared columns so remembering that we had that due date column that appears at the top level of the document set and also is associated to all of the documents that are inside of that document set so so that's where we do this now we don't want our project status to be a shared column okay we only want that appearing at the top so we'll leave that unchecked now you can see here that we've got a welcome page view so we can see that we can select a view used to display the contents of the document set okay so I am going to set this view to inside document set and we're going to click OK all right so once we've clicked OK that now takes effect we're going to click back into documents and you can see um here when we go to in let's just select all documents let's make sure that this is the default and we'll set this make sure that this is the default view which it should be save view as we've got all documents we're good to go with that so here's our all documents now when we click inside of this document set what we should see here is that we've got this different view which doesn't include that project status okay but when we click back into documents we will see that we've got the all documents view as the default view so we've got basically two different views one at the top level of the library which is all documents and then inside of this document set we have a different you can see that the view has changed here we've got inside document set that's set there all right so a great way to be able to have different views because there are you know metadata especially in this example where we're using this as a project type of document set is there's information and metadata that associate that we want Associated to the project itself but not inside of uh to those specific documents so being able to have different views of the document set level as opposed to inside of the document set is a really uh valuable thing to be able to uh to do all right so that's all we're going to touch on today is the creation the addition of adding metadata to the document set and then also being able to create different views of the document set itself
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 12,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharepoint online, office 365, document set
Id: z-hk-WsjAMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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